\ E 7
, : . . ._. . _ , . .,.I. . F ..I.. Iii - coon ,,,,, __.. . . K, .1. ...I ---_, ---I'~= ' ..;.;,I__f.,.y,,?wwlrr> .
, I (E/ ///f\ ',L E ,. . _ . ,I Went u[Willem here this morning E ' 'l-E
, 39 E .I I I . ' 1-=:-;_Tb We; _ ., .. '_ . .4 g, . Better armed, better equipped, better fed With ahout forty of the warriors, reaclh . E -' IiEEE'I . TE
.. - E: :Ey' E . E AUG ST? 3 1889 :51 and betfter Clothednwtho numerous 990- Big WIHOheStIel by ordinary bltakig - 9E3}:
I 3 . f. :_ _ E E I, 7 I.' _. ! . , - 3; _ ple behind them and all the World 1'on time. lint the little town was. 311.de E .E I Elmll
'1, . . . II "I II II iIII'IIIEjE;~1:;-.I-IIyI-m {WEEK 11 storelimise, it seems strange that my lilled With people, and the space around , f} (111m
. . ,5; ,I 15:13:; E . , . , . .'EEIE' E.; Eh E? -  iII. . ._ ragged Rebels should have been so; LEICIdepot Was crowded with men, most  E E exer
im , i E E: E V I- . ,I.:, g . i, deadly, and the Grand Army or the Re- 0i Whom Wore the oomrades badge pm- E _I  (1110i
'E F I W i i  I.. 1.  . E? 0 _Pthc 5(I11t1Ile capable of inflicting- harm Vided for the occasion. All the way up , 5 17E:
': E, E E ,'E .E in bottle or caring for itself in time E'Uian there were Indies in the floorsziml E Elf WEE
QngI-i. _  . .E of peace. _lhere fire not it tlionsnnrl ex~ _VUILEQl'i 0E every 1101156, smiling on the .E f1 vociI
.Ef . I; . 4 *' Coniederntes asking eliui'ity in all the 01d ISOEE-EECTS and making the streets 100k The
9 f _ E - . _ a! EEE.?EEE.-.I1EE.EGEEe are hull" 2t million of the as If 11193" were banked with beds of DE?
1 y. 1 ' E PEllelllY Munml Plubll the 01,181 Side no drzm'ing [)CHSlGS, and owers. llie bnsinees meeting and roll. - hell:
. i E , . as EEEEEDE.-HEOEEe to come, . . .6911 was held last night, and there was . .I at
II I I ; E I I I . Flower Honor From the I PM Of them .IImam m mwmam IIIIe II Io many except to cm the I w.
.- a l .E I nlmlheb nie'proud to attend a meeting of fresh air and disport in the sunshine, I , SP
: ' E; .  E g * Free 9f Shame, 011d Conicoerutes. The foremost men of At 9 oclock this morning the Ieom-  E3; M-V
I ~ . I} . ., IE I 6'10 Comm.) fire opt to be, there; as they Iado formed in procession and inurelieil E E and
E E} E} . 'IE' --*- were. at WEEDGEECEEECEE tOCEEEEE . And the_ out lIO HRIIIY Thomsons woods in the E'EIE Eln
; i l E E I: . 2111;: who tetziI-rslthe badge of comrade  outskirts ol town. Capt. Blufoi'd TJE'UIV I Ellie
-  I I , 110 ma -er 10w war or hmbleh E ' 'I I . m . -- _  '  ,'I '
- ._ . l E .  _ . 1 l e as Lrhiei Marshal with Ca )1', 1 I. HM
; a EEE . .. And Have it General. GoodE in- be ES ha? he 11" Semi IH-aaaura and MamBush as Ei;isIEEntEI-E E5 0
l: I. I. . 1y Improper concoct of a. l 4; I.. n . , - ._    ... ya
. E E .. . . , . Dy Ml - Lamb. Ilreiity is L lielw sort. or I; .  E
. I . I. .I I . . ... I.I . . - . . < I. an old l , v r
E _E l EEEEE : Tlme In the Blegsed l .6331]? (meetinf, toEIEEIV TV primarily Rebel. with the bearing of o Brigadier E E TEEC
E EJE _ , EEEE . , E 7] e f IECEEDIODI 01 {hare 91d veterans General and, the voice of a Stentor A: l  "3 E G11
EIEmi EEEEEE _ Bluegrass Land. -. ;  $1; hlE'EE _heei11 eonlined in Northern - he rode up and down the lines 01'} h}; E E": min
l' 1 El E. . , . '.E pe eii-iairiet curing the wait. I had .I lie is _ ,  n . .  1 ,4 n")
E: .le ;.' EEEEE Ig-r . , . E ii<:\'er participnterl in that honor, but I : waive skills lpoolged Ihke M times EEEEEI E ' (EEE)
i ,5 , ., EEEEE E :' I _ E had been in Paint Lookout prixon, where EEO .CId Ju w ien the sun begun E E eSEE
. E E ' 1- x . EE I 5.1199050 the 01110ny and hritzilitv was pOEIu 0 upon the lines, and, one f U I
_ .- - ,,II, I .I E Girls and Goodies Galore, Intel'- I E of such a. sort as hard never been him. I; BY neIEe f 101133 hoisted their uui- l W
I ' - 4|. . l , 4 . . i - . . ..  I, re as "e on" 0 . I I ' r I . I to
,  E , . , . , . l minted Since the contineine i. N I I   *0 mm was a WIEEIEIEE" I . ,.
I E. I j. I, .' ,. 134'de 711311 Jests, JlbeS EE in the British hulkx at RELEVWYOLEJEE;  metaphor of peace. There were. about E E IE3:
_ V .._ __ . , .. .. . . I . , 0 .-. - . I
.. IE EI E i  alidE-Sethpeeches ; El 8 .FEQ RC"Mum-u. 'ihei-oi'oi-e 1 renal ".5. 0 300 men 3 the 0335510, and l  - an
EEE II _ . _ . . i .  - 5? ,E'ludllfled to attend the meeting. If the lung 0 as the-V were by tWQS I E 0E
 :E . 7E. .. ' ., __ -_ _ , EI lllfty and cruel Major Brndy, and that _logkod 345' large as a. brigade onEtIhe E' .: no
E ' i . _. _ .I mmmom our (log, (.Ioptziin Barnes, could ; march. frosts bond, 01 Lexington, E - E.
R L E i n! E .E 9b quali'y ,1 mm m attend a) Confeder- E headed the precession, playing old-time .5 7:. EE\EIE
l: l. : n Old Rebel Bird That ls Unre- l :WEWIICIIII there II II? amount of in tunes which quickeued the footsteps of I ox
g1 5 E l . . - . ; Erin-itch cruelty and plum, unadulterated the b9 35 they Ul'lldged along the dusty } no
, t 'E ' .EEHBrate and Unrecon- I .; Iiiutfa'hty which .Woulrl entitle him to a E road 11005.6 array talking or the munch: E SE EEEE
III E L! : I . . . u. I illllumil. llmving spent it Winter in E es they had ma e in other days, when E EE
E E . l. 7 . 3:" _ , structablel 11 51:1; Lgohout,_1 152112,; ii'iyselif qualied 21st 13:? WCZEEEEEO battle with more alaeri'ty E 1;,
3 iii E _ , . ~I ,EIE . , . 2 i.. . i-i_i Vicar-mm sulleijiig. n tO- as they went to a hospitable I , E7
E _j/ l I E 7 _ I , --_-,-'-, .I welfmllt] Fuenfeq that {ill theold Rebels E least. They paid little attention to keep E '
;'/ ' ll- E " . '  I I 3  E . ' " =E ireietSEhflEKviTgul .EiEm IEEEEEEE0I VETS ES l. mg step or Ieewna the ranks wouciosea 5  _ea
_, ~_ .I , H "E . v , , H m eeii ,izii iii-(s 'I up; no enemy was 1 ' 'E-- i  '3 '-
 LN EEEEEEEEE EE , RALCQ ATA POST-BELLGM FEAST. E as to those who were. Winchester E Was little probabilitynoslihtsiggiszhle; E 1(1)
..E I ' I' . r 'I tIsiriel an,  -' i . . EI . E '  .', E l'
E . E I E ' E E E 7? f E lzlmElME) IIEEiE'iE' tEqEE EEE. EEEIEEEEEIL OEEE and M E Eh? 01 111 easy BIS became them? l. - ' .
g . , \\j, I ' I l E. 3; u  T--_.- i :I . lb. W Commit get what they f 111953 0f the men who had been con. E .E .1;
I E . E: . . E 3 EJ '- . "E; EIEIEEEtElEIEE mn-E 331th lrium, Just 10 iscrnpe ($21133111:23"gemgmggeggggcognthari- j ,t
. ,. . ;E E E Q lSpeeiai Correspondeoa of the Times.) EVE) JiulE-EIEe Billy E1,EECE%E:1(E1EE;VD3::IDT}1 . prison on it? For once in human hi? E E g
5;"  .. \E ~ .20.: Lexington, ly., Aug. 1.~-lo-rl:i:v i. have . as u, basket ol" chips and Tom $131111): E 5%? :EChbmhlsmI were badges 0t honor, E' _ E
Il E II . _. : - :Ispentnniong the old rebels in Winches I w-m i'orxnm- 1 1- .. ~13. f , t' ~ 0 035 W949 "1011mm to be fiioe~ l " 1
I: ' i. i .~ . If}; d It In] . . (b _ . i. at u 0' 1m 10ml and silt. like WOIIS about their explaits and their I .  l
[I  E :.], . IE .e 5:75.111 Y Io-nin 1t write EE, out their (10- _. schemes of the money dis-Nils in 1115.011. I punishment. Whe the orowd had  '- l
W\\. I l . $11,133:. :lhfflvlile :lIIlEQH, Wllo IS EmlFEEI E tlenvors to make the poorest old. exICou- E gathered at CartIIZia-nd Hathaways} E E- 1
-V.II j ,.lfor his-13131.19?) mm 419,15 a hungry ledeiate feel like he owned the town. . SSEEedE'EEFwfEtEg W? EON. E33190? EE f
-_ l I- and Irehelhous rooster,_I I tool: With Chester Reese on u- . i :. . . I ,w -  mEESb W9 do POM? - Capt- ' I.I
I,,:,, -E - I . . . I . _ 7. . . .z: p at J ooloch ior Ben b. Drake Was IstIindm [1 id I II :-
. L I.I,Il, I E I inc, and he walked in the processmn and ilie rst time in his life to welcome the at: mice 1\Qtoijfbdf"iollo'v "th mid E E EEE
' EE-EE .E 3. Fworca. oomruIQlePS badge which he bmughts, incoming brethren; and Mali-em; Lisle precedentsf steel 5.. horse.1 'Khrl go gin; E E
I  EE (.3:, __ .  iEiEQEZHWWIEIEEPhi?) and whichl hope he will EE and Tucker Buckner, who t other-1'59, 91% _EE 34 Olgflu lliorsg thieves put their 3 . 
EE EE . {a EE'EEEEVEEEgE-BE-geito Ems dying (my, H3111 $115111th were EllEiELEEIlS' to Lllll-Zl :ill givstx of 21%;; (the lEclgw qmigbles on when (gum E E
. .I .zukaz'I-m'i I,.~I'-.\."" ' ".m .- I . = I I . I . x , I '*  " E; ,r . .- . _ ' . 5.
EE IE. . II Egong,Ivivpoeteuty 141. EEnt.,h,n to learn}! ileJ eitv eomlortuhlei broin . the kids laughter followdn many a rouii 0.1 E i
. EEI .I .l I '. . . geometzhing} about  ,RBEREFE which VtheE ti: ridge hlunignn, who was the rst 1'9 11; was ii gathering calculated to make E310
\ ,- :3 .. '._. l Ischool ,boolgso 906.3%,ch I Want. 111111 E e _p out at hog-:.h 5 nrlj; and pay [or the any 01d bonfedomte PlOyd Of his his' .E E ,El . E a
..\ , I. \E EEE : I to tellliiesiioste1~ity nimntthisE'dayfaindlE (111111.21 that prodded: liud ME?! to 5233} 353(1th liillium D310 more le EE c
\\ , :f E, 5 its meaning, as my ancestors told me :19)? ne} the dampness, evialgvlmdi'jgin-"e gathered in 1510 wfolecrvg'mcggmmne E 3 . c
f ,1 K -. .h . lE . . .E rwhm I'Wus a. toddler labour: how they . 11L, 0 (  lebeln I'd-VClQOI-Jle. The \Kmiioii tuoky,- Judges, lawyers, ministers (100:5 ' E If .
, VE \ _I l; . fwhad fought, the Hessiims in the Revolu EEOC: OEDEE 5111631130 111 battalions of tors and l111:erchnntsqnen promineht min E ' 2
,"2/ l : IEEIII'ggi. Eugjbm I want this 13ng and his ohil-E iiiii'y, :iiir .iongh they could have every _Wa , of civil lifeWere present, E'E'.
E"? , E _E  El. E. dreu,.ni'id his grtln(l(:liilfreii, to unde'r CEEEEEEAEICEEEEJE_jly EIEEEEHE'IIEl'llloyfkifetthey I 113%??? thgirmhaonloarngg and REQEEQ to E . :2
. _ ,. .' .,. .Stgndfthathelr progenitor was not a lEenEdEElEt lllrlli lmiirlhereluels(lines olmsura "in Oompany,  Iliarn-iilliElarggsEC'llvi-pg J 'E g:
E 3 E 21 f:~: rebalnm-ngtmitor, but that he ifohght JJ-01E 2) ._EEEJEIE'EIEEE"CEE.EE olcl lltlielm.  It showed the wonderful I naouEperotive ' E E-3 n
l ' . . 5E ;,I1__,E..i'i.' printitlleEQIndIfought in good 0031- EOEEETEEEEIEIEIEPEEE EEEEE .EE lSll E. mil ilimg povvier of the South, that these men :' .3 u
l -I _, l . I mm ImimImmmm III me mevo- 231mm: :33 torrent-I; m I
\E L IVE: E. I I; > . _ rillEQhf . And when one oi the breedE my w New 030 she guy\OOEr;llLLIIlPLEVJIlHiH: disadvantuges, With A hostile, goveigi . E . I55  1;
\l M. . .I heiqqrnes anliiallned of thefitot I shall isuisI sicle. l believe, the Wl)n1011l( rehEI-llEEEEI 19.911? to keep them down, and only a. E n
E) E i 7 . _ 960$. hegmothen, Tgie'boy Who iougntE b Iiiistin~t~~ d _ _ mm, .bentlmellt 0,112?) them (in. Bus meaIs E _ w
 EE 1' I 5' . ."lizIQz'miZGorclonPs Brigodqnmler old; Morse y DaTIILIIEEPf-ge-ng they, Elgethu 31-15%. anmlent" alnd after all, 5811' E E U
E , '  . - iii. II - . .- - . I- ~ ' F}? W. 2. I'm 17% If L 't' forth '. outh.  Ill 0% He word.  '  , . . 
E - . Ii , EZIY5~5I""EI:~-V*IEE{Im J?! II.-EE;FTEreIeI"E:Ep Virginiakis gray rind II en Ofl - e . E 'At the picnic. round th lrl l 7E E xii
I. I _ i 1 _I t E i 7 .., .. , . lhey are the best women in theworldi . Fe 5 8 0 .1036 ,
I I. , I . II..~..I.I ,, _ i ,5, new. Ibut the worn old pauper , _ , . _ I gathered. ronndn stand erected 1 . " E  W
. e l is: I I- qt,- .. I; WE'E'EE'Z . i I _ . . E but you omit manage them when it h . ., I _._ , , um 91,, I 2
1 ;El l .I . II .. bhh - this; ,QaroleI is,Ito-_ him more,.I .I ,I I I II -- . , 8" 1341111113 $198, where tlierand plav- I - -
E I l . I "l E   l Eiore ~pjeci-ggi"l5h.Eigpatem 96le Inohil- comeSon 1011 religion 01' we]? POhl'IGB- . ed inspiring airs until the speaker-solvers E ' "I
v I- . E  . , .:1-t Th tibial ~11 93*, g]: I.I. 1.. 1 .  Any fellow who has ever married In, Blue . ready to begin; Every vehicle in Wiii- II :E 1 DE
.E ' I l lEE . i w y? I , ' ., s, W". I. e ':'PZIIS'I.WII glnv girl knmvs that she is bound toEE Chester was in active'uime, and hundreds E I
E '  EE .- . E. 1;. ..:ygEhegrudgefhent nothing: I'We $311917: bosE'hiniya-ndNatnrehos been so;,libern.l s; g private onrrlavges' and huggis _11,m E hi. I g8
. . ; I " _1 Il a=;;IEE,IEIvE;;sII9-iyh;f mm 0f the? RE with-harm personal giifis, that heis ]:ililih- E: Rel-3mg tfggffunglt g? hfa, IE J\'
. ' E i use . E E Ig the lions E1 were eye): 1,1" our. glad 51191.5 theihwEOf the inch and if the whole town \vasbftherew'gllEEtliE: ' E E EEE
. 3;: E: if: .: W 88:3: 5:1 gene time, yet we cheer E so he subnlltS'gTcefully. y' - , i E bulk of Clark county besides. ,BOllrboll E %
I_ I .em Igllypayohrpeieentage at their salami There was no lack of womans witohj Madisoii, Fayeum ,nnd, Montromerxr E {1:5, E
 , :K? IE _Ez.1E11I_I:,E1lmr'l3?dubt IS-IIIIHIIWJIHHQ 1314'me ery there tQI-daY- Mm Forsrthe, 293mm mum. sent their quota, . until there i E" . E
-. E H .E I EEE i 199;,oiiti.jbrawity.j jui'bhlttlb. mnlfourE ter of Gen John H. Morgan, Iiv'erijifIFIriiI Btfmthfmf? (0111' mle thousand people E 1 . . be
, i .3 ._ 53:}, Elhnhoodugider the gushing defeat weIE Irpmhexington withalong-liiii'red dough; jean-mefgfgds'agEiggjgeigl mi. E. .E% , I WE
J I I EmirWI9M,D.imI-"Ib.;nner,.IIpi1 mill-ten .,WhOIIErhPs World erupt II bceIiI'nf-I Who 71ml titt'eIi ouv- their hovs Eforsrliee I 
_ E :iIE$EIE$:R!1EH-*;'mIlch .asiIhe plenss; the .s sear'ch Qfhoney toIIinger where her sw'etI solid chISC. nearly thirty years agoga'hd . Eh.  I
I I.. i.IsiElIFEI'lill'reeIiaeI-etled GeraLee ever. brethimmde the? Iii: more balmy: Gmi Ell?" NIHWIM see the aloof and the <  % Em
-2  j i{hwpdgwe.txmfh'atthe'IInumbep.3i-Basil nhiceszdgelughter,eaim seaatq4IIa' 'Flfly9: .IEFijrI-I'IIm 1.1m- we were. ._ LC
I I _i;;,xw,._ 2 "I76fitllz'lwr  ~64 l 4,... . . I .II, -_II. I (. 3 mad} gluon! 11104119 SI'Wilill ItheirIsiuIlwni-L mm; . . - I
E- I E' I r \ H'Jannekbewoma havE-heantllnl, was theoenter of xer-owclhpigv and; J'? (lighters Iclusterin-r nl;(iu17IE E E
E IE I EEIE E'E-EEI'LI "SEE, I-valhgEIWEIEQEEANRI'EEEEP!Emade ithE-Iyonngyodmirere. Alidc 991E? .HiIIIDE-IGvibe5 Ithein, W910; Iais young Wivos; 113d? seen E _ .  . no
..  I . I.:raestrceiqtlwwith:Ivanragern-III8if 'IIIh him I mm were Iltloilsllldieh2 lilighilm E Ea: . P
.~ . ._ . I: one . an}? f--,_ . I . _ I-:I. .,I -; .Ii II .  i ':' ..' I I
. : , . l Igsg, lileidgtsw W995? IWIEI {59.55%rulessunEl-memlgl.for.IsIth'eimqu-ghvbiankenI. or Igthe lOJlEVOaIEzeEEE' 7: ME
. ,l E . Mimi ' hearse1mIBelem-mitheta-iticqaiitnew}meteringmos; omen the"
. \ _ l .E _ ..g II lilhm 9,{5iemIIEIe15t-IIII2555 '4 lawn '._tgrawkwII;-I.andio Iwhoqel'vWPE.,WSS'IaEbur'faim "m.- f E" " I I ' ~ 9% E E
, . . .. _ . . . .I . .. . We . .1... ., ., i1 _v... , D1, , . , .,e. ..th , o._.zmei_/ent 111., g l
. . . .. egg-es h , 11 1a.. .edx 3314 r .. u no... . i 4,1; M}; i ,i, ,. . .
.   WJWN Illa melamhvaigmh WHWIIWIIMIPIIOMM' . i m
I l ,I-_LII--Ii~haiku-thee?...a:Iflioriezra III..- II fwmam- a 4:9 I ownglmrim ItfIei-ILIIiltIeirza-ZiirefvemaIaatiid" . 0..-
E *I .- I lilol an enemy? email" IeIgt Elldetanflemeiw  l . 5.:
 a It.  ..1" MfkaIEWIV-M' Ina oIMIf'I-Fr  WWII; E?WeeI- I' av ~
eEImeI.m%EI%%l~IIaIIE.weenie Sigma/II I IL
A. -, gimka,II~kE "*EEs*i?"#: \ E
_. , g purging... .ij IIIg:-:.II;;II:~_,__II:_' -M It: _1  . , , .  _ 3. 7 ._" > W . ..-16'" . WT"?szgIgrnfjliriEikk;t." . \ E , . I, _ I :1 >
' E I I\\\ '~