. 1" .: 122.11.: 1mm ,,,,,.;q_,, 
1. Ebb-'11. they badge-we'd 1011111116111111'11111' 'Elt'tie35'?X.5iiwrlfi% landpnas{yourcoueyshci'and ' / 3s 
 "g Pmltentlm'y 1 Bill: your 'impi'isou~' g_ - .p, '1 11"; , ,ii'i' the noiseless"battlei':-of7.'tl'1'eif'b2ill'ots'r}1 1:5213'1' 11
- was 114.1111. En c t h b . 1, of pre]iidice,11but this shall passgiwav, ,1 1. , _1 , , , . , 1 11; ,- 13-..-,,,,-,. . ,, . .
:v 5191.1E _, {is een the. means 01 (161110111 \ god'posterltywillread 31nd Trewvrite the .hi-zwe..me.nrwho wore the blue-1V1 5.531141 1:321:17.3""615'. '11r11 '-
15 '15:: "SE"""'L1]g 31 much discussed .Dldhosl-, 11'. ' ' ' ' ._ " 1 . " 11 .'witl'it, you- .'shoul'derf'Vtog"shou,l_1i1,}1.at?'1c '1 .'t':: 7 E
1:15. .~' 1.1511- t ._ l ~ .- . . record in the clear sunlight of impartial , 1 _ . , . . . ,1; _ ._ . _, E
, _:.,-.,-7,,,,-,,,:. . .l<)ll ,(oes imprisonment reiorm the 1 truth It is riehtsind proper therefOre , 1.,swadfagt1y as when ,m E71165. rln119f111bunel3 1,, . . , ., _, ,1,
i E n'rmsoued? - ' ' that)"011"Sli01lld'l'7hus assemble and keep ' they 3'10" face toface. " ' 1. "E- . 1 ' E ' , ' " 
4";13'5 330W: your b61913 friends would not _ , .- . - . . , 'From the ashes of the, dead Confed1'1. -'_'1..:;,_-1'{ j ' ,,
1:1:3 (.4. '11 t . - .- .- . aliicyoui recollections of the past, and , _ . 1 , , ., ,. , . . ,. ,
.'11537131'. 1 ' 1m Lm 3'91 distinctions between hand down from (reneration to "PIIUla- eracy a.l\ew South has 5911.1 thh W1. '7 " ' ~1 1. ' 1. .' E
:1 1 51!" W19 and 119 were (510%er dened 1 '. a. 1 1 ~ 1 . .grow in wealth and power far beyond l' '1 . 1 ; " , 1. i
.'-"s 1 11 1 7 - u 1 1 - . . '.  Ition, both by record and tradition, your 4 , . , , . . ,, , 4 , _, , ,_
573.4,, 9,. .414 your icpiitiitionsinregmd tohors- Etcstimonv as to occurrences oi'which ,,tne Wildest dreams of the-past, and 4 . . , .- _, '1. _ ,7 E
, '71 957 to say the least oi it wasallltlc 1 , .,- ;, 't ,, l't .- lttl t 1 there are some. among you1'who will ', 1:31,: ,1 .,E .
, 1% shady. But since Jouwe- ,1 , l 1y0iiiierc eye-Wi nesscs. is rig) ia .1. x h _ . h' h 1,5... , .'-:-1;-":.:7 1. ._ 7., .,E
. ..i  - _3 19 16 easer | . , u. '-lill n should know the writ 1V(, to see e1 rise 1g ers 1,,mciuee ,, 1
w~ and have been reinvested with the 301' 1 e- - - l - y l'maest' to the' lace in the sister" . ' E .17,E
3 e 1 .' ,- . ~ - 1 . - 1 and the patriotism of the motives which : - 1 J. ,3!  ,p 1, 1 ., , .- 1 1 1 "E ,
i5 il)l-"llege 0' Ol'ilzent'hu" the records influenced on when you donned the ' 100'10' States Whmh nature and natures 1' E '1  ' "4
' it? 11111 to FIowa-single instance where-1' ' Y - . ' 'God intended her to ll. ~ ' E
.7.-.13. 1.., 11..- ' . - ~ , r  . Ul'nV and should. learn the reason of , . . 1 ,1 . , ,,1 ,, , l'
..., $351,, 111 on ludlctmentstands opposrte your 1 E  - . _ . ,. E Here on 41,1113 neutral ground Where . -.1-"1 ,
, 119-1111. 11.111 names ,7 1v0ur heron: devotion to the cause which . i d d , .7 1 7 ,- , _,.._, . ., l
' ' 923"? ' " B I ' ' llailed in the great conictin which you 3 b'? on gray meet an - Emu? m T "
. ,_,,.~;:e,;,; ,1, 1..; Hi: to be 861101151 gentlemen, we '1E ,, .  ._ , , u 1 500131 Intercourse; ' each striving 01 the ,1,: 17325415511 13.2.5; 1 , 7,1 4
111 411 'th 7.4 - . . . - stoked youi all, Lind all was lost saw . 7 . . ,, ,. -.11-:-: 1. , ,7 E
W153? x 10W - e 16 01- your serv10es,ztnd 1 Ehonor ' it is ri lit that on should teach en10yment 0f the other, "let 1.15- dedicate 11 ."- 1 -. , . '
1,55; recognize the sacrices you made, thel ' g -3. , '. . ourselves anew to the work of cement- 11 3 :11 ' , 1- _-
1.124112'7-2 h 1 1 7.. 7 l . , - them that the marks 0t weld and bay- . . . . . , , , ., ,, . 4,.
. , am 3 11l-11 3 01 em 19d 1190151913111 (met rind shot .md shell which'vou will ing the sections into closer union than . . ., 1 1., , 1E5
V. ' inglyund the. valor you exhibited on " crm'v'to Jour traves are not bra-lids of was P05811319 0161 the 01d regime; 0  '. 1 - ' ' " 1 "'I'Ell
E every eld. We remember you at the 'uni'shm'ent lint are most honorable 1 the soil of aState which furnished both L  _1 ' E .l,E:
31111.? '.5' beginning oi the war, a. company of EC; , ' k 1 the North and South their leaders. and  1 ' 'E E E'iE-
1.331,: brnye, determinedyoung men, who :_." , . gave to the world the strongest proofs , ,_ ' E, 1/15-
1x 5:3: , witnouthe sanction of their own E Leave the TGSEG t0 tlnr167 and 411011 Po-E of the patriotism which inspired their ,' 1 ,_ . 'E E1,
9 1;; . 1 Stem, i'iskedli[,'e,yliberty and prop- 'terity makes up therecord from paltl-I', armies; where for conscience sake 11 .1], _ ., . , ,
,, ., 1;; . erty, burned their ships behind them: sari accounts and distorted facts2 rest: ', ,neighboi'took upai'ms against neighbor, , . E.,,:_,1...; 4' x)
E . ' ' 13nd CW5" their fortunes With they." assured that '01:, Morgan, the 1,90 E friend against friend, brother against "1"7,r"",3...1.,2* 11'
' n 1:45" . 1 Southern Confederacy. 1 ' you shall read Morgan, the hero, and, brother and father against song, here;E',j""~=e1;,-.- .1 ' . E ; 1}
,1 1:5,, l\or shall we judge your merit by; thatthe word, traitor. Shall _be erased- let all di'erences be laid asideganiizww' , , ; E
. 370111 Will-ll? 01' SUCCESS- Victory was E [mm the 1)ge3.0faccledlti1 h.St"y and E . feuds forgotten, and all join in generous f' ,_ 1,- 941, E i?
' "117'. never the standard of a soldiers ex- the word, patriot, written In Its Stead 1 emulation of loyaltv. and devotion ma ' '1 I E , '1
1; 061161106. The soldiery of the World Eletters Of-lleg light: , common causes common 'country and .1- - E 3 .r
have been greatest '1n defeat. The 1, Assemble, therefore, as today as often a common ag. ' , _ 3. '.' 1
, - ,1. 11; lGreeks were greater at Thermopylze as you will to graSp the hands 01 COlll- It is needless now toinquire who was 1 , 4 ' _'
11 .f) 333,. than at Marathon; tie Old Guard1 rades whom common security anddan-,,--right or who was wrong. The 1121? , 7 .1 E 'E"
' wasgrandor at \Vuterloo than {it Ans-1 ger, success and disaster, iinprisomn'ent tionsbroken body andshed blood have ; - 1 ,, I 1,", ;
3 tei'litz, and when the reverses of war andliberation, have bound together as made coinplete atonement. ' 1 g:,'- I , 7 ,t 4, ', .E 1i
,1 j, required that Robert E. Lee at A])- brothers, Look lovingly and regret The dead have not diedin vain. "1_hey,;s ', _1' '1'
11 5131: j, pomottox Should tender hissword to 1_i'iiliy, if you will, upon the furled banner war was not a failure, As-liasbeen said 4? _'"" , 4 E173.
L .5119 COElllYlafndel 01 a. Victorious and 1", Whichonce oated so proudly over you, 1. of the French :Revolution 'it was, not 2" _ 2 E 51
1 - '1 ' overwhelming M19). 110D a laurel leofE Eaud beneath whose folds you fought so wholly evil for, on the black-1 cloud of 4  ' "  '- ' 4,4,1,
- :7, ,- was token from his brow; and to-d_ayE , fearlessly. Renew to your living com- war, spanning the heavens, rose this how 111_ , ' ' E jE'
12:15.54 ,1, we Witness the reunion of the surviv-, ; miles the silent and unspoken vows of of hope: Beneath your countrys _ag l . i 315
, ors 0f thls A 110E319, brigade, Wthh,E Eyour devotion, and stand with reverent - all men are free. In , spite of ruined E _ ' 1 11-
s - .- though defeated, made Kentuckys; Iand uncovered heads beside the grass fortunes, homes turned to ashes, hearts, ' ' , E .-r
1, T  1 cavalry $310,118 throughout the World. 4'14 grown graves of your heroic dead N0, ' made desolate; in spite of all the need- 5 1_ 1' 1 I
, ,, 1;}; 1 Among this audience I see those-E E voice will mock the silent manliness of: 1 less cruelties of war; in spite ofsenseless ', _ ,
_1 ,';;::{171.. WlthOUt (11086 names the history of , Egrief. No prying eye shall watch your persecution, inl'iiimanitv,, and wrong , .111 ,;: 1,
-j-' 11 the. $91110 03111105 be ertten, and? Items to make your tenderness a crime. "a people placed upon-a. nations-MOVE ..??? I 2 " 1
~ _1, Iwhile it would burden the annals of 3 Above all, turn not your backs 'upon ,1 these stars: Libertyt Equality, - Fra- -E ~:'}f{. [11311; 4137
1: ,1 Iwar to record the ChlVlllC hereisni of E the glories of the past. A fathers just " ternity~grandest words that ever-rose 1" " 1"" "N E j.
, ' itlie individiuil members 0i Morgans irenown is, to his son, the richestheritage I from earth to heaven. In this spiritot: t - __ E E'f
 .1 40"?mmandy)'3t1'(l,l-E310117Chollgweetest:,Eof honor. Forbear to join in the 'loyalty and love and peace andmthe l,_-.., . 1 . - E E 7'4,
_1 35-13.: 01 all narration, Will preserve and re~ ,caluinnies which envy and hate have home of'all hervsoldier sons, whether 5' ', l4.
, 3'_'.1_1_5Ij_ , late through manycenturies tolisten- .Esought to heap upon the head of him _ they wore the'blue or wore the gray, ' I ._ ,_ ., I, I _
 ...: .- ' mg POSEGUW F110 courage you display- 1 I who was your 1ender..lhe timeis speedi- - all still her sons and equally beloved , , iii 4 77,;-
L "3 E"'1' _ l 9" "1,11 every battle-eld 011 which you . l ly coming when the South will recognize and in tender memory of the dead, no ' ,' j  +13 E
1. 1. . - ioug..t during that erce conictbe- . E theilionesty andnoblcness of Abrahmn loss than in the honor of the living, Clark ', 111: 7
-1" .1 J - ' 397:1; tcllgtaggs. h h f 1 t' I Lincoln, and the North will do full jus county bids you welcome; ,1 ,_-_ 1 1; 1. ygygal _ ,E ,
"5  11 '1 E  'e1 r V7.10 you ougi : lime to the inteurity and patriotism of 1 l I V K ' ' '- fwgs~ i-
. -.,f.",-1"'i'1f;:?,,,\ ,- ' ' . [was E0; the questions involved WBI'eE , 'the Sage oi Beaiivoir. The death of a ,' 17E On behalf 19f the? Confedei ate S01,Vz f}: '1 '
E; ,1 ,Settled by the arbitriinient of they}; martyr has placed-the one beyond the diers 0.f101ar,1<,00usty1.Ca-P- 1199.1.1, a v '1;,1
. "E: ,1' , 1S\91'CL1111, . In t 1 6 ' 1 by; d E, redeh-ioff'c'ensure or]; c>f.pi,'aise. It to any Hathaway spoke warm words 10f: ,r'y'. ' ,1 1, 1 4 
.1315 ' '3 '1 go.  u .85 .er leg urie 111 11,man,'the'fiilness o oroivencss. has not l retin' to their Comrades from-oth-' 3  ' E f- '51.
i, ' {is-1,." E A  the beautiful cemetery at, LexlngtonE come, if any heart still: treasures up its E' '1 g," g. . 1 wt t  He con rut-1  .1 , E :E'
1,1... 1 1' 1 among E31039 who knew 111111 best- and E ., bitterness and hate, let such be silent. ' ' e1 counties ant b 3 es. , g  , , '. -. inmate I 371E
t '1  10ch hlm most- Manyof his 10110111 i:.1-.'Lei nothing but good be Spoken of the ' uiatedihe boys" on Whetherve'g I 3 .
4" fir-5'1andyour'cimralsleepon more I"? dead- God forbid that whene has set Eand what they are.f.:T111'11ing.fl:9m7Ag; _ 1,
"1:23,: f " than a hundred battleeld-9; ,someg, the seal of; eternal silence 'upon the ,four years of War they _.had1g0ne11-to' _*=W*Z}',E ,,
'. '1','1:;:;-4- denied a soldiers death lie.w1thoutl quivering mouth of sinner or of saint . 1 . 1 ,1 _ . , 3 :1, 1:-'?.'1"'1':'1'7'3.1:1:':1:E ., -. 7
,2; ET -,-,::.-1',. , the wells-1 01? '3. military prison, and' .ours should not likewise respect His _. dcsolated homesund herd; takenupIgi .E .
\ ,,:_.1_ now do 1you, 'E'he remnant of that in-E .mvfui mandate and be dumb. 3],}. the duties of lifeador-ningthe Wells; I~,.'.:;'; . '.4 1. 3.7]
114}? .'; '1'. ,, ' trepi ' riiraie We again surrender 1   - 1 - - - Eln ' ' t1 had the ranks- o
.1\ 1' . - n  , ,1 . . For our livln cliiettain whom it has ..:-171,14 0f peace as 193' 1,. - .. , . . 7 ,
7.-l. .....E 1111-11-1 ..'-1.1.1., ...,7. Yea-1.1111111 ,.g. .. .
ll. : nial-y, and their children, we tender this mm '9' say: _Ahrursr paltriot was "" ' ' its 111th and responsibilities; AIL It? " 1." :~
:.1:-.'...,,,'. 11.2: ,-J , - -, , , 1 , . . . 7 7 4 ,  -' . ..,_,va . .1
[.-1'- _ , {1,1 21;. 1. _.to you our hospitality andextend to : ,e 9. burdened Elf' ta 1,991? oceanic. 1 4 of which had been born and cal-meta, 42.3? . . .- 4 3 E
'31, 2.1: .1, ,.1. 1i 't' st 11 ' He mes Rum 0 9 cause 1" - - 1 - 1 1' - h i 'r: 17' s -:
1 1, 4. 3...: You 0,11} 53,159, 9 come. _1 1deemed so Just and loved so much. .1.-.W1t11h81013m- Theielhihm 453,? 4 ,-
, 4,971": 1j;'E T 119 followed a welcomeOnbeh-(ilfI : Bearing ,alone - and uncomplainingly ed him told of the appi-ecizitionfO}-l...15-11%;-,1, . E ,J',
4 of 01111111 ..Q.....y_. 1by1 H011- Jag F11; Etieirburdgn 11111.11 makes hourly , wows-g i...-.7.a.-..e.71:wordgjgn me We E :1E
1;.1;'1111:11,4 Winn. To say that it Wasa. combina- E.',, .elgpiatim 'gor-thfessygshofasalils WEB smog than one-tear paid tribute toghi's sill; 31 ..3'
'.'"2'1"L':;'.'E'Ex',".""25113;? ,1'12 .1 . - A .' .  . 1 _ _ EL; 1; a ove ', 1e 00 0 e S . p I" Eons an . ~ . ' . 1 .1 .7; 7._ 7.' 7,; I,1j"' , 1 ', 11-11,; E ;"
 7 hon Of.."x'lul'-t 5'39?6 801.1.'.1d 1) hi1 strove to tread the pathwayot eternal ',1. dream, , . 1,1, j . ' 1 E
'1, " 98th and Chem-1,113 'SenilJnentanf .rlght; Whatever his ambitions may .4.; After came Gem];~W.;Duke,rtlier. .. E ;, :3
W 1 . its compos1tionend_that it was elo-Eii. have1been,,no matter what lthink or .1 . - - " .'-, ntleman~7"~ _.,. ,
..1-7..,7,,.i,7- . . .. , . 17, . . 1 . 1 _ . _ ideal soldier,thechivaliiege ,, 7 11512125 1.121111... 4,.,I
171ii'1\,:-;1i1 ,y'.:::;i' quently and. impresswelydelivered,  OielSiW: 01:110W much all regret the l ,  t luv 'er thewise {marge-71,32  E,,t
 is only to fairlydescribe his effort lone mistakem 11111118 self-denymg. 101' 1 16 mes  3  '1 - G2-
,Eti 1 , - ' _ - ,-  , ' . ling life, I feel and know that in the court triotic statesman; andafterrene 1. ;,,,.,-; 1: if;
'i _ :3? 0: Jet}: 1: INNS SPEEQH- 5 ' Ewhel'e his own; 601189181106 sates J'uclgeI 7 Morgan, the-papiil'arhermattire; 911.1511 E 4-
1:? ital:- 1.:E 1S'old1icrs Of 6,140 00114563 ,, 1" stzilogg; cgllslgifd, pure as light and Command. .'He responded on 116,-  . (I I ,i'
7;sz " E Tome, has been assigned; 7 the honor QE L t this, if" ' l3 1  l't ,, 1 half of the Visiting gamers aggonly, .7 s,
"12: \f, and the-pleasentl dltXa-19f extending to .7 eye: tow-mi:'ii'ii'dres1~'}ii'iefi"(1133211255'3.1-2" 115055510, He renewed the hiathY, _' .. . .-
-14???1'0u111?l?6h,, (larki991111ty1at' '. and for. Accepting seine-711.2111 the ques. and personal of the division.-iei.i' ' , . 4 9;
" " - hearty l'3199n5"..191 lioxnes,'-and"lios-,..,__E ' 1, -, " 1' . .  liar'excel-l : 3E
 2 pitslity whichyour' deeds111n bvgone ,Mtionswhich 5959 put to trial Of the - . 1nd1VIdu-a11ty1 191,11 pecu ,. ,,_. . ;,,., .,
ELK .geevuutso-justly '.inerit'. -Ijapprogc'hthgE1"?loidarnii' 1"11'E91'i'ii'a SW5"? my-I ' ieuces. their place in WW Pea? 11.
1 l 7*." "1task' withic'fullsenSe ofjinv inability to 4? E59 '90" e 0 ,0--. omen 5 every 15 . 1,, 'h' . 1 - r ssiv 1Lm1 thrilling _.1 1113.; 11.15;..1,.;.1,_1E.,, 33 E- .
1,,.1.1.,,.72..,..7,,7 . ,  1 . , - , 1 , , , , ,. q. in M5 usua, 11111) ,6 , , , ,. . ,
<,.,.1.~.,. \.,7-.1 .1, 2 . coach" the f le ,- f l Iforeier expungedirom the pages of our 52,23,171? ,L , ,, . , d . . ,,.,,.,,,,, 4 .
- E""'1"1"1"5ligli'b?-"iirsaliicli'this .nggbzeoisgf Econntryshistorv. The union betweengiffway. His allusions to themartyie. 1 . E .
a i it ~tlllilell'!or1fel:llllall:'1.t1l'leli" aire5'otliei'; 4,1,1'1111-9 '_SQVl'efgn.  States is .i.ndissol.11.bl6{'1'i~ 1'(lea.d were peculiarly beautiful and. .1 E
76. " iii/ere \vhoxoo'uld';perform"'ithisz'ftnsllffarii'95}waw}??? quesglmthWQF-Q Slabmgted 13013162 touchingr His great heart was, full; 71,315,?3, (3E E E
111g... 118119111111111rerz-'th*19n;, Jerseys 77.77% .the..Qigilliiaittei'gt35.- 1.111111- 1.... eloquent mew gee-1110199.. ...-.1: .2: ,1, E 1.
g3 - E VOFE'IgI'IYBhtRh-gi; 9549:2311.1%,;M 1533-1112 5.9,! euiingn'i'hi-iireirsounitary.mantis-759;, ,7.) his emotions; and ing'iitieraiiytggig- _ g, . ,
$111.? ..1'3its.highsresident'sisaim-7.13%- iEdam:otsrerih?methionine-11.:we:etc-.21:121:52the bays"?'oirtiieir:ieet.1:1'Hi 11201111}: E 4
11" see 2he g1.01.1.2121cuhiexlzegxeeepfgro;useeds; , $331331...3311.5350223233354 1 .01: thanks1'and:,'991}Pl7599%i%i83% '.-; E .
1': shuttlmowtakeeparirmhertor-ingmlh.riirgeegusmmmworry-Ems"... countylegxacefulathwmtu,. 4 1.
i,"ng11nmrriuseedgirt'?lug-9 seemseanoe2g01d1on..111seaiiyanammanager-1166,1012:'1" 1
1. 1'".-..'-' 15:1 PESWm-ihmkigflf"9~mi513"?.'-"s"i'tmssifisretsssihstrontium-nenteritis-4:111:11 1': "ues'tioiraaesret ehestamgngtheifwj' 4 ',1 ,,, 1,11.-
W .7., MIMI-$31 WmthBWWeVmWW _1 mg: "?rlt15*eni . M1111:
., 911th sggdeJgGhsaaimm - ~1 111911151315  ggggjgljeggj. ' 1:11,... ,
sin-1'52 111-.-7fr32izscjtt"ltetggh% -' 6?;gnai"ie;ti'n2iaeii sang-1514 , _ ,' , " 1 /;,i":11'1(':y4;'n_,"7 ,amosa-r , , 1:. ' ; , -, 14
1 :'a.-1'wae"" '1 ".:.1-. 17-i-~.~21,~1'-11.:1: c, g: . - .1_;.;, ...:LL ;1. 11..L.,,._., eff .., 1. .. . 1,. , .~, _1/,. :5. , ., ,1 ., y 1 ,._,,.A, J. .,7 . ,u _, , , o ..7. _ ",,ng; ,_ , , ..,,, _ _ ,__:_<, _, . 1. . ,
"x" "mfrirmdiistiinnmn gjhgigienrs  fwd-1'" {Nimgrr' - 1