xt747d2q827w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q827w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-09-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 2000 2000 2000-09-14 2020 true xt747d2q827w section xt747d2q827w LEFT OF CENTER


They said it

Humorous things said for




fun or in accident to
brighten up your day.

has kept

all the
to keep.”

- George

Clinton aide.


“It is
to be
here in
the great
state of
— Dan Quayle,

former vice

“A fool

and his
are soon


— Vlill Rogers.

of the
ton has
one of
rates in


— Mayor Marion
Washington, D.C.



-Compiled bw Ron



THE 411 j

6.6 4.;

Sunny for the rest of
the week and the week-

VOL. 3106


Nev-Is tips’
Call: 257-1915 or write:



Want a pet?

The pros and
cons of
college life
with a pet l3


UK's “next great" president

‘A little bit goes a long way': Students say they want a
president who will be more involved with students, campus

9y Julie Nelsgi

A handful of students gathered
\N'ednesday for what was the last titiie they
could step on their soaphoxes to talk ahoiit
what they want iii the next UK president.

And as many made their feelings
known to an all-ears presidential search
committee. one trait seemed to outweigh
the others.


The students gathered at the forum
wattt the next president to he involved in
their lives. involved in their education. in.
volved in every aspect of l'K's campus.

"The president at l.(‘(‘ walks the hall-
ways and greets students." said Rick
Swanson. a political science graduate stu
dent. “I don't see anyone at UK doing

Swanson also said he thinks the next
president should put a great deal of focus
on the teaching environment at UK. He al-
luded to the holted down desks and chairs
in many I'K classrooms that make teach-
ing a very ditlicult task.

"There is an utter neglect of the teach-
ing mission at this university." he said.
“The next president should focus on how
we can make the most positive learning


The night the lights went out

Students on parts of north and central campus found themselves sitting in the dark Tuesday night because of a power outage. The outage
happened at 10:39 p.m., said Jack Applegate, director of the physical plant division. He said a failed transformer, a device that controls
power voltage, caused the outage. Students studying in the William T. Young Lihrary went outside during the outage. Power was restored at
the library and most of central campus by 11:19 pm.



Put up your dukes: Student carried high school tradition
to UK and meets opposition from the police



It was just another (‘hristmas present
under Greg Holden‘s tree last year: a sim
ple punching hag to hang from the ceiling
and to knock around once in a while.

But it inspired much more

Holden atid three of his classmates at
Scott (‘oiinty High School in Georgetown
hogan spending their free time at Holden‘s
house taking swings at the punching hag.

Soon they grew hored with the inanr
tnate opponent.

And so. their fight cluh was horn.

The group hegan fightittg one another.
friend against friend. fist against flesh.
They sponsored a tournament and raised
more than $21k) for headgear and gloves.

Holden. an undeclared freshman.
made the 15-minute move to Lexington

front Georgetown this fall. but he didn't
leave the fight cliih hehind.

Holdeti met with some of his high
school friends and more than at) others in
the Keeneland Hall hasetnent last week to
establish the fight cluh's presence at I'K.
But Keeneland staff. afraid having some
one hurt inside the residence hall. told the
group to take their fighting itito the street.

So the group moved out onto
Keeneland Drive. More than 60 people
gathered to watch the fights on the street.
Holden said. But their cliih soon found
they couldn‘t continue in the street. l’K Po
lice told them they had to stop hecatise
they were hlocking the road.

When the club does get together. they
sit around and talk for a while. Holden
said. Then someone offers to fight first. Att-
other person answers his challenge aiid

Amy Shelton. a Spanish and linguis»
tics senior. added to Swanson‘s statement
hy saying l'K's campus is not condiicive to
a positive learning environment. She said
hecause of the design of the campus. free
speech is repressed and a free flow ex
change of ideas is not

“The whole campus should he an envi
romnent of learning." Shelton said. "Stu
dents teaching students. not just teachers
teaching students ”

Shelton added that [TK's campus
should have tnore open space where stii
dents could have a common place to gath
er. This open space. she said. will help at
tract students.

"I would hope the next president
would consider students as the numher
one thing that will help this he a top ‘lo
university." Shelton said.


club causes ruckus

the fighting hegins. ()ne person acts as ref
eree. keeping fighters frotn hitting each
other in the nose or gottiiig out of hand. he

The crowd encourages the fighters hy
stomping and cheering.

Holden doesn't worry ahoiit the crowd
getting out of control He said the lighting
actually unified people at his high school.

"If people come iii with expressed piir~
pose of hurting. we stop them." he said.

The group hasn't met since the police
told them they were blocking the road. hut
Holden is hanging onto the idea of a fight
club at UK. He is now looking for a faculty
sponsor so the group can hecoine a regis»
tered student organi/ation.

Holden does not know how he cotild
give up an activity he loves so much

"It is an adrenaline rush." he said. "It
gets oitt aggression and is kind of a stress

Ironically. Holden said trading hlows
with a stranger is a good way to make

“It is a honding experience." he said.

It is an adrenaline rush. It gets out aggression
and is kind of a stress release.”


How the president chooses to adminis
irate [K was another topic of conci rn at
the forum.

Sm’et'al students said the president
should not let politics choose how they act
on aii issue. and should empower students
to make more decisions.

As the hour and a-half long discussion
made its way hack to involvement on cam
pus. former l'lx' SGA president Nate
Brown joined hv suggesting a few ways the
next president get more involved.

He said the president could write a
monthly article for The Kernel. have inter-
views on WRIT. hold office hours and sit
ill on classes.

“A little hit goes a long way.” Brown

"It is hard for the president to meet
with :loooe students. hut lie or she can
make the effort to interact with them."


earn high

Achieving: LCC students
awarded scholarships funded
by companies, individuals

By Lamin Swann

ASSrstiki mastoid}:

l.(‘(‘ students frotn the architectural
technology and dental hygiene programs
were honored and awarded with scholar-
ships totaling 343(k).

At the architectural technology annu
al meeting. students Barhara Ball and
Wendi l’owell each received a $500 schol-
arship donated by (‘onstruction Specifica-
tions. Two $1.110!) scholarships were
awarded to Billy Salyer and Billy Ryker.
These were donated by Buford Burchfield
and a Slooo scholarship was awarded to
ltustin Randall. donated by Tri-State
Roofing and Sheet Metal Company.

.liin Rerley. I.(‘(‘ president. praised
the companies and individuals who gave
support and monetary donations to the

"I appreciate the donors who have
played such an itnportant role in our abil-
ity to provide scholarships to these de-
serving students." Kerley said.

The architectural technology pro-
gram. which has heen in existence for
over :to years and the only kind in the
state. exposes students to a broad range of
architectural interests such as computer-
aided design and construction manage-

“It‘s a tniiltidisciplinary two-year
technology program focusing on knowl-
edge such as building codes. systems. con—
struction management and architectural
history. said Tom Rogers. coordinator of
the program

Some of the criteria the students
needed to he awarded architectural tech»
nology scholarships are completion of 12
hours in the program. a .‘ltt cumulative
grade-point average at l.(‘(‘ and previous
work experience or interest in

Kerley is also proud of the student
and faculty achievement within the

"I atn very proud. across the hoard. of
this handson program. frotn the high cal--
iher of the faculty to the dedicated stu-
dents." he said.

Also at l.(‘(‘. second-year dental hys
gione student (,‘hristy Smith was awarded
the LR. Bean Oral Radiology Award at
the I.(‘(‘ chapter of the Student American
Dental Hygienists‘ Association meeting

The award is named after longtime
dental instructor Ilr. Laurence Bean. who
taught at I.(‘(‘ and I'K. Bean created the
$300 endowment iii 1991. Bean passed
away in 199.3 hot the endowment is still
maintained by his widow. Susan Bean.

The award is given annually to a sec‘
ond-year dental hygiene student who pos-
sesses empathy with patients. a sense of
ltitmor and exceptional oral radiography



z | THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 2000 Vigitcu‘rucityitcnuct



The Low-down

know, we
do more
than just
sing and
We’ve got
a brain,

~ Kevin
Backstreet Boys
member, to
Huntsville Times,
which reports
that the group is
investing in a
new hotel down-
town there.

Plea deal negotiated for Wen Ho Lee

ALBlYQUERQUE, NM. Wen Ho Lee was
set free yesterday after pleading guilty to one
count under a deal in which prosecutors all but
abandoned their crumbling case against him.
nine months after beitig placed in solitary con-
tinement as a national security threat. US. Dis—
trict Judge James Parker said he was bound by
the plea agreement to sentence the tired Los
Alamos scientist to 278 days. one day less than he
already has served since his arrest last Decem-
ber. in court. Lee read a statement in which he
admitted using an unsecure computer to down-
load a document relating to national defense
onto a tape.

Blair rejects tax concessrons

LONDON Prime Minister Tony Blair.
joined by leaders in Belgium and Gertnany. re-
jected any concessions on fuel taxes yesterday.
despite worsening protests that have snarled
traffic and left gas pumps honedry across much
of Britain. "Real damage is now being done to
real people.” Blair said at his second news cone
theme in as many days, as the lack of fuel trig
gered school clositigs. delayed non-vital surgery
in hospitals and even threatened Britain's fa-
mously reliable Royal Mail. Europeans » Britons
especially « pay sortie of the highest gasoline
prices in the world.

Watts to Bush: Get back on offense

WASHINGTON A top House Republican
said yesterday that George W Bush needs to get
back on offense after allowing Al Gore to control
the political ball the past three weeks. “If you‘re
on defense. you're probably losing." Rep. .l.(‘.
Watts. the House GOP t‘onference chairman and
a former lfniversity of Oklahoma quarterback.
said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Bush has struggled in recent weeks as Gore has
pulled ahead in some national polls and made
races in sotne states competitive.

Consultant hired to promote Bush

WASHINGTON Republican presidential
nominee George W. Bush. whose lead over De—
mocrat Al Gore slipped away this month in
many national polls. has hired Washington con-
sultant Ed Gillespie to help hone his message.
All expert at melding policy and politics. Gille—
spie will help Bush shape and deliver his agenda
from the campaign‘s headquarters in Austin.
Gillespie and other Bush advisers said his hiring
is part of the natural growth ot'a general election
campaign. not a sign that Bush is discontent
with his team.

The personal
physician to
Elvis Presley
lost his bid on
Wednesday to
have his med-
ical license
restored by
the Tennessee
Board of
Examiners. In
1980 Dr.
George C.
now 73, had
his license
suspended for
ing to Presley
and he was put
on probation
for three
years. Presley
died in 1977.

Museum of Fine
Arts is about
to put on dis-
play the guitar
of a rock music
legend. Jimi
Hendrix's 1967
Gibson Flying V
- complete
with a psyche-
delic flower-
power pattern
designed by the
guitarist - is
among some
130 instru-
ments in
Curves: Art of
the Guitar."

New batteries for space station

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -»— Space shuttle
Atlantis' astronauts plugged four fresh batteries
into the international space station yesterday, a
job that required a hammer, chisel and brute
force. American Daniel Burbank and Russian
Boris Morukov could not remove a bracket in
the floor of the Russian module Zarya to get at a
battery component. because the plates were riv-
eted down. After a consultation. Burbank held
the chisel while Morukov pounded it with the

Senate KOs China trade attachment

WASHINGTON The Senate defeated a pro-
posal today to attach anti-weapons-sales sanc-
tions to a bill permanently normalizing trade re-
lations with China. opening the path for passage
of the most important trade bill of this Congress.
The vote was 65-32 against the weapons prolifera-
tion amendment, with numerous senators saying
they support the goals of tougher monitoring of
Chinese weapons sales.

NATO bars Milosevic from Kosovo

BRUSSELS. Belgium .. If Yugoslav Presi-
dent Slobodan Milosevic goes to Kosovo as part
of his national election campaign. NATO-led
forces will immediately arrest him. NATO Secre-
tary-General Lord Robertson said yesterday. A
spokesman for Milosevic‘s Socialist Party said
recently the president would go to both Kosovo
and h’lontenegro. the smaller of the two republics
in the Yugoslav federation. during the campaign
for the Sept. 24 presidential and parliamentary
elections. That vote is seen as the ultimate test of
the autocratic ruler's strength.

Storms flood streets in Japan

TOKYO Skies cleared today over cities
swamped by Japan's heaviest rain on record, but
streets were still flooded and fears of landslides
kept hundreds of thousands of people away from
their homes. The torrential rains yesterday in
central Japan - bolstered by a typhoon creeping
up from the. south - killed seven people. stranded
50.000 bullet train passengers and forced Toyota
and Mitsubishi to halt production.

Two fumbles, Howard loses job

JACKSONVILLE. Fla. ~~ Chris Howard got
his first start at running back for the Jack-
sonyille Jaguars and dropped the ball; yesterday.
coach Tom Coughlin decided to drop him from
the team. Howard was waived just three days af-
ter he had two fumbles on only eight carries in a
39-36 loss to the Baltimore Ravens.

Compiled from wire reports.



mt officials recently «mod the beginning o


What do you think UK should spend money on?
more parking

- morn KELLY caveman
scrclics JUNIOR

Need to build a
new dorm and
hire more



some of the

around here.


Spend money
on tenure for
professors that
don’t have it.




a campaign that will raise $400 million for the





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OCoIiege of Education
OCollege of Engineering
OCollege of Fine Arts
OHonors Program
OCollege of Human Environmental Sciences
Olnforgation Systems
OCollege of Law
OLexington Community College
OUniversity Libraries
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OMartin School of Public Policy and Administration
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about a specific showcase call
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r.— ‘ 2


gr‘Tm'T‘ti fl.‘






Mott Hulcahey

Scene Editor

Phone: 257-I9IS

Email: lernelartdyahoocom

Patrick Avery
Assistant Scene Editor

Phone: 257~l9l5
Email: kernelarteyahootom


Plot are -’ £193th pets


Movie pets 3513

Look at me,



I'm so prett "

I Can students care for a pet? Factors to consider

By Sarah 20pr

(.‘urtsinger said,
“It was hard to keep him
.. . from messing around the
Remember ~‘“”}Eqm”t kitten. place. plus he was such a big
puppy “i hamstci. Remembu dog that he had no room to
how fun it was to cuddle up with run. I really felt sorry for
it on a cold night or chase it him ~
around the yard or living room? Wilson agrees that there
Now think back even harder an. many challenges to tak-
for a moment. Remember clean- in" care (3f her dog
. . g .
ing up the messes.’ Remember "He was alone a lot
feeding n and 31‘7”“; It fresh “7" while I was in class and my
ter twice a day. Do you remem- roommates didn't always
her taking it to the vet when it want m play with him."
got sick and threw up all over the Wilson ““1 "It W,“ m
””0." . much responsibility. 1
Those are most likely the guess like having your
day was memories your mom and dad first kid'" ‘
’ have. . Along with the usual
there Many .“i .‘18 ”Kw” knew the pet care challenges. there
responsibilities of having a pet 1m. (”m additional charges
was until we had our own. which in .n many apartment wm
many cases. is not near the expe- plows for 1mm“ kcepili”
.‘ . ) . . , , . , , g ‘ ‘ ‘ k ‘ ?‘
always a ”on“ “‘ had “5 *“i‘” i- pets. Some apartment com
up t As we get older and move out plexes charge up to .i Qty—)0

It was
like no
Putty hOW
hard my
Pets you
don't want

of the house. living on our own annual M, for cats and dogs
can get lonely. even with room in addition to a monthly fee.
mates. Often. people get a pet to Other 11%“QO complexes

Where to find
cuddly animals

Looking for a new pet? Animals of all
types can be found at a variety of places

By Hillary Cromer


Forget the cats and dogs; it's raining fish. snakes. birds
and hamsters.

If you want a pet. though. you can‘t wait for them to fall
out of the sky: there is a process involved.

Joey Von Dohlen, the assistant supervisor of adoption
at the Lexington Humane Society said that everyone should
have a pet of some sort.

“Having a pet builds character." he Silltl. “Everybody
should have one. whether it‘s a cat. dog. frog or gerbil."

The Humane Society primarily has cats and dogs
available for adoption. Von Dohlen said that at any given
time. at least 50 dogs are awaiting homes.

The animals at the Humane Society are of mixed breed

and are less expensive than
those you would purchase from a
pet store or breeder. The adoption
fees cover the rabies vaccination. a
feline leukemia test for cats. spay-
ing or neutering of the animal
and a microchip for identifica~

It mammals
aren't your forte.

try reptiles.

Chris McClanahan. owner of the
Animal House pet shop. recom»
mends reptiles to busy college stu-

dents because they are Iowvmainte-

Killer whale

Head lice

Pets you
can get for

Homeless people


home to
and play
— Cara Wilson,


keep them company. but along
with that pet comes many chal-
lenges. When living in the dorms
or apartments. taking care of a
pet is more of a struggle than a

(Tara Wilson. a psychology
sophomore. and Sarah
(‘urtsinger. a clrmmunications
sophomore. lived in their first
apartment last year on the north
side of Lexington. Wilson decided
she wanted a new black lab puppy
named (‘obi. one that could live in
the apartment and make it more
like home.

"It was like no matter how
hard my day was. there was al»
ways a puppy to come home to
and play with." Wilson said. “It
was a stress relief. Who could re-
sist a wagging tail?”

(‘urtsinger likes pets. though
she dislikes babysitting her room-
mate's pet.

do not even allow anything
over the size of a hamster or a
small fish aquarium.

In most apaitments if a pet is
found. you can recieve a hefty fine
or be evicted.

Then there are the dorms.
where you can forget having a pet
unless you really like to stare at Ll
miniature fish tank for hours on

Having pets can be one of the
most rewarding experiences Ill
life. hilt taking care of them Ill

sniall quarters with limited time

to give can be heartln‘eaking
for both the pet and the owner.

In college there is so much
to do. so many people to meet
and so many choices to make.
Maybe waiting on that beloved
pet should be a choice to

“I liked having a dog in the


sometimes. but be;

cause it wasn't mine. I didn't
like cleaning tip

after it all the

t i m e . ”


Don't fall for those puppy dog eyes so easy

Cute or accute pain in the butt: A bit of advice to
potential pet owners before you're in over your head

By Matt Mulcahey
5cm moon __

Yes. pets are lovable
and cuddly and cute. But
that cuteness can get you
into trouble if you aren‘t

aware of the

good and bad of having a
pet. Let's start with the

0 Poop

And lots of it. That‘s
what you'll get with a new
pet. Eventually, you
can train most of
them but. man. I

hate poop.

Q Your pet will
probably die
before you do

Most pets

(unless you buy a gi-
ant Galapagos 15-
land sea turtle) will
probably go to that
great petting zoo
in the sky before
you do. That can

be tough. be-
cause people

tend to get

attached to their pets.

And pets don‘t always
die of natural causes. My
younger sister had a pet
cockatiel she named
Sweetie Bird. It lived at
my stepfather‘s house.
who also had a ferret he
kept in the basement.

The ferret got fleas
and we called in the exter-

Every inch of the
house was fumigated. in-
cluding the birdcage.
There was just one prob-
lem - we forgot to take
the. bird out.

To this day my sister
thinks the bird died of
“natural causes." She
even had the bird cremat—
ed and put in a little
plaque. Sad. yet funny.

0 Your pet might run

If your pet doesn't
croak. there‘s still a
chance it might make a
run for it. When I was
about five. visiting my di-
vorced dad‘s apartment
every other weekend. we
had two pet turtles.

One weekend. my sis-
ter (not the dead-bird sis-
ter. a different one) and I
found our beloved turtles
missing. My dad said they
must have gotten loose in
the house. and we
searched every crevice for
them. But it was to no

Fifteen years later. I
bring up the story with
my dad. who casually tells
me. “Yeah. I let them go. I
didn't want to tell you

I'm still bitter.

0 Responsibility

Pets are a lot of re-
sponsibility. For some col-
lege students. a little too
much responsibility. If
you can't remember to
take out your trash or to

nance. Some snakes eat only once a
week. she said. Other species popular
with students are small lizards and


Although fish may not provide you with
much personality and companionship. they
are inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing.

Jacob Zeller. a manager at Best Pets and an
LCC freshman. said studies have shown
that watching fish is therapeutic and

helps develop children‘s minds.
“They are great for people. in the
dorms. because they are allowed
and Iow—maintenance." Zeller

To give a pet a home call

Animal House, 269-24I7

Lexington Humane Socrety, 233-0044

Best Pets, 277-0003

Bird Central, 278-I736

go to class. you may come
home one day to find tiny
skeletons floating in the
fishbowl or your cat try-
ing to eat a sofa cushion.
If you can keep the
pets in your house. alive
and from pooping like
they're in an Olympic
competition. here are the
only two benefits of pets
that I can come up with:

2‘ Companionship

No matter how
bad you've got it.
your pet will al-
ways love you.
They have no
choice they rely
on you for food.

a Picking up chicks

Any guy who has
ever walked his dog
down a busy street
can attest to this one.
Women will come up
and pet your dog. It
will help you score.

Caution? This will
not work with every

said. “They are also a good
conversation piece."

Von Dohlen advises that
students research their
desired pet before actual-
ly getting one.
“There are different
breeds for different per-
sonalities." he said.
He also warns that own-
ing a pet is a big respon-
sibility and does not rec-
ommend cats and dogs
for younger students. He
said students often re-
turn pets after
the semester
starts. because
of the responsi-
bility and time
"It's almost like
having a child,“
Von Dohlen
said. “It's a
bigger responsi-
bility than
people realize."

pet, If you want to try soft-
ening up a girl with your
pet tarantula. it won't
work. The pet must be
cuddly. I’se your head on
this one. fellas.

Just one last re-
minder: If your pet dies or
runs away. don't tell your
roommates that it got
loose and let them run
around the house looking

for it. That's

i Q



Ben Harper

Innovative rocker Ben Harper
will perform at 7:30 pm.
Monday at the Taft Theatre
in Cincinnati.

British pop band Travis makes
their way to Cincinnati for a
8:30 p.m. show Saturday at

Guy Dams
Guitarist Guy Davis will perform
at 6:45 p.m. Monday at the
Kentucky Theater. Students
with an 10 will be admitted
for free.








3| '0 1E




On Tap...

For the week of Sept. 14 - Sept. 20

Green Genes. Lynagh' s. 10 pm. Tickets
cost $3.

Bliss. Kitty 0’ Shea’s. 9:30 pm. Tickets
cost $3 before 11 p.m./$4 after 11 pm

Voodoo Symphony. AiA. 9:30 pm
Tickets cost $6.


Goldfinger w/ Dynamite Hack and Mest.
Bogart's, Cincinnati. 8:30 pm. Tickets
cost $13.50 in advance/ $15 day of

Modest Mouse Headliners, Louisville
9 p. m. Tickets cost $ 2 in advance/$14
day of show

The Features w/ The Joshua Falken Trio

and The Fakes. Yats.10 pm. Tickets
cost $3.

John Sutton Band. Kitty 0' Shea's.
9:30 pm. Tickets cost $3 before 11
p.m./$4 after 11 pm.

The Tony Furtado Band. Lynagh's.
10 pm Tickets cost $6.

Art Geko. AM. 9:30 pm. Tickets cost $6.


Travis. Bogart's, Cincmnati. 8:30 pm.
Tickets cost $15.50 in advance/$17 day
of show.

Darren Hanlon w/ Chester. Yats. 10 pm.

Tickets cost $3.
Brian Martin. Kitty 0’ Shea's. 9:30 pm.

Tickets cost $3 before 11 p.m./$4 after

10 Foot Pole Reunion w/ Household


ATO ltecord's recorfing
artist David Gray will
perform at 9 pm this
Tuesday at Headliner's
Music tlall in Louisville.
Tickets cost $13 in
advance and $15 the
day of the show.

Saints. Lynagh's. 10 pm. Tickets
cost $4.


Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals
w/ DJ Logic's Project Logic. Taft The-
atre, Cincinnati. 7:30 pm. Tickets range
from $2528.50.

Hip Hip Party. Yats. 10 pm Tickets
cost $2.


Mary J. Blige. Taft Theatre, Cincinnati.
7:30 pm Tickets range from $45-60.

David Gray. Headliner's Music Hall,
Louisville. 9 pm. Tickets cost $13 in
advance/ $15 day of show.

Woodsongs Radio Hour w/ Guy Davis
and Bill Miller. Kentucky Theater.
6:45 pm. Tickets cost $3 or free with
a UK Student ID.


Phish. Riverbend Music Center, Cincin-
nati. 7 pm. Tickets cost $28.50.

North Mississippi All Stars w/ Yonder
Mountain String Band. Headliner's Music
Hall, Louisville. Thursday, Sept. 21 at

9 pm Tickets cost $10.

Sk’ Mix-A-Lot. Kamakazies. Thursday,
Sept. 21. Time: TBA. Tickets cost $12.

Deep Banana Blackout. Lynagh's. Thurs-
day, Sept. 21 at 10 pm. Tickets cost $7.

Ray's Music Exchange. Lynagh's. Friday,
Sept. 22 at 10 pm. Tickets cost $5.

Born Cross-Eyed. Lynagh's. Saturday,
Sept. 23 at 10 pm. Tickets cost $3.

Ekoostik Hookah. Lynagh's. Wednesday.
Sept. 27 at 10 pm. Tickets cost $7.

Young MC. Kamakazies. Thursday,
Sept. 28. Time: TBA. Tickets cost $12.

Fuel. Bogart's, Cincinnati. Thursday,
Sept. 28 at 8 pm. Tickets cost $12 in
advance/$14 day of show.

Billy Ray (Mus. Taft Theatre, Cincinnati.
Friday, Sept. 29 at 8 pm. Tickets range
from 52750-3750.

Fall Music Celebration featuring Caed-
mah's Cali, Rebecca St. James, Sonic
Flood and others. King's Island, Cincin-
nati. Saturday, Sept. 30 at 1 pm Tickets
range from 51499-2999.

Alice Cooper. Palace Theater,
Louisville. Tuesday, Sept. 30 at

7:30 pm. Tickets range from 525-3750.

Hank Yfliliams lli. Lynagh's. Tuesday,
Oct. 3 at 10 pm Tickets cost $15.

2 Live Crew. Kamakazies. Thursday,
Oct. 5. Time: TBA. Tickets cost $12.

Burt Bacharach. Palace Theater,
Louisville. Saturday, Oct. 7 at 8 pm.
Tickets prices TBA.

Hanson. Palace Theater, Louisville.
Thursday, Oct. 12 at 7:30 pm. Tickets
cost $25.50.

Faith Hill and 11m McGraw. Freedom
Hall, Louisville. Wednesday, Oct. 18 at
8 pm. Tickets range from $29-59.

String Cheese incident. Taft Theatre,
Cincinnati. Friday, Oct. 20 at 7:30 pm.
Tickets range from $20-25.

Patti LuPone. Palace Theater,
Louisville. Friday, Nov. 3 at 8 pm. Tick-
ets range 52075-5350.

Southern Culture on the Skids. Headlin-
er's Music Hall, Louisville. Thursday,
Nov. 16 at 9 pm. Tickets cost $10 in
advance/$12 at the door.

Natalie Cole w/ the Louisville Symphony
Orchestra. Palace Theater, Louisville.
Friday, Dec. 15 at 8 pm. Tickets range
from 32075-5350.


Bars, clubs, venues:

AlA . . . .231 7263
Kitty 0 Shea s ................. 255 3078
Cheapside Bar ....254 0046
Two Keys ........................... 254-5000
Lynagh’s .................. 255-6614
Millenium .......... 225-9194
Rupp Arena .................... 233-4567

'Aciors' Guild .............
..... 254-8128

Club 141 ........ ....233-4262

Cincinnati venues
(513 area code):
Bogart's ...........
Taft Theatre .
The Crown ................ 421 4111
Sudsy Malones ................ 771 3550
’ Ripley's ................. 861-6800
Playhouse in the Park ....... 345-2242

.......... 872-8801

Louisville venues
(502 area code):

Kentucky Center for the
' ......800-775-7777

Louisville Gardens ............. 574-0060
Actor's Theatre .................. 584-1205
Headliners Music Hall ....... 584-8088

Movie theaters:

South Park ........................... 272-6611
Woodhill ............................ 269-1911
Lexington Gree

Man 0' War .......

Kentucky Theatre. .231-6997
Turfland ......................... 277-2825
Carmike ............................. 263-2370

Campus listing:

SAB..... ....257-8867

SGA ................ 257-3191

Guignol Theatre ................. 257-4929

Singletary Center.

Art Museum.

Student Center.

Kentucky Kernel .............. 257-1915

Kennedy Bookstore ........... 252-0331

UK Bookstore ........ ....257-2947
..... 225-7771









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