ti, l M ,too, just at the mouth of the ravine ; , 1 i _
. L: 5: l The Camping Pa'lY- Lacross the river, and in full view of v . -, ' i
g  "_ r 1 that handsome couple near us, who, ' . ' l 1
":i': g "  WINCHESTER! 135! } iby the way, dont seem to be just  . 5
1'51: i 3 Ju.y 30 1 87' l inow thinking of what happened . . .. L
Mrl 3 llIr. Editor:I went y esterdayl lthen, those ve cruel ShaWnec In- ' ' - ' L I;
in? i . evening With my wife and others to? ldians surprised and Captured pretty , ,. ~  r;
2, if? ViSit the camping party near; Betsy Galloway, hl SlSter, Frances, L . ' -
Elli " E L Boonesboro. -L land J emimn Boone. At that point  {,9
L" "3 Aw '  They have pitched their tents} !the 01d pioneer took the trail follow- v Q
*~ - 3 near the Site Of the 01d 'fort, about}, ed by John Holder, Samuel ch- L J
i 3, ll . 3O oi them, boys and girls, chaper-l derson and young Galloway all gill:
.i. ii? .': Loned by those accomplished and, tense and throbbing, for the rst ll
f-L'LJT'L :V-L'. l L' ' . kindly ladies, Mrs. Lizzie Tebbs! huntedhis daughterthc othcrstheir / f"?
c.3173 . Prewitt and Miss Stanley Jackson sweethearts. , l i
'1 l They have chosen well. Near the' Just above us and in sight, with L
ivy, gsulphurspring on one hand and in; in two weeks from their capt . '3
1' 3 Llreach of the iron water on the oth-i ure young Samuel Henderson -, l"
: 3."; ll;- p, l or. The Old elms and maples on married Betsy Galloway and in due L
WF 5}: Lthe river bank meet the sycamore time two other weddings followed {L/L
l" ifgrove near by giving a, perfect can- while feasting and dancing lent L
:L 11;; L opy 0f shade .during the long hot their charms to the nuptials.
AL day and spreading thcir protecting Thus our fathers fought and l . LlL
Fl .3 arms over the sleeping tents _at wooed and danced, and here are L - f!
w 377 31%.}. nlght. Then the Ver nth Its their descendants tenting on the L ' E
'1'", if" ll, limpid water, 50ft! sandy beach, a. old camp ground where memories [i
vl'LigL is? good, fair bottom just deep enough walk with them as they goiand ' ;
nilf  i and HOt too deep, wooes the bathers , where the past speaks to them as an i
klr Li nigh? and mornlng. We were en- ' . oracle. a . . A l}
-1\ F'f i Ltertained in good Old; fashioned L I believe they are worthy of such -' '
48" f"  ISty 1e and the supper was worthy 0t ' an ancestry. That the girls have I P
 'L ' 33 Kentucky home. To add to the more than the beauty, worth and - 3' '
11"5."->;'::.i'.'n- -_ L attractiveness, the boys have impro- ; grace of the pioneers, and if tried '35:;
3 _ ,  vised a platform, and to the music in the crucible of necessity they will . I}L, '
 Of a good string band, merry feet be found not only pure, beautiful I 5}
;;i~ ll} dance away the hours and happy and good, but strong to do and l
'.l hearts keep good time. Tho tents, : brave to endure as any mother of l
31%; lwhib'e in the (lee? Shafbwsi the 1 them all. And our boys too can 3 ~ ;l
l I, , camp res gleaming word on the ; not only dance and irt and play  fl
V, T'H'ai dusky faces Of the 000k and hls ,l the beau, but when the time comes, 1 '
i l .  staii, the hospitable board spread ; as it will come to all, they can and i .
93; , and inviting, the pretty girls in} will think and work and light if f. ' i
553: LL #7 L; Ltheir piquant and picturesquccamp ' nceds be, and. arein every way such ' . l
Li; , costumes, the gallant beaux 1n the as a great and brave people are ,_ _ '1
1*  ease and abandomot out-door life, made of. Kentuckians all, To
7i altogether make a picture- and a the manor born taught to ride,  ' ' - 'l
:ili l memory which will out-live the to sh cot and to tell the truth." I - L L ' - .
34:" g .Leeting scene and w111 Lfollow jobs We spent a charming evening L ., , ., LL
l." dear Ghlldren llke an mslnmtlon .l with them and left reluctantly at v
3:" ., f , through life. Over this matchless 10 p. m. Lucian Richards kindly 4i i
x}; p icture the moon at its be ltered rowed us down the river to our con- i _ 1 :l
:4: ': itself in Soft SllVel spray over tents veynnce ~beauty lingering and fol- ' i
33, --. r; and camp re, and belles and bcaux,  lovving us. The camp fades, the t
2% L i: . Ealiggdnaiidndlalfdfil3:311: With a; _ bright water beneath and the moon ' [-3
J,/\ i} :1]? (1 th b ut if . thy amos sailing overhead. Our old hearts
32:5 i i1 1, my on . -e. ea l, 0 edr.  , warmed and loving more than ever
5L; L; L; Imagination might eas1ly trans- . our people and our goodly land and L '.
L; i , , form Lthe scene and the actors and; thinking more and more of the L . . 5' s L
W55: as. " , Titania .mlght touch them all nth pride and the- hope or the State  ' :xiL
A- - ller magic g? r. But I prefer pret our girls and our boy's. Mzij God 2 L 5 I i
gt? - C by girls .to fairles SO I wont to keep bless thorn as we love them and they 2
"M" n the V1510 as I 8 th' And the Will have nothing further to ask   2 l ;
as}: ii choice of camp was wise aside from L Yours, L :L
sag/4; ' _ ' its physical attractions. Everyfoot L ' H. ; . i-l
wig: i ' ' '. of the soil there is classic ground. Lw ' l ' 1, .
333%: l ' L  Hcrc, within astones throw of that ;'L ' _, ll
25 , group of tents, the erce struggleq' . :- I
9 5" 3 i ' ifor the life of our State began, and, ,  . . Q
,_l 3 ~ . .x just over yon 11111, under that great . it)
3%: f "'1 3' _elm which stretches its patriarchal L - . ' _ ;
an: ' larms'asif inbless'ing over the camp, ' . _ LL
err/g . L 33.," V ;the rst law making body for Ken . if;
gut-Q. L' , '5 tucky assembled. The men, brave ,;
t1 if: lg :and wise, keeping watch with load- l.
(all ,8; _ fed rie while the pen did its subtle ~ ,
15W; L'work, and a codeLof laws for the; l  _ ' . ,
M? f LEyoung State, simple, yet 'full of  , ' . ,
1&9 :strength and wisdom, was formula- . ~ ~   ' L ,L-J'l -
s : V {ted and given to the people. Herc, ,- - , . 7?.
" 1:  , . , L, ~L-  H2: V L . , , .
' -  ~>~:,-issg-;;,::L, W ' ' - s. L, .3