31: ' """' " ""3~3_33*7:=~r*,-A3w:..w .
_. I c , ;_ ' _ 7 . '
SF 3. a"??? A .. '7'", " 7- 7 " "W7"'~"W' MW "7'1" ' AW 1" 3' *me ~ ""3 ea": . f w-Tw-vr 337-3 , ; 3 3 3. '
.:."373; 7"! 5 ~ "73'" ' '. '5'3313:*1T'3"" '3 3'" 3, f "r 5 ~ ;;;~v.~ "A
..;; 3E~32 .The .r-Speeheewgomeiz*bmiiiiiiitijii}; Cgiydwniggfe- 3:3"? Ema :C"3EE; D L48? WdGWMWMSLth? I may
7 Mother;Wordii3"TAEEeEx'dSSQiTE'awa''ESEEEYEEI'Eg-E ' ' 0 "JD aha, 01"? Wm-d3 wh3en333} could'weIlltelznheartgisealgttmqugeoibei {myvwgr "fi
:3 _ .I 3-2-31?'rfol-globesubswn'ft'iulSCOf:wfgltg,RAW the romance of GangressmanStonIe and Mr.El exchangedas oneot thei'very ill; ';Sd.3fbu.11gv;xmgwqm 31 "
, ;3 3.3.; 31,,33JI;1.3.I1)0e133mgpf,Lem-qgmgxpgwfgpm3 - Longmore each loosing a leg 1n battleinim tiodastrmg around his neck thatE~;3v:l-j E"
. _ 3 saw-30mm. Tom 'Quirkioecuutsr.096m 550.1197. 3.0ymhmna3 and wlnmg 3" We in the .3-3gavmm mearence of immense '3' 53? r   ' '
- '-"E"xe'r(iscsw'vltll 82;31110.31}?EBEWQUEE"ZEE11'(7E9LE7E nurses.is repeated. 3 ' E ' 'heart. dleease When th ex mi 1 E E " -533 ' ' ' ' "" "
3 "if quent prawn? .It"w}\s;heordfbv-the ell.1 ' 3 , 3.  3 e 3 a n 3 ur'E; :1 .3 I ,I .I ~ ' 3
. 73 .23? tire audience mlcl'xms his/xatiogikis Guild (1- R-D- Logan and cam- M- D- Log-3 5911 "1 the Federals came amund he said 2 34:33:353311255 ' ' ' H I .3
 'be to the oooitsi'on. . Theltev- Mr: Snee'cl; brothers, were both present, and 0 0 the  3E Poor fellow it. is 0" nemarv 0 k mm E ' 3"
I , 11:3 III of Mt. Sterling, followed in .33, .h'ortf in- . largest and nest looking men of the party. IE is the matter w1th you, as heart disease in! .~ .E E ) . i
, 3- " 13.; vocution E? the Go"; of peace nd-111; M' D' 3 3 an 54- D..orancbor.bu3tserV- very Pawn \ E 3 ' 7 l 3 '3 E E E
-  '- he eieec es of. we comers/feteI31noce-.)._I.I ,' ed as 11 htin oicer. He as so i r l 3 3 - . '1. \"
E ' 53 f3 lE/onm." Garner onzbelialf .301 the Qity'f? Mexica: war? Both the Logzus arengeDan': Cap: 1" 1" Hockersmlth, ongadisonVIlie. E  :2 '- A" E ' ' '
"2'31": iij' VVirrohcster, the HonLJnmes; F XVnmgon ville . W850 eered asIhe steppedforward '30 NEW 3- I 3 ' 3  - ~ .7 5 l;
3 .2 ? behalf of: the county,.an(l. Capt. Leland 0,"- H 1 waszhO being YCRmasonico' , 3 ' , E f 33
{1% Hathaway, on behalf-of the Confederate Capt. W. E. CurryDied after the war,  ceived much 0' the PERI 501 escape from E (35 ' ' ' E E"
" T" "1 'YVeteruns .Aesocintiofo: ' Betwlslen .fe' having been Sherinot Clark county. His penitentiary. After he had mined the walls E *"  -  "3  EE
E3231 speeches the IIboIiEcIl played  MarIrIlerIing . widow entertained Captains Ash and Well- it was found Gen. Morgans little valise was I 3 - 7. ',3~i.:3{:'. J E '5
E ' V 1,. MK Egan-331mg, 1.1161E59nn} B3339 3E5'I3;1~ ington, and J. G. Craddock. Mrs. Garry's 3181079 the '31 and Capts. Hoekersmnh ' .3.T' 3 3 1 3 3  "E '3'
' E553 EETHI D1913: E-CeEEE'o'J'i'd'gl 13093r Elem adofgsseul'u - 3 hemeis situated on Upper Main street. near T3" Taylor we me" 07 the W3 r "3' SEQ: '3' 5:45:53 , E E "
'1'3' 3%??? u- mamier wlrichbrouhtlustv cheer'sirdm  3 to other pleasont residences. among them ' never WW have gone bwk over those - 3. ,3 - 4 E 3 5
.  333: the tin-outs of the: 61d Soldiel'fs... Judge. -Capt- Lee Hathaway'5.WhereGen. Dukeand 7m? agam3"emkeda hem 1 ea. - 33* " 313 -E '35 =E3'
.: 3? Tliomns Ii. Illnes,,wlm was_prsent;5Wg-s:3 - daughter and son and Col- Dick Morgan Dguncmmiaen- Morgan mucmded 30  .  ' .3 3 i: s'Ef
  :3" to respond lm; .i) it owing to in git-16011", ' Were guests. 3 amp Off the (11'- bu Capt. HOCRGTSIHMI and - "3 ' 3 3 .iE
'  I- 3 indisposition was tnable ooidoi'so; Thai 33 II his friend decided to pu on bold face 5' , - - ' . EE
31  '- speeohes were stilt-brief. and)vereex.a'ct~.3: cap" I" D H01Way 511" penmn' and Dads over to Corington- They werei 5. 3' ' 3 3 5';
. ' 343.3 ' 3 1y such Ins tteclIt3he oecfislon. MYEl'i ' Pary"'was replied He has long been oek recognized bya boy at heretwho was their ' " E
.;3,, Githnel quSIIespeIcmlly elloitous m Ens3 111 Kentucky pemtentiary. and i 510" posted friend. Capt. Bockereniith some 3' 3 3 'E E 33
, .51 ' remarks, and though he spoke only ich 3 capable man that all administratiins or time since publishedalong account} ,3- ' . 3 3E?"
33- " minutes, yet he .mirle the speech 0153131181, ' that institution employ him. Said Dr.Ford 3 local paper descri ti 1 h 1  n 1,5 E  ' . E 3'
" 3'33 ' , (lav; and brought on himself. thewarmy 3,;l0mddock you and Ionghttotake pride in .E . , p ve 0 E e p a "1 es" E3 , "4f'Eii-JJE'A:,:3:;2'~:;;37333= 3': 3-?
';'. i 3 esi. miff:()n1'.ilmis",'0f his friends." '33? - him as he went to school toeach of 3_ capeIxn whxch he aefended his Ilght to the .3 - ~ , 3' g E 3 .
.413 'Mierihe speaking: came-thereittinguand Q  ' ' 5 'Et Cledltof OEgmamng 3  ' , 3 3 .' -  ': E SE 3
, ._~  , 3 3 , ,. 3 3 , Seebrees near Stamnin Ground. He 1 3 . 33 -3 3'3'
3 7 everv oxGomedmrate felt m dutylxmmd 3 ' . g 5 CA ' , , 33. .3 IIII . E ,ng
'3 to 15.33 in it woekfs subDEY' (if. rations. perhaps Older than either or 5' PT'GUS'MAGEES MURDER \ E37 . E E?
.I E TJI.Ihex3eIu'asII plenty and mgp$""'rl'm]')lqli\ "Lieut. Wm. Hays, of Covington. died af- I IWe record with Sadness in Kentuckians I,"31--.3 If? ' T '3 EE
~ 3. 5; . Elll tI'EiC f}3!]9.1n_9t5 WIEIC113331I215IE'CEEFS3 . terthe War while in Europe for his health, 3, (zen.Dukee statement of the butchery of ~ 3  3 I . EEG
.1; *31EDPE'ES'IEst-.litltv'irlnl {ggixr'ed this (11 injured by imprisonment," was said. We 3 goal Capt. GusIMagee, 0' Cynthiana. Said  '
L 31397 . um". :111(l"'3it ,w'z'ls sllp'ervise'xl hngl. A. ' added.Died after his return. but "65 in en'DuKe Lam Megee was one or the E E E '
' . (irmnlinfxcr, of Vthhesfor,tl1ehandsome " an only Child. who bears his full name, and seven who 950?;de With Gen. Morgan irom . :33 E ,E
mm: mm-m- from *Germzm'y,  71105333? , isaprosperous young buqiness mod 01 Cin- 33 Ohio penitentiary. Afterwards, while gal "  - ,3  E :EE
- 3,3": - Apollolike proportions onuld set iIim ' clnnati. His widow, nee Adams, of Mays- lautly lendingacharge,he;,was 3110 from 3 FE-3.33.33 - ,f E "E'"
., Qneen .0" 51mm .E,l-l'.