xt74j09w3h9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74j09w3h9n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199001 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1990 text GLSO News, January 1990 1990 2019 true xt74j09w3h9n section xt74j09w3h9n NEWS 1990 ) L5 @
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from Chuck Forester, Co—Chair of the Board of the Human Rights Campaign Fund
Ann Landers doesn't usually tell her readers One reason why Barney Frank's recent
all. That's why it came as a surprise to see the problems generated such interest in the
two recent columns when she came down lirmly mainstream press is because he is a livin ,
against readers who attacked the idea at gay breathing homosexual who is willing to taTk
marriages. One subtle writer trom Wisconsin about his personal lite. Barney has shared a
had put the case for bigotry rather bluntly: very real-lite story with Americans. He has
"Those tag ots should go back in the closet been honest about it, and that's news because
where they Ebelong." Ann's response was right people want to know about us. ‘
on target, stating her shock at the ”viciousness While few at us will have the impact of a
and intolerance" oi those opposed to Barney Frank, all at us can make a difference.
legitimizing gay relationships. Too often we are shy about sharing our
Mixed in with the anti-gay sentiments Ann personal stories with friends, tamily and
rinted were letters of support, man from coworkers. They, in turn, are reticent, fearful of
heterosexuals who knew a ay man or iesbian. attending by asking questions. In some cases
One lather wrote that he Tiad two sons, one family and friends don't know enough about
straight and one gay. Both deserved the same gay people to begin framing the questions they
rights, he said. His response should not have might have. Still, they want to know who we
surprised me, because it only confirmed a point are.
that pollsters discovered some time ago: I know from experience the kind of questions
Support for gay rights is greatest among those they have. When did you discover you were
who know a gay person. gay? Have you ever laced discrimination?
Unfortunately, most heterosexuals know only How do you meet other gay people? How did
what they learn from the mass media. Twenty your rents react? Do you enjoy being ga 3
years ago, Stonewall was but a blip on the Allpoot us should start answering those
media's radar screen. Ten years later questions for the heterosexuals we know. The
lesbian/gay stories were be inning to appear. more we talk about being ay, the more our
Today the power ot gay poTitics and the AIDS neighbors, friends and lamifies will understand
epidemic have put us on the front page at the need to combat homophobia and bigotry.
every major daily in America and the evening Our answers will give them information, the
news. Despite the attention, to most Americans, kind of information that can replace the
gays and lesbians, remain an unknown stereotypical views at gay: and lesbians with a
quantity, we're on abstract entity, not people more onest view of w a we are. Just as
with ho es, dreams and lives. important our answers can large new allies in
Until3 we tell the ublic who we are they the tight lor equality.
have little to go on. Eor example, their images Some of ou wil say, "I don't have anything
at gay men are often limited to the Religious new to add: My stories aren't interestin .
Rights slanderous view at us as sexual perverts, Don't believe it. Even it you conve the Fact
the popular media's vision at a misunderstood that your life is more like your straight triends'
boy next door dyin at AIDS, and the lite than different from It, that's important
traditional stereotypes 0% the mincing hairdresser information. It needs to be told. And it is best
and the lesbian mechanic. told to people you know. [cont on page 5]

 [ ] Please send me a free introductory issue
of GLSO NEWS and information on GLSO.

[ ] I’d like to become a votin Member of ASK AUNT MARY
GLSO, includin home deTive of the
GLSO NEWS orig discounts at gLSO
functions. Membership fee of STD/year
individual, $15/year couple, is enclosed. Dear Aunt Mary,

[ ] I don’t wish to become a Member but On the twelfth day of Christmas | exceeded
please send me the GLSO NEWS each the limit on all of my credit cards. Paying the
month. l enclose the $5 annual fee. minimum on all five cards is about al H be

able to do and that will only pay the monthly
interest charges. I usually don't worry about

Name: money but I'm completely stressed out.

Address: Sincerely,

Big Spender

City, St, Zip:

Dear Big Spender,
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 1147]
Lexington, KY40575 it's not unusual to find oneself strapped
financially after the holidays. Psychological
_ measures of stress include Christmas as a
’ moderately stressful life event and the financial
" GLSO News is ublished monthly by the aspect of the holidays contributes to that stress.
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. Many financial advisors suggest that we can
(Lexin ton Gay/Lesbian Services Organization), handle comfortably about thirty ercent of our
Box 1% 471, Lexington, KY 40575. monthly income in short-term debt. It sounds
like our current short-term debt exceeds your
Craig Clere, Managing Editor monthly income. Feeling stressed in suc 0
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour situation is not surprising. Take some solace in
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist the fact that you're not alone and then do
Additional Contributors: Dave, Teresa, An ela, something about it.
HRCF, Debbie, Keith, Craig, GLSO, Elan, One of the more common solutions to credit
Second Stone, The Advocate; Typist: Craig; card overload is to take out a long-term loan at
E uipment: Dave; Layout: Steve, Craig; Moilin : a lower interest rate (probabl around 14%) to
Biil; Courier: Kenneth; Folding & Stuffing: Mark, pay off our credit cards. \z’ith the bank you
Steve, Dave, Jan, Jim, John. can work out a repayment schedule that ou
can handle without undue financial strain. The
Views or o inions expressed in GLSO News are key to this approach is to not use your credit
those of the authors and do not necessarily cards or, at least, not to exceed what you can
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors. comfortably pay off each month.
Submissions are welcome. All submissions In any case, you would probably do well to
become the property of GLSO and must indicate tear up most of our cards or, at least, stop
the full name and address of the author. carrying them with, you. Who wants to be 0
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The slave to the credit card industry?
editorial staff reserves the right to alter Aunt Mary
submissions (includin ads) to meet publishing
requirements, as wefi as the ri ht to reject any
submissions it deems may Ee offensive or If you would like to write to Aunt Ma , send
discriminatory to others. Placement Gt your letter to: Aunt Ma , c/o GLSO, rPO Box
advertising in GLSO News does not denote a 1147i, Lexin ton, KY 20575. For a ersonal
person's sexual orientation nor a business's reply, incluge a stamped, self addressed
customer preference. envelope. All names are strictly confidential.
2 Jan GLSO

NOVEMBER GLSO BOARD MEETING Yes, I am angry and I dare you to print this
trom Teresa Reynolds and Craig Clere letter and picture. i can't imagine why GLSO
would get involved in an wa with the

The November GLSO Board at Directors abortion issue. Alter a thats one problem
meeting was held November 29, 1989. gays don'thave!

Committee reports be an the agenda ot the But since you persist on printing monthly
meeting. The Phongline Committee reported updates its time to let loose.

tindin a replacement tor Craig Clere to run the For starters you have insulted this Dignity
Phonesiine computer. Clere announced that he chapter by supporting a grou of people who
would continue as editor of GLSO News believe that they have the right to decrde over
through the end at June, 1990, though he someone's lite just because it's inconvenient,
requested additional help. stresstul, or expensive.

Melanie Otis announced the plans tor the Dignity, and all gays, should support the
University of Kentucky Dru Study. Otis will right at all minorities including the unborn -
include a cover letter to fitose on the GLSO think about the consequences of people being
mailing list to explain the procedures covering able to decide who should live or die.
their involvement with the drug study. Onl Don Reichert
Otis will have access to the names at individuanl
from the GLSO mailing list. Persons who do not Dear Don,
return their questionnaires will have their names The Gay & Lesbian Services Organization
removing from on survey list. Followin has no position on the "abortion issue.”
discussion, Edwin Frockney moved ap roval 0% Pro-choice views have been ex ressed in GLSO
the guidelines discussed by Otis and the Board News, but as a strictly indiVIJlDJCII view. Many
assented. individuals, including m sell, feel strongly that

The Board revised its membershi tee policy, the rights of reproductive freedom are
upon the recommendation of the [Eresidenn to fundamental privacy rights that affect all of
reflect a "tamil " membership covering two humanity, whether lesbian, gay, or straight. For
memberships with one subscription to GLSO this reason, GLSO News will continue to intorm
News at $15. The new membership rate its readers ot pro-choice events.
becomes effective January 1. Many feel that the lesbian and go

The treasurer reported that the GLSO movement needs to build coalitions with
Treasury is runningr $300 in the red tor the progressive groups, with the pro-choice
year~to-date. his rompted a lengthy advocates being an important such rou . It
discussion regarding tuncfiaising. Following this we only supported issues which directglJ afiected
brainstorming session, the Board focused its ourselves, how could we honestl>y expect
attention on a Service Auction, possibly in non- ay persons to support equal ri hts for gays
conjunction with another local organization. and Siesblans? After all, equal rights tor ays
The Board ions to take action on the Service and lesbians is not a speciSFic prolglem
Auction and3 other fundraiser suggestions at its heterosexuals have!
next scheduled meeting. Just as there are pro-choice persons in a_ll

The February Forum will be conducted with organizations, there are also those tor whom
the UK student rou , Gays & Lesbians United abortion is unacceptable tor. any reason. |
for Education, %LU€, as 0 "getting to know certainly cannot speak tor GLSO in this matter,
youll meeting. nor, | tee, can you speak for a_ll Dignity

The December meetin , due to the Christmas members.
holiday, is scheduled tar January 3, 1990. Thank you tor our support at GLSO News
Board meetings are open to the membership, and i ho e this relieves your concerns regarding
consult the Directory for a contact number. the pro-choice issue. Craig Clere

Jan GLSO 3

 PFLAG ESTABLISHES FAMILY I987, he was diagnosed with AIDS, and he
AIDS SUPPORT PROJECT began submitting medical claims shortly
from PFLAG afterwards. In Jul of I988, H & H announced
that it was canceling its group medical plan --
A nationwide program to assist parents and o erated b General American Life Insurance,
other family members of persons with AIDS has alzo a defendant in the case -- and was
been undertaken b an organization composed instituting a self-insured plan, with General
Iargel of parents of ay and lesbian children. American as administrator. In making the
"Grief, compounged by a climate of fear chan e, H & H revealed that the new plan
and discrimination, threatens to isolate millions woulg impose a limit of $5,000 on all
of family members affected by AIDS,‘I said AIDS-related claims, even though the ceiling for
Paulette Goodman, President of the Federation all other illnesses would remain at $I,000, 00.
of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gay, or McGann filed a complaint with the Texas
Parents FLAG. "We want to provide them with Commission on Human Rights alleging that the
guidance and information, plus the kind of cap placed on AIDS-related coverage violates
strength that can only come from others who state anti-discrimination laws. Several months
have been through the same trials." later, McGann received a "right—to-sue" notice
The Federation comprises more than 200 from the Commission, and he then filed a civil
chapters and contacts throughout the country. action in federal district court in Houston against
Its princi aI function, in Goodman's words is H & H and General American.
that of3 "keeping families in loving The com Iaint alleges violation of the federal
relationships." Em onee Retirement Income Security Act of
To that end, Parents FLAG sponsor local I994. It also alleges violations of the Texas
sup ort groups to help families and friends handicap discrimination statute, the Texas
. understand and accept their gay loved ones. It Insurance Code and the Texas Deceptive Trade
- also promotes education on the nature of Practices-Consumer Protection Act. The
homosexuality, and advocates the full human complaint seeks reinstatement of McGann's
and civil rights of gays and lesbians. previous benefits and actual, compensatory and
Parents FLAG’s Family Sup ort Notebook, punitive damages, together with court costs and
containing basic information for family members, attorneys' fees.
is available from local Parents FLAG contacts or
from the Federation offices, P.O. Box 27605,
Washin ton, DC, 20038-7605. Copies may
be ordgered for a sug ested tax-deductible
donation of $I2 each. awe Notebook contains OLIVIA RECORDS PLANS CRUISE
sections on medical and treatment information, from GLSO News staff
psychosocial, education, legal and legislative
Issues, religious and spiritual support, and Olivia Records has just released a limited
bereavement matters. number of cabins for both of their 4-night
women’s cruises to the Bahamas Februar
I2-Ié and I9-23, I990. Passengers will
‘ SUIT FILED CLAIMING ILLEGAL REDUCTION leave Miami aboard the 5.8. Dolphin IV with
INVOLVING AIDS-RELATED BENEFITS stops in Key West, Nassau and a do at a
from Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund private island, Blue Lagoon. Sypecial
entertainment will be provided on each sailing
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund by all of Olivia's recording artist, Cris
has ioined a awsuit brought b a Texas man Williamson, Teresa TruII, Tret Fure, Deidre
with AIDS against his insurer and/ employer after McCaIIa, Dianne Davidson and Lucie Blue
they altered his group health insurance plan to Tremblay.
lower the lifetime cap on AIDS-related claims Women interested in sharing fun, sun and
from $1,000,000 to only $5,000. music with 600 women should call Olivia
The plaintiff, John McGann, has worked for immediately as these cabins will go uickIy.
the employer, H & H Music Co., since T982 Olivia is also offerin a 7-night Cafibbean
and has been covered by the employer's group Cruise October 28 - [\lgovember 4, I990. Call
health plan since that time. In December 1-800-631-6277 for more information.
4 Jan GLSO

from GLSO News staff

A couple of months ago I had a flat tire.

No big deal -- except I was outside Shelbyville ln the November issue of GLSO News a
at ll pm on a Sunda. Still bein a AAA Gallup poll was cited indicating a growing
member, I called and they came. Fmade it intolerance towards ays and lesbian. In fact,
back to Lexington on my donuts are. The next the most recent Galeu Poll, October T989,
clay i took it to S & 5 Tire on lfichmond Road. shows that almost half3 (47%) of adults think
This should be the end of the story. homosexual relations between consentin adults
Unfortunately, it's not. should be le al, u from only 1K3 who%elt that

While I was waiting with the other deflated way in T982. 7gb now feel t at homosexuals
souls my casual glancing around suggested that should have e ual iob opportunities, compared
there were at least three of us getting our cars to only 59% vliho favored equal opportunity for
re aired. One other man was particularly gays and lesbians in T982. Thanks to Gregory
effiaminate. When his car was called he Kin , Communications Director, of the Human
nervously went to the counter, paid his money Ri fits Campaign Fund for noting our outdated
and left. It was after he left that we who were inFormation.
left got an earful.

'Man, I believe that boy has the virus," one GAY STORIES [cont from pa e l]
serviceman said. His cohort grunted. It From my personal experience woerng as an
obviously was not enough for the serviceman. up-front gay man in generally non-gay
"If you ever make me wait on one of those environments, i know that unless I begin the
eople again," he continued, "l’ll quit first." discussion, the information never gets
file rambled on for several minutes about those exchanged. It is time we start telling non-gay
people. Americans about who we are.

wo of those people (myself being one) Our stories are often very interesting. First
exchanged glances. When the serviceman of all, each of us lived part of our life as two
called my name I went to the counter. i would eople: as the private, fearful ay man or
like to say I calml told the guy off or made a Esbian and as the apparentl straigfint colleague
pass at him or cafiled him "Sugar." l didn't. I or friend or child. Second ago”, we have been
did decide I would never send business there forced to think long and honestly about who we
again. I did send a letter telling them why. I are. As a result, we have some experience in
did not get a response. differentiating between what we'd like to believe

I hope you never have to encounter about ourselves and the truth. '
homophobia. Unfortunately, it's there. And in Whether we like it or not, gay men and
Lexington, it will be here for some time. We lesbians are hot news today. After years of
can make a difference. Spend your money at effort and struggle, the issues of im ortance to
Blaces where you know the atmosphere is tires. the lesbian/gay community are on the national
on't go to S & 5 Tires on Richmond Road. agenda. Decisions that affect our future are

l hope to see you at Dignity soon. going to be made in the next several years. if

we want those decisions to be positive, we have

DlGNITY HAS NEW PHONE to tell the world more about ourselves.
from GLSO News staff Some ma resist, but most people who know
you want to hear your story. We can make the

Keith, President of Dignity-Lexin ton has a world we share with others a little less tense
new hone number, 263-5940. fi‘le January and more honest by tellin the stories of our
Rap Eession marks the beginnin of five years lives. it is important part 0% building the better
of rap sessions. All are inviteg to Keith's at place that all of use want to leave or the next
7:30 pm, Thursday, January 25." generation of lesbians and gay men.

Jan GLSO 5

from Joy
Let's join together already having names and directions.
Let's join together focused on the possibility of sharing what we already have,
not in hopes that M can supply what 1 sorely lack.
Let's [hoin together because there is a wholeness within each of us, to share
with t e other.
Not because there is a great void that I expect you to fill.
Come and be with me because you are unafraid to love.
Not because you fear your own company.
Bring with you your own definition of yourself.
Show me your oundaries and your flexibility,
and I will show you mine.
To merely tell one another is not enough, for our memories sometimes become
fuzzy and full of ourselves.
Come with unwavering opinions as well as compromises,
with values that are set, as well as with an open mind.
Do not come expecting our life lines to be one.
~ Because when support becomes dependency, the abundance of two contributions
dwindles to be a t in unyielding single stream.
Do not come with fears about forever or trying to manipulate tomorrow.
See where it leads without the heavy burden of having to define ”us" as an
all encompassing thing that needs to defy eternity.
Let's join together "already having found i_t".
So that our ioining creates a hologram; each part reflecting the whole.
Rather than creating an interlocking puzzle, each part incomplete and
dependent on the rest.
from Bill from Bill
How odd to think of Heaven There is no thing
And find it in a crumpled sheet I may give to you
and hair in the eyes whic can tell
and the slim curve of a back how much I love.
and a laugh close to your ear. There are no words
All this is physical! to utter
Heaven, we are told, is spiritual! That can weight
how deep my love.
But there is only me
I know spirit only through In silence reaching out
the body to touch, to offer and to give.
and the body's loving touch I am the only gift.
is Heaven. And I am yours.
6 Jan GLSO

from HRCF

In the wake of the failure of San Francisco's "These iamily units are not limited to
domestic partnership low on Election Day, the traditional domestic partnerships or two-person
Human Rights Cam ai n Fund has decided to cou les," she noted. "We want to encompass
develop a nationwide Family registry program to a broader definition at family. While we
build grass roots support for the concept of recognize that this is an ambitious effort, we are
lesbian and gay families. committed to taking the steps needed to end

"We can no longer wait tor lesbian and gay discrimination against the families created by
men in long-term lovin relationships to be lesbians and gays," Stoll said.
validated and acknowleg ed by this country’s The primary goals of the Registry will be as
legislative and political bofiies," HRCF executive an educational tool to increase the visibility of
director Tim McFeeley stated in announcing lesbian and gay Families and to recapture the
plans for a National Family Registry. ”The term "family" tram the right wing. Beyond its
esbian and gay community IS going to have to utility as an educationa took, the National
lay the groundwork first." Family Registry will provide an alternative

Alon with Kathleen Stoll, Director of HRCF's "institution" to conventional marria es, providing
Lesbian Eissues and Outreach Project, McFeele recognition and support in the lesgian and go
announced the creation of the registry which wiil communities for the relationships that are torgedf
be maintained b the Campaign Fund in Plans lor the organization of the Registry are
Washington. "Seli identified lesbian and gay currentl underway. Lesbians and ga 5 who
families -- defined broadly as our most important would Like to partici te should contact lgc/Jthleen
close relationships -- can register with the Stoll at HRCF, 10F"; 14th Street, NW, Suite
National Family Registry," Stall stated. 607, Washington, DC, 20005.

from Gay & Lesbian Military Freedom Project

Following the October 18 release at the courts or the Congress to re-examine their
"Noncontorming Sexual Orientations and policies and practices regarding recruitment and
Military Suitability," an internal Department of retention of men and women whose sexual
Delense SDOD) report which 0 nly criticizes the interests deviate from the customary."
DOD poic oi excluding andyedischarging gay The PERSEREC report invites Con ressional
men and Lesbians from the Armed Forces, the intervention to dra the Pentagon kiciing and
Pentagon is extremeJy vulnerable to political screaming into the 1990's. Urge your
pressure to rescin its homophobic and Congressional representatives to work tor
clan erous policy. rescission of the DOD policy of exclusion and

30w Senators and Representatives need to discharge. This policy, which declares that
hear from constituents that the Penta on must "homosexuality is incompatible with military
implement all recommendations at the SERSEREC service," was established in 1943 and has
report, authored by Theodore Sarbin and accounted for the early discharges -- many of
Kenneth Karols. The authors state, "Under them under less than honorable conditions -- oi
prevailing social conditions, a public admission 100,000 men and women. Additionally, a
of homosexuality carries less stigma than in 1989 Gallup poll indicated that 60% at
earlier times, and is no le al bar to most respondents believed that gay men and lesbians
employment . . . Our studied conclusion is should be allowed to serve in all branches of
that the military services will soon be asked by the Armed Forces.

Jan GLSO 7

APRIL lst, I990!)
smerelda 5 Patio 1 r All submissions should be mailed to:
”Esmerelda's Anthology"
. “ c/o GLSO
" ' P.O. BOX ll47i
— Lexington, KY 40575

Esmerelda will be producing an Antholo y in
a newsletter format this year, which will gebut LETTER TO ESMERELDA’S PARLOUR
durin PRIDE WEEK in June. The Lexington from Laura Drew
Anthcgiogy will contain creative works by womyn
in the local community including poems, rose, I am writin a positive response to the
short fiction, critical essays, and reprodiicible Esmerelda’s Parigour columns written by Angela
pen and inks or photographs. Martin.

All womyn are encouraged to consider Angela continually challenges me to go
contributin works to the Lexington Anthology within and to examine my own belie s,
and to sugmit more than one work when doing prejudices, and internalized homophobia.

50. Those of you who have work selected for Angela is provocative and | feel we need
the Anthology will not be paid for your more of that in a community that seems so full
contribution, this is the first year for the of complacency.

Anthology and Esmerelda cannot afford to pay It takes courage to challenge others and |
the contributors d(including those working in commend and support Angela.

editing, layout, on advertising). What we can I give a lot of my energy to crusade for
do is supply ou with two copies of the womyns issues. Now, with Angela's help I am
Lexington Anthofogy, which will be sold to the questioning why I don’t put that same amount
community at a minimal fee to help cover the of energy into lesbian ri hts issues. Is it my
printing costs, and we can also give your work own internalized homophcgbia?

exposure in the Lexington area. The artist will Certainly "food for thought."

retain the rights to her work. As mentioned

above, the Antholog will debut during PRIDE

WEEK, June, 1990, but it will also continue to JEAN O'LEARY, NGRA HEAD, RESIGNS
be sold at various functions throughout the from The Advocate

remainder of the year.

We are accepting submissions of u to 5 With angry words for her detractors, Jean
poems, 3 rose or short story pieces of up to O'Leary resigned from her position as executive
2000 word; 2 essays of up to 1000 words. director of National Gay Ri hts Advocates
Submissions of up to 3 photos and 2 pen and £NGRA), a California-based pifialic-interest law
ink drawings are also welcome. These numbers irm, on December 4. According to O'Leary,
apply to each person per category, please do disgruntled former employees "orchestrated" a
not send work for more than two categories. campaign against her and were aided in their
Themes should concern womyn in some way. efforts by a gay press that willingly printed ”lies
All entries should be ty ed and doubled spaced and innuendo.
with a SASE enclosed Eearin sufficient postage Although O'Leary had received a unanimous
for the return of your work if you want it sent vote of confidence from NGRA's board of
back to you. We will not be accepting any directors onI two weeks before her resignation,
work that has been published previously, she decided, to step down in order to end 0
including in GLSO News. bitter power struggle.

8 Jan GLSO

 WHALESONG from Debbie Currie LUMIERE
from Teresa Reynolds
Memories wash over me
Endlessly Moon
makin love
The past is not to Mofiter Earth,
to be left tides come in
Unlived rolling fingers
though there is no changing over smooth whiteness;
What already is still world
and wetness
Or was, that is beauty, and
her ecstasy
Mother of m pain heard in ni htson .
Is a life filled/with The air is fified wiEtlh sweet musk, and
Too much Earth cries out--
Not enough Lumiere--
A familiar cry The lay to ether intertwined
From deep within and/night grapes over them.
lays The sky is dark,
Poised upon my lips but stars shine fierce
Aching for release with their dreams.
A story that must from Second Stone
be told
by a storyteller A national lesbian conference is planned for
Who cannot stop April 24 to 28, 1991 in Atlanta, Georgia.
160 lesbians gathered recently in Portland,
A mournful song Ore on for the second planning meeting for the
of missed opportunities conference. The date of the conference set in
Melancholy melodies 1991 is in order to allow for maximum
Hauntingly reassurin accessibility for all lesbians.
For they are what linow Conference planners have expressed a
commitment to make this conference accessible
Awash with memories in all ways to lesbians who have previously
Open wounds take them as salt been under-represented at such events. The
Into themselves steering committee structure ap roved by the
Wrap themselves about them tightly Portland planning group is refiDected in the
The stinging strangely satisfying composition of the interim task committee, which
includes 50% lesbians of color, 20% lesbians
A penance with disabilities, older lesbians, young lesbians,
deaf lesbians, and Jewish lesbians.
It takes but to live Each task committee member is expected to
One moment work on one of the nine committees that are
To open Up the door working to make the conference a reality:
For regrets Program, Nuturance, Mobilization and
Networkin Fundraising, Disability and Access,
Imust sing my song On-Site glannin , Media, Logistics, and
Clearinghouse andJ Educational Action Network.
lmust not forget An interim office where interested lesbians
ma write for information (please send SASE) is:
Whalesong. NLE, P.O. Box 3057, Albany, NY 12203.
Jan GLSO 9

The nation's Roman Catholic bishops backed The state housing commission has issued new <
awa from their earlier qualified support of rules that allow nontraditional family members, ‘
condom education as a way to prevent AIDS. such as long-term gay lovers ta ta e over the
The bishops voted 219-4 at their annual fall leases of apartments covered by state rent l
meeting in November to accept a statement regulations. The rules are consistent with a
calling condom education a ”quick fix" that recent state court ruling that the surviving l
promotes a false sense of security._ partner of a long-term gay relationship has a
right to take over the couple’s rent-controlled
SAN FRANCISCO, CA apartment. l
An Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
congregation has hired two lesbians as the first SAN ANTONIO, TX
gay clerics in their denomination, even though ‘
church rules forbid ordination of gays and A jury has ruled that an X-rated movie
lesbians. The women have been named depicting gay and bisexual sex is not obscene
assistant pastors at St. Francis Church, located in by the city 5 prevailing standards. The decision ‘
San Francisco's heavily gay Castro district. came in t e trial of a video store employee who
was charged with promoting obscene materials ‘
MARYLAND by rentin the mov