xt73tx35490m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx35490m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1970-04-20  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 20, 1970 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 20, 1970 1970 1970-04-20 2020 true xt73tx35490m section xt73tx35490m   



Minutes of Reconvened University Senate, April 20, 1970

The University Senate reconvened in the Court Room of the Law Builds
ing at 4:00 p.m., Monday, April 20, 1970 to continue consideration of its
agenda of April 13, 1970. Chairmaanlucknett presided. Members absent:
Staley F. Adams*, Lawrence A. Allen, Daniel S. Arnold, Ronald Atwood,
Robert Aug, Robert A. Baker, Charles E. Barnhart, Harmon C. Bickley*,
Norman F. Billups, Richard C. Birkebak*, Ben W. Black*, Harry M. Bohannan,
Betty J. Brannan, Wallace N. Briggs, C. Frank Buck, Cecil Bull*, Collins
W. Burnett, Marion A. Carnes*, Clyde R. Carpenter*, W. Merle Carter*,
Donald B. Coleman, Carl B. Cone, Robert L. Cosgriff, William B. Cotter,
Glenwood L. Creech, Clifford J. Cremers*, M. Ward Crowe, Marcia A. Dake*,
Jesse DeBoer*, George W. Denemark, Loretta Denman*, David E. Denton,
D.F. Diedrich*, Ronald W. Dunbar*, W.W. Ecton, Stuart Forth*, Joseph
Engelberg, Stephen M. Gittleson*, Harold D. Gordon, Charles P. Graves,
Herbert Greene, Joseph J. Gruber*, Kenneth J. Guido, Jack B. Hall,

Joseph Hamburg, Elwood M. Hammaker*, Ellis F. Hartford, Robert D. Haun,
Dorothy Hollingsworth*, J.W. Hollingsworth*, Donald W. Ivey, Vernon L.
James, Louis J. Karmel*, William F. Kenkel*, Stuart M. Klein, Ramon D.
Johnson*, William S. Jordan*, James A. Knoblett, Walter G. Langlois*,
Harold R. Laswell*, Albert S. Levy*, Richard Lowitt, Mark M. Luckens*,
John L. Madden, Leonard McDowell*, L. Randolph McGee, William G. Moody*,
Dean H. Morrow*, Jacqueline A. Noonan*, Louis A. Norton*, Elbert W.
Ockerman*, Leonard V. Packett, Nicholas J. Pisacano, E. Leon Porter,
Muriel A. P0ulin*, John C. Robertson*, John W. Roddick, Harold D.
Rosenbaum*, Sheldon Rovin, George J. Ruschell, John W. Schaefer, George
W. Schwert*, Ian Shine, D. Milton Shuffett, Malcolm R. Siegel*, Gerard E.
Silberstein*, Otis A. Singletary*, Eugene J. Small*, Emily V. Smith*,
Raymond A. Smith, Robert H. Spedding, John B. Stephenson, Leonard P.
Stoltz*, Robert Straus*, Robert H. Stroup, Carl D. Tatum*, Thomas A. Van,
H. Fred Vetter*, John A. Via*, David C. White*, Cornelia B. Wilbur*,
William R. Willard, KEnneth R. Wright, Harry E. Wheeler.

The Senate permitted Jeannie Leedom, reporter for the Kernel, and

Kay Brookshire, Kernel, photographer, to attend, report, and photograph
the meeting.

The Chairman presented the three new student Senators to the

Senate: Mr. Steve Bright, President, Student Government; Mr. Howell
Hopson; and Mr. John Nelson.

The Senate approved a recommendation from the Chairman that the
next meeting of the University Senate be moved back to Tuesday, April
28, 1970 at 4:00 p.m. in the Court Room of the Law Building since the
former approved date of May 4, 1970 coincided with the dinner which the
President and Board of Trustees are giving in honor of the Senators.

The Chairman recognized Professor Roy E. Swift of the Department of
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science. Professor Swift stated
that as a result of the many contacts he had made with a number of the
faculty in connection with the "Report on Balance Among Teaching,

Research, and Service," he firmly believed it appropriate to make the
following motion:

*Absence explained


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Minutes of Reconvened University Senate, April 20, 1970 (Cont'd.)

The ticket committee has been the only very active committee
as far as meetings go but they have not decided for any final action
relative to new methods of ticket distribution.

Should anything worthy of reporting to the Senate occur in the
meanwhile, we will appraise you.

Nicholas J. Pisacano

Dr. Willis Griffin, Chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee for
International Education Programs, persented the report of that committee
which had been handed to the Senators as they entered the meeting. The
Chairman of the Senate Council indicated that the proposal in item 6. of
the Report will be presented to the University Senate for appropriate action
at a subsequent meeting. The Senate accepted the report as presented.

The major accomplishment of the Committee during the past year
has been the preparation of policy guidelines for international programs
for presentation to the University Senate. The following procedure

was followed in perparing the guidelines:

1. A working paper was prepared which outlined a coordinated
plan for strengthening international and cross—cultural programs. The
paper contained suggestions regarding the curriculum, overseas and
domestic intercultural experience for students, student requirements
and student advising, faculty and library resources, relations with
institutions and agencies abroad, and coordinated planning and evaluation.

2. During the fall semester the Chairman and members of the
Committee met with departmental chairmen and selected faculty members
of twenty departments, largely from the College of Arts and Sciences
and the College of Education (discussions with administrators and
faculty of other colleges were accomplished in previous years). The
discussions served to identify interest in international education
and to refine the ideas in the working paper.

3. The Chairman met with Vice President Cochran to plan the most
appropriate timing and procedure for discussions with President Singletary
regarding international and intercultural emphases in the total University

4. The Committee met with President Singletary and Vice President
Cochran for discussions which led to agreement that although international
programs probably would not be given top priority during the current
period of budget restrictions, the international dimension should be
strenghtened and much can be done through more coordinated use of
existing resources.

5. Based on the above mentioned discussions, the Chairman prepared
a draft policy statement which was reviewed by the Committee, discussed
with selected faculty members and administrators, and revised.

6. A "Proposal to the University Senate on Academic Policies for
International Programs" was presented to the Senate Council on April 15.
It is aSSUmed that in due time the statement will be presented for
action to the Senate; if it is approved it is intended that the University
administration will be asked to issue a statement of support in imple—
menting the policies.

Other activities of the Committee during the past year include
advising the Office forlnternational Education Programs on analysis
of the faculty questionnaire on international interest and experience,

on University involvement in the Kentucky—Ecuador Partners of the












Minutes of Reconvened University Senate, April 20, 1970 (Cont'd.)

Alliance program, on the activities of the Latin American Council,

on the constituency project of the Mid—west Office of the Institute

of International Education, on initiation of an exchange program

with the University of the Americas, and on improvement of the exchange
program with the Monterrey (Mexico) Institute for Technical Studies.
Chambliss, William J. Hochstrasser, Donald L. Sedler, Robert A.
Dennen, William H. Jansen, William H. Simon, Sheldon
Forth, Stuart, EX Officio Karan, Paul P. Taylor, Timothy
Griffin, Willis, Chairman Langlois, Walter

Dr. J. L. Massie, Chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee on the

Center for Developmental Change, presented the annual report of that
committee which had been circulated to the faculty under date of March
30, 1970. The Senate accepted the report as circulated.

The Center for Developmental Change (CDC) is a multi—disciplinary
unit of the University which reports directly to the Vice President
with responsibility for academic affairs. Its objectives are (l) to
promote the study of developmental change (planned change, directed
toward chosen goals), (2) to discover ways in which the principles
of developmental change may be applied effectively, (3) to organize
training in the skills of developmental change and (4) to work with
units of the University crossing disciplinary and professional
boundaries to organize resources and attack problems both domestic
and international.

The internal organization of the Center is composed of a die
rector, a deputy director, and three associate directors. -Each of
these directors has a joint appointment in an academic department
and therefore the full—time equivalent is 2.6 positions for bud—
getary purposes. During 1969—70 the directors also had responsi—
bilities in the following departments: two in Sociology, one in
Anthropology, one in the College of Education, and one in the
Department of Agricultural Economics. In addition, research and
service were carried out by means of three professional associates