_ gWT%WIB ,,:,L-'r.<.:..-.LLA...- L . _ L , L
e V . . . .
_ _ - , ,3, 41? WI : , 7W , . , - _. ,, _, i... ;_, . .L_..;_L_ . L . , - ' . m

7' ' f L . .  ~ \ . If-l. 7 J11?

i ~ ? .' \ 3,pr *7 l
.66 1  Kg .,, Jamismlmmmm . ~- , s e.
' 7 . : a. a occurrencesthat the s of w " . . - w, r - . ,r K: 1

.;L . Lg Lug, ,, m5 wwwwmwgg 1, . .1 1119.1 lENL Y 1.1.535. L, Ly y,
l,  , ll mutton. and ,thatlollhxo Msollhls~ruu-' , . 7. {it
. . . _ . I gimp the woods from thmgmmm-zsoldiek ., 1n nosn \rnnrxnn .mmnny, ll. 3:
l \ L 3 l r equally as false,,sincs 'itzapp' 'bythefl, ,, . * j y; l
. ~ 1 It WWW!!! 9f QQGIWhO wwpresent'ehtlthetimir lho man 111 the moon has forgotten to - ii ,_ f
. l 1 WW..,-......-.... , > . ti; tithe prnclpa. (13131156 of Mr. Dnvlwgoing out? A OW, f at.) \ 2
x " "' . .0... . .. o 3 en was: rstwlobmn ' . Anli. .- r-  - l 5
H , 3,, 41 my. .. , . , r ..l _ , possesaion of L s Stedllllg, .1. his. to g} t, . Lu, .
.v l > e T . I P mq 5.5.5. migam; JEFE!DAS: 111. TQVUIVW'WMBM fOI' the rst. pi 1153, since.,, Sue,beuuti1ul Venus izlmillclin1 do , 3 '5
l- . f 79 . i -   -WJ the . ' (Illa lght. hei'had left in the host on  ' . .. -. . - . .  5; w . {j .-
 l i ~ N WM = as cash-5 eriminld male of his insomn I... new new;  1 1? $0M 111* hm W of 1.5.1.... 4 2
.Li "- l , {cam of 5; 5 ,*: ' . twmlgergagng a: tggnst_the {lungerlhe would incnnmrw . Hes huhng himself while he Steals a kiss, "ill .
i  L 3 itmmbgk - galloinkhwm th m_ omwh'is mmnngngendewug gym; . B or his weird face can sum-co be seen 1 "-Lv l
L \ , \ {Mich-92 .- - m; hell's. York W 0 Ild- to 11%;, hepuht WES. adegdlyetteboimi a As he steers aloft to his goal of bliss ' ll \
. . (Ithlb'Mml-leredby NV '   6:19;) cl; his 2,193 ., a Reunnfunher snysstntali In :1 shallop of silver sheen. 4 ill 3
l , L.'Mmmltmhemes*of'the ' a h . e. ._,,Ofb3m%bomstmwouldl , _ , ml ;
' 5 37th {93me that'Mth eg' -. e I We -; gveL, ,LLLtakog Vi iii-ring theirmsto l He is Singing, Connx sail with me afar, V ~E'l ;'
l-Qh'ae number" 80m? hhd'ih g ISh Lf they jihad 97,.-. , 919$ nomencings a Through the shoreless blue let us out '" l  \
.aoooumeefshmmneror the ea In the ' Th 1lghliT3. 911 il'hllt-yn resistances .1' And he cm )8 w .. .  . l". ,
. : I (mum ~ if Hmegdm on their port 1,311 (ya-g . 9&1,th his! 2, LL  it I. ..1.. l 1 ldptlne the evenmg A
, ' 3 pm ww very little lien 51 31m" 0.115335 illfgsl'fiiildringzlon d3 ' S m . . .  . wt '
5 l anythin'o bill may army ha ' on t ' tor ed them mmg'on magpmuzegrhis L'Ll] AS they slide In his phantom anL \r/ l] 1
L L : , Maconmneo'n given by' oww-e . .7993 mew, shaman things pumps x31} L The man in the moon has not. wooed in f , it, I,
,. l . L L \ , L 11% one 'ofthe Capt 1 was. _ . 1 $5 use concerning the captm LLe 10;",1", 15...; vuin ," , I. 3
 l l ' . , M . eanmv'vill . _ .3 " "". l v . M . .. 7 ~ 
l = .  "L ' mine deeimtgogelllu'l WE o l "lilmrlmat'were ammunition? 55'  ml: 7 313. Elf-5.. 11 1.0 n .' . ., - l
  ' l ' . On a certain day mandate? Whit: ! I : mnghout'the'cquny; after, he fa of . s1)  (I H.111. togethelibm 100k again, a? w. I
L, m, mbered, Couldli'v'ho illipBrBan  e. ggmlmwzhbwm 5-1.2. flirt a, g . K) has loll. hnn, he drills alone. g 2
ii i l E \ m%%3 gofggg hgmtgciggg a child 111131an 1532? :1an "L " l"- i 6 Like the earthly lovers who, stated, mm ' l., g
~, , ' . .. .f . -, _ g _ ,L. _ . . . . .{L'
 ': 5 l . s to {hem was. separated, acntsklngnlggg , ' a ma lelamWTmVty * 119T1.1'1. 1017 500131L1y 0 r" 753 
K v, ' em 1' laugh: Lns it was miltlially'fiiree i F9] 13%. ULJ1PL m%ow,mm D0 lllhlzllllllCSS11135,:Lll'unlly yearn ; 153; 1-
. , befOrehn 31137351119. intention GE both; I- Mr. WE; Ju. . They were talking wt For the kiss of some wnrlner sun ; Eff
" E \ $195 to meet M 3.33 Place at '56 near 5%! Whll mm? lheyhad, and, f9! 501116 reason it 01' has she left him and wondered away : l V
- l i . , : pBriOdDE lime as circumstances would :,,  WI}? proposed to invegaterIBTlChnCSS of As maidens on e'irth 0 t' -  li- "
.l l \ l L . From the lime pf thi parting nethlno ofinter; lhutvallses. Mr. Davis Counted his moneys To $0017 ( .. L . .. .5 his lines do, l5? .
E l , i J 5 65': cccnriie'dorthnt served to hinderntheir pm. . and 0119! that he had alittlo over $175 in Con-  L. k a m L D mums mate? \Vell-adny / if} .
l. t l, l, l grass antihihe following morning as we man , 9:th nggeelL lfind tkhi Fills the mighty treas- . l 01131100Ulcyarohoth Mum LLLV Elf-f :
.' - r z * see one hots of thee ' _ Dre em 035 1W6 owe themselveshoarae . .. . . .. .. .
' 5 l gran. leghl oomig-Sofgee;$5:%wggt _ Labour! Theonly considerable amount ofmo A510 99) 10  .1 it come 3 Puss  ,le 
, . L . encamp em... Mum supposed themtves L m the possession of any one of. MrIDFl'v . If this be a hczwenlysnnlplo x} -.
. . l 1 f0}. hmeiheznt 183m in Lao danger. .. Ill party was 1191de Mr. Reagan himself, and W 0f truth, for the heavenly bodies, alas! ' r5": 
 . , l the Federalmvall'iyihnd t '1r'vh5fs . g3 L. was not by any means to be counted by many Al'e selling fl fearful exmnple. .  :5 l:
-. l i 3 Bad waijtib'f- " . dfqd , he! W$Lmzog ' thousands. E  we. 7 > False man in the future will point up and l, rill 
g L. i L. -l l :he 1322115 of and ting ekgWVPLi-egm; . J l . ' ,  A . 7 . - ., guy, a _, ,V l; l,
l   .33...htrmmesmei.;de% . .. ;' 1v " Wu He W led 0? Wm W0 " - , all i 3'
 e, 5...; . Preaideht  ylm innuehxmnanl L l L th MUckLETONIAN RIFLE CLUB. False maidens Will cry to their lovers, ' Ll); . l
.    ' f 95.05Whlngllderedigmmmdpemaps, 1.: 0n the same train with the scientic party . AVayl ' {l L .
. . l, , , L  gi ammrahdeemhdqusu _j was the  Muckletonian Rie club, of \Vin- X0 are mm as the man in the moon. . N  x3;  5:
l \L !L l . theft'h mgmwzg 32 Chester, Kentucky, who are now here for the ;;___:_____:___._____ I r $15.25] l
 , l - l ' Davis said to 1.11 arounglgb-J ' '1 purpose of seeing Colored d ' - .  l I ""3 
- . L . , .. ._. . ,1, emen.L . 0, an havmg a s. . , _ ,L
A: f l . :13;le 3,13%? gearingefrwpi hunt in some of her parks. It is the custom , Thlllklng Better of It' l. l 9 ;
. V L , i. - afx gentlergzifxhgaln e Iligdel l of this club, which has been formed some ten Well, let him go, and let him stay,  . i 515) r L
' ik 1" l \ knop5lg%elln .ofzvauoamsanyhig-lhimj  years, to take ll" excursion and hunt each I do "at mean to die;" I\ l 3'5}:
l ' 3W}? - r ~n' glyRuitPuW-E?Mnbomos and; I year, and Colorado was the obective ' ' Iguesshell nd the: I can live . 1 ll
l . , rode o' itesrch of be other party. zitbeing. - .. . , , 3 Point . . l ; ,3
; i, ll,  : . 81:38:19. qgomymlsht. mgarulmtr' greed"l?" l0r1b76- They will remain in WWW m if I try; ,, cl}. ;=
 l l $5333 ifgllgkmf and , the State for some forty 9" sixty dal, and we. ' He thought 0 frighten me with frowns 5' QR f
, '~,~ - l answers... n:..nl....sr.re i We *0 a we mm... . 80 e... ... b... all?
~L.L_ . l \ agglotfvgngargslrqwexmumm hlfa'ide of; 5 club and the Mucks  before they rem", l Hell stay away a thousand years 3: . 3%
.~ ~; . V .L L . l .The fwent}: Lgylllgtt%eymgdgl LLLheLmL L 4 home. the party IS composed of the follow. Before I ask him back. V *3.- fr;
{.17}? l l l .V l EllikWh:ondmighucomingonvmg E mgmmed gentlemenrapresenta'tive bankers ' I l
{I . \ L . : lkellgl Le localilmiornu camp,- and. prepared-to , merchants and business men of Winchester He said thntl had acted wrong 3:
'  Ln . mime; .lhemselvgq, a.;.1.29mf0rtalble as ''eum- Kentucky ' ~  And foolishly beside' "l"
l;  ,r l stances would permit. Mr. Davis and mean. v 1- . , -   if 2
f, '-;_~.. l lq l l lly Occupied aIWNST-On #1116de of= 9. row of R. IN. Winn, presulent, and J. D. Gay, r_ I wouldn I. forget after that 3 ,3;
' Lilli l llltde Reagan and;Wood.andWo be Gal" D- A- Gay. M. G. Taylor, G. R. Sny- Iwouldnt in died. , '  6 'l
l" - '15.; , Duringie jogfgthgndgh'grggdeih 513:; d9": R01)? Snyder, T. F. Phillips, J. L. Ifl was Wrong, what right had he : \ 3% 
'3 Z l . awnings??? which Y'VLe are now'epesking, gutsin ! Wheeler, Dr J3? b(ymp-JOU. A. H. Sympsou To be so cross to me? if, i,
  .k i I lt3:59;;$511103(aggridvlgrlahglgtiimw'  J. D' blmpsou, J J Eubam" 8' G- Jackmny I 0W 1" hot 1n angel quite 2: I
L _.' . ._ . yiciniiytde'biifo the'b'lif Lhlttey :93: 1 Rodney Haggart, James Winn, L. Hatha- Idun't pretend to be. . Ell, .
. _ _ ' i .' . {#:1113110 flillidoh Cpture" if thf'ciubed way and B. P. Golf. H l d h , {5 L
l . . 3.11;? toybeenaw '2 "'23 V.. ~ : - ' . Bla'nnolersweth ._ 4 '
L g | ; smuggle aairs, they would notggvgtggg l Oh-V S llIcCLlnsLney,_LtravLelmg agent for the  A d h o .eMt once ' \lv "
 l1 bl; i the place thy did. and would have, l'lillilll- l 10 and Msmsp 1 ralmad' accwnpanies . u now W en we fell out, . TE
( L -.L: l: ,  mgrohnhmiglm mgmmm, ofthsmioii. i the party. The programme is- to take the He always says sun was not cross, {1 l
   l ,H * Row-ever, they encampcdjust-abopd Colorado Central this morning and proceed find says she did Mt POM; L a: L'
TN \ 1 bfeg, .MrsRegnsayshe was. Wakenedg to Central and Vlew the country around It 15 enough to vex a saint . I ET .
. r. ,  ' lggmfgwlhhinwupu 161's and then so to Georgetown in the , It is morethn [can bear- ' l) I i
\ ... f"; 3 . L'tancebylleifhgglgglggmtfmg', evening. They Will then proceed to the IWish that girl of his was 3} 
 ' v' F l l lgwmft oudi'nnd-londnn'wmo suddglgggz l. Mlddle park, Where they will enjoy Some ne We, I dont curewher'e - . l
.   d I gsxggzcggg-Y dushlsdih 1113011 hei'froi'mu'l 2 3130115 f0? about three weeks, and return to H ' - L " V
, ., .. .. IODW, . r _- ,, ' "c '
\ '\ Ln: . ; eemed to proceedenggnll: 315:5: Elfogngs Dem er and calm. the Denver and Rio Grunde e thinks 5,1, 3 pretty, too, - l. i L x
L :i'. 'dashed in on the side of the we ong'fwuwlnj L . for Colorado Springs, M animu, Alamosa and Is benuulul as good,- ; . W ,1
l . -(l . 3111):? lhklgiggngguvle'swilgeEmma Egk all points of interest along that road THE I wonder if she'd get him back I F l
.- , , .' b , L e g .. l  . . ' . , _ : l
- y fr'  . CDmpsnions. The lottgr told; F%:l18:dmig 9 NEWS has them a cordial welcome to our Agam, now. ifshe could; 'L g .
. :L l ) xv who appearedlon the scene that although he . new state.  I know she would and there she is " '
 mikes farwhewns personally concerhe'dno' *  ' ' "W "J Sh 1- . . 4?: .l
3  psitmular interest to serve in putting an and to W e Les almost in Sight; L -._\~L-. L
xx -. y the ringvlomg onbehind them, nBVrbheles Jlj'i Till. SH 117:1; \g H. Faun TO . ,.  Andnow its after nine oclock V > l 5g
. . he woulddo well iontnp-it,for E'they'adno '  "  '  - blh P h , .  . P
. . \ troops with them.-h,FederSIa mum bghtln . . ___W or nps he 3 there to-mght. L . . . i; k
\ ~ i among themselves; .1th ofcerilzim lio crng' The 35:35 keen {us-lino . ',~_,. .1 , . , , 1'1 . . l l 3f
.. l game to this th 'but in the end he mul 'I'hov fll:>:.,; :h-nn ....1 C ) . . 1.. :deux. . < almost write to into to come  l.
:~ . , ave-followed ngan,s Szgtlo "as is, .. To 5') . L -;.\=- Lam our: lilglll. and 3.. But then I've said I wont. : 3
' , fills, shot his devartm'e, te ing. 09:15:21 .111 3%: l'I ($3.71". 1 5: Will. "'1 4 -"ll spur: I Z' l
l " "l' ' meantime, Reagana'ompanionaaed and mod:  m l" "5 l "lmc =H iz u-wl m m. d" "0 5 "10: but 5110 itll ;
,1 : L. ocdiheixesoape, while. as he 11nd mmqeffwv T .; . _ Shan: have him in dont l , -
._ . DIV-ff} novento 19570121.- mum", he decit; , Due (in. folks send thr- nnya IQ lml, I 11 111 1 _ . ' . . l: ,
  efggshmm ate-din. .bewis, 'werei'cli ail. 1 l 6 Wind-WI; over the slum] g1 essL h tell him so, then.- . Lg. . '.
' . . - V ' . " . ' :,.f.'..l,' .- } 95"llotl t 3. . .. - ,,_..L, W151 cl comet -' _ , ; - l 
1 . : .- \ . Mr. DWfimmedlutely kggngthe Pith Tim 23. if... {if}??? 1,? " hm' "PM, r" ' iongIEL-~~lih,mw 'u' A
c 1' ~\ . llosoelhwlacewm 'ehqd'tsog. hgsingif. , . '  "   W " " J-_--~4.-o_'.____ ;
E I  :5 i \ A l 351 t L Dgfgvqo a: dmw ilesf-nlzisels old, my fume and Fret; UNCLE IKE was one (lav riding a mule l V I l
. L \ (5&3 iffilmfhihmdigggggro :lllgLLrLLl} they never saw sur'n :. m and had a little negro boy behind hini: l J94  "l' J
.- , , {glide before me loned, w); W WWthdi l" H, La" j-rl'rflLl-f "tlny 1515(9th 05:" Tell you what, Ung'Ike, possum min-hm . ' i' " l.
. ' -  c meLlneongupz .lgi'hls'uoivinhall escort in. 5 1V my: k" 5 ill? We use! 10 be. 0,051 lling, said the boy. 1'05, Tilt" :5 
A E  nt [onPmag'e V lid,cgrno,gn,{, e exclaii'md .sz (1.] .. L sold Uncle Ike, us the mule struck a brisk PM} ".
-. . . \ _ uoud; 3Tb ,.., nhbafmitod anker itll "L LLm""7,"5-"."' "0 51"? Won't do, tlOt.  Speoiully when you got lOl-S 0 " 4%. l'
. l l ' 1 3 gr aWh NW enough ' efttoprmlil .' 10 met lIllIi one of {lIE'n1 will rue s'I'uVy 'id him. Unrle Ike was silent, ' Elj\ I
. l, t: l :.L L l 7- IEhEOB-omkligoneanomor.WSW-T  I" "ll, 7' $11303 of him oL-z- Will are but seemed restless. An when you got -. {5.3 .~ .
i'k .  \  g _e Q?- lbdmothmentygnwggl ' "5 Wiy'l- llll like me 1..., [gm ELM to l solne roasted taters to sum in do gravlev . 5;: O;
, will! \ ' i. :gyggonrtwmn'mifo, alsharm ., . . - f- said the boy. Uncle Ike used his switch, 93' '
\ v, :L 1L Tu w. @305 'BdnLtLQ. Viewer: ' VB '. if! a no): Iii-Ill m u, v). Old 5,an With nervous energy. and tho mule in- . ' . , l
L \ l, L .L ng/Lu . gr: M. ma": 1. .7 131 I an): Itwul:llwuva ioEthe limo (:LreuLsod to healing lblYOSL Ung Ike, when *1 7:- 4
- . -, . . ' 1 . .. a . e  um: 'our fun r .. ' l-    C 9 1305511111 S 113" It ruwn an do vim-v
 ~ \ 9 WWm MW may 7 - \ . K mm doth a... . - . . , ..  . .r.
3 . '. x] g, ' ._ , . . a 1st tl . .- - . l (hean On an  You shet our Hui, . . ' '
'2 :. l. l: , NW]: ALt LFEEOgellem: fk. :f..hq,,. 1 ETLBIC . L ,_ yoLu 11Lttle fool! Youll make dill muloiun 1 1:" 
\, '_ 9 ~-.  . me.  *A" . all an kill us banf.~Lmle Rook Game? , l,
m; , . .   v5.1 . , ,,_ ,_ ,  i use. w , . .
. . 3...... a... ,, ._.. _...,L.L .. . , . .. s . _/ _ . I L . I; :2"
  x "  '