xt73xs5jd70b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jd70b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201210 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2012 text GLSO News, October 2012 2012 2019 true xt73xs5jd70b section xt73xs5jd70b é GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization October 2012 Vol 34 No. 10 M f l , I ne "Istory 0" 1‘56], HCLIVISL bean DLFUD 90L rrar- C - 0 t ing to donate his now-famous Im- OI‘I1II‘Ig_ u_ age of a person fairly dancrng out In the Beglnnlng, oia Ciossrit dd 1 1990 She . nn epo — n , — There Was a March poidd, who later became a mem— ber of HRC’s Board of Governors, On OCt- 11, 1987, half a million was hired as executive director people participated in the March and obtained tax—exempt status on Washington for Lesbian and for the organization Gay Rights. It was the second Geraldo Rivera— In 1991, Geraldo such demonstration in our na- Rivera hostedacoming out dayTV tion's capital and resulted in the program that featured Dick Sar- founding of a number of LGBT gent, a gay actor famous for play- organizations, including the Na- ing Darren on Bewitched, openly tional Latino/a Gay & Lesbian Or— gay California Assemblywoman ganization (LLEGO) and AT&T’s Sheila Kuehl and Eichberg. LGBT employee grOUP, LEAGUE. oWes Combs in 1994 was named The momentum continued four HRCF's project director for Nation- months after this extraordinary al Coming Out Day‘ march as more than 100 lesbian, oCandace Gingric , half—sister of gay, bisexual and transgender ac- then-House Speaker Newt Gin- tivists from around the country grich, became a National Coming gathered in Manassas, Va., about Out Project spokesperson and full- 25 miles outside Washington, D.C. time activist in 1995 Recognizing that the LGBT com- oDan Butler, who played the char- munity often reacted defensively acter Bulldog on NBC-TV's Frasier, to anti-gay actions, they came up was NCOD spokeperson in 1995 with the idea of a national day to oRock musician Melissa Ether— celebrate coming out and chose idge did a radio public service an- the anniversary of that second nouncement, reminding people march on Washington to mark it. that "Labels belong on records, The originators of the idea were not on people." Rob Eichberg, a founder of the oDel. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D- personal growth workshop, The D.C., spoke at the "Come Out Vot- Experience, and Jean O'Leary, ing" rally in Washington, D.C., Oct. then head of National Gay Rights 11, 1996. Advocates. From this idea the Na- oFashion photographer Don Flood tional Coming Out Day was born. in 1996 shot past spokespeople Bearse, Butler and Gingrich, along To this day National Coming Out with Olympic diver Greg Louganis, Day continues to promote a safe actor Mitchell Anderson, newly world for LGBT individuals to live minted gay activist Chastity Bono truthfully and openly. and Sean Sasser, who had ap- peared in MTV's The Real World. The success of NCOD, which from an 1996, actress Judith Light, inception quickly expanded to pro golfer Muffin Spencer—Devlin include participation from all 50 and, in her first appearance at a states and foreign countries, is gay rights event, Cher spoke at a because of the hard work of ce- Come Out Voting rally in Washing— lebrities, volunteers and activists. ton, DC -In September 1997 the project oRob Eichberg and Jean O'Leary brought in its first straight spokes- were the originators of the idea of person, Betty DeGeneres, mother NCOD of actress/comedian Ellen DeGe— -Sean Strub and Keith Haring- In neres. Issue 10 20 12 Feature Story National Coming Out CONTENTS Day Page 2 — INSIDE THIS EDITION COMMUNITY CALENDAR TransKy October GSA Meeting Meeting 6 Every Tuesday, 7 pm. Pride Center ”93"" DePaflmePt GLSO Board Meeting Offers Free Flu F" 6 Thursday, Oct 4, 6:30 pm. Pride Center October Important for Bullying 3:23:63“ch Prevention 9 9 Saturday, Oct 6, 6:30 pm. Pride Center GLSO KY Bourbon Bears Meeting Classifieds Saturday, Oct 6, 9 pm. 10 Crossings Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting _ . Sunday, Oct 14 & 28, 6 pm. ¥fi$§£§3 Th'"95 Pride Center 1 1 . Lexington Gay Geeks Book Club zilgcgg'figgesem 12 Friday, Oct 12, 6:30 pm. GLSO News Issue 10 2012 — EDITOR GLSO EXECUTIVE Don Lowe COMMITTEE _ _ Aaron Baker, President The GLSO News '5 PUP'Bhed Vice President, Ginger Moore- monthly by and for the Lexrngton Minder Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Paul Brown Secretary zation members and community. Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer The mission of the Lexington Gay GLSO DIRECTORS and Lesbian Services Organization is to provide support and services Mary Crone, GSA to the GLBTQQIA community. Paul Holland, At Large Jeremy Law, At Large The vision of the Lexington Gay Don Lowe, At Large and Lesbian Services Organiza- Shaun Pfeiffer, At Large tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA community through voice. GLSO STAFF The Lexington GLSO is founded Chad Hundley, Office Manager upon the core values of fun, in— clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, EDITORIAL NOTES servrce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for GLSO Pride Center ntevaf clontrtibutotrsdand edrltorial 389 Waller Avenue sgt' @rr} eres e ’ e—maI Suite 100 e Ior gso.org. Lexington, KY- 40504 Pride Center Hours 859'253'3233 Call Ahead for Appointment www.glso.0rg and Office Hours. "Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO." I Keeping things After a brief break we held a TWISTED!!!! benefit show for the American By TriNlty, Cancer Society in memory of I Contributor Jon “Juice" Noland at Cross- ings. Where after a great The month of September was show, we ends-C! the night With a month full of fun and excite— sh candle l'ght tribute to all mentll ose ost to cancer. We started the month off with We dhald ta fgreat “39?; an our DIVAS OF HAZZARD show {a'ifi 26%,.3' money to ma 9 at Crossingsa wthere wej all {out} 0 e on our Sun y est an pu e . . out our favorite country songs Eggfiffiiegtvefihwmgfifiqdpgfi Wh'lelePJOW-Qfi Vl-_lazzard Buffet or with Fred Worsham at Pulse, ’ ggmbpuagswllnoonigggyg‘sgfgsgg- having a great time and lots of ’ ’ ' fun just hangirfig out _and an— All the ladies in the show pulled swering some_ un tr'V'a ques— out all the stops to make this E'anfnel‘nd havmg a few COCk' the best thas of fiazzard show a' 5"" yet!!! Dary an t eguys, con- . . structed the best backdrop for We plan Ontfionfi'rt‘fimg the m the show and even all out and giatlsni‘nwthe amontehugisogcltrog- W235i??? EflgeHflg’ggafifi‘th‘e‘ ber. Withl sdeverarl1 shows com- - - _ ing up inc u ing t e ever popu- 2;th SiEQflZfié (3&2,er Pglrg‘d lar Diva of Darkness pageant HMIH Princess Royale Christina 0.” hU§¥l?meen night at Pulse Puse, who were named at this mg ' e.... um show.... If you or gomeone you know is intereste in competing ap- Enpiiazetagil :23 stem ready avail- versary Celebration for AVOL able by contacting me (Trinity, fit thelKenturcky él'heater.l gust ° )' ours ater t e I K travee to . - _ Daryl and I, along With our Washington DC- to attend Coro Board of Directors, would like nation 1, our first out of town to thank everyone that has croranaltion. lee _rep§tlasent‘%d been out to the events of Reign :0?“ Cletgls Wlsgliggllll cou ’ 31 so far and look forward to p y seeing you at the upcoming All of us dolnned gur bgst Red, shows!!! White & Bue an ma e quite . . . ’ In serVIce TrinityHMIM Em— an entrance as 11 members of I . the ICK entered the rballroom press 31The TW'Sted Empress together. You can c eck out - From the Heart Through the th ict es on the ICK rou I . paeggonulgB!!!! g p Court, For the Community Health Department Those who are unable to attend Features Free Flu Friday can still get a Free Flu FrIday flu shot 3—5 pm. Tuesdays at _ the Public Health Clinic at 805A An annual event wrll help the Newtown Circle. No appoint— Lexington-Fayette County ment is necessary, and the cost Health Department test ltS for a flu shot is $25. Medicaid/ emergency preparedness Whlle Medicare, cash, checks, credit PFOVl lhg hundreds 9f free flu cards and some insurances are ~ shots to the community. accepted, The health department WI“ For additional information, find hOSt Free H.” Friday, a special the Lexington-Fayette County one-day Chth desrgned t_0 give Health Department on Face- up _to 2,000 shots to Lexmgton book, or follow us on Twitter reSIdentS_ who want_ to ght at twitter.com/LFCHD. Flu in- the flu this fall and Winter. The formation can also be found event Will be held 9 a.m.—5 P-m- at www.LexFluCrew.com and Friday, Oct. 12, at Imam Family on the flu hotline, (859) 288- Life Center, 1555 Georgetown 7529_ Road. \ “A seasonal flu shot is the best way to fight the flu each fall Noxenfiber Trans and wfinter, so |this is a great V eetlng way or peope to protect , themselves and their family,” Our November 3rd meeting at said Kevin Hall, LFCHD spokes- the GLSO pride center W'” be man. “Free Flu Friday is a cor- our annua Trans-givmg P0?" nerstone of what public health lUCk- We look forward to th'5 is all about. It covers three key event and the turn OUt '5 usu- components of what we do for ally qurte large 50 YOU might the community: communicable want to bring an extra chair! disease control, preparedness Well probably start at 7.130Pm and education.” so fol have plenty of time to socialize. See you then! The seasonal flu shot, which also provides protection against H1N1, is recommend— ed to all people ages 6 months Volunteers Needed , fins oldgr. Las1tiyeag,i Lexington: a 14 C0” “he cases 0 To work with Ga Strai ht the flu- The health department Alliances in high, schogls provuded morehthan h5,000 flu vaccinations t roug out t e season. Please contact Mary Crone Last year, the health depart— ment provided almost 1,700 at maW@ngO-Org free shots at Free Flu Friday. l7 3 13:5 ' 'gszr. -‘ : g '- - Mi) U ["6 l Vital Participate in the Lexington-Fayette County LGBT Community Health Assessment Help us improve the health of LGBT communities in Fayette County and Central Kentucky by participating in an anonymous assessment that allows you to voice your thoughts about health concerns and other issues. Visit this link by Oct. 31, 2012: http://www.surveymonkey.com/sILexLGBTHealth All ethnicities, gender identities and other backgrounds are encouraged to participate in order to make this assessment as diverse as possible. questions? assessment coordinators: Contact Mark at (859) 288-2391, Mark A. Johnson, MSSW or marka.johnson@ky.gov Dr. Jeff Jones, Ph.D I WNW") . thank you for . it“ E - - - o o o o o W your part/olpa tron! . [i ' N This assessment has been approved by the Lexington—Fayette County Health Department Internal Review Board. _ 7 , M .45 . w ,5, L UK OUTSource ' Plans Queercoming o UT Outsource is having an LG- SO u rce BTQ homecoming dance called QUEERCOMING 2012 that will be held on Frida , October 12th at 7:00pm in tile UK Stu- ‘ dent Center Small Ballroom. ‘ Everyone is invited! ; Support your community. Sign up today to make a recurring donation as part of the GLSO Member Program. As little as $5 per month can make a difference! www.glso.org/membership I v the G Lso i I— OCtOber Important in schools. Month for Bullying Prevenetion On Thursday, October 11, you and Support can join Lexington Fairness at By Craig Cammack, Soundbar for a fundraiser for Contributor Project Speak Out. Twenty— Bullying continues to be a trag- five percent 0f the proceeds ic prob em across the country. from the “'9th Wl“ he donated l In Kentucky alone, over the t0 the organizations bPHY'hQ . past year there have been nu- prevention program. It IS 3‘50 ‘ merous reports of bullying and National Coming OUt Day, 5_0 ,. suicides as a potential result the fundraiser at Soundbar ‘5 of bullying. Luckily, there are bound to be a fun-filled night! many who are devoted to re- _ _ duce and prevent buuy'ng in It is past time for all Of US to middle and high schools. Lex— make the ehange to help pre- ington Fairness has committed vent hUW'hg- If there truly its funding and programming '5 something we want to see to Project Speak Out, a bully- happen, we must fitSt act Dur- ing prevention program. selves. Now is the time to step up, support our children, and AS part of this program, in he‘P thenlfee‘ safe in SChOO‘, August, nearly 30 community Whl‘e pr0Vldlng LGBT StUdents volunteers were certified by Wlth a safe and SUPPOFUVe the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight community where they feel Education Network (GLSEN) to comfortable thhg- firovide trainingf to middle and GALE igh school sta regarding bul- (Gay-straight Alliance of lying prevention. In ad ition, Lexmark Employees) Project Speak Out will be pro— Vld'“9 free GLSF-N Safe Space is pleased to resent a profes- Kits to schools In Central Ken— Sional networfiing event at the tucky, as well as working 0“ Sound Bar on October 12th the (goal 0f making sure every 5-8pm. Also during the event mid le and high SChOO‘ in Ken— will be the public premier of tUCkY has a klt- Lejxmar/kl's "It Gets Better" ll _ . vi eo. esincereyinvitea The month Of October '5 ‘m' area GLBTIAQ organizations to { Bortant In the battle to prevent come out and meet your fe|_ ullylng among 0‘." YOUth- low area professionals. I National Stop Bullying Week ' is October 7— 13, and Nation- 3 al Bullying Bystanders Unite Week is October 14 — 20. Spe— gificalllal, on Wednesday, Orcto— er , wear orange to s ow your support of PACER’s Unity I v the GLSO Day. The organization runs the National Bullying Prevention Center, working to end bullying _ October 2012 Come join us at our Classifieds PFLAG meeting! Barely Used AC Units — $325 Tuesda . y, October 9 6.30 to Negotiable 8:30 ngdigg‘rfiggno um; CvfigE rAéf Jenna give: "The Genderbread {hotel} cgntrols arcild all tlhat have Person arey een use .Wor sgreat! . . _ Retails normally for $400+ but Gigggnldgpcflgy'igaelnsiir 3):} d selling for $325 but negotiable. Eexual orientat?on __ What's » Contact the Pride Center at the difference? 859:253—3233 for more infor— ' matron and/or to see the units. St Michaiel‘fs Episcopal Chruch, 2025 Be e onte Drive, Lexin - Fur Coat For Sale ton (Go to the end of the para- Gorgeous Fur Coat valued at g‘gm‘ft' and then m the we $15,000. _Asking only $3,000 $0”: gfigg‘tggfii VX3521? Sega??? For further information, go to er or classy real girl. Pictures www.pflaglex.org available upon request. If in- terested, please contact Joyce K Cruse at 859-254—6825. 1 BR Apartments for Rent . , , , Is Your Gifting In Musrc, North Hanover Ave, just off 7 7 East Main St, near Woodland 7 7 Park. Kitchen & bath. Private ' entry. $550 per month plus electric. $250 deposit, pet _ . friendly, Section 8 Welcome. IsYour heart onfire for the Lord? Laundry room on site. Please , call Nori at 859-230-8079. Are you searching for a place? For more information or to Open Arms of God Ministry r place a FREE classified ad in our | next edition, please email the Needs YOU. detailed info to Chad at chad@ m glso.org. All classifieds should be directed through the Pride Center and should be short but contain the basic information of who, what, when, where, cost, etc. Deadline for all sub— ' ' ' ' ‘ " ' " " ‘ missions to the GLSO Newslet- ter is October 20, 2012. ‘” - f k \ ‘ \ 1 fl \ I '1 1““ ."*.r. ‘ . ?'IH." l ’17?) 1"} r v —./’ _ 'rflr. ; = r _—F v“ ' ”r “L’; :71»: 4»! m F‘; I '3‘" 1.9-7 _ “Mafia. "'1 II 1.7. f 2‘ " ‘ Netproceedst0bmfilhariticfimImpérjalCourtofkcntucky ”HERE A r sQecia! presents memjes as my tshhtzrt films — gig? ' | e iscovery a you are i- queer films' ferent. But my short films didn’t In celebration of the Lexington explore what happened after LGBTQ community, and as a way that discovery. This film is about of saying thanks, independent whtats next,h_anth wanted that counte|r/qu(ejer cullture bookstore to e somet 'hg appy. sQecia Me ia wi sponsor our . . films to be shown throughout Oct9ber21st-Par'aM2011? the month of October, three of Coming OUt '5 generally a wel which will comprise the first of- trodden_ path. 'h the land 0‘: ficial GLSO Queer Film Series. queer Cinema, luckily Dee Rees * brilliantly engagirhg Pthntai‘h gives - - - - us new eyes wit w ic to see 32:523.?attestiatatw tittut national Film Festival, sQecial ”that will feature Weekend (2011), a B' . . h . British art house release from di— .hthm'hg W't tehae'tyI _op— rector Andrew Haigh. This boy— timism, alnd verfvs-t Ahke '.5 a meets-boy indie ode to new love 17-year-o d. .A rican-Americari will be shown at the Kentucky woman navigating the complexi- Theater on Wednesday, October ties 0t family hte and community 3rd at 7:15pm. Tickets will cost Whl‘e ng to figure 0”} Jufit $5_ where she fits in. Rees abil— ity to show the humanity of all Only a few days later, the GLSO the film’s major players, and the Queer Film Series will begin! In overall Sidestepping 0t one7note partnership with the GLSO, sQe- characterisations make Pariah a chi! will pretsenttj three filmsb to be genre-defying tour de force. s own at t e owntown ranch of the Lexington Public Library in Ozcgober 28th " Heartbeats the Farish Theater _on Sundays havie?) Dolan’s amorous and at 2pm. Free admi55ion. candy-coloured Heartbeats is October 7th _ North Sea a glossy and darkly comic look Texas (2011) ’ at the lengths gay man Francis After nearly two decades of and his gal pal Marie go to in the making acclaimed gay—themed battle for the heart Of the Same short films, Belgian director fellow, the strikingly beautiful, Bavo Defurne adapts André Sol- albeit sexually ambiguous NlCO- li_e’s novel. Nooit gaat dit over for las. " hirsstbgaaléflfgl lengthlgfitl‘r'iti, 5%llsfrg This acerbically astute Cannes Noordzee Texas. ’ Film Festival award-winning fea- ’ ture plums the depths of friend- “ It is the story of young dreamer Sh'p! love, Oheess'ehr. am? the pim, a Walter Mitty of sorts, who fragile yet reSIlient intricaCIes of grows up and falls for Gino, the the human heart. somewhat older and iiber-cool l boy next door with attitude and Hope. to see you there. Please a motorcycle to boot. In writing e—mail squIal@g_mail.com or call about the film, Defurne says, (859).255'4316 't you have any “It explores many of the same questions. I 9 Th GLSO R ‘ we, 5-55 amw Sponsui The Imperial Comt of Kentucky ' ‘ imp(‘lk)@aol.('om Vva.Im])crialCourlKCI11ucky.org GLSO News Monthly Sponsors SisterSound 859.806.0243 Diverse Music for all Women DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734 help@djfixmypc.com Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244 1513 Nicholasville Road Lexington Fairness—www.lexfair.org 859.951.8565 Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448 3564 Clays Mill Road Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483 ackermanteam@aol.com GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233 Lexington Pride Festival—www.lexpridefestorg 859.253.3233 “ Open Arms ofGod Ministry 502.545.6355 www.0penarmsofgodministry.org Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201 1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Center LSO Phone Directory Sister Sound 859.806.0243 community resource page for gay and/ or Social Services, Lexington 211 y-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904 WEE.- TransKentucky cassiemtf@ [DS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 _ yahoo'com meerland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 un'ted way 8593135465 888.425.7282 _ . ‘ ealth Dept, Fayette 859.288.2437 3mm 877.606.2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691 v ealth Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity' St' Mama's 8595339851 ealth Dept., Woo dfor d 859.873.4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904 IV / AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319 )uisville Region 502.574.0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.0580 oveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 2704433339 orthern Ky. Region 859.341.4264 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355 K Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643 Studentfimuns W Berea College ACE 859.958.3633 i-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332 4-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606.783.2294 coholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 UK OutSource 859.323.3312 A/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 uegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 /\ auncil for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 ,1 iscussion Group 859.253.3233 ‘\ (’0‘ i938 iirness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ cofgfitg ay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 ‘ élfid°g§ge , LSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 ‘ «gregsfiétt . nperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 9&3990‘0‘6 _ iternational Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 315 i ' antucky Fairness 270.703.1582 ' axington Fairness 859.951-8565 axington Human Rights 859.252.4931 ' axington Insight Group 859.230.2428 exington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO NEWS Deadline ACT 859.358.8335 October 20 =LAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to -FAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@glso.org | D”... U” Inn y VII- 4“ - - . . . . 7 4 \V“ “Jul-I33“ P('.('()M Best of Lexington 201 1 for Computer Room , Equipment and Installation by the US Commerce y ‘ Association. We specialize in Small Business V needs. era—pr NEED AN IT TEAM THAT WON ’T COST A FORTU N E? WE CAN HELP: 0 MONITOR YOUR NETWORK 24/7 0 INSTALL, MANAGE AND MAINTAIN HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND INTERNET SITES 0 OFFER REMOTE ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING 0 ALLOW FOR VPN AND SECURE ACCESS TO DESKTOPS ,. 0 HELP WITH VOICE OVER IP SOLUTIONS 0 CABLING AND INSTALLATION OF NEW NETWORKS Call today to schedule an assessment of your needs. Donovan Jefferson 859-368-2734 email us at help@djfixmypc.com s 0 t 28 2012 Doors Open at7pm ”'1' c I ’ Show Starts at 8 pm i R l I B H To Celebrate Kentucky's Fairness a T@ y & Songs from the Hit TV Show Ages 18+- llllowed g I e 6 gal] l Bogartsllurga . .Alligfii'éness i 13758. Broadway _._____._____, t Lexington, KY 40504 WWW-k9"‘l°klla'l“955'°ll $5 Donation at the Door All proceeds will go to the Kentucky Fairness Alliance to further promote awareness and education for building a Fair Kentucky.