A '.._ 54'; mgrir? I ' V v 7
. . , > 7 _ . W .I
,.. ..1. ' #4 . ' 55 \
A ".:-H , _ . . . l \1
5 ' I . . .Mvaw7,.TTT5555" 2:},
~ .  . . . .. T55 mu 'e m n Kilt sun". , ;.\
:IIIIIIIIIII "5'. t . , , . I,,,..,.,....~nz:\.:rm? saws.Wuij-jEBQEE57? Aside from 1101' soldlers, been county luld . I Know 3 I I
..z. t5: \ l .:-25'51555-w} '77:": '7" "in I. ful'lllshed 11191)CIYJiIexltill1)011(1(3s tllC lle I A cublll 15' tVO feet ! 7V
"Tiff v. x l (")~Il"')l5" m1: PJoImmns A N!) ()n- I null 0am. profesgiuns. (rapt. lIuLlnt- , A p'lCO is three feet I  42"
. - , ,.- .... - , . . .1 l . . ,  . an,
" 1;. : J Jul \VS Emlyn-WPursuant to unmet; 1n LhL I My paid a handsome complllmM to thc A fathom is six feet. I ll;
.. .  l'lmncs a. mommy; 0f the (in/8 0 1m Splclldid blllUU-i of 01 Wu'lflblh 5 . A 5 mm is 101 inches. 5 . i?!
ta? l??? 3 V 1 . ~(1Htll0 to the establishment 01' I, (I VCIIlOI' James F. llolnnson. t I l . '5 . 'le
5' 25; i 5 county V )l5ZlAstilulion w'ts h-"ll at the le JO 1 l of our ourishing illStitUtionsl A palm 5 three 1nches. ELM
:u/ - * , - w in: w  ' . ; g '  ._ . . , m
.7.  .- \ thg plopostt II , IIII II metlill' 4.30 spo L 'l IIII hill the 1.01% A reat cublt 1s11feet I]
5 ' . . [Court House on moudny- *  L ,I 5 which dulled new )7 6 .Y 1 . vith g _ .I I '3
.- v.2. ' - ..x. r'? . .,1- . ':' ' . i
U 5 . l was called to ordel by Invulcm. (my ll ulnliiol; 0f thh yum w CHamlet I; no A league ls thtee ml cs . '5'
:5 K 5' lnor (mtrilh who briefly stated 1ts ObJCtC-l' l the country. CilP'V Hathaway 1 ll 1 There 3"621750 languages- 
i '. . . t w- w during 5 .- ,  .7 ' - the um; 16 mt . ,'
l 3 V 1 HOME 0" :5 SCALE: 11::httll P010816 L" 110{OiIlusliIne-n nor Oats,32 pounds per bushel. 
- ~. <.-- A w 1 . , - . - ':i w . .
I . candidacy, said (.49.. mnI I]; n- hull when! thL late mlhld mum mtg Bran, 20 pounds pel bushel. I
2 : . ~' rm  U w ._ . - ~ .
I _ l met many friends \VIlIthpnIII IAII End poi-I dnl ho dosh; t01)1(:l)::h' envelldelzel by Salt, 50 pounds Per bushel. II.
' I r-xert: ==~.  ,. arnn v. Ol 31...). .. w r '1\Z) :tliVB 10 Z35 3 a . . - ' .~
 [ DU .. U515 (E2521: thud: theme would [1.350an 3:3 'it'ce strum-MU, and in this he rcllcut- A days lom'ney 1'3 33% miles. l
;_ ..  \t;_') l ; :n U s-l-I 1"   . 2 n Dm , _ I .  '~
I e what} :IIIII l" VIM-.11 llllr'y could lcnllll ed the Scltiillmtm of all (jolllcdutuls solt- Barley, 47 pounds per buheL ,
. . . olnllliczunnx 1.; '  I .~ .H,...:- :Illl -  ' . .. . )1'03011- . I . . '
' l 0thle wholculmntzs or mtIhI(1IIIII11ITI diurs. They only Plolgoscd :tlcrltd duly TWO persons die eVCly second.  9?
w ' -.-\ .. Lac 1): - ... 5. J l .~ 1111a L  a - . .
1 l x l  that SOmQ NOYW'U ..1qu .l (t anl-[ "g ml" 55111511]: L0 p151 needed aid and Sound moves 743 nnles pm If
' I. .. . ~ 'PIU (l stltn c. l 0 ,.nl., xIw ' their COmm es W \0 . . =
I X W ' Lhmb  1m1 lth?5 W110 were in dusmum ' :0 novillu n. nlmsunt retreut fOI' then 01' hour. - ' (40 If;
'5    ("manna 50 nd MW 1 ilStmCuOfl (:1 ls Evel'y State haul its charitable A square mtle contains ) a;
a: 20.4.73 . 5 -'  V )131'-  . ,. "l
1 l Lumllnattll'clhuiv llCllbY'tdllchy WI) in-l institutions Disabled SOldlelS W110 hl'd 'acres.  ll
1 . 1 1 :L'l   5 . i _ \ , ' _ _ -. v' l t ' . .
j; l :L {ilRImWI from the war a crlplllh Alla l fouvllt with Grant, and 11141931051; 1: A stOIm blows 3t; mtles p01 fl
\ \ mg  " ._. - gum, o. , '~ .. ..., wvie out ,.;
, .. wt lnmsull, J W | 5h :rnnn to the stat, L! p 1 t.-
.._. _ .mnble to 50-1)) 1 . .  , ., ._ L  _ , uld he 101 _ l.
1 ' .I L mt 001' house and (llLd u. putxhex the expellSU 0f the Govunment, c A tub of butter weighs 84 _
5  ..  the 001 Y I) - n n - rted the nocesstty . 't "l5 l'iwht. lln: doors of these  :'~
5' Gages like this Hugo ..1 thong-:11  '-5.' . .. :(y inst ds |'
i y A institution where the nasty (h ll'lt1ble institutlons wow closed (1.93 poun ' d )(l l
. , , 1. . . z u . , . 5 . 5 
Y" ' 5' \5 01 smut - l'OI (PLsztrllluCCOId' I  ruler-dc soldiers, and he chd notdsh Buckwheat 56 poun B 1 52
d5"- 5 \ 3 could becnhl tho! "';l)jeut before the (3011- Lou :x )dct ill-Lt they 5110 be open bushel .'1
. n l ' - . I t'HT o 2:   '  J  .' 5' n . ,
lg: l my), [MW-Dll'ers who were methl' of Olt' will The Cullfedvliltus M9 _cllt 0.51 The average human M1819 31 l if
35 l mm"? suturelqnd other friends when? tf u ilsiolls and bounties, and 1t 18 III;
'51 -5 l ' the chlshl u  ' Fl'WlllifUl't all of whom 0m p *riVLte subscription that the .I years. - 4 840 S hare 15:41
I 5 I y ~ he Md met At 1 5' tl lhotmsed outcr- only by l) L; Provided for Thirty An acre contams , Cl . I;
-.-l . l  ,. l 931 "111 5' ' l 5 . x x (3le e 5 ,. . 1 ~ l
.,.,I, L l acqulbscdd ht C-tnlll'i had agreed to give nudy d soldlclS left Kentuchxhnd cast yards. . 76 l 1;;
'5 :15 5 prise. (,.ap- : to the projm-t if {I 00" 5.110.115}, ~t new with the South: many had  A rkin of butter WeighEl " l 1 :7:-:1
it : supemntondencb .teced and men fol uI ., . t the scause With r ,
 . I. . nt locality should be SL  , sealed their dovotlon 0 . - . 'n , pounds. _ ,- t:
135! I U III will of Scott th'l'U known toIbe  theil'live the bones of some wtele 1d f A barrel of our welghs 196 t
":f '5 7 as K"  " rut-niShet a , 7 . d "Ll (lo no 1109 . ;/
26. , . . he count? ates I" e . - .
genuxouS, .tnd tIIt the South in thelane othLl b. . no me maimed torahfeand  poundS. _ h 200 I
5 T " numberOf soldelb 0 \ed upon as the help, 1th f mum-elves It is this ' A barrel of pork welg s 1 $1
, . t , 13 arm  .1 1.. or '1  -- I . t
, - L \ war, (leotgctt)scd to cam my, Bulld 3 pounds. . '4\
l : WF locality for lie Vplulze .'Illd the institution climbllhhlm 11d it will plOVv 9 monument 5 Slow rivers OW ve mlles 1101' fl,
"1'. L y: l 11 l ) )10})lii\ e 1 l  the t e L 0 A, W . .. lusting ng
.'52  V; \5 ll . ..L munument t0 - . ,_ - f ur )eople 111018 by - h :34.
.1 . .., .1: m - l .tle 0 0 1 our.
.33.. l  would 5mm: 1 b j-r n whO, Ulmgh to medbe} -y m-blc The Speaker be-  ' h ed 45 pounds P9" 5
5 l 1 mm George 7' Joqu t ul'y wt the than bruSs' 01 m 5t would ttkU hold Tlmot y 99 7 m}?
A??? *V:  , 1 .. - - ell'uM  ' . . '. -- coun  )
.;g \fgl lu-mrlsxonal (loveanIIIOIfQIIIIu ghting as 116\ cd that bfohtvith a yin} worthy of the bushel. 0 es l /
5 3 l \\ tnm. died in 21.16le :t the meeting in of thelnwec 'u l A hurricane mo"es 8 m 53:,
1" * " 1 - .. '  1(l(l'- . use. 1. 3 M
 v t   a, )IlVJLe '50  . 1t -VG .021 I, - . [1L 1 h0u1_ 1%
5 m5: 1. vf " at wluch about. thel _y .- J W C. Owens follovscd 111 due . P0 . 0 0 les ' {2.
; _7 . _aI Frgulh 01-1;  ,. l . "IDUOH 01 14011. . , l0 ()f .  b moves 1 0 I] L.
37 . T) . re pltSLllt, U- 5 50 ~ . . . .01 He thought L116 PWP . A I" e a.  E
Q? 130 l wmom let; secured It was rescl'Ved We SW 1'1 my should feel honored 3 1361* hour a.
2n )0 hm 39 "  . v. I .Lownunt com . I . .- ' . , a_-.
l. grggsj F0 1 5? . Citizens of Scott: county F0 S y tho lectlon of Georgetown as tho 5118 l A hand (horse measure?) 15 fourI If
9: I It . I for [ht 5 . (1 rm such an insulation lby the se ' I ' titutlon. It wasu CilSG'l ! . i 3'?
. ' . I whethermey 65! ' .....mtedit, lot the prolmsedlb _ '10qu . mehes. h
I Try . . l obel' locahtlcs .. - t a 6.11 pnde, and S! t . . 8 000 mlleg l
. 3 .. i;- x! in their 11(th u 'l lllte"'t) to secure that appealed 0 not. wort The build- .I ElectrIClty moves 22 , . .ii'
 .'\ _ would sn )sCI'l J9 _ -. - . 1th a, hour y SUP}. ' . . a 
:, r \ Dix \ 5".ud}"'5... "unfmlcmte soldxcrs 1n POLEISWIE: 5353 met tv \ Home would be a testlmony to . per hon -1 , r
I Ein . . HMIIFI 1t. 1155:4115 u Subscrilltim ol szopilob mg of tJ-Lfctnce of our people, and au : A rapid mver ows seven m1 es II
. "9:32; '1 had pm '  ' --11 8001 the munl 1  . ,1.- brave . '1
.': =~ '11] v H , .7 .. t would hunts; . . . L land oflzwh 0 " er hour. ,
l. 15%;? 15.}, _. if Duutt LUIul-y . , m. . with wlnch to Ornament to thc fut . :fi701l of the P n 1 tab was , g.
t" a- .p. 1.33:1 . ,lcyuqoflzunl, 01' tlmnto. ;_ 1' in other deeds He hoped evcly 91" d (rive 1he _rst lucn er ma 3%
1,- ; w I ' * 7 ,. . he new 5  ' I, , . . in an .
" l 5 , 5' your purchase the smug nsklvcg M) erect it county Would Igne siliuththatho chDGBF- made In 1829. 1K
.' rr 5 .. .. J ,.18. s: '1 , , . - .. ovc ' , , ' " _
l 13$ 5 131;  llrtwb DIME) I ( felt) 000, and l'urnlsh Ihherally, fm the LO . Gold was lst dlscovered m I ,
7mg -.- .. . AHIv l . St.) a y -H. . . . ,
i  ill-1,3 l 1 numhns ..L U LL)? 1 - :( unl amount. ful gm t1. .. .. . Cahforma m 1848. I .~
a  .: [7 mdannmL lunu of L1 * . Suenrs (Lhaumm Of a] ' g 4
f 1  i  "1 ' .. .- .. a. made [I succuss, Cupt- 30 Cl ,'  - t d fOr the The rst horse rallroad was I , 3%
'  -" t l the gntclpllbb  v I ions of " 'ttee prevmu-Sly appoln e ' ' ' 1
l "K    - l to hnve mum-m IN  (301111111 f llowln'r comnnt- . bullt 1n 1826-7- - l 53%
; .' " when  .tislli1lllt f .- l H'tll will DUI m-pose) reportedthe 0 - b . . . "60 1
r  * . 1  the lolliurs; 1* Memo), (l vs ll will I) to orpmiye the movement; and 50 A mlle 18 5,280 feet or 1,1 -  . .I-r
int. I 7 - . ."w of w '= tees o  . . . -~.
K I l . A - " mm um I. _ .. . . \ . .1011. .
l 3 1i Tll'ovdw I \\ 1:1 gun Fayette Hemtt up, subscl'lpllonh to; UK 911%:qu mmir- yardsm length. d 66 (is
,. ~- :u - - . , .   v-_ e 1. 1 U
[hl' b ELtultf.d to mlke it u x-cpusxtoly f Gan-mortarthlain? Jw N) (mutt7 90!) rye and ame?  ' I l.
. _. r , - .53 -  . .  I {v A- ~ 1 T >1 .. .1 _  . <~
l ;. {hi 11 Pom 1115 connected mth the olId may; MEWUCT'MGH 1;; \Vnst, ILDTLIJ pounds pe1 bushel. -.
~ 1 ml}.  I .. 42 - 'w. .'i .;qu . ,
1 l I311 {5.155% :hl'e or Hanson bilgde- (0" '13 Will klwtnes, i-i iielllxg.hmw : The rst steamboat phed the 1
' * 'llrccilll' o .. . l-omiscsot my. 1" T 75:. -.~ 59! Vv ("5 ' F - 
 Q- Slodlnrd Johnston lmd nun: 13th Wm 21 \VolIteI, V ,K g5::i_iilcx Thy-mam Ohm; .1 Hudson In 1804. III.  '
 t  m} " t null-tr hind. Capt. (JuntHlI I? add Wmg 51"i*{:11'(,\v.w, )3 S 'lhomnsolly  I A moderate Wind blowa seven 5
1 -_~5.u . - '. ' . meg-1 A., . '
1 . _-  . ,. . .- rowuhct out mam ' 3*) J -m . um, . . _
"5 32 WW; m 5' km} 1:15 1 (x'uolgt'town, J :[.:tu:rl}1m, 3,3.111-la5} 3% l) Duvznl, 62131;; a; mules an hour. A
a  9, to the business ptobucI {hum- w-WS Mmmjzgy(11,1313l H GatewuodI l; \ Wheat, beans and clover seed, :3
. .. . ... h. ',;"60115 11 (  5 ' . '1 11' i: it   1 ..  "on: . ' .:
-'  I5 ' 11 1" 5""31711uu-1y of Clark count) 235M, '1. Khrel'xlkddv :IfivqgjldjChairman;  60 pounds per bushel. $1
I 1 ._1, H 1..,L"i Iv. '_ . ,.., an: 151, J._ . . m
i 3 If UAW LL: 1,5. invimtian, and 111 141?! Fwy/V1.1 l7): TlleT; G 1 Rom  The rst use of a. locomotlvo m t
. , Hull 1  - 1 (_w.r;.l.u  ~-
I II 11 wzvsj lutsttIIIII J I: presented the 1111338th W ill;?;$4.;l\(1{ GUrhuHLI (mintnni '1 this country was in 1829. it
i " l Llle 11100 a' The fauna () SOllI "_ 7, 1 m (1)!1135J 390, .7  '1 3, . 
' .' .. .,~. .. W's. '- ' r2; 3' u uI-ID 1 \ 7' .. -;l zll (190 unted
l . I If in a tray {(ucmlILI "01'le every page of I {fif 1 F ruck, 't J Mann , The rst almanacgvgslgzo 5v _
3 . . t "45 um Y J 3D"" , _ .  - . , .
l ..i .w lIScottfomquJ IWI \l--;{{!ll wl-ll the deeds-x of l NelsolLI m REE-138, (711311739133 Jas by Geo. Von Purbac lIn . 5%
.I '1 hm hinliu) \\ a... .. 11ml: couHW had always quiz-lagggtIfj S Hahn-1', Jehn 51. x 2ch1:. Uut111776, cotton spmmng was i?
 . ,, '- = :5 ll."- _ . u <.  U "(3- 11 : "139.  . . "I.
~ 11 19 fl) 5.. 1t . when soldxcrs em Bl:},l;;,.l.l_30fm M mum, {13 _u Canl performed by the hand spmnmg $33:
.5 5' r-lcHlHHlUCd lweld .V or the r A .1310 r .lothnl'Vl-S, * L ,2
1; ,I _ I, hrought to mom y . John n 12.13 5,312) ticl - Wheel. .
 37. L.L*1lll10rI ,' . w . ..ud lr'ltl :1 glowmg no, llchV Md] 8) Graves, chairman; _, ,l v.
H I I I _l '7, l .. I I y * _
. . 1 :()l U 5" "'1  . . -. -   ~wn. - ' , . 11mm-
25 11% 3112, to the heroism of the late. UJII JIIJIIEZL([)(IluM11(2,Jltjohllwnymm (g
3. t . l .11.)th .  . . lull \ _ J , -
. _. . . .1 mu: n WM, L , \ Knuth. _ _
5 3; Dick Johnson. In tllt. Mu . l: .. wulU dull, W b 7 ommitbeewas adoPt l
' l l I l - 1m 1le war, Seott county J) St 1 The report 0 the c t' utjoul'ned
f} 111 , '  ' . .. - rl-czttes , um I. 1 the moo 1118" ' .
: .. '  -. .1 .w-thetlmlnl 455 . , a math-.1 . . I . -' Fons 111: ~ .
l 375- 7L IIh'mld  fun-1' filleod lo d0 thell' duty- 0 lt=\;1)1'()1)osc;l to take sunscllim I \ .  x .
. ' -, , 110 LL5' * '  f, apnill installments. _/ ,7, . . ,. \,
 ': :VC  Hwfir , .,h -. . . . 2  ,- ,
N; \5 \. . " " M. w V \ Vs,
xi . 11;. v. ._. v. *fjwp.ez.wm 45- .._f -_ g .. .
1. 5 -  ... _4-___ 1k
'22k W \x" ._g. I
. \ikm  5 \