a" t
, .g".'-5-;_I..~ ['4 . 5 -- ' 5
i . ll l. . ' There 11 doors th 4 ,. At the shrine ofidolati-ouslove L . , I . L 3". . ,'  , 1;, ? -
. LL V 55 l. ('., VV niilbar, at the least gentle knock mll And she anchored herhopes to thiLsgei-ishing earthl and pleaded Wllll he; soit. blown eyes 101' the . . .V ..7 5 _ ,5 V . V
y L l, -: Lil 5 55 .L All! others that swing on their hinoes ariar  By the chain which her tenderness wove. L' l LLLLLLLL moon that W 0 PMIESSW denied her. ~ L 'L LL~ rL L5 L 1 L
. 3,5 5. ,"i 5 $112120<3g1'+'531 to angels who lovinglyscu  . B51:337$:1:n those heartstiings were bleeding She was there at his feet, a lovely, brilliant V5 . . . '. -5 ,iV _
i c. :s5 . .5 -- . . as 8.11( w- t.  - i. 5 1 ' .l a; - . . ,. V, .. . I; 5  ' ,,
V5; 1.: 133 -: Does 1 .. 94 b at the "10.1" Ims 1 1 And the chain had been Severed in two, ch LLLLre' WILL) some 0" the 013le m the 5 5 , ."L 5 5 - . .' '1
Lil; LELE , 5: 5 VVVVVVV VV . V] 711V LtioiLiLCLJ D095 lie strive? Is he faithful She hachltianged her white robes for the Babies *of wildwood in her lithe, listless grace of limb ,  ,' {55, , , . . 4.1 .
..9 i 5 _: 'L- . ' A 5_._ ,' _ Bile 'aiid noise, In ,- 5 ~5 . v . 5 5~ 13" 9 ,,,-' '4 L
\ .3 l E mi"; L '5L- - Does) 13min hut man has done and what lie And her bloom for the paleness of woe! L which l :L lL LLLxLugsLmu LLL me OLLLLL LLLLLLL l ' *5 3. ,. :5
 5 i It; :  l 7..: 1 7 ,, 1) 10- But the Healer was there pouring balm on her ~ L  1" C WHEYopenswerewoken, Rupert 7 , .' .'.; ..:-'i":5 .2?
5.; , \7 3.; [5 55 1 - V ). ("3:11:18 creep on with the sluggard's slow 5 A dheiu-t,  saw the pretty eyes dimmed \Vllll tears. the L ' LL 59 L"LLL.L(l
 L 5 -' 5 L  hetearsfromhere es- - droo m r i   ' ~ ~ L ' 5 -4
., -~, - 7 E l Andrews-51.0lakepmt l] ambition" n Wipingt  y L L 1L3 niout L quivuiiig m the LLLtOLmLLy OI '  LE '
 .. - , -' 5 ~ , ~ . - 5 s )roud race? And he stren th ' 1 . . . 5 5 ' . 3 5
( -L .' VV 5:5 l l 0055178 (.LLLluLL VWiiilu his neighbor, luitli whole . _ twain, g ened the chum he had broken In its, sziin, and iii an instant llU llull caught her 5 , 5' ' .  1
g $LL L' 5 lL~LL ' : ls wivililfflitisgg-fggiht 1 i t 11 l I '.lhAnd {Vasclleneltll it rm to the skies. lll-llls arms. The sweet, ushed face touched '. 5 f' I; .
.'5 . l A". 5" '. 5 0 7011's :1' .ie on? ere a w   l  '7 - < . .- . . - 1.  .  . 3 L<
ll; L llL . l1? 1 (13L all)! be his Cl'llllLeS- hit) him iiyou tilli . her God Vispered a voice, twas the vows Of llePifmst LL18 LOVLLy Q as loolied into LLLS' L  " ' L l '
lV.=, L', .. onlont to be scorned as H. inoneyless lllLLll. 5 Ilove thee I love the l d   LIL. muitleu. half aslinmoil. aim then, With  - 9  ' . .
3 I . ., ... , e passun ertherodl 1H :5 i . 5. . . 5 ... . -, u. 5.
H t l , . .2, Labor, tautrht by the br'un 4:11 . 5,7 , (r 'l'Lllf 1 - AlwlyV 59b 0. blVLtt Lonivnt, shoV learld him 5 _, 5 . 5. 5,5, .
lb- V Ll,l:r.? 5.; H hand? L i i 1ts::.ionn:ii Ll I313 11;? younimother inlendemesshend .lLllLrELiL;ll:: cheeks: glowed line a girls Llirouglig' ~ . ' . .LVV ' L
L:: l 1.1, f :3 :1! its reared princely palaces over tlielemd. , ert 650 other slumbering boy, .  LWeLwiLn ~ . ~ - 5 . " L L LL -L L - L -
L; '7 :y *3 ,VV 1 $qu;le riiaii who will worl; will, sooner or late, 1 And she kissed the soft lips as they murmured her Rupert Fi.ld,nstll\l(lll%3dllll:1riggllltj1TjewtlLLffil Li; L . 5A vL -
L'Il V, ,V 1 V VV .. VV.V I Enaujgtiigh, like it vagrant, nt.soiiio rich man's V5 Whllgif-dreamer lay smiling in . ' i That the heiress coulLLLl L nomiiLL-Lii inborn (L'LoLmLi'ort~ ' L 5 ., L7 ' L "  L' - L 7
5 . 3 L ' :3. v. " . 5 . .  1.0% . .' ."lile ercli. \A ' 2 ,5, .L ..- L . vL L >4 1 L 5 .
EL 5 .. l '. 5 :7' 5 1 EVEEEL,15VL:L1)ITV11V llmsPUVhis walls maybeliung,  0wlxtisggggzgb.demml31.1 dew, wraith of leuljiitizxercoLiLii: nbeLiLll'Ll-gliuli:'DLLliliLt " 'L L L L" L l
. ",3  _ .LLJ. . .. " LC "1VS:ltoLcltlietallei ..7!  . 5 98 on - 9511f , ', ~ g .L L. .1 . ' ' L, "L", . " . L L f '5 , 1' .
Ln; 3, L334 VV 5 11!me brave and free, ere heJnlgl-Sllllgs . So fresh anerso bright to the mother he seemed . LlllLeOLLiinhiiiflzLL LVlie .\ emit in.in tiIOlcll V51 .0 mm l 55 .- V, - '. 3
_ . 14;; 31,73 :31 3 , V hie sspan, : As he lay in his innocence there! leiiinLuLwi-iv} ysguigiVuVthvfaniV toizetliei upon thel 5,3, V V . L. V . 5 ,N
LLLL L55 3 1 l . l; Vl He ll which that he eer was a, nioneyless 1min. Bgeszzggesigad in 3 Elle IOVQIY form of our 6.175;? lled will? flLiESLIL'JiilangtlithlLt LL: LhLoLlL; L : L L '  LILL" ' L ;l L
3 k 'l ' 1 Lisa; 5;?823333gllfllCEhesVVinngselcintiest turretaiidspii-e 1 But paler and colder her bleguLllilfnlxhoyL, L 312:;3419175 that can never know siircense 01'  L '5 - L " 3 1
_. ! . . 25.; - . a. 'on1 ie em sofsome 0" 5. A dth - -=%~ ' 7 " -'5' .~
.7 l . 5,. . . P0 1 00.} S . n emleulhersormwwustold - m . - . . . , .. . .,55 5
,5 .,-2 5., _ | h 5 .:i deaiie , B - - . ileihaiovel ha"1 i 4 , . 5 .5 ,5 . ~ l
.5 - ; r'l': ~15 . . l . utthe E . . ~ 5 . 5 _ .V 1 Bali Gwenuolen eofrljv 5 .. _ .- 5...!
 L I L Li 53L- l, $816? 00119225, ho~pitals, founded by those henna? as there, Who had smitten her k 1" herself It"? 139 111W g'nm. "and I must - r? f ~ ' 'L '.-LL 7. LL 5;" '
L'I L L' kl Buloti 91: at the OMS Stem DOYGIW'S woes: , And takeanhei- treasure away 301L115 him getaway. A G 11W. 50mins: her- ' _ L ,2 5 .L; 3-.  2; '
131.1355? 5 Limenyd ggfd' Umlaunted, 51th hand. heart I To allure hyi'tOheaven,he hadplnced it on high : flingingnieViVaViiian.Vs-1Viesimgan1837,1a55uydam-e7 . - .; V; . , _ .4177 jr 5
.V .1:  L. r , _ . . I Andthemonmerwll    L . 01 Onu g ing inn) inore' , ' 5 v_ -;1, -
5 ..V: V #:33th l:_row Clint Slugthaboris neveriu vain. 3 There had whispered V: vzxielgvglg voice ofh E .inouiViifiil measures, Soft udiigios and oxqui . .5 _ , . - V , 5V .,L5 (1,3,5
'5. '. ,. l 9;" War 51.21" 5 1th llls rVnillloiis, when rst he began, Go 3 i 9 _5. LLLLiltLC honuimis tilled the room with VIDLilOdy imd ,5 -, ~, 5 _ 5' .= ., (3: __V.
he: L L 5 153 LL upon L LChaDEaLL as a moneyless \LLI 1107913199. I love theel pass under the rodl vz'2338:);lelfcittrgi:UgliLQleiwlllellL rug SILLLkleLL l L LL L L:L L LL ILL LLLLL LL LLL';
_. . . 1 '  -' . ' r, 3 >5 ' ,em a, .i'eon  '.  L. 5:99 -
3 v 1   l. 5 * 10VGLLS<>Illz~a toucliinLr lim 1 ~~ ' '5 .-5 ; ..:
1 l1 .x l, '5 15} ' Bidifstu.Killian???S forbmeat. and for bread? 3; Islvfllfi gilgggfdhgqteahadleaned had heard the umsuht waigiegdtllh: 'LiLtLLLiLliLLLlll? 11 , ' "it ' ~  '.',le
4' .9 : . 5 f u: _le aims yniimcle fed 5 , . G r15 e 3011 .SJiisili: n "lice f  5 , _ -o . . L . " _fm'
 1 l L 5L 5 .'L L gLilll-LlLILL\VL})LlLllLLi)T;Ll:fLL lllSVllsul'B looking fox-banks 5' And, kghVemStar in the future grew llright to their ,: llLizlit bLeLfoylte t1L1:11LLLCJLnmB0;.frmlgogils3: . . 2";25. {if
.., . ,1 7 ,3. ._ , ' out: .=. 5 ., . . _ 7 , v, ) V . , :3 -. V g 5, > . V--Vv 5.
Lil t 1 L L MILL? LL gold L01 LLL pom dew S And the; saw the proud place he had won' L hLilLilsLliLEdthlltLchLiLleLilc LmugL and WLLeanue had  LL L ' 7i
 LL -. . 5 1 - 3- - u. . _ 5; . - - . . ' , .5 5   t in. . . 5 , N
, , 5i , i ii"? V Oi EXEEEUULLWLLlLJe ma low was so cheap stud so 11121113115335;goggryigqegsvnnfogfhhfe{igniteeti fair, '1 (:0 {Mid izirt the kitchen re, L L L " L L L 53' " : 'LL  "(r
"5 2:714 .,.r ~~. , . ~_' - , 0 eirree :5,  .5 ~ - .. :7 1;" , .5' .?
L ,L 3" =L- / $32? gifltdlgls Walconie with never a fee? L And thedstarlighc "f love glimmeied bright Bl the 1! llltLlLthu Ellis $3131:(iliLLyLiuLthglLliiiL'ia i L'LL LL L LLL  Ll
 L .v,5 '- .  een of this D1180. SlllflllSS clan. en  . L  "LILL L  1 L -   3 '7 L,.. 
5 l 5 9 "r/E AL. He. 00 LLuld have died ass. monevless main :1} And the Whispers 0f fancy were sweet; :5 l - . I-MLJY s 20$ we crnrnp ' L ' L ' L L L A
 E- 37;} Non] . ,, , , 'V . VButIsaw when they stood bendin 1 7 12:51 "1 93 ESWule dim. and she broke down. in n  '   . _ 4?
. 0th., portals of ~ I. 5 g ow oer the - i 5 , _ . ,
V T7 .l Who lmsleftmi _ VEMMliVse open tor one grave . .31 Vpassmn of tears. As she sat there. sobbing an 5  . ,',  5 >  ,
l h _ l. I: honors it ofng.) maybe could do undone! iWhei-e'theirheartis dearest hopvhw} been laid Z L. If her heart would break, she felt an arm '5 5 --, .,a
|\ .-:,'5 Who 5- V, b J Ibsen mvait the true men. And the star had gone down in theLd k i. :1 stealing gently around her neck and 801 u a, '~LL '   L   LL 'LL LZL L'
V, llllll 5 i .V 1.le ten talents trusted, liaveinade other 35,- nVnght, ar ness of iii-uracil face was pressed to hcrchoeks. Bomb ; 51". :'V'- .L ' .5 5,5.
'1 ~ .. ' 5' * w . -.L 5 5 55 And. a 0 from theirbos 11154 Ill) in aim-m she saw Llzlt it was Pu A' .. L 31 5L -."-~L" . " LL f. ~ 5V.,5
i .LLLL\L-L.L5L.L' . V .l ;..l kl(5VVI:Vll1)ISt3 timua heathen who doesnot pro- '-~ , But the 1239311: was therecmililllidhiiLhLLdLa Vi 113' me you weeplnl: my Mirtelilhli L L 7 '4" L:
:L \ l. 2,5: FOI'LllLlLSEOWH V, a it] . . . 57:; around,  5 arms were V-5 "zisk:(:d.Vsti-okiug with [endei grace Life blond: EL 5 LL ' 12 L'i L L5 5' ,. 5:
g \QL $11 ELL cide a in ie Judge of all lives may de- . AVllkigehehled19m with tenderest care, , 321:3: tViViViJiViVVwiiVsV VlVyVigVii-VSS triisu'uny against mg ;-  _. ' ViV;_V.VV;.j_;:iV-'V: V 3,, F?-
 5 . :3 .5. ~': 7 ~ V - ,- .5 .  j i :3 1: i, v -. .5 0'1  g ,5 . -. . V, .7. 5' 1,-
ELEV 555.1: E; 33212;an .ai'nest labor being part of lifes i wosrlgz thema at m the bngh" PPer 1 .. For an instant GWellLCllguflfglllglvpeuk l. * ' 5 i 7- ' L '
5l\ jag 5L~LjL H 3 . 5 Twas their star Bhinin b 'll 5 .'l " leii, looking up to him with all tlieLbea '-L V  'K' LLL 'LL 5 L ' '
5 i". \ l . ,1" 523V SWEHV has no rewards for 1.25 moneyless man. They had' each heard Ev?celgggsutlgeoice of 1 .. ful innocence of her North Side noturmghle 1537 L *' 5~L ' .
.li \ 515-? W3; meLE9' 1%. May 1. 1883.Please publish  their God:  3.51EdamIOWbr9kenaccenmrll was thinking. L
.7? 95- L3? wutho 0?,ng poem. and tell me who is the ' 110 theallove theel pass under the rod!" fill?! memo-.174, 5, f 1 8V did _Uttlnurried, mid 1" I ' '  .--'. '
. ,7 l '*-'*.--"5 c r. earned; from the New Yo: Dam 5, _ M D [5733; the baby did have a cramp we could not .. ~. V ,
 i I .- :3'- BOOK Whenaniere 0 th . .5 J W  1 5' mm. start the r __u d . " 7 5, ' 5 :-  ~ 45 ~ -- .7
.; . \LL #4  Lr' ten onaline of it y u  and have uel "orgtL 'v5LLL*L" L~__r --'LLL ovorulrerd?he may LL 100 0! Ohm horror L  LLLLL'L" ;' L"L" "'1
5 .v  VJ , an  . . ~- L. W. .l. ' , , . .. . - - . - i .. ,7: Vt . i e young face. j. jV;   7515;; .5?" -- ,2. j
t g 5 55.7; :EV-V. EL There ismo time like the old time when you and T WE take pleasnre 1 p] eesnlling 111113; tribute lL~L"   l "Y'LL Mike RUDE In agonizing tones, l i L " 5 L' '53:??? 53???" L L
r lL 55 V15; if? ..;V Wh ILqulVe young: ~ ' to a Kentucky Girl," from the pen of George D. m ~V \Xy couldV_we not start the re?" _ ~;.5I:.5_ 5.: : _ "if:
'i _. 11 "3:. 93:1" 33- 311 'flt Mills of AJIllllloss - 7 Pfiutie: , 7 15.: 8031156. ' SE11 'Gwendolen u on a 'e , .1"?,;..~3.;,:i~lj3;?f- '3 . ~
. LL]? 5:: n. or Spl'mgrinieung omed and the bims : w b HOMAGE To BEAUTIE. {VJ etelV'Vnally .1sz tonhav'e any Lkiilliiigfsrg ..,ViV.V.V~.V,VV- - 1; .5 .59}:
5. ..: do menElleelfnielsrgtqcl 31011533 by the sum- Beautiful girl! I have wondered fat j: 1% 151L115:___...._' L ' ,~ _' L LILL
5 L. , .35, ' 7.3117; 1 L  5 ' ,"e l . 5! Toward the rising $1111 and the eveningstai:  g' 5r ' . -  3 . N   L'LT'L";.'5-:LL .5 5111/,
' 1 2: E =ng!  L al.5215315, fle Violets, the owers :35 I have roamed niitl the northern wastes of snow 5 ,,r Mlstakes VS' NelgthIB '. . \5.\7LLL~..:L:."LU 5 ,5 ~5 V, . f1;
l. j 1?. l". V , Tlier . P] .u lis . 5* And "strayed where the soft inag'iiolizis blow; -' z . _._...  XV" I32, 5; ., -'.-  3 . / Ev 
.V , l 'V, .25. e is no p ace like the old lace 5 , L, But I gazed not on a, face so brig: it 5  , . V 3V. * ;'~'-_, 35-21-3339. L- , . 331,1 -
. ELL" 4le W-heVaud I\vere born: p I,  here )0 '3 As thine, sweet spirit of young delightl \Thy should not I make mistakes as Often Li. . ,L , .:igf i
' - . 1-' t W 5;  ~ 5  z . . . . - ,.15r:,.~j-'::-~... mung; ,,.i;"5 ~
Jyl . 5,:-V5 _(IOIVSSPZVZQVVVEFE Our eyelids on the splen g, Beautiful girl! than art bright niid fziir 7i! mv neighbors? Let me see, why not? 1 ;L LL... 3,513) 75?
L E t .L L -L :5 From thomilli-irlii .h1 . . ; ~L' 15 an aligel-sliape 1 the 1001111ng 3411'? . L ' . l) : ,:.-ix'-;i,3;':" L'~*."'.L;L5,i.~3~ '
l 5-  lL iii; 5! the ulin 1_ .f 315:1th that. warmed us, from " No shadow rests on thy brow of snow. 1(10 not that 15 certain, and there must 6 _= .7551-j.5..r:.1:_;:I.'7-jL,7:~_.-:5~;L{.5; 1533?. ,
. \V 3:... I l .1 Where we digL5 Aim" 111M lJON}; V-yj Save that of thy tresses drooping low: ,  . 55 ' I r 1 1555.177: 55L)???LaiLELZT;L:';75L.'LLTL-7L:1_L  
, . V... Ll - . 3 look oilLiLiLs tVVViVVr:VaVVriVlVi:eued 0 er us that shall Loves own dear light is wondering oft 4 isome reason for it. Uh! I see, t 163/ 21.6 3 5 .5W;7*3
 ' l' 435.: '_,. L   - ii. Oer thy gentle lips of caimine soft ,, . 5 , - aimmir 7
' _. Via l There is no friend like an old friend who has L W Ml-V 991? Where 13mm L361 810W . . .r gems am" 1* am SLthh' they are (1131101)? if? '
"L L'L: L \Io nglgiredVgur10777ng days: L 0t the mm blow melts through the wrgm "land I am honest; they are idle and I am in 3'; "{  .-
-: . i'  ' _1 -, i '0 ml: to is welcome no homo 1'k '3 LL" SHOW- .  .5", .-,= ,"L\'>?L.5.,,.r.iii ' 
 L  7' . v.  5: L  g8 l e h : L 5 . . .  ~" *  4 ' w .2. ,5 ,: _,-.: 2 .
3 W: _:.~'- '.'3 Fameplg see a a , . =5; So sweetly blending in one briglitdye _1d115lllous, thty mo thoughtl ebb and I am 81 i'; VVVVVVVVV.VVVVV,VVVV,,V 3%
b. L 1. L51 J - (51'an of (I; {75" Sunflower, Vlm gaudy 733' The woven beauties of earth and sky, ~ fi i R tlillilll ' the " (lo Dbl: know and l do ii~71
5 5, \3 l 1,: lm] t a 95' . . 59,3. (VthVthIieVbnoyant sway of the bridal vail, ' lout 0 3  6 new C 5 " L 3;.~;,. .
.3 .:_-, . ill? 1,3,, ,.,-- 5 ere are no imes like the old tim 5;? .i a most looked to soe thee rise ,3 5 .: . ' - 1 gm 'I"e' lla ._ V<~erf=qf~j",_x 3*. ~ .
, I L if? . 3:; '1" u never be forgot; es, they shall 45: Like a soarinthhouglit, to the free: blue skies, [13 3 0 0f the anmkes Elly nUg 1b  L L {KELLZtLEC-"Tjgz . I!"
3 7 1.i_. 7', lhere is no place like the old place, keep green {:3 0r melt :waliynitlie thin. blue air, > .5 inc about everything. - lhe trangest part of 1.3%} in}. 3...)..
5 \ . _;;,. , .33 V the deer oerl spot; gig; Like at \151011 at fancy painted there. ,_; b . . . 7 . {3,531.19 i_-.>.::;,:-V,'5r,"fg~'=, ;i;';,"'_.(-:; 7
L in m ',lliercVai'e no mVends like our old friendsV may 5?: ghy 10]: sweet varies. as it thrills m-ouuan.i (15:; the whole matter 18, I cannot get lhtnl to :25,\"'>-:-2.5(.7
5_ , \55 5 , V lemon pro ong their lives: 71 ..eems essosoun tlizuio dream of. scum . 5V . . . . - . . 3.1.2153;;,5;'3{.f;1j1-L:}.:f35:53:51. - V
5 i~ 1g l 11611? ogga 13:53: our old loves Godbless 35?: i313); gidVViViiiilchlVlgn 1;: 33332111533? Enroll, , .V; lean-n aiiylhingwtliey nex er Will 111m" me when 3L;~"\>L,Lf
' * A  '  S- 518.  .5 '  5 2? . r  - ' 5 - ' 7. . 1575954342323: size-5&4: ;-,'5f:::.:.-i=1~
- : ...L L', 533,5, 5; _ A: _V.. 4.13., guuxkfi 7J1}; And llelipinhencthhVe lauy inuswLows, 15 1 Hall them 11)an Hull mistakes. . 11 VA 15 .PL rrn,,xc~':.L'L\l! , 5
3., - 7134 l 7. ,4" Flinatiou. if; I;t0:ffnjyhs03:V:11\Ved::Priadmgwse' 5.2 fin-moi; i :iovised him about planting IMF VJv1i 
.-  5 ; ,5 5 -  ~ 5 -5 .7765;an 15.; eith-i u eaiii n gir ! t on art . , _ 1 , . _ , . ' ' "y? 13:3:
.- '., . .: . What is ail-35.35.? {wholly . 5.3,; vlswnof joym a throbbing heart, .33! COl ii, and we would not hull int, and his whole Efrquilwwgr
5 l: _  , - '   x ' " ' ' 5 '1 5 , ' 5. i . ' ' 3 5 " 52:?5.:iilYEBCZaia:35?'24 5.
l 5 u . Vl'onilcanll answer 113me wiles a} Aliyahfifdglgziglgrtlgzxle:git,2335:; :35 crop \\ as a failiiio. Mi. B. 1: n countiy school 5:72:45 LL .
u vsc. . a '31; w on sie smi es gee , .,5jV_ . _ ., ., . 5 V V_ , . - V ,  ,5,73:;31?9355155555???3X5" .
k 5.. V5; . And when he lifts ms mm 17.3. graViano plLbqu'edbe IVViVoye 5'9;an hull :3. tenelici and I advmed him about leaching inatakzisl,
5. 5, ,4 nt eclouds 0 being. euumt one! , . . V . (l l 3,135.3:gi._5,,,_57,,:535_35.. ,, V55.
5 .:f ",Ll. ii.- p , 115 mechianiu LLLLLtiLileLLLoom F113: Beautiful girl, tisaweary year LLLl Arithmetic and he would not heal me, 2m 16 *$.JL4L~" if? \
. '.  ' "- .5 Tis Wlll' mg in . 9 (mice; . 7 - , .' - . 5,: 7 1 - , 7 t .  -. ,13,-3.3};-;~.j;".fE:;l~i?7*i.l _7.-;.f~'.,= i? 1
, ' .9. l;-  mm something 7.... beneath the 11d ~ iii: ll";ill:lgfoilitllligh 21.2" me a Mum 1- (h, the we 9" :itexn 
x ' _ t' 5% .itlL Besmesasmpe glam 5 37 girlngehl ngchctiVou thy young clieekzslovely bloom. Mr. l)., the merchant; Mr, E., the lawyer; Mr. Vran;.7\xZ,l?/Ti;r
*  {9 . Tiswalliii in int-hallway 15:; 0 i ygen etones of musiostlll 5 ,il - - u ._ :11,4li
' ' .'... -5:; s. "  "lls. ragtiz on thwtillL, 5 V, 'iVVOugh tlietliolest depth: 0F, memory thrill 37:} F the preacher, &77"Ohl I 33 " long ltd ~3}:3:2:"3:L5*:.;,f .
7 5' .'5 . . "lis-beardedlips on nger tips 35:, thoneso a ount.Vor Jews or bird , ,'5,, , - ' . . . . 5' e 1m.<*"2~" 5 L
;. i, .7.? (LL v (If mammals not there). 13"; 131:1 gflisoirxilggoxaiyars 10f cliViltllilJovltlheard,  logue, no one 01 them V Ollltl 339' my uh :0 ' @gizrgth 13:). .
'  " '  ' ' ' . .. v. - . 5" iffvvv mama-5 ' ,V
V5.7 - . LLll V l 1 .Tis going out for ices. , When mg nggi,egligcggfb giooda , _-j;. and see what a failuie evmy om. of them 1:15 V LL'LLfigf 5V
= ,  l '.Li'lsiblil"ig 10; 5 , Thineimage seems 01: my srul to break LL 55: made Well it is not my fault that they are F'midl .L '
5i 5 5111' i "1'16 lips Mt speak 0: plays next week  Like the sweet young morn oer a mloomy lake L3 L L. ~ L LL 1:377 LL5{"L7~:L"e 1* 1 L
'L. I5 {ML}; . , And eyes that talk of love. , , Fellingiits depths as the shmlows ea, . . . not a success like me! llovmg eyes, penldg .L 33.: i'liffgiii 53152:?- 131 .
' ~ 5 x: .. - 5. , x" emit 5 . . . ,. 5 5  v; 5. .5
.5 ' - "~-' * LT};;;:?OI flge I '1 B 1 m 1 yfmlove apdmemd-l" ~5th will not see; lmvmg ears. people will not lwai, 5 1, :.-5-5.57v.;5is-1':,;,,7.}-.;;/ _
5 i .1. .m - 1: .5 v 1 5 ' .  ~ .,'-, 2 zinc in: he,
', i5 ~. -. .. 5. , . l a - -, .7 eau 11 girl thouarttztrawa , . _ _ - - gum-:7. rt
- ' ..:g LTilglKll:33hls2' Sighs. 5 -. a AndI know not where'tliy sceijsyiiow stray. ' were not thoao the words ()fVJel-lub? Well it is :, 372731ng ,V
\ , _ l * n   . ' ' 5 But oh! 'tiVs sweet. itls very sweet ' , ' j-"ithe f. t whether he aid?! it 01' not (Kind "4,1...,"-*'3L;T~L.L:Lj.,i{T195.7 
7V \ l {3 z  "fig; parting when tir. Vovei. ITlgr t1? film; realms 1;): gram to greet . '5 1V "0 3 - ' -~ 17. .ji55V.l.'j,;,.,_ _, V; 5:
k .  5? 5'* Ami oncn'oeshonm qseep: yo eetO: rosety row of; ' a 1' , - ' ' a - ' ' ' 'ou-edl'. ' > 
.. .5, Twin iiirhfrieud, [Mbloysmum end And thy voice of 3'11ch heaum .5 1a.. V,V IVruulei, finish the couiiiosltion 101' 5 l L ) , 1 :L,i:,:L"5L V ,
5 r, l a 5 . . . . 5 . M 5 . 55 5. U .
5, . 5: IL :s But, we gooshhlue toweep. - 'lLL Gnmonvftlnnnump :7 . 5 . , , .' fi"*, *Ei . '5 75- - 1i
L *- LL LL" . 5.5;; L-LLLLETLM - :57 {It ii-x 5' 5;6.5:-i..5x-.I=."5;~:f:2-C33:4 w-tlj ' 5 _5.vf;.". WK - AL " .I;v'1l "
L L :LLz-gix " 5 Llcf; ; L L , , La LLf .5 "L;.-'Jf'r53T-*i~Lf,-*L~:ILviwilgr -,"j"...';;-L=.L;i'i5~,l " al'-iiif? xix ,  -   5 ' .
' '--:.,.5,_, '5 7.55"; iv- . . ~ , a: a W. pm L L <*:3'2F;:L ~ ' L ' " l L ' =3L'5L5f  ; ' , " i
7 . , - ,, Jungir 5i _ .-.mr . , .j'=_~:':5;:3.;..  , 5" 5 , Helix _. - ..,ffw