9 ~ ;. 1 l 1~&W raw: .3=3 =e~~r . : ~=M.L:77. . ...T ,, -' "=5 ......r. . . .... 3
VLVV. {gLth-yV .. W..-.~.=.r.3"'3.33=.:..;::- ;. .~ _.., ., ._.,t.\,,VLV,V- VV *=.~":>=~?v~=::.-.-: W _' ;. . _,V .- . 3-..; Eu . Vev- r 4 V.:-. -. 4 ,4. VMV 3.3; V
'3 .l, J" 3 , -WW'~ newer-:1; - em ,. .. 2   ,    7- ,7..-
. r. N/ ' . _ .i; ~ - ~  , .  "" ;~- e "  .  - 73,%"~ 34" 9'  xiii?-
3:? V V . V, :i..__:~._, m;;_;w,7 LN 33' 6 .e/ -.. , - V ..-\ . A -. _; ~ 4,, 333 V 5% V '33'1343
VVVV VV 5?, '1: . . V V L . . V V . LITTLE IM-Rm V, :l-w g! . . _
V3. t f" it 34116) 01 i. 0 el :3 Flt". , BREECHES. . [N THF TUVVFI :3 5,. 3,2, . .-
Answorl lit-L. v. .' L .3 . . -_ , . ,l M ,       " 3"" ,w 2 . - - .3
"l , o (.1 > on; cltei fiomtalmfomm . BY ---- .v - .
~ ' .iq   J l . , , i ,5. .3 41.. : = .
g, 3l 3i?! V ___  l OHN "Y- 1, BY BRET HART. ',,;;:~:':l l. 4;: - 35:
: " .~ r . .  ' '3 . . . ...._. V 132: .271: w v .1 ; a
(:3. .V. SJ: ,V-V In? mum. IlAlZTL. V , . IV Idont go much on religion, ,i Didnt know Flyn p. ,3 y - 3,, .
 - :3-' _ * 3 3 '3 '  ., . . M 33..- , 
3: ': l'm mung alone by the re, 3 3 i B 1:013: I never 1313.333 11.3} {10 Show 3 33"" (".l3rginlu ll :12} |33 ll. . 
' l Dressed just as I cmno from the dance I: 11 ve got '3 mlddhn ght grip, Sil'v Long; as 3333333 been yar 3'3 ll333233 '3 33? 3
F ; '3', ' 3;:- 1,, ., rob v , ~ , , .  T. On the handful 0' thine-51 Know LOOk 88 here, strange-r, ,.:- 3 - 1,2.
g EEK}: ' V C L" 5 0 0 d ild!ll!l'0- I V 3 ' \Vhar llL-V you been"! I-  l l '. Mk;
, 3; (iii IMO ,, 6001 thousand in France; VV don t pen out on the prophetS, H . ;= V' j . V, 3333. V31
' . L 3t, f Im bodinmonded out of all reason, 7 Free 3313 and that sort 03 thing; I til: lguhhlrsl;3;;;33:ll 1 333 3 3 ' 33333 73 3 3
. ,, , . 3V , ,. . - rue-, 2 ,.;3i"
. ; K V544,? My 1mm 1s done up in VI. qmeu g .~ But I VEVlJ lleved In God and the angels That same Tom Flynnh V l .V. 1133 2;
.1? 5:11: snort sir, mm Belle 0,, season" Ever since one night last spring, VWorking together, . _ 3,5- /' ,
l3 :3 ls wzistino on he v . V n Wind and weather, 63 3' 3'33? 3 3 3
3, \3 l. . ..3 n ur on 3011. I had gone to town With some turnipsV l D). out and in. , I . , 2 2
; ,. . . -  ,. gust-a - j .
.- Qt A (101.. n engagements Ive broken , And my llttle Gabe Went along; ,.. Didnt I F V , 1. 13 =. _: . .. V .
' 3 -%3?3 1 left 3 the lids" Ma 50? N0 four-year-old in the country 3 llellnllllft {silage} 3r 33 3 My
"=5 . - . .v - " = s.-
E ,V _ if. is; LleVE-mso, e proposal llztlfSl'l0k0n, 0011M .beat him for pretty or strong.  VWhy its a sin  V V 3;- ,V "a, :
, ,5 i$l3 TVlhut white021 the stairsfor me yet,.  So pearl: and chipper and Sassy- . 13:35? 139m Flynu z . 5 4,4":
3 l3 $3333 33:33, ill 3333 33 be chWhen he grows up - Always ready to swar or to ht-  Tom witliout3.33le:3rl3r3333r3 l3 ll i3 t I 3732?]: x 
'. :;, x l . .. - .  ' ~ 1 ... ,.
VV 5' 1 in Al he ado; is me, indeed, _ = . And I'd larnt; hlm to chew terbaCkl Stranger, 1001; 1y, ,L;V . V, . ,V v! ,
l 37: A3333 you 8 3 "mng your nose up Just to keep his 'lk ' u . 1  ~45: 3;, '-
VV . : 'l'hree thousand miles off, as you rem; . m1 -teeth white. lhar 1n the drift, . , .:3 n37 .
l? *3 . .  3;. , ~ The snow come down like ablanket . Back to thveall, _ I ...'":'Q.'3z . ,V, 23' Will?
V V: Andhw do I mm. V1,, position ,,, , ., , And I stopped in at Tagg t t l ,, Hit 33333133 the tlmbers {3,3 (1,: .
l. ,V. VV VV V V .' . .. V V . V . or s s ore ,9 on y to fall- 5"??? _; b3  3 .
5; E; .VVVViVnd 33333.33 do I think or New lot-k? To get aJug of molasses, ' V_ Then in the darkness VVrVVV, 33 ; .VVVJ V .
i; p 3,:3. 0333 m me highesr ambition, . And 18ft the team at the door. E ' .= I heard him 01: 1 .1153? 373
f. 5-1.?! 1 hm" 10 '1 waltz irt. or talk ?" Tl . k .  ' 'Runfm your life. Jake! ' l: .1 4
-:. x3l3 l 4? And isut. it rise to have riches . is} s eered .333 5031303333333 and started, Run 3013 x03 33333333 33333333 ! {3333 3333 3 ' 333 3373333
33" 3 . 53:1 And diamondsand silks and 3all that 7 A I heard one hte 8333333333 33233 21:73:33 for me. gmg l 3' 3
, _. . ._ .. . .. _ . .~ . _ _ - , . . .  a '42" -. ._,~. .
l 3 f3.\1u.l :Lmt it a change lo the ditches $11931 3330 Split 0 er the pralrle Heard {diligent-i l3 3 ' 3: 3 "r '15:;
, .2 ... _ .., , , .V._.
. ,V ; V. And tunnels of Poverty Flat 2 _ . 1, 611 team, httle Gabe, and 9.11. = 11%? of Tom Flvun~~ :3. . V . V3 ' 4:,le I;
t 3:, '75, v _ " = . . 3 ' . , _ _ . . I 7- , .'-. .1 . \V . 5'33; ;_V
g1}; {if-fill ell yesif you saw us out drixin   * Hell to split over the parrie; ynn of W "31. 13:.- . .,_ 4; 9-,: :
l , T 341.33 EM], d,w in the PVle ,_ . V VVg I was almost froze with skeet; Thats all about :4 .3; ll; . 3
V; .: V .:. If . . . . , lOllllll- l.l.ll(l But we roused up some torches . . Flynn of Virginia VVgaV, l" l __ .
l . .- ,. LS Vyon saw poor dean mumzrcontriving . ' And satched for 'em f d , Thu-t lets me out I 32:5 tell-k3 f 3753?; 3,, . 3 3
. V V a. lo look supernaturally grand_ ,3 i 31' an near. . Herein the damp-- . 33595;! .= 3 *
. j, \ . liVLV {V 11' you, sow Palms picture as taken . V At last We Struck horses and Wagon . 051121? {he mm_ 351-1, V V VVVZVVJI V
.V V V." {in [5,, Brady, and tinted V that - Showed under a. soft White mound, I Hateful; gagged lamp Vl : V :- ._ _~ .VV V .
. 3 55" ' ' . l :. . . ~ I - '2, . "F. ' . x
l .. l,,;3.' L33} 0 d new" SHFPCCL he sold bacon UpSOt fiead heat! but 0f Ilte Gabe lVell, tbel3t33~~1ll:dongl 3 i: 3353313 73 -
,,\. g 3. And 1191- m, lovcrty Fat. , . No hide norhar was found. . . I lie; 3 .
373: LVL V . (.3: A d 302; VVV . ,,_ l But, sir, when you! ,va ,- VVVV'V
1 v.2 V'VElend yrt, just this moment wlien'sitting [3 u now all hemed3 011 me Hear the next fool 13' 3. 3 3? .3 . . 3
V.,.\ . ,ng 1n the glam 0, gym, chandelier... if A (afiny fellow- Sr aid, FVVleVlemfgol Flynn.1 35:.  . .
3 - > - ~   . - ' Ll ' 0 3 -_- .' 1 73mm? .
I V3, .,I~,m3 hustle and gm, betting I n lust opped down on my marrow Just you 25:13; l v, V, . "is," V.
63 3L5  The -nest Soiree of tho J'eul, 3 I - :11 C b01185 - 3 ; Hay you knew llynn: 3 333 4933333 333333333; 3
8:3;- .- 7i: Tlille midst ol' a {lame tie chambrry, ' T IQtCh-deepm the snow, and prayed-  3 Say that youve been .) :u. ~, 233 4 13,3. 1,
: . , rwl -27-: "- r :w ' 7
.2 ~. 5}; A nd the hum ol' the smallest of tulk- By lls the tOTCheS was played out, 33333333 323 33'333333Z): 3
=4 _, l  3' lSomchow, Joe, {thought of the Ferry, , And me and Israel Pa," it 3 _ fEfX "- **:V*6~333=w=:~===.. TZTJLZJ: ' i ' 5,". 1. -
3  l-l- And the dance '11 V8 llilil 0n the Fork. Started forward to a. sheep-fold, ~3l3 . . -.3 , 3M .D 3 I N G - ng'glaq 3):: , .-
I- = m. . . a w = - ;. ~ ~ ~ as .s. s: 2.. .
1 :2 t k (Ti Ilftll'lson 21 born, with its muster, , hich he said were somewhar thar.  thThe following: beautlful poem we (=an from Eig l3 . l .
.V V. , V, _ .. . '. ,1, . . .. , _ , is": '34- a ll" 
_ \  VOf ags, luslooned over the m, , V At lastwe reached the Sheep-fold, V ned Igggllgrnuggsgdtt if, ll-Ply that .0 33%33g g i j? . . .
VV;V; .V ~. Ofthe cundles that shed their soft lustre Whar they shut the nale lambs in at 7% newspaper. It la nweetlyflmalftfiiil313,333.43};."f3a Kai's? 9' 3; 5 : '
,le 3: V' = And tallow on headdress nvntl shawl; 3, night, :5le . 3 g 3 3 3 3 3%?32? .3 , 35:33 l ,
:3. F. 3 f. '0f the steps We took to one ddle  Andreen 'em huddled togeteer 3 ll 3%:3l3d3t3luipd3l2ffiitg-33ggggl33333"3333" $3314le i333 ~' '-
  1 . ' r!   a - . rr = 
3 . \3 0f the dress Mm)" queer El-5 ; So pretty and Warm and white, :5' Ag? three shadows stealinzilhhglyh 1%31393, C3,; 3 ,{f
1: F" 3 wind how I once went down the middle And thar sot little Gabe 3 1rl38lt dlhwalolggrliegiedhhrg? 3:318:1333 f'jlsyg lg. 3.
r N' -  ' - ~ ,6 .:Ei;:,,r:_.,j.~i :3; , '5;
V4 V;V-VV _ . g. w 1-1ll the man that shot Sandy Ma (Jae. Just as peart as ever yo3u see - {l Ygntltip )"(VDVur wnrm strong: hand 347,53 Vi. . A9 ,.
VV 8; V . . , _ _ - , L; , . er us sill-ital d ' .*W_ ; :' 
i3 " '3. of lhe moon that was quietly sleeping 3 Chlrpmg: I Want a ChaW 0f terbacker j 330 the borders 0f 9 1"3' 19- - V~}:~j i333 33 3?
y i . l 011 the hill when the time mime to go, . And thats What's the matter With 19-33 lFO your 00d Mill mine 71) Fall I ggQgg 3 a"
v , ~ . ,-,; . l u" '. er; I ,. :J-f ; a. -
3. V lVOf the few 1):;th peaks [hit were peeping How did he git thar? Angels. V, $393123? :bollIVJever lead me an; 433%jl .. l: r: .
\V _ A V From under their bed clothes ofsnow ; He never could ha Walked M in that l, sun."bishollxdsanniig' ' Aj l3: '1' 3, 2 "3 K. V
t, , I . thlmt ride that (0 me was the 'leul'cst; storm; We a 51an and been dramino giu i i z. 1 3 -
. A Lad 1:, U, U. Q 1,, V, V .- . . . .Oerthe past ofjoy nnd pnln; " f??? '-.., _E:. .7; 
V3? VVV 1 . . Prove . e .onul 1.11,, 5 on end at thcgute , They Just swooped down and toted him if Your bY year I've wanders-(l lnol'wr-j lj'gr'? if 1"  3
1 Buck. IAh ! Joe, then I wns'nt an heiress . To Whar they;;1,-.;1M~it wag, soft and 3 '1! l wnsu child ngaln. 3 3 3  435:3"? " ,LV ,1,
 - ll; ; -' . . - . '  5? ; 4:17,. :'=-,' .
- , " 3333333 and, To the be P) mg lestl In the state." warm. .3 Diasgnedlof girlhood, and the moment ,ivg; 133333 if? /
V V III. e . . g. y, . V , . . . _ , g: 9|! ood your wife and ' - 3 WW:  2i '. 5' i4:\r.,l~
-. VV ,V , e, of Mrs} ll all, well, .ls all pasty at its funny . And Ithind that savmg a httle child, , How mVyhea, thrilled with 2?ng triumph ll$~ WM; _
,3 JILL 1. 2111332383083; '10 think as I stood in the glare And gIVlng him back to his owHV D1223: hour of woman's plld's; VS??? 5 i :3 l.. ' ._ '3 4,
V,VVV. ll : most. 51ml Qt fashion and beauty and money, . | Is a dernod Sight better business Flrrrl; iggiflggsltlgiegrtlzwhen!-: V ire73 Lag-5V, . VVV_V... .
,i f?- L~ her son irrV t VTnnt 1 should he Llllllklnp ['igrhf, there l, Than loanv aroun 0111 the bitter bin-nine Z 53,333 3 3 ;E1V,.='3"-53; -V ; ~j.,1,VV.V"_'" .~
m, 1,0,, , . .. o , ,7, a dthe throne. W21 . C, anomsh, e,,. ._., , 
. \VLV: fewgdeer 1V3, 0f some one who breasted high Water, -mp ~. . _ , __L . ...l an I Illht knew m 111115: Part. 15%;}; ,l " l3 g ,~ _
* into the 3 3 2311111 swam 16 NOIHI for" nm all that; l 3 (EH 6, Ithispnssedand G d ' ..  5 :?35- - '- 3.! iii"
. 1.. n . , 7. "1e Me Rggules_u '5, , V O has proml...e,]. 3.625539% .V, V .
, 3&3me l, J' :2: to dance with old Folinsbeos 3(llllo'hter . [BostonCommerclaI Ilhlletlml  gala 33:21.1? toll-"Em  . 3 2?%.:3 3. - 3-
f 1' hour ol: 35.3" The L1] . of Povortv Fl t -  1, A wall-known lady artist, resident in Rome "- Hell be m, on lead or brother @5534 3 . ~ i. :73": - .
' , l. l park !1926 3 '3 ' ~ " ' V '3 relates that while standing one day near thd There's nogbnddgveeom 138 333333' - ' 3'th 3 l 73; 3333113142: 3
3: VV ,. V Duck. 1%,, But goodness thVL nonsense I'm writinv V E 23:26 :Vi $203? tilemlidero, she fsuddenly be- Lending to my healtzllllilmh ~ , 33:71 it}: i Q :V-
1',   = ":x  3 a t  ' '.  e r9, - . . ._ - '. , _ . ., '" - : :1:- . . . 3,5,4..
1 3;. $314,, . (Mmnm StilS mytnste is still low,) :,3, Woman. The newcodlerieicivzlljtohodifddli- ' $331185 lifjignisgdbllmlm'ml- - g (3% '
3 such ll Instead ot mv triumphs reciting, ll EiAenc-in Woxnn, introduced herself up 7 3 a (is me comr. -3 L'Egh ill 3 ' {273 3 '
 ' " -" "  3?- 3 3 ' '2 - 33  . .' , - ' -  {2.x 3 --"' .
,V V Efitolfwl ,im spooning kl, Josephhigh na, ll asked tieggfm? Louis, Mo.. and then l 12?; lVlVfVcghtVthal: wait around limo, 43,3523, . I? VV .
33 V- x ,. Andlm to l'  ' ,   - .n . : Is this the A 0110 Belvidere? -- Y 33 3 - "5 Mllows w; ' Eggs}! 3" , '3 V f 3
. \ . 5 109:1 .3 . a) mlShd. l3: l.1..\ 01 l Miss H p . Th0 lithnul. heaven that Tm. s red them Egg E; ~ 
\_ "~I full: E Wllztlevrr'she meaning ol (hub3  ll Work and the33diti3rigl321tlgntszldldmmy O: the 8353333313 ghee" {eel 3313333 3333 333333333333 33 3 Vikki??? '33332533 3 l
,4 l x c - 122: -. . r . z r - . , . ,, .- - m. . g, 3- .;_, .V
V. l ,V,,.e,,,@g om why am pap, mike my gme, - . Vt, .1.,,on,,,,md a great mm?" Mimi'ttfifnihg; life 9,133):- fg . 5,1,;
: 1 , .~ ; , , ., is u orrozated lad - i . .  "  ' :' I#:~,;,_"f.r..-_.:"7 1" I] : .
get 33 V $33.;th In (ll thing in Poverty b lot? 9 generally thought to 23,312? 3:253:35 Baggifmighilgeggjgungtlwake lhr-mz {@3ng r: l 13"
7; l . At 134%. '-. . . .. ., n pieces or the world. ' g 0 WPrp. ' @35hfg 4,. 5 VV { f1: "
ES, V 3. V and 11%: C1 0:] night, here stirs equ of my paper: . ; fMaany beauty, and all that sort. of thing?" Tell them 0m" 0,. their 1110th . _ . 333:3; jig-s, ri. '{ r,
VV , Eaienk: ], Goo:- uf-glil,V1F the longitude plous 3(- :3: the lazily from 13 land or the setting [18333:]:th 1301'! me when thelf'rslvhkc gg 773:3 i: 1: 3
.:" 1 1 , Or um '00 u iile WELllnT m - (.3 - :3 n3 , 9 gentytn life f=  ' .'4. tit-.55 "' . 1 a =
ml". ; ca- 1 =43; - 3  *3 3 1! v Yes. ' res ended the n .. . spntma}, rte-=2 were .ll . r5.
s,  rigs or m arm's: :lmlly ...,. if it .
33V mmnVggl But know 73/31/0U [WU-7,27,, Tic/Hs 3 ratios; onVthe iVmVian frame." , Thi'a,=t3-he.l:st :agingseurngngllni, Eifhe ,1. lV
7f??- "    ;" ' e . excnmed . " "" D * ' "v "  2 ~ ' *5
\\ Eg}; And are poor. llc:l.esl.J0e, and all that, her Bendeker, and with 33133313 Raagilgh 313135313115 Figgv-Vlgggglvglyf 1331?:3113'93; l 2.33 ""3".,3'5?;"L3? .5: . 3
; . E 131231" t ' ,, . . ... . - . . . . 51:532. and earnest. look at them *-' l 1 . 5 e 3W 3"" 7%:1. '~
23.822557} on my hanl s somtwhtit their: in the. Jitthcs : seen the Apollo Belvidere and. 8323; 1.7? ,l 8}%1?79?"; my no-Jlo husband, mtfw in, 5.1435343;
. ious did? And you re struck itOu Poverty Flirt. , les, and give me Buggies." g 1 Throw; 33233?" Olmstening rod; 33 9:133
3 ~ 1 b 4/*//  3 ' ~-1 1' m. round Mir anon41,42- '7' '. "
3K ' 3 3353.1:335124;=-s:.e:~;.:.r-.a~=.~5% ': " J3 1141-14731;35,;.;{;5,.\.,. .t; . . .,\ .1; 1' :LkE1' 5W337TEEE3QEM'3 KEEihgnclosa .to thee amtFl Md 3 '33 3333. .~ 3553 5 Lil-3331
"'95  ...-6W;:.l?4'753'13,';f.-65.3"i .'Tfir; ',..;_:;;t' 3-,- ' > 15' ' .. 4<37.*r"':.~  y 7 15,5f3=f,f=.'2'32"~'., 1.
=. . .;_::= . - , L7,,Ai:a,_ ...-.V,V.Vz_-." "7 ,  -~ .,  ; ... 1.in =5
.11 g.v ml m A}