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1 x~ 1s: 1 1 111.},1 1.1 ,
1 w;,:\.:,: t I 1 1 \ . 1 . '7'
 *<-;Z~\E~;i\3 g"f%~SSS-T3/ l - 1 \_.1\,. 11lllgw, 1' /\\\1\..1.. 111,11 1' '
1 -_. 1 ._ 1 .s. '1 ' .  ,15.\::-..,1,,2a./~ I , , : .;;;:.~_...-'..:-. -~_1'.-_1'-,, :11 1 -.- ....x, .11.; 13,.1.~:.-. 1 1. -.,-,'-, 15-. '~ -.-1 13,111: 1'111'51l:-\1--.1'tilt-W" .':,.:,.\;1;,1 1:.1.111;'. .
SEVENTEENTH PRESIDENT. Served three years and eleven 1 1 D [INETEENTH PRESIDENT. Served four years. In 1876  i WENTY-FIRST PRESIDENT. Was elected Vice-President
-. months. In 1864 he was elected VicePresident on the . 1 was nominated for President by the. Rapublican His nnnm11911111111111.1111-11111. in 1880. and her-nine President by
, Lincoln ticket. When Mr. Lincoln died, April 15, 1865, Mr. 1  election was so uncertain that an electorial commission was, succession at the death of PresidentGareld, Smitember 1.9, 1881. 1
E Johnson became President. Born at Raleigh, N. 0., December 29, 1 created to decide the contest. They VOth 8 t0 7 in favor of Mr. Born in Fairtivld. Franklin County. Vermont, in 1831. During l .
1 1808. Died at Greenville, Tennessee, July 31, 1875. He served  . . Hayes. In the Rebellion was Major of the lwentythird Ohio the Rebellion Sl'l'VIIl 11s Q1121rtm-nmsti1r(111-neral, AdjutantGeneral l 1
as State Senator, Congressman, Governor of Tennessee, United  1 Volunteers. Was sent to Congress from Ohio, and was twice and IilSptIW-Gt'lWri of State. Troops. Wns Collector of 3
1 States Senator, and Military Governor under President Lincoln.  ,  Governor of that State. ' (,ustmns, port of New York. under Grant. 1 
1 i:7??1711'iL--:?'ff'EE*:E?W'Y:,g"27.77:: . 1$gi==i_#rng -1  1 ' 11-11 :- r: :r 7r: 71...: . : :"-  l
1 17 1:; 1.1 71,r;7;;__;r_____,': ::-iai_:A:,,_,1 2.:,_-~ ~ 7' :5: : l 1 1 7._~_w7#77"iiifj'iflwi:";:777:3;1:473%fj,??:;41: , .,,,._. 11 1 :71. ..:.: :75: 1
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. 1 .. .  1 . -1 rev 1,111 9/111 7.1.1 V \. a .1/1. , (1 _,, g
1 . ;. 2. - 1 1 11.1.4... ..! (\1. >110 1 . 1.1,,c14, if \r<- 15.1059 70 0 . 01 (>
1 1. >1 es 1 1  - 1 ; 11.3%19111tsff kineetfwurems 1
1 .. '- \s \  : 2: -. 3* 7 s6~g7~1111~2 121.181.1213 1111?? m4 38% 
i " :*\ 13:55 ' . .11131115 1 ' " , ' ' ' """ i ' 1
1 . .1221:':1111.'111-l'::=s:11 a \ 1 . . '  N 1~:-\1>12:1 W .
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1 . 1 1. ... =  1 1. :l  "1,111,- i .1 Due lm D80, 1 -
-- 1 732 .:3i.1-:'12"";',4.' sire :' '1..-1:1..~1. : 1', 1 1 3.. 113511-235511...:11111-.  1 .  :"1.''~1 .1.'."11.1- .11! 3 1  1?- .-.";'-'='-1'1.: . 
1 5 s -1  1 i .1 1 .11 1 1
' 1.11:1';~1-:1'1;1/<: ,-'',-'--. .11~.::-:;~:.\ ..:1~. '31...= ' .... +113: : 11 31' ~ 1 11.1.1\ :51 11 1.
l i..;7?3">f,5<3/frbfz// . "11311/1111g\i'1~==1\1\'1 1-111 -.~::.-~. -';-.1-.=.-.-:1::t1$'A.-1 '1:-;.:-::t4<3.1'.-'15..11--" 1111'=:-:: " ...meg 1  '~ 11: HE 111.\' k1"1.1~"1~'..- 1 M Al N
: .1.1.::;'::'1.1,,1.,.es;1';-;(.-1421?; _ 11 ..1.-11 .1112, ;11;111..1.~.11- ..1 ,1; l, 1  11 .; 1.111;..;2,';\.,; .':: 31:11 1lr111.11.  . 1.5, _-.~ 1 STR EET
1   1. 1 r 1 1 1" tideihn 1 , '  .- 1
~,1.1'-,.;':_.;'.'_-:,.;':,-';.-:"'. ' . % 1-';~'1:!1-;1;.1,1.-~' . 313,. {fuh\8;x'gt 1 71111,, '1 =,_111ka-, 1,111,. ., s
 :. 9111:.11; ' ' f  .' l 1 "11" - ' 1 ' ' ...1,....111. ' s  . ' \ \ \ \
1'111..1.11." 1 "1:: o ,../x 1, " 1, 1 ' l l, 1.1";th . '  . 1..1'11,11ll1l" 1  ' '. //l/ A jg EH13 Ede C551 S @5111 @640 Vra >%. %F
11.12:}.1. ,: 1 .171 /..:..  1 -  . " .~ \ 1 1 \1-12:;~ . ' 47-2- . " 1 1 111'1.:1. 1 1  27 4  i 
11111). . 9,111 ,:3 . , 1; 1 1. we?! ,_ _. .7 .. .. ,1/1\ ,9 9 9 \ 6 !~ \ ~. 1
1 '|35:5}11 11" .. 1,";-I1J ., , / .:r'jf' ;1.;:1-."' " " ' V 1 . ,""'.':'1:. 1 /1 i 1 1 . \i-E: . _ " 71';,',. 1*. _ .1',: /' '..' .' '-1"/// ill  [ ' I" ' ' x I ' ' I I  I" " 6% 
~ '111 .,r:.:1 1-  .11 1- 41:1; ' 1 .'1...~1.:::~,1.;:1~:.; : .1 2..; ,_- 11; 11 __________._1 .._ '
' 3/// 1  1  1. 5.3:: a i/ H
 7/1411J1- ' ._ 1-1:: .. .; mar/y 1 1 "$3,572,- ' . . :-i; 1 1111 .1 4:1 v - 
akjicghi 4/ 1 1 11 ~.,- 1,, grim-ya, . Spring and Summer 1884. .
1. #3 -~,:=:_=_e_;a,=f,aa=-fr , : 1,,..~1.-3,:}\,_s.\= 3: :1 1 . '
1 f 1  l 1 8 33,.w1.11.-_.a_/ To the Public:  
1 IGHTEENTUHLYPEIESSggVTS. sG RdAN-lht W I  TWENTIEgIIIAyREsSmEIT GVVA REItE 11 Dth :1 by J we have 1 receive 0" large and elegant new stock of 1
1 r . erve erg years. ,as  - 1. . 'aseece on e tepu lean Dr Goeds and Notions b it . . , . 
1 E elected to the Presidency'on the Republican ticket in 1868, . _ ticket in 1880. Wounded by an assassin July 2, and died 1 115.11 . .  01,15 b3 5 in NF York Cty to l
1 and again in 1872. Born at Point Pleasant, Ohio, April 27, 1822. 1 September 19, 1881. He was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, vv 1c we mute your attention. We Shall 50 them at close 
', In 1839 he entered the West Point Military Academy, graduating 1 November 19th, 1831. In 1850 was elected a State Senator. In 1., gures, and always deduct 5 p9,. cent, for cash. Come and .
'1 1 in 1843. Served on the Missouri frontier, and in General , 1 1 01861 entered the Union Army and rose to the rank of Major- 1 see us. Yours trnlv, 1 I
1 . Taylors Army in the Mexican War. Was a successful General , , General. He served in Congress from the 38th to the 46th, and  1 .
1 . during the Rebellion. 1 1,  was elevated to the United States Senate.  J 0 U ETT & Sl M P80 N . i r
1 1____,_ 1 11. _ ____: W