xt73tx352d6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx352d6r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19880805 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 5, 1988, no. 531 text The Green Bean, August 5, 1988, no. 531 1988 2014 true xt73tx352d6r section xt73tx352d6r Number 531 Augu ` •::
The Government Publications Department has access, free of charge
through December, to Legi-Slate, a database which provides full-text access to
the Congressional Record, Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, and
all bills and public laws for the current Congress. Training in the use of
the system is scheduled for Monday, August 22 in a small group setting, but
individual training can be scheduled by calling Sandra McAninch at 7-8400.
You may also come by Government Publications and read the documentation.
To register for the group training session, please call Sandra McAninch
before August 19. (Submitted by Sandee McAninch.)
A demonstration copy on floppy disk of the Library of Congress' new
subject headings on CD-ROM is available for inspection in Government
Publications. Call 7-8400 to make arrangements to inspect the copy.
(Submitted by Sandee McAninch.)
The U. S. Postal Service has a new service available that allows users
to send them a mailing list on a floppy disk. The Postal Service will then
clean up, correct, and add the nine—digit zip codes to all the records at no
charge. Using the nine-digit zip allows those who mail to more than 250
addresses to save on postage. For more information, call the Campus Post
Office at 7-6358 or call 1-800-8h2-9000.
This information is from a flyer received by Government Publications as
part of the U. S. Federal Depository System. (Submitted by Calvin Gross.)
1 .
> O I
‘I».¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty
f K t k L°b aries

The Computer Center has changed the phone number and parameters for
accessing the University telecommunications network. This means that remote
access users will need to change both the phone number and the parameter
settings for logging into LS/2000. The new phone number, 257~Q200, is being
phased in now; for a while both the new and the old number (257~é86l) will
D0 not change parameter settings for the old phone number. For the new
number parameter settings are 8-bit word, 1 stop bit, no pariiy.
If you experience any problems during the switch, please call either the
Reference Department (7—l63l) or the Systems Librarian (7~2é43). {Submitted
by Tari Keller.)
The Law Library will be closed from August l5~l7 to allew for the shifting of
the periodical collection. The secretary will answer the phone iuring this
period and take messages. (Submitted by Cheryl Jones.}
E..§..B__-.§i.9_.*l_ili__E.._L_i-.r   ..,.   ._,,.  
Susan McGuire Special Collections Rob Aken Reference
Alice Duffy Reference Sue Burch Jaw Library
Sharon Ramsey new Library
J 0 B G R P 0 R   El lil          
Editorial assistant ‘F, €.ade “4‘- Q,
Library Technician »i4Q & 54, Jl,
` Library Technician II, Grade 6, Acquisitions.
Central Serials Records (2
positions). Persons irtszesees in .La posi ion; p
Library Technician III, Grade 7, listed ahove should gel Ei tens; with
I Reference. Ann Howell in ine @;iu;®o;*» Urfioe
Library Technician V, Grade 9,

 ALABAMA Social Sciences and Humanities
Librarian, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins. yaiaryz $22,500,
Social Sciences Reference Librarian, minimum. Deadline: September 30,
Auburn University. Salary: $21,000 - 1988.
$28,000. Deadline: September 15,
Science and Technology Reference DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
Librarian, Auburn University.
Salary: $21,000 - $28,000.
Deadline: September 15, 1988. Supervisory Arsni ist, Archives of
Anne: ic ar: Azrt, SH}lE11SC)Hj.&H
Institution. Salary: $46,679 ~
$54,907. Deadline: Open until
Library Director, Smithsonian
Director of Instructional and Institution. Salary: séa,397 —
Research Services, Stanford $7L500. Demmineg Augmm 31,1988
University. Salary: $60,000,
minimum. Deadline: October 1, 1988. lLLlnOIS
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Bibliographer, Stanford University. Iiead. of Se1ria;.s iiegnartruent,
Salary: $27,000 -— $41,4000. University of Chicago. Salary: based
Deadline: October 15, 1988. on experience and qualifications.
Deadlicee September 1, 1988.
COLORADO Technical Servi»ea 14“:awian, Music
Library, Noitbwestor- University,
Evanston. Sala; . 3g§,L»Q ~ $28,000.
Serials Cataloger/Proj ect Deadline: Cncteber aw,  
Coordinator, Colorado Newspaper ·
Project, Colorado Historical Society,
Denver. Salary: $26,000. Deadline: .
August 15, 1988. MIVNLSOI;
Cataloger, Colorado Newspaper
Project, Colorado Historical Society, Director of ine Si: Medical Library,
Denver. Salary: $21,000. Deadline: University or Winxeseta. Salary:
August 15, 1988. none listed. readline: September
30, 1988.
Sciences and Technology Librarian,
Colorado State University, Fort
Collins. Salary: $22,500, minimum.
Deadline: September 30, 1988.

NEW HAMPSHIRE Assistant/Senior Assistant Librarian,
Health Sciences library, SUNY,
Buffalo. Salary: $l9,500 — $24,000.
Administrative Services Librarian, Deadline: none listed.
Dartmouth College, Hanover. Salary:
none listed. Deadline: August 15,
1988. Assistant Director of Libraries for
Computer Systems and Applications,
University of Rochester. Salary:
$40,000, minimum. Deadline: none
NEW JERSEY listed.
Reference Librarian, Douglass
Library, Rutgers University, new PENNSYLVANIA
Brunswick. Salary: $29,974,
minimum. Deadline: October 15,
1988. International Decuments Librarian,
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park. Salary: $23,016,
minimum. Deadline: August 15, 1988.
Director, Lockwood Memorial Library,
SUNY, Buffalo. Salary: $42,000 — VIRSINIA
$47,000, minimum. Deadline: none
Art and architecture Librarian,
Music Cataloger/Reference Librarian, Virginia Teeth ‘Blacksburg. Salary:
SUNY, Buffalo. Salary: $19,500 - none listed. Deadline: August 1,
$24,500, minimum. Deadline: October 1988.
1, 1988.
User Services Linrarian, Virginia
Reference Librarian and Coordinator Tech, Blacksburg. Salary: none
of AV/Microcomputer Center, Science listed. Deadline: September 16,
and Engineering Library, SUNY, 1988.
Buffalo. Salary: $19,000 — $24,000, r
minimum. Deadline: none listed.
Assistant/Senior Assistant Librarian Frjxidy, erqyisii 19, .1988.
[Engineering], Science and
Engineering Library, SUNY, Buffalo. DE%HN]INE?
Salary: $19,5000   $24,000. Friday,.   l2, 1988.
Deadline: none listed. _m“_mmM‘ _____ _wHMi ,__» M»wwW““WuM____________
Head of Chemistry—Mathematics QEQQQMQEBQ STAFF:
Library, Science and Engineering
Library, SUNY, Buffalo. Salary: Bonnie Jean Cor: editor, typist.
$19,500 — $24,000. Deadline: none Cecil Madison: printer.