xt73n58cjm71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cjm71/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1949 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1949 Vol.20 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, April 1949 Vol.20 No.6 1949 2019 true xt73n58cjm71 section xt73n58cjm71 “‘ " a \ ‘ n 3 . E"
$453.4. 'I??§;ai‘f{‘ . M333: 3 "If 3- 3 33 37 K 33 fl 3 3 3 33 3
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1| Pubiished in Me Jutegxest of Community journalism 1 a . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 1 3 3 3 3 : €33
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1 Lexington /”V£S7- I” “5. “V/IVGS BOND-s 3 333 '
3 J ” ' “777 - ' ' ' 3 7 ._»_’1:__.?;;:::_‘- { ”33311333133133 3
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, Ofiicml Publicatwn Kentucl’x’y PTCSSEVASSOCW‘WOW _ 333333

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H1. 1‘111‘1‘1111 1:1 1 The Kentucky Press—April, 1949 '

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xii .171‘11112 :15 . . _ : , ~
1111111111311 1;"; IS an organization representing 160 weekly and semi- the placmg of advertismg in their papers more easy 11 ‘Em‘fl‘

" ‘ “‘ “‘J‘ .1. v n . u u u u . ‘ 0r

~il‘1l‘5‘1111‘1t . 1111 ' weekly community newspapers, 22 small dailies, and 7 and satisfactory. The Assocnation maintains a Central 1 :11: 1161
“ :"d'i..!:i ‘ ‘e‘ . . . . . . i “
1:11111111511311 311‘ ma'or dailies, whose publishers deSIre to prowde for Office in McVey Hall, UniverSI of Kentuck Lexin - ‘ fthel
' 1 1115111111“? 111 J Y, Q 11 0
11111111111 11 advertisers the greatest possible coverage and render ton, which provides for the all-inclusive plan of 1‘ calling
111111212: 1 1. Press” ,‘
.1 1 .1ll:: :1 31; 11in , ‘ O
. i . 41: it“: ‘::i . i-‘r: pose
‘ :‘: ‘1‘ i Mi ° ' :‘

1 11111.1 : 1311; (Due 0rder - 0110 Bllllng - 01113 Check 1: of the
,1 11 111311 dd: ‘ 1:1“, 11 country
‘:“1 1::‘i‘2'11‘il'l‘ :iNi .

1 ‘ l ‘f’ “‘1 ‘ 31$ 1. painted
1‘1111“ 1 1 without additional cost to agency or advertiser. This insertion orders will be issued the same day from the 1 t0 estab
1‘11 . 11111111 1 11‘1 office through a complete file of its newspapers attends association office. No charge is made to the advertiser ‘ Despi
ri :1 . . . . .1
1‘. 11111111 1 1‘11 to proof of publication through tear sheets and cares or agency for this serwce. 19mm?
1111 111111.11 111i for the many details of placing advertising. Given a _ 1 1 1 1 fir,“ SC

- 1111111 :1: 1‘11 . . This office Will serVIce advertismg accounts cover» . ““‘h‘m‘
1:11 1111; .111 list of newspapers to be covered With mats or plates 11 f h 1 Th f 1. “pproat
1 1 11,11 1 1111 . . . . _ ..

' 1‘1 111‘" $111 necessary, the office will place the orders, check the mg a or any part 0 ‘ ‘5 entire ‘St' e COS“ 0 cover ‘ sition [1‘
1 11111111 1 1111 publication, provide tear sheets, and render one bill for mg the community newspaper field, excluswe of the 1 the 21581
._ i‘ It‘d‘i‘, 1:“ 1515-? 1 1 _ _ . .. . . , ,

1 1111 1 111 the entire account. This eliminates a considerable ex- small and moior dailieS, Is OpprOXImotely $64.00 a 1:501:11:
c111 1111111 1:“ 11111 ‘ pense to the agency or advertiser. column inch for a circulation of 385,000 readers, almost : 1118 Pro
1, i111; 1119‘ . . . ‘
1‘1 1111‘; 1:111 You can place space in any number of Kentucky all on a cash—ineadvance bOSIS. Seventeen weeklies are :isblzml (
‘l‘il‘;‘,‘1c“ 1 . . . 1 a151
1:11 111‘1 ‘ ‘fl weeklies, semi—weeklies, or dailies with a Single order. members 0‘ the AUd" Bureau 0‘ Circulation, twelve given 11
““1 ‘ “‘ A i“ ‘ . . . .

. ‘111 1 1‘11 "111 Send us only a blanket insertion order, together with dailies are members. More than 40 applications for -- forth f(
‘1“ 1 1111 ‘ “1‘ mats, sterotypes, or copy sufficient to cover. Individual membership are now on fi|e 1 a slmall,
1‘1 1:; 11‘1‘1: E‘1‘ianc 10
1131 1111.11 . 1111 —_.__._________ , There 1
11111 i 11;. 1 d 1111: the Pitt
11 .11 :11 11 1 11:1 1_ ‘ establisi
11‘ 11:. 111 o = o o ff-l- - S 0 M ~ ~
:1 11111; N atlonal Advert lSlng A 1 latlng ervwe ded
‘L l ‘ “' - 21111 Lzmdi
“1 1 l i1 : 1111 This Association is a state affiliate with the Nation farms—no national publications, no national radio " the pres
1:11 1 1 ‘1‘ ‘ 1.1111 al Editorial Association, and is an affiliating and co-: hook—ups can reach him as Economically, as Thoroughly, . “Mk 0‘1
‘1‘“; ‘ ‘1 1111 operating member of and with Newspaper Advertising as Easily, as HIS HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER with maXi- {0 LBXI
111 1 11 11.111 Service, lnc., Chicago. National orders, placed thru NAS, mum readership—because "Mr. 52" knows the local ' 1:12:22:
13111.1 1 1'1 1 1,1 are distributed from this office to our state newspapers editor—knows all the merchants—knows all the other the m;
11‘if1 1 1 1 . 1111 under the one order, one billing, one check plan. subscribers—knows his Senator and Representative— proved 1
11‘ ‘ 1 11 .i1 1 1 _ 1 1 knows that his Hometown newspaper is a Warm, Living, set type
‘1“ 1 :‘ : 1111 Wh“e our state average '5 higher, ‘n the nation influential part of his life—and directly influences it. 1 issue.
11 ‘11“:11 52% of the nation’s population, 70,200,000 persons, " H 1 1 Th
‘ 11: ‘ 1‘1 111 live in towns of less than 10,000 population—only seven M“ 52 Hometown newspaper offers MORE ‘OC0 1 indic'etre
1‘1 111 11 larger cities in Kentucky. This "Mr. 52" had $4410001_ coverage than all other media combined—he can be 1: beende:
1‘1 1 1t 1 1111 0001000 to spend last year, 43% of the Nation’s buy- reached by One Package and One Check through News- 1 111111 1118
1:1 1 , 1111 ing power. paper Advertising Serwce, Inc, 188 West Randolph: = me1t‘f
1‘ 111 .‘ 1111 Chicago, and through the Kentucky Press Association. ‘ i ‘ H
‘1‘:11 1 i 111, "Mr. 52" represents 6,000,000 farm families— " u 1 1 11Tgt0r1e
‘11 1 l ‘ ,1 2,000,000 electrified farms—60% of all automobiles, 1 Remember Mf- 52 010d make hlm 0 customer by i 110“\0e
111‘ 1 ‘11 trucks and tractors—50% of all furniture—46% of 59“”‘9 PW" TOdOY through ‘15 0W” HOMETOWN NEWS' 1 11361:“

1 . ‘1 : d1 clothing—and the Nation’s highest percentage of Home PAPER- 1 1111163111

1 1‘ 1 11 . ‘s ownership—IN FACT, the greatest potential market for ‘ The fi

1 1‘ ‘1‘ — ' f t .

‘Ii 1 ll 3 :3;11 for seeing manu QC urers For information, call or Write Victor R. Portmann, 1 3 small
:‘1 31‘1“ "Mr. 52" in the past has been difficult to reach, Secretary—Manager, McVey Hall, University of Ken- k OI’m-half
11‘ j 1 5 1‘1 living in 15,000 different small towns and on 6,000,000 tucky, Lexington 29, Kentucky. 1 11:7 f:

111‘ 1 :31“: ‘ ’ e e il
. ; i ‘ deeded

: 1 1 11111111 ‘0 Lexin

. 1|1‘ 111,.I1ill 1

“11‘1“ >l“

1 ‘. ' iii

‘1 11- M1,

-, , a

 0 e Kent ' 3 ' ,_
UCky P :13'-M3"' »'
1’ 0 r655 ? 31‘ 313333
3 ‘ 1 1‘33, 3
3‘3 3 Bay ‘ Page 0 s I
3. 3 3 0 ' “e 3 ‘3
easy 33 “311313011 “0n ' 9, the Sec . u . 3 3 33 3I 333‘ 3
3 3 I 1 _ 313.1333 3'33
C t . . C’Cl)ill”clL1()n 1 . OIIl( C011— T’n 3 '1. 3333
entra' 3 1:163 torlnilUOn Of a Hewrél‘n Vll‘glnia and Victor a 1.5m ‘ ‘l'll‘3333l3l i ‘
LeXinQ‘ F “3511mm at Damme Pm sme’ KentUCky” _Wi_ I a? es H 3 1H“ 3 I
‘3 0 tle first “186:. «Suant t0 t1 - [h 1 I I
3, . . 1110-3 3 16 flCtio e EaSt , DeCCmb 3' - ‘1‘3: ‘ 3 ,
I; £31111] f D a r6501utit 3 n . ' The e 3 ' er: 1799 ‘3 3 3
33 pressuginorflthe establishment O): “as PHSsed 103331 Items, but 3:1) files Show deartl COHtinued ’ when the Mirrm , 3 3 I3 I33 33 3
’I 1e 33 I. . . a “p. . ec it - . Onta' 1 of , ' . _ ‘was “ 3,3‘I3I3 3‘“
33‘ page of ”givin I‘e‘teln termory for Iflntmg to Orlals and COmm lrIled many Weight. Rights of' M- _ . (1.5 3 I I IIII .33
III. of the can 8 Publicity to the p t 6 pur. IImers; these brentl gulcations frOm 3 MofljCtr iSSueddn’ 1/97, Paris I' D , ‘33 L3 3.3
‘3 V€nti0n in I TOCEEdin 10113 and ‘ 1e dead CUS- tuck ’ abOut . I3 )y RUriu ‘ '3;;333.
mumryf’ A C0 the ”Here“ gs ) . assaulted ) 1.. 1 and (lestr . Y Telegra )1 Elght mom] 5 "3:“ 3' ' ‘
" - 1T1mittee f S of the 13612411)! thOse 3 ”HIGH 0) I uc' Indicated. 1 le‘ 1798 1 ‘5? Ken- 3
am The 3', POlnted to find 0 three W21 hOOd . “ho Opposed 1 POnentSI e§_ F , Guilrd' ’ 10 name 03' :3 3 3‘I 33 3
33 t0 esmblisl and select .1 ) . 5 a1). - Wlth hea‘, . the idea of ‘ rankaI‘t b 12111 Of FI‘e tOWn I “1‘33 -3
. < x ~ , . ' e C _ . 3 3 el , 3 3 3: 3
vertISer 3 D . 1 a newspaper. Illntmfdlmr Brad ford ) 'll'tlllery of Word St'lte Farmers L3 JOhn Bradford COInI 1798, II I II 33‘ :3
I651)1te a “‘ide-spre - Standin - - I‘vas One 0[ L 3 S. Wefi‘klv 1\ UraryI 1801 L al-ld son; The ' i ‘3 :3
termoryI no Printe ad Search in the n mpae‘ Ig CltlzensI SErving I€Xlng30n3s out about' ‘Itissenger VV’ISh" Oulsvme; The .- E 3'33 3
first 1‘ Was f 6w " ItlesI _ 1n ' 011e.h‘ . I ’ “ lngtol 3 ‘ ‘
Cover, 5 IIIIIIIofettlersI Finally 1 Ound amOng the her of [11621113, for many 5’61rsm‘fny official teerI 1803 "111: )ear; the IndeperSSOS, IaSted 33 I3 I33 I
. x 1 - ,- ' ‘ ’0 3 . . 0c ‘ 3 'a ’ " e “ “ ; 31“;
. Coy”- 3 “I’Pl‘oachlee‘tlmus experienge “Inf Survey“ Vanla Uni"ersi:;d 1‘: Trustees of; mem. 1803’ Bardstowhmlgton; WeStern 1:11:92:ch 3 3
3 . . 16 COmm‘ . ‘ V 11 Print the G ' e not ransyl. rOI‘, 1804 ’ asted tw erlcllnI 33‘ 3 3
sum . ltte , er. flzett . 01113 . 3 D. ,3 0 6‘ 3- , 3 3
of the the r: that If the convellti: “1th that Pmpo. Pamphlets 631—;31132 lsSqu m'ln) )3 publlshed Republican 1:“ 1116, lasted fzr'IES, The 3\3[ir_ 3 3 3 I 3
3 :55 (~ 11 . - ' ‘ ’ ' e‘ w 33‘
4.00 C] 3)atr0n:::rgcffitl1at he 5110111ZIVOUIC-1glvehim almanac in 172815511611 the firm XEkS and Informant ISOEIStDer’ 1904, Slle13))r:)'113110nt115; 3 3 : 3 :31I' '
. ‘. O Cial - . enjoy )ul - first ‘ and lat . entuckl YEar; T ’ ’ anville ’1 C; The 15"3“ 3
almost 3 131% business shOIIIIZIrlrIItmg) when theIprIJIlIlIc Ionic: of the new legislert pubhshed [11: town 1):: Impartial REI:I:aste(1 flbom One 33 333I.j3 ‘3 ,
3 3 t ) - . a 3 . a 3 r w l ‘ ‘
Ies Ore Ile Proposed new stateeCOme Profitable in as Cdimr “5' H15 fame is (3‘3“? and Brad- did REVIEMPS an earlier nan; 1806, Bards. 3 I3 I 1
«Is an Office led 3 he WOuld T and book. lb‘ lvlded equ'fllz Fra k w; The “I e of the C I , .3 3
tWelve tablish a ne‘ 1 be PTOCUred ’ as soon he sec0nd neV p1 hSher' ( 5 O n fort by John WCStern Warld 18:11- I ‘ 3
'3 . vSPFIPCr s 7 ' Wollld 69 Was the , VSPaper in rgallized u 00d a d ’ 53 ‘ 3
ms fol, g1\en 111m 101 - llch aSSuran . .- L . IxenkaI H the new st so to Catch t I n JOhn Str 3 3 j:
* forth f0 ~ 1“ Bradford . Ce bemg exmgton - ‘ 3 erald, Est b' ate :1 hufltin ,, raltors" and eet, 3 3 3‘ .3
T Philadel . ~ 3 Vquiniq 3 Th' In 1793 br 21 llshed at COns . g _much ad for ”trea . 3 '3
a Small SECO [31113 Where 1 L :11, set 18 met an 3 James H S Pll‘acy and h 0 about th ' 3 3 3'3
‘ nd-hq 16 pro 1) S €3er (1611 ' teWarL ‘5 e S a - e Burr 3 3 ‘ 3
and - (nd Pres . Cllred Y teWart - ' ‘h. It The . P nlsh C0 . ‘ !
JOUmeved ‘5 Wlth 90m 1 - In Febr “’35 reViVel err01« 1 “Splraey 3 3 3 ;
' The“? he ' overland ‘ e tyPe (t Interruptel‘ {my} 1795 . ‘ AmeriCa ’ 806, Rus 1 3 ' 3 ‘3‘ ‘3
_ augmen _ to Pittsb to P . C lllterValS ’ Publlshed . n’ 1806 _ SC lVllIe; W 3 3 3 1
the pm ‘ ted 1115 t, . “th. arls, the ‘ a11d, finall Pemsmn. ’ L0ulsv'1 CStern j ‘3 33'
ice 3 estaplishselglrgh Gazette then}; :111)ply f1"Om BOurbon Colljgt Paper to be pryiyningved isville b33116 Louisville £31262“ by Francis 3 ‘ l3
, ‘ WCSt f 5 news ) . ~ 9 in 3 ’ Y . 056ph Ch 6, 1807 | 3 3‘3
Stdl‘ted do“ 0 the A11 3 . 3 3Per Dunne; H mm disc . arlesS su 3 Lou. 33 ,3 33
"n the Ohio - eghames x 1e “Ext [1 - Ontlnued d . ’ PPOSed t 3 3 ‘33
R 3 3 and nCws 11ft r-fi 3 The . 1111 ~ 0 ha ' 3 3'
l‘Odio , ILzmding at Lim 1‘ 6r on a flat—1mm the 1:81:63” were estabiislfeilor more Yeélfs abOutcmtfld Review 18?): ”1:6 panic of 181‘76-3 I3 ' I3 ‘3
‘ He esto ' Hg H] in ' ree ' 3 ard ‘ 3 33
Press ( ne no 3 1 a e 3 man 63 . Stow _ 3
”My, . back of 1nd Sllpplies We! “ Maysfille) Mos: of these g S thmughout the Y of Lamp 1807 by arsI The Lincol n, lasted 3 3 i
|maxi- to Le I3 horse and. the 16 loaded on the SUrvived for IIIXIINEI‘S “Vere Short lived State, Lincoln C03 Y S. Ogilsby & C n Cotlntv 33 3 I M
A' v . ( 7 _ ' ~ Int 7 “ Om .' . I 3 I
3 local 3 - \mgton be (“Gland -0 had a 1 3an or m0 . 3 some near C , 3 at Dr pany m 3 33 .I3
.3 30m gem. J time On e . r6, wl an. - Anth ' ‘
3 other hr Hey down the Oh' On the wearigo Y meager in: r ex‘StenCE. Histor-111E Others Onlv One] . James Hickma 3 01W Hufln’s 33 ‘3 3
Itive t1 Other’ Bradford 1 110’ Bm‘lfOrd 1nd 21-6 Papers 1 deed C0nCBrning m Ical data is Arg/US of lxssue in eXiStencens Plantation" 3 3' ‘ 3‘ 3
—- le mode 3 121( Set 50 ' ‘ 15 ' (n . in 50m . , any of th 3 « “festern' .7 With no 3 33 I
Living vaedt of homeback me tyPeI but TODCOusI Some c Ie IHStances, entirel €56 fort, first issued _ AmerleanI 1808 date; I 3
_ . ’ ' 3 00 strenu transpm. , . files 1' . . 019165 are 3' Cr- appegl 3 1n OCtav ’ Frank ‘ 3 3 3
3es It. . Set type to Ous and 3. i" tatlon n Instancal 3.] . m be found . rance of 1 0 form, 16 3 33
3‘3 35511.3, Chaosv and Rise P reduced the Cast; knowlcd 6 ”range mOStlv - 1n Cllrrent newS. T: magazine but Pflges. 13 3 I
E local 3\ . ”mg for the fi mentiOn - g of OthCrs is l 3 1n the Lancaste . ' he Political T publ'ShEd 3
‘On be 3 _ There is "t trw 1‘ mt iteme I-n mI letters, (“flies "in: Cfaned from by VVhr II The Repm‘ter 1180 heater. 1808 1 3 -
' ‘3 ”Klimt d ‘ ‘(ltion th 3 , ‘ busting fl] “ ‘ mm 11 . 56y and O ’ 8, Ie ' ' 3 ' 3‘ , 3
New5_ 3 I ‘ e that the (It (‘OnWintio C(‘ICdinaS of €53 HCCOI‘din CWS- 1808-1812 I verton, lb I I x‘ngton, t 3 z ‘3
Idolph 3‘ 13:31 establi511ed 33111:“, Paper Shollldnh:ms Cietv' F914 nth: America“ Amqutjathe Pro‘ SCSSiOns C’IIISEmI'WEEklv dErlinlgIShfd weekly 3 3 3 3 3
3 ' 7 ‘ alread I anvine 1 ¢ve Wer‘ ‘ ‘V1(enc6 that I‘lzm So- 181" ’ ‘nged to K egislzltiv 3 ' 3‘
TIonI ment fr Y recewed Su} ‘ mt Bradford e established . many Carly ’3 lasted 21b entucky Re C 3 I ‘3 I
' Om the - . )Stantial e ceedin 15 also £011 d . Papers ‘3‘, Ollt four ‘ POYter in 33 3 : I
Ingmn Cltlzens a nCOUrage_ I g3 Of the n In the ‘Cstern C" . YCars after 3 {3
'ner by 3 33 ‘ : Who nd trllste “'hlcl . Carly St'lt . pI'O— C . 1132126“ 18 Ward 3 3
'3 lot N gTanted h' ‘ 65 0f Le _ ’1 Sald pa ‘ e legislatu . ’“mes 0 ' 083 Par' . 3 3‘
‘JEWS- . . 0. 43 1111 the f x lish Per-g Were auh . res m c' 3 ‘ nly Paper 15‘ by 30h: l 33
I 111 8:1" '-----as Ion 3 rec Use of State advert‘ t Orlzed t -(lt10n in , of C01“. . 1 A. 33 I 3
3 ‘Vesteid “Mn,” and gth: tf1I1€ press continue.i Statute 1SementsI man dfltoryot P113" KentlleiaEES-ténce today, plll:IllIlIOus Pulm. 3 I 3 I 3
. i aterritol“ rSt Paper ' 3 Arc - lnder Rus - - Ellen: Far v lShed as the z ‘ 3
11 Le“ Y Was acco d' In the Odeglv 1 Sellvllle. T mers Fr' 3 I I
Tl‘ ngt0nI r “‘le established the foundin ’- Ifflta in our files . _ The GIObe’ RIhe Dove, 1803. VI‘Iend, 18083 3 3’ 3
mom, 3 :1 S ‘6 first issue of a 3. Kentllck g 0 the following n‘ mdlcates 1810, D am,- lcllmond;’1mpa;3t. aShlngton; 3 3 .i 3
Ke . i 1m111 half—h 16 Kefltuck3 Ben' - y Journah 1795 ewspaperS: am“ 1116‘ lasted Ia] Observe = 3
n F (Mahalf _ I: Get about eigh ) Gazette,” B (.33m1n 3' Bradford ' Frankfort 3 1’ Iner, 1810’ Lanc about One Year- Er, 33 3
' 1787 f mc 65‘ ap t by ten 21 d m fOI‘d: Th . ’ a mCiphew ' )y lc’ 1810 Fr aster; Amer' ’ x‘ 3 ~ 3
~ 01' evid p flared on n bv H e Minot 1 of 301m A - ’ ankfOrt 1 lcan Re 1 3 ‘ ’
3 The . em at August 1 llnter ,1 3 797 “7 3 . ‘ merman S ’ aSted tw pu )- j 3 1
edltor h PprOVal of 180 11; ca - (Dd BCaumOH ’ ashlngtol] W “Heisman 18 0 years. TI 3 :3 33
eXCeptin ad 110 SOur subscribers ‘ PltOI Was mo t. When th ‘ CStern Cour' ’ 11, Lexin ’ 16 3 3 IIII
g SuCh Ces of inf , - Frankf Ved, by. 6 State tOWn 16m 1811 . Eton: The ‘33 3
t0 Lexi nCWspa Omat10n 0ft, the 3‘4- Popular V ‘ RCPOgit ’ LOUISvill . 3 3
ngtOn b _ PCI‘S as Wer The . ITI‘Or f0“ Ote to . a ) _ - Cry, 1811 ey Bard- 3‘ 3 I I I
I Y v ' e bro SC edlto . Owed t . l PrOXIma ’ Bard S ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘
I lsltors or travelers 3:5,: at FrankartrgialsI‘;(“Stablished the I31>ellofi‘1ccs. The Ttelly seven yearS, Stown’ lasted ‘ 3 33 3
' n 98 a adil e e ' 3 3‘ 3 3
Issued 91'mul and both 1m Cha graph, 18 I . 3
~ tane - pa er ngd t . 1 1, 3 I: 3 '
011st by the editILrss were Correspongeniwmerva in 1813Gezrgetown' 3 1
t - until Sm , 1812 ; Ouisv‘l ‘ .
' 00313 fail . ’ by Fa 1 [e 3 . 3
ed durmg the 1817 I‘CIUhIar and 3 3 I‘ I I
Panic; The 3 ‘ 33.3:
3: ‘3K .3 3
333333931 3
. - 3 “ ; :2 3
3:3 3 3 .
, 333733 a 3
3 35 .
31333 .
3.;"33. '3;

 M‘Hgsfi ‘ ‘5’

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1 :‘wfw : 1813 ’ 1812 7 ' ‘

“‘w““““ ’D~ ’Da ' 7

2 ‘;“§ 31143"? Ho . anvil] . nvflle'

\ . . pklnSv' 6’ The ’ The -

‘1‘ j :1 ‘ 55.11““? 111‘? S°Vereiglvesmrn EnghthOUSe The KenTu k

wiMLIM‘ 2 ; 1ght e P . P 351 ’ c '

l ‘ i ;: Mani-3““, 183m)" 181201): 18162; 1:1?" (5:5 process y Press

51‘ ‘ ‘22::z‘:"l-35 1;: , ’ ' ’ ’ 0 lo ‘

i” ““‘f‘ " ‘ :: glaysvillel 3:74! Lexingtarrodsbugasgow; T2: P1131: fade 21:135th 3Cr —

e 3r» A; ‘ . - ’ ' ; o ' I ‘

""‘Eiifigg‘, 1 ‘i U11?! win “my Meon’ The? Western Th Cuts to m anthm-toss the Sta ‘

‘ “‘3‘“ 11:: ‘ 2“; Anlon, lslzhester Assenger, 13 agle, 1314 Libr e first LO 33‘“ their y with few te hOT- A -

1‘11} ‘ I“: Tivertiser 1,8 WashingvertiSCr 1i, RUSse1f 0nd 21% was asilswue paiaSSage. acc0m_ ECYatic lead PHI, 1949 ,
a ;=; ‘ :2: e A ’ 15 ton- ’ 814. ' ’ e K ab“ 6“ 01‘“ er‘ ‘
T“‘h§»:“~= V, dve , , W' , Th 1815. pa Cnt Shed . the F H . K61 ‘
‘E’.‘5::' Partial rtlser 1 Inches e Ke , Pers had “Cky H 111 18 arme., until ' Har 1‘ was i
”2‘ V . ,", tow Observ , 8‘5th f ter, Suc ntucky 0f the but b . erald . 01; th 15 o the th Hey Wh SOOn " [A

, M 5‘“. N; n Teles er, 1815 Our Yea (365501. t Char Sporad- lilef’ e ' 1n 1817 e sec- CCurred refiwa o l‘ema. s11cc,eed I
“‘1‘ 1 wii Gem- cope, 1815 , HarrOd rs, The I 0 per~acterile d 11: gro‘m xlstence ' These €16Ction 0“ NOV y merger 1ned as ed bY‘

‘ .‘ 1“ 1 :3 and Lietown Pat, - Sbufg; Barf? Oth10d_ Duri entuckyl‘ and félilexamples COUrier of U. S eGmber 8 1 This rfiditor‘ —
‘1 .91 G; if} 1 :E'Fi. Ad e; K riot 5. er ng th JOur _ ure c . ’ and ' ran ’ 868 er

ms‘“ ”My“: ‘ Y:I‘n Vert' Cntuck ’ 1816 CO , papers 6 . nalls that 011116 De L wh 1 af gel“

V ‘1 ‘1‘] 1 Mi? ‘ -, M G 1561. 1 Y H , b llrler Were pel'lod m at H r'Jou mocr 6n fer th

‘1 ‘9 .5111?“ 3;; ufird‘ , 815 erald y Sh fa- . and' , fOun 1812 this enr Trial at be the e

“Hi i“ 2;: Co Ian of : LOu' _ and Elle 11111 the v ded 17 - Y W ' Th' Cam JOum

‘ M , .,; L' 15v M 1's g to W , , a ’ m Int atte 15 e t al ;
“ "‘ :fi 31 Igfillentatol- igirty’ 181:}; See lat::cantil e :ICer days ‘Vi‘ather iffy C°rr:s;he West:rr1y aft; Promingflon as edIR'EorgFr, wig:E .‘presen;

. ‘l‘fiif‘x T61 Se, 181,7 7, Fra , ynth' note)- was the ' he fir Storm (’I'ldent n to ,Was on C6 a n r‘ln-chi Marsen

1 1"“ : M ‘ r; Cgra , H nkf0r_ lana. T , Sha d AdV . St ne Y Strif ’ all _ 1rs 1n 6 of ewspa ef, b .

‘ ‘1 j; ‘ > hi! ‘ 18 ph 1 arrOd 1;, Th : he raCh ertls WSpa e Of . 1 the the Per You h

‘ :|!5 my; _ 19’ , 818 sbu . e N . d - p Cr. f Per p10. 5 m dev mo th 3!:

‘ ‘I‘W'; ‘3,“ ‘ .1 F} 1819 any“? 'i‘hGlasgowng Green :{tfom r1121}: in 1862211- It bezrnded intolSucceed iin “:3“ todailopment :tf dominaitinthere.

‘1‘ MM? 9 :5; L ’ 0pk' ’. e K ’ u 1Ver 5 r0 ’ and me 818 I and With the gf

‘1‘ “RF Hf: ancast lnsvllle- Entuck gusta Wh' a X 0m C0 1 ha - the St , by AnOt natio that Soutl ac.

‘ ‘ 2““‘iry " 3:31.16 siémThe séaf‘he Kenzuiepublicalg’ Petting? foemrziefitors 2:11: vanquaizlelsdfirst galism hear perSOIIZI- same ICadlér 1nd

. sfi‘ ‘ 5,31%? { reen. ern ’ 1819 C i311, 1 11’ Str lmself 1n the by 0 e its arvin’ Side fr ”Y in 5 ip

1““; 1%; i113; Braqiamte, ’lsifimingsbfiig’ Verifier and :35 °b1igegotumaL 33?; 153““ f°““dedLoga“’ Wilt: Pren‘i:OUiSVille 1' ‘

' a”: mam 231‘ €er ent n sen. , B ,3: r Wa . Ore v~ ° ack “all L0 the "”ith ’ W“ our"

“WM § 731:; Rep :Jlg The U2: Intelliggufl’ lslgowlilng g The sinsldlscontiniélg Pen ailswledge Z neiznjlfecmliziiouisvine Fl" Polksjoimmet‘

x“ ".;?_:=I:_:‘ ‘ H; . 1 - n ’ r . I I '

‘ “““;“‘ ‘ ‘5 llcan 36:13:} orbit igglcle’ 1:26;" 1821 Bilfi- inolusnd to i: COmpetit In 1841. the Ad_ the formlCh he Palm KentuCklmes in 1;;211:

i ; WM“ ‘ G; Patriot me], 18,2 1, Cyn , Gla 1- fl 56 by C Inn was or that never of tab] .Ssed on y and s 4.‘
‘ 33"“;39"? Mir 1 And 1, W' thian _ Sgow; Ouri alrn the F ga len t 01d to h' Outher .

1‘ 1‘ “‘“W‘ ! 451" 821’ Spy" SPringf- IncheSte 'a, RePub "Vhi hshed until 5 and R0b_0cus, est V6. no ane‘l orgaghy, but rparag‘FaPh ‘5 reader .“‘

‘ ““ ‘ 5‘1“" ‘ 5.: Sardstownlngfield‘ V3313 Liter 1‘, Kentuck- In 1C8 1‘05e thabsorbed _ Inson. Thzjlbllshed Son. Th nlzed edit lvaled thes. These ‘5 1n ‘ V
‘ uéifwéiii ‘ ”I . ; T , est ary R _ y . 30 e 1n th 15 wi 6 Ti Orial mo Vere
1 1 I‘,‘ 1““; r 1’17 ersallles he K Crn H egISt 1011 appe PTCSC 6 me paper th th mes w S of H I‘e fin- ,
:‘ NW“? !‘ Th . Cntuck erald 61‘, rnalis ared th nt CO _ Tger fr eVe - 6 Lou- _ as P11 enl‘ lshedj
‘ ‘ “‘3‘ w e . Y , 18 G m h . e b . Url _ 0m nln . ISvll rCh Y W 1
“ “ “1“”? . Johnstorllwlcroscope Farmer, 182:, 13:12:36 D. 5:12011 that tightest 5::rJOurna1 5 ever. g edltion 1:: Courieisfd and ertteZ‘
‘_ 5‘ ‘ :E‘M‘ _ ‘1‘: a . e a , 18 , ' er, , entic 6 Sta on ' I ’ ePin . - Guru 36
w ‘l‘§“‘;i“ iii wgalnst Vice nd Robe 24, Lou' _ blogra hwho Came e, 28762112 te has kn the p n LeXin g lts inte a! as the
“1““ gig T211: EOTCed t and fc,11.1”ts_it I‘SVllle, by Whig P Y of He t0 the Stold New :Wn. refer Was gin, the fi STlty how 1
H1“ ‘ N‘,‘ “ e 0 1e leS ’ an - ‘ . Part nr ate n _ 15 ed . t e rSt -‘
‘1 ‘ ““".‘ ‘ Kentliallfmers Rflge- t0th i311 LouiSvililefthles 23m In Pu)ll).1' His 3211??“ for tht: Write ga llel CV:! 1807 by Iéfrntucky plirmanent n ‘
“ ‘{ ““‘ L: S y D lster 658 th and ”01' Of 1C eYe pen grow. W' I‘tOn illla CPOr Cws”
““Tui‘s‘ : a»: tar, 1 emOC ’ 1824 an a JO th and $00 lng 1th B ' Th‘ m VV ter;

‘1‘ Ms“ :35‘ 825 rat 1 , F1 , year. “In e n he 1’1 br I'Ya 15 w 0051 estah.‘
NM“ ‘1 1825 ’ Fle _, 325 M' emln , 1- all. It ery was Ought SeI'ver nt and as COn CY and
“““3‘:“" E" 18 , C0111 mlngsb , filer gsbur . ead 500r1 CStabl- Select as th Fi SOlida Sam.
  ‘ . m." 25 mbi . ur . sbur _ g, b Paper - bec lshed ed a POrte e L . fine}: ted-
:ll ‘1'!“ ~ , ’ Fra a, c g, Th g, Th eCam 1n th ame Lo ' . s r, Th' ex‘“ 5 Le ' 1111832
‘ Ii m thla nkf0r_ °nStit , e R e e a . e st the “15ml 1On . ls b . gton O Xmgt
‘ “EM“: ; ! 11a; T t, The utlona ePOI‘te deVel Vltal f ate, Wh‘ m0st . 6 g 1111e rlght bSer 0n obI
:K‘E‘m‘l‘t ‘2“; Saines' he C0 _ Advert. 1 Ade r, to- Olfiment OTCe i 116 its ,wldely Raan of edit and he, Vet and ‘
, Mia“ :53 lage Cer 13’ , F ' 1825’ 10- “teres 1 185 aimed SOCial tics ”ridge ’ and Ge"
‘l‘i‘iifii‘; ‘1: 1 Muse , 25, El' ’31!ka , Ve turn ts to I 8 Wh at th ' - It W the fi rge w‘
. i ‘ 825 11m 12211, rt; w r' ’SOOn 51am e“ h e ed' L ' as D ery “
- .1! Wu J“ : M ’ 1825 ethto eSte P 501d H 6 5° 1- exm emo W. c‘
E ‘ ‘ “1 I“ "‘i “1 Dan . t. sterl' , Princ wn; Th rn _ rentic Out to enderso 1d Out Pape gtofl als c1”atic i '7'-
‘_; “1"“: 0‘ 1 V1116; T 111g; T eton; T e Vil. In W e Soon H611 1’1 Who - i 1‘, the K O eSpo n FOIL‘
1, 2i“? 5:? ater n he F he A he Wh- L , - N. had W W. W ’ 1n n 184 Cum used a .
‘1 ““"E‘ ‘ ;:,“ £011; Ote); The Sting: 1926 dEertiSer’ 181g, tooulsville CHaldeman active CO aterson. 0f exis: Which, 31W .StateSmTabld Southe
| l H F‘. Plrlt of , Ouisvil 25, the un Ollr161' ' who es {upetiti ern l‘lce’ aC' unng ' an, estab' m
1 ‘5‘ ‘1‘"; ‘r-g S Rural v- . 76 v, 1826 16 (See Was m SuCcessfu]1n 1844 tabllshed on ist‘ Came and tlvely 511 Its thine hshed‘r
‘ ‘ M ‘33:; I": tatesm lsltor , Fra NE Ore in Da-l : as a the ,enCe w 8121 PPOrt 611 yea ‘
‘ ‘ 1‘ mm: 9 fl an ’ 1823 nk. WS- telres 1y D‘ suCC clt ' hen Very 6d th TS‘
I“ I‘HI‘EL‘ ector , 1828’ . , Gla t0 _ paPEr tEd i 1me_ H esSOr _ y; 1!; the U . ' FOr e SOuth_'
: “l“xl‘i ‘ a": telligémlws’ Augihzabethtsfxzw; Kentu k T023115. As Sugar! he :abuilding :ldeman EOIShip‘Zafsxvivedn19n troogid out of ex ‘
l WWW‘V i 111 er, 1 sta. n; C y . f0 h 5 in lit 0 ~ . 1n 1 OCCu . ‘
M IW‘ ck 829 , Th Th 11 1- Su 6 ga WI‘" . era] Odlo 11113 867 Pled th .
l1“‘!“““ 1‘} 18 y Sefltin , Flem- e Ken e Re. ‘ ne of Prema V6 Pre _11t1ng . pie 6 as a 1“ Cas- unde1r 6‘
1' giffl‘iiiIiL . 30, Ho 61; 1829 1nESbu t“Cky Car pal‘Ftne Cy in mice edl' ce for radi Slug and the 8d-
é ‘ g N“ _ I: ' , G r ; In- Ger 1's - the a b the Cal D
‘ ““|“““‘ 1:? 33:0, Shelg::xiiville; :irgetogn.T;; K611. ‘Var ito‘f the (3:111:11 Haldenfleld' A 1315 1.6:):(2 LCXingltzll-legrass :61?11b1ican' gwsley
1 xl‘ k- .1“ ‘ n; The 1 e; Th e Pub: e S 11.00 Vas Su 1er_ D an m ng Struc ' 0n Pr glon 011th-
‘ Y‘ M“ ”a 11 P)’ , psb Ppre ur' ark ‘ Pa tIon _ ess w '
1 l‘fl“"“‘hx V. The 5 Jo‘lma1 e Herald c Led ’ 1n eCause S56d ' lng th the per b Perlod as £0
‘ ‘1‘! A“ e 1: in rst f ’ Lan ’ 1830 get, gs. In . of it 1n 186 e c- . Her1 y Colo as a uIlded - g
m , .1 th OI‘t _ Cas , B pub. Slde Srab' 1 b lvl1 . W T “61 H De 1“ “he ‘
‘8" W th e Stat ythl‘ee ter_ ards_ 11511 d COnf 1d CO V U - Wlth - D art . mOCrat' V
:I ‘ ”WI ‘2‘ at amb. .e, as Ch years Catio e at o ederate .nfedera nIon the L “ncan Glbson IC news.
‘I ‘ ‘ fl I little mans r°nic1 of j0u d ns Wh.. PPortu hues te lean 1875 b exin ' It 5 and M- 1
, .- _ ghee edito ed ab mans esim , 16h a “8 tim ’ Hald ' Ch Y Be gton T 00n c ajor
m 3;}; ‘l‘l hme O ‘5 in e *5 brewe Ove, m —N° athn, u re refie es in v . eman anged n Deer' ranscfi onsolida‘e‘i‘
. ““““ 1‘ any 1364:: good-si::dstarte (15:? camflzlille C'xPOuis‘fitfi: in itsa::“5_1o- :‘Iera1d 11:: the 11:3, a11d 1:1: foUlnded in
I ‘2‘ ' ‘31:; en: town 1r ' om n . 1jet.” ‘30 ' e'tim ratic Sin In t name
“- y ‘y ‘ ‘1‘“ SuCCCSS, A , with A th. e In 18 The C Whng G e T Paper . Ce been g 011 Herald wfiSw
. | , , c°ntin SCen 1rd pa 55_ Oul‘ier reen H he Le .111 Central the lead- ' The:
\, u' e in 1 per a finall Crald xlngto Ken 111g Dem .‘
Ph' 843 PPea Y " n L tuck 0‘
Incas K ’ the L red on {Ound 13.011th31 eader y.
em’ Wh' ouisv'] ,the h' C ed in Com _ 'soon
Ich 500 lle Dem S lfting Lanton' 0h' 1833 bpflltior1 h Save: me
‘ '1 beeame Sher“, by ineader 50010’ as a I}; Samuel Elwng been‘
‘ e Dem- the fieldn became epubliCan d. _R0bem,
0f speciali One of th ally- The}
- P Zed new e Pioneers’
lease 5 rep0r ' ‘
Turn to P t1”gand‘
. age Seven

 111’ 1121111;
‘1‘::."‘ -
1: 1 11111111111
, 111111111:
1: 1'11
949 1 April, 1949 The Kentucky Press Page Three 1111111 111 1
1 "121311311 1 -
11‘ ‘1111‘ ‘
icceeded by 1 . ‘ 111 1 11 11f 1 '
i as editori11111111'.‘ 1 ,
-his merger ‘ ‘.1‘:1,1111- 1
1, after the1 11111111 I
he Journal,“ 1:1 i W
. WHO SETS ' *
ith “Marse” ' _ . t ‘1 5 11 11
Ief, brought 1 1 ”11:11 j 1
that there- . [ :9 1 1:.11‘11
inating fac-- \ FOOD PR1 ES? 12111112111
South, and ' ’ 1
1 leadership 1 1 1111 1
. 111 1 ‘111 i
sville jouf.1 1 .111 . 1111111 1
Alas Emmet1 . 1.1
1k Johnson,' 1 '11 1111 E11
s in 1884.1 . 1 1 1 11 1
1d Southern1 1 1 111 .
1 readers in 1 ‘ 1 1 11 1
These were =1 1 1: 1 1
ore finished 1 1 >1 1 1 1
nry Watter- 1 1 1 1
and merged Every day the products of hundreds of thousands of American farms and 7 1 1
ma] as the 1‘ thousands of food factories . . . much or little, good or bad . . . move to market. 1 1 ‘1 11
'egTitY how‘ And every day millions of American housewives take their food dollars 1 1 1 1
to the market-place to do the family shopping. ..Their collective choice deter- : 1 1 1 11
ment neWS-1 mines what products will be sold and the price they will bring. 111 ‘ 111
:ner’ degtab Food prices go up or down as these two factors—the market supply and l 1 1' 11
”y 31} am'1 the consumer demand—get out of balance with each other, one way or the I 1 1 1 H
:ted in 1832 “he“ 1 1‘ 11
in ton Ob- ' - . .111
ergand Re-1 In other words, the truth of the matter is that neither growers, nor pro- 1 1 1 1 1 .
)aper had a1 cessors, nor distributors "set" food prices. They are established by the good 1 1 1 11 1
George W . old law of supply and demand. ‘ 1 1 1
fiery W. 0.1 Of course, there are other factors that affect the price. Excessive dis- 1 1 1 1 ‘1 1
atic in poli-1 tribution costs, for instance, can inflate the cost to the consumer without in- 1 1 11 1 1
‘ . creasing returns to the producer. , ' ' 1.1 1
id soufhem That is why A&P has worked constantly for 90 years to cut unnecessary _ 1 11.1 1
esmbmhed1 in-between operations and cost and to reduce waste and spoilage. 1 1 1
111:2? 531:: Our efforts have been so successful that today less than 15 cents of the _ 1 ‘ 1 11 1 1
f ex-1 consumer’s dollar goes to pay all our expenses—rent, heat, light, trans- 1 1 1i
01“ 10d M1 1 portation, wages, taxes, advertising, etc—including our small profit of about 1 1 ‘ 1 1
igcuptllele ed “/2 cents of each dollar'of sales. 1 a 1 1
. 61‘ ' ' 1 1,
1 D. Owsiey 1 It is this constant emphasis on economy that has given this company its 1- 1: ‘ 1
[11.1 price leadership and has enabled the men and women of A&P to do the na- . ' 1 1
can 11101l , , . . 1 .1
tion's most efficient job of food distribution. 1 1 ,1 1
ndedinthei -‘ ' ‘ 111‘1111
)cratic news- 1 1 1 1 1
and Major] 1 , 1 I1 1. 111
consolidated1 11 11‘ 1; 11 1'
a name Wasi ¥ ¥ .. ¥ 1 1
[era1d. T111311 . 1 1 ‘ 11 1
ding DemOm , . ' 111 11
11. 3 1 1 1 1 1
r1 gave “191 1 -111111l
J- Emmi 1 1 1 1 ‘ i 11
:he pioneerS 1 1 1 ‘ 11 1 1.
:porting and ‘ ’ ' ' - 111g 1 1
pageSwen1 1 11111: ‘51 1 1
‘ 11.11111 1 '7
. . '11111 1' 1
1 1 i1' 1
1'11 11':

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E I: IIaiva K a The Ken ,
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I 1 IIIIIIE. I I; ; g. ’ Fess
I I IIIIIII I :I 0 IV I $ T ‘ I '
IIII‘IIWII I II mcial Public " ’33 0 he Kentuck I
' ;II;;;‘;»;“ I ‘1’. ' - ' .
.I‘II IIII‘I IEI ‘ jII'I: ' Presstlon Of th' _f the 1m _ y P7655 Ap - I
I III‘III'=~‘ » r: LK m Plzed A550 - HI 1 I
I XIIII I ‘1‘ I? I , "I? View 013413101] entuc}; fOTma - trust - Clatlo / 949 I
IIIIIII'], 1::‘1I 1' R P y S thn I lmpo n 1.560 . .3
I IIIzI;,C;» i ' ”rtmann ”tation ' ‘S’ands 5"" 0n ne gm“: the “
‘ ‘ II ”III E‘III Printed __._____’___Edit_o: strict ' .Of New far truth . wspap fund I l
‘ III-INTI“ I; ‘ "I“ on The K Publisher tio ethical st 8’ as set f0 h ’ fairness an and di amental imp
. ‘I Iij‘, v“ Ernel P ; n of anda . rt i , aCc Ssemz- _ 0”
I IIIII‘ ——::- . ‘ To 7613 - 71 th uTaC "at; anC
‘ II‘III' I1." I 55’ Lexin news p paganda In Its ad .6 Cano y: and d on of .e I 1949
, IIVIM‘E’CI? ‘f-i‘I VO'Ume gton 6 Paper to under th vermin ”5 of JOu ecency i pubhc
I III ‘II‘I II“. ‘ ‘I L: RUIeS
‘I‘I «IL’IIIEI git: ‘ - s n . - -
. IiII'E III?» II: K ' umber Six n: 00mm?” and ”If”? fearlessewsz It amrinoppows theadvocates Call.
‘ I I1 ‘II'III‘ ' III". James M emucky ”Paper nal guar fight of ed‘torial s the 051' publica 21“(1 evI
V I‘I II‘I,I I ‘I - Willis, Pref-less Assoc] munity d as a vital m ”7?th 0f Fr every in