xt73tx35466g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx35466g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-07-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 05, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 05, 2001 2001 2001-07-05 2020 true xt73tx35466g section xt73tx35466g The X-Presidonts

The joys of



As avid Kernel readers, I
expect you all know
June 30 was the last
day in office for
former UK President
Charles Wethington.
He now assumes a
position as a
fundraiser. But we at
the Kernel thought it
would be funnier if
he took a different
job, because we
honestly have
nothing better to
talk about. The only
other topics were
"Composers of the
1870s" and "Saved
by the Bell" reruns.

- With his experience in
(technically. you can
make a verb out of
Wethington shouldn‘t
have a problem

working for
Hardee's. it sounds
easy but have you
ever tried to break
open one of those
biscuit cartons
without tearing it

- He could be a
fundraiser for other
things. A few with
potential: the
Lexington Legends.
TiVo and sliced

- There is no reason
Wethington can't put
out his own rap
album. it seems
they'll let anyone do
that these days. He
could be DJ Chuck or
ice C.

- Now I know Dick
Cheney is recovering
nicely from surgery
but it's always safe
to have a backup.
Some of you will say,
"The speaker of the
House is next in
line," but the
Constitution is

0 I've heard begging on
the side of the road
can make you some
decent money.
Wethington could
hold a sign that
reads, "Will raise
funds for funds."

- With all the woes the
football program has
been going through,
it's only a matter of
time before
Wethington takes the

0 I bet TV networks
would love to have
him on one of their
new reality shows
about aging
fundraisers and Gen
X losers all stuck
together in a
Volkswagen Beetle.

- He could always write
for Left of Center.
He would be better
than the room full of
monkeys and

-Jonathan Ray


P1»; (18 {s r-

8.0 5.9

Be sure to wear your


UK football

The thoughts
. of a true

Report calls for college sports reform

Knight Commission: Recommendations include
decreasing spending on football, basketball

by Lamln Swann


Imagine going to Rupp Arena
for a basketball game and seeing
a player‘s uniform with the lily
logo and his number but no Nike
swoosh. ()r imagine sitting with
your friends in Rupp and not see
ing billboards advertising corpo-
rate sponsors.

It could happen.

The Knight Foundation (‘omv


Todd's first week
filled with changes

Meet the president

mission on Intercollegiate Athlete
ics. in a report issued on June 26.
called for sweeping changes in
major college sports. saying the
programs are damaging the tra-
tion's universities

The commission released "A
(‘all to Action' Reconnecting (‘ol
lege Sports and Higher Educa
tioii." a iii-page report making
recommendations to repair what
problems it considered damaging
to colleges and universities

across the nation.

Among the recommendations
are decreasing spending on foot
ball and basketball. lowering the
number of Division IA football
scholarships. prohibiting corpo
rate trademarks and logos. arid
decreasing advertising in arenas
and stadiums.

[7K President Lee Todd said
Sunday that he had not had an
opportunity to review the report
at length

Ilndeciared freshman Maria
Keelson agreed with the commis
sion‘s statement that the eiiiplia
sis on college athletics needed to
be decreased but said she be

PHOTOS av DIAYll campus i more EDITOR

till President lee Todd spoke with members of the comer advising conference staff Monday prior to making his first
official address. More than 300 administrators. faculty, staff and students gathered to hear his speech.

First address: President says cooperation and
collaborative spirit necessary to help Kentucky

By Scott Sloan


More than 300 administra-
tors. faculty, staff and students
gathered Monday morning at 8:30
at the plaza outside the Patterson
Office Tower.

The reason UK President
[lee Todd‘s first official address.

During his address, Todd said
UK must do more for the state of

“Someone asked me a minute
ago if this was the last day of my
administration. what would I like
to say about my legacy. What I’d
like to say is that the University
of Kentucky did more for the state
of Kentucky than any state uni-
versity did in the country.“ he

Todd said cooperation and
collaboration are necessary for
UK to impact Kentucky.

“In order for us to have the
impact. we will have to work to-
gether with other people and we
will do that," he said.

a number of changes on campus.

Among the changes at the 0f-
fice Tower plaza are the addition
of park benches and a UK Food
Services snack stand.

If you haven't met Todd

Presrdent Todd and his wrfe. Patsy. will
attend a reception from 3 to 5 pm. today
at the Student Center Grand Ballroom.
Faculty, staff and students
are invited to attend.

Administrative changes

The executive committee of
the UK Board of Trustees is meet‘
ing today at 10 am. to consider re
organizing UK‘s administrative

It is widely believed Todd will
request UK's administration be
changed from the present chancel-
lor system to a provost system.
which would call for a provost to
oversee academics at UK and re-
port directly to the president.

Making a statement
Todd spoke with members of the
media Monday morning before making
his first address as UK president.

lieves athletic departments yyill
not follow the recoinniendations
"With athletic powerhouses
like UK and Duke. which bring in
millions ofdollars for the schools.
they will not give in." she said.
Others say the athletic image
of a university must be placed be
bind the academic image
Michael Billings, a biology
freshman. who is not an avid
sports fan. said the image of [K
as a "basketball school" needs to
be changed
”It never fails, livery time I
say to a friend or family member
that I go to ITK. the first subject
that comes up is basketball.“

liiilings said "The only irime I
know on the (men's) bisketltrll
team is 'l‘ubbv (Sinithi

Another I't't'iittliiit'IllililltIit
made by the Knight Commission
was that "si'hi-ois that do not
graduate at least hall of their
players should be ineligible for
conference llllf‘\ or post season
play. beginning in ".‘ooT

According to \‘l‘;\.\ reports.
IlK‘s average four year gradui
that rates are 1.3 pert em for men s
basketball and iii percent lor the
football team

WW :lSVti Irili'rl' l’r'r'sy‘
n I'hurerl to this no fir/c


Finnish-ing your
college life with
money to spend

Advantages: Finnish students receive free
tuition but undergo difficult admission process

By Antti Peitonen


I ired oi itte riding your o a. in class‘

Iiied of paying tuition

Move to Finland

in Finland. i015(list‘i‘K'll’r'N. including education. are paid
for by the government. A Finnish student can begin his academ
ic career in elementary school and end it with a Master‘s dr-
gree. never having paid a euro

And yes. one of the greatest iliffer‘»’=nces betyyeen college in
Finland and the I'nited States is attendant e is rarely mandatory
in Finland

'I hriye literally not seen any of my professor s in in» years."
said Tuomas .»\nttila. a iayy school niriior "In a yyay it is t‘\“lr
paradoxical. but it is true "

The differences between the education systems make this
possible. There are no semesters in Finland. Students are of
fered certain times during the school year. which Usually lasts
from September until May. to take exams. if students pass the
exams. they earn credit hours for the courses

The exams make it possible to earn between in and so cred
it hours per year without ever entering a classroom All stu
dents must do is find out what material the exam will cover and
start reading.

There are some subiects. though. that require
such as music and some languages

Studying at a Finnish university is described by many as
independent and there is generally no one to encourage stu
dents to study harder it they are performing poorly. Some stu
dents enjoy the autonomy the system offers,

"i enjoyed the freedom that the Finnish ediii ation system
provided for me throughout school.” said Kaisa I,.iitini~r i MW
graduate ofthe I'niy'ersity of Helsinki 'I it'll like i : ould cias.
mi/e my time by studying yy hen I felt like it ‘

.iaakko liotta. a medical school junior. iii—“W“! "i ith Lattinen
but still feels a bit confused sometimes

"Flverv now and then I miss the high school. because i had
my classmates and teachers who were there eyery day. ‘ he said

Although the Finnish education system may seem like a
dream to some. entering a university can be one of the most dii‘»
ticuii tasks a Finnish person has to go through.

Finland has 1:3 universities located throughout the country.
Since education is free. acceptance is not dependent on finances:
however. each university evaluates students based on their
high school education and exams covering particular subjects.

For example. the ITniy'ersity‘ of Helsinki accepted only 13.3
percent of layy \(‘lllifll applicants in 1999. according to university
officials, Only h 1 percent of psychology majors were accepted.

If students are not accepted. tht“ have to wait a year until
they have the option to try again.

The preparation for the precoliegi- eyarns is a difficult time
for many students

For fiye monthsl lid nothing but re id .hose three books
that we we re asked to ie ill. said Tom I iiiii..t'1.'t\\ school in
nior 'I did not go out with my friends. I did not how a life '

But for him. it paid off In four years. he will be a lavyyei‘

I‘ni‘ortunately it doesn‘t pay off for id students

.lohanna i.aine yyanted to be a history teacher for years She
made five attempts oyer tiye years to pass the selection process
but never made it

Keep on reading


sunglasses. UV rays are

just bad. Todd jokingly said during his

address that the size of the group
gathered could be in violation of
an administrative regulation.

“That may be the first A.R.
(administrative regulation) we
kiss goodbye and more to
come," Todd said.

Future regulation changes
aside. people have already noticed

The Kernel begins the first of a four-part series profiling
road trip destinations for the cash-strapped student
this week with a look at Kentucky’s own
Mammoth Cave on page 3.


The Trustees' executive committee
meets at 10 am. today in the
board room on the 18th floor
of the Patterson Office Tower.


VOL. 33107


ISSUE “3 Over the next three weeks, we'll profile the

hottest amusement parks and the
best places nature has to offer.


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The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington H





 1 illlillspii‘v, JULY 5.211111 1 [9"le KEIIEI.


Gymnasts visited by Olympian

Summer treat: Camp participants meet and talk with Svetlana
Boquinskaia, a three-time Olympic gymnast and gold medal winner

By Erika Simpson

.i‘N'R‘Bl'llNli WHl'lR

She's known as the “11111
1.11‘ii\,-l1lll Swan

l'l\' s ‘.'.\lllll1t\lll'\ 111.1111 h11s1
1-11 11111111111111“ (1111111111‘ gymnast
81. 11111.1 linguinskaia :11 its an
1111.11 iiynikats 11111111 1111111 111st

11111 tilinilnaii 11111111111 in
siriil‘t .1 group 111 iliiiosi 11111
1.1\ 11111.1s1s 11.:11s11111111

111iguiiiskaia said s11111111111111
111 pass on the knowledge she
1‘111‘111111111'111111 mentors iiiclud
111111111411 Koi‘but

"l‘h.ii l\ \\Il.ll I'm going to
11‘1 1111111 11'111 ;1\'11 1111 11\p11ri
11111‘111111111111111111‘1111..iiid hope
lllll\ 11\111111111111111111111111111111
1111‘11,” \1111 said

The camp took 111.1111 last
t‘.\11111.is1s 111-111 grouped .11‘
1‘yoi‘111111;111 1111111" ability and
1111111111111 :1 11111.1sti1s skills tor


111‘111‘ seyen Illilll"~ each day
through Thursday.

lloguinskaia arrived
Wednesday iiiglii and ad
dressed 111111‘1‘111111111‘11‘1'11111‘.11.'i
:111‘ gymnasts

lhigiiiiiskziia. 311’.
gymnastics at age six when
coaches 1‘ain11 111 11111‘ kinder
garten class and asked if any-
one 111111111 like to learn 11111

\ft11r 1111111 years of training
more than seyen hours per day.
she competed 111 11111 1111111
tlly‘inpics in Seoul. Korea. at
age 1.} She won fiye medals.
two 111‘11111111 gold, but her 1111‘1111
11111111 was dashed immediately
afterward when 11111‘1‘111‘11‘111‘11111
1111111111 suicide

11 was 1111111 that lioguinska
1a first considered quitting
g\1111111s111‘s 1'111‘111'111‘

11111‘1111s11 111‘ liei‘ love 1111'
g1111nasti1‘s .11111 11111 family she
had through it. lloguinskaia 1‘11


turned 111 competition

"I tliliik the sport is so
beautiful that I couldn't stay for
:1 Ioiig 1111111 without it."11oguin
skaia said "I had to come back.
because 111_\ old friends were
111 gymnastics,"

M 11111 111113 ()lyinpics 111
ltarcelona. lloguiiiskaia coin
pl1t111l against thi‘1111time nation
.11 champion K1111 7.11111skal. She
decided 1111‘11111‘1111'11111gyinnas
tics after the games

11111 it would not be the end

While watching the 111111
world championships on teleyi
sion, she dccided 111 make a
1‘1111111ba1‘k She went on 111 train
with 111111‘11111111'111111 Ilela Kai‘oyli
and compete with 11111 lleloi‘iiss
1:111 team at 11111 111.1111()lyiiipics
111 Atlanta

81111 111111 111'11s 111 Houston.
’l‘11xas. and owns 11111‘ own Inter
11111 sportswear company.
”1 l_\‘111\111;11‘.coin ”

She said she also hosts 11111‘

Area business slows during

8y Jimmy Nesbitt
UN“? 1311‘ N17 WK '1‘?

Summer is.111‘;111s111onp11
1‘111111111‘111any students.

Whether it‘s graduation. in
ternships 111‘ 11111s. mam ~1tii
during summer and 11\pl111‘e 11111
11111‘11l.i1‘11und 11111111

\\‘1111 students 1.1111111. busi
1111ss11s surrounding campus
that depend 1111 students during
11111\1'1111111_\1‘.'11'lllll\l 111.1k11 ad
_lll.\illli‘lll\111\l;l\ .iiloal

1.1nagh's li‘ish l’iib .ind
lil‘lll 1‘111‘1111‘11s111os1 111' its sum
111111‘ business 1111111 :1 steady


lunch crowd

tiina l.y11agh. 1111'11111‘ and
1111111111111 of the establishment.
stall‘ and 1111‘11111111‘1 11111111 stu
dents leave after linals week at
11111 beginning of May

'lhisiness drops 1111‘ 111'
about twenty percent 1111111111111
May and August." she said.

I.ynag|1 cites a smaller late
night crowd as 11111 biggest 1‘11a
son for the slowing summer

.1111111 'l‘i‘esaloni. 111111111 111
11111 Fishtank liai'anll 1‘11‘111.said
his business has also \111\\'t'(1

\lllt‘t‘ spring semester classes

Kemel earns honors at
summer Kentucky Press
Association convention

By Steve Jones

The Kernel was a winner
111 the Kentucky Press Associ
ation‘s annual Better Newspa-
per Contest.

The awards were an»
nounced during the KPA sum
mer convention. held June 22
in (‘ovingtoiL Ky.

The KPA. whose member
newspapers are. placed into di-
visions based in part on circu-
lation size and publication
rate. awarded the Kernel first
place for General Excellence
in the Associate Newspapers

Western Kentucky Uni-
versity's College Heights Her~
ald placed second in the over-
all competition for general eX»

The Kernel. which has
been an independent student
publication since 1971. also
won several individual cate-
gories within the Associate


Among them were first-
place finishes for best front
page. editorial page. sports
page. business page and spe-
cial edition section

The Kernel which has a
daily circulation of 17 000 dur-
ing the academic year, re-
ceived second place in the cat-
egories of typography,
lifestyle page and local news
pictures. The Kernel finished
third for best local sports pic-

A certificate of merit was
also awarded to the Kernel for
best newspaper promotion.

Chris Poore. the Kernel's
new media adviser. accepted
the awards on the paper‘s be-

"The students should be
proud of their accomplish-
ments last year. ” Poore said.
"This contest was judged by
professionals. and judging by
their comments. they think a
lot of the Kernel's work."

1111111111 111 May.

"We might not see our first
customer at 11111 bar until 111 11'
clock." 1111 said.

Although business hasn’t
returned to the low] it was at
during spring semester. 'I‘i‘esar
11111.1 said 11111 eight week sum
111111‘ session has brought back
many familiar faces.

Tim .once. owner of (‘1)
\1'111‘111111use, said his store has
also felt losses. although 1111 said
11 has a customer base exceed
111g lust 11111 l'K student body 1111
said customers do include stu
dents walking to and from class,
11111 the success of his business


Continued from page 1

Everyone has a pet

own gymnastics competitions.
the Boguinskaia lnvitationals
and "organizes and hosts a lot
of camps like this one."

Her future plans 111111111111
being a successful mother. busi
nesswoman and staying iii
1'11111ell 111 gymnastics through
helping underpriy111-god chil-

"I would like 111 haye a chil
dren's foundation for the kids
whodon't have money just to
raise money for them to do
splil‘is.” she said

She also says that she
thought about competing again
for :1 1111111. but her "body ls
telling (her) there is something
else she has 111 do." Neverthe
less. she says she "probably
could have done it,"

Itoguinskaia 11111‘11111‘1’1g11s
both boys and girls. including
college students. to try gymnas
tics. because it is a "wonderful

Although she hoped to pass
on 11111‘11\pei‘ieiici1 111 the gym
nasts. perhaps it was love and
commitment for 11111 sport that
she left with them.


ultimately depends on the local

To 1111\‘111‘ operalllig costs
during the summer. Joyce
schedules fewer employees. cuts
back on advertising and orders
fewer new releases.

While some students may
be dreading the upcoming s11
11111st11r. .loyce is looking for
ward to it.

"I'm excited. 'l‘liei‘e‘s :1 11111111
Il'l‘SIt new faces. tootball's going
on again and fraternities and
sororities. :11‘11 haying rush."
Joyce said. "811111111111‘ is a ho
1111111 1111111 because there‘s noth
111g going on."

WAYil CHAIIERS | 11110101011111?

Todd held his son Troy' s 16-year old cat, Ivory, Sunday at Maxwell Place.

Looking on is Todd's wife, Patsy.

Health insurance

President Todd announced
Tuesday the creation of a 12-
iiiembei‘ task force to review
l'K's health insurance coverage
for employees.

Todd charged the group to
inyestigate issues such as the
rising costs of prescription
drugs and the demographics of

an aging workforce and 111 pro.
1111111 a repoit with recommen

dations by Dec.
"l'1e got to iiist tot: 1111 1111

derst: 11111 the issue 1111111111 1
can dissect the details to see
what we have to do to try to re
duce the rates." Todd said.

The committee includes
members from all of lTK's em
ployee groups



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Alan Stone
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mucky meet 1 THURSDAYJULYS 2001 | 3

Bored? Look no farther than
Kentucky's Mammoth Cave

Road trip: Getting away for a weekend can
be as easy as hopping in the car and caving

By Erika Simpson


Studies and work sehed
tiles can he burdensome on
summer school students
Those who relate with this. or
simply agree. may need to take
a yaeatioii . or a Weekend
road trip.

Summer eayint,v can he a
good way to eool ot‘l‘aiid break
a healthy siyeat The nearest

destination Mammoth (‘aye
National Park,

Mammoth (‘aye is the
longest eaye system in the

world. Its passages and rooms
are adorned with white uyp
stiin crystals. stalat'tites and
stiilagziiiites. (‘reatures such :is
eyeless fish and white spiders
reside within its walls.

The national park oi'l‘ers ii
host ol‘optlotis tor \‘tsitot‘s lll
eluding: eaye tours. hiking the
taverns and park trails. horse

liaek riding. fishing. canoeinu.
“'Jtlt‘illllg the park's birds and
wildlife. and paddle-limiting:

Alter a full day of explo
ration. you might want to sit
down to a nice meal or head to
the hotel or eampsite. You‘ll
liaye no prolilems there.
Restaurants in the area range
trotii [ill/It eateries to the “A
Little 'l‘aste ot'l‘esas Fate." llo
tels are numerous and vary in
priees Some of the hest lodu
inc deals eaii he found on the

There are also camp
ui'ounds at the park for those
who wish to rough it

(in the second day. one can
Visit the sites in the surround
ltlL! reuion. illlsl down the road
are amusement parks, a re
uioiial theatre. museums and
historie sites. ll‘tlie serond day

is tlt‘sluttitli‘ll :is the l‘:l\'lll‘.l
day. reservations ensure a
liiill'l‘ in the Ltroup The tour


On Tap...

For the week of July 5 - July 11


- Starlight Lounge Live. A111, 9 pm.
Tickets cost $1.03.

. Mary Chapin Carpenter. Riverbend,
8 pm. Tickets range from


' Cowboy Mouth. Jillian‘s. Louiswlle.
8 pm. Tickets cost $12.50.

' Traveling Jack. Kitty O'Shea‘s.
9:30 pm. Tickets TBA.

' Blink 182. Verizon Wireless MUSIC
Center, lndianapolis. 8 pm.
Tickets cost $25.




- Nickleback. Waterfront Park.
Lomsville. 6 pm. Tickets cost $5

0 Ron Sexsmith. Top Cats 8 pm.
Tickets cost $5.


' The Doobie Brothers. Palace Theatre.
Louisville. 8 pm. Tickets range
from 83250-375.


- Les Claypool's Frog Brigade.
Bogarl's. 8 pm. Tickets cost $15.

Only two 4 bedrooms left.
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tees range from $3.50 to $13.5.

This summer the raw oi‘
l’ei‘s nine different tours in
eluding one for the mobility
impaired 'l‘ours run each day
from 811.5 am. and .5 pm

A light jacket is a must for
the tour .-\|tlioue,h summer
temperatures typically hover
around the Hits and fills. Mani
moth (‘aye remains around St
degrees year round, (‘ayers
may also want to take hiking
hoot.s so they can go fully
equipped through the eaves
muddy tunnels and erayyl
spares Flashlights. hard hats
and kneepads may he tier-es

With a liuht pienie on
Sunday. a trip to Mammoth
(‘aye ran leave you liotli re
fresher] and tired. haying: ail
ventured one ot the unsung
'Wiilttli‘t‘s ol‘ the World


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-Joumey. Riverbend Ju1y15
7:30 pm. Tickets range from

- Barenaked Ladies with Vertical
Horizon. Riverbend. July 17.
7pm. Tickets range from $21 50-

' BioRitmo. Lynagh's. July 19. 9 pm.
Tickets cost $7.

- The Derek Trucks Band. Lynagh's.
July 20. 9 pm. Tickets cost $15.

- Coors Light Jazz Fest. Cinerqy Field
July 20-22. 8 pm. Tickets range
from $30-$50

. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
Verizon Wireless Music Center.
July 22. 7:30 p m. Tickets range
from 82250550.

0 Janet Jackson. Rupp Area. July 22.
7:30 pm. Tickets range from

- Glam Metal Jam 2001. Riverbend.
July 24. 6 pm, Tickets range
from Sins—$27.75.



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cute movie with talking animals
each year? Why? Why do they do
this to us? Opens July 9.



'{s to, It

Guy Richie's second movie.
Worth a rental just to hear Brad
Pitt use Gaelic. In stores.

-Compiled by Alan Stone


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 Editorial Board

Jenny Robertson, dielogue editor
Scott Sloan, editor in chief
Kelley Sears. news editor

Alon Slone. scene editor

Amends Ihompson. senior staff writer
Clay McDaniel. at-large member
Josh Sullivan, at-lerge member

Say what!

crats are
for beer
and girls.
cans are
for cold
beer and

- Henry McNaster.
South Carolina GOP
chair. to 800 teen
boys at Palmetto
Boys State
leadership camp
debate He later

apologized for the

If I went
politics, I
stay in
have to

— Former
President Bill
explaining why he
gave up his
ambitions in favor
of politics, to
graduating seniors
at the Protessronal
Performing Arts

School in New

I was a
know of
enemy in

- Secretary of
State Colin Powell.
renewing the
commitment to
fighting the
epidemic. in an

address to the
United Nations.

~Seurce: Newsweek



Off the wall: Ten .
should be removed

While a recent court ruling has ordered against their posting,
the Ten Commandments are still adorning a public building

Thou shalt not keep making the same mistakes.

No. it isn't one of the Ten Commandments. but it should be.

If it was, Pulaski County officials should follow it.

More than a week ago. US. District Judge Jennifer B. Coffman ordered three coun-
ties' displays of the Ten Commandments, conveniently posted alongside various histor-
ical documents. to be removed. Since that time. two of the three counties, Harlan and
h/IcCreary. have followed the order.

Pulaski officials said the Commandments are still on display at the county court-
house because Judge-Executive Darrell Beshears is out of town serving with the Army

It's time to end this saga.

Have the Pulaski County courthouse janitor remove the Commandments. Why
waste time with formalities?

Harlan County school board members are considering dropping their appeal of the
case because of the possibility of having to pay the attorney fees of the American Civil
Liberties Union. which sought to have the displays removed on grounds of the separa-
tion of church and state. Harlan County officials had posted the Commandments and
historical documents at the school's