1W5".F":5"3: 3.. i ..,, .3 unwritf: _s- _ _. 3 1 2 _ ' "
. 51' - se~in:.-.-...22 5":=" -,2-;aea-. -' *5 ~  ,  nin 9 2 {3-12-5133,- 2  ""22. ' - 5' i- .. We. .  .
'l : III-3' ii ' i I I I ImW-wuv .. .. 1. , . . - w L .. ~ 2 . .Wmw 22-15 L? nn'mrqf? ,,-'-'::{3=_2,'"-"'_.,=,:.'2-:: '- A' ~' Ml'hlr 3 "' ' 3,?th
0.; '35 'W 7K 3  , . .  3 . .. .3 ' r
2 1 2 . 47   . , . _ 3 .- . . _
~  . fe . _ . ._ _ ._ , . _
.; . en add gallms and Jll and the _ . . 23 .
if l . 77'/E SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Itorgures of hell, Warm. ' - . . 3;
E - . f  And t 10 0*ures you get be 'in searce- '  ~ 2 '
3 1 l E ' SUPPLEMENT. 1y tQatCll 5 I have pretty much made up 3. 3_ 33
2. l i. f f_____-_____A' The miseries of him whose scale of my mind to run . President. 3 3.3
*3 a, E ' [Published by Request] 13 midddffdrhynltaw . th' F What the country wants is it can; . . 3 SE
.'  1.; ' .  in is our . , - - , , 3 ~ 5,
{31%}; l 3 _ f .3 3 2 JACK WILLS' PETITION. teenth Amendment; didatewhe 00.11;]?th iijiiei 113)) _3 3_3. 3 l
l 7 Egv'E _-.; . f Not that he cares much for the Yan- 2 1nV05tlga't'10n 0 .s 1m? 15 O 5',  T2 ..:zm, ,
. k l iSEEEIT2"::.-x The f0]lOV\:lng petition was sent to kee blood spilt, sothat the enemies of the party . 7i
 \ ,2 I , Hon. J- P' Ixnott and Hon.Jamcs B Or for those he has wounded or those will be unable to rake up against 2- - _ 3 _ . 3, 3
I l E soon after the passsage 0f ihe 21:: he has kilt, him things thatuobody overheard . 2, rE 
. 4. f! ,3,  teellth amelldme'mvand was prescn But his cup of _misery he thinks full f l) f 1.03 If .0 know the most 3 334,,
3 ... :1 91..., . 2 E ed and read befoie Congress (then in enough is, 0 o _o 3 y 3 3 h 3 3 333
 E j . 5 session) and the facaetious author, When he knows hes proscribed and about a candidate, 360 begin Wlt , _ .
i 1 . " . Jack Wills, 1 pmmlnent lawyer (ii can never hold ofce. 1' CVCIY effort to spring things on ' . iii
 ? 11E . 3 3 i Lawrenceburg, KY-v was relie\ ed _ Remorse and repentance express but _' him will be checkinated. Now I  3_ 33 . , 97!
,z D : by unanimous consent of the mein contentment 3 3, _ (r to enter the eld With 3 3 l
. Eli 1 '   hers. The recent debate 3at YRS!" \Vhen compared With the rulein this am 001116 . rd I am nroinnr to 2 7 ' 2  i . 2 _:_ft
  Wash ington UPON the amnesty [11 suggest- Fourteenth Amendment. an open 1.000 ' 3 D -   ~ _' 1 
,' . E l  ed the republication of the rhymes, Why its bad enough, Proc when .- own up in advance to all the 2, 3 . ; 33 .
* x. V? E , E as they are to the pOint-H The one cant get Cclected;  ,_ wickedness I have donez and 31f  - . - 33
l ":: " 3 lines. ire too good to be. lost. even It makes him feel sorry, repentent,  any congressional committee 31s . .3 : - 1._ 3
.w  _ . admitting dGJGCtEd; ' disposed to prowl around my bib 3 ,  3_:213 . '
i-E. 411,3; That apetionf sent in rhyme 3 e But t0\3?11fdsl??g;un_ob yegods, graphy, in the hope of finding 3 33 33 2 _ 3
; -.  V V 2. , reeaman rom crnn .  ' 3 . V _ , z . 3 3 ; 3 2 3 .
3 3, 3., V W on talways 3 Fills up a mans heart in this awful 33 any duik and deadly deed tli it I _3 3 3
r- f .' We adee the ladies all to keep a condition. have secreted, let it prowl. 3 1 . 33333 3 _3 3.33. . 323-.
33 1., ' , . COPY for their scrap-books, so3that Such condition is mine, and it Wor- j In the rst place, I admit that * 9:5,1132153'9  :1, 3. '
fill-ii ring when the tale 2.111111161311133:2:33-1:32; ries me sore, I, did tree a rheumatic grandfatli- ' 3 3- -. " ,, I " _
i (35% IiiigxgilgEnpggugz, it {gas at And 1313911395 my 50111 to my hearts .. er of mine in the winter M13859. .~ ' ' .,'. ,j '
- i E  V  EUROS, ;  And Iysfgvhen your friends can He was old and inexpcrt at cliilnb- _ , - 37 -
l . i  .  ' . '. 4 1;  ' 1 '1 , vi. 1 . ~
 .2' :l l;- Dear Knott Ithought asIhad time, see howl amgrleved mg 965' Blt ? 113? 05i- 2, _
E "-7- : 5 Id write toyou and Beck in rhyme, Theyll hurry up the cakes and get 2 brutality that is cliuiactciistic 0 3 . a , .
 l  l 7i. To let you know that Iam well, me relieved, me, I ran him out of the front f 2" -;' $3 " 2'
33:1- W, l . x i As these few lines Will surely 11- Ohlml-chgintiy lmy cpuntry! how door in his night shirt at the  3 . -.
33, .2 51: . 1 '- - .  'tion signed 1'6 0 servei. . - . , - :5: 2 2 3 323
l A  EA E '3 s  Iylsdg'suellliiidiitivho weci'e so kind In some good, fat oice,yfor I k110WI Balittgf oigozgm; Ziggalggg 1.. - 1 - I!!! O
V  ' 5"":-  ~ . . ' deserve it' 1 ' z 2. .3 - 2 -, f .
, 1*, ..g, , oxse and ieccommend , 3 . . 33 33. 3 _3 .3.
\ 155 E fxgrtgeucy your wayward friend. You may tell your friends, too, Ill . where he remained all _Illgllt, 3 ~3 3
_ '- l. ' i  2- " 2 " _- Please put it through, and thus re- Th T013819??? prayer f_ d while I emptied shothinto hisdlegsl. .. - ,  ' l , -i.
. . 2 ' e ievmg your men I dd th I) cause 6 snore '  _ :23. ~ 23.
.1 l Elli . , lieve 3 osew om r 3 1 is e 3333333333333
 ll - A rebel who past sins doth grieve; shall take shale; , , 2 't in if evcrI have an- 3 3 33 3 ,3;
\S' limiii  And you may tell eaChbiiendily Rad And Ilil 133:1: 51:6 aspeeimen prayer, 1 dtlileiiZiaiigf-ithor I am as inhu- , -- 41: 7.32:. g I I
~ - ' {\3} ( 1 vi 6 ba(  - 39.  ' , , 3 {{g ,7 {
' .5 l.   Elglilelgieiia true, For feai" they mgvthinkIdontknow ,2 man now as I was 1809. NO . ' r: 2_ j_ , 
i l E \i - More than I dare express to you. how to pray: rheumatic person shall snore 1n 333 :33 , 3 3 33
3'. , - v4 VVheu Jeptha, Judge of Isl-aelfziught Thou ruler of both good and bed, my house. 3 3 3 33333 _33233 _
41:33 The Amonitish hOStSiSandl soaglt LOOk {I}??? and bless each wildly ' I candidly acknowledge that I -' : ' 1 2E3
 5 " 3 In re er the aid of rae s o a , 3 3 _ 3 33 3 3 f- 3 3 33 . 33 2.2.3: 3 3.33 3 3
..7 " , - \ To Idronn his foes in their own blhod, W110 hastens fOYWIHd (lth .351le 13.11 a J} at .10 bottle (3f Gay 5 _35? '  1- ,2 _' T $3. -
i \ He made a vow he hadnt orter, To free Jack [1115 of disability, _ burg. My friends lime .tIlC t0 . 23.2 3i .; .
a \2 . And thereby lost his only daughter. May pleasure on his pathway shine, smooth this fact by asserting that .3'. 13:3,;  3 
s;  l . .{12 3 This vow 17m sure 01d J ep repented May he for ofce never pine; -3 I merely got behind a tree, that I 3 3333,33,.f333333333.:332 3,3: 333 .33
E Until he felt almOSt demented. May he never know defeat, . E1 did so for the purpose of imitat- ; '2 2- *
, 2; 2t  EU 1-152 It all of Holy Writ be true, Unless some Reb can get li.s seat, 3 , . ,3 h' t 31 0 went into 3 { .
[I '1 1 ' Old Pharo did the Jews pursue, May he live one thousand years, mg I db mg 011: V 1. 3 3 3. ,, 3 7.3, .,
g "-4 H ' r 1 With numerous hosts, intent on His eyes be never wet with teas, 1-. the woods at Viflley Forge to 83311) ,4:- 3. .1, _ 32 3 _ ,
- "- ' " t" '* ' v - 2  misera e ..-_'.-::-' --..- j-gn -
a n- Ian-w . . 8r? 2 3 reissues, - he PW I t 35 .1? t - a 2. ,2 2 1
" L533;r,; Until he got neck-deep in water, P easuie 1_ _ YE t 1 subterfuge- 5131 no \ ou in 3 :3 2.. . 3 3 3, ._ 3. .3: _
l 2 With penitence, no doubt gl-Ofoung, And spendthis days in sweet eon en - -,-, straight line for the Tropic of ~1"j-Zrf}2'x;;": _
 l ' aslled before he rowne ' men, ' i . ' .. x - ' u  its 
El , 4 1 Eifdsghiiiisands evil ways have tried: Free from the dwd Fourteenth " Cancei, amply because I ,5 1-- 1 , a .- .  .
'  1-4 Who felt repentance ere they died. Amendment. scared. I wanted my countiy 3 3 _' ,3 ' '2; . -. 3: 3
i v 3E But few havefelt such deepcoiitrition {II/If ' saved, but Iprefered to have some 3 3 IVE, :33 - - 3
2 " I. 1 L As he who sends you this petition. 3 M body else saveher. I entertain 3 33 ., v", 2 33,3
.2 ' ._ 3_ 3 2 Some for then-clinics get thrown in . 3 --CASTLESINTHE AIR. l that idea. yet. If the bulzible 10f , 3_ 3 3 , .
1' ' " prison, - ' - '-'_ ' ' ' l . E u t- tan can be obtaine on Y . 2 f .
. - , 2 any . Obonnie, bonnie bnirn Sitspokin in he use, 1L1) a 1 3 , 3333 4.3 3333 3 3 3_ 3
E Ais And waif??? ropes around then (non-mm in the re \vi his wee round1 mile, 3 . at the comments mouth, I am wdilli 3;,cig333333333 .
582: . ' i . i E Some after deiith are punished sore, 1"51Whommnyl?'f"?"hcs.e 73; i2 ing to go there for it, provi 03(3 g, . ' -
. - 333-53 3 \Vho never got their dues before; Ha!tlie30ungdreinuei sbiggiii (StlLSlllthlL the cannon iS Olllpty. 31f 1t 13S 3 333333 ,3 3 33 3&3 3
\ l :5 L4,, .4 But he who with a gory hand llis wee chubby face 5111 his tawny curly pow loaded, my immortal and. lliOXl- . 3.3 tsggwy / 3
If H V; 1": ,331353, Stirs up rebellion in the land, Are dznieiii and noddiu' to the (lnni-iii310w0: ble purpose is to get suddenly 333 '3 '3-333333 33 _.7 gr 3
I. 33 33 3.31: Agalnttsggligest goverulnent under 33 Hell :32 his rosy cheeksmi Singehissunil) OVCl the fence and 0'0 for 11011103 3533;3;33. 333 .
' f - Elisha Arid fails in his purpose, is forever '7 Gloweriu at theimpswi' tiieirriistiesinthenir.1 3I admit, also, that l aiiinmotii 933% ,3
ii" i i mime? E .undone' . , ll , b He sees muekle castles towerin' to the moon; friend 0? the3 P9011113: 33301;???)11; . : ,3 ""1, .32}
., it 12 i 35:}: 115? Np"'S. for 1m  Let no ga ows 8 He sceslittle godgcrpuin them a dorm; the pom man, in us pie; d 3 33343, .3..~3;3,3.3- 3
" w l E Th 921ml 1. h 11 istoo mild for . Warldwhomliiiup mi'llownblczinwi'ame, dition as so much wacilste ralw 3, 3:33 l
'2 E 5 ; 5:11.37: 9 1 ocean 0 e L i ll h l 1  . they rlininicr iii the 'uir. ' 1_ Cut 11 311 )10 361' y 333 13-,3-553.,n3<;F-3_:-,3,.33 Pituzngi:f"( -3' _
,3  E E ii Th t glini'! eidition lure the deil E ;:::1 is; 1: hocul:::: whatian the lnddie ken 3332?, he might Ibo made iiseful % "*3
i :i  - a i o ' ' =2 4 , , . 2 s  -2 ' '  - it  -
' \m"! kl... .' pand liis kith , E Hesehinkinupen naetlmilike mauymishll' to fat-ten the natlves _Of the 09' <11,s,  '
. 21*? ,2 . Are weeping and wailing and gnasli- men. , niba-l Islands, and to improve our a, -.*:i,{ 
l . g: Wk ing their teeth, '7 A wee thing makes think an a snia thing export trade Wltll that region, I {1,3,3{33332333 3
3 ': .--.,;~::-1  Is too full 'of )leasurel Let's unveil makcsus stare. . . , legislation u 011 uvwfligij .._::L _ . ,7 -
I lQ. ,1 , 1 some nelw plan There are more folk than he biggin castles in Egan loninlilil Dlst messdire. 3{0{34, 3 2
. 2 him To punish and torture this rebellious 3 air. E II; :dinjlfzfivn cryywill be Desic 33,353: 333333 3 33 3
, 1: i336? Clan! . . 2; Fiennlghtin inter mnyweelmnkihiin muld; l . O V 3 .  ~ Y::}":~V 2 v
' 1 ' 3%: it"  2 Thus 0111 lawmakers said, and With His ehiu upon his bullyhan will soon iiiak hini  (late the P3001  O] kgngman " Stu . 3x133; "
 1 welmmndmem 5 1- l him mm 831153-149 "S:
l ;  7  Vent to work and conCOCted the Ills brow isbrcnt so braidmhtpray that Daddy These {ITO about the WVOlSt parts 13; 3?. 3:323:43. .
. \ 3E 3 3.23 #333353 Fourteenth! rneudinent. t  Care ' 3 3. 3 Of Illy record. On thgnl I 001110 {7 in, 33:3.73 E {33:33. i") 3 3
' 3 \ -. 47,3: 53,,  A 11121131 03113531311 Llng lung 01' p adletthc wean alanc Wi his eastleslu the min before the country. If my COun .3,1333%3f.3m33,3.3.3{323.,E33.{.3,.3333\ ._ 3
9. ,- , ' , in o ai ' . "-5 *:I , -
:1, E E ' Face the. guillotine, too, without turn. '3 Iicll gl'ower at thd re my lie-ll keek at the light. try dont want me, I 7111 go back 3 3, :33 333,333; 333.3333: 
5; _' 3}; ~ : 3 3 jug pale ; " But mony sparkling stars are swallowed up by again. But I recommend 11)}: 3 2 3 3 33323.33 3333,33,.3331333333133333 {,v 33, 3.
9E ' But just think, my dear Procand _ m- . . self as a safe 1nana man 110 1  3L:
3 - $3. 3 Li . you are no novice_.  Aulrler elen than his are glamoured by n glare, t l} f' the btSlS 0f total dc- 3 ,2: :4 3 {33333: 0.33.
1- ." :34; 131i; 2 ,. K t k f l h he  Heads are turned nnd hearts are broke by ms 5 1W 35 10m   1: 313-3.. ,3; ,1; ,3
i2 2;..2. Howa enucian eeswen _ 3 . d _ )sestobeend- 33 333333333 333
':'-;- E 3; ag cant hold an ofce. - - will the W- Plwlty 111 331010 33:1,} ;3 ._ ,7. .I,
. l \ 2 01d Spainsinquisition and the racks '. James Ballrnlyne. ~ is to t e as . 3 _ ~ jut-33E.- '.  1 :3... -
T 4 "a there applied " _  g .22, .3 ,. . .23323.333 3 2 32 . .-3# . .3 3 33 33,373,333 3...: 3 3. 3Q _
' Vi 1  To torture mankind may be thrice 7,"3~""7"'__  ""' 1 ' ' -3 - 3 33 - 3, 3-}; .23.;23 ..::3332, ~3 3;
RE. {1  multiplied; . 3 l .2 2   1 2 4' - - ' '2 , _ ' i E: . " 
. . " ' ~ 2 .- '-" 1 ; 2 . ~ J  . , . "'7':-2{+..::1=-F:=;: my ,." if 13 .{-3 :3. g3{.
'  , - ' - '2 : -1 2. --:; . I ' i 9' -' '1 iglgijsigi.
1  W- 122?:.;2:i:;.:f.*  L * ~  i '  . V .1 " '  ..tt $2.12
*2. ~ 2: 2 2 . 222w - * T41.* - - if L2