. , 10"  1 r V L V
_.'   ~_ '" 4., . . Wm , .
,1,- r 31:; :5 .'#2:2 VVVVVVfV .  7: - 1-f1- V2 V
_ 2. I  < III) ,, (2  .{_ BJBKEZ' '71V__WV~   , V 2 .33 1.12 V 2
$1 & .2 V222::4;.3V21112V1121212h-2r21 .  L 1111 11m V- 2. .2, r '1 1 2 111 / 2 1 V 1 v1
2 _. =  ,4 2: c 1V;2{w-1VV" V:.x>u 29314; Showing lm 7._~;~1\U 1H1; .\' 42V 2- _____4_.___ ,' :9 ..2 \_ V .1:
. _ 5' l 111.: 1 {1 mwllcd nip, d. Ugh, 12111:. > n. _ 2 _\ /.V,.._ 2: 4
V"; 2. ; :2 B l ' AMAEME :5 pull CUM-O (c, but Lu._ 11"1511V11YAV MI 52.1": . ,
. . 1 .. 2.2; > 1 ~ y . > ...,W__ 1 - '  - V... I
12  A I 15313? and 010,19 inrm-m 1371 Im} 52"! the: K.) O NE-SHILDB'EN' . {1% .
:1; 3qu 5V 2"931Pd Amplem \111 "5 511U.\1'31-2 21.: do ' "* '  V "V 1
V ,' Ania-SE9 hmnM-ms and 125111112111 12 21.) 2? \'i:x(l:1.:,1f 2, (Ilse Shren dose Shild 1 f  '
. . 3 Th 2: and scraps Inghiyollllk., And W .3151 anu' scol-T'nju I" Vb $18! mlne life Ten "11nd. : 2'
' 2 9- (Vmvwg of 111 L1 - " :11'2311V..1:ICgStif va 2 I. ' 3$\ y ond d . "  '
 _ V. 2; 32 'Dzeo- - ,2V2 ,. _ ~1M 1,; l, 2 .n. a: 1.5m 2} .1 '_ . e k . . . [
0915110211134 qnd Phllxiigfiogf13:12:? h Arm 1:1ilfsuubfhilxliylzil: u!22V::x:11(13:v(7a5123:$::'y 5101398 V mlne Vife eep qulet llke Grfr' Bu ' 2
 3 14:11:; ' V, . .V2 :2 - 1  121;: t; V 01.; 11-1 x V .1  5,  31 2
/ it has Dome 22.2{31113LEUKFIIKI (kn-12m. ,1): Clouilh s 0.1 u 1.1050 calm 116378 0t makes dem BO shook . '   I
' The gleam of m (; Ulbdwndy Hue' 3 54105131 Of the tEmPESt~tne - 1 us A I Vllnder, full of misxfktf "7 '
1 2 h 1 r ,. ..- " ' - '  1 '
'1 1r2K1-lmd and Eff EM? "110 Am] V . S mdows of Bhpmpmg der ro IF " , ' 1 1'
m Stun; on 2 unwd my the,  .3le .0 r 11! DID-round .~  7V
, _ me 1 , 2 30115 \ .. .p 35 1 edund 9 t m1
Ale . 1 2. m dud [m1 2 V ml; W V 4 _ er. I 11015 g
t \' mu as the Illurldugs 05' 321" That we (25? :10 drear Hear dot-g V218 de . L 2 2
1 16111119 . ,  _ :nrs.  \H . ,V : 5 may 51 ', . 1 an d' . 
.2 12,2112VVV 112311011111 y 1 m111111och1= 2
12 L'i' UVHHEu's ( 4: 3 0H3 L100 r. . with? UAIDUHOWV k  . erman and i
. )-:.2, ." 0U~ '."1- V2 "  \' it. ,V,2   be 1' 0t .
i 2 X mulugc m 11:11.43st 51. 'aliStlings, u 11%? and with hex 1t udmub and poys? to, mme two 186d1e
. , 2 . L a. .2.  1s}. - . 1
. 12  1; Iszhln afer M11121: ,3 (we dead 1erth Y- W151) life and with Ven I dak 
f 111113:ullgihuckzd itiexvork-standv lotbelwar'rE LZO5vestVVVV1ax-s c711 V e 011d mine pi 2 i
2 LSD-3123):} {1}: Lm'u litifilzgfiomed chaip damn 2 Sun'h'u Mien; 1?: 1'3 bier, Dey %Vlet16hm0ke, pe for a good, I t
V  1 1 Ruth xmihvciq"  1191:4115, 1 L (hex-move raw me I 
2. . A ~14.an V. .2 V . . a 2
2' Di?zi21V:2x-Vguo {12.8.2 ,2 3t 3 (510???19311tsotme shoke 11 Of", Dd dink id |
2 1),. '1 MO him: (7:100 5.31501 11I'Hhu1a Thn 5? Id Year c1: T0 20 dr 1 I 1 I
.1 In: 1 11311 He 1. .1 j  11V .=V 11:) am' ._~ ' ' and ~~ ; ' e I
; 61:01.] tI) bal\10;;.r 1:: if: '1 L' 11> Bu Flakg-b N of the $3395 Td 00 mln bOCkets to se 1 .
~ L H a; "Toma-h dulnsioh' 1511c? I V t 791HOW11'5 gSJIZQTdS Bums Und if DJ'd d e VOt day I
2' '1': I'l1|1s 11m . 2 2_ 131'93- \\~ 12? L I luml tho; 1 er 1a
, 11112111~Lt1:(=l11111:rz OLE 1)};(::11(111.11$]1the Children 1th 1: MLSVS Witlmm (11 , fragrant and Id cah Vind' toh key my vatCh d9"  ~ 1
s t ' v: . .2  -V~' V  2 2 11111: 1 1' en _ 1,
V, 1UM.3:13%):1'1513112w: (V2: 1:12; (H7dl To: (15-31. is each d0 (1 1 ets may never com. 2:11:33 BOmedmg more as db 3  '
-  ' 11 m-x 1 : = . 10 2 .
A : Gltlxm-Iximigx. 1. V "111=11~::u-2rq. 0d In nholggq a} lam-and dearer each T0 quiet [533381; er fad '
- 1 1172mm nfi, ,:_1".wupsctib, V- 2 ea 5 Which t to un 1 .2 1 g 7%?
1113;13:13le andifflyi}; 121R12HVJ uey y 3'5 have >012. 110 brows of our 3 D d hls leedle brOdex 31:
gr 111:: CM basin:Lint:Tiixlnli ! 1" . 11m will V11 p 3 ey Shmb oudt dh ' ' '
I u, A13} 1191) to  . H 1 we. H.120)". !  uh. 11. 10v - mg holes in GA . elr boots, nd .
\h 2 Int, n c 1 a 2 ,. And \- v t0 the la. Of . (Vle kne Va)
2 lsztlrU gum,- iL in (5.2!1351niii women . LIE?! .i2hei11f11yliiug St, d he drouserg ll 93 j .
V  1  Imus)- ,.H~Vu.'"1  11 n (my: Lv x 5 the ,- ,. :2 1:11.93 you . . m - 2
\2 2- Lomu Creamm Ultkl;\(li;il-(l mid 12121.); 1.; . 5 ((3 13332?! clings t21g:;kpilgn I diiiogfhddins as dse Stockings und 1 .
x 2 '12 1 \\"1'-"'1'Illt'12 . 1 1 Hr-1.1 171'11-'2'Cy-_ '01 the 1 V' ltfsmum] m ' at falls; 0 1TB . ' 
- .1; 1 V.1,,V5.,.2V2V 2 2  1.  M or h 1 t11111in '1 Dose sus V88 1 ' ' 
1 v (Arlup: 2.: l  UL. u. l mu 22 pnzn  6 ham; 5 95 Walls- POys mak 1 mg tO-da l
" 3 I To "klLLV ) LL nl(31.-~ .11 0" Ed lhu L) 3 ~  Orue hearts h C , 8 more bill y,
V ;.n 2 - 11> we new . .2 ".11--- at 5:41:13th Eher 1011M pa - 5 as dot k ' :
The old 1, L :12 mug-.1 .9, by. 22,. lb ash l  y; alser
,  SlivL Com- 1' ... LudhlesS AnuL :1;ch out frOm the f Dd me V' 2
2 _ 2 . 21. -,2~ V . 2 1 1
2 e i A122 Vin; ,2" 'Vems Own: .L m 1,,  A3311 11W not <02, mums V dake viggSCk Oudt dOt some riches  '
2 2 1" '11:) In 11011 A V e 0111   en 8 h  I
} I in 1:12; bunk. 1? s num- The ' 01d \mr ac gm] 1
1 ,2 .2 '11 Utah 5, . .;". Yknm(V 1  s, , p e a ta S
2' - 1 73 than: 11:; {3215:322331 TWA. 1V5 Wan1 our 11,011,212 inlay know 2 new dlngs- y I must buy dem
2 2 1| .1\ an; 1'2'l'x.tlrvu;- (7i1"11(  5 111?:215, Lil'iel b)? Jer Sid;an:(u'5; I pring d .
! ,rmu a 271 12,- may: p. X 1, '0 E01 , O . .
.f TN (1321fo VVW 1." Orilxti themy, 1 nd ti"). 5560 Off on d thcm each my 50 tWo Shafers some t
5} ;1\ y ..L luau. 9.11 211231;?! and of :Vla51dxmmd And 535% 1'r_liV3{; T tears While they hi P8031186; ugh oys efry .
.~.; 11 L" mo'.v(;nn;2.."2  - V Vi 1- Olles of'h ' 5 . V 0111) S
2 1 , cal ear: - 3 ch
. ti. (IUAFANUDCA) T3339 Feb 111.3? 5 V- 5H0 In the heaexvt of th 5 that may not be 16- Unlcgflngs dey safaris has SOOCh I
~  , ; .2 8252;,   sealed 6 daad ye . Onn s '
u , I . a1; a _ y ch )
' 2 mm: H mm [HEM A LETTER TO-Vmur ,, V. Let the Ne Y r buried and D0t715900rter as Ve_ Warts parents V33
1 '2 2 . :0 to the V .  - 2 V cm- ~- V0
3 \ 17333:} :my in 5101:: gmr? ba'll ! Wm :11}: 315 1;111133w to meder young rashkels vas say. .
2 ,_ ~ 1V Ollrself coup 1. r: . 1 W},  V 'earh1 ' D t ' mg  '
2 - And a V -fnenus t1 2 Ah1 M the 1 . nit 0 Oldt S
 \ . mod 10m 1. . 1m call ~ the F1 . 0 dye. anta K1 .
 . ~ ' Write to the L WX Wllte  And  V ) tiger-Y ' - gave? f 8115 m t '
19 12 2  . d 0121 f . ' V 15171011 1. 1' 1115 2 0 toys 1 a 8181 h
12,, , \Vho gt _ 55 011s m, h but 1 1: \vl-e- , 0: er the D i . g foo]
22-332 \ 2, VI \ hen bh V 01119 1 how 111 . 14thed 2 Show: On d .
-: 2. 1th folded , 6 day Is done, ' high an) horns a h many a m '- g1f Sadlsf - .1
x A I And think 2%135118921395 gXSV-ncagt eyes, 1 1.6:23130525. 11530313001315 cane 3.319. POYS. arctlon to dose greedy
:2 x  \  1)0Utelom '1 one, - . , s a so 800
1 . 2 ~ 1 .. y Sin-31  Let L' } _ 11 De ' .
a2 12252;:55-VPVVV22V 2m VI}: igEsffsgge2sny haste, '2 I \1V1riiie1fli"8ri11{ 1111119 yggglirderdclothes o W a h] 1
1.  '2 1 1 n'OOinr 2,2 2 12 1 Ighu ( V'vam- [-1 . pe S 99 ' . '
2 5 I0 1me 1v l1. . L 1011-11 :50 Wa 1 l 1  "0 '1-' ( 83 U ' P In
. 2 1 11 3 ".70 z 1m. 1 Dderln 2 V Sh I , a. 1} Ile  nd
1 > 2  Lien they lost theinlfnlggla g back 3 ea: Stmngzligw 3111113511) 5h} 9 alget 50 [0006]) CIOu d
2:~ 2 V1 Vagafxw W and 1 as? Vs V321 maxim Budt #35. 111 dead- P t (11 11- 1
.21- . - _ ,' 2 . 2 . . a 1 2 _ a  V 
I w F 1 DTO theirvilfelrliis 2:23P delicate babe 15 WERE-$322113}Dutfiltuuiiehe"g mfg? id vagliighinake no tifferent b f  A "I
: 12_  . Ont let bk 2 . Care. 1 _  ace of t) , 1 I'led of Eng) D ; e Ore {:1
2 1 3712 Of the 11 T621111 W . . Xm' _ . 49 XSar :11 WS ay vag 0 - f2
2 m . V we no my VV Lgoes. 0 1 .
.I {2%} i Fa}; [he 1.9332325311327111 Rise: more need 3 19 111) 1.31:2? 3 ear, I d to ght}? n der morlnng mit billowg 
":1 @1611 age has 21 h . 0: ySensitiVQ '1 vlil 501." End: I" > ink it 2
K 2 Ii 183? be 1211 mlxfzvgxntifefiirf-Ves' ! The? 12115531 Wm h1xiTil2rth ears Vas bedher you dond got
1} \_ ,- ilcvex1fm-V Vt, . rV lave 12 The} 5 Eh}; \\1 .  , BOme  
. 4 \V Than VOu (1L 5'5 16111 qung- 4 . \. 11 love th V (3125111 3, 2- V811 de
y 1 - *Ulu 1), w 2 . 1-  For H) v . Yiauy - {0218 ho 3' p12. H
V ~ 1 r . IJ 8% - e we the ur . y 0
f: _  Dom}? mums. heme to WE; when far awaY, g Vxnd thestligjlghgm'xs 522232911211 {Ey'power 1 Eli dree Cheersldt der Fort, und den 2
2 Vg ,1 1!. think um ' f V g0:-  06 maRV' 3. has no -' I j
2- 1.23 2 an: make 3102fx-t3253;0"g and gum. friend 1 Ls 3 I'nends 110:. 0 dose Shildre '
2V; .?. " 1 Tie 1anxioustgy ' 5 1  V. 1 - , V VV .V , dhel- m' n, (loge Bhildren d
 i :2 1.2 . T129135! 31%?ch 012.,5hzwu [33.3fm yo . 1 1E 1201 151110 235:? 111-11- ' Budt shto if hie!  ey bed" '
H 1:' 92 _- 1V" , '= . . 1 1'2 ' v
:32 1 12 31 I (566:1 slim-2p olffxg: 1&0th off; 2 13159.1 D B 1 G0 110 U mine sifse ust a Ieedle, If Gretche '
q V ,2. Av 2 1e Miter forwhiq  '1: r ____w 11d d  n, V' .
" 43; /'I L 1,1311% a day or an sptggolged and 0}ng 2 You xmm t1 ' alimemndl'f'] > argggeedle shildren dey dOnd b ' k j
1;- ~ Tl W. lend Oldf lk-  ' ' 1111 1 a in lm 1!  U   een 
2 . V1 ' - \\1itn lock; f 0 ivabhome 2 I11 2  11 Mgr-rd mm.- 1 V. 3 nd all dr 1 . 1
2 _ 2 : V1.21: L. - 2 2: V Cmvrht 5-2' 2 . .2 r 1 I Once , 00 der 1. '
3; 1_ A mpg): 10 hgurygvumi WUWB, ' lxx luliijfnfng IE1. Drag 10V", Sound... house der V38 nef '
I  1; > 2 \__._1 Wme them alett8r23)1m?ubent one- With 0:2:de :2; 11'1511 I b as he 1"llased; i V611, Poys v ' er a
 , . V:VV.-V,, 7 777 A 1 11'1. B . , . - I'M-lived ~. 2. . .. .. i l 
- tr *v-MwVVVVV , A (A m 9!) [1310udm-111.2i11mdltlmi   Surya-{88?}, you look 011d dot Va -
p \A 2 2 F ____':11 mum, , 1 1: teased. I gues d ' y Hut
1 1 0T WOULD _ V in : 111 1m- 5 8y see tea - 1
 2 - 1 mm - ~ WYOU TAKE?" "\'\1'isl:u:hsllzw mama-:12;  eves. 13 111 dheir Oldt fad 
1 - ' in Y1; lenuay f0" Gd 11nd I Grim-1} Up 1mm!" John 10 tho 1 7 " Harpers Magazer S   r
K " x  ~n- .y 1 A, V, . V 77"
1 \ i: i with IteittkOIIblglifd" 150 #5001] my arm, 411;1 1 have mm' 1 V, B fully ~9:9:- me. 1
 V (w O  {1- I1 - _ 2-. 2 2 .vULl'Vu 111.1041" _2 , it 7.193312 7 #7' #1 v -V
5 .Like 1:51, 1 2, 111111;; out at the 3211242755213 F- 1 \\1i71(1d,\:L.'lf}' besL THANKSG
V; 2 And I mu 0 01110011 Slim}. hum "13 4 this Dam, 2 b , IVING.
1 V2 (1.os:yr~ned the 01d tugo. V H When TWO] h h) 0y 8 BY HE r 
 2 ,1:in "Thlzce Men h ()1 Banbury J01m 'V'i': 332" 111" Ested. mu T- STANTON, 1
.2 1 en she 31 . W 0. put Out _ Ana :Vo mm 2: 1'21}? 1 The ms - 1
  \ Payne oyplly SzudY as shgocslgak he Scimi? lutlm mun-m me would fall from h' ,n'fng gfzggwlgglggfling. and grew
2 2 - ; 1: f0t would 1 2 U , Wampum . V is e heav k1 e Oval" 2.
2 , o . V, 2 . . R 0 V; y 118 Wen 
\v. And I army-t u 1 2 y u tdh for me?" Keegixxh}: Klui21muu$51tglju \Iov ngg:0:avnes 0 01:52:84er through i
AVA-2H; 5mg 1 AV. \ 7 ' 1'
3 1Y1 Big??? IL-111V, biftwlaguf dCI limo hemp n 1? W the tame. 3 our P1809 ~sir is theil! gVVuxggstfkxxtlgluxg'ggl-bgom L ' . a
0 ( hel- w 2 1. try with .  , oh. ,  1 Va 6 and . e 1ummiu - 2
_ Am] 1. ,2 _ tum n1 m , Dhly h-gw slmvu... V 2 . mead wnn 3: 5.?
1 1\ gag .22133};;;2;Sf 21-1121 f-ocSsagw arms, 21223112? V1 111'11'1W11vascox5351;W"11111,1
2 2 mm- 2 1 11211mm w 2 - 1 1 11,5 tanner mg. 2 2 Th ' /
 7 1 Erxlo'mlt 1211319111223??? Pd 50151;} to me, 111221 It? N h 5130 keen wide is Eigge?&nt?: {21113 maimw groove f '
- ' ' e ighesc 9 Owe 7g ff, . *1 llnubzy 1 n . Thea 0W  '
\ .1. Of all that} . 5 Place my [ 1 2,2 - 11--V1<1: 0ve1went0001  1
12 s 111]: I T u A1 1 1 p euht "0101 . -2 The  )1 , 11g L0 the d0v -
a Citi _ . o . 2 L Vb round you 7 2 -_)u12 T n Oerrnn the aha e,
2 21-1  Theirgiftvlt? Streets and a1; uke. 9 11151111222114 1 mane. V Xfmh Dd April #531 '
1 I 15"qu noflihlfs arm sto1-es%f 33-3-9. His father mil  1 mls And ffhl were Khowmg g x mm terms I
1 fmvum  0 01' one 10 - .1 And  2.  L 31055:  Y Was (an 1 ' 1'
2 _ _. 0 2V . \\. s V _ hm. v ,2 ~ . Auda, 0 erm1
k  mi); 3:, the goillllosmg' 110 (3211: due}, If 9:3? that, [xg'uclclfrlllc T ll the gems W 1'9 grgwlu;
. 1 2 ' 101111st . 2 1 ".115 eve  :20 (Hnmn'c  "El-'11,? thin a - he milk. ' =
2  2 011 12f] 1 mkfofglggixqig Mind \ hi0 mmism$3?t1~3351}"12 g galn. BThat, optggtllgygy Elbe poo} 1"
. w  ilce ' m e 1 VSou y , 2., 2  ,1- - 2 ' ea 0 11
i 1 Dld I k-v V . O my darling" V mo I 01 13 man he I0. - .2 111 Win: and Silent. frOmW '
. .. um) 11: must be the last 3 hr): hays MW! \ 0 . 222an 22111011 Thais 1 the under Shadow 5 001 2
V 301 110011 ' 11m, 5615 I) 11 1  .11 "6 mm ' 991 green Lass ' ~ 
ed 2 r X 2, etl&l.:l V 2 To 91 broke u V V 1
_ {139an [felt $033411), and rockod a  (Li-11% 124,131, ye feel jigrflngqu _ 2 The gxfnale lzuer comer; It husk 2
2:1 E 1 I 0 words of $11?th c011te'nt way, {xxggulirz :xmltlh 3 L Mum? Mk0:   13in $32533ch 1 dusk ' t ' .
.: Inc J n . _" L3." ; 22w ' 2 , 'su
.  1111 Iggy ever b E expxessed to me j?SL~L_\ in for ()Iliiul<23:\(l-1V01l]' With Stubble mmer.
 ? d (i111? night, cfgfeggd maut 7 m14mrmistake. ATseir Yellownglgwields were Set  I
'1.  fmcd and I ' 1) , *VVVVVVV, \ 11 Hide DOWed
= 0f mm - Slept and 111U1 1 We? Winds  1
333] I Wallis 13'1" tea glad t . ._m ' ' 1 D holy. utunn] S - Were met,
- 2 xened -. . 0 be Y; :;21V, V And L1H yuod~ ' 2
2.25. , 2  our: With lips 5351115 1 Full ui1[- (.112: IV .5 l om;1mziun.] Tiu n13 the g,d1y new went  . 1 '
22 V _ 8 0 as ten \ . 2 u . embex IOuud 2
* Pa 2 e i V 2 LLL V re
; _ 111 fOt WQuld n my :-li.l{\ :2 . . 2 , Lb!{ll\b1sxu~ 1h Iruh, and a g eted member  1
E '3 -S. B M W you take for m V, lhm' 'ns 2:":Vm1211'2)112111 121,}. 3, And pea gram me year is crow ,2 2
5 1; X  w" 311001913; Ea i5 Butnixlisymulbns "H'ztixiniglel-sx ce Pemdbs howmber "911 . 2'1
l1 , 'VVV! a . V 1 Us mom no V 1: 11 . Far mm  22,2
  1" - V . In thine  v.) 2 . mun, 5 give tahulKS .  A" '
2; 12 >2 Thou mug?1,;if0YTSLVIOusnGss . will]? {:11tu people Wlbod who rules by;
' 1 f am 3111 2m 51"0E caress And lms 9 IV by Lhe
',  - Shzl  "55  h Guns-[nut ~ . 1 m'lgles tn ' P0018, 
K. _ V 2 > V . r2 Luau 02111; been V 41.91 (V9 thanks L k the clovogr "
11: 1 1V 2V  ._ 2? w) micumq 2. _. 310:.tlmw eyes For ,- 0 Mm 101" fecund ._ 5  3.  "
t 2 . , (1w 2 V Hsm; r p egnant, m . 8a) Lh n 2
11;} M; 1 , . *5; 111V - W420 bangs an 2,311 111* 1111mm 1 2 11'1
~V:\ .111 .2 . - -   _ 1 2 - ~ 2 7 ;V1::VVV,VVVVV:.T__~___~ VVVV QPleSggum , I
2.2- >  \m - h V V.  V: > V A .:
2 v _. '
2  - A .9 ' if
. _ ,7 V V 2 3;:2
2 1 i K 11, .
. t 7' J 7 all 2
. g \3: