xt73r20rv30x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73r20rv30x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1961-08-04  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, August 4, 1961 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, August 4, 1961 1961 1961-08-04 2020 true xt73r20rv30x section xt73r20rv30x     


















The University Faculty met in special session Friday9 August #,
at 3:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. President Dickey
presided. {

The minutes of June 2 were read and approved. ?

Dean Dake presented recommendations from the College of Nursing. fl
These included the dropping of two courses and approval of new {
courses to be offered in the Fall Semester of l96l—62. The University l
Faculty approved the recommendations. y


The College of Nursing presents the following courses
for Faculty apprOVal. These courses are to be offered Fall
Semester l96l.

New Freshman level course:

Nursing 001 Orientation 32 Nursing (0 Cr.)

The role of students in nursing and 1
their future in the profession. [

Freshman Level courses 39 be dropped

Nursing 100 Foundations 5: Nursing (4 crs.)

lOl Foundations 2: Nursing, Lab 1
Nursing 102 Foundations 2g Nursing (4 crs.) \
103 Foundations _£ Nursing, Lab ‘
Explanation l
Experience of instructors indicated that the '

objectives defined for Nursing 100 and Nursing 102

could not be reached until students had gained increased
foundation knowledge through courses in general educaa )
tion. This change in the credit allotment of first - 1
year nursing courses makes possible placement of addi- ‘
tional courses in behavioral, physical and biological }
science courses in the first year schedule. It does \
not change previously included work in other liberal

and fine arts arease l

Experience likewise indicated the importance of
a more specific opportunity for freshman students to i
orient themselves to nursing as a career and to nursing g
education at the University of Kentucky. \

New Sophomore level nursing course:



Nursing 220—221 Foundations 2f Comprehensive Nursing (
ll (7 crs.5
Exploration of the nurse's role in ?

meeting the needs of hospitalized )
patients: introduction of basic skills, L
which contribute to fulfillment of this I

Lecture, 5 hours. Laboratory, 8 hours.




One of the significant approaches to curriculum
construction being strenuously pursued by the nursing
faculty is to minimize unnecessary segmentation and
2 repetition of nursing content. Historically nursing
curricula have been segmented into courses paralleling
major specialties in medical practice (medical nursing,
surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, etc.). There is
y considerable support for the belief that emphasis

should be placed on identifying elements of nursing

{ practice common to patients with problems representing
various medical specialties.



The opportunity at the University of Kentucky, to
capitalize on the ”clean slate" has been experienced
y by few persons in nursing. The timing for presenting
what is in fact a general introduction to clinical
X nursing is the result of an extensive amount of effort

in identification of objectives of curriculum and in

} exploration of common elements in the traditional ¢;V
: specialty areas of nursing. These steps were essenn ‘ '
\ tial prerequisites to definition of the first clinical
nursing course content.


New Upper Division Course:
Nursing 346 Trends ig Nursing (2 crs.)

Analysis of trends in nursing educa-
[ tion and nursing service in relation
to society and the forces of social

Dean Carpenter presented the names of two students who had been .
dropped by the College of Commerce a second time and recommended that f 6w
the University Faculty approve their readmission. Dean Matthews of 'E L
the College of Law, requested clarification of the basis of the
recommendation — that is, whether it represented a recommendation
’ of the Commerce Faculty or a right of the individual student to
appeal to the University Faculty. Dean Carpenter explained that
he thought of it as an action of the University Faculty to revoke
its previous action, not as an action of the college faculty; that
i he had told the students concerned that he would bring their petitions W
7 to the University Faculty, which could always receive petitions. The : ,ytm
‘ two students reinstated are James Hugh Rogers and Karl H. Thomas. “ ’








President Dickey announced that there would be a conference at :hffi

Spindletop September 7 and 8, arranged by the Program Planning Com- My 2'M

i mittee of the University Faculty, working with other persons including yi'h;”

Dr. Albright and that the University Faculty was invited to attend. ' §r_}

Dr. Kuiper, Chairman of the Program Planning Committee, stated that F J,i

the letters announcing the conference would be self explanatory. g L'jit

\ Matters considered by the Conference would be presented to the Univer- if y ipgf
L Sity Faculty at the October Meeting. - 1 1




The Faculty adjourned at 3:25 p.m. U ‘wflffllj


g Charles F. Elton