,. 15: T 2. .212: 2 0   m w I,
W >/ ~r V r
- /. V . 7 . .
, . " y   > 7
~ V V .: .. . M' 1 2w 
s M 125_ Snllin F (x, . 2" .9. .:_- .1 ':7~=i"'.'1~~k 2 " ' 
.. l, .. an - V - : m 7111 -  _ . :- .2 2 ~ 2 2 ' ~ I"
(3 .\ illtflglgl3? 'Ul'liev' Iin 811:0 ght: 931011118, 2 I :1 2 'k l a I 2 if M '
V L we OCCVVVVVOVVVVVM Mm the poem @5116: 1?  32.??? ,
\g V Carolina: 1130;)3' 1:991 H. Mayne, of {gong}: ; V :
.. L g haildsume rmLIfE. 101ng so she made a few Ben ~- I .7: 77
-.. ,  Q} ladies to SOIVLL 57 \VVYCJCOIDillg the NOT ' C I I A (ml-05kg. '1 g 1
l - _ in 8.10 d  1LTn null. The )( mm "P [ hmgo Tribune 1 J. I
, . 3f 2' ;_ u clear voice, and is aslfflllu was read five me homer doughnut 7; . I y
.. 2- , V A WEr n01, Ows: Rama MccloskeYS "Oi.  ' \11 Ag
VVVV VV V VVVV V\ From the saw] V My th as she Speaks h cc IS huskylith  r a, .y
. . -_ \. 2.~ timzrzl :12mpoi-ilLchTIm' of the Ladies Na.- LGimpled cheek t: 95" "words, and ovefrl \R:
. :7. Ycg 0f the A'orL'lLV 88.10-th0 to Their Sis- L the IllOOulight 11 11:)ka 80 m and 1ng  
V V m 2 r o 2 
.2 L Flaslxgllffiooniclfrur streams oft-1m Northl L Other in mpm snow  Shes are Chang 03].: '
VV \V WVlJVVVVmce the glgafttwact lights and, L ('amkills their unfulfm. To her right. are If .
V V V VV V V . .' 9 . . , '. ~ in - . .
V V V Ye 333?; high) the innigogiigys mmestlc V lam ery light. While 5 baLVhed In a, oou: .
;, Emerald Ligecl and (air as th} brnin i A; placm Hudson its a? we base lies a I
Fullille or 1 Vm_mght's measurcls 2 g, L ownw me  V, , . Shlmmerhm surf
l L And shod 351igslxndexaltmions-> cope. down am alfwtlfklmg stars mai $0122: In.
-. . 3C su  I, I I n I iL 
. TILIke welcmuo, O~ SiSter Vudalb of h0pel ElzWe zenim. 1:31: :12!th 513mm)? 0m w I
V V TVVVVVLVfLVvanzVVsVclwsen, invihgi'blgebrtlllt you, and lendinzz {0 L110 ly in front or the [:11
2 V Lax-we wig??? Q, sismrsl we pee? 0' Warmth of 6010 6 10 eDSem 1313 a E
19> would 51in lantl r801ute hadq, y u is a large jar. \lnng not. otherwise m L r 1
V TVEVOVVVV VIM?EVHVVVZLIOVVmem of ieausmg Heicnles Forkhmedlamly behind iflgmbzl
. an n ) . , 2. flwsyl V i  am 1 :-  H
V VV That guilfilehlldube \3001k0f)%1:lsllesda ~ '1 he girodgfsix. he says. D] .
:1 \k At the tone} f 1L fau 'alley of Iulmsl' (fngjmwl ar D 0:31); ythTlhe sh ado, of Cl
.. 1- V The pure {{0} yoljr tenderness ferv'd es at pas-es acmsher f 00k 02: haunm I
A ' Lot thm , Ines othelulimr <14 .. . 1_ ' L b around the dl'OOI ' 408 and the WI 1}
. \K V. Hum/ml a 31:1.L11Vlho, , y 16 One , 3: Inll) V I 1
! k. Rccelnilgg'130f "3771.4, 0'8 oft-(y'mpim T119111} 3;? "3515 mecm he ask. _ ' .
. 2; AS the. hard( (Hslnsses, and thr'lll 66' bzmk 0f  0 WNW hand 3' h. 1
Vi VV Ami the hxegguimem mdts SVVLVVVVY VV deep brgvyrklnl; \is trembligl;5$t upon 111 W
E2 \,. Let ~ _ A 0 anguish crows sc- L and pain -~ es there are hot , and in u 
V V\ VVUS Jam hum] b V V u V  buddenl R {Ears ox so - ., t
1 VVVD V V} S and he V V V :_ (10 awav.n_ . .V [ime sue; : r1 .
V V The SVVEVAVVEVSVEUV;VVVVVVSVVlsunCV-VASVVV 31:21:;th Circe, L 1:131:13, befdro Ellftyisiln gigoniyea'tones (2:2 '2"?!
. n Hath] , , . :1, u ', Viltut of 2  ) | In unsuid  mt wm - uh 2v
. H U Ind to heme [ as. wuwe v and 50b 0 had be: L
, nquelled and 7 4 , flmomless hells  I s (moxie her H v i
\gV-L Still .~ Vunquenched '  J r a great h L!
VV V VVV Tm thgilxlllquV VmVVVVdenS axlikgzpassmn. V 54:31.2, . Jung 411301;??3ggwtk5 upon Heron} . .
V VV V Audh snne VS Fad Where h 5 J : 22:2 , V arm around 1 .. . ,0 girls Sid l h es. Ste
.N 57:772. ; 8F shadow throws 10 S 9 passes, ::22:,;, ' L 11" says 0 391 . 16 me trulvl 8 places 1
B;V\ V V Ah"; Christ! the fail I L 0m on the Stars! Eii: V 777 ' H ' r N  For nwei.oghlaove me? u  sweetheart!
J; . . he 2 ; ' 1011195 Shel , . 2 if" 77;:7733 7 777 if; if?) r in 1 around 7 E ( p1 p h r 
VV V The mggndgts VVVMC arctic igfggglrgfledl '2 2:322:21? 2:2 . . :72 her Lhehtllzlgski a"d asl feg Whle MEL .
V Aftpukk in 1,:L1:;L(;1q1:igv{::d emmwde . 5,22,...272 7 7 2,2. L ngiOusly 314(u1iggn,rl'eacllek {$33351 Drink:
V V VV . V : :2:. V .~ V; . ,. l W: 72:71:; N W 7 v r :1: I V v a V V t l  Se:
V k V VHWVVVVJVVIVVVVVVVTMVVVVLV VVPVVVVICVVLVVCEVSV 7;: . i, 2 Lialls #0322;ng or axon;l 111%?an and theii L
"2;! : Wl T99 stem. 522v:1$;xees}dllight and mire 52:22:22}; 77:7: . r  The doughnm I? sw-GOD'  me MCClosxr:
$2. . .x: "L L B [110 bias of De: Ber-SEE? $13: Vc'ourges, if? Eifgg V I :77 T r L A I. r 7 Jam 1
V '1 r us with p111" " I W :77; :7); I I V (A: i 2 g I i 2
~ 1 r ./915 That 5121 2. . , ' ' '2 ' 5&2 77: 7: A mum! Fab?   I
\VVVVVVV: \L'VV V:VVVVEVVEEVVV} aVVZtlglwmg 22):;33322 falter, V, Q V ,. 2 :75 , . . .2 2E ' A "V . [Detroit Free Press.  a .
.V 2.1V Vt: Leagx , . ~ 011214 uhllcl-  ' J, V V I I V! j V a ; - Ion: Who hada H; :- 1 -
VVVVVVVVVVV VV W6 Shaggfgotrgs of. giant V) 21:11::va f9? conCluer 2 _L L g, . , "2 ' ' desxred to destroy him? 1;!th 1; 1th a Hyeml Vg \
VVVU TVndChung1.tfiLSgf'rmk'turel D530!) 2 V f." ~ cm: - . ,;.2 : : 2 tothe Lion for advicS herefore wen! 2
V V fl 1 16 CV V VA Vser S i! t 5 $55235" '' 2 I "E 7  "2:" 1 r 2 we;-  ' l l  :
V V V x V V may Vi: {jiflgfguxgz gVVOCVVmS inohgfegburses ffg:gi ii _ .2 - :. 132272,: . ' 2: L. whegljl ggggoagggigus tgekmply, "an .
. So. come f- g *1 ness agaiul * 7::227::f22;;;;,; {'2' . . .;, 4: Effl: 2  The wolf w 1 55  ea 1m. :
V\ V F V V V mm Vim SVVVVV j: ;: '3... 2 -. ,. " i i: i " _ - gen?3 away and laul a. 511a. :E
V V VVV V FIVUVVSMVR d 5an mm CHESS??? the Northland figfvli % v-2 2 . .l. ,: :;:27;%:;:. . : Slde F118 path OfIEB traversed by his 16 be . .
\ viv  n he sheen or 2 . L lmnts r 22:22 ' \ I  :2:~.M.2.-:"2 V 2 V " 7:: 7 0m: JuSt as ho wn  1 I, - . {menu
u . (,rown wit . 3 0m lllOllllilihq ' _ , ,, 2'2= V  :2 V H "2 I 27??? 7 L 1 1 k u. 5 C30 Jug Wltb samufacj I /
a. h 4 . Come Soa Ell Lhmugh multiplied 1n Plasma, ' "22 @225: ~  If" H LL14??? 7:; V V 1 :AC ) quaerea mm the an himself n  01 ix
3 _,, ~: . L . Emerged lfmrd. serene as the , ights; . 2 : 2 w" ' El? :yi' :3 r 6%; 49m my]. In this emqr ; arm we h
VVVV VV VV V mm NM: VV V mnmmg 7 ,:  . . ,-- , L10. , . u guncy along came 11h ,.
A211;- l . L Elve heralds 0:10:35 as mysncal cope;  g7, 2 I N 119* mm 3:321 "$2 Who 01th out: I
L L clifisgfrescui Qflfig F3: ,L  5/71,. 22 2 ., Afwliggiel buwmm an this
(at;  L k __.' A- 1va H, mm; 32213 2' 2 ~:::_:.  med the welt y own mp, humbly u
..,.-:~:~.':. 2-. . L,  , . 2:2:  So I L L I
if: V T1 V V V E ngg 2;,;;}:f f 2 : tested the 201515 trap by yom adee, pm 2 x :
. \~ ~. 5, . ' : 2 : 2;:\es_ ;5=;,;l!T-f5 -2737 27:75:: 7: 7:73, H  I. r r L"
53; DD V  7.29.: 3E=w7z :: to 53; 3x013, 190L1 did, and I advised your enem . , . 4,4 .
4;. . oterrfarsx.:2:~:::2:2::22'22::2:2: 22 r . F v  u . V I r a: .
. . 2 'a .. .2.2:;:::2'2f.22li::%2:2222.3,..-; , 7 Euce to me W133 g v. e1_1~ Odds 15 the dime, L v, f'
V VV VVVV V .7... ,, . 1.9le1 l tW ' '
. Ln L F I 4.. v w. 3.9:ugs2222332 222' 2'222 ' ' I MORAL. The 1aWV03a t 011} 01 Hyena",
V V V VVV V V VVVVVVVV 23:2. E ' L / be hOW't . . ge s mpay no u]: .
. It .L .5; :a ".22" I g r I he sum 08". ,
x \i TY \ i I. .5 ,2 2: r r r N THE TgVO-EBRAGGVARTS '-
. 9;. I L- :V; .525 : . 2.: V ' The WOOdCth and the 0 .0  I V
,2 :  j 2 22:22 f if :2:: ., . one day nearthe den of th 6;? Ssum ! . .
Va VV VW d V V 7V 222:2: 2 j: , V rtalled out' e. 01% and
V V? V MV V V V V, . l 011 ~ , - .4 2 .-
VV BVVV V HVV HF VOVVD upon the swanee Ribb \\ ,w niShgp, Snond have heard me singing '.  a .
L2 2'21 . TI 31, far away er, It COUldnt hQVe b I \ R-
L23 :{2352 1'1- % Dar 73 w}  , SP?ech, replier'lktho Dias-Equal to my 3  L
If i. .2 1; IL: , 1a my heart is turninrr ebb V KXVPLFI 3,1 also a Pogb'bum 2 x L
| 2;; -; V V , Dar 8 W112! d C 61, r r w .H n 22 LL ,4. v I ET! l u 01 I m 3' Vsmtesman. 1'
V VVV/VV TV IVVVV A 8 01d fonts Sta V 7, L l 1. v. nL, L m, L . u [\4 . 1 can growl In four diff ~ 1-,  n ,.
VVVVVV V 11 up and dOVV d V yV  . V And I can conquei t1] e keys. I I .
. L. Aw q \n e Whole Creati . . L fans they brawed 0?
_,  :L S Ladlyv I roam, 011 , (51% Lhisbe Morgunvs old bngade 1 their palsy voiczad?Wl'L'-"-i'33l3-WL If: :VSNI'IJ Hm HMQWWWH13 Q  V
-. l'r MELDV d q ander d Ilevn L: m w V'LW :c W'g . ml ;,l::.ler..:.-1~LL. . -1 i' 'L . L ,\Ll\\.uuL-LLLL  hum
; .: 5 Whe I 9 Songs I sung. LLaslz.11:"_,:'. Lt LLLLLLLille:l9" 4:33LLLLLLLLLL Xi L, L 333qu 17 LILLY?LLLLLLLLL LL L ' L : I
~ \ 11 W21 ~ . 3141 :L..V w 2 L .lesug'tzuL'meV 14.1712, uytgsznL aigrglil . : {1'2 .1: a); l I \ 111.,.,1}lli LLlliziIIILJLLLLLLLLL '  " V
L l :2 H S PlaYmg Wld m b d LLLLLL. a . L L .,; L: LL L 954 .LILL'.LVZ 2 l Wu LLLLILL "LLLLLWLL LWLL'W3 = -
V V appy was I V y ru der LLLLLLEEW VVVVVVV .1 {EVELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLf/fm n3 ,W3v.;=:}?{L_':2LV.LL.LJVLnsleLuL 39.2,: "2- LE! ILH 2'MLLLLLLLLLLLL.LL;L}.".LLLLLLLLLLLLL ,. ] jx ' 
 btakle me to my kind 01d mudd  LLLLLLLLLLLLEELLLLL ILLLL LLLLLLLLL/v Lkfim Him MILL.) LL '1 L LLLLLLls-1331151LLLLLLQIJL   V V :4 I 
2: a1: at me 1' er in? :151lelliilrl 2 , , .aL-qV \ Lzyuah ~ A 9"er . ' MN";1L-LEILLLLLLILLFL Lilulvl'il""v5"22i2? ' 2 L
\ . . IL LLLLJL L ., LL... , .. w I v L , l . u . ML LLLLLLLLLH . . _ .
flax. 76 and _*__ 1  L-LuFLLLLHLLLLLL n l, \ L. 2, LH- .. u 2~ . . . , my:2~w1wlwL"L  V
L dle. Chorus. 2}uLLHLELLLLL'LLLLLLm" Lo \ . jail} Wu "11:,L'LLLLLELLL'EE'2.|LL1'1l;:L"-1LLLLLL  ' f 2. A 2 k
_  . nleJLMLLLL :3. ~,\- . ,w . v . 1 I. 2m l.' n w 14.) '13"  2
l O 1' [LQLLLLLLLLLLLL . ' K K /7//(yl . L. ,L aqlhxffl LLWLILL MLWLLVLJW  L 2 V 5
._ , 2 . 276 //;:v . t'. -.!:lla l' 53%": r ' 7
EL ne 1ttle but among de b h AW: 1 .543. L U L ' (121131 L mm WW 3 h
.12: L One dat I love us es... .9  (, ~2 .aQEEfa/ , - 2"LLLELLELVL'W L1 i 3 2| ) i
S - - mya. L -2, . , L;'j:uzlll. .lel :2:,2-I \ . W
x . ._ yr) A:- a '  ViiY  L 7 4 H
L L 1311:} sadly to my memry rush u 2 M .r Q? : 2 . . '  ail:31 - V" i
. y 0 matte . eS, L , 2- . _ .2 :22 5/ " ~. '  L [L (I '
V VVVVVVV V When WVH V ere I IOVG. L 1W L L LL w [2: . a 15? (z. . ' W I : n g
V V V \ All 1 1 see d6 bees a hum  ~.z .1 . "lllllljkllmw'L' LVVL LLL LIL L LL VVLLLL . . 2:? 3.. . . \fo L 2239 . '_ LV -
V2. 5 m 0. V r w VA; NV .52 V2\ . t; - \:\:_, VV 1: n. 2V : ; L.
g \ V Wh round d8 comb? Inc, 61060 n, .31.; 515"5"2:i=.,LLLLML .lLlLLLlLLLlLLLLL l \L / A: .2 . 23:: x . 3 2 r 13-" , p.232. 2 L .V . 2 . 65'
. V0. 2 11 , ' - Ammubi-{Jimnggix ~ " 2 . L : 2 h
VVVVG V D Wlu I hear the banjo tummV 3011;231:3113? LiJohn. anW - ~ ~ . .; 213' - x. ; 
. L f 2: '-__ 0W1 ' 4 . 2 1n 4 e x e ther emuln hotter down J 11 \ ; \N 3
as; .  . ... 1 In my good old home? 0; g L Agnaglgm, AnBEvE'fFSJE znd-e'lo n. A F (J
m. J g. . 72 2 mus.  _2 2 22" : y? $5513? at W W 1
V -V.. V4 .. -  V . : ,L 2 . 2 ' V .g V: I} riiii/ ;
 \ 3 _ t V_ 2 - L - . - 2  \ ; 
 gw - .  
V V __ 1 m 7
{g j