1 d .41 11.- W ..---1- ' 1;
_,._/~/ ' 1. ~;1.
1- - M. I w
x *3. 11w ~1M~1 ~ 1 .. 7 1 .\ LLL' ' . .._4 .1 g-
1 1 mm11; 5,-.. .1 1 - . 1 - .' 1 1r 5 1.1 f ,11
-. f- 1.1 I 1 rst-1 .1. .1. .11). L ._7 1 AT [H3- 124%? ' L , \ 1"
11 ' .':. (flu/Yin! n l'oem \Vlilch ml Wil _- I ,l .. l 11
, \ 2cm .4 n t lad met and we1 .5111 y ,1 11 ' x
L \/LLLde "9 man to m Gallant A WALTL QUADLLILLEL ll 1.1) Elm stillnsx horn}, 1;: :irLileCLLP   l),
 1 . 1 was 1111.201lnr whore sh 1 f 1' "1 ' -
1 nel. . 1 .r: , 1 L e L my .tthc ld ' .
'  [Nation-.11 Remrblicuul [E119- Wheeler] l rllgtic Stile: / - 0 em I; .2
_ I . 1 .- 1 1 . 1 . um I 1. 1' - -' 1 '1 . 1 1
 I have just read the renmrkunle ction- I The band was P111} mgIn waltz qllqllllll A I II-lIIIrI'IHIB PIIGC 21.. '1 mrow, I
'I  1. 11 .l-)I)I..ed h vom' issue of September Ifelt as light as a wind-blown feather. With lFL'LlLllliillLllnE LLLLLlLl 1mm {1111 mom-0w. l . l
\ . - L l .   ~ 11 1 A1 mil '1 d awav ut the c-illers will 3 i 'a "00 00113 tha no u L
'  m' i (T ' l) )l m ' )oem - L 01 e . -. *  * -.- 1 1 . - '  0171
1 I \I Lilggg 11]? the auLlLlOASHlA L 3 I L Through the intricate, mazyduucm tngeilior. (OHM now beguile. I '. L
1 . i . - 1 . . 1  1 . ' 1 1 - 1 . 1 . L L
Li 'L The parurrmr-li credits the poem to C101. lee a mmm. mmy 01 11119.1 W919 )eemln1 I Aim the Silenoe. like a token ' H
L L John A loLi/ce \vl'o is said to have dashed Slowly advaucmg, and Ithmi rnl1i'ozttlllg1 (ii Illa}, fact. so rudrly broken ' I 
\ 1. 1  '  " '   7 11 1 f All dvcked in their bright. array; Seomeu :Onll and thrill 121161 memo L 1 - 1 L
r. all on an 0111 envelope in the me-100m o I. ,I _ , ,. . . , 1 ( wsai hei
' 1 1 - o 1., And back and forth to the 1110th s i llVlile I - in r. scum did 01 yore- I
1 - the 1.11:1: house in December, loll... , 4 . ~ N'vmed to 1. l I 1 II 'I. .
 1 1' mu readily beieve tint the author of ll emuved together, and all .1116 time I1 i ... 'l mist ilL :1 {12 tllcgiussos. l
\ F I 1 1 . I . I . . < . I . . . . . in Wu . . " L 1"! Oomsand 1113.53 1 1-
I V this astonisiuug {niu'icuIliou lizLdI passed Itbe I knew ) 0 were g0 g y I Shad m1 _blmill1lllllmlll and Blludowslflseud in L
r entire night in tun uloi'uin1.-.ii:imied Wine- The fold of your strong arm soul a thrill I gloom tor Oi'crmorel .
1 1 1 ~'~~-' ,1 1 11ga" vav . . -1 .  '
1 X9091,  I391 l1 blllflllll'tlIlzlim (Ln l= 6 From imart to brain, as we gimil) gilllrll I (1111111 101x111. Ml was n . . 1.
. bill!) to such an atmcwus stummeut. 1. . . . 1. . f 1_ _ "l' . 1 , .. 1 . . 0111141, : .
l . Lil-e lumps on tilt V .ives o tum; \. i. .1 {11h ~u (1 11(1111,..11(.0 I . _
1 The poem LLSUlltlkLL never 5a)" the quadrille I FOP. u 11"1'mzlh nnr irrihlcu ,I.IIL11.L.HE'.LIOdI I :1
\ L light until lLLLXmLuLu-Yi 1633' I1WIL0m m MEL Furled. met, Laud again divided. 5 l' Lan lull" m- smig-I' L U L Lt LL L15 known I 'L
\ rquI'y JO u. that _Vear m LheBlIilfiraIu \IIIi if 8 You drif!iug one way and 1 another. 1 :IIIliIoI \I'oiilxlIown. spliu'illml, reliant, L '
1831109 Of Judge A' B m 3 L 3 L011, liieusii1l1l1-uly turning and facing each other:  Nor 11..L111};;11.991 IllIillI'Sll. (lollzini. I 1
. ll 5" . . . I Then ull in the blithe clmsse, ' (1IIII';I"'IIIIIIIb5 Inlptrziclmmnt when he I f
I L1 110 r four lines Of the poem cameI my. T: on airin hack to our places swavinx', I LLLL ML 1 Wholl 1'01115!
1 L at :1 reception given by UOV Rush, of  15- While every heal: of the music seemed saying I So limit 1)an 11011,, of I.IIIm, ; I.
. L c~- . . 'lhat vuu were oin awu '. . Li'fnlri awn iusmnlnoLH-111 1133' L
.I  \\ . I had that day met a friend who was in  g g 5 Wllllt' my liL;ii~{L,r_ri~1I--,v sic-Li. 1313333311 with . I
 greczb sorrow. I had Ifel: smrere symIpaLliy I said to my heart, Let us take our ll i .LO opt-I )Cillliinf-rs mill; re-
, 101- im- during Elle mterwew. but m ill? 01' mi 11 and pleasure, and lwe z111.1 III(_'I1IIIHII_1':IIIII1 lust, and lonely, 1 {I
1 gnyelics of the evening she and liar griei 1 1811.541er Till III Li)L*i<se lmipid azure smilod on mm -,L
1 . iuus and unknown source whence poems do 'Wliore no hear-ls break and no ties heygy, ."xiiiiL lAlgiiitLiL-LiLLrLLLLE- fears! .
 come: I And no one goes away. With ;1L1L11.,,1LL1 .{ LilLi(~L2i0LiL1LLlL fllmulcn, \
. Laugh and the world laughs with you. I -1 AS Jill: milrmurmi: (th @550qu .
L_ a Weep and you weep alone; . I A clamor, a. crash, and the band was sirl, mu pathway {1301 tho IllllllIge light
I For the sad ()1 l earth must. borrow its mirth, "1qu the eml of the dream and the end of A. ' , 5 Hus.
1 But has iruuble euouv'li of its own. the iiiilusure , - ml that whisper in ) '-
1 1. 1 ". I . 1- 1 . - : .1 tonandlowl
\I  I On my return to the home of my fllends I The last 10: notes olI' that waltz qunllrille . HiisliLiil'Ef-TBS lrlllflr:Iiii the holy y,
1 V l revealed the lineg, and both Judge Bluley Seemed him a dirge over the deaLh 01   3 n, tleh dll'lllbly 011 the tumult of 1
.4 and his wife urged me to complete them. pleasure. . 1 Till. llLliiOlglilvn _ I I /
' saying: You said good night and the spell was over- (,1qu tbs IIISIIbIYOIIIWIPIlISC tpalrng - g
If you nish the poem as; it began, it will Too warm for a friend and 1.00 cold for a l Ci'cpi tire ruiitiii'c of mi iiiipiltlcfzaeutlgfl 11
~ . be 01w of your nest eliorts. - 10V1 .1 =1 1 1.5m. 1 v 1 ='  ,1 1 - 1
. 1 l fuoiship should lioLLtmman n  As they sang together, the Whole scene ea . DBnIr LIIFISI1 cl? L (11 1., I llfzuI' a hawk '1 l
' "" l  1  ' - '. . - v 1 The rooms rich hangings. the sweet home an: I A WW 3 3: Wane IIH'es - 1 i
1 1 LLLA \\1 HILILLER. li/ILCOX. . , 1_ .1 . . . You come bemw and 1 111111 1 -'
 1 ' _ r1, . 1 11 btately Maud 1th lie! proud blonds: head, Li) I I k-
1 I I ' MEIUDELL' UZN'! bept. .10 1584' . And lLscemed to see in 1181' place instead Above 10 guard your Dremous lives. 1 l .
, I Tim 357an {Ind I'L-mui'gabla ItU'LanL to A wealth of blue~b1ack hair. . . The silly thjnzsI with n ipnliig uin'vs
1' I: which 1.ch fair poems-s 0t passion alludes, And Maceah! your face! yours, Lisetxe! I lthW' .1011 111)., LL. [Imi perch: ' - '
fl melding and all, was the following; A face it were Wiser], should forge-L. . 1 While he album. with mi-11s 0.- love', 1 L
\ 1 I  'LAUGH, AND THE WORLD LAUGHS. . We were backwell, nomalter Iwheu or where: vomihmtu WW 0 lEHC-Havks search. 1 I 
'L '1 The following: uoem has gone the rounds of BLIP)? FenlemPel I know, 1153 1Wlth E