i A 2,. . [in 5" '.." _', - } .1  .  - ,
., 4. >97 ,~ - 01:41 - '-  duw '
' 1- 7%; '...~ . .  1" "" 0 r 5.7": "2"" "" . . 4} "
*3? 'Ir Tym%>/g  , ' 7 A m :i'mnzr'il1.j_}3.,... web. W" 0,- ,, . ' x
.1 1,5! // Q7. ;*: ~;'__.__  " "  ' :1: (25:9
1 . 02- z": , TMw ' 1 ' V 1  5 1 .5.- := " 
 '1  g 31 /  LEK IN c v - _~_._____*__\ "if 1 1
- - 1 1 V  . 1 ' ' ,_.;RNIINE A  TH *"* wog  . , ~mu
it ' '1 11: , -. BY H. ~ , ' y stnt , - . . ' . ,4 3:54.214?
4;; , , 1; 11 Mum fun . _. 1 ' [WNW a 22m. guring1135:0133331011fir0 1 E BEAUTIES OF THE ENGLISH -: .. 1
V , ' " " 1 * Outgomel .  4' writ 11:11, the.110r:z name to 1. ~ on would wake to PUIsixlg str'r 1 ORTHOGRAPHY 5 2 ..'
4- . 4 ~ 11453030000 , - , "eennnene1[Y00.;:;s 0.0... 00 ene 040.4 00. 1. A - ~ ~- :-
  ' . 1 ' . 4 _  ' D. - u1 . .1 . ' 7192).
1: r f Suh Was 1 ' . . 1nger some migrate c1 . ' JOYOus on the fityotfal L Netty deer ls dear to me 1 1] 314.54? 
0 .e man to nig '. : 11 upon the leafy surf? - Andto Utter fullness ar-uik   A bare with d 4. . .  .. ' ,
: . , rig: of the gru- ere theinsectg lay in c 30 . Batten-1 t 4 . 31 A 4 Own) 1mm, \ 3.
1 11 41 :31 30138 to his _ '  And a melanchOly m1 TOMS; : Thrumlglinggtciglvffig'   hart I love With all my lert  7  it?
- - .:-.- 4 ";:.;.0: () - . n . . n 0 - . . 4 ~ . 1I . . ., . ,. _:.a~.:,
.1211} 31 hgfdat2e1$*::* Bnhifssgmlgg 4mow 1mm, .' :ell upon Ins wing again} pan), , But 1 211er bear a. bear. ~, : j '2.
3r 4 1.1 I". ' re rain; * . 0 -  .. ' , : ..n.:
. ' ' 1 132.3125; 3:111    Through ncrevicei t 1 2i cgielltfgstgguf swig; - "fig plain that no 0 ' l. 1 '4  " *7??? 
11? . 7:1 .mnhs mu  Where the spatter :41 11,9 Sm" ' 44 Nevermore to let. it 51: wmg T h - ne akes a plane    "
04 5 ,1 .45. not. mote t : 1 . , Made his purpose very rahdm" Better he h .1 g. . 0 alve  1"1' Of Pears, . .  5%
.. - . ""1 4:. than {-0 91b . ".. 1. II :.._ A mo _ . 1 1 In 1.11 n. kOwn a, drouux :':. ,_I Althounh a. 13}  . 1 n. 3.5:, : .
1 1 3 his family? 749"":1'1-1'11 - Fromstqllgtg 16m} and thin,  ' ' ihanetglamhes 0f the South, -'-' . 1 T a 9 may take :1 Nike _  . 1 : n 1
~ 1 P1 ; :0hzre.;.'.n.z . ' '   Mummy en. <1 0.... 0.00.... - '  to ewey ene 40.100. a. . . we
11 :1 u u 11 5 l4 ymorning fair and v , - ,  .' J.
4:? 11.01 18 'rove Andn . Found 11'  - 8Met 1 . 1 = . 1 . _ . . -.. .
1 :1 "*1 1 , 38 {laud ca . 1 _ Made 511: Ligggj SW1: Glassy e312; 3311p135f223 Sheet; "it" 5013 1a) 5 130 thy 1110, time I'azes an , . , . 5%
1 :4. , 1 hat he For the co 0. , scribe in - .-  - , 1 _e, " " .,
. < 4:414:33? .... 0.3414831? 00..., .0... 00041122133003: -_ . 0 .. 10.0.... .01... nnny 111...... 1 _ , .00
1:  sing for u ..- =1. ...-.. 1" Y 1be gusty wi d e 1081 :-y:i;;.~,';n1 I - . 590  ' k 0 w1-1.e and still be Wm 44- vL~ :'
3.1, : '.. C1. 3e. . -.I-..- 1 u that blew. , .-:.~.;: . Iald hlm out Don th .1 0 1 I , . ... DD , 1 .I,. .05, f . .
:'Q 1 .1': inspiration- . " ' Thus 51 - . .   ' Scanned 1." 1 e 0? "-. 0" mm and rite - ' . . 1 ' 1
4 .a. 4 ;1 morn he 1 . I _. 1 Frmn tilcceedmg m 1115 ight. As it n 1 5 >Ody oer and oer  1 110 nelthcr T191113 ,1 1..- e:1',. '..
E' " 1 1 Eden 0   ' In :1 wetiilineegtlilng night  Aft me: was before,  And dont. to right beloner b ,  ~ ' " ($11397?
- 1 4 ' Vre 0 ed ' , etc - 23 , s ' ". *
  1 3234?;ng - : __ Twas the h pllbht. 4 " IrOandoggslmtaqn slow,  ..' R 1) . . .f , '31::0'0':
,  .. 1:: 1 Aug. 1801. .1: 1:_:I;:;jI.n;III:-i; : 3:1" Who, her 5633232501; mlnid, 3 .. I There they 13540333415": . '; oNextson 15 not Roberts Son 1. "1 S . 773}.
'- -,' nnumy. "4 3 ., In a measul 41 .51 151 ayed  . ., u - S no": '4.- E . . 01 did he - b B . 1  " -' :.
1 ~ . g - -  e lsllayed- a... Thls mos - - . . . .. I 10 mtg SOn uII
1 i Eli-3:373:31}?  . (1:19?! tnDar in the gloom  1 A "3" 11:12: hedfengetf 101335023: 1 -_ 3 e13 RObOItB sun is Robins 15m] T  5%
. 1 - ' 1 '9 cuminedl   " Vlm With -  ' . ' " ' :4
.4 .. 21.021393 . 1. 1 . .. , 0.0.... 01...... 9:533:31. . -. : . - 1 1:0: 000 everybody.  , .
e , 4 :- 4 ~ _,.,.".'- '. . . . _ 1 -:~*-1-.2_:.::.'>:1.e: _-
 4:1 113.1 1331391011??? P 40...}: xii-'1 831111): melloW llgt Was Shed . ' EPIQRAMS  Z "7 )1: Beer f'- - ;.  _qf... '.ggfl-eli
3" x .1 progmes.'2?}?55  In :41021333011h0n4004,  . "1..;- - ' f 0 Le brmgs =1 bier to man *4. . _.t
.1413 141  1% ~. 3%;{a -""" 7.1\v: In :1 Id 0 her bed. ~,;; A Pommns mm" Whl i Coughmg a, Cofn blinrrg  "  . $31:
7 , " 53119- ' - 1: 15 e cm?ehere i313: 93 quizzmgawn emumwusm And too mucl 1 ~- b  - .- *
v- I'I;1;.;. 1: mi mm 16115403, undqlatmg hair e The \Vitnesg W110 035:; End looking [or m 1 a 0 W111 make us an , ,
1 L 2 {flight}? . . o pohshed shoulder bare. 1;; Efovoked mm unm he apgaedprsonal grudge AS well as other thinnrs  f. . , i if, 74.5.31,
- 1 .1 1 5.1%,,qu ; 1}." As the whitest foam that e I 2   Adglmndi my" be cNBC! With [loathe JUGge. 1 a I ymnww 1'; 
a: 1 1 1 4 Thain??? ' . . I .35; Elig'tklgebliaChe; 30m tlie 59:35" 0 - "YOulgggfgon Whlle 147171113 Chlsegggeg tace'  The Person lies VhO Slyi 1] 1-  1" .7111. 7 $1211.,
. 1 1 43' ~ ~ ceo ere] . 53:: w v responded ' ,  ' 0 103  ; 0
.0 '- 1 1 1 ($3011.; .e '  And the billows of 11:42.00, " . 1 m 13.1.? rm 5 $811331: yma mn' ' When he 15 013 100111111113 '- .22...- .354,
  : 4. " . . .g-e. ~ e ' . . r~~e~:,,=;-~ . ; 1"
I :- 111,1} -_ 413314400 1." the pulows there impigsih .-, . . Looked 5% [$313ng frown, And When conSUmPt-we folls dn 1' . i. r . -_j
. m. I 1 I~ ut, t ,. I 1 . I \ept. an ocean-like tun-en  1* . 0n the squabbxe and own . T1 11 . \ cc me, 1 1.;
$13:  1' " hxJdmh  ".  Ah twnsmll d d . 5 AW 55" ' said,1mm the bench where he . my a dedme dedininw , 1  w
' 1 -  n. 1' "985:5.11- Th  1." ee for her,  9 want now 0 . :. . 0 .n.. '4  ""N
1  i hagsgg 1%? Wighttlee 3011? 4141021310"? mg but Silence. and little Of that," " Quails do not quail before 1 st :"Vur"iu I   '
,. 10:,"- H 31:91 0 erce ' 11 " . 'orm 1 ~ 1 _ W,
:.-1.031.; d 1 $2233 35? Ana  -  . : A Widower o _ ' A heurrh  1' _  . . -e-.1,4::~
Y 1 . 47 .-2 ,. 4 That 1112334345336 :Ifmhf" hi!- ;., Um the maggf Ym countnance serene We .0 11 bow before It; ,2 non?- - 
1 1 11 W, -, - '   " 1n the 11,110 of thetllim be (11111 I.7 The mtfeltl 93113 a miss of swam; si'x. I4 Neannor, mm the rain at; all, . "~C ,
n. 3 ~ 4 ' 1..:"3 eS'Stepsilown ' .. 0 can] . . - . .  - ' .
1. . 111  1' 1  {erlthe svlsnndid creature them . .1 A and 5016mm m. m 01 1 Hownmith Emmi y pow I.'0 UCl 1t. : 213%
\ 1 1n ~' 1 f 1 -L l the 51.1"g 0" her hair   a m the 19th Without a wow 1: T1 1  4mm; 32:75"
1    1MYnmgumcgmlymir  1311: Whyigggm  6 leads the blush. 1e (yer dyes WhC, then diey 1' 7  3: '-
0 1  \. } ;. And n L51 7} ushefu?t To , , _ . . 1  -  3;ng
 . \\ . , Uncl (0111 , . . .Seeingfuii 23:11:52 eyes, 401th0?%fsrep:ies,he groom inquires. The so- ; Unt'l (13 9 11:3 alway's trylng; ,4.- Q3345
. . ,1 4 .. .. . , 0' a lu - .- , _. *1,
k .1 \4 _ 1 enemy III ~, __ 2n.- . Would be blinded, Wltil Sllrprise. baptize," 193118-11 brought, to me this 1mm \,, IT I.) HS (13 mg bed 1 . ,1 .: '.
1 4\\\ 1 51 {"9 In): v?   0n- the inner Window cnSe   m * m '  n Hmh-"f more of (humor . 10495;
. .' . \  5034:; :"r*  11] 3411411040 "mid wing andracc " 1011:? vandcrburg marrieha  ' "p '  " 7" We
, '_ \ U}: 36,: .' 7 if? ( 1 nytmng but grace .  5:915 1234:1110 oft, in a Queruhus tone Wealthy 01d Wife, A son of Mars mars I ' : . ' -- ._gf
1&1 g _1. , mnre d?  9 Whilst. the mud-reminding  . ':-:- W031? lIibiy'ntinnerhwearisoma co'nium life 11 A11 Deys must. 1 man} a son,  . > " E
.- -' '1 " 1  " - . ra1 - 1: 0  v . -, I :1:... . 2. >04
4 1  1  gnu; 11-?  1 2301113.01111EY.Puue1 " 5 ME mom Wuuhglhgeigfam was her 0W: 1 And evan 1; ' me the (111   4,7 '1
A. \1. and W4 . 5" .1 . lOlnble refrain. u. 1.. 111me my money you eem 43304144va pongm mm} 1_1 1y mght should pm, each Mm 1: . g. 1;. .
1% F 1 [110.00 $414 :.: EgelglgialhedwiudOWsill, . . ...geggugnedhe 01143315184450: To Him who 101211511115 ways 0 5&1}
'0-14 1;. '52,.'., Bles. '14."?- mm In m "15 reary still ,0 WW- my lave that ho 'n n :   ' f - >.;.-.2'-::g?.=
'11; 114' rades em 01" the chin~ $33  g 19- ii Tis me -. -.- v
47 51 ' 1 " .-4: . : .. 01: 1.113.131 :1 . .,, _.
1. l! :1 age a .32.; _ If: .351 But 11min his little Soul, . A close-ascend deacon in g]; E- To f d . nan should mete out moat ,   . _ x 3'20
. , 1 1 . 3:;- Iuall b _Ier . .II .I- lfte \tvuilgrateful for the hole :3 3.1 g: 235%? himseu on his gaggefse; E1 Th ee mISfOrtunes son ; ~W~i I: :1
2" .1 1 In . .,0. _ 3-03.5;QI '' owed him such a ' El; 4. 0 and gavd a, 1 S toes: .; 9 fair 51101111 1. 1' a 3"," .
0 - ; E 1,}: 0&1;.:.-;&0-.,~0~4i. egg 9 31- 1 V6 beenachur n' '9 Dad up 1113mm ':4  0 0 love alone : . : , "1:
'2. f r: 55;: '~;-;04;.t=,.->?4 10 he brushed his l't :04 To all 0' th 0 member for fol-tum   .1; Else on  9 _. 0
1 . : 4n0- ,. - 1 4441:: Men 413.1084; 420. 4:: mvi;?0eii00eem 04:4? 0 00...... 1 W
1 0 F ' 95. 00m ortub  =4 em; 4 5 me a (:6 ,H i . . . *
"4 , L .. 3,9011% : g .0. . And exactly 1131:: dlry," if; 3931103521; fgrg Voxlicze. 10113111111 (1839.1. A12)? if): lass 1s someumcs false; 13:. 30:; 1 :1:-7,":
0.. _ . EBFTsx 1  With h' . , p annea @4357 '9 10): 13 ohm. n {- aults z). n .d .  . ;- 3%: :1 1. '.::5
: .: , a E _15 Stoxcls mt, I). 1.I 1m 15 mad . ._ . . ,,. i?
. v  314' '0  131111 dl'ippixzngr'nud' 5? "Ota V- :1 Her Waist' 0 1.   : 35
. .g i 4 . 0.41 L. , 8 Wlngs were fanned .410- . 11 My reverses" :1 e 13 10111 3 barren \' t ~ : :-
..51 ~34  0. _ . ' 2 , Forum 1 .4. ' 5}; "IDelels 0n  W150? daclared  ~ "4 .. .I _ ., . 1 0 WW , ._fe
g ,- A: 1 \I 411113,; - 4; ': I In the clfgbigpelrfred to out . I tell you that 191131;? I ve notloscadllm; Y' 1S $14311: gm, 3:310; {.4181 .~~. 1. :. 9:113.- 7. 315: $77
 ~ 1 1. > tale." Zuvv" 7  a n  . -  ,5;.  U a I -   4; V - V ' '.
.. . 1 .1 1.0311314 _. . 1 ; .v _ 1 And me taper lergngfi out . By rayemlngasoneapggllg 156111313? 211 The Sprilws Shoot, f t] 1 n 13:- ,..
42.4 " -- 1 Th .  , ' c 0r 1 020) s _. . : "~?._-;;:ef:--..i;
" - 1 210" tm - l1yi$i:$f to k - 5 Young RomeoB tsVL '   1 Shoot forward one and me Pnng'nd Show .\ .  A-
c 1131.1meekner': . @651 What there was Wiblslzluie Ll'uk  Wghey 5100111 511M133 gjgixgglg 011m 3 Though summer killq the   - m 135
5 - '35-:7ever chi -  ""' 7.5- It was very 1    a B wenmoyne 512?! 0 {mi  M h light), (. T1  0\Ve1s;1t leaves " '1' ".4
. . 4 . . . pam that he ut, somehow I .v 0 n no: can wuv . 16 leaves to full in f 1 .: 0::
511 - ~ . 3 , ,. . ., Wth {Candle bl . . 0.3 Said Mls . . 61 like a. fool hm _ v , . g a], ,I: ., . . I1;
g  3' . 1110, )e: 1 . Found dimculrtgggefm' 3:5 4. With $31111255315rg1111313Yng Homesg. ' E1 I would 4% "1
11." :.II_\ ,.I'oung 142...: .._:1:i?:..It-35..;I 1; But his eyes, denied their ~ 1 5/1 Xeuglour race Womdv in; 0103:; 21?? comm], 1.1! B t a stow here COmmencg, .1-1":~:-*f-3I;~I. .
. "gi-ia'nki 3:191:32: :.;Mggs, {1133;138:33'!tpellight, mg 3 For yoxi cemml 1  le- WW 1 :  ,ym mlght think it m1... #9134
. .~  :11iiif'inzfiei r"? C. ..'.: B d bee mg go at Digm, 113:3 5' 00k 11 YOU 885' that vou reel." ..1 So we 11 5111313036 that We haw, roa h 1 1:74;... .~;
-' .  3,": : "573 5'. y at 115th - .-.1: . VII. '1 T1 '  0 0t 1% WW1 "214:4
~ ..I .. , . _. w .   .6 med ..:-= Each Babb . 10 tall end f . , . 1,10
1 ... .and 3f. . 0-... 1111 nl utter at 1115 am  . , 81h mom mm 0 our tale .
.. . 1, n1... . . . , . e ,,,_, _1 . 11211 elds - _ _ _.I .....ng'
 3 " *1 :world 1. ,3 m0} 't ind h 11" Wings wemdriea; 4493}$11?[Esbggsggtggmdusmm and W00- . W4"
5 1?: " 1x 131 .. $4 *1 the still exi c f Would wbe  5 tildes. . ' ~ " ~' 1 ., , 1
$1.13; >. .  "111;1MW 1).i: IlflOUghtu very 10113313115222: 2 .. OneIdav, retarullglevi'gfdnhoters away, . I THE GOLDEN SIDE. l;$f .1 3::"
x 4 1~..11dtc9*gs*.1:  the ending of his knees.. 71:" 4411311116145 1115 951  19:51:11;  33' Th  w :
' 5:3; =1, I . 3 may be bl ' .1 YStra 1 .- 1 ,, 3- :2. And 0 a e t' * 123"
. 11.: 1  tzxg 1 011 If Im 3mm. wet othmeagled  ,_... 360111583? 01311118335553) 311]? [anstor cried. .I,, If tggegetlggg {mmt the better land, 1.1- jI-t: .':?~".'~..I4;1II;Eu
1.  ' 1 -1. foum' 0   . ' 3:114:14? 9?ng me 0" hisn.  - I IeaVe 133" Mid solevnemnes, 3"? T312111? sunny soul 15133: 43311111103135?" 1 .
,  , }1' r; n .1 11:-1,11! _  : 1 -' . Im 00 mm:- 2 0! buzzin'. 25755 For 0" from the sums " The '1? mumpl trust: neer miiem  W04
. 1 0 1.11;, e. 0.4,: I -, . y ur Cousm mum Cousin, 5 Sormousfronthestoneg . Thgrassxs green and the owers grab 1'11 1': :01:st : M
'4; 4? . 1 4" (30111) ' .:;. d 5103""le he sings, - 73 o n b VHI  ' ough the Wintyjtorm prevailethf g t 3&4" :11.
:  ., .ii' ."1. _ I = 53:10; .  arpund almut he -  if;i 1 us way: said Mrs - .'." Better :4. . ".1 ._. '..1 ._:,
, 03:,551e113m J - .... 1.5: :1 bousm, Cousin, 31115 mm . x, 5115;135:334! 13 her xvuliu??1113033  FAnd 13133;? 111113 Eggstgtlclgtihwg 1 5'  "3:" 31
' 31% ARMS5*$1>: Tl  .  '  v  . . 'e 3! EOEhistem :.: 50 :1??- or the swee .  v0 mix
. L" 1' I. 1 . .1 , ea.'_ :01 T113312: ffggupon a rmd, 35,. 1.190033%? he never could 13; 331133;) Wald see; :01: When the ifzhmn Peep tTough 11:51.15 .1 r..
. :  '.-...... 1 n. ) 0th? 1: Illl he came 146533 1311:2113? Shade, * I never 1406;111:1133; 4:11? your asser41.13'me_ 1 Tlggg gvas never a tint wisttgggtggg %        1:7," 
432;: .2 4 .. . I . . . 1 33,1. ' .= 1V emwer n- .. .11 evenin  - 1 nfz. .. 0 2' 5345134
.4 _f nu \\. . . I A m2. _ Y I 0m you. 4:. ngt Out amom . 0 ,*~:. Ann-:3 :4.
: i m , . -. Teeeiimf :..3. 1.50000 here " w 4000..., - :1 Aiftiffg hm 000 woven-3245450,
1 , .1: f, . a 7,1; 4521:: {IV/tyne tmriesthere 3151?? 3? Why Notho . _ 1:2 09 the dawning. I1_-I ; I ' ' w
3 4 0  1 45. So u, f .  e" .5 ,mplomisez The)? manyagem 1n tn '  ...-.04? "'
= u- ., -; ~ 15> '  9 act is simply this . 043. We regret th  thch we 9 path 01138. I; L RI-
' 7; gm .. 209%? Khan he came upon the 111155 " determ'  at Capt. Hathaw That is 4401103155 our idleraslle. .i.f;:i'f';3,:_;n,; 43 134;
 1 peacerfgfu ' 5":2s-i1fiif c was famished fbx- akiss. ' 00mm med not. to make the may 111318 ItOr the miseriggigeglgrgggxeled crown Wimbza' 11' 
-.. :\ As.- .    . ' "* New. t1 : Onwealth  . Ge 01 may be the 10 5 ~.} '  ' I12}:
1 . 4 4:1 51an ' - 32 Cominggli: 311211111111 3:) WOW.  Cial district, W: :Nmney 1* this iudi. 001 ametheresf0031agggds 
   '   1 '  - . ~'~01=-.':A..=e-.n':,;I - 31:;
 1 firm 010011:  -. or the very same woul u o n ' , ' a better man t on DOt haVe found 11%;? mg? 5 grateful thank}; 2 .,
- 4 2111111 .5} (I r :.';1 And itignlt 411, to think g ' . ' County is entft? 311 the place, and our cup Water given. ~ 1L; 
.3 .:  .. ,  . ; A mosquito on n  : ' e to som Bettermw ' .._.: .' 4. 1" 5*"
~ I.: 3 .45.. 4 : . ' - - - ea, . ding . -. :; .1 }I
. _  manna: "1  QCtaT-cupigggejnuk 1. , 163318 (Eugen We are' $512??? ping" Aidbggt nnagfnxdgbnige {W 0.21:
1  142ml? 5 Splendid tv ' -~'.- . a 8W8. 49 y ,1 l OGOds W111 1th ' - . " .- 231:5
.. 1,. .0 "02:40:. 4 . . p8 of an el 1 #34.- y to state 1.1] And h W a, ready heart 1:. I ..gI.I .._.
. . ' 3.- lmrerumu m - 3 1339! we 11% be acan ~ at he w' ands that are swift andw .. .
.\ $11. " .00. ..._ - 4010 00033323}? 0... 40004040412 T%%0$%%140$49:;:32 .0013 0.190042 1 00
' 'r;1 2 . '4;"1I:"?jf: . ' . 0 BO A un er . e. - 13.. .II?
\ _ ,, . Who W111 1,1 - . man. we OLhe . 1 then heav ' .r . .. v
. 1 . ,- :2: I.-..1,nr}.- M 1 Inmeh1m Wluxe he d' . ' Who aha ' - 0 [ Chrk A 91 blame for the tan 1 51,7; e1  .,{n
v. '0 '1':- 57110. 1   I w Detlmu 330011118811) " Wh  Y 1' .':;i-_..'-*:=: 11:22?
1: 5?  9 fes?imnassion ' . 1""  . ' 4'. . . ' . . .- . r :'.:3-3'55-"7..-3'i Hi.
3 31:15:14,; N _ 561ng guch,wglgxnuswoghim "" Tan 5 not. 00mpmmI1ee, and unite . 137*. 1 : 1.  .. .I'.,.-j.III1I,,I-;r. 1.
\0 29.21: mafia. birth. Worthy -. net, of Fayette? . 0n 0 _ . . .2 ;-. _. 1:3;
- .....;.-s."::- n .  4 x " . n- :e;.;..~ . 1 . - . , " .ri':-'ni-,.:.}.I'-: 04.0. n . .. 421:3:-
lgxu} f. a"; '7}; . 11?" - ' 71:. '2? u I?! .-:I::'1.0.___.17.*."' 1.  1 ' 117,7 n : ea 4,, . . . ., . ""-:"3"?n5353il-;,31135:3173 L210. :kI I.') _' _ 43.23
.... -. .I...} . .c0..~._,_II . in, . . . . fm"ur3[i}- 3&1; g e; 3.,
 1*  W . .. . 1. H 1. ,0. ,...L. _. : ,Wev"wtei.,3-:0<=?~ , - ' ,r .I'-,:...n-i".: 1~-~  _ 
-\   54;, 1  ~ 7 23:";
......L :'...- .1? 1.