xt73n58ch59h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58ch59h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1958 journals 067 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.67 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.67 1958 2014 true xt73n58ch59h section xt73n58ch59h Progress Report 67 September I958
A Summary of Population Data for Counties I
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 A Progress Report 67 September 1958
A Summary of Population Data for Counties
James S. Brown and Ralph J. Ramsey
Department of Rural Sociology
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
. University of Kentucky


Introduction ...................................................... 7
1 - Population in Kentucky, Urban, Rural, Rural Farm, Rural
Nonfarm, Number and Percent, 1900-50 ...................... 8
2 - Estimated Population of Kentucky, by Specified Age Groups
1960, 1965, and 1970 ...................................... 9
4 3 - Kentucky Population by Counties, Total, Urban, Rural
‘ Nonfarm, Rural Farm, 1950 ................................. 10
4 - Percentage Distribution of Kentucky Population, Urban
A Rural Nonfarm, Rural Farm, by Counties, 1950 .............. 13 `
5 - Ranking of Counties in Kentucky from the "Most Urban"
to "Most Rural". .................................... . ..... 14
6 - Percent Gain or Loss in Kentucky's Total Population,
1940-50, by Counties ...................................... 16
_ 7 - Percent Gain or Loss in Kentucky's Urban Population,
j 1940-50, by Counties ...................................... 17
8 - Percent Gain or Loss in Kentucky's Rural Population,
1940-50, by Counties ...................................... 18
9 - Estimated Population of Kentucky, by Counties, July 1,
1957 ........... . ...... . ................................... 19
l0 - Percent Gain or Loss in Kentucky's Population, 1950 to
1957, by Counties ............. . ........................... 20
’ 11 — Net Change in the Rural-Farm Population Due to Migration,
. 1940-50, Kentucky, by Age, Sex and Race ................... 21
i 12 - Net Change in Rural-Farm Population Due to Migration,
1940-50, Kentucky, by Economic Areas ...................... 22
13 - Estimated Net Increase or Decrease through Migration in g
” Kentucky, 1940-50, by Counties ............................ 23
14 = Estimated Increase or Decrease through Net Migration in
Kentucky, by Counties, 1950-57 ............................ 24
15 - Persons Born in Kentucky by State of Residence 1950 and
Kentucky Residents 1950 by State of Birth ................. 25
- 3 -

Tables Page
16 - Effective Fertility Ratio, Children Under 5 Years ~ _
per 1,000 Females, Aged 20-44 Inclusive, Kentucky,
by Counties, 1950. ............................. . ............ 27
17 - Median Number of Persons per Occupied Dwelling Unit
by Counties in Kentucky, 1950 .............. . ....... . ........ 28
18 - Percent of Total Population Under 15 Years of Age,
by Counties, Kentucky, 1950 ................................. 29
19 - Percent of Total Population 65 Years of Age and Over,
Kentucky, by Counties, 1950 ................................. 30
20 - Percentage Change of Numbers in Specified Age Groups,
1940-50, Kentucky, by Counties .............................. 31
21 — Estimated Number of Persons of 4-H Club Age (10-20 Years)
in Rural Population of Kentucky, by Counties, 1950 .......... 34 L
22 - Median Years of School Completed, Male and Female Over
25 Years of Age, Kentucky, by Counties, 1950 ................ 35
23 - Percent of Those 16 and 17 Years of Age Enrolled in
School, by Counties, in Kentucky, 1950 ...................... 36
24 - Number and Percent of A11 1956 Kentucky High School
Graduates who Went to College the Following September,
by Counties ................................................. 37 I
25 - Percent of Employed Males, 14 Years and Older, in
Agricultural Occupations in Counties of Kentucky, 1950 ...... 39
26 — Replacement Ratios for Rural-Farm Males Aged 25-69
for Counties of Kentucky, 1950-60 ........................... 40
27 - Percent of Employed Engaged in Manufacturing, by
Counties, Kentucky, 1950 ....................... . ............ 42
28 - Percent of Employed Engaged in Mining, by Counties,
Kentucky, 1950 ............ . ................................. 43
29 - Selected Statistics for the Bituminous Coal Industry in
Kentucky, by Counties, 1954 .....,........................... 44
- 4 -

Tables · #· A Page
30 - Coal Production and Average Number of Men Working Daily
f in Coal Mines, Kentucky, by Counties, 1953 ................. 45
L 31 · Percent of Females 14 Years and Older, Engaged in Gain~ “
A ful Employment by Counties, Kentucky, l950.......... ....... 46
32 - Median Incomes by Selected Occu ations, Kentucky, l9S0....... 47
‘ 33 · Percent of Families and Unrelated Individuals Having—
Incomes of Less than $2,000 by Counties, in Kentucky,
to 34 - Estimated Per Capita Income of Kentucky Counties in 1956 ..... 49 A _
35 · Percent Change in Per Capita Income for United States,
Kentucky, and Counties 1947 to 1956 ................. . ...... 50
36 • Average Value per Farm of Farm Products Sold in Dollars, -
by     lgglhltll•I••I4|!¢•DI•I|ll|$•|o••••D  
37 - Average Cash Expenditure for 6 specified Items Per Acre of I
7 Farmland, Kentucky by Cou ties, 1954.. ..................... 52
38 - Farm-Operator Family Level·of~Living Indexes, by Counties,
Kentucky, 1945, 1950, 1954 ............. . ................... 53
» 39 — Percent of Farm Operators Working Off Farm 100 Days or
More, by Counties, Kentucky, 1954 .... _ ....... _ ..... i.. ........ 55
40 - Taxable Assessed Values Subject to Local General Property
Taxation, by Class of Property, Kentucky, by Counties,
1956 .............. , ...............................,........ 56
41 — Percent of Farm Homes Built in 1919 or Earlier, by Counties,
.   ]•950•lIIO•|¤tv¤•llOQlliI|•II•I|I••l•OI•I••O§I||IIO  
42 - Percent of Farm Homes with Piped Running Water, by Counties,
Kentucky, 1954 .............................. . .............. 60
g 43 - Percent of Farms with Electricity By Counties, Kentucky,
A ` 1954 ....................................................... 61
44 - Percent of Farms with Telephones, by Counties, Kentucky,
1954 ........................ . .............................. 62
_ 45 — Percent of Farms with Television Sets By Counties, Kentucky,
1954 ....................................................... 63
46 · Percent of Farm Homes with Bath, by Counties, Kentucky,
1950 ....................................................... 64
47 - Percent of Farms on Paved Roads By Counties, Kentucky,
1950 ....................................................... 65
- 5 -

Tables Page
48 - Percent of Farms with Tractors, Kentucky, by Counties,
1954 ............... . ....................................... 66
49 - Percent of Farms with Motor Trucks, Kentucky, by
50 - Percent of Farms with Automobiles, Kentucky, by Counties, y
Sl - Percent of Persons 65 Years Old and Over on Public
Assistance, Kentucky, by Counties, December, 1956 .... . ..... 69 ‘
52 - Percent of Persons Under 18 Years of Age on Public
Assistance, by Counties, Kentucky, December, 1956 .......... 70
53 · Persons per Physician, Kentucky, by Counties, 1955 ....... .... 71
54 · Kentucky Church Membership, 1950, by Major Denomination
and County ................................................. 72
- 6 -

’, A Summary of Population Data for Counties
Compiled by James S. Brown and Ralph J. Ramsey
Department of Rural Sociology
f Here is the material on population you have been asking
for. Though compiled mainly from the census, this report also
includes data from studies made by the U. K. Department of Rural p
p Sociology, the U. K. Bureau of Business Research, the State De-
I partment of Economic Security, the U. S. Department of Agricul-
ture, and other agencies.
A Guided by your requests, we have tried to put as much
useful data in this report as possible. We have not, therefore,
given any interpretation of the material, and we have kept the
tables as simple and clear as possible. By comparing your coun-
ty in various respects with other counties and with the state
as a whole, you will, we hope, better understand the present s1t·
uation and be more able to plan for the future.
I If you need help either in interpreting the data given
here or in securing  ore detailed information, write to the De-
partment of Rural Sociology, University of Kentucky.
- 7 -

 - 8 -
Table 1  
Population in Kentucky, Urban, Rural, Rural Farm, Rural Nonfarm
Number and Percent, 1900-50a
Y `
Total   ‘
Year Population Number Zgxz Nu ber ZZSE Number 5;;; Nu ber EEE;
1900 2,147,174 467,668 21.8 1,679,506 78.2 ·- -- -— -=
1910 2,289,905 555,442 24.3 1,734,463 75.7 -= · -· -- ¤- k
1920 2,416,630 633,543 26.2 1,783,087 73.8 1,302,342 53.9 480,745 19.9
1930 2,614,589 799,026 30.6 1,815.563 69.4 1,174,232 44.9 641,331 24.5
1940 2,845,627 849,327 29.8 1,996,300 70.2 1,257,899 44.2 738,401 26.0
1950 2,944,806 1,084,070 38.6 1,860,736 61.4 974,170 31.8 886,566 29.6
aSource: 1950 U. S. Census of Population, P-A17.
b195O U. S. Census definition of urban and rural.

 - 9 -
Table 2
Estimated Population of Kentucky, by Specified Age Groups
1960, 1965 and 1970
(In Thousands) Y
1960 1965 1970
Kentucky, All Ages 3,076 3,120 3,172
Under 18 years 1,179 1,194 1,204
. 18 - 64 years 1,614 1,622 1,646
65 and over ‘ 283 304 322
aSource: U. S. Bureau of the Census, "lllustrative Pro-
jections of the Population, By States, 1960, 1965, and
1970," Current Population Reports: Population Estimates,
Series P=25, No. 160, August 9, 1957. The figures given
are "Series l" of the 4 series given in the cited release.
The assumptions on which these projections are made are
fully discussed in the cited bulletin.

 - lg -
Table 3
Kentucky Populationa by Counties, Total, Urban,b
Rural Nonfarm, Rural Farm, 1950
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2;:::::::::: ::::::2:
·County Total 1950 Urban Rural Rural
’ Nonfarm Farm
D State 2,944,806 1,084,070 886,566 974,170
Adair 17,603 5,181 12,422
Allen 13,787 4,553 9,234»
Anderson 8,984 4,403 4,581
Ballard 8,545 3,854 4,691
Barren _28,461 7,025 4,554 16,882
Bath 10,410 3,607 6,803 ’
Bell 47,602 18,372 21,098 8,132
Boone 13,015 7,454 5,561
Bourbon 17,752 6,912 3,990 6,850
Boyd 49,949 39,321 6,507 4,121
Boyle 20,582 8,686 6,656 5,190
Bracken 8,424 3,557 4,867
Breathitt 19,964 4,935 15,029 -
Breckinrldge 15,528 6,017 9,511
Bullitt 11,349 6,892 4,457
Butler 11,309 3,223 8,086
Caldwell 13,199 5,388 2,834 4,977
Calloway 20,147 6,035 4,909 9,203
Campbell 76,196 64,187 7,007 5,002
Carlisle 6,206 2,647 3,559
Carroll 8,517 3,226 2,022 3,269
Carter 22,559 12,215 10,344
Casey 17,446 3,206 14,240
Christian 42,359 12,526 17,877 11,956
Clark 18,898 9,226 3,576 6,096
Clay 23,116 8,553 14,563
Clinton 10,605 4,217 6,388
Crittenden 10,818 5,614 5,204
Cumberland 9,309 2,227 7,082
Daviess 57,241 33,651 10,219 13,371
Edmoneon 9,376 2,852 6,524
Elliott 7,085 1,429 5,656
Estlll 14,677 3,259 4,136 7,282
Fayette 100,746 75,311 18,829 6,606
Fleming 11,962 4,017 7,945
Floyd 53,500 3,585 32,082 17,833
Franklin 25,933 11,916 8,746 5,271
Fulton 13,668 3,224 6,029 4,415
Gallatin 3,969 1,972 1,997

 - 11 -
Table 3 (Continued)
County Total 1950 Urban Ngzggim ;;;;1
Garrard 11,029 3,654 7,375
Grant 9,809 4,025 5,784
Graves _31,364 8,990 7,650 14,724
Grayson 17,063 5,708 11,355
Green 11,261 2,593 8,668
% Greenup 24,887 3,674 12,280 8,933 V
Hancock 6,009 2,394 3,615
Hardin 50,312 5,807 33,017 11,488
Harlan ]1,751 20,407 45,831 5,513
Harrison , 13,736 4,847 1,667 7,222
Hart 15,321 4,777 10,544 ‘
Henderson 30,715 16,837 6,594 7,284
Henry 11,394 4,922 6,472
Hickman 7,778 2,937 4,841
Hopkins 38,815 13,885 16,384 8,546
Jackson 13,101 3,916 9,185
Jefferson 484,615 419,183 55,065 10,367
Jessamine 12,458 3,406 4,592 4,460
Johnson 23,846 4,309 8,843 10,694
Kenton 104,254 89,480 9,915 4,859
Knott 20,320 9,751 10,569
Knox 30,409 4,530 11,789 14,090
Larue 9,956 4,281 5,675
Laurel 25,797 3,426 7,377 14,994
Lawrence 14,418 4,717 9,701
Lee 8,739 3,510 5,229
Leslie 15,537 6,211 9,326
Letcher 39,522 6,921 19,648 12,953
Lewis 13,520 5,253 8,267
, Lincoln 18,668 7,687 10,981
Livingston 7,184 2,784 4,400
Logan 22,335 4,529 5,078 12,728
Lyon 6,853 3,355 3,498
‘ McCracken 49,137 32,828 9,651 6,658
McCreary 16,660 9,847 6,813
McLean 10,021 5,036 4,985
Madison 31,179 13,640 5,868 11,671
Magoffin 13,839 4,107 9,732
_ Marion 17,212 4,640 3,204 9,368
1 Marshall 13,387 6,063 7,324
Martin 11,677 5,044 6,633
Mason 18,486 8,632 3,715 6,139
Meade 9,422 4,612 4,810
_ Menifee 4,798 1,117 3,681
Mercer 14,643 5,262 2,239 7,142

 .. ]_2 -
Table 3 (Continued)
County Total 1950 Urban ********1 R““1
Nonfarm Farm
Metcalfe 9,851 1,542 8,309
Monroe 13,770 3,877 9,893
Montgomery 13,025 5,294 2,694 5,037
Morgan 13,624 3,320 10,304
Muhlenberg 32,501 6,771 16,669 9,061
Nelson 19,521 4,154 6,735 8,632
Nicholas 7,532 2,618 4,914
Ohio 20,840 9,930 10,910 I
Oldham 11,018 7,890 3,128
Owen 9,755 3,191 6,564
Owsley 7,324 957 6,367
Pendleton 9,610 3,613 5,997
Perry 46,566 6,985 25,845 13,736
Pike 81,154 5,154 45,170 30,830 M
Powell 6,812 3,404 3,408
Pulaski 38,452 7,097 11,807 19,548
Robertson 2,881 750 2,131
Rockcastle 13,925 5,605 8,320
Rowan 12,708 3,102 3,987 5,619
Russell 13,717 4,863 8,854
Scott 15,141 5,516 3,183 6,442
Shelby 17,912 4,403 4,051 9,458
Simpson 11,678 4,343 1,140 6,195
Spencer 6,157 1,775 4,382
Taylor 14,403 3,477 2,802 8,124
Todd 12,890 5,586 7,304
Trigg 9,683 3,948 5,735
Trimble 5,148 1,442 3,706
Union 14,893 3,257 6,668 4,968
Warren 42,758 18,347 9,905 14,506
Washington 12,777 4,202 8,575
Wayne 16,475 2,934 3,290 10,251
Webster 15,555 3,905 6,318 5,332 ·
Whitley 31,940 9,488 9,700 12,752
Wolfe 7,615 1,569 6,046
Woodford 11,212 2,760 4,116 4,336
aSource: 1950 U. S. Census of Population, Kentucky, P-B17.
91950 U. S. Census definition of urban and rural.

 - 13 -
Table 4
Percentage Distribution of Kentucky Population a
Urban, Rural-Nonfarm, Rural Farm, By Counties, 1950
Ur_ Rural R Rural Rural
C°u¤tY Non- ufal County Ur" Non¤ Rural County UT° Non- Rural
ban farm Farm b¤¤ ‘ farm Farm ban farm Farm
State 36.8 30.1 33.1 Gallatin . 49.7 50.3 Martin 43.2 56.8
Garrard 33.1 66.9 Mason 46.7 20.1 33.2
Adair 29.4 70.6 Grant 41.0 59.0 Meade 48.9 51.1 .
Allen 33.0 67.0 Graves 28.7 24.4 46.9 Menifee 23.3 76.7
Anderson 49.0 51.0 Grayson 33.5 66.5 Mercer 35.9 15.3 48.8
Ballard 45.1 54.9 Green 23.0 77.0 Metcalfe 15.7 84.3
Barren 24.7 16.0 59.3 Greenup 14.8 49.3 35.9 Monroe 28.2 71.8
Bath - 34.6 65.4 Hancock 39.8 60.2 Montgomery 40.6 20.7 38.7
Bell 38.6 44.3 17.1 Hardin 11.5 65.6 22.8 Morgan 24.4 75.6
Boone 57.3 42.7 Harlan 28.4 63.9 7.7 Muhlenburg 20.8 51.3 27.9
Bourbon 38.9 22.5 38.6 Harrison 35.3 12.1 52.6 Nelson 21.3 34.5 44.2
Boyd 78.7 13.0 8.3 Hart 31.2 68.8 Nicholas 34.8 65.2
Boyle 42.3 32.4 25.3 Henderson 54.8 21.5 23.7 Ohio 47.6 52.4
Bracken 42.2 57.8 Henry 43.2 56.8 Oldham 71.6 28.4
Breathitt — 24.7 75.3 ·Hickman 37.8 62.2 Owen 32.7 67.3
Breckin- Hopkins 35.8 42.2 22.0 Owsley 13.1 86.9
ridge 38.7 61.3 Jackson 29.9 70.1 Pendleton 37.6 62.4
Bullitt 60.7 39.3 Jefferson 86.5 11.4 2.1 Perry 15.0 55.5 29.5
Butler 28.5 71.5 Jessamine 27.3 36.9 35.8 Pike 6.4 55.7 38.0
Caldwell 40.8 21.5 37.7 Johnson 18.1 37.1 44.8 Powell 50.0 50.0
Calloway 30.0 24.4 45.7 Kenton 85.8 9.5 4.7 Pulaski 18.5 30.7 50.8
Campbell 84.2 9.2 6.6 Knott 48.0 52.0 Robertson 26.0 74.0
Carlisle 42.7 57.3 Knox 14.9 38.8 46.3 Rockcastle 40.3 59.7
· Carroll 37.9 23.7 38.4 Larue 43.0 57.0 Rowan 24.4 31.4 44.2
Carter 54.1 45.9 Laurel 13.3 28.6 58.1 Russell 35.5 64.5
Casey 18.4 81.6 Lawrence 32.7 67.3 Scott 36.4 21.0 42.5
Christian 29.6 42.2 28.2 Lee 40.2 59.8 Shelby 24.6 22.6 52.8
Clark 48.8 18.9 32.3 Leslie 40.0 60.0 Simpson 37.2 9.8 53.0
Clay · 37.0 63.0 Letcher 17.5 49.7 32.8 Spencer 28.8 71.2
Clinton 39.8 60.2 Lewis 38.9 61.1 Taylor 24.1 19.5 56.4
Crittenden 51.9 48.1 Lincoln 41.2 58.8 Todd 43.3 56.7
Cumberland 23.9 76.1 Livingston 38.8 61.2 Trigg 40.8 59.2
Daviess 58.8 17.9 23.4 Logan 20.3 22.7 57.0 Trimble 28.0 72.0
Edmonson 30.4 69.6 Lyon 49.0 51.0 Union 21.9 44.8 33.4
Elliott 20.2 79.8 McCracken 66.8 19.6 13.5 Warren 42.9 23.2 33.9
Estill 22.2 28.2 49.6 McCreary . 59.1 40.9 Washington 32.9 67.1
Fayette 74.8 18.7 6.6 McLean 50.3 49.7 Wayne 17.8 20.0 62.2
Fleming 33.6 66.4 Madison 43.7 18.8 37.4 Webster 25.1 40.6 34.3
Floyd 6.7 60.0 33.3 Magoffin 29.7 70.3 Whitley 29.7 30.4 39.9
Franklin 45.9 33.7 20.3 Marion 27.0 18.6 54.4 Wolfe 20.6 79.4
Fulton 23.6 44.1 32.3 Marshall 45.3 54.7 Woodford 24.6 36.7 38.7
aSource: 1950 U. S. Census of Population, P·Bl7.

 - 14 -
Table 5
Ranking of Counties in Kentuckya {rom the
"Most Urban" to "Most Rural"
County Rankc County Rank
Bourbon 4.0 Nelson 45.5
Boyd 4.0 Fulton 45.5
Boyle 4.0 Nicholas 52.5
Fayette 4.0 Fleming 52.5 "
Jefferson 4.0 Carlisle 52.5
McCracken 4.0 Ohio 52.5
Scott 4.0 Bullitt 52.5
Daviess 12.0 Pendleton 52.5
Franklin 12.0 Todd 52.5
Clark 12.0 Muhlenberg 52.5
Warren 12.0 Livingston 59.5
Madison 12.0 Bell 59.5
Woodford 12.0 Greenup 59.5
Campbell 12.0 Taylor 59.5 ‘
Henderson 12.0 Whitley 59.5
Kenton 12.0 Logan 59.5
Mercer 17.0 Lyon 64.5
Oldham 19.0 Spencer 64.5
Jessamine 19.0 McLean 64.5
Mason 19.0 Gallatin 64.5
Hopkins 21.5 Robertson 68.0
Harrison 21.5 Marion 68.0 1
Shelby 23.5 Pulaski 68.0
Boone 23.5 Owen 73.0
Carroll 25.5 Lincoln 73.0
Montgomery 25.5 Floyd 73.0
Marshall 27.5 Larue 73.0
Union 27.5 Bath 73.0
Calloway 32.0 Meade 73.0
Garrard 32.0 Harlan 73.0
Anderson 32.0 Trigg 77.5
Christian 32.0 Breckinridge 77.5
Barren 32.0 Allen 79.5
Simpson 32.0 Hart 79.5
Caldwell 32.0 Hancock 82.0
Hardin 37.5 Estill 82.0
Henry 37.5 Rowan 82.0
Grant 37.5 Johnson 85.0
Bracken 37.5 Russell 85.0
Trimble 40.5 Perry 85.0
Graves 40.5 Grayson 87.0
Hickman 44.0 Pike 88.5
Webster 44.0 Letcher 88.5
Ballard 44.0 Green 91.0
Crittenden 44.0 Adair 91.0
Washington 44.0 Carter 91.0

 - 15 -
Table 5 (Continued)
County Rank County Rank
Lawrence 95.5 Wayne 108.5
Knox 95.5 Butler 108.5
Laurel 95.5 Clay 108.5
Cumberland 95.5 Magoffin 108.5
Metcalfe 95.5 Wolfe 111.0
McCreary 95.5 Casey 116.0
Lee 100.0 Edmonson 116.0
, Powell 100.0 Elliott 116.0
Lewis 100.0 Jackson 116.0
Rockcastle 103.0 Knott 116.0
Menifee 103.0 Leslie 116.0
Monroe 103.0 Martin 116.0
Clinton 103.0 Morgan 116.0
Breathitt 106.0 Owsley 116.0
. aSource: Howard W. Beers and Herbert A. Aurbach, "How Urban
Is Your County?" Kentucky Farm_agg Home Science, Vol. 2,
No. 3, Summer 1957, p. 7.
bThe list of measures used to form the composite index is as
follows: Percentage of persons 25 years old and over who com-
W pleted high school, 1950. Percentage of employed persons en-
gaged in professional and related services. Percentage of
total population "urban," 1950. Vehicles per mile of state-
maintained road, 24 hour period, 1952. Instructional expendi-
tures per pupil in average daily attendance at school, 1953.
Percentage of total births delivered in hospital. Percentage
of dwelling units with hot running water, with private toilet
and bath, and not dilapidated 1950. Full value of taxable real
estate per capita, 1952. Population per physician, 1953. Resi-
dence telephones per 100 population. Percentage of school
census children in average daily attendance at school, 1953.
Daily newspapers circulated per 100 population, 1952. Effective
fertility ratio (children under 5 per 1,000 females 20-44 years
old, inclusive) 1950. Per capita income, 1952. Percentage of
I total births delivered by a physician, 1951. Percentage of
dwelling units reporting central heating equipment, 1950. Per-
centage of employed persons engaged in service employment, 1950.
(pp. 6-7, ibid.)
°Here "is the ranking of counties, beginning with those which
are most urban, according to the composite index built from the
merger of all the items. In reading the table notice that seven
counties tie for the classification 'most urban,' so each is
given a rank of 4; nine counties tie for the 'next most urban,'
so each gets a rank of 12. At the end of the distribution nine
counties tie for °most rural” (or least urban), so each had a
rank of ll6." (p. 7., ibid.)

 - 16 -
Table 6
Percent Gain or Loss in Kentucky's Total Population,
1940-50, by Countiesa
Percent Percent Percent
County Increase County Increase County Increase
1940-50 1940-50 1940-50
State 3.3 Garrard - 6.8 Mason - 2.6
Grant 0.2 Meade 7.1
Adair - 5.0 Graves - 0.8 Menifee -15.3
Allen -10.7 Grayson - 2.6 Mercer 1.0
Anderson 1.1 Green - 8.3 Metcalfe - 9.0
Ballard - 9.3 Greenup 0.2 Monroe - 1.9
Barren 3.7 Hancock -11.4 Montgomery 6.6
Bath - 8.6 Hardin 73.4 Morgan -18.6
Bell 9.1 Harlan - 4.3 Muhlenberg -13.2
Boone 20.8 Harrison - 8.6 Nelson 8.9
Bourbon • 0.1 Hart -10.8 Nicholas -12.2
Boyd 9.2 Henderson 14.1 Ohio -14.4
Boyle 19.0 Henry - 6.3 Oldham 3.2
Bracken - 9.7 Hickman -14.4 Owen -10.3
Breathitt -16.4 Hopkins 3.2 Owsley -17.9
Breckinridge -12.2 Jackson -19.6 Pendleton - 7.0
Bullitt 19.8 Jefferson 25.3 Perry - 2.4
Butler -21.1 Jessamine - 0.7 Pike 14.3
Caldwell - 8.5 Johnson - 6.9 Powell -10.8
Calloway 1.5 Kenton 12.2 Pulaski - 3.1
Campbell 6.2 Knott 1.9 Robertson -15.4
Carlisle -18.4 Knox - 2.5 Rockcastle -18.6
Carroll - 1.3 Larue 3.8 Rowan - 4.4
Carter -11.3 Laurel 0.9 Russell 1.0
Casey -12.4 Lawrence -16.2 Scott 4.83
Christian 17.7 Lee -19.1 Shelby 1.5
Clark 4.9 Leslie 4.0 Simpson - 0.3
Clay - 3.1 Letcher - 2.3 Spencer - 8.4
Clinton 3.4 Lewis -13.5 Taylor 6.6
Crittenden -10.4 Lincoln - 5.5 Todd - 9.2
Cumberland -21.8 Livingston -21.0 Trigg -23.9
Daviess 9.7 Logan - 4.0 Trimble - 7.8
Edmonson -17.3 Lyon -24.2 Union -14.0
Elliott -18.3 McCracken 1.6 Warren 11.7
Estill -17.8 McCreary 1.4 Washington - 1.1
Fayette 20.0 McLean -12.2 Wayne - 3.9
Fleming - 9.8 Madison 3.0 Webster -18.7
Floyd 1.3 Magoffin -20.6 Whitley - 3.3
Franklin 9.0 Marion 2.2 Wolfe -23.5
Fulton -10.8 Marshall -19.0 Woodford - 4.3
Gallatin - 7.5 Martin 6.8
aSource: Based on 1940 and 1950 U. S. Census of Population.

 - 17 -
Table 7
Percent Gain or Loss in Kentucky'sbUrbana Population
1940-50, by Counties
Percent Percent
County Increase County Increase
1940-50 1940-50
State 8.5 Jessamine - 7.3
Kenton 4.7
Barren 21.3 Knox 2.6
Bell 17.8 Letcher -26.3
Bourbon 4.1 Logan 14.1
Boyd 5.8 McCracken · 2.4
Boyle 9.8 Madison 10.3
Caldwell .5 Marion 23.1
. Calloway 24.9 Mason 32.0
Campbell 2.2 Mercer 13.7
Carroll 11.2 Montgomery 11.3
Christian 7.3 Muhlenberg 1.8
Clark 5.8 Nelson 29.2
Daviess 9.2 Perry 5.2
Estill - 9.6 Pike 23.4
Fayette - 1.4 Pulaski 15.9
Franklin — 3.8 Scott 17.9
Fulton - 3.5 Shelby .8
Graves 4.7 Simpson 10.6
Hardin 58.8 Union 6.4
Harlan · 2.2 Warren 11.5
Harrison .8 Webster -10,9
Henderson 28.5 Whitley - 2.3
Hopkins 19.9 Woodford 9.5
Jefferson 12.9
aAccording to 1940 definition of urban.
bSource: Based on 1940 and 1950 U. S. Census of Population.

 - ;3 -
Table 8
Percent Galn or Loss in Kentucky Rurala Population,
1940-1950, By Countiesb
Percent A Percent Percent
County Increase County Increase County Increase
1940-50 1940-50 1940-50
[ l
State 1.1 Garrard - 6.8 Mason -20.7
Grant .2 Meade 7.1
Adair - 5.0 -Graves - 2.9 Menifee -15.3
Allen -10.7 Grayson - 2.6 Mercer - 4.9
Anderson 1.1 Green - 8.3 Metcalfe - 9.0 ·
Ballard - 9.3 Greenup .2 Monroe - 1.9
Barren - 1.0 Hancock -11.4 Montgomery 3.7
Bath - 8.6 Hardin 75.5 Morgan -18.6
Bell 4.3 Harlan - 4.6 Muhlenbnrg -14.6
Boone 20.8 Harrlson -13.0 Nelson 4.6
Bourbon - 2.7 Hart -10.8 Nicholas. -12.2
Boyd 19.0 uésaezssn .5 ohm -14.4
Boyle 25.3 Henry - 6.3 Oldham 3.2
Bracken - 9.7 Hickman -14.4 Owen ~ -10.3
Breathitt -16.4 Hopkins - 6.2 Omsley -17.9 —
Breckinridge -12.2 Jackson -19.6 Pendleton - 7.0
Bullitt 19.8 Jéffernon 85.6 Perry - 1.8
Butler -21.1 Je.§.m;¤e 2.1 Pike 13.8
Caldwell -13.8 Johnsonr - 6.9 Powell -10.8
Calloway - 6.0 Kentan 36.2 Pulaski - 6.6
Campbell 24.2 Knott 1.9 Robertson -15.4
Carlisle -18.4 Knox - 2.7 Rockcastle S -18.6
Carroll - 7.6 Larue 3.8 Rowan - 4.4
Carter -11.3 Laurel .9 Russell 1.0
Casey -12.4 Lawrence -16.2 Scott - 1.4
Christian 22.7 Lee -19.1 Shelby 1.7
Clark 4.1 Leslie 4.0 Simpson - 5.8
Clay - 3.1 Letcher 5.0 Spencer - 8.4
Clinton 3.4 Lewis -13.5 Taylor 6.6
Crittenden -10.4 Lincoln — 5.5 Todd - 9.2
Cumberland -21.8 Livingston -21.0 Trigg -23.9
Daviess 10.4 Logan - 7.7 Trimble - 7.8
Edmonson -17.3 Lyon -24.2 Union -18.4
Elliott -18.3 McCracken 10.8 Warren 11.8
Estill -19.9 McCreary 1.4 Washington - 1.1
Fayette 60.3 McLean -12.2 Wayne - 3.9
Fleming - 9.8 Madison - .2 Webster -21.0
Floyd 1.3 Magoffin -20.6 Whitley - 3.6
Franklin 22.2 Marion - 3.8 Wolfe -23.5
Fulton -12.8 Marshall -19.0 Woodford - 8.1
Gallatin - 7.5 Martin 6.8
aAccording to the 1940 definition of rural.
bSource: Based on 1940 and 1950 U. S. Census of Population.

 - 19 -
Table 9
Estimated Population of Kentgcky, By Counties
July 1, 1957
Total Total Total
County Population County Population County Population
July 1, 1957 July 1, 1957 July 1, 1957
State 2,983,873 Garrard 9,473 Mason 18,375
A Grant 9,395 Meade 10,828
Adair 15,799 Graves 29,910 Menifee 3,877
Allen 11,666 Grayson 16,684 Mercer 13,711
Anderson 8,000 Green 9,869 Metcalfe 8,832
Ballard 9,518 Greenup 30,335 Monroe 12,143
Barren 28,079 Hancock 4,578 Montgomery 12,844
Bath 9,538 Hardin 54,269 Morgan 9,192
Bell 35,663 Harlan 52,612 Muhlenberg 26,272
Boone 21,086 Harrison 12,302 Nelson 16,487
Bourbon 17,144 Hart 12,429 Nicholas 7,172
Boyd 51,061 Henderson 34,387 Ohio 15,274
Boyle 22,347 Henry 9,996 Oldham. 13,119
- Bracken 7,291 Hickman 6,779 Owen 7,973
Breathitt 17,943 Hopkins 38,605 Owsley 6,418
Breckinridge 14,406 Jackson 12,531 Pendleton 9,846
Bullitt 17,494 Jefferson 587,421 Perry 36,649
Butler 9,255 Jessamine 11,062 Pike 71,194
Caldwell 11,742 Johnson 22,507 Powell 7,088
Calloway 18,915 Kenton 116,928 Pulaski 35,589
Campbell 87,598 Knott 19,036 Robertson 2,098
Carlisle 5,957 Knox 28,739 Rockcastle 13,259
Carroll 8,302 Larue 10,352 Rowan 9,486
Carter 19,690 Laurel 26,454 Russell 11,431
Casey 15,871 Lawrence 13,482 Scott 13,108
Christian 60,542 Lee 7,552 Shelby 17,510
Clark 21,192 Leslie 18,664 Simpson 10,114
Clay 24,250 Letcher 29,084 Spencer 5,826
Clinton 9,261 Lewis 12,652 Taylor 18,239
Crittenden 8,019 Lincoln 16,478 Todd 11,120
Cu berland 9,436 Livingston 7,256 Trigg 8,319
Daviess 66,502 Logan 19,916 Trimble 5,001
Edmonson 9,313 Lyon 6,205 Union 13,441
Elliott 6,071 McCracken 60,400 Warren 41,766
Estill 13,388 McCreary 12,840 Washington 11,190
Fayette 113,824 McLean 9,482 Wayne 16,101
Fleming 10,186 Madison 34,395 Webster 12,939
Floyd 43,682 Magoffin 10,311 Whitley 28,806
Franklin 27,268 Marion 16,643 Wolfe 7,350
Fulton 11,282 Marshall 16,910 Woodford 10,026
Gallatin 4,078 Martin 12,287
aSource: Thomas R. Ford, Population Estimates jg; Kentucky Counties_gg§_§gg¤
nomic Areas Ju1y_1, 1957, Progress Report 66, Ky. Agr. Expt. Station, Universi·
ty of Kentucky.

 . 20 -
Table 10 _
Percent Gain or Loss in Kentucky's Population,
1950 to 1957, by Countlesa _
Percent Percent ` Percent
County Change County Change County Change
1950-57 1950-57 ~ 1950-57
State .4 Garrard -14.8 Mason - 1.3
Grant - 4.9 Meade ‘ 113.7
Adair -11.0 Graves - 5.3 Menifee -20.0
Allen -16.0 Grayson - 3.1 Mercer - 7.0
Anderson -11.6 Green -13.1 Metcalfe -11.0
Ballard 10.7 Greenup 20.8 Monroe -12.6
Barren - 2.1 Hancock -24.4 Montgomery - 2.2
Bath - 9.1 Hardin 6.9 Morgan -33.2
Bell -25.9 Harlan -27.5 Muhlenberg -19.8
Boone 60.7 Harrison -11.0 Nelson -16.4
Bourbon - 4.2 Hart -19.6 Nicholas - 5.4
Boyd 1.4 Henderson 11.1 Ohio -27.3
Boyle 8.1 Henry -12.9 Oldham 18.2
Bracken -13.8 Hickman -13.4 Owen -18.9
Breathltt -11.1 Hopkins - 1.3 Owsley -13.2 5
Brecklnridge - 8.0 Jackson - 5.3 Pendleton 1.6
Bullitt 52.8 Jefferson 20.0 Perry -22.2
Butler -18.8 Jessamine -11.8 Pike -13.3
Caldwell -11.7 Johnson - 6.5 Powell 3.1
Calloway - 6.7 Kenton 11.2 Pulaski - 8.3
Campbell 14.1 Knott · 7.4 Robertson -27.7
Carlisle - 4.6 Knox - 6.4 Rockcastle - 5.6
Carroll - 3.3 Larue 3.2 Rowan -26.0
Carter -13.5 Laurel 1.6 Russell -17.4
Casey - 9.9 Lawrence - 7.3 Scott -14.1
Christian 41.9 Lee -14.4 Shelby - 3.0
Clark 11.3 Leslie 18.6 Simpson -14.0
Clay 3.6 Letcher -27.2 Spencer - 6.3
Clinton -13.5 Lewis - 7.3 Taylor 25.7
Crittenden -26.4 Lincoln -12.5 Todd -14.4
Cumberland .5 Livingston .4 Trigg -14.7
Daviess 15.1 Logan -11.5 Trimble - 3.8
Edmonson - 1.5 Lyon - 9.9 Union -10.6
Elliott -15.2 McCracken 22.1 Warren - 3.1
Estill - 9.6 McCreary -23.7* Washington -13.2
Fayette 12.2 McLean - 6.1 Wayne - 3.2
Fleming -15.6 Madison 9.5 Webster -18.8
Floyd -19.3 Magoffin -26.3 Whitley -10.6
Franklin 4.4 Marion - 4.3 Wolfe - 4.3
Fulton -18.1 Marshall 25.5 Woodford -11.3
Gallatin 2.0 Martin 3.9
°Source: Thomas R. Ford, Pgpulation Estimates jg; Kentucky Counties
and Economic Areas Ju1y_l, 1957, Progress Report 66, Ky. Agr. Expt.
Station, University of Kentucky.

 may ¢_L _ ¤
l Table 11
Net-Change-in·Rural-FarmUPopu1ation~due to Migration, 1940-50,
Kentucky, by Age, Sex and Racea
.3oth Sexes · Male Female
`A8¢ in Non- _ Non- Non-
*940 Total White white ~Total· White white -Total White white
` 1 ` 9 Number of Pers0nsB
_ _ Thousands
Kentucky -369 -353 - 16 -180 -1721 - 8 -189 -181 - 8
O - 4 - 26 - 25 - 1 - 12 -.12 - 1 - 14 - 13 - 1
5 - 9 - 42 - 41» - 1 - 18 - 17 - 1 - 24 - 23 - 1
10 - 14 -r8l -_79 - 2 - 39 -.38 - 1 - 42 - 41 - 1
15 - 19 - 82· - 80 - 3 - 44. - 42 - 1 - 39 - 37 - 1
20 - 24 ‘- 431 - 41 - 2 - 25 -v24 - 1 - 18 - 17 - 1
25 - 29 - 21 - 20 - 1 - 12 - 11 - 1 - 9 - 8 - 1
30 - 34 - 13 - 12 - 1 - 7 - 6 - 1 - 7 - 6 --
351- 39 .- 11 - 10 - 1 - 5 - 5. -- - 6 - 6 --
40 - 44 - 10 - 9 - 1 - 4 - 4 =- - 6 - S --
45 - 49 - 8 - 8 -- - 3 - 3 -- - 5 - 5 --
50 - 54)- _ _
55 _ 59) e - 15 - 14 1 4 4 10 10 · 1
60 - 64 - 6 - 6 -- - 2 - 2 -- - 4 - 4 --
65 and over - 10 - 9 - 1 - 4 - 4 -- - 6 - 5 --
3 11 " l Rate £f8Migrat1gg°
_ _ Yercent
Kentucky -31,6 -31.2 -44.2 -30.1 -29.7 -42.5 -33.1 -32.6 -46.0
0 - 4 -17.9 -17.4 -32.4 -16.6 -16.3 -27.1 -19.2 -18.6 -37,4
5 - 9 -29.0 -28.8 -35.1 -24.6 -24.4 -32.1 -33.5 -33.3 -38.2
10 - 14 -55.9 -55.9 -56.3 -53.4 -53.4 -52.7 -58.5 -58.4 -59.7
15 - 19 -58.1 --57.9 -64.3 -59.5 -59.3 -64-9 -55.6 -56.4 -63.6
20 - 24 -42.1 -41.6 -57.4 -46.4 -45.9 -61.6 -37.2 -36.6 -52.8
25 - 29 -25.1 -24.3 -47.5 -27.5 -26.7 -49.2 -22.5 -21.7 -45.5
30 - 34 -18.4 -17.5 -42.7 -18.0 -17.0 -45.1 -18.8 -18.1 --
35 - 39 -16.8 -16.3 -33.4 -15.4 -14.7 -- -18.3 -17.8 --
40 - 44 -16.2 -15.6 -33.0 -13.6 -13.0 -- -18.8 -18.3 --
45 - 49 -15.1· -14.7 -- -11.1 -10.7 -- -19.2 -18.9 --
gg 3 ;gg— -16.7 F-16.1 -35.1 - 9.8 - 9.1 -- -23.8 -23.2 -40.6
60 - 64 -20.7 -20,0 -- -13.1 -12.4 -» -28.8 -28.0 --
65 and over -27.4, -26.8 -43.1 -22.9 -22.2 -- -32.3 -31.8 =-
9§uuree: "Net Migration from the Rural Farm Bopulation, 1940-50," Farm
Population, U. S. Department of Agriculture Statistical Bulletin 176,
Washington, D. C., June 1956, p. 47.
bChange in rural-farm population due to net migration of persons alive at
both beginning and end of decade.
cChange due to net migration expressed as a percentage of rural-farm popu-
lation alive at both beginning and end of decade. Figures are rounded to
the nearest thousand without being adjusted to group totals.

 - 22 -
Table 12
Net Change in Rural-Farm Population Due toaMigration, 1940-50, A
Kentuckyqby Economic Areas .
Both Sexes Male Female 4
Area Non- Non- 7 Non-
Total White white Total White white Total White white
Number of Personsb
Thousands `
Area 1 -17 -15 - 2 - 9 - 8 - 1 -