xt74b853jg0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853jg0p/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1794-09-30 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 30 September 1794 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 30 September 1794 1794 1794-09-30 2023 true xt74b853jg0p section xt74b853jg0p   

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1111111105 Li" [(111103 115 111:11501151'1110111 11111111111195. 1.1L V0111.

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11011111c (10 Can-1.

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iih'c 5111,11311111111 11115 1111); (1111 _y 0111 rappori; 2“. 111 111111:
(11-5 101x, 10111" 11;11111':ro 3: 11* 1111111610 1111 bulletin (1111 105
111111111116. Elle ism-11 livrfim 31 l’iulprcssion $1 In 1in dc chaque
trimrslre, dislribuéc aux représcnlans du pcuple, 8: e11—
Voyéc, par la commisiou d1: l’cuvoi (les loix, $1 1oulcs
lcs aulorilés constuuécs 8; aux 1‘1111131101111311'05 publics , 1111
in 1113:1111: 'mmricrc & (121113 18 minus format (1111: lo bulletin
(11% loix.


11 Lu convcnlion national? . aprés avoir 01110111111 10 11111~
Port 110 5011 (‘OIH11C‘ 1.11: 11351511111111], uur 1111C 11"111'1: (11: 1111-—
c11snlcu1' 111111111: 1111 tribunul 1111 dé'mrH-mcnl (1c Paris, pro—
Posuul 121 (1111-1111011 111“ 5111'011‘ si liaccusaliou inlrnléc contra
1c1101111115:.11311171’1'angois Burro, 1‘11 bris do 5120111311 21111111
:11 111 rcqu1’-lc 1111511 lk-mme , de111a111lcr‘ssac 311 divorce, 5111'
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aroil 1111212111111; 5311111111, 111.111 C111: pou-z'suivic 11911011311111!
121 1‘1f-111.111c111a11011 qui s‘csl 01111-131 Cntrc 195611011X, <‘S; qui
11 11111111 521113 01911-1110111' 1:1 lemme. 1111111111110. par cllc rcmluc
coulru 101111111 ;

Considéraul quc 11:5 (lélifs 50111 poursuivis par 105 211'-
cusallrurs publirs, 11101115 purcc (111‘1'15 lea-cut l'iulérél. par—


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Qur, 501151 or: dernicr rapport , 11 11c dépcmlqms (les
ciiov‘, ('11s , ' (111111111 bicu 111131111: 11> 5111‘011‘11'1 11611115105565 5111)—
51‘11111-1111111-111 11 11111: accusation Pil'l‘ 1-11x 1111311161), 11‘111‘1'1'3101‘
1c 11.11115 111'111 1'1111111311‘ 11111111511141 (1111 no 1113111 Cch satis—
f11i11: 111; 1111.1 111-1 1111411119111;

Ddrrcic 1111.11 113' 21 111311 21 11111111131111 11.

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111 1111111i11'1'1-11171: 1111110111116, your 11:5 51:1'1’11'1'5 (111115 0111 rcudus
aux 111-15 11111115 11 121 50111119.
1113 1'1111‘1'.s1:11111115 du 1113111111) :‘Ca‘ l‘l‘icolc (11‘. Mars 11111110111
I J . 1 .
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15‘ 1 _ . :1 1.
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(1»? 111,011 , 11111 511111 111111111115 .‘1 11:; 1111111111115
11111515 , 1111115 153111125 , (111111, 1'un .5111 1111111." 111 1111111.
1111;111:111 111211111: ('11 1151111131-

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