xt747d2q7w4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q7w4v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 20040402 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Thirtieth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Adult Stem/Progenitor Cells" text Thirtieth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Adult Stem/Progenitor Cells" 2004 2017 true xt747d2q7w4v section xt747d2q7w4v 5&1 if? f 7?"... %&£V241§&-3 V‘Vrfi‘ .. .1 i115 . arr}. 73334.15 11‘ V .q 3—?¢.§?F..1*’E;,’5:VV 'Qai"i§.$t$t‘¥7é.u3 .‘1‘V7y7V‘ V . "Vtgflfihjé’ “ 1%}, VV " VV‘IPVe 7;: ‘1 “33%? . 3 ’ "1‘11“. 1:1 ‘V I 7%.“ 5"}. ,1- '71." “- -‘-gd2)§3
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2004 PROGRAM a - - t '.11
1 - a ; Thirtieth Annual .1
'_—__———M_ . . . _ 4r. . .
8:15 am. Registration and Continental Breakfast 10:25 am. Break(Refreshments Available) - ’33 :jf’f. .‘ Naff SympOStum on ‘If‘ 1‘1} 5. ’33:
Atrium (Room 1-65), William T. Young Library S , ,_ , ' ‘ .1 7‘72512‘ .~’, 1.573;“? "'- if: ’9
10:45 am. Poster Session, Room 137, Chemistry-Physics Building IE ‘ E L” 7 :“7‘3317’ 3 I tV‘éIX1’7'1'12‘1
9:00 am. Welcome by Dr. Boyd E. Haley, Chairman, Department at '1 Q o' , 1.- ‘3 :1 I C hem Istry ’. v1 "E
OQChGTIZtZWiWUP'YeTSItY 0t Kentucky ' Auditorium 12:00 pm. Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club [Please return registration card 0 8 5 E ,Tif‘hétie, ,- '1'113, .1.:r.1..:-’..1V~j
( oom - ), Illiam T. Young Library by March 26, 2004f," reservations] .3; . 9 E $45.9, ‘3 & {Tag-g. “2:91;“???
1— 0’ a") 1.1 ran. :5 4 ' n.
. _ _ 5.43.11. , , . f.
9 05 a m gtkfggzw Remarks Dr MarkA Lovell, University 2:00 pm. Remarks - Dr. Wendy Baldwrn, Vice Presrdent for ., 0' 5:3“: .14, .."-..,',1"’ Hl’é. 1, - . ' ..
Research, University Of Kentucky . gel)?" y’: ”41$ M o lec u la r 95,”.{: $29.1. :3 1 _,'E
9:10 am. Dr. Steven A. Goldman, University of Rochester . . . . f 3.93“ :2th 1.1.; TV...“
Medical Center 2:10 pm. Dr. Catherine M. Verfalllle, Stem Cell Institute, University ‘f-u‘Zf 75-17,; _ "'V.‘ ‘ .31
“Isolation, Induction and Use of Neural Progenitor at Minnesota His/{1's .1733 I BIOIO . - 1'; I
Cells of the Adult Human Brain" MultipotentAduIt Stem Cells" 1. 1394.? 'afiyz 1. .1 L .14... .. - '1'!
. . . , , f“... .%.,:;“"_."' '. '; y .- '. -.."V‘ :23.“
Recent studies have substantially expanded our conception of the types _ _The qumtessential stem cell '5 the embryonal stem (ES) cell WhICh has 51 I“”I'~ (I? VV’WV‘" ’ .V -. :11
of progenitor cells that continue to reside in the adult nervous system, and “”t'm'ted self-renewalland multipotent differentiation potential. Stem cells '3: VV 75;"; 7’1 . . I V’Vffii‘V’ie1)
theirrespective roles in the normal maintenance ofthe brain and spinal cord. havef‘lso been 'dem'f'ed in most tissues. Compared With ES GettS. tissue '- . V ‘77. 1 \. .1/ t” ‘7‘ VV’3
Inthe adult human, neural stem cells persist withinthe forebrain ventricular SPBFITIC Stem cells have less self-renewal ability and, althoughthey ditterenti~ V1,]; [.71. '1 1 t ;- ' ’1 355%
zone. and give rise to a variety of more restricted progenitor phenotypes. ate [mo mU't'P"? llneages, they are h0t multipotent. A large number 0t recent 1 . .' V17. " :3 / t" .1; 1.1:" "V ‘1‘
The major progenitorpools ofthe human brain, each of which has now been PUbl'st‘gd StUd'eS have SUQQGSted that tissue specific stem calls may have :21 1.1.7 V ‘77- .. t V 7513} 7.
isolated to purity, include ventricularzone neuronal progenitorcells, hippoc- the ab't'ty to generate cells oftissues from unrelated organs. We have iden1 2‘1.“ :r .g . :1 /' 7. ....- i- . “4
ampal neuronal progenitors, and parenchymal glial progenitorcells. Each of “mad a POPU'at'Pn 0t Pt'm't'Ve cells in “Otmat human: VOdeNti and POSSib'Y If: ‘ ’ 1 5'1. ' ,1 "' ' .7 “'1'? 1:,
these phenotypes exists within a local environmental niche, which tightly other mammalianpost-natal tissues that have, at the single cell level, - I I . V 5. l ‘1 I V 1‘ ‘.-’
regulates both the mitoticactivity and derivatives of its residentprogenitors. ”‘U‘t'Potentdlfferentlatlon andextensiveproliferation potentialwhich we named [ ' ' ‘ 1 7 4:12;} l
Within these niches, both neuronal and glial progenitor cells may reside as .Mutt'PO'teht AdUtt Progenitor Cell 0" MAPC- Single MAPC differentiate in Vitro ' v- t ‘1 ‘3 43531531.: t
transit amplifying pools, by which lineage-biased progenitors expand to re- "it? WOSt mesodermal cell types (cells with phenotypic and functional charac- t’_.,.f,—'_.-'-.‘-'f.;, . ': 1‘ {J ,' «.1941 V- t
plenish discrete mature phenotypes. The largest such pool appears to be teristics of osteoblasts, chondroblasts, fibroblasts, adipocytes, skeletal, smooth 2, ‘ "4, , .1. g , , ;--j when“? t
that ofthe parenchymalglialprogenitorcell.Whenisolated and transplanted and cardiac myoblasts,endothelialcells), as well as cells With neuroectoder- $31.» JV : ai GStabIIShed m the memory Of 'tV'V 5;. V771“ :5; t
into neonatal shiverermice,whose brains Iackmyelin basicproteinand hence mal and Mt" endodermal features. MAPC undergo 80to >200 cell doublings £15177 Vt Ann 8 N ff VVVVVVV V
otherwise fail to myelinate, these cells can mediate quantitatively substan- W'thOUt telomere shortening, suggesting that they do hOt senesce. M01159 V V 1'12“ '9 a ' a - 1.3‘VVVVj3’" V
tial and geographically extensive myelination. Remarkably, whereas adult MAPC contribute 1‘? all tissues of the mouse when injected in a blastocyst, 1 3" ‘3711‘ fife 1:09;." V3"
glial progenitor cells only generate oligodendrocytes and astrocytes within and MAPC engraft In vivoin hematopoietic and epithelial tissues in response 7 :.:_‘1’_.‘1't--§.;.-$I "' t" 1. 27g ‘
theirlocal white matter environment, upon removal from the tissue environ- to local, "cues" when Injected postnatally. We will discuss studies aimed at .. “ 53:11, :f i “,fzé‘p. '1. 12,. "1 {.
ment they expand to generate neurons as well as glia. Thus, at least some determining whether MAPC exist in vivo or are a culture phenomenon, to , ‘ .. - '..}-.$;.-1" . ' E "'1 1" .. V '
populations of adult glial progenitors retain both multilineage capacity and further characterize MAPC using gene expression profiling, and the potential ' I . '. 1g , Ada” Stem/Progenitor cells t g .’
mitotic competence, suggesting that the parenchyma, like the ventricular 0t these cells 1” VIVO- LO .1 '. 31,!- ‘ 1.13 ———————— 5,13 l 14“.» [TV-l:
zone, harbors resident neural stem cells. _ . 10 V‘ «if 3,, t. 1V3.
Besides implanting precursor cells for therapeutic benefit, one may 3'10 p.m. Break(Refreshments Available) E 8 37$ $ , 1,; 1 ”’1
also achieve this end by inducing endogenous stern and progenitor cells. in . . . . . U) >~. I if}! 35:15:73; "~V “"
particular, progenitor cells in the adult ventricular wall may be induced to 3'30 p.m. Dr Pasko Rakic, Yale Unwersuty $9h°°l otMed'c'T: E x 8 ”A?” fit SPEAKERS .. 1":..A 31‘?“
generate new neurons by over-expressing cognate neuronal differentiation From Stem Cells To Complex Bram Architecture <1) 8 Lo V: "77 ‘l‘11'Zthrt ‘ 41;“ ‘5" V?"
agents, such as BDNF. Moreover, we have noted that the concurrent sup- Th - ~ ~ 1 1 -C "" O . «.1. at a" '1: 1V:
pression of astroglial diflerentiation by resident stem cells,accomplished by replace :dlslttengitrghgihlfilhsasg 6:1: gzmggserdqzlrrtglsctgsh: IrEeZZIStsclgttVfijts; :30, 0 g V ' ”1'1, 13753”: 7‘ Steven A. Goldman ;1 131““
agggixzf:iggemztzciwglggsgem:§{§::9:§;tt‘,g”pgtfiéwggtm:habit: neurodegenerative disorders. However, inability of the adulthuman brain to M5 E g 11:226.; V ’12,)": Catherine M Verfaillie fhtrj
adult rat neostriatum. The new neurons mature as striafal medium spiny replace VS neurons may not be due to the absence Of potential progenitors, E O t. ‘2‘ ~31 '7’ P k R k' V": - "‘VVfiV
. . . butto its resrstance to accepting newcomers Into the exrsting neural network. “ . .211 «are?» as 0 a 'C 4v;
neurons. and successfully proiectto theglobuspallidus, extending processes In contra It I' b a) .2" C 5219635319.. ' 1 1. ”hi: 5’11
over several mm of normal adult striatum The neurogenic effect of BDNF that can (sepgggngeggon—rgammaf '3,” vvebrte' rates, suchl as Lhehsalamander, E 7) .9 ‘fi‘r‘,’ E '7'?“
. . ' . 0 ions 0 air rain an spina cor , umans ave ;_ ce‘i‘e' €31“! ""“‘ hie-«‘2': ‘ ' 1'
and noggintreatment was also noted in the R62 mouse model of Huntington‘s 1 - p- ~ - - t m 1 ‘ 1 ‘1‘1 - "‘ 13*...qu N..-’!';.11.1...
. . . . . , evrdently lost this capacrty. Thus, overcoming the brain‘s resrstance to the «5 CD c ' £84.51" a. -- . . W ‘c.- ~- 1
35:13:;hiurggfiztggaggftggfigg::gfs'zagtégém“;Sttgztseegé’gggfiéarfigtgrgfé acquisition offunctionally competent new neurons will require an understand- 8- E '52 11:2, ,2??ch Frlday, Apr" 2, 2004 f0)"; VV’V
. . ' ' in ofwh ‘ " ' 741.153.. *“ 1.. t v: IV‘Ifwj‘i-‘t’f
that as our understanding ofthe biology and control of adult neural progeni- Wig'ldOWS 2::wfigflgfésafgaézs,oi;§h:n§n: 3:712:16 lféiifiivgcng?:ngail “fie D D 3 hi7 V35 ’1?” V: A“: i -. '53 VI. :r’lVC’V"
tor cells becomes more extensive, our ability to target, induce and implant phenomenon Our comparative study of dFevelopmpental cellular evthts 1|: .7 i" 7. "3‘ '4}? Vat 1t}: ’15"??? It: 51‘?
these cells fortherapeutic purposes Will become increasmgly manifest. mouse, monkey and human elucidate both similarities as well as differences ' 5' 3‘1“”; Department Of Chemistry 111,7”; . ;?§’,1;5i‘
10:10 am. Dr. Fred Starks in control of cell productionthaf may be relevant for understanding brain evo- G '.;1'“'."."1312%§”f.3"*,’_—5.3£ ' ' -'¢‘ 4‘; “V1.1. I .75. .'
”Re m embrance of Dr Benton Naff" lution as well as for designing strategies for cell replacement therapies. “*«xffiaé‘i Ul'llVel'Slty Of KentUCky g1 ".12,~14i~;%$" -'
' ’l ,t 5”“:‘7‘ 7'73?” : ' _ :- ..__ 1"” ._ . ”2,;
a“... 2......r 1-2 .4 .. ......-.(http.=I/www-ch.em-uky-.9d.u/..s,em.inars/naft/welcomemtml) V1 Lexmgton, KY 40506 0055 ”If-EV 3"
Egg-5'; V 1 7, 'V. 4'4)?“ IV} 1‘; "n.3, . ”9:? 3515.11» 1 " .. ' V’ afl: ... w’fizifieé €3,ng TV "'~.‘*“.,5.";’V..'.:3fi:.€?'; .5 L. 47“,? .1.” 11- - .. -:,i.11-‘x.’-4“’7.-'...“5; V 'J . ' " *“f'i' .’ gayi’fiiw‘, § «V‘Vfi’fi‘th‘gV‘; 3&45 4% ‘
,- . ‘ V. 5”,,” . ‘ , 4.35 .55}, , {,7 r ,9. 1,. ',...:,' .71 .21"); _., 1.1311: .'~. ‘:7 .411 .5 . . a, ‘ 7;.‘1'1'. Ak.‘ . .1 4,1,: 4:1,, .52., ,(1 $1.. .1. ”7",, 11-4,}. .. .‘3‘2-1 3. .1195? 33.5,“, “if 3113',“ ,11, ,, '." - ,;-.«1 1‘-'»,‘.‘..’ I “1:2, , . 1+, .13 1. '.'.-. 1,1 .f?"*1"-‘ {5,1342% ‘. 1 119,13, ‘, .7... +3.1 . , .1.._.1 3,-1 .,., .
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a 329’,“ 253 V’Vov 17V "34.1,. “trim“: ‘tin" 1:5?“ :3: '7.“ 2?th 390.1%,“ :V'VV- V *2 ”h’tzV : “QVJ Vite; 3.1V 91' :9»? .VV’V‘filt v’V-VV‘ {V‘x‘VV ‘2», 52a: :s‘nVRVVV . . Vxxwmé
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'1 '1 . ;'. '. "1.. 111:14'21...é:.~1« ‘.=-. = '-“ 1"? =31 1 -. 1‘. "I ”3:1 1 ‘59? '1'”: 5"?‘3; 1.1?7'12 1.13515 - 1'1“: .“E j” . 1"51' ’1‘? ":'=~.~‘*t"1 ”*1¥?a"¥’€"i#r :55‘ :“11'1‘".1’:iv-1 7'}

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Department of Chemistry, UniverSlty of Kentucky 3*}
- 32,-; :Ef‘iéf'fii
presents the Eff"?! :
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Thlrtleth Annual Naff Symposmm on 3.,th
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Chemistr & t9
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Molecular Biology
established in the memory of Anna S. Naff Eff?
Friday, April 2, 2004 9.00 am. EEEEEE,
a; . . . . . “£5.71; , '1‘ "'~ a
g William T. Young lerary Auditorium «9342;,
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Adult Stem/Progenitor Cells t
E ,_ Steven A. Goldman, Professor of Neurology and Chief of the Department of Neurology Divi- gngEEh
' ' ' sion of Cell and Gene Therapy, University of Rochester Medical Center. Ph.D., The Rockefeller ’ 5:3“;
3,; .. . , University, 1983; M.D., Cornell University Medical College, 1984; Benjamin Franklin National Scholar, {tints}: “"
t ' g j University of Pennsylvania, 1974-78; Senatorial Scholar, State of Pennsylvania, 1974-78; Mayor's E‘Sfi‘gfifif
’ - m . Scholar, City of Philadelphia, 1974-78 ; Phi Beta Kappa, University of Pennsylvania, 1977; Grass *EEWTEPEE
gt; 9% :t‘, ., Foundation Fellowship, 1978; Medical Scientist Training Program Trainee, USPHS, 1978-84; Cornell ‘M‘k'flfié
9 E Scholar in Biomedical Science, 1988—91; Clinical Investigator Development Award, NIH/NINDS, $13” Kw
1988-93; FIRST Award, NIH/NINDS, 1992-97; Irma T. Hirschl Career Scientist Award, 1993-97; $5M”
E . Jacob Javits Neuroscience Investigator Award, NINDS, 2002-09; Nathan Cummings Professor of gutécE-sf:
3, Neurology and Neuroscience, Cornell University Medical College, 2001-03; Adjunct Professor of “v t gag:
ft Neurology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 2003-present; GIenn—Zutes Chair in Biology Rmv
E of the Aging Brain, University of Rochester Medical Center, 2003-present; Member: American gm“
E Neurological Association, (Elected 1995); American Society for Clinical Investigation, (Elected 2001 ); American Academy of :7, tag“ Eta;
itNeurolOQV; American Society for Cell Biology; American Society for Gene Therapy; Association for Nervous and Mental égm.
E Diseases; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Society for Neuroscience. E""
r V—. ll
" . Catherine M. Verfaillie, Professor of Medicine, Director of the Stem Cell Institute, Uni- :fiéEfi,
{If}! versity of Minnesota. M.D., Summa Cum Laude, University of Leuven Medical School, {E‘fi
‘ ,. {IN/i Belgium, 1982; Special Fellow, Leukemia Society of America, 1991 ; Special Fellow, 'Fundacion "1%,; $5222“ E
E 2..., ts; ;, ,_ Em“ a“ lnternacional Jose Carreras Para La Lucha Contra La Leucemia,‘ 1991; Young Investigator 35E 1%?‘V:
t, , ' Egg, «so 9, '. . “ E “T“ Award, International Society of Exp. Hematology, 1992; Scholar, Leukemia Society of America, “first”
it E g: tEE *‘I be: 1995; Elected, Member, American Society of Clinical Investigation, 1996; Outstanding Inves- ‘ijd‘:
E} 2.7“” , é g tigator Award, Central Society, 1996; Anderson Chair in Stem Cell Biology, 1999; Tulloch Wfié‘fi’g
gay“ " “E C -. ,z " w' W Chair in Stem Cell Biology, Genetics and Genomics, 1999; Elected, Councilor, American ¥;‘J "
” "", Society of Clinical Investigation, 2001; McKnight's Presidential Chair in Stem Cell Biology, ,LE '5"-
E , . 2 2001; Elected Vice President (2002), President Elect (2003) and President (2004), Interna- t,
v tional Society of Experimental Hematology; 4th Annual Landazuri Lecture, University of 9:65
Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 2002; Damashek Medal, American Society of Hematology, 2002; 1%
{Doctor Honoris Causa, KatoIieke Universiteit van Leuven, Belgium, 2003; Distinguished Woman Scholar Award, University {Ema .
Egof Minnesota, 2003; Elected, Member, American Association of Professors, 2003; Elected, Member, Royal Belgian Academy ““5““
got Medicine, 2003; 2003 Jose Carreras Award, European Society of Hematology, 2003; Forum Engelberg Prize, Lucerne, “tag
2 Switzerland, 2003; Gulden Spoor voor Vlaamse Internationale Uitstraling, vzw Vlaanderen-Europa, 2003; Stewart-Niewiarowski 3‘1?
§Award for Women in Vascular Biology, 2004; Jimenez Diaz Price for Scientific Achievements in Research, 2004. giftiE
E ' sw-ét’tfria':t*°‘ it
‘5 .t 93-: -~‘i't‘.~‘
E E , Pasko Rakic, Professor of Neurology, Professor and Chairman of Neurobiology, Yale Efflig" ‘E
E E , W..- w " University School of Medicine. M.D., University of Belgrade, 1959; D.Sc., University of f‘g e
it" i E , 3t fit Belgrade, 1969; MS. (Honorary), Yale University, 1978; Dorys McConnell Duberg Chair in lgrtx's’fifp
,t I, .. ¥ {egfi Neuroscience, Yale University, 1978-present; Member, National Academy of Sciences, USA, 3;,‘W
'5‘);- 9‘3“ ~29};;’a.‘ 3% :2, 1985; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1994; Institute of Medicine, 1999; Croatian fvtt'is
5 91a, ' W" 3; Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1990; Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1985; Presi- @8931?
E ” . dent, Society for Neuroscience, 1996; President, Cajal Club, 1992; Gerard Prize, SFN, 2002; v‘fwg’tmd
g ,1 Bristol-Myers Squibb Neuroscience Award, 2002; Pasarow Foundation Award, 2001; Marta *9; ”gift
g - “it Philipson Award, Stockholm, 2000; Karl Spencer Lashley Award, Amer. Philosophical Soci- may”:
” 't §§3 ety, 1986; Francois | Medal, College de France, 1986; Pattison Award in Neuroscience, 1986; “si A»;
1 ‘ '5‘” " Kreig Award, 1989; F. O. Schmitt Medal and Lecture, 1992; Fyssen International Science ,ggEEgté
_ Prize, 1992; Weinstein-Goldenson Scientific Award (United Cerebral Palsy Foundation), 1994; If
§Henry Gray Award, AAA, 1996; Grass Foundation Lecture,1985; Ramon y Cajal Lecture, Cajal Institute, Madrid; Selby Fel- "l'fi'w
Elow, Australian Academy of Science, 1983; NINDS Javits Award, 1984-91, 1991-97; Doctor Honoris Causa, Albert Sent— 4‘
EGeorgyi Univ., Szeged; Doctor Honoris Causa Universitatis Studiorum Zagrebiensis, 1997. {W’s-1?;
FREE PARKING (20 spaces) available at the William T. Young Library in the Visitor Parking Lot on Hilltop Avenue. Naff $2?th
{signs will indicate the reserved area. Show this brochure to the parking attendant in the truck when you arrive and depart to take fit-WE '1? 5'19 ‘
tgcare of the parking fee. Additional parking (for a fee) available in UK Medical Plaza Parking Garage, located approximately one 5E5? 945,1“
{block south of the Chemistry-Physics Building; this garage can be accessed from both Rose and Limestone Streets - look for f3'ffl”
EMedical Plaza Parking signs. For additional information, call Professor Mark A. Lovell, Department of Chemistry, (859) 257-1412 £395” :55
» ext. 251 or by e-mail (malove2@ uky.edu). JKEQE.
E 2004 Committee: Mark A, Lovell, Chair (Chemistry), Bert C. Lynn, Jr. (Chemistry), William R. Markesbery (Center on Aging) ggfgigg‘
2 Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund 393?“;
E (additional support provided by the office of the Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky) filfiéfii
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