.  - 0
~ 11 . ,1 .1. -1::.-. .1- 1-... V > ..- . .. _. -. _ wan'5:
' ' v i "  ' -1 x:: .
/ v "" ;*'{IF%
R / 5 1.
. 1 1 - 13w 1. .1
731  HWMrrffmrw *m-iT-Wwir \1 . . .1 + 1 aw. f;
1:, R 5 1 1 0W1 Soon on some soft. sunny morning; ,~ } linen336131" g?
11 3953 1539 10 : The rst tlnng my neighbors shall know, m 433%?  1%
5 v . . . , 1 , * 1 51-..4...,_;:1..'_
W 8 nd the lolloi'y'lllg history oi ' 'lheir ears shall he met with the warning KENTUCKYS DEAD'  . ij
1, thls famous Oltl sent! and tune "Gill 1 001118 buly Old 1111131111111, the bean. 1 Ari 5?34
,3 n I: B BY COL. THEODORE o mum. . 1.5%,m51-_1*~,1
.1 . , taggroiggz- 5
_1 1:1: the reuntle ol the Frees: My f,.,Ie,,,13L],,I.,, 53,, mm],- 51, dress me Tl fl] . l'  , ~2311355o3;
51,3 Al'L,iNIA, AM, August 21 187}. 3 A In hnen as while (1; the snow tliiEigIZf othziZ-uifinlti]eiilaliilenlshglighsoliky :my-  thrift; r. 3,1,};
 - ~  1 , 1 ml i1 my >1 l .- ~ , . . gunge. ~f?"..1?f"1:'111 ~ I" '
1'1 JUT. II 11. 13100)." 3 A 11 h: L r/IIL11l1111IIshnll 1111353111101 They are touching, beautiful, eloquent and 5-- 3:71 ~
. . . , In w is um 11 r .Uerllli. t1: 1 1 1 1 l
, ,' MY DEAR tintil am obheerl to .1' I U L I E qu Egg, inomngsfbcitlggfc? now doms 51mm? 12 151-: i3;
1 .. . . 1, 1 . 11 , . . ,  s _ 11:11:11.1". ; . 1
.{17 you for a little paragraph from the 1' And he I 1 to l)" lllllmh I reckon , tinted conceited Boston inel110e;81i$:siuof  Wiw  1
, [1 7 . , . . . . . . ' 5  1 1 5;_;',g._'v1:};151x;11 ":1
,3: 1.;olu111huI11 paper ascrilnng to me 0103 The ladies mil all like to go; their Longfenows7 and Holmes, and look with ifiil'rlzillizifV. 5
[: authorehlp of this song, once so 3,033.: Let them form at the foot ofmy cofn,  COlllemPt uP0,n all American literature that 1 r!i$$,7
,lf" ular Thri'nlghout the country. 3 And follow old Ronuzn, the bean. does nothwe "3 bml m Massachusetts. The '39.:
g It is 119,, ,,.,,,, l 5,, m1, ,3, I, I lh author, agaunntsoldierpcazt of the o. s. A., is 11:17:!
3 . 5 1 l J ., . rIw ,- 5) _ _,  7 . n a . _ 3 . - - 1 osg915-tjm..~,;'r.
{,- send you. {11111 the fi( the lll'St tlJl 1 In laht 3011 a (lo/.1111 good Folio 51, 0W de d He '13 on en Breckmridges 5411-1531551 3ng
1. 1 ,1 . * ' 1  l A 11 1 1 1- . staff-l .1
1} 1 were won to the 1111' which becaun 1 at the! a Emmmng 07 1 1"
1 uh / 3 . ' 1 1 . it .
b>2 lhlllOlH b (   A1111 dig, a deep hole in the meadow, l The mulod drum S sad loll hos beat 1' -15:11?" 1' .
111' ' . , , 3 - . . , , 1 The soldiers last tattoo- 151.1551  ' .51.?!
I I Will give you e 111101 history of the And m It 10 Roswm the bwu' No more on lifes parade slnllmect 13w .5?"
writinw' 2111111 ol'tl a 11 r ' S 111 . 1 .v 1 1 '1 . f   1':
s: 3 Tm RVIun I IIlloI 3:1II11I Ella 0133;113:113. , Thin nape out 9. couple of donnolxs1 The brave and daring few; 635%
1 H - ' .-';~11 131.111 1 1e.:"1 , 1 1 1 1 .
I, '18"? I . 1 . . . . J 13 . 1 1 i, 3.1.1, one Int the hand and the toe, 0n Fame seternal campmgground . 1417:3135
j d, a II; . Wilb 501110 1110 111 SC uclmg ('1', And (lo not tail to scratch on it 3 Theirsilent tents are spread $3 1'3 .11"
,  , - ' 1_' ' . ,1. 11 ., . V 1 . .1,}-.1'.""?:, 
3 :IIomml l3 hy 1t 1. 1 not netesmn . Hero hes old liossum the bean: And glory vuards with solemnirouud h *1 f; 3:1,;1
1, , or 1110 0 8 ate as 1 ie reason on 1 ,   wt
1'1'1 (1'. _ 1 4'7 1 ,  .. . 1 1' - . Then lithe you these dozen :001l follows 1 The bivouac of the dead. 1 tjluwl
3. ,dllSCS .oi t .e 1 o 1113 m 01111 a 1. L 1 , .55, .
. . 1 . . ~ . . , ,. 1 1111?;151211.1>'Mf
3 theme for a Chanter 1n the second 2 And Fland theni all loimd in 11 101, I, answer to the foe 5 advance 1 iigor;
. 13 3191111111}, of the .1le1nor1ee el F1lty l A311 dt'lllllmlt Tingnelhcd 13""15 Now swells upon the wind; 1 
55gb 3,0315. t arowe to o ossu1n,r 1e beau. -0 tr nll I . . tax: .
I Finally] locat .11 i: hl' .1' I. . . l W H 31) P 1.11 14 o J Bdthought'it nndmghtlmunis .
v . . M 11 . 18511115111111 11111, i . . - - 1 A db Of loved ones leftbehmd; . two:
l commenced the PHICUCC Ol law- It;  7 V i No vision of the niorrows strife 32?
,2 . I515 111 1lhol 11111 is ol 1the noblfst lace , 1 The wnmor 5 dream alarmS  I 1;,
1  ( 1 : :1 1 1 - {1 1  ,  1 1' - - . 1 ",1;-1't.-'Z'f' 1
51- 0 PO )1) C n" U U 0 1 * 1011155 3 J 1N0 braymg horn nor screaming fe 1 9%
IA? these were two equally relnarlinhle, ., ' 1'" , , At down shall call to arms 1? 51 Wat
4-f- lJut very unlike. ()no WM :1 school-3 "TUE suns??? 13A??? 3 '  1, 3,1; 1
1' . . 1 1 1 ' . : .. Bright ag of my country, t oasoer e rave, 1'1 - _ -    .  g. . :1; .1
,u 1 4 1 1 le 1 r. .1 11. .
E... ,mn.tc1 he as quite ohl, and 11 he , ,1. the proudest flag yew the land or me wave: , T1 11 Ishive ed swo do 'no 1edw1thrusi, I I} ,.
. had been teaching 111 that neighbor- 01,1,mme,1sunmmdmm 1111mm ,3 he , 1. Their plumcd heads are bowed, 5123:1551 . .
75 need over forty years. ills name was Who would blot out one star from the has orlhe free. Their haughty banner, trailed in dust, V:g.;{;;i;:-;1,j~
.111; Jame.) PLQDSIHH. He uus peculiar 111 j my ,5, mp0,, 8,13,an may 5 Em; be more bright, _ Is now their martial shroud, 5 I
: lllS haln ts. ()111 Monday anllllllg', .1 Maya never go down in foul auarclws night; 1 And plentoous funeral tears have washed {afii:E:-Ei5sa~
1 1 a 1 a . , . 21:13:21": 11'1;
5 i neatly dressed and cleanly shavcn, he 1 1" "4" 11mm WV 0 0' 5 ,, 1 The red slams from each brow , 1255,15, '
i; . 3 u. - , - 1 7 Uerthe land of the fraumndthe home of the brow. ; . . 1 .., . ,1
it went to 1115 duties 111 the ohl echool . And their proud forms in battle gushed, 113,515?
1/ house Where two thirv'ls of his lllC huzl LP 9 Withfleemen-letlmm We: Are free from mwuish now. well'itffif
7,1 been S 3C] 1 ,1 .y 3 W- 3 5],, 3 . f l d Tlllsccesslonond treason before it do quell; ;  . 5111:I.;.;g;::,_:';-5{:r
\hi 1 - , l5 , L" t 1 3:01" uou'] L M f t U1 1 with 3 hammayits mp ever 7" : The neighing steed the flashinnr blade ill" r
3 hiniselg to the dune; of his vocation "Wertheiandof the free, mdthahamo oflhe brave. 1. The trumpetssthiing was: 
1 1 -- 1,, 1 1 .7 ' 1 1 - 1 1 _ 1  '1 ..5~w
9N lllltll .1} hi-lf { 111 g' U the 11101. Stand fastbyyourag, hoys~a close watch keep, 2 The charge the dreadful cannonnde  i,a$ 
fn mg ml baillldny he arrayed himsf .1 "I111 secession is hushed on the land and the deep; ,   .gmi'f 1
f1}? h1:3 best and devoted the day in VlS- 1 ,Tmuiered.wnue and blue new andever 5111111 wave, The (1111 lid 3110 1'0 Past, _ .4 lifiiii'i5iir"
g; iting the ladies Of the neighborhood. : oer theland 0mm fromand the home of the bravo." : Not wars Wild note, nor glory's pool, 3 ,$# H
53;; He was a welcome guest at er 031V , But the noblest of national anthems must Shall ll with erce delight, l {Mo}, -]
Ill," house. This habit hail continued so 3 not be overlooked. We print it, familiar as Those breasts that never more shall feel 3 , (exfxi l1
1 i . . .  1 1 g ~12: 1511.1, 1
1%.- long that he had acqunoil the sohr11 it is, that every reader of the Democrat TheumIGOf the ght 1 gang; 1,.
jig , +- 11,, ,, . 1) . :2 m1 .1 . . - '- . , { [if-3., 35%:5511
1i; 3 9 ISb}1111  the Ijelll / inc i may Pen-39 the thrilling words, and 501 In Like the dread northern hurricane 5 1 "151.
53 (it 18.1. 5 21111110 ll 1.18 ("01"? Who V. as a. 1.01 3 the grand chorus t0413.5" That sweeps his broad plateau, 1 1,4' .71" .13, .
g 3 hClililzZ't flood fellow, End a? host ' STAR SPANGLED BANNER.  Flushed with the triumph yet to gain, ' 3 g: 515);
1 ,V V0011 13 over 7110" 0 was Ill SCllf Ohl snv.can you see by the dawns early 11- ht. r1! . . . .I - . . _. 1.333535??? 5 '1'
ii i whit Prentiss was in oratory 21ml l EMU p" all 1 "1e Wulghmeam 6mm am the 50mm 100 \ J, 11 92.?
,-,1  '  y 7  no, 1 5 . - .,'::91:-:=3":~1'-_:-:-'f" 
1,32 3 they were h e on companionsboth \Vhoijlgroaditrlpoa and brlghtstars, mm the perilous 0n; hemosfelt 1111053101211; and leapt 5:333
.J. ~- " 5 - . omce1 rem on 013 am; 1.1; e
l tiled young. O'er the ramparts we wotcned were so gallantly . 5.51,.) 5,15;
,-1 1 v . stroaznlng? , t it in sk hath we It: J1\:"4f~.ii
1f 1 I COX was frequently at my elhce, , fAnd the1nIclIt'5rglgloi'Ie,tthre 310mb; burstingIIlIn 5131-. A'fbbng he pIIy Eh; I .1. ,-
; _ - " ' 1"1e'1 .- 111.1 . ' 'ani. ""
, 3 land upon one occasion when he was diiiesnwgesthitslmi'p'augiga lilting yafthiiwui 6 00 m g a 8 'JJ 1:11
ii there 305311111 11de by the (1001'; 211ml gel-mam or me wmd um home or me bra! Sons of the consecrated ground,  ltfory is ll
1 - . - - 1 1 r, l . 1  _ 1 . . 1 n 1:.
i 111s age as :1I115:arcnt 111 hls Wain, Cox 3:3-12:13?,Eirllgggtgiglzdls $531? 1ic%8:13ges, 1c must not slumber there, Will! 5-,!
, .- 1 , -,1 ' n . . 1 ' a s 1 a W c He reminder e owern - eo , , 1 1' 1t;
5g; loehotl at him, till, altei I11 pause, 1A 1, mm, MW; 1131; comma, halfIdlclosel7 pf Wheie stiungor steps and tongues reSOund :3 . 13;,
:3 turned to me 21ml remarked 111 qulte :11 ggyndtzgggmilgihh'i: En"{t.&{: bem' 1 Alongthe the needless air; llnng
i:  1 . 1:11 , _ 1 ~. "1  ' . . . '
- 1 1110 tone V. Ull l 1 k '1, 1m 1 Tu the Star npmzled Bannurl on. lnngnm it Wave 7 . V .
11" I iiepleill .1,,,I3;t1. 631;, 521111001 :le inc Oer thelnud of the free. and tho homeoftho bravel 5 10111 ownproudlald S heron: 511 1 5 1 ha3 . l
5 i .  " D 7 L l D 1  ' . 1 And where is the hind who so vnuntln Shall be your tier grave; . urn . i
~ 1 1.11 . Lily swore, 1 v c I
5 ,(lescrlhable:  Boer olil Rossuml some 'md the havocof wnr amitha battles confusion, l 1 - f. m war hisrichest spou . 1P :1 .
a , 5 . - , ,- 3. 1 Ahomc 11min country,1herd leave us no more? S e c aims 10   l the , .1
. 11 of these sunny mornings he ulll 1C- g,T131enInmodnaswisneuouunen fonlfootstepspellu- The ashes of hex-brave. l itio 1."?
it? found lead when herh-ill haven noble  1 l 1 1 ' 9:1, 1'
it .1 1 a _ 1 1 3 1", . .1 . . if? miiiftcoug Siliil Eln-filing Hlivtan'  S  th their aront's turf they rest .- .
. homo], and all the llLllUb u1ll henm 3 Afne Stgfspfumgngm,nrigh garage 0 110-1 1  11 1 one 1:15
:1" it by bei 11 g present, I Knew. Oerthe nuuoftnc free. and the home of the brave! . Far from the gory e (I , If and 11;
i 1 "M - o if ' . (  1 ,r i on: thus be It em when freeman shall stand, Borne to a S nrtan mothers breast, . ..... ' 1 : .5?
1  30H {111,Ll   M the )xUCC, {11] L 1 Between their lovd home and the wars dvsolotlnn P ll de' El :31
lg i being in the h 111111911, 1" seized the ltleas i Blerlt Tim} vlcwy and peace. may the heavn rescu'ed 1 011 many a bloody shield, Virgin
7 ' . ~ - an 1 - - . . 0 .
1 {will \VlOtC the iollowing doggerel llllCS. l lip?iil301u'le Power that hath made and preserved 15? The sunshine of their natne Sky 3 :3 .j
1 Soon alter Cox returned, and I hantleil 1 The112ougliwrwe musmor our canseltlsjustl  Smiles sadly on them here, 310W. 1:7
Y   And thii be our motto  In God is our trust!  - " d t 1 1 
I I , them toIhnInII: lle got up, \vIallietl,:111<.ll and EnrspnngmmmennMmph-mnwwn . And kindredheorts on 9) es ma 0 1 3y E Ipa. g-. . 1
t5 ' 1111111111041 ihiierent a1rs, until he fell 1 . 00 land the 0". ""11 Whom the brave! = The heroes sepllchrc. QED- t. .
1 l W .11 1  1 ' foll win use b a 1d of . * i;
5 upon hie old ulLEuUlllbh hy inn tune, ml The Io g vcr , y n y this Rest on embalmed and somted dead! . "115 :__ I
5, WlJlClJ they have ever SlilCC l) 1-011 sung. 1 State, Miss Fanny Hall, was sung at Wash D0 '15 the bloorlv hravc- 55,5 Q.
 I 11111110111111.2118 consnlered Cox more ; mgton recently With greateclat. We hope i . .  1 3 1 ~:1, 1
l ' , l  . 1 . ..- 1 . No impious footsteps here shall trend , it a
>3 entitled to me authorship of the song 5 that itmll be sung to-day at the conclusion The hex-mac of your gmve. 1,5311
. .  " 1  . ( 1 . 5,, ;
3,1 than 11135011. l of the standard words of the song: ' -  5 . ' / (the may
7 H 1} q 31. 091'. _ . 3 _ .0 3,6,, Wl'it- 1 l l\or shall your glmy be forgot / 51 1W3..
3111111111 1; - 1 1C5 1 1   : And now whendisunlon and discord abound, While fame her record keeps 1 . 7, (5' 31? . .
'1; ton to 1111011111 by as many 1191150119, and 1, Mame Norm and me 5mm 310W with me ' 5 ' 5 116m g;
5 almont W 111111, hm e (lllll"1l the au Irritation; Orhonorpomts the hallowed SP 3 1 33
.55_ 1 1 _ . ..1 .oI . I _ 3 3 ' . 1 I , reri
<1: ,, 1 1 5. 31 1 5, , J Witnlove morelntenae we would gather around, Where valm proudl) sleeps. X
7 5: 101511113 Of LII? 71? .- -1'u.t ElIlj 1% Cf no, Andieokmour agastho sign of salvation. , . 1 . l 68- [gig is
it moment. I jlium no NIlltIIMfHIy llllCS- g . Accursed bathe morn when dlsbonored and mm. Yon marble minstrel s vorceless tone 1' ,4, , 5.11:5:
3,3 but everything ior Cons 31115;" 11*; them. 3 It! glory deported, {misauty auIsnom; 111:1 In deathless Song 51,311,011, 1 1 '.
1. . 1 ,. ..- . 1.5. ~ 1 o 1.: . - . .  _-,:
g l hirchnuen llllll (l1 .1 tea: :1 11 oI1I11 ItllL 93232113111??? ETD? gigeggmeixam When many a vanquished age hath own, 11/ .
f : eyes of chi ;-1111lIyoix;1g min the .ccllng mm , The sioryhowyou fen; :g,;5..I_-y, .
l he 11:61:mm tllU song: We Mud L" 'm"" D 1 1 Nor wreck nor change, nor Winter's blight; _.1 .
(s 7 7 7 , Nor times rcmorseless doom, ;~1'"1.=_\1'.I  15
Shall dim one ray of holy light '- , 1
3 That gilds your glorious tomh. 1,
.  1 M4 .
1 1, , . \_\, d .  1'.
. 1 1
.1 V] 
1 II a 1 . ,