xt73xs5jd71x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jd71x/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199708 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1997 text GLSO News, August 1997 1997 2019 true xt73xs5jd71x section xt73xs5jd71x //’-
.55” 6A3}:
‘ ERVI .-
. 0R6 ~-
Vol. 10 August 1997 No 8
v A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
IT’S ALL ABOUT FAMILY The Pride (Ienter is now open! As of Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
stark your calenders for August 19th. June 1st. the Pride fieritet' started sharing EBONY MALE PAG ANT
(in tlrrs ”ltresday. at too PM. the Lexington rent wrth .\i(3() at 58" \tialler Avenue. ()pen
Fairness Campaign is planning to rally at House was held June list. This will he a tihony Male is proud to arrnorrnce its
the Capitol Annex in Frankfort to focus on trial period of one year to measure interest first Miss Ebony Male Pagant to be field on
hills 119. 145‘ and sos. two of these have to to determine if it is feasible for the Pride \\ednesday August 20th at The [tar
do with outlawing gay marriage (which. of Center to he selfvsufficient. Complex. Admission is Silk) and the show
course. is not yet legal) and the other One of the rnissionsof the (Ierrter will will start at 3:00pm. The program will
concerns excluding gays and lesbians from he to provide meeting spaCe for use hy all feature two performers. Lexirrgton's own
domestic riolence laws. gay. lesbian. hisexrral and transgendered La'i'oyaltacall. and. from(Iirrcinrrati. Miss
benator' 'l‘im Philpot has declared organizations and our "friends". So far: Pettoie Pout. .\iisst?intit, ‘9".
August as ”Family Values Month“ at the there has been a lot of interest from This contest is open to all those
state capitol. lie is also the co—chair of the organizations in and around Lexington interested. "tihorry is an attitude not lust a
Senate Judiciary Committee which will he whowant to use the space. There is to he no color." it you would like to run or want
meetingon August l9. at 1:00 PM. to discuss set rate for use. each organization will he more intor‘rrratiorr talk to an ti-.\tale
these hills. it seems only fitting that our expected to pay what they can. rrremher or call Mark or'ylohn at ,sXKiA‘t its].
family should pay him a visit. There are a total of four spaces \\e would lore to see many of you loyely
Philpot has been working against the ayailahle: two small meeting rooms. one ladies on stage that night.
LBG’I‘Community since his election to the rrrediurn size room (that will hold about The first place winner of this pagarrr
Ky. (Iongress. tie is responsihle for twenty people) and one large room (which will r'eceir'e $1le in cash and he inrited to
introducing the hill excluding gays and will hold about sixty people). sing an errcoure rrumherforwlrich she can
lesbians from cor’er'age under the domestic The Pride (Ienter' 'l'askforce is seeking receire tips. The first runner up will win 1
yiolerrce laws. If his hill hecornes law. gays people who would he interested in serving Sittttand the second nrnnerup will receive
and lesbians could not get a restraining on the Pride tlenter Board or in Silt. Proceeds will benefit the ttoher't IL 1
order against an abusiye partner. Plrilpot yolunteering to help out. if you are \\illiams (Iultural (Ienter and the Health ‘
says it would be unfair to us to allow us to interested. contact ,lim \\iechers at 13+ Department'sAIDS Medication Fund. .
get restraining orders hecause “aberrant PW! or email him at sixtlrstcaansncorrr, “—
forms of riolent hehayior...seem to he more if you're interested in helping out -
accepted in the homosexual corrrrnurrity." financially with either monthly or yearly Sponsor of the
Philpot also said he was open to pledges oriust onetime donationsyou can
hearing from the gay corrrmunity. Let's go make checks payable to The Pride (lenter Month
express our opiniont Please join the and mail to Pt). ltox lush. Lexington ky.
Lexington Fairness Campaign in Frankfort \\e are currently workingorr a ”wish list" of
on ’itresday. Aug. 1‘). at too P..\L \\e would things we need including: or stack chairs ,. .
he particularlypleased to have straight allies (Slit each). .s‘ chalk/white hoards (S's-F. I'm & Tlm
and family rrremher‘s. For more inforrrratiorr $50 each), I hulletirr hoard (3“xa' Slot.
contact LFtI at 3% 181:. and a wall clock (Slot. ——____
,f, ,. v_'—_——-L——————_—____."—"‘—.‘__———w_——_—___———~‘

 7— COMMUNITY NETWORKING u g k. tr f h” w , y l 0 f " .
(yo-GAY& T04 RESUME IN SEPTEMBER hiipgmin s o o strvations ong oigottcn
_ IAN by Michael Taylor ‘ -)‘ ,, ., -., 4 P r . ‘ ( I
LESB ilcasc (lllLCl any questions about the
ERVI ’l‘he GLSO Board of Directors at itsyiuly September Networking Night and l’otLuck to
ORG' 14th meeting selected as one of its priorities for GLSO Board Member Mike Taylor at 225-1828. v
' the coming year the resumption of community Let's get going friends, the rainbow flag needs tl
. networking nights. Several of these fonims all of us to keep it flyn‘nghigh and proud! [I
v were held at the Central Library in Lexington ‘
over the past year. RICHARD KAUSRUD-AUSTRENG ll
”BGLSO NEWS Bringing our diverse community 1956-1997 lf
together around a common table on a regular Richard (I. KausrudvAustreng died P

VOL 10 Issue 8 . . , . , . . .

. basis has several positive outcomes, including Sunday, My 20th in Little Rock, Arksansas. H
PUbIIShed Monthly by the 1) creating supportive links between A femier Lexington, Kentucky resident, Mr. 0
Lexington Gay/ Lesbian organizations; 2) raising awareness and liausrud-Austreng moved to Altoona,

Senn'ces Organzation support of independant organizations. giving Pennsylvania in late 1996. ‘ g

321 E 2nd Street them an opportunity to attract new members; . inning the three and a half years he. w

, 3) providing newcomers to our community an lived in our community, Mr. kausrud (one of c:
Lexmgton, KY 40508 avenue for greaterinvolvement: 4,) providing the longest known survivms of HIV/AIDS) ft
. an inclusive gatheringwhere creative ideas can was active in Lexington's Metropolitan
Editor: be generated to suppon community growth Community Church where he served as
Peter Taylor and cohesion; 5) providing a means for the treasurer and as a member of the Board of
community to assess and address emerging Directors. Ric also was a member of the 1,
Community News Editor needs. challenges orcrisis. . A\'()l. Positive Speakers Bureau. ft
Mary Crone 'I‘he kick-off forum is scheduled for He is survived by his partner in life, yt
’Itiesday, September 16th at 7pm at the Pride David lain Delacroix of Altoona, and his tr
(lenter of the Bluegrass, 387 Waller Avenue father, Elton Austreng of Frederickshurg. (2
Layout Editor: This first meetingwillbecoinbinedwith apot~ \“irginia, several half- and step-siblings,
Charlie Perkins luck dinner to begin the evening. Dates for nieces and nephews and a host of personal sl
November97. as well as 1998 meetings will be friends. Memorial arrangements are 'i‘
GLSO Annual Dues and decided at the September meeting. incomplete, but tentatively planned for w
Newsletter: $15 An invitation will be mailed to all the October. f1
known lesbigaytrans organizations in the pi
Dues and NeWSletter for greater Lexington area In addition to Somerset Group Established it
Couples: $20 organizational representatives, all \\
lesbigavtrans individuals. friends. and A new group has been organized in y
. _ _ newcomers to Lexington are inn’ted to attend. Somerset. called the Lake Cumberland Area ,\
“m or WWW ”Pressed i" the (”‘50 Please plan ahead and select at least one of Gay Alliance. We have started a webpage tl
News are those of the authors and don’t . . . , . ' . . .
necesmly mpmem those of the CW) Board of yourorgamzatton s representatives to attend (wwwgeoCItiescom/westhollywood/heiglits/ Lt
Directors. the firsttonim. ‘ 47.79). and have about 21 membeis. Our 8
Submissions are welcome. All lfyou're not involved in m organization. goal is to create a unity within the gay 5t
submissions become the PFOIK‘ITY ot'Glb‘o my please join us and get more involved in our community here in Pulaski County. We also
must indicate full name and address of the community. All of us have been known to have our own newsletter, and we eventually
author. The staff reserves the right to edit grumble about our lack of community hope to post this information at the local
“film‘s-“0m and “‘15 ‘0 meet Pllh'iShinti cohesion or the slow development of more bais. For information you can e—mail me It
requife'l‘em" “5“” “5m" “gh‘wrelm ““l' meaningful ways to socialize and be Roger Aiohnson at rogequ‘hyperaction.net. 1t
SmemOHS' connected. Here is the opportunity to make We would be happy to hear from you. C(

SISTERSOUND plan to go to a resturant on this Sunday email address at A\’()I.@Iuno.com.
SisterSorrnd of Lexington Kentucky, :1 Meet right after the service (which will Various staff have individual email
women's chorus, will begin rehearsals for end sometime before 12 noon) to choose :1 addresses that maybe obtained by request to
the fall season on Arrg. 24th. First sopranos restrrrant. We will spend some time A\’()I.‘s rnain'e-mail address listed above.
are especially needed, but all parts are discussing plans for the fall. Call Devrna Current staff rncludes the executive director.
, . , .. , (271-617s) for more information about office manager, hotlrne/speaker's bureau
welcome. \ew members are encouraged to , . . . . . . ,
, _ . . _ . Interweave or aborrt theInrtarran chrrrch. coordinator, client services coordinator.
rorn rrs at 6 pm. in the fellowship hallot the . . . .
I’ark Methodist Church on the corner of ® men/women/youthat-rrsk preven tron
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ KINGS ISLAND specralists, resident manager of rr'eursrtronal
High turd (Ml- There is parking available The Gay and Lesbian Comrnrrnity housing, and housingproject manager.
0” Clay “11d “1 11 ll" behind [110 ChUI'Ch- Center of (heater Cincinnati invites us to Your comments. questions. and
We would like to form an auxillary join them for an eveningat Kings Island on concerns would be appreciated and will be
group of interested men and women to help Friday. September 19th, from szoinm. until forwarded immediately to appropriate
with the background work of running a 11:00 pm. This will be the first official personnel. \X'e look forward to hearingfrorn
chorus and putting on performances. So “(Iay Day“ at Kings Island. youI g
folks. come and check us out! 9? The park will be closed to the prrblic
for this event. Tickets rnrrst be purchased In FREE WORKSHOPS
OHIO LESBIAN FESTIVAL advance from the Community Center at Charlene Hart ofIIer‘bs Plus isoftering
Within easy driving distance of (S13) ($141040, or write to 0141-2. Main St. free seminars at the \\"ithers library in
Lexington. there is this wonderful one day Cinn.. (111106303, © downtown Nicolasyille. (in Monday Aug.
festival every September. It will be held this IIth the topic will be Aroma Therapy and on
year on Saturday. Sept 9th from 11:00 A..\I. ' FAIRNESS FUN! Monday Arrg. 5th she will be discussing
to 11:00 I’..\I.. rain or shine just east of For those telephones downI Reflexology, Iioth are open to the public
Columbus. Ohio, Announcing the return of an old I.e.\ingtorr and will begin at 7:00 pm. @
There will be workshops. great favorite... tiust when you thought itwassate
shopping. and fabulous entertainment. to go out againtt. The Dating game and
This year Chris \I'r'lliamson and 'I'ret Fure The Newly/oltlywerl game are backIIII Laura B Drew, MSW
will be pretormirrg on day stage. Iixcerpts That‘s right. it's Iirne to have some fun! All Liam“! Clinical Social Warler .
from The Alt/[11' and .llo ,s‘lro/r' will be work and no play could make Fairness
)erfornred by Lori Cannon and Iieth SLINOI'IL‘I‘S yen dull folks. So come on out .
[Irattlernan A Cornedienne Suzanne fof' [the tesririties (you couldeven win a date weekly Lesbian.
\‘Jestenhoefer will also be there as will tune or some other valuable consolation prize). Couples’ Group
AIillington and XI'Itl'. a drumming group. All the games begin at 8pm. Saturday. to. Start Mid-Sept.
All of this for iust S30 in advance or S2; at October a at the I’ride Center on \Ir'aller Ave. . _
the gate. For more information write tothe More details will be I‘or‘thcornig in the 5955”,“ lasts10Weeks
Lesbian Business Association. 110. Box Arrgrrst issue of this newsletter. @
82086. Colrrrnbus. ()hio. Or call 6147267. Callformore'informafl'on
5933. CE AIDS VOLUNTEERS, INc ' ' . '
INTERWEAVE, In Arrgrrst 10%. the A\'()I. Board of 436 West Second St.
Interweave willhaveits second Sunday Directors officially changed the agency Lexington, KY 40507
lunchonon Sunday August 10th after the narne‘to AIDS \olrrnteers, Inc. (formerly (606)276-2685
10m I,l, (.hurch ser'vrce. Because AII)S\olunteers of Lexrngton). In addition. .
construction on the church has begrrn we AIDS Volunteers. Inc. (A\'I)I,) now has an

 p s s
owvuly Movies
COMING OUT ON VIDEO as contagious as many Baptists seem to fear? set—bound and dull little movie like this one.
iS a BEAUTH'UL THING! No, but the film issending a message that may costs millions of dollars,
by Jon Shelton seem like a radical idea to some; everybody"s The film version was written by the
gay -or at least gayer than they're willing to original author with the Broadway cast intact
With so many beautiful things admit. Gayness is an undeniable part of the except forjason Alexander replacing Nathan
happening, like Ellen coming out on T\' and human condition, Some people feel the pull Lane as the obligatory flrunboyz-mtqueen (you
the Baptists boycotting Disney for being too toward their own sex more strongly than can't depict homosexuality without one,
gay friendly. the timing is perfect for .1 others, but acceptance of those feelings is the unless you're rnakirrga sex-film).
Beau/[fill 7721742 to come orrton video. “beautiful thing" that comes with maturity The few positive reviews 1 read spoke of
A couple of years ago, 77w Incredible ()r perhaps the film expresses an even being "touched" by the emotional bonds on
Story of 7km (fir/x in Late came out in more radical idea: we all share the same soul. display as the characters grow and change
theaters. it was possibly the finest film ever "A Beautiful Thing" and "The Incredible True over the course of a summer. Through the
produced about a teenaged lesbian romance. Story of Two (iirls in Love" are both available experience of the movie. the reviewers were
it left one wishing and waiting for a on video and are both highly recommended. able tosee that gay men are just like everybody
companion piece. llowabout"Theincredibly else, facing the same human issues (you
True Story of No Boys in Love"? Well that is Trim! Static! Unbelievable! know Sex! Death! and Selfinterest!)
exactly whatA Beau/flit! Thing is about. The by Peter Taylor Personally the only thing that touched me in
only difference is that this was filmed in the film was the guy next to me who leaned
England. with of course, a different director Let's start this on a positive note. Let's his leg warmly against mine throughout.
and cast. see... jason Alexander most of the time. the Emotional involvement with these
The story is adapted from a play by wallpapers (they are particularly nice). the characters was difficult because none of them
jonatban Harvey. The director. Ilatiie nudity. That pretty much sums up the things made any sense to me. The characters were
MacDonald (making her debut with this film) that i enjoyed in lane! lit/or! (bur/Mission.’ in just cutouts. The dialogue was so stilted and
directed the London stage version as well. This about that order. l'll be the first to confess that artificial, they never came to life for more than
faithful screen adaptation follows a romance Ido have brand-nz-mre loyalty. l've sat through a moment. I found Buzz (jason Alexander).
that develops between teenaged neighbors several quite awful Star Trek movies to the lll\"+ theater queen the most resonant
jzunie (Glen Berry) and Ste (Scott Neal). Both recapture that excitementlfelt as a youngster: character. Despite his drzunatic duty of
are from working class families and both have in the same vein, whenever a new "gay” popping little corny boo rim/s, he had more
parentswho would killthem if they found out. movie comes out, i admit it. l'm usually moments of something consistently
(Well, Ste’s father, who abuses him runway, at anxious to see it, and l'm inclined to overlook interesting than any of the others and as a
any rate.) _lamie‘s mother (played very it's faults and try to find some way to result, actually seemed a little like a real
likeably by Linda Henry) grows more appreciate it. Well. this film, l'm disappointed person, with some kind of life out side the
accepting in time. Rounding out the cast is to say, was one of the least enjoyable movies bounds of the movie. The whole thing was so
the very funny, Tameka rimson as Leah. a l've seen in recent memory. lcouldn’t make stiff and unreal that it was like watching
neighbor who idolixes the memory of Mama myselflike it. lestimate l was engaged for not ".\tary\V’ortht The Movie!" and I found myself
Cass to the point of obsession. more than 1% minutes of the 230 minute run. repeatedly wondering why any of the
At first, Leah is homophobic towards i went home afterward and read about principals would have had anything to do with
jamie and Ste's relationship, and threatens to ten different reviews on the Internet in an each other at all.
expose them Then, somewhere along the line effort to try and understand why others may its for plot, well, one character fights
she discovers that she herselfis a lesbian. By have liked it. I hate to miss something with his lover (the owner of the house)
the end of the film,ylamie‘s mother gives up obvious. And indeed, someone must have because he shares a midnight encounter with
herlive-in boyfriend :md is on the way to a gay liked it! The stage version won the Tony for the sexy character, an evil twin confronts his
pub. Why? best play a few years back. Financial support nicer brother (is this a joke?) the stable
Does the film suggest that lesbigayness is was forthcoming from somewhere. for even a a, ”m, W1“ )1 [We 5

 minimal/mmpage 1 spontaneity, fun or worse, meaning? Perhaps Hawaii , where astate judge recently ruled that
couple, together for 14 years have an it's a mercy that Divine isn't alive to see it, the government has no vaild reason for not
anniversary; Buzz falls in love with the nice 'cause itwould have just killed her! allowing gay people to marry, could become
twin, who is also dying very nobly of AIDS. (RS. Funny review...but some of us really liked ’ the first state to legalize such same -sex
re. While each of these events is an obvious this movie!) marriages.
dramatic set-up for some kind of meditation “Now, in addition to the myriad state
m on the nature oflife and love, nothing deeper NEW CONGRESSIONAL REPORT: laws and private agreements that concern
1C! thanaclever' line or two is ever tendered. The 1049 REASONS To ALLOW marriage, we see there are 1049- federal
in whole thing, plot, dialogue, characters are all GAY COUPLES TO M ARRY reasons why gay people should be allowed to
1!! so anchored in the world of trite dramatic marry," \Xv’olfson said. In its 103 page report,
re, makerbelieve that they never resemble our the CAD noted there maybe even more thzur
lives or have :mything to teach us. A March congressional report reveals 1049 federal laws that mention marital status.
Of Three pairs of lovers: such an that there are at least 1049 laws addressing but it would have been too complex to identify
"1 opportunity to define the way love happens to marital status. including federal benefits. every single law in the 115. Code. The study
1%“ gay men! Yet I waited in vain to be shown protections, 2urd responsibilities all was ordered byllouse‘ludicizuy Chairman Rep.
ll“ what ANY of the three pairs of lovers saw in forbidden to gay :md lesbian couples under the Henry]. 11y'de(R»lll) at the behest of then Rep,
"1' each other. The sexy druicer with the hateful so-called "Defense of Marriage" Act that Steve Grinderson (it-Wis.) during last
111' twin, (this the most presumptuous) two rather beczune law last year: September‘s blistering D().\'LA debate. President
l“ boring lawyers (one a selfcentered "Six months after voting for this radical Clinton signed the bill in the heat of the
ill whiner),and rut aging choreographer :md his 2U1ll4111111'1'111gt‘ bill, Congress just now is presidential election czunpaign.
l” beautiful blind protege. all so rzmdom that checking out what civil marriage me1ms under Lambda Executive Director Kevin
“d they could have been castaways on Gilligzm's federal law'" said lit-an Wolfson. Marriage Cathcar't said, “Stabilizing f1unilies and
lslzuid for all the cohesiveness they displayed. Project Director for Lambda Legal Defense couples is of such value that society has
'5“ The lack of anything dynamic in the plot 2md Education Fund. "T hey shoved lesbi:ur created a unique web of laws to acknowledge
in only adds to the uninvolying effect. If you‘re and gay couples outside this entire system of :urd protect them. Coverage is available only
“W going to make a "small" movie about everyday federal protections," he said. through civil marriage. :utd no citizens should
“J life, you need to have something profound to The study was quietly released seyer'al be denied access to this institution."
”1 say about it (unless of course you‘re Andy months ago in response to questions raised in Copies of the (EA!) report we ayaihdyle on
w)‘ Warhol and you mean to bore). and you'll be Congress about the :uiti-gay'. :Ullliiiltit'l'iilge the lnter'net at http://www.gaogor/ or from the
or f2ubetterserved ifyou at leasthave some kind legislation widely known as DOALA. Although Office of (leneral Counsel. 1,8, (ieneral
“t of an ear for natural dialogue, because the not bzurning marriage by same-sex couples Accounting Office. \kashington. 11C limits.
W characters will express your ideas. for better or 1)().\1A bars federal recognition of those Lets rrrake this "quiet study" more public.
[ll worse. And it will be for worse if they sound marriages once they become legal in any state. (lrdei a copy today!
1“ didactic 2md unconvincing. ’—*———:————_—‘_1
:31 There are several trite nods to current, l Steppzng Stones :
fashionable issues. es ecially A1118. that no . . .
so longer reflect current efflents and certainly are { Lisa Perkins Hatfiled, M4" ATR !
1g. not discussed in any way other than the most l ART THERAPIST i
3” superficial in any case. Finally there is a drag {
he scene, yet another one of those dawning SPECIALIZING IN GRIEFAND LOSS ISSUES i
“1 cliches in media—friendly homosexuality 1
its which seemed curiously tacked on to me. 3 2 2 G E R1 LANE. ,
c) .7 . Who could have unagtned back in the RICHMOND KY 40475 I
th ti) s that gender—fuck, the deliberate flouting PHONE 6 23-8454 l
“S of our culture‘s most defensive values would y
110 end up just :mother stale gag devoid of
_ ews ge 5

 55 5.:5: : 555*5‘5' L525 “:5: 553:55""‘ '11-‘51; 1‘ 555552555555; .55=‘55“5‘- ‘11“:‘5-55, v.15: 5‘ 55 5.1”” “1‘55: 15‘; 5511“" “15:15" 5.5551551.» 55‘" 555.5 5,555" 55; ”*1 11:52:15.1: 15‘1““..5555 7,15: 1'15"" 5:555 555555 5557555555 511;. 5:55.:
5 5‘: 5 “5* *5 ‘1 55* 5* '5 5 5 ‘ 5 5* * *5‘ 555 5* 5 ‘5
51:55 5 "=ii‘5,55.ri*“*‘ “1:55.555. 55* 5: 1115.55- ‘11'5. 5:155:11: 5551;555:5515" t:“""‘”‘5f5t. "115 5315‘ *' "= *555555~.“*5-‘ 555‘? 5: .555‘ 555551 125* 7:30 pm. 9:00 am.
. 5 5 5 5 5 .. 55 55 5 .5 55 55 ,. 5, 5 55 5 Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners
.555. -5 :55.‘ 5 5‘ :‘5 55 1:55 =5 5: ‘55‘ 1.: :5: ‘ . ‘ 5 ' 551 5.1 1' 5 5 .. 51:55-51:55: . 5. .5 :5 (Arboretum)
5-55 -* 5: . _ 55 ,5 . 5. . ,. . . 153:1: 5 I,"
1: “35-5115! 335;.” 5, 3:15 1151151151111551. 1 *5“: " .11 1‘ 55 I *5 35'5' i: .115; ‘11": i :1 111511 5 5 : 1:55: 1 5.1 1~5’:"*:55 55.5515 511:; 1953* W firm
10:45 am. 7:30 pm. 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 2:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am.
U.U, Church Pride Center Task Force Rainbow Bowling League Frontrunners (Woodland CPG Strategy Committee Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners ‘—
11:30 am. 8:00 pm. Park) Meeting (Pride Center) (Arboretum) ‘ v
M.c. Church AA Step Study 6:00 pm. 1‘ E s T A IT B A‘ 1‘ T
6:00 pm. HIV/AlDS Support Group ‘
Ebony Male (Pride Ctr.) 8:00 pm. ,- P’ “ . ‘
525309.555 Gay/Lemmy: .307 S. Limestone
Interweave Potluck 8:00 pm. - . v 7
(00 Church) ’2 Step & Swing Dancing IAPklngtollo R‘
7:00 pm. (Club 141) ‘ .5. ‘
Dignity (Pride (3155) 2 9) 01-00 I —l
9:00 pm.
Bluegrass E.O.Y. Pageant featuring ‘hl‘
‘ I
‘ c a
5.5 . l< amous Alfalfa
:5 ‘- :1 551 .15.: 5 5 2:55 2.5: '
10:45 am. 7:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. “V ekend
Unitarian Universalist Ch. GLSO Board Meeting MCC Board Frontrunners (Woodland Holistic Wellness Group Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners e
11:30 am. (Pride Center) 8:30 pm. Park) (Pride Center) (Aboretum)
Metropolitan Community 8:00 pm. Rainbow Bowling League HIV/AIDS Support Group 6:00 pm; B I. u n ‘3’ h .
Church AA Step Study 8:00 pm. Dignity Potluck . 0
12: 15 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA (Mt. Sterling) . v
MCC Pot Luck Lunch 8:00 pm. Sl‘l'Vlllg blueberry
7:00 pm. Dignity (MCC Ballroom Dancing "
Suite) (Club 141) l'u(ik“'h‘na ‘
. . .. . .0, i 7‘ 1 .
10:45 am. 8:00 pm 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm. 8:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 7:30 pm. ( 9%” b9“. 5‘] l‘ ‘
Unitarian Universalist AA Step Study Fairness Rally (Frankfort) Frontrunners (W. Park) Bluegrass Colts members Gay/Lesbian AA Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ a
Church 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 9:00 pm. al'llllld. szin lSh
11:30 am. GLSO NEWS DEADL/NE Rainbow Bowling League HIV/AIDS Support Group BC. non-members
Metropolitan Community A150 SUBMITADD/IIONS. 7:30 pm. 0 III I" P t t PS. {:0 II I' III P ‘
Church UPDA 7139 AND Fairness Bd. (Pride Ctr.)
”Op-"‘- coma/0515505 80“ p-m- desserts. and mm-h
Dignity (Pride Ctr.) SEPIEMBE/P NEWSLEITEI? Gov/Lesbian AA
273—5845 8:00 pm. . ‘
Line & Partner Dancing “I 0 | ‘ ° ° °
(Club 141)
8:00 pm.
. .. . 55 55,055 meme“ .5 .5 . 5 .5 All of on r breads and
1* 5:555: *‘5. {1‘ 5 11* .1“ f5?“ 351‘ 53- 15:. j:
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MW U V ‘ 5. I ' l ‘ s ’ o u a o a
10:45 am. 8:00 pm. 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. Ilflhb‘ ‘l ‘5‘ all 0 hi. k0.‘
U.U. Church AA Step Study Rainbow Bowling League Frontrunners (W. Park) HIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners , 0 . O . ' .
11:30 am, 5500 pm 8:00 pm. (5555505955555) Chill) m 0m km hen.
M.C. Church HIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm.
6100 0-1715 8:00 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA 10:00 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA
SisterSound 8:00 pm. R.S.I.C. of Ky. Closet Ball F R E E E VE N I N G
(Park MeCh.) Open Dancing
(Club 141) PARKING-

 GLOBAL MEDITATION message. if the human race grows in its for “The Beginning of the End of AIDS
AND CEREMONY abilityto feel and express compassion. could (and) the End of All Physical Disease."
by M3”, 80’0umer Crone we collectively move towards a day when The Foundation has created a

On August 8th, 1997, people of every disease ends? ()urrnirrds may discount this beautiful meditation and ceremony to
race, creed, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual as Utopian dreaming, but our hearts and encourage our interconnectedness as a
orientation and religious belief will intuition may respond. people, and to ignite a healing of all that
participate in thouswrds of Sacred ’I'he 'I'onglen Foundation takes its seperated us. They believe that the
Ceremonies acknowledging the lessons of name from the Tibetan word for "yearning of the human heart on a global
disease. and making the beinning of it‘s ”sirnultaneous givingandreceving." Many level can make a difference." “Through
end. Locally, acerernony will be held at the of us who have worked with AIDS orin other medition, music, body movement and
MCC at 387' Waller Ave. We are asking ways worked with deep suffering, have come laughter we have learned and will continue
people to arrive between 10 and 10:13 pm. to realize that as we give of ourselves we also to learn that it is the intention and the loy e
as this ceremony is to be coordinated with receive. We experience this variously as behind all things that allows healing to take
many others and will start at 10:30 EST. spiritual awakening, as healing love, as place."

This Sacred Ceremony signals 7be compassion, as a joy in living life in Can the human race change its
Beginning of the End of Disease. Through connection with others. collective consciousness, deepen its ability to
the centuries, the human race has felt the Within the lesbigaytrans civil rights be compassionate as the Tonglen
ravages of disease and longed for it's end. movement, we have been resonably Foundation suggests? I agree with them
Most recently with the AIDS epidemic We concered that the AIDS epederrric will be that this process is already happening on
have felt the circle of disease closing in, used to further stigmati/e rrs and give our planet. And will compassionate
calling us to care. remember, and to love homophobic people another tool to use consciousness end disease? I don‘t know.
beyond what we felt we were capable of. against us. While this has happened to but this ceremony, coordinated to occur

The Tonglen Foundation has some extent, it is also true that AIDS has simultaneously all over the world, will have
developed this ceremony as part of its work opened hearts and minds as the American healing power for many of rrs. Come join
in serving those involved with the AIDS public has seen the tenderness with which together at the MCC on Friday night, August
epidemic. The Tonglen Forrndatiorr believes we care for each other and as all kinds of 8th, at 10:00 pm.
that there is a message in disease beyond the people have opened their hearts to those
pain or despair we often feel. Perhaps affected.
disease, they suggest, “aspires to a greater The Tonglen Foundation believes that
purpose, as do we. Disease is ultimately an compassion is the“bridge to our union as :r lF YOU? MA'L'NG LABEL
act of love through a call for deeper people, and the bridge to the 1an of IS YELLOW
compassion." If we listen deeply to this Disease.“ In this time. they see great hope PLEASE PENEW .

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Address _________________________‘______________________________
City, State, ZIP______________________________________*____________
____$15 Membership and Newsletter
____$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter
____I am (we are) including a donation of $3 or more. Please add the above
name(s) to the OUT AND PROUD sponsorship page in October, 1997.
____I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List used
exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations.

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Come andBeHeard! mu."
Attend the Judiciary Committee Hean'ng: Fm n kflZG rt g...
It's all about family...
SINGING . ,’ ’1 ,: @a‘pltéal Amfiré X1"
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or our [was 1‘“ 10:1 :31: The Datmg Game
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Voices of KentuckiansY ’3', v' ,’ g" p.39) 5‘ }A Game
Muse-Cincinnati Women's Choir v "VJVVR: 5» ft: atthe Pride Center
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