a . ,.-. i.  1, '
AI:  "-'.m:._..  ' .
. _ . _  . "3- .,  _
h , 1 '7 .. 2"14 "V  ~ 7 ' Y"T" . ' _ .7. . 4; , -
. ' - ,Absoluteiv n6tt=word of truth, air," re I ., .. ~ u, , . "i"" "M "a
r plied Mr. Jones.'.' IinDthe 2; place, . asbI {ongfgf didn tlave on  bomm  L ,l K
.1 ' -havejust stated, It r. avis . duet; read t e '  , * .gcnb 13:1,:
z ' . .. H W . . , telegram to the crowd at all." Mr. Bates read | uggg a??? a? g?" 731133.11? . V _. ,qu
' NF AV: EVA? (Rt-i , . d u. ui Had it with an show or i 5 ques 9 0,5  iicccsilllty four. evqcuminrzulxichmrohii, was In:- (Save. when. believing Mm 0 GI mp INC. I pistol)? presented to me by the same gentle I {q i
. " A-. chre 0 im, in n rim or oi as cry. 6 Df'mamuaevs dr 1J"lV18C1U'iLl(dV ' 3 man. ; .,
, ,. o. .n . . . . .. i . . a. t to Duru\\1th, : a :5- .
' . 2 3:221:85}: 3?";1'",Rr'ffnfg'yiecfj'eduuggmi I them to execdte his/original Purpose. I A FIGHT BETWEEN 13.335143 ' ' AV' 1
..; w5  . ' ll,'.  . - ,5
" T: Dzivrs norupt mi :xazrewel from the church. I leave Slaiiii''i i''gzvg'lngn 1:) We? '3 ~ ' Then began the ring between the two up- ' r _ .-
_ . ' are characteiizcd by Jones, who was the i .5, m- b.,,..~; [I.qtw'mar..,qug Cr? F"',"'.'r(ieI I preaching parties. It seems that ourpursu: " I
7 ~ - bearer of the dispatCh. as well as by Mr. I to shit-Pin; eqm lhatuvcr . hi? {4&0 011 6 , ere had taken different roadshndupproacheo . . I .
1 .  Davis, as having transpired in the fertile im- I cided'bv'~iiat imam I", thi'rt wl' _lgfi fe' l the camp from opposite directions. or. course I I
V nginomon ol the authors only. Jones was ; the scohrlvltion [$51,561er OIeI-XVIO'I, tie? I they encountered each other, and then began ,-
7 5 " well-known in the community as Mr. Davis 1 IE' Oncwa's ,.,.~..,.mIed L  a m I 0 a {she )iiggtgromvench 10 :(jftlj's' We lled I
. .' .. ".mdv nervnnt and consequentlv when he f. " . 7'. , . , I 0W- 0 DQI 10556911088! er were ring.
. lg:  handed mat 'gemlnmen a. telegram which 113: stielzltglfmf 2590?: 11," beetn ENG cm" I into an armed bend of Conlederntes, and did -, I
. ' caused him to hastilr quit the building every f F4 n 5 I" 3 [f "L??? ,T'M-I 110 i not discover their Mistake until a number of l. ,
 one wro witnessed the lianir was (-on'vinecd 17'" induceuutraggler. "-'1"w "'3 hoping to l men and horses were killed and wounded. 5
" ~'   thdt e'ornethinrI unusual hiid unopened: but 20:3? opportunity 7," You I" . 1 None Of 0111 party were hurt; on the 000- 2:79] I?
. i  . this conviction did not produce a panic" 6.; j"BOL'I)I'IEI hm"? IIILdnltg'cam I tmry. Col. Wood and Lieut. Barnwall during I II
> . . < . ,  . '3?  ' " 'F". -' ""3- W 3 TOW 'clec 'lk.d oif un bee v . "l w
' 7' ' gufnusflggeegra: Ogreigyzgiriigfedxcd?d 111:. 0'5? "l "7 7 5 5"213- I tutexli might-(Zoned bia''wcgngdund 4 oclock 7 I
" f)? :3 the ... congregation quietly dismissed MHG 075- Tim Hyun- , A- M- After 6110 tiring ceased 001- Pritchott, I J
. ' ' mm. is all. The next day. Monday, . Mr. Darla lost; down without removing his the Federal ofcer. came into camp and asked l I
- . Brrngu'lnhzlg were perfcsicd for the l clothes in the early part or the night to rest. me which of our paitr Was President Davis. I
I f t mmdm of Mm mm and family from Kim. ; giant-inta- occurred ti. indie-Ilia Ill) smack until Inolmea him out. and he was at once put I
- . mond and on the afternoon of that any I USE UK 0N) dawn. when . heard lii'im: over Uid1rl0rifr- . __ . .- . . .-c. _. ,... ---w~-'
'  - \R Jones: Wm, the carriage and horses and the the limhcn. I llilmctlietely hurried lo the "155 "19 J W countr, Georg, on I ._' , ' I
i N r 'Davis family, proceeded by rail to Charlotte, 8P0: _Wblgi'n 31?. Devin- was sleeping. and, the southeast TQM], about 390 OWGVBDWOQ I if [d 0] x .- '- "
. N. C. Arriving at the latter place, a house alollFliijl niul, told him of what 1 had hem-d, miles. lending Irom the county-seat which we l l/  g; . .
, was united. and the family settled pown with . he come out of the tent, and we saw some had passed. I .
7 the expectation of remaininein Charlotte for l cavalry-inch (10m _we recognized [1.1 regular We were all made prisoner-mend together / '2 , .
 several mums atleasn Afterthesg arrangc. I Icdcml troopers deploying around us they with the mucus, teams. etc. sent '0 Macon, I . I 
'2 t\ meme wereconcinded, Jones proceeded to I 899101101166 the camp. 1 had 21"(llh0 horse I Georgie, thence to Augusta, Georgia, ViaI .
\, Danvilit. V, where the Confederate ll'eei- I _3 be used by .ilr. on: near the read some I Mllledgc-Vville,Phiid(;rhnslat-Ire?J teapoggwcre I I 5'
. dent ilien was n, 3130 19 mm. 1; was I (:ilaimeimm lhe cann).-cnd, as before Iwo met ice l'esi em. lepfms, T. ey,  
. - Imb- Jones wagin Danvrlle that Lieut. \Vige I stated. lliShlSi/CI of pistols W15,'56Cul'0d to I Gen. Wheeler, the cavalrv olcer, und his Ad- . - ,1
W . 9 I . . . .. . . . , l I.
amt-re youth and 50D oi Gran. Wine, came, I $1l".'-:ld(lieoiiills horse. 1tWaF..IDCn,aD"IIH- l jutant, Gen. Bowls, also prisoners. Mom I  '.Ij
' hftgr eBCILplllL'. through the Federal cavalry, l fortunate diecovery for us that we realized I there we were Event to Fortress Monroe Vin I \ 7
i :apd notied Mr, Davie of the speedy surien- the Icon ihet the iroonors were approaching I Savannah to Port Royal, Where we were ti'nns- I 'I .
r. or (ien. Lee. This won the rst reliable ow that direction and were alread near the failed to a transport ship, which anchored at ,.
'm u D  ' d rm 1'  WWW" 1* ~ 3 1 n r his 1 l) is and \Ir C'ev i 
av ~imormntionl r. uVlS receive 0 e:=.n;zei- .I spot Where th h  ", ammo U)" . i , a: I . l I "I
7 surrenccr of the army of V'Tthcm Vin ' . e 50 was secured. It was , were sent to 1' ortress Monroe and imprisoned , ,.'
'1  12:35; Mr. nvis, after receivliiguthis'news, I $51395? Disossible for Mr. Davis to reach I Mrs. Devi;- wns sent buck to {Savannah on the I . 
-. . . I; N, sent Jones back to Charlotte with Orders to dead Biff aIJD he was in a predicament 111 I came ship which brought us;l was released. 3745 r;
I. ' remove his tumily to Abheville, $30. This . to leuveim' a? had imnlored her husband  This is a full, fair and impartial statement I :I ,
 " he did. end, after seeing fih'g, Davis comfort. I which. mm? jaw} 00}! lemmg that iho, ; of the facts, in it? asked the Heralds rcprc- . I 7
t ahlv domiciled at the residence of a lawyer , tetnd 15(11)ch new 39MB, but he hesi- ,1 sentumve. _ = , r; ~
I" of that hlocc, a friend of Mr, Dmm he I, WE; he 1 tad some precious moments. _ "ltis apluin, unvernislied stalement of the I , "I
I,  started on his way back tomeethia emplover. 5 comhelled mass, [ecided upon ght he 35 " facts JUB't =13 they OCUUIICO. There are m) -
'  He arrived lit Charlotte. N. 0.. on the 18m of I {Item that intrd  an OPDOSHB direction I meiives exmiinc to Eel/lute me to be partial . . 351- ,
3' April nlew minutes before the Confederate  arms n en e ' on foot. and 1350 l in this meme 015 W113")? W 03191" I m , ' 4.371 I
 . Pres-dent and party rode up as they came  ' I a Republican 0: the rst miter; l have great ; 4;,- _.i 1 -'
. from Greensboro, NC. THE EO-CALLED DISGUISE. I respect for my former employer. Mr. Davie. ; 333:1 I
. AssAssiuMiON OF LINCOLN . Here the Herald correspondent interrupted I ,1 would not make a false etctement in this . 51:3; I
I J on Ill-non; oher! went up to 'wecome I'm "armwe DY making him if he knew or ' connection 0 glorify or to condemn him. "A '
. OD  .-~  ' '   115 OYVD ' , __________,_.___,_,____.-_ .
I , mummy. MnDava had traveled on horse! (1mm; ankd?fIf 25" 39", DEV I I [/w/ ? I
? buck, and win in the act of dlemountinlz stories which have been Di'lpth in the . -_*"_ F"
: when melenram was "Milled 0 him- This that he war-i attired in p" m?" mung . Life. ;,
,  was a dispatch from Gen Breekinridze an : wearing a hoop ekirt at 111:1 women 3 Clothes, ' ' I." '
.  noun-int! the nai-asiymontgf Pileigjdenid Iin- ; ture,  9 0 N9 639- I, The followmg stanza. was written by - .il
coin. Mr. Maw-s Mike , ea, 5m "r- ; Certeinl , I l' '
I Jones,hndISWlmmvd expression puss , be rened. Yulllfaztgothlizly9yufknow16dge7ly , Mrs. Barbauld in extreme old age. .'
. over hm hm as he proceeded to read me I I woke him in his ten: vo'rsiiecmgfnfntfe {$113116 When it was repeated to Wordsworth, l I.
f ' s  l _ 5   '  5 ' -  ' '
m??safe(d #:3ng ttggjzglv :gt'fnirlthi ' 3333313 If any one ought to know I he Said. I am 1101; m the habit 0f -
CC I  .   .  . ' . . 5: l
! gaitntion of Mr. DnviB; celled 10" the 31 mg He then continued he follows- grudging people the things, but I I J1 "
 oi the Ioiegmm. MITDAVIS thereupon handed um, Davis, at this season. f t Wlsh I had written those lines. ,. j:
, the Ielcgmm ton gentleman standing near Wnrea SleeVDleus water I If 1'0 he Year, L'i l . , b . "2'; ....i
l him whose name. I think, was Mr. Bates. Mrs. Davis hind and 1130:: ex'ghtll OI'iercoat. T; e W}? Vi eel) 50 105g togetill, d ' '
.- y. . '- . - . j . ac y seit irou easant an tro 1 ,
kmg aiicdld so. Enieis 5." news. same ma 1 . . g p 1 ug cou y _, _
. remit} v l'ieln. Mr. Bates did as directed, ier if"; 0m the 911 was a little dlf- . , weather 'l
3'1" K ' 1 .. wd u on *he iln also of cm" er decdmg m attempt an escerie ?  - l' -
L Ed some "E "'."iL 0.20.415 emu: Dubais "ler he returued to the tent {or his overcoat and  Tie hard 7.1 when friends are dear, " >.
i.  the moment, $3: we n'ew's inclining: I: the hurry mm _Coumswu of the momem Perhaps twl cost a. Sigh, a. tear; l I
_ _ ~ 3.1. onl; nut _ , . 0 " W35 very dark In the ient-picked u in Then steal away give no warning .I
. the" eonsioeied their moot poncrful mfg, inate d . . D s , r  , .
' 02:,3 emerged 12m; $81 1:15103'11 cour,_aild, as he Choose thine own time; i; I
. e :mn there Is 321ml]? 1,, me 350,113,, Nib- in), threw 8 511321 taxis; gzggfdghgnggt Say not good-night, but in some brighter If ,
fild'thtur- 07 tell I Efe 9- was we 2 .- .,a , I . ' 9 clinic ."7'
. Shed m e crowd collected about him in :in over h nine h 9 11"" 9 rnglan auu '9 shawl B'd  ' d- ' "
i ' gram '0 Ln . ~ I" Mixed the Herald re ire. r-- '8 mum When he was chsillengm ' "'7 500 morning. /  '
' extitllIimLmmm-  p - --I$:dl{?0ner, asnwln be more fully 8; n. -. _-t'-. _,__ , n . m.
5811 811V,/_~P~ I . :11me '
I; //
/:1 ,
I' ,v  x K ;.