. Wafwixh-v We: ' _, 5 5 J. .m
7,  . {EX 5 I 5  rm. .4. ;HW 5")" 'v-I
.5 t :5 5 CHER '- 53 5 Tribute-ea JudgefMason. . '
 Joel g: 5 5 - . r ' l * j _._ u 53';
134 s5 f% r 5 BIoOotl'eEhvSilgegffthfpglg.2525.!) 55153121351523!  eefGQYr, Qnttenden. 'Wllts from . 4
I: V, ..w' I .3; _ I5 the 50th year of her age. 5 KansasQ-ltv, eMot, March 9th, to .
"./I.,I_l_~.., I5; 5 5 , The death oers. W. was very sud- the Mt Sterling Sentinel-Democrat
 ~ng  4 .den. She was spending the evening as'idllo'wsf - .:  ._ 5 
W 5 5 times:- it: Judge Lethe eeee here 5
 e' e I3 .   . D e , an 1 I' " ' - . 4 . . I? . ,
5:2? ,IIIII I 4 . less than an hour after the rst pang agestcrdajy Of::;h?:3:5la; :15:st r
51:}: A 55,? = l herspirit had returned to the God who 4 cm in I 9 l y .r '
4e: "a , 5 gave it, and her lifeless body was all 5 KY-y 1808- He was the youngest 535$?" -
v31;  5 '  I I , that wasleft to theanguished and be 5 brotherof Major John 0. Mason, n ,
I x, 5 4 reft friends who stood overit dazed and * for many years a member of ICon-
455%; f 4 4 overwhelmed both with the suddenness gress from that part IOf Kentucky, .
422::4- . l 3 I - and greatness oftheir loss. Our entire I I and Mrs, Ann S.JaCksoh. the wife I 22;;
J l ' C}, 5  community felt thnshock, and from  I  ' ' ' -'  -. ' . . -
We: I {t - I house to house passed the sad news of I ;' 0f Samuel C" Jackson, wenknilm ~ [ I
551+; .55 ' 4 our friends sudden and untimely end. I throughout the :Blue Grass and if t;
5 IE; 5:, I -  She was highly endowed and enriched ' i Eastren parts of that State. He g, ' 
Age If. 9 ' 5 ; by nature With intellectual and social was also _a brother 'of the late. Mrs, 5.3L -. ,'
~45 ' 552-5 54 5 e ' quaSmIie: (hr the rst order. fad 811]: Caroline Wheeler of Winchester, 7 45] E ' '
WI 4. ' c 0 e1 0 e a some womans a con - - . *' .
 55" Hi": 4 ' 15}: . 4 5  have made her salonys brilliant with ber : Who was ,the mother :5 Lev1 gliftk I
~54; .f .4 5th 4" 5 I Wit, cheerful and animated with her ; ler 0f Winchester, 0. MI'IS- or 18 LI},
7. -_'I_..;I,' I 3 E 5 5 I5  peculiar vivacity and great kindness of :" 4IR0bin30nLy1fe of general James 3' . .
F I.- III I, 553% 4 I II  heart. She chose, hOWever, a. more FsRobinson,Lexington. K52, Mrs. I' 5 .I' I
g I:I 1 551' II I. I44 5 I congeninl sphere, andin the church of Lean-i3 Hanson, widow of le__0hag.I:Ie - 4* 
$41: 51 : If 5." ' herIchorcihanlilamid tIhe fzgeIndshos 511: 5 Hanson of Paris, K575531151; Mrs. . .
52:21 ._ ' ' w. .~ 5' earv on s ewas case 05 e e  . ... .- - . II. .I
xv 5 I. i I genializlowofa warnli) and affectionate I lice Hathng 31803.5. dylnqhestjfl . ' 5
View  . ' 5 nature, while she both charmed and . Ky, . Judge MasonI el-e' pm Po?
e I I 4 delighted the company in which she agoifter a long and fusefillf, 1159-5 31;
55 555 T  I5I j ' .5 , chanced to he with.  A brilliant and j upon whose Charclier no Staln' everI 5;" :. .
{K II, 455%: 5 :II . sparkling wit.she was achoice spiritlnv I. rested. Ithasbeen said' the gold 44 ,
45. 724 I .- IIfI. 5' L anyIcrrcle where she moved,and no one:  ofIIthe World could, not buy him, {new
, ; s ifsidmiiiigjiiiiepii .r-neeoeldreyl.99wer whm 41  
5,55 4, : 5 55555 ~ I; from both church and community and from: "? "Path, rebtude. EIIe. ,I
5.55154 5 if few better prepared. We recall theI married when .a_ young man Miss 4 .- T ..;;
I . 'I {5551 II eagerness and the earnestness of her} Martha Price, the daughter of Dun-I _' . II I. I
. ._ I\\4 I I :I I manner while engaged in the worship  iel Price, of Nicholasv111e,Ky.I She . I5 5  '
 '.: 4:45;: 'I r 3.4" 2 L - : 0f GOdS house, and think or her DOWin  departed this life about fteen years . - , ,
III , I_ k4 E 5 glory joining and listening to the ago. She was of the highest typos} 5* _. . ~,
M I I \ t . \ I1; ,\5-  praises withoutmissinga note or losing  fKe'utuck womanhood; 'oftlft" I 4: II .
I!I T: ' . i . - 5 ~ one strain of adoration and thanksgiv- {'0 - V _ _ I  . . . -I $.I IIIIII.
. _ , \fe'It- I ; ing to Him who loved her and gave class-of women in the early history mg
I 5 55% ' 55:55 5. \E \\ Himself for her and whom she loved 4I0f7thagt State. whose character has .. .-_ I
'5 _ '5: , ,1? E and followed so patiently.  4 been stampt'edfindelliblyri"foiT"g650Id3" i
4,4.  4 I. .5 5 , X- X- X: 5 :{upon the society notbnlonf'that but '5 '  . I.
4 I '4 II 5: 4 %  Iof every State of the Mississippi ' ,
3?; Z 4' ._ .  1 vally. Judge Mason was in physl; I_ . :4 34-9.;
5 xi _ 4 5: L :5 :cal propotions a. true son of. 51.554. f .
 5 9' : =4 " IIIeIgrly .mountain home, handsome I 
4 -1 , : eeteedrendted when he...   ' _
I! ei"  ' I 35 25 5, , a striking facial resemblance to the
,; 5 2.1 .55 3L ' . elder Napoleon. He and his; wife 'jef"
5" ' II .5 . I? II 4 i" were life-time members of the Pres 5} . _I
555315.525 {45 I I5 I nyterian church, always found in . 4;" '5
515555.55 1151 'I 5.53% 5\- Ltheilplaces on all rcliglodsII-occas- ' 4; I  7 * I'
5 4:44 1445; 4 5 horn-sand iearedtheir childrenfin, 4 E .
\, 5 -~ I  u 3: 3 '- 5 - ' 4 the. belief ofthat . venerable fbddy. III-: _2-
'r I I ' 4455 .5 4' Q Both now aredead and gone, after 4? f 5' I
s 4; 5;? II 5 having Iperforrned their pat'tsm _ 4 "1;
55:1;555- - :3 5;" 7% " E . IIItIhisIlife to Somety, to: their. fol-loft II I I , .5
J l l. 4 r - , Mentochurch and their 'countrye':  5
x fig-5 v shalt come to thyeghveerniearghil. . 5;; _I
45 5.1"} 2f . .~ age like a shock of corn-cometh 1n 3;; ' *"F
. I LIEI Z 511%? _ It I I I \ ,e i ,. _.84:1.Phi-544434] II M _I . I II I I I 
III . . ; 55%" . . _ ,, Tnos. '15?me 44 ,v
5 55  L 5 . . 5
.' , , :1- M I i ' . ,7 "
m . 3 . e. - 4 ' m1 5 I_ -
" 5 .;,;,.-. 5 x . . E_;_.. ...". ._ a- I\