xt74b853jd88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853jd88/data/mets.xml United States. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 1966 bulletins I 49.49/2:7 English [For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.] This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws Fisheries Marketing Bulletins Cooking (Seafood) Seafood Slimmers, 1966 text image 19 pages, color illustrations, 22 cm. Call Number: I 49.49/2:7 Seafood Slimmers, 1966 1966 1966 2022 true xt74b853jd88 section xt74b853jd88 . -_ _ J k



 ...an ocean of low-calorie variety .. a world of interesting flavor

The many moods of seafoods offer the dieter an ocean of low
calorie variety with a world of interesting flavor. Combined
with a bit of imagination and a dash of color, slimming
seafoods offer endless possibilities for light lunches, satisfying
suppers, ”different” dinners, and sensible snacks. The

delicate flavor of fish and shellfish also blends well with

most foods. Varied cooking methods, low calorie sauces,
perky garnishes, and colorful ”go-with” foods add eye

appeal and eater interest to well-balanced diet meals.

Eating enjoyment is an important part of dieting. To stay with
a diet until the goal is reached, the dieter needs foods that
give a sense of satisfaction as well as nourishment. Fish and
shellfish impart vitality and a wonderful, well—fed feeling
because they are a complete protein food, 85-95 percent
digestible, rich in energy-giving vitamins and minerals, and
high in “fill-ability.” An average serving of seafood provides
nearly all the animal protein that is needed each day to help
the dieter build and repair body tissue. In addition, fish and
shellfish are lower in calories than most other protein sources.

This booklet has been designed especially for the dieter. On .
the following pages you will find a netful of kitchen—tested -5
recipes that vary from 65 to 310 calories per serving.

These sure-fire seafood slimmers will become

alltime favorites with you and your family.

Diet the sensible seafood way. You can lose weight, feel
better, and enjoy your diet with fish and shellfish on

the menu. The many moods of seafoods make dieting easy
and they are good any day of the week for any meal of the day.







with seafood slimmers

Striped Bass with Low—Cal Stuffing
King Crab-Celery Victor
Savory Baked Haddock
Quick Oyster Pickup
Smoked Fish Oriental

Quick ’n’ Easy Yellow Perch
Spicy Snapper

Cantonese Shrimp and Beans
Succulent Sea Bass

Tuna Danish

Hearty Halibut

Salmon Paysanne

Crab Divan

Scallop-Vegetable Salad
Flounder in Wine Sauce

Sea Garden Antipasto

Chef’s Salad Chesapeake

Cod Curry

Fish Caper

Sea Slaw

Sweet and Pungent Mahimahi
Key Lime Mullet




3 pounds dressed striped bass Low-cal Stuffing
or other dressed fish, fresh 2 tablespoons melted fat or oil
or frozen Lemon wedges
1V2 teaspoons salt

Thaw frozen fish. Clean, wash, and dry fish. Sprinkle inside and out with
salt. Stuff fish loosely. Close opening with small skewers or toothpicks.
Place fish on a greased bake and serve platter, 16 x 10 inches. Brush with
fat. Bake in a moderate oven, 350° F., for 40 to 60 minutes or until fish
flakes easily when tested with a fork. Remove skewers. Serve with lemon
wedges. Serves 6.

Approximately 310 calories in each serving.


3/4 cup chopped onion ’/3 cup chopped parsley
7 7/2 tablespoons butter or tablespoons lemon juice
margarine, melted 7/4 teaspoon salt
2/4 cups chopped, peeled apple ’/8 teaspoon thyme
'/3 cup chopped celery

Cook onion in butter until tender. Combine all ingredients and mix
thoroughly. Makes approximately 3 cups stuffing.





2 packages (6 ounces each) king 2 chicken bouillon cubes
crab meat or other crab meat, 3 cups boiling water
fresh, frozen, or pasteurized 7 cup low calorie French

or dressing

2 cans (67/2 or 7/2 ounces each) 6 large lettuce cups
crab meat Pepper


2 celery hearts

Thaw frozen crab meat. Drain crab meat. Remove any remaining shell
or cartilage. Cut crab meat into 1 inch pieces. Wash and trim celery
hearts so that they are about 5 inches long. Cut each heart into thirds
lengthwise. Place celery in a 10 inch fry pan. Dissolve bouillon cubes in
boiling water and pour over celery. Cover pan and simmer for 10 to 15
minutes or until tender. Let celery cool in bouillon. Drain. Place celery
in a shallow baking dish. Pour French dressing over celery and chill for
at least 2 hours. Remove celery from dressing. Drain. Place in lettuce cups.
Sprinkle with pepper. Place approximately V4 cup crab meat on celery.
Serves 6.

Approximately 70 calories in each serving.


2 pounds haddock fillets or other 7/2 cup soft bread crumbs
fish fillets, fresh or frozen 2 tablespoons chopped parsley

2 teaspoons lemon juice 3/4 cup thinly sliced onion

Dash pepper 2 tablespoons bacon fat

6 slices bacon, chopped

Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets and place in a single layer in a greased
baking dish, 12 x 8 x 2 inches. Sprinkle with lemon juice and pepper. Fry
bacon until crisp. Remove bacon from fat. Add to bread crumbs and
parsley. Cook onion in bacon fat until tender. Spread onion over fish.
Sprinkle crumb mixture over top of onion. Bake in a moderate oven, 350°
F., for 25 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.
Serves 6.

Approximately 170 calories in each serving.


1 can (12 ounces) oysters, fresh 1 cup milk

or frozen 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 cups oyster liquor and water
7 package (73/4 ounces) cream

of leek soup mix

Thaw frozen oysters. Drain oysters, reserving liquor. Add oyster liquor
and water to soup mix and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce
heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add milk and heat, stirring occasionally.
Add oysters and heat 3 to 5 minutes longer or until edges of oysters begin
to curl. Sprinkle with parsley. Serves 6.

Approximately 65 calories in each serving.








7 pound smoked Whitefish or Dash pepper
other smoked fish Foo Yung Sauce
7 can (7 pound) bean sprouts, 7 tablespoon toasted sesame
drained seeds
6 eggs, beaten
7/2 cup finely chopped green


Remove skin and bones from the fish. Flake the fish. Combine all ingre~
dients except sauce and sesame seeds. Pour ‘/a cup fish mixture onto a
hot greased griddle or fry pan. Fry at moderate heat for 2 to 3 minutes or
until brown. Turn carefully and fry 2 to 3 minutes longer or until brown.
Drain on absorbent paper. Pour Foo Yung Sauce over patties and sprinkle
with sesame seeds. Serves 6.

Approximately 300 calories in each serving.



2 chicken bouillon cubes 2 tablespoons cornstarch
7/2 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 cups boiling water


Dissolve bouillon cubes and sugar in boiling water. Combine cornstarch
and soy sauce. Add cornstarch mixture to bouillon mixture and cook until
thick and clear, stirring constantly. Makes approximately 12/3 cups sauce.



2 pounds yellow perch fillets or
other fish fillets, fresh or

7/4 cup butter or margarine,

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

7/2 teaspoon salt

7/3 teaspoon pepper
Lemon wedges



Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets and place on a greased broil and serve
platter, 16 x 10 inches. Combine remaining ingredients except paprika
and lemon wedges. Pour over fillets and let stand for 30 minutes. Broil
about 4 inches from source of heat for 8 to 10 minutes or until fish flakes
easily when tested with a fork. Sprinkle with paprika. Serve with lemon
wedges. Serves 6.

Approximately 130 calories in each serving.



2 pounds snapper fillets or other 2 tablespoons salad oil
fish fillets, fresh or frozen 1 envelope (5/8 ounce) old
2/3 cup tomato juice fashioned French dressing
3 tablespoons vinegar mix

Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets and cut into serving-size portions. Place
fish in a single layer in a shallow baking dish. Combine remaining ingre-
dients and mix thoroughly. Pour sauce over fish and let stand for 30
minutes, turning once. Remove fish, reserving sauce for basting. Place
fish on a well-greased broiler pan. Broil about 4 inches from source of
heat for 4 to 5 minutes. Turn carefully and brush with sauce. Broil 4 to 5
minutes longer or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Serves 6.

Approximately 130 calories in each serving.







1 '/2 pounds frozen raw, peeled, 7 teaspoon salt
deveined shrimp 7/2 teaspoon ginger
17/2 teaspoons chicken stock base Dash pepper
1 cup boiling water 1 package (9 ounces) frozen
'/4 cup thinly sliced green onion cutgreen beans
1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon salad oil 1 tablespoon cold water

Thaw frozen shrimp. Dissolve chicken stock base in boiling water. Cook
onion, garlic, and shrimp in oil for 3 minutes, stirring frequently. If neces-
sary, add a little of the chicken broth to prevent sticking. Stir in salt,
ginger, pepper, green beans, and chicken broth. Cover and simmer 5 to
7 minutes longer or until beans are cooked but still slightly crisp. Com-
bine cornstarch and water. Add cornstarch mixture to shrimp and cook
until thick and clear, stirring constantly. Serves 6.

Approximately 130 calories in each serving.


2 pounds sea bass fillets or other 7/4 cup steak sauce
fish fillets, fresh or frozen 1 teaspoon salt
7/2 cup pineapple juice Dash pepper

Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets and cut into serving-size portions. Place
fish in a single layer in a shallow baking dish Combine remaining ingre-
dients and pour over fish. Let stand for 30 minutes, turning once. Remove
fish, reserving sauce for basting. Place. fish on a well-greased broiler pan.
Broil about 4 inches from source of heat for 4 to 6 minutes. Turn care—
fully and brush with sauce. Broil 4 to 6 minutes longer or until fish flakes
easily when tested with a fork. Serves 6.

Approximately 80 calories in each serving.


2 cans (67/2 or 7 ounces each) 1 tablespoon lemon juice
dietetic tuna '/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup coarsely grated cabbage Dash pepper
2/:«1 cup coarsely grated carrot 6 lettuce leaves
3 tablespoons low calorie salad .6 slices low calorie bread, toasted
dressing (mayonnaise type) 18 cucumber slices
1 tablespoon catsup

Drain and flake tuna. Combine cabbage, carrot, and tuna. Combine salad
dressing, catsup, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Add to tuna mixture and
blend thoroughly. Place lettuce on toast. Place approximately 1/:«1 cup
tuna salad on each lettuce leaf. Arrange 3 cucumber slices diagonally
across each sandwich. Serves 6.

Approximately 180 calories in each serving.










2 pounds halibut steaks or other 3 tablespoons Chopped
fish steaks, fresh or frozen pimiento
2/3 cup thinly sliced onion ’/2 cup dry white wine
17/2 cups chopped fresh 2 tablespoons lemon juice

mushrooms 1 teaspoon salt
7/3 cup Chopped tomato 7/4 teaspoon dill weed
'/4 cup chopped green pepper ’/a teaspoon pepper
7/4 cup chopped parsley Lemon wedges

Thaw frozen steaks. Cut into serving-size portions. Arrange onion in
bottom of a greased baking dish, 12 x 8 x 2 inches. Place fish on top of
onion. Combine remaining vegetables and spread over top of fish. Com-
bine wine, lemon juice, and seasonings. Pour over vegetables. Bake in a
moderate oven, 350° F., for 25 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily
when tested with a fork. Serve with lemon wedges. Serves 6.

Approximately 230 calories in each serving.


2 pounds salmon steaks or other '/2 cup sliced green onions
fish steaks, fresh or frozen 7/4 cup catsup
7/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or
7/4 teaspoon white pepper margarine, melted
1 can (4 ounces) sliced 7/2 teaspoon liquid smoke
mushrooms, drained

Thaw ftozen steaks. Cut into serving-size portions. Place in a greased
baking dish, 12 x 8 x 2 inches. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Combine
remaining ingredients and spread over top of fish. Bake in a moderate
oven, 350° F., for 25 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested
with a fork. Serves 6.

Approximately 275 calories in each serving.


3 packages (6 ounces each) teaspoon salt
Dungeness crab meat or teaspoon pepper
other crab meat, fresh, tablespoon butter or margarine,
frozen, or pasteurized melted
or cup skim milk
3 cans (6V2 or 7'/2 ounces each) cup grated American cheese
crab meat can (1 pound) tomatoes,
2 packages (10 ounces each) well—drained
frozen broccoli spears tablespoons crushed
2 tablespoons flour cornflakes

Thaw frozen crab meat. Drain crab meat. Remove any remaining shell or
cartilage. Cut crab meat into 1 inch pieces. Cook broccoli half as long as
directed on package. Drain thoroughly and place in a greased baking dish,
8 x 8 x 2 inches. Spread crab meat over top of broccoli. Blend flour and
seasonings into butter. Add milk gradually and cook until thick and
smooth, stirring constantly. Add cheese and stir until melted. Stir in
tomatoes. Pour sauce over crab meat. Sprinkle with crushed cornflakes.
Bake in a hot oven, 400° F., for 20 to 25 minutes or until lightly browned.
Serves 6.

Approximately 165 calories in each serving.




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17/2 pounds scallops, fresh or 7 cup sliced celery
frozen 7/4 cup chopped onion
1 quart boiling water '/4 cup chopped green pepper
2 tablespoons salt 7 tablespoon chopped pimiento
‘I can (1 pound) cut green beans, Marinade
drained 6 lettuce cups

Thaw frozen scallops. Rinse with cold water to remove any shell particles.
Place in boiling salted water. Cover and return to the boiling point. Re-
duce heat and simmer for 3 to 4 minutes, depending on size. Drain and
cool. Slice scallops. Combine all ingredients except lettuce. Cover and
chill for at least 1 hour. Drain. Serve in lettuce cups. Serves 6.

Approximately 140 calories in each serving.

7/2 cup cider vinegar Dash pepper
7 tablespoon sugar 7/4 Cup salad oil

'/4 teaspoon salt

Combine 'vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper. Add oil gradually, blending
thoroughly. Makes approximately 2/a cup marinade.



2 pounds flounder fillets or 2 tablespoons flour
other fish fillets, fresh or 2 tablespoons butter or
frozen margarine, melted

1'/2 teaspoons salt 7/2 cup skim milk
Dash pepper ’/3 cup dry white wine
3 tomatoes, sliced ’/2 teaspoon crushed basil
V2 teaspoon salt Chopped parsley
Dash pepper

Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets. Sprinkle fillets on both sides with salt and
pepper. Place fillets in a single layer in a greased baking dish, 12 x 8 x 2
inches. Arrange tomatoes over top of fillets. Sprinkle with salt and
pepper. Blend flour into butter. Add milk gradually and cook until thick
and smooth, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in wine and
basil. Pour sauce over top of tomatoes. Bake in a moderate oven, 350° F.,
for 25 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.
Sprinkle with parsley. Serves 6.

Approximately 180 calories in each sewing.



3 cans (33/4 or 4 ounces each) 24 cucumber slices
Maine sardines 78 celery sticks
2 cans (4 ounces each) button 12 radish roses
mushrooms 12 tomato wedges
Marinade 6 green pepper rings

6 large lettuce leaves

Drain sardines and mushrooms. Place in a shallow baking dish. Pour l
marinade over sardines and mushrooms and chill for 30 minutes. Prepare
vegetables and chill. Remove sardines and mushrooms from marinade.
Drain. Arrange all ingredients, except the marinade, attractively on lettuce
leaves, dividing the ingredients evenly among the 6 servings. Serves 6. 1
Approximately 130 calories in each serving. ‘


7/2 cup low calorie French dressing 1 clove garlic, crushed

’/4 cup soy sauce Dash powdered ginger
2 tablespoons wine vinegar Dash pepper

2 tablespoons water

Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Makes approximately
1 cup marinade.

Lobster, tuna, crab, pickled herring, or shrimp may also be used in this recipe.





7 can (72 ounces) blue crab meat 7 package (70 ounces) frozen
or other crab meat, fresh, asparagus spears
frozen, or pasteurized 6 lettuce cups
or Lemon-Caper Dressing
2 cans (67/2 or 77/2 ounces each) 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced
crab meat Paprika

Thaw frozen crab meat. Drain crab meat. Remove any remaining shell or
cartilage. Flake the crab meat. Cook asparagus spears according to direc—
tions on package. Drain and chill. Place 3 asparagus spears in each lettuce
cup. Place about 1/a cup crab meat on asparagus. Cover with approxi~
mately 2 tablespoons Lemon-Caper Dressing. Top with 3 slices hard-
cooked egg. Sprinkle with paprika. Serves 6.

Approximately 130 calories in each serving.


‘/2 cup low calorie salad dressing V2 teaspoon prepared mustard
(mayonnaise type) . 7/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
7 tablespoon drained capers 2 drops liquid hotpepper sauce

7 tablespoon lemon juice

Combine all ingredients. Chill. Makes approximately 2/a cup salad





2 pounds cod fillets or other fish 7 teaspoon curry powder
fillets, fresh or frozen 7 teaspoon salt

7 cup thinly sliced celery Dash pepper

7 cup thinly sliced onion 3/4 cup skim milk

7 tablespoon melted fat or oil Paprika

Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets and place in a single layer in a greased
baking dish, 12 x 8 x 2 inches. Cook the celery and onion in fat for 5
minutes. Stir in seasonings and milk. Spread over fish. Bake in a moderate
oven, 350° F., for 25 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested
with a fork. Sprinkle with paprika. Serves 6.

Approximately 740 calories in each serving.



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24 frozen fried fish sticks (3/4 to
1% ounces each)
Caper Sauce

Place frozen fried fish sticks in a single layer on a greased cookie sheet,
15 x 12 inches. Bake in a hot oven, 400° F., for 15 to 20 minutes or until
heated through and crisp. Serve with Caper Sauce. Serves 6.

Approximately 240 calories in each serving.

CAPER SAUCE @@ /////////,,.//////,
cup yogurt ,3. D ’1’"; I

tablespoons chopped capers
tablespoon lemon juice
tablespoon chopped parsley
teaspoons instant minced onion
teaspoon grated lemon rind



Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Chill. Makes approximately
1V4 cups of sauce.





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Washington, D.C., 20402 — Price 25 cents





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17/2 pounds rockfish fillets or other 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
fish fillets, fresh or frozen 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 quart boiling water 1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon salt 1 cup shredded green cabbage
7/4 cup low calorie salad dressing 1 cup shredded red cabbage
(mayonnaise type) 6 lettuce cups
2 tablespoons chopped onion Lemon wedges


Thaw frozen fillets. Place fillets in boiling salted water. Cover and simmer
about 10 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Drain.
Remove skin and bones; flake. Combine salad dressing, onion, relish,
lemon juice, salt, and fish. Chill at least 1 hour to blend flavors. Add
cabbage and toss lightly. Serve in lettuce cups. Serve with lemon wedges.
Serves 6.

Approximately 120 calories in each serving.



2 pounds mahimahi fillets or 7/4 cup thinly sliced green pepper
other fish fillets, fresh or 3/4 cup vinegar




frozen 3/4 cup water
7/4 cup flour 7/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup thinly sliced onion 1’/2 teaspoons powdered ginger
3 tablespoons melted fat or oil 1 teaspoon salt


Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets and cut into serving-size portions. Roll 19

fish in flour. Cook onion in fat in a 10 inch fry pan until lightly browned.
Remove onion from fat. Fry fish in hot fat at moderate heat for 4 to 5
minutes or until brown. Turn carefully. Spread green pepper and onion
over fish. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over fish. Simmer for
10 to 15 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.
Serves 6.

Approximately 235 calories in each serving.


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2 pounds mullet fillets or other 3 tablespoons butter or
fish fillets, fresh or frozen margarine, melted
1 teaspoon salt Paprika
Dash pepper Lime wedges

7/4 cup lime juice

Thaw frozen fillets. Skin fillets and cut into serving-size portions. Place
fish in a single layer in a shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and
pepper. Pour lime juice over fish and let stand for 30 minutes, turning
once. Remove fish, reserving juice. Place fish on a well-greased broiler
pan. Combine butter and juice. Brush fish with butter mixture and
sprinkle with paprika. Broil about 4 inches from source of heat for 8 to
10 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Serve with
lime wedges. Serves 6.

Approximately 130 calories in each serving.



Stewart L. Udall, Secretary

FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Clarence F. Pautzke, Commissioner

Created in 1849, the Department of the Interior—o Department of
Conservation—is concerned with the management, conservation, and
development of the Nation’s water, fish, wildlife, mineral, forest, and
park and recreational resources. It also has major responsibilities for
Indian and Territorial affairs.

As the Nation’s principal conservation agency, the Department
works to assure that nonrenewable resources are developed and used
wisely, that park and recreational resources are conserved for the
future, and that renewable resources make their full contribution to
the progress, prosperity, and security of the United States—now and
in the future.