xt741n7xnc06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xnc06/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 9, May 15, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 9, May 15, 1919 1919 2015 true xt741n7xnc06 section xt741n7xnc06 To Ed*|t•r|£ The l
n•w• In this Bulletin     I ¥     E¤t¢·¢‘¤¤| IU •¢¢¤¤¢|
Ie prepared fe, the ` _ class matter at th•
press and is released X;-· Post omoo it L"'
for publication on   Ington, Ky.
receipt. t
May 15, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. II. N0. 9
The Department of Physics, the The tentative program for com- "Under Cover" presented by the The idea or building fraternity The senior class ot_the University
University of Kentucky, announces mencement week beginning M01lddY, StI‘0lIe1‘S, dranlatc organization ofthe houses on the 'campus for the stu- of Kentucky dedicated the tree plant-
the following vacancies: June 15, at the University of Ken- University of Kentucky, at the Lexing- dents of the University of Kentucky ed Arbor Day to members ofthe class
"Instruct0rship, Salary $8()()_—Ap- tucky will consist of CIZISS day €X· ton Opera House, Saturday night, May is rapidly becoming popular. Repre- who lost their lives in the war and to
Dllcailt mllst be 3. graduate, having ercises. Monday m0I`l'li¤E§ Gloo Club 3· Woo o Suooooo The oomo hoooo sentatives of several fraternities their classmate who was killed in a,
majored in Physics or some allied sub- concert follohwoil by tl?/IG Priilgqtnfs ;;;i€;O¥;1B0L§€SE;n°;v$3l;_G ggsucalgn 3; have called on the President and the Ddfade in 1916. The men who made
. . . reception at 1S Ome, 3XWe 33- E , , , _ me Supreme Saermee are L_ W'
Ject. Teaching experience not re- Monday afternoon and Senior ban in Organization, Dean of Men of the University to dis Hgmdm nl V _ 1
quired but desirable. Service up to Buell Armory Monday night The leading Characters were taken cuss me matter. T 111Sta de.   S;n1th,BA1bI;a1H.
» · , · i _ _ ownsen an es er . e m,
I a maxlmum 9f 18 hgms per week Tuesda will be known as alumni by Allgtlstlls G8-Y and MlSS LUCY Certain restrictions would have to i · · · , · ·
may be reqmred Thls Service com Y _ Eidridge Griffin was the victim of a
eists in the   t f _ _ day and every class, sorority, fratel‘— Yollllg of L9Xl¤Et0n and Emery be imposed, it is thought by the au- fem]eeeidentatB1.Oad“,ay and Third
` . con uc 0 regltatmn nity and society is requested to al'- F1`8Zl€l` of LHWl‘€11C€bl11`g. TheSe three thorities of the University, if these etreet Se tembel. 1916 ,h th
classes IH general college physics the . " ' D ’ i “ Gu 8
re a at.On E t _ , I B range reunion plans for the day. Yvllllg DtaY€1‘S bl‘0l1Sht new laurels to houses were located on the campus. freshmen were celebrating al class
D D   1 9 ttppam u° m a mia` At noon Tuesday an alumni the StI‘0U€1‘S, and led the cast to 8. They would have to be endorsed by ·.
tory instruction in laboratory and in . . · V1°t°ry·
the ’ mdm of TB ONS Th I ’t I luncheon will be held which will be Teal tl‘1l1HlDh. the national councils and grand chap- The Speakers fm. Arbor Day exep
quirgmentgma bp ni th 1 B dsnua {Ii?. f°u°""’d by a pamdg Ot alumni and Miss Eliza Sp“"i€"’ Of L°“iSVmB; mrs and D"°o€"1Y So°“S°Yoo· In ad" cises were Lee McClain or Bards-
maximum Oy Oitulgi ?SS _ an f B Students to Stoll held for athletic Lee McClain. Of Bardstown; William dition they would have to abide by town, emtel. fe,. the Senior Class, and
aavanceastuopp ii at 1-S €w€1; (tr events- Bakerr Of Wi“°h"St‘“’ Duane R°g“S· ”g¤m*°¤S laid ‘d°W¤ by the Univer Ed Dabney of Hopknisvnie, who mp.
expected to séegtnSiiidtetninuochxiéi The Tuesday mgm p*°g“m will Of F“‘“"f°"*i M’l“`g*‘“’* Smith, °‘ sity with inspect to cm ¤f ¤1‘¤¤eriy· resented are Junior nm,
A - . ‘ probably be in charge of the Stroll- Maysvi1le;.Terrell Tapscott, of Owens- management of houses, type ef el.ehi_
gglsgliaiysbiigii t° the am°“”t °f ers. hero: Carllsle Chonoulti af Maysville: tecture in building, nnanciei reunion-
,.Gmduat€ Asgiséant Salar $400_ Wednesday, June 18, will be Com- Fred Augsberg, of Lexington; Mary Ship with banking institutions, and JOSEPHINE P. SIMRALL
Applicant must `be a ’I_aduat; ilavf rnenceinent Day and in the afternoon Elizabeth James, ot Louisville, and Sucll ether conditions as the Univer, NEW ·DEAN OF WOMEN.
majomd in Physics gm Some aug? ei final cadet hop will be held. Th; izuryne Belg of Emlinencee composed sity nlight deem propel. to impose _ _
· · . speaker for Commencement DRY all t 6 l`€lTl&lll €l' of t 9 0&$· ———·~———~——— Miss Josephine P, Simrall, at pres-
2?l:J§(;6uri€;;;c;B;£ n§gy8i]eI?;;l{;1r;:_;r(§l the time and place of the baccaiaure- Grover Creech. of Pineville, stage BOOK OF LAMENTATIONS ent dean Of women at Sweet Briar,
This Service includes no teaching, and nie Sermon have not been announced. lgiiegilegfgcgicgiieogregreiscgiaige   IN DRAMATIC Yiegim?3 has beep elected to thB·c0I__
will °°“SiSt g€“°"“Hy °f p"€‘°“"“i°“ CAPTAIN ROYDEN RE'I‘IRES· manager accamvllslwd W¤nde¤‘f¤l re- INTERPRETATION §t;p;It(i¥;$itr?(;:;·t1$;1agtiitggietiigutegi
of apparatus, and in keeping of rec- ’ ` . . · . ‘"*‘ ‘
mls °f d€*"“t“"*“t· H°“‘"S °f S"”`V‘ MAJOR BYAES SUCCEEDS tsvuzfgsuiitig cgtst ;?i:}igOiii§i;·;?$:v% A Specteculalv' vresenta- `”"’k ""°“t the mt of SGl’“’mb°’·
ice will be so arranged as not to in- _ W ks f re eration and is accmdib tion of the Book of Lamentations was Img; _ _
terfere with the carrying of gi ful] Aft€l`·ll€¤l‘}Y tive liooos of Sorvlilo sg G;ivith0a;1_€§t part Of the QYCBUBHCQ given in the chapei Of the University Miss Sunrall 1S a graduate of Wei-
scueauie or graduate work in nie the Uolvorslty Of k€“¤PFk>’ to . Ga of the my ` Of K¤¤t¤<=l’Srill€§ usaéii? 515; ($p};;uy§eiei¤ on waste me accusesuess. 1 cinema- her l
Department or Education Univoi-sity the battalion of ooootsi at that tum E“‘o"Y F1`oZ“*`· _Lo‘“`o“oob‘"g· by nie Babylgniaus in 536 B_ on was in every way quaiinen to nu the po.
. _ ` . i · gf the R, O. T. C. VVh@ll Charles Gordon, L€Xlngl0ll; T}101lliiS . · ,· · V sition litl t '—·f Kell- needed; Luciue Deon, or Marcellus; no means lacking in force?
pgwfiingiit Oi Ai-i and Design of Me,.y_ "——"‘_‘_‘ lucky, attended the ninth annual G0ll· Aliner Bolser, of Dayton; Floris Whit- —————;
land Instituto, gave a lectnreon the DUMMITT AND HAI-'EY vention of the Dlnlllla Ebeflgllé of tingliill, of Glen Dean; Catherine Me- JQURNALISTS TO ENJOY
little theatre movement, at Pettoygnn DEFEAT ROSS AND GREEN All1€l`iCP1 which C0llV€ll€d lll Chl€€lg0» gibbgn, of Cynthiana; Nettie Pushin, OUTING ON THE RIVER
` _ Hail. The meeting was under the di. *—"°” _ Thllrsdayi Friday Bild S¤tlll`dilY» Alfrlt oi Bowling Green; Eleanor Eaker, of _._..
rcction of the English club nnqi the At tho l`ogolm` Weekly ¤¤1<~>=i>¤¤i§>§ 24, 25 {lilo 26·_ Oo Thursday ovomog Prilleetflni and Th011lD$0ll Voll Do1`oo· Enoch Grehan, head of the Depart-
StI'0l]€I'S. Guests \VB]'G iXlVi[€d f]'()`])') the Henry   Law SOC1€ty’   ho took part In ·th€ Youod table dis" Of Lexillgtou- nlent of Journalism, {Ind BITS, Gréhau
the facility and from other education. Wednesday, ADYU to E· S· Domml · cussion at the dmner of State repre- Specmcniay eggtuiiies were worn yvill give an Outing the aftemon of
al institutions oi the city, of Molleta. MlSS0ll¥`l· and H·   Ha;;Y· sentatives at the G¤l`d€ll Club dlld and n special program of violin music June 7_ 501- majors et the department
Members of the English Club liv. of Grayson, ll9§¤tlV@· Wore gwoo _o Friday evening he spoke at the an- was p]ay6d_ and Staff members of the Kernel and
ing at Patterson Hall were the d€€lSlo¤ ovor H· H· Groom Oi B1`um’ lllléll bmlqoot of tho looguo ·—··—"_‘ Kentuckian, University publications.
hostcsscs and the talk was given in fllld D- C·_ Rosor of §f*°l`om€nt°* lat; ";"__‘_°‘ ROMANCE LANGUAGE CLUB The party will motor to Idlewild on
the recreation hall which was attrac- lll`lll¤tlV€· Ugdoloobgtog Reiolvligiitgitv MECHANICALS GUESTS {ET IC HEARS INTERESTING TALKS the Kentucky river, where a picnic
tively decorated with vases ot lilacs th0l`<> Sooo ’o ulvmisfl i UNIVERSITY P N —-—-— lunch, provided by the host and
and roses. After the lecture a pleas- 't`l‘¤~illtll‘< fer all gmllo Cgtlzils Gift;} »—-— The Romance Language Club of the hostess will be enjoyed after a plunge
ing presentation ot J, M, Biu·rie's United Stdtoo B9 wooo to goo The i=ii·Si picnic ever given for the U ·,el._,·ty ef Kentucky inet Monday into the riveix
"Rosalind" was given by Augustus and 22 Yooroy faculty, students and working staff of nilént, Xpril 28, with Miss Elizabeth The party will comprise about sixty
Gay, ot Lexington, Miss Henrietta l’_'_‘“ the University of Kentucky is being Featherston, 426 Aylesford Placc, persons and the return trip will be
Bedford, (lf \NfiHChBStCI`, [Ind       Dlanngd   {alle College Of E]]gi]]QQ]‘i]]g Lexington, l{y·’ and NVRS addressed   nladg   D1O0H1ight·
Christine Hopkins, of Louisville, IS GIVEN HIGH HONOR for May 24, A train sufficient for all pmigssoi- A_ Q_ Zembrod, who spoke —- 
Tea Woo S€*`V€d· MES Dara B€l'kl€Y. ·—*—‘ _ guests will be chartered and the out- On impressions oi Italy nc gained dur- BOYD MEETS WITH DEAN5_
of Lexin ton wresidin at the tea Professor Ezra L· Gillis- l'€glSo`o" in will be held at High Bridge or · c iis rztvels there. He ave special Dean Paul P. Boyd, College or Arts
G , 1 S S in:. i t S _
table, assisted by Edna Smith, of Cor- or the University of Kentucky, wail Naim-ei Bridge attention to A deseriptien ef beeuti. and Science, nttgndgd the Netiimai
bin; Nancy Smock, of Hzirrodsburg; elected president ofthe Anl9l`l€2m A$‘ The ell-day party has been pI‘0- fu1SC€H€S’ buildings and pnintingg of Convention of Deans of Arts and
Filizubeth (lard, of Pineville; Era De- sociation of Colle?-te Reglstldrd dt posed with the expressed desire that Ng ies and Florence, Science colleges. which met May1and
hoe. of Marion; Roberta Thornton, of their annual meeting in Chicago, Fri- the faculty ond students may become T1]0 Ciub has been recently organ- J at the University of Kansas. Dean
Newport; Louise Will, of Louisville, tiny, April 25. Professor Gillis tlad better acquainted socially. A request izeii ii adopted e constitution at its Boyd addressed the conference on
and Mina White, of Blackford. been the secretary of the asS0¤l=1tl0¤ is made that all personal schedules msi mooring, The club accepted Miss "Future Military Training for State
————-— for six years. His GIQCUOU oo Frost and dates be arlallged S0 that tho Margaret Tuttle’s invitation to meet Universities? Hevreturnerl to the
CORNELL EXAMINES dent established a precedent in the entire personnel of tl1eUniVe1‘SitYlll€1>' with noi- at hor home tor the next University ot Kentucky, Tuesday
DELINQUENTS. gtggociittion, which had hitherto el€<>t· attend and enjoy the picnic. prggygn] and Sociai hour. morning, May 6.
By request of the board of control ed ennually the nrst vice Dl`6Slooot ———-——— --————————— -——-—— ·
of the Grecndule Reforniatory, Dr. B. to the highest position. VARSITIES TO PLAY ALUMNI. Bgyp HQNQRED lN ABSENCE. McVEY DELIVERS ADDRESS.
C. COFIIBH OK H10 psychology (]€pEt1‘IL· One hu]i(h"@,d and Bight COUBEQS Bild A base bal] game between the Dean Pau] p_ Boyd was elected Pi·e5i(]en1; ]\/[(3Vey Of the University
ment of the University of Kentucky is universities were reDl‘g¥S€llt€d at the Varsity team ofthe University of Ken- ppggident of the Kentucky Academy of Kentucky made the chief address
oovotiog two doyo of each Wook to ox' assvciatlan by their 1`ogiSt1`m`S‘   G' tll€kY ello UW Alumni of the Uotvoo or Science which assembled Saturday. at the dedication exercises of the
amining the inmates of the institu- }[g]l, os the University of Michigan. sity Win be piayod on Stoll Field May 3_ at the University of Kentucky. Eastern State Noi-nie] School at Rich-
tio“~ Tho Porooso of thoso oxomioo-' WHS otootoo mst vice presikntt C" M' C0¤llll€ll¤€mollt week. Wobobly on Dean Boyd was not present for the mond, Thursday, May 1, and addressed
tions is to determine the mental ca- Mceonn, University of illinois, see- the aftgyuggn gf ]\/[Onday, June 16. It meeting but was attending National thc Womenjs Club at Danville Friday,
pacity of the delinquents that they ond vice president, and C· S· Mo"Sh· is not known who will COIUDOS'3 the Convention of Deans of Colleges of May 2, on "Some Kentucky Problems?
may obtain training more suited to Northwestern U¤lVeFSltY» Wim Bloch Alumni team _but it is expected that Arts and Science which.met at the His subject at Richmond was "An
their several mental abilities. ed secretary»treas¤rer· the contest will be a lively one- University ot Kansas, May 1 and 2. Eaucationai Pr0blem."