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5.. .~ We mm?- .774.- -.-..'.2.a,1.2;::,w;G-'..2~~.:.a' 1.11.. sf, {-'.vf'r ..:-.24.;1-1 mam-'1 WM. :wIIwvu- 7.-12-1.22:2::1>\\\\\\.n - 2 , 1- are  :- - . ',~..,._~::.~1 .:-.1.,II  .-2..-.:,. .:-u-..;--:.A,=_=-:= , . 2. 3.29:: . 2.24 -2::.- .~.-:.~_,-.2_- ~_ '\ .2
:4... $1.12: "away-Ur ..,-;:r22,.:-'.v.2-:.,;:-:v.;.;.;.,.:a:22::.-..\\ 4225.4: ,, 7::;..,1.- ,.,22,-..r.; :;;1::r-:~. I ,.1..- 11.1; I -e.;ill";:;j;2>:~\:$~:. ' 2. 2-2-1,.12:=: :: ::.:222 . 2.44.12. 22.29;: ,r;~-1l 2 wwxu1=2$51.-:-}2~,;.-1 , . - .'-. '.:-f[.-. 2 2 .2: ,' ~51 ~- 22 ~ <:\:= .I/ l
'.-ET ..-';I 1:-7:1,. 62,-2.2?!,221.22'..Ll-IL?2:,.';'-Iai,~. 2.2,.3.-.-_:\\; 7.11.74; Fat-2.1243. 22/.2122. r:;.2.:.:-15ir-,:- :r-I i .' s"f;a*:.2162:2f~::\1\~< : - 5:24.: .1: 1: 2 Air: :.:7.rj;::3\2n 2 ..:1_'_- I: :1. :1; '7 . 2,; 543%.}. "..Vff :-2. r? 7.12.1: ..,1,-.~.;.;;.:: :gry
- Hi?! :13? 4r;,,  3.231? /// 1 1ii..{~: .4"? 2? //-":::::1-=1'f2}2f_+:;:{=; \\\3\- .' 53:??? 22.5.7 .7 2 ' :r 22.372247 li2;4-17'i-:f;2'?.12;="---15'
v M's 2:3212.2..11'122/2,';'2-1:-.-'*-:L. ..22125 :.-.,:,.;,.,3 4443'?" 2 z n2;~.-2'-?::;,:.':2s;.:. 2,21%! : 1 2 1: gitE'ivT-f24lraz1erzt '2 ' 12- \r i 2:15;-:21.-'.:22:2.,2..5,2-::/-'.-::33....-:3 ,2!
22:4" \\ Haiti.;2:11;.0 r; .Mv/ / 3w_4:1.,.::"1 47%.. i 72351-34;an : : . 2,..2zg:,_.:2'
.\ 5 \-_\:f{:-._\_  E,,\..::_., .1. ,-_= z. =. $1.? -. 2
2 .. .  I W I t d 1 I INTH PRESIDENT. Served one month. Was elected I ELEVENTH PRESIDENT. Served four yours. Elected in I
Bleed in SEVENTH PRESIDENT, .bcrvedoelght 39"?- M 3:: ebc f, 2, . President on the Whig ticket. in 1840, but died one month   1844 on the Democratic tickut. Born in Mccklcnburg I I
lounty, 1 18281 and re-elcctgd 1n 183:" Born In .,fc Jm 8g , I after his inauguration, April 4, 1841. '35 born at. Berkeley, 1 County,N.C.,Novembcr2,1795. Died at Nashville,lcnn.,Junc I
1831- County, N- 022 March 1'72 1677 31100.16 near NBShw e, mfle  I ' - Va., February 9, 1773. In the War of 1812, he commanded , 15,1849. His administration was distinguished by the war with II
motor, 1845' Was Congressman and United States ASenr%tor r0111 I I the Northwestern frontier. In 1816 was elected to Congress, II Mexico, the creation of the Interior Departmental; Washington, ,I
State, Tennessee; also Justice of the Supreme Court Of ennessee. I 1 and in 1824, United States Senator. Was sent as Minister to ,5; l the adoption of low tariff, and other important. events. Served 1'
ecame a. Ma'or-General In 1814, and January 8, 1815, fought I , . . 0 4 . . (r. , W . 4  .   ,,
)f the J , . Columbia, S. A., m 13.8. 4 , 1n the eblslaturc, Canbxcss, and as (:ovrrnor of Lnnessce. ,,
his famous battle of New Orleans. , I I :_th;_:=z??=ul -Ti,,;=:;T I III _:_ __,%
1 47m , I WEEW: ;7;::%_a~i:t;:;_ ~1_>;:=i>;::; .5." , ,1 72 177 *  ~
: EE:% 7* r .. ... ,II
E 1 WW I I _, 1 .3. I III f"; 3;. I
. , ..:/.Kzfsm 2. - II . /~/','-%"1:\\ "
' ["5\l\, . x . i {VT/2"iii>f:;z. 1  III (1.5.37115;.e-?.:2-.=:\ . 11
2 [/r;552~_ 5 "931$. 3 I Q 3;\ I III, . . .,J ..:,.\.,>. I
Slrm .2 ,II.lu.1)::13151-1252t:::-j:-:ti:.'.ti-;; - :1 , - I 2'. 1lI-,f,1,,I1.2442992;;.-.-_.,.~..-1:_.14.-.:.;-.:2..2-;.:;;:--~. \ I 14}; My, -).-,E!-L'.*.L2fa:?'__:;-I2_: ~ IN, _ . III
3\s,\5: ' 531 " r31? | l ' ///.,22.,1/I;y,_C\\\\ II -"M/;;;a.2413;212~:-..:-'i{i3:;i>:~,~.-:; :3? 3-1 .4I1w. , I
i??? 5 / m 1 I I 4.23 a? c  4W: .. 13 - 22 521-11.:
21:. "21.12? 4. - .4522 2.1.2.... ..: ,:-122//2.,1/ I r ... ush/.4 Mu III xw 193-5?" 2.71524... 1:21:21 III
22:421. _ Iowa's-1.. I 1 2 . ,~ w, 113...; .. 2 I ,2.1~.1;<'=2-,:2"5%' -131%% % fir): 2 WA .. =
. 22, 4 4 2.: mg. 4 1 2:3. 12:921.:192; -_.:~1<=2;:-'-2:. I 1 f/JI/ ,,/ ,/ 469W ., ~ -; . fz39,v3\.,..~ $21 ,4 .9: ..:;z;-._~;...;E;;{ j- 'I :
Z: / 425% 1 . , ., I I 4% 4%; ,/ /  I (5222;74:2 ,3? 4:1 I
914251.62 iatzazgay f.. .211... ..5/ A, 2  ,3124.-;;::2. Isis. ,Zk,  , III I (.:_sgsu 353/, Max-.2115 32%; 1. I I
:6 f": islsi v 27% 2 :I if/eis x El I
.... ,a:,._ ,1 2, In} 4 5., a .,z-aggggxw 2: . x. 3.451.112 . 2_\::" 1 a .. or-11. . ,2...;!..:-._ _4zuiV-f 1. {HIV-r2173 *--.:-.2::r1'/?4 aw-4,7,3. _u _ Wmm- v III-M . . -;.2, ,',-~-,:_ 33.7.15? 2:452:34, ,, . ,-..2.1.:. :.22:-..;.x.r., " -1.'! 
{52 ~ .13ge-5fffi5 , \.~\{w"; 41,23; : .1.:.1:.=1.<::1:~2~..2 , 2%; 2%: -f I 11:21:41.???for".2;2r;:2;--:.::sr.;r,;," wa 
vm :2 *"azsszra \\\:\\\1~  75' 355272 I -1 fgzg;w;=~ ,,127wf5'57i . v ,1 .2151? Wig??? ,.:M,-Z.;.2cf;<;5"5:a WEE." I
2455,51 - :. mgWam- - ..: . \>:s;::..~> 1r .~-.rs.?5-:,~4 rt. I. 1 1_-.~:-:.;-.:; 2W9fziiriitaEG.-=::.\:-Er.zEs-.=Frzaixza::,T~>::""e.~%:~2:7a:1:;.-25252>+ , ~ ' :g;:.;:.2. - - we... 2 '....1  4 .. 1 2. .- . 1 :.2  1: -;r:,.;y, ..,w 11,. ,4
1':IR'II/ni' 27>" 1..-:11. ., 2.2.2,...uzz21vrlf731 : 41."11'/1" 2335-19-va -2=-::-.:-.12:~::-~:~:-:~5:~;'.1.22:2?12 \\::Z:~:=_=:1.?:E:-2: . - .1 .....-\\\ =4: '.-1..: 2 '-'-..1.. . /.-1 O . 2125. / 21:77 '. .-:.;1.1,/ .. .' '
1:-22.1 4'2 2.::;..: :-.-'1..,'.,'..-_.. ,,';;L'fr:.7:i~ 1:113  t Ian. '-,: 4.921 11..E:_=:5-2~;\\<::-?::. 1:-.1-:=:~-: :;-.~:-:;1~22 1::-'.4I~::;1.-'\:;:3:2. i. -.- -.*- ~~ , 1111.\:1,.z:,.;-, /2.;~ , Z ,1; it, 23.32793. 2?;T-; "a r. 414/1 1
..:/2;? r, 424:9 >1.) , I I \::~3\\.4{(_~\- 2 _ 1 \\ .. {C/ g"~. I
.:4 -: ,. 1:21.15. .'.;'/4-:,3:7.:::-_- - v..122;2,~,:gt/ct: 13;. ',.. .' 42.x.;....~:,,.,~ : 132. 31.73.21:>:.x:~:::23:v::--. .r.\ 3:3 _ ~; 3- on/ . . on... 2,,x22..:;.-. J I, ..: 1243?; 2.24.7246; x? 2,44, 1
// 1:.- ..::~: 45 . 2x; 42' 15:27:14? 2 \' ; 1'24 4;; 1  \1.:157272-252b:'.~f~':\..=i-_E2.2755925? ~: - , I . r , I'" , j/r 1,22,- 52,22!) /-;/.2_;,7/ :
/ 3-:S152731'1-1=1u 1;;:.2y~.=.2::.2/22/z%-2w1 4; I ,2 .5~1\\11~11~2ife:a Q s 2 \3 2112  24. 'IIII // 1' . ,3%ff;z.2;51 , /2,.;22:>,; 
f . \31/7:'/..222271;2;1",..f??%?f?t<<'2. {1x I , Mints in: 1215\xx , ~ 21  7.214;; ' I". ...-2... ..:: "4 
I I MARTIN ' . I I I ENTH PRESIDENT. Served nearly four years, In 1840 I I2  I WELFTH PRESIDENT. Served sixteen months. 1111848 -
ackson, I I E IGHTH PRESIDENT' Served four Yea.- In 18.32 was I l I I was elected Vice-President, and on the death of President I I , was Elected President on the Whig ticket, With Millard Flll-. 1
t there I i elected Vice-President. on the Jackson t1cket, and m 1836 I I Harrison succeeded to the Presidency Born in Charles City . l1 2 more as Vice-President. Born in Orange County,Va., September
.   2 . -  r . 2 ' -. . . 
ave the I g was elected PreSIdent over Harrison. Born at Kmderhook, N. , , County ,Va March 29 1790_ Died at Richmond, Va., January I ,~ ' 24., 1734. Died at Washmgton,JulyQ,1850. In 1808, succeeded I
.ssachu 1 I Y., December 5th, 1782. Died at Kinderhook July 24, 1862. , g 17 1862 VVas a. memlJer of the Legislature, Congressman, and I ,._ 1" his dead brother as alieuteuaut in the army. Servcd through [I
3, 1848- I . He served as Senator and Governor of his Datlve State, and I ' 2 .. Governor of the State of Virginia. Was also chosen United 1 in II the War of 1812, also in the Black Hawk and Seminole Indian III
Prussia. 1 : I 2 United States Senator; also as Secretary of State under PreSI- , I States Senator in 1827 - , f V II Wars, and in the War with Mexico, 184547. , o I .,
- 1 1nd. , n , I .  _I ' _:_=:J
. I dent Jadmonr and Mmlsmr to Eng 3 ~- I __ , . . ..: . I kimmj
mg- 777 ~# ,1 , In
1 .
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