xt741n7xpq6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt741n7xpq6r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1922-10-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 9, 1922 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 9, 1922 1922 1922-10-09 2020 true xt741n7xpq6r section xt741n7xpq6r ‘. 1"“ “““



he University Senate met in the Little Theater honday: October
Iresident IcVey'presiding.

{Phe (Icuxacil Iiirnites o:' Seypteribez* 15, 22. and. 29 27ers regal axtd approve¢

The Registrar reporte: t‘ h

at Mr. Nilliam Mason yhippS, a special shMMM

hal ccmpletei three and ne—half years of college Work, with a standinso¢
D _




2.8; that the Faculty of the A ricultural College had approved his apflim-
tion for senior standing. Quoting from th; Senate Rule: I


“If he has made a stan
r c

or the course he will be
graduated Without being "3

f I
d to make up his entrano deficiencfisfl


’\ “ 1.} . C" ,.

senate voted that Mr. Phipps be classified as a senior.




flf' President McVey read the following card from Walter K. Patterson mm
:3 I; r W asked that it be made a part of the minutes:
. i H I

i .

§;€”1H‘Ef ‘1 “ ”The household of the late President Ema itus, James Kennedy l

¥ Effiéfiln , Patterson, sincerely thank you for your solicitude during his 111- '
W T at: . ness, for your sympathy and kindness since his death, and for the

i ‘lq beautiful floral offering contributed by you.”

Upon recommendation of the Graduate School Committee, it was voted
t four summer sessions satisfy the one year of residence for the
ter’s degree.

t approved the following recommendations of the College of firm

Sena e

p ,





Vocational Teacher Training 32 — Administration of Vocational Eduoa- ‘
Vocational Teacher Training 101 — to be dropped.

Vocational Teacher Training 108 - Vocational Ledis lation. 2 credim.



That the Senate grant the request of the Extension Committee to use
teachers, not regularly menbers of the Faculty, to conduct Extension
courses: Such teachers to be recommended by the head of the department
and the Dean, and approved by the President.”

The following report from the Committee on Accredited Relations Was
presented by the Chairman, and approved by the Senate:


"it its meeting in President McVey’s office on October 7, the Com-
mittee on Accredited Relations voted to recommend to the Senate that the T
present provision allowing one—half unit in commercial arithmetic be i
changed to one unit in advaxced arithmetic. This is to conform to Hm
new course for high schools having three or less teachers, arranged by 5
the State Department of Education."


The Committee also voted against the increase of required entranCe

- / . r 'I .2. -'
units from 15 to 10. This increase had been suggeSted by the State De
r Education."




The following recommendations from the College of Law were approved:



J 1. Legal Research Course: i course in the use of legal reference
‘ books, one hour a week for tWo semesters, for which one credit will be
Urov . . -~ -. . ,
L em given each semester. heither credit, however, 15 to be counted toward
K‘ graduation unless the work for both semesters is completed.
in” s ,- - . 1 . . . .
:5- L‘ 2? ho Student in the College oi Law Will be allowed to carry more
PP c? l than lb hours of class work per week. The Dean may assign fourteen
hours, but permission for one or two extra hours must be obtained from
the University Council.
Enc'e ." s .. . . . - . ,
is On motion it was voted to authorize the BreSioent to atpoint a
program committee to arrange for the University Assembly.
; //);.~ ,,1':
1 Secretary
1y !
The University Senate met in the Little Theater Friday, November 10,
‘o . ». , . .
“d PreSioont McVey pres1ding.
The minutes of October 9 and Council minutes of October 6, 13, 20
were read and approved.
firts ,
i The petition from students to be allowed to m‘ganize a local frater-
nity, Sigma Beta Xi, Which had been recommended to the Senate by the
uca- , ,
Council, was approved. a
L Senate approved a recommendation, suggested by the Executive Commit—
”ts ) tee of the Board of Trustees, that one additional member representing the
0.1 o _ ,1 o , . . . . t . . v- -
City 01 LeX1ngton be added to the Athletic} Connoil.
use . i . i
The following recommendations of tie Rules Committee Were approved:
nt ~ m w . 1 . - a
L l. The Rule Governing_Prooation . The rule excluding students on
‘ probatizn from representing the University in any public Wa‘, Shall be
w s interpreted to apoly to the freshman athletic teams as well as the VaTSitY
a _
2. The arrangement of schedules for the freshman athletic teams
m shall be in the hands of the Athletic? Council.
t l N _ . - .,
S 3. To rescin‘ the rule prohibiting scheduling of classes in Whlon
be women are students for the 5th hour Thursday.
y i 4. To rescind the following rule as a duplication of another rule;
"When a student has been absent from a class consecutively IOT
ce the instructor

De a number of times the class is scheduled per week,
shall notify the regis rar, upon a form furnished for the purpose,

.. . . V. . . 4.. F
and the stu‘ t must obtain a reinstatement card from hh«

before returning to the class.


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