xt74j09w3m4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74j09w3m4c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1971 1971 1971-04-16 2020 true xt74j09w3m4c section xt74j09w3m4c y. , . . . ""'".'""”"""""'."" . . . , .
PCCA Ct 31 ._ g g ,. .. “a I {WWW .- ‘ ' ,.
» s ' ,r Ez,‘ - W' . S’ ,_ ‘5‘,“3 ' $1,917: "V ' ‘ . .-' .-
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et 1 e em 3 32-? La. ”'7 J 3‘ 3 ' £— "‘2 be . of t j \a - .. r I Q. , - 3' ' E .- "3.
By MIKE MILAM . .. ‘;j .. ”" _‘ ,- s ' "1 ”refit; goo“ * ""1" v -* , ' ‘ 'f'
Kernel Staff Writer kt, ”3% “ ‘ ' . i 4,; I" __,_, _ ( ~‘ ' fl ;' fi.‘ .': '9
About 75 students met in i'--" I; A ., . Vi ;- . 1 My» _' N f i - ' _.' " " ~ ‘
front of the Administration , V ‘ 2 I ““5““ V , j _ II g? '1' E m “~33 .. .. I: I
Building yesterday to protest the ‘ '1. .I -. . , . . “'3" , _ r9...“ .. , , II"
presence of the Bethleharn Steel in 5 ' ,3... . Kg 5‘ :2 . 1:; I a. fin?" .' ..
Corp. in Pike County. The i 3 3 . ‘ . c m}? - 3-32.11“. t I ‘ ~. _,
demonstration was the second it 4,.» f 3 ' -... X if 3 $3», I 33% ’3. 2 3., ' 1 e 33:" - -,-,rII- . '.‘~ "3';
attempt to kindle interest 1” the a}, E . .:E-;: if?” - - \fd ' ;- " 'V " . '-.- I
massive strip mining operations w . s 3 3; I . 1 I} W ,4“ '- " ., W" " , ,3 ”g: _' ~. ,
that are occuring in that county. W “e I, ie H E ’ 3,: if -_ .' I
The organizers of the 3 _ . .EI ~ =2; , 2‘ 3‘ -. - ; J
demonstration, Friends of Pike ' " f . ,v. 3'2 m % . I’ . 3 ..- ‘ .’-.f:,-. ._“
County, in cooperation with the 2 . hag; I _ , 3 : 7 if? ' i u- 5 7 '3- 2
Pike Citizens Association, 2. ._.; «v i; . ‘ ' ' "I ‘ ,1' 2 '
hrotest last winter. The r: “@333; f 35"- - ‘ iii-r: '9 2 ' 3 - 3' ; V' i l‘ f"
Students assembled in front of “$3 I ”guru ‘n . » a f, E, , . '. i
the Adminstration Building, and Campus Friends of the PCCA march to protest Bethlehem Steel strip mining. Kt“- I'WW t'» “v- “ "1-9" 2
behind a police escort if
motorcycle, marched down 5 ' ‘
Limestone Street and Main x.I I"
Street to the Nunn Building, 1"..-:i-‘.‘ i.
where the Kentucky Coal ‘I f. l-
Association is housed. The ii: I I‘" i ,I
. sign—toting students then 15;" " '3 -.
converged on the president of 'I‘-, I'. 'I
that association, Fred W. f: I
" Luigart, and “demanded" that :i
the Beth-Elkhorn Mining Co., a "j'IIl'.
subsidiary of Bethlehem Steel. 2 a". -.
be dropped from membership in '-.:'f.”— 5'. '-. r I
the coal association. Friday, April 16, 197] University of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. I.\ll. No. 12:: ‘ p. , '~ .
Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 _————-———__—_————_—_____— F - I: .i
Pratt sa 3 ‘ oodb e’ at atherin
By CAROL NIEHUS Last week Pratt was refused Pratt‘s father sgjd it wgg 3 long that she supported all draft 2.7 _’ I l —*4““““‘,
Kernel Staff Writer appeal of his sentence by the time before he understood some resisters. . g 3‘ p . '. “ I‘ 1:
Don Pratt said at a rally held U.S. Supreme Court and soon of the things that are “truths” Pam said or lllR‘ drawn-out - 1 Q ‘ r; a ' "3 q 3;,
in his behalf last night, “I feel Will begin serving his time in now. He said that he was proud case it has taken three years, 7 a; ' {TV—“Hi"
like I should say good-bye. I prison. of the positions his son has held that he was glad he had gone , H ,_ 1.2.7. ”3 I
don’t know when I’m going and Pratt, who has liVEd in and he has stood by him. ahead with his plans and his w’ i .:~ .
I don’t know where I’m going, Lexington for 23 of his 26 years. Vietnam, he said, would have marriage. He will have been -. . 7 ,l -
but now I really know that I’m said “I’ve been here longer than been far less painful for Don and married two years before going ' A '-
going.” Singletary (UK President), his family and that he was sorry to jail and says he will have . x ' .. E
The rally, sponsored by the longer than Brandenburgh (asst. but not surprised by the “many years after that.“ ' . ‘ ,1 2'. I ._ .
Graduate and Professional dean of students) and even sentence. Don read a list of 13 names of ‘ . . .2 IT. ‘1
Students Association, was held longer than Jack Hall (dean of Before giving the microphone draft registers currently in If ‘ "
outside the Student Center, students). By going to jail 1’” back to his son. Pratt said, “In Kentucky federal prisons. doing ' :.' ' .-' *
bordering Limestone, in the give them time to catch up.” the midst of injustice there is “the same thing I‘m doing.“ He 3 , .2‘ ' {If g 1,9"
“free-speech" area. Pratt introduced his father, H. justice, and I believe that asked the audience to “recognize ’~ ' : I, . ,g - f ' L 2
_ __ Over 100 people listened while D. Pratt, who said “I’d rather sometime justice Will come these people 3m} 10 Visit thch“ " r - I? ' If];
Pratt talked of his viewpoints, CfflWl in a hole, or PM my head forward.” Pratt, who was in prison 42 ‘ ' If \‘f’
his feelings and his life in in the sand, bUt forces more NCXI D0“ introduced his wife, days after first resisting the ,2' ,, . .i‘ :\'.' , .fi-I?_,_’.;_u.'-',.',;.
Lexington. compelling bring me to this Kathy, who said that she draft, said it was a morale boost 3 \ ,. : -. :, ~‘I 3 -
Pratt first refused induction microphone.” SUPPOIted DOW Of Course, and Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 DON PRATT .~ 5-)“; -'. i . 3
into the Army Jan. 26, 1968, by . . . .‘ -'. i ',
"0‘ . ”mung for a draft Selection may be unconstitutional . '
physwal. Although he would ,I . .' ' x :
have been physically deferred .
because of a lung ailment, Pratt 9 . If; , 2i. I-
resisted the draft because he S 6 Get 18 ute commlttee ,f I I. 2
feels the Vietnam war to be both 'If. :' 2 .' . ‘ .' .-‘~ ‘
“illegal and immoral.” By SUSAN COWDREY down the hall and raised their major YD officers will be chosen Yt‘qUiR‘d 11‘ l‘rCVlm” "Wt‘mltl‘ '_. .
On April 8, 1968, Judge James Kernel Staff Writer hands to vote in the elections. by members of that committee. any person attending a meeting ‘I I
F. Gordon of the 6th District An overflow crowd of Young There was much disagreement President Lynn Montgomery is capable of Voting in an . i . .I 2. :.
Federal Court in Louisville Democrats “members” packed from the audience about the said. “I’m getting tired of Ford election. ‘ ‘. ,- " ‘ -_ I‘
sentenced Pratt to five years in into Room 245 of the Student constitutionality of the election. people and Combs people Many in the crowd left 1‘ ‘, , g "", ii .
Prison and a $10,000 fine, the Center 185‘ night for the election Nevertheless, 10 of 30 coming in here and trying to immediately after the elections. (5 'I,- 'fi
maximum sentence for refusal of of officers. nominees were elected to a take over my club." “Thanks for inviting me over.“ . Q.‘ . . -3 .' f
induction into the armed forces. Nearly 200 students moved committee from which the four Because no dues have been said one departing “member" to f "
. . another. .7, , ; . 'I :‘3 3‘
' _ f _.4; Regular members of the club -' = .
W Iii; ' " ' ,3 I. said they plan on immediately '. . ”I I
' 2,; -. , . i; "f. 9“... .‘M’ ' ' ”to”; petitioning to contest the ~' .- -
. E, a: JI *5 , If“ .I 623- ‘3 5‘ ’ I. “t. if :I election. .' " 3’ . J.‘¢
,E ”Ex‘E , I. ‘ ' a.“ {31-61;} "‘ ~I ..,.4 « » S - v ' é The 10 elected committee 3 j‘ . _ 7"
“‘3 gr ‘. 3! f w! ‘ss fih- .- ,1. ‘ ’ members are: Nick Doniack. . -~ “I f
. 2 ' 2i .' : fig.” ""f , E ' Dave Mattingly. Dwayne ., ,
"’"I .7 V *‘ .1” "._.. ‘ a0 ‘ IiiI M t 5. .. Cornell. Susan Scott. Jerry . ' I I‘
‘ .. , 3‘. 5.5 ,2 (I. Ea .‘> I a? :W -. WM fl, - . 3‘ ' Springatc, John Hitchcock, ,loc ‘ ' .'
I .. ~ I if? I ’Q M, X3 _ ’ " ‘ ‘ w ,. - U.\_, s "“2. Nicholson. Ralph Shettcrlc. . "- ' ‘ ~ .
i .f ”3“ 3 ' "’3' . ‘ - . 3 ”A!" . ., , ' ’6‘ ' ‘, Gary Johnson and John Peck , | _ - 'I
,--- 3"” ;6 fi ,3 " 3 - .. , ’ \ . M In the course of the meeting a , . ‘
3. i I" Q Q 9‘ A .. I f ' 2%."! "° k '8 l ‘4 i ‘9 v move was detcatcd that the Yll'x ' j , " i
k. .5“ 1, §, s: a. a ,h W , -f} “3:3 I support the student Boycott . ' ‘. ,.
3%, .3 i ‘ re x ‘ S" -i It"??? ’1 ‘ ..~."..., "A "’ 'l”"’ ”’ ’ ’ ‘- ‘ ' ' I ’ ’ . . . ' k , l \
,, .. . if a» . W (-alller '. 1 ‘ -
.' '. J . , I M” For Lexin ton I \'~ ' ' ' ' ‘
I. »f; t .' I ,g‘v g . am lLlllll} 1 .
~ “ L“ I a] ' 3;, 9 . Generally fair and warmer - ' ,
' ' i a!” *< . _ ““18."- tonight, and Saturday. . ' ,
l;IjZEL, . r,” 5 .. ‘ ‘2 High today near 70, low tonight ‘ . .‘ . " ‘.
,. 5‘“ a”: ' in the mid-50‘s. high tomorrow . '
'M“ I? -‘o /*" I. .. _ ., l ‘ in the mid 70‘s. Chance of . l - ‘
aye " ”5 ‘ -' ‘ showers Saturday. Precipitation ~ .
A room packed with members of the UK Young Democrats—and some who Pmbabilhesi N08! zero today ‘
members claim are not officially YD’s-discuss the election of the and ”“3“" ‘0 Pe'ce'" . ' '-
_ , , , , , Saturday. Sun sets 7:20 p.m. ' -
organization s officers last night.(l(emel photo by Bill Craig) 'anmnm - .
. ,/
r" ' \ E.

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. April I6. I97| _.________——-—-————_———————————-——-————
I I . . 1166 S W] 61' an
» From AP reports SS 6S, ackson say S
-_ . . . WASHINGTON (AP)—The defensive hand while permitting When editors pressed him to
. . FT.IMC:HERSONI~I{_t-l C(flC ”in?“ Ignemtlllhisotggdexsgild United States should seek an Moscow to continue deploying give his priorities, Jackson said:
. Jurdor m ht e courltc-lmgr m . o atp ' es gthat would warrant arms-curb pact covering both mammoth offensrve miSSiles—the “Let’s keep our heads screwed
, , :30 ay t Ere cou . e Circum: anfc t‘on th t mi ht save “offensive and defensive nuclear very weapons that could .be on straight on these issues—our
. Sailing 0 f iwtar prisoner O ge m orma l a g systems that will stabilize the aimed at destroying our capaCity first priority is survival.”
' ‘ Eolgig is lcsharrzggsyvith maiming and assaulting a Viet Cong strategic balance and not upset it to strike back.” . . He said the strategic defense >
I ' sus ect durin an interro ation after the M Lai assault in further in Moscow’s favor,” Sen. Under questioning by a budget represents about one
_ ' 19:8 g g y Henry M. Jackson said four-man ASNE panel, Jackson, percent of the total goods and l
' An. attorney for Kotouc said earlier that South Vietnamese Thursday. a darkhorse possibility for his sci-Vices the nation will produce V
. _ . . u , , party’s presidential nomination this year.
. V ' 1:32:21 {P3111231‘zumafifflaifgiwdegthteri: 8118”“ Kotouc is Theh Wishington SDemtocrat next year, drew applause from “To fail in the job of strategic
~ a O a 1 g, g ' told t e aencanh 9°16 y. 0t the editors when he remarked: defense is to fail in all our . 3
. glewsgape; t 33250851553321}; “The great danger is politics aspirations for better housing, '
e ov1 . .
. . '1 - . . . ’. today is that too many health, welfare, education and
- - t :1" mEADEl—ulaavsvéegst for uggibnorsa;r§'mfieggifgars:d Strategic Arms Lintiitatiorli Tallésr; politicians listen to the loudest the environment,” Jackson ‘
' S? 3?, Ry v12: r n d 8e: Will'am C WZstmoreland i: for agreemefln on y voices—and the loudest voices continued. “I believe that this .‘
' , ‘ rznaeri’n theirsodefznse of .My Ijai coverup charges The antiballistic miss es. are not in the majority in this country is rich enough in moral I
, . gttgrneyi made the statement after the military judge. Col He argued this “would tie our country,thank God.” and. material resources to
. " . Peter Wondolowski, denied them use of oriminal investigation pI'OVlfle f? thelsecuntfi 0f (“if ’
' on the Jud e accuses C -J ”51"“ I“??? “W
. . ro em .
. _ Military defense counsel Lt. Col. Frank J. Dorsey said the g 9 p The 8:12:23: maintained the ’
~ ' interviews would be helpful because he has met with stiff S o United States is slipping as a I
V I 'y ffcsilsmtaPreLnetalnoiihseolliliswmn he attempted to gain Information WHA 0f Inaccuracy military power, “the over-all I
. g ~ - - ‘ ~ . strategic balance is tilting in ,
I . L O U I S V I L L E , K y . state exactly what he finds in favor Of Moscow.” f
. (AW—Jefferson County Judge error and what was unfair.” Jackson recommended a 1
f WIASEHNG-EOFHPR 8.0.1“: 'EnibassyR “a? protestedt alaout Todd Hollenbach Thursday He defended coverage of the U.S.-Soviet agreement for an .:
. reg 1. V101,“; LOO/ilg‘sm d“ 5 {33‘3“ 31551;: pug} ”yt er: accused the newspapers and grand jury reports by the two interim freeze on deployment of
' and m} j ”I Tor 'd' 0“th Hf) :fi‘m tin“? “[1”, Tip“, menk television station operated by newspapers and the television additional land-based Offensjw MC
, . ‘ 231% EL”, ‘3‘”) fies d3; fosmtft“. “Inbwt‘”; into ‘tdkl 6“”! bor the Bingham family in Louisville station. saying “ample coverage" weapons in the two nations so LR
‘ . , 50 If“ Olaf“) 9L1") (GYM “(31nd)“? t:‘;‘l‘_ 018E520”: of “unscrupulous journalistic of the jury‘s criticism of the there will be “more time for u"
-' - — rogs. ,‘frum‘l‘g “ff”??? 1.“ 2‘9““? lay 12f“? 9‘?“ methods” in recent coverage of documentary was provided. SALT to succeed." ye:
f ' ' a group “daft undol [ 1‘ (1)81“, U ’ ”‘VUIE‘ t" ”UH” ”‘1 ‘ alleged crime and corruption in :5"
" agency.an urne oose ‘nllCC. ‘ . the Louisville area. (
. I. ( The State Department said it deplored the incident. The accusation by Ilollenbach ‘ :OP head lauds lilBl
1- brought a rebuttal from Barry
' ‘ _ ' Bin ham Jr.. associate ublisher «
, . BATON ROUGE,La.~Sen. Emund s. Muskie. D-Maine, of $1“, Couriemoumalpand The WASHINGTON (AP)—_A added he was glad to know the
, , lashed out at Nixon’s handling of the economy today in a Louisville Times and vice Senate Republican leader said FBllS_d01nglt§JOb- g
f I speech prepared for delivery to the Louisiana AFL-CIO p r e S i d e ,n t o f today the FBI was at an Earth Davrs. Griffin noted, was one
. . convention. Muskie said Nixon claims to “have a game plan for W H A S -TV. H olle nbach’s Day rally here last year not of. those conv1cted in the
l ‘ - . the economy but the only ones who can do any scoring are the cri ticism stems from a because Sen. Edmund 3- MUSkle Chicago COHSPUHCY U131 and 7
. , ' bankers,‘ WHAS-TDV documentary earlier was a speaker but because “such with Muskie and others spoke at . o
.‘ Sens. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota and Edward M. this year about alleged vice and individuals as Rennie Davis” the Earth Day rally here last E 2::
. . Kennedy of Massachusetts, in speeches earlier this week, also - - h L - ~11 were on the same platform. April 22 the
-' . d N'x n w 'nsen itivet w k'n e 1e corruptlon In t C OUISVI e area ' - Griff!“ said that Davis IS J‘ inv
‘ I 0 8m 1 O 381 s O or 1 gp op I and news coverage and a grand Sen. Robert 1" anfm Of amon the leaders of an anti-war ‘ 0°“
‘. jury investigation that resulted Michigan, the GOP Whip, tOld g . i, W
'I i from the program. the Senate that “this should be maICh on Washington planned Ken
~' , SHANGHAI—China’s army, Often described as ready to I , th Obvious to anyone who read” an for later this month and quoted Th
' th th A ' ' ‘ t th ' ve The letter added “at nei 'er , - Davis as telling University of - Mas
. . . row. e merCians aggressor in o e sea, ga an the newpapers nor the teleVISion FBI. agents report that Muskie, New Ham shire students g up
. “ enthuSiastic welcome Thursday night to the 15 members of _ h ve “corrected the Maine Democrat disclosed P . _, Fnc
~ ‘ - theUS table tennis team station a . . W d (1 ~ 3 fl FBI Wednesday night that the 23-:
. ‘ ‘ ‘ initial false and misleading e nes fly “1 accusmg 1'3 d a - h , T
_ 1 Soldiers made up about 80 percent of the 5,000 spectators 'm ressions which they have of spying on Earth Day -,ernonstrators Will occupy t e , intrr
' . .. - ‘ who watched an exhibition match between US and Chinese 1 p ' - - ll' (1 th halls 0f Congress 311d stay In the 1 Stui
‘ conveyed to the public conservation ra ies aroun e _ , , . .
' _ . teams. . th' m tter ,, country nation 5 capital until the war 15 E if;
‘ The blue-uniformed, red-starred soldiers of the army clapped concerningh 15. a t' t ' ent he , . . . over.” U
‘ . , vigorously when the Americans appeared l" “Bing am 5 5 d em , ‘ Griffin said “the FBI has a “If the government doesn’t ’ for
"f ' ' said It WOUId be much more duty to keep track of those in stop the war, we will stop the , Con
' ‘ V useful, hand eriesponSiv: “If our society who have an avowed government,” he quoted Davis as . 3::
. _ ‘ won “5 car 103 v ...m - w ~
. ' . ‘ , COLOMBO. Ceylon—The government appeared confident it Hollenbac p ' purpose to destroy 1t and saying. G‘
. ' was in control of Ceylon's ll-day-old leftist rebellion l 22::
_‘ ' Thursday. easing its curfew over the island-nation and S App
, expelling all North Korean diplomats for undetermined _ I HE KE TU gs;
- . reasons. Only scattered clashes between the youthful rebels , a,
, and government forces have been reported in the past two ., The:
. ' ' days. but armed groups are roving the countryside and there E UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ‘ g1???
‘ , have been reports of them commandeering heavy vehicles. Rest
t . p.111.
' a . f o
1 - ~ . ; A TAXING DA Y DEADLINE: fCopy must be received 11 o.m. the day prior to the flee
. , . , ’ irsr insertion. 333
4 \ ~ Millions sweat out IRS deadline . ‘51“
. UC
. . By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “I guess he doesn’t have any 3,,“
, ' _ “After today, don’t call us. sense of humor,” said Carl ' NAME Dore F'lUf
~ . g ' We‘ll call you." That’s what a McCobb, and IRS official in San ,g‘psn
- ' , sign taped to the front of the Diego. l Addr st
, Internal Revenue Service office Struggling with tax forms was ,1 es: Phone icpiti
, in San Diego. Calif, said no joke either to the millions of m
' ‘ h ,d' g ersons throu hout the countr . - .

. ‘ T111233 April 15 the last day {ll/I10 were mgaking last—minUt: l Ad Clossrficotlon (For Sale) (For Rent) (Wanted), etc. rinse;
V; '1 for filing income tax returns, calculations of their debt to the I I :Lemx
' ' ’V and the sign was no joke to an government. 3 “t

' " IRS administrator who ordered One regional IRS office alone, Capy: . t ipfl?
' , it taken down. in Andovcr. Mass. reported it " i 13.
_ . had received by Thursday only Dub]
' -_—-_—* nine [ninion of the 125 IllllllOIl i """'°""'°"""'""'"'""'""'°"'I------------------nn----........................_,,","uunnnnuun Gli
' returns it normally receives. ‘ digci
. . _ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL .mmc m day in, produced ; i “a“
“'52:,"“53:33:?“Efra‘gmu‘gflyivg several demonstrations against ; 2 {233“
, martini. Ki-ntur'ky 40506. Second class the use of federal revenues to I if “'0'“
. ill/I213: filiQi‘i‘dt;int]“1:0is:‘rifl‘t‘rli‘ri,diff;Irintgictcg;2 support ”10 WHI’ Ill VICIIILIII], I: ..................... i
!<('IIO()I your except holidays and anm ()nc woman burned IIL‘I‘ l040 h b V
pi I‘IO(I:». .md oner- during the summer . . . . ’- SD
“‘1‘“. ‘ tax form in front of the federal ' - food
' I.J,,”,,l,’l,',mf,‘ll'bGK‘l,‘2,3333%:{sz‘fgg building in Philadelphia. She “in ’ '1 avail;
- ‘ ' ”OW“ ““ ”1" W’It‘t “1 1894 and among 32 demonstrators. . ,~' 120.
, publishwl continuously (IS the Kernel . ...u”nu-nu.......-.....--...........--.....-.....u.....n...u.-.......-~.............n... BI
» .KIIX‘I‘ 191;). Another antiwar group was . I EDU
. dvvrtmnr! published herein is in r‘IIISCd 0’11“!" a. i“. L7 g ‘ .' jum'c
ll‘ltklt'll in “I‘ll! Ilil' r"d r buy. A _' r' " . L' "- ' ' . . f
, . a:“Peggy-I12:I(;:Idl¥ficilé§$5:;:lng shourld marshals [0 the federal lllllldlllfl ’ Starting Date No. Of Insertions Charges ................ l‘ 33:;
sunscnw'riors “Alfn. in St. Paul. Minn. They were 9 . . . _ , . . . ; floor
‘ Emmy. bfy ""3“, _ 39:; trying to deliver medical supplies L RATES (20 words). I insertion, $1.25, 3 insertions, $3.00; 5 insertions, $3.75 l; “:12
In copy, rom Ir-s , .10 . , ‘ , . “ i 5
‘ . KERN”, TELEPHONES In ‘ payment IOT d WU“St ‘ The KERNEL accepts classified advertising on a pro-paid basic ONLY. This form may be mailed Expe
‘inigilriutl‘lyjrlllfilnrgdirt‘lzirnnr 257-1755 income 1M: g . ’ along with a check, to The Kentucky Kernel, Journalism Building. University of Kentucky, 52;:
Asmmm Edna“. Show 257474,, IRS offtcrals said the law '3 Eon-ngron, Kentucky 40506. The Kernel reserves the right to refuse publication of any clout. withi
Afiifi‘rti-‘mfl- "US“N'SR Ursula-258 “W. provrdes only for paying taxes fled advertising concidcrd to to inappropriate or in poor tutu. For

 .I > ' I I l
_______——_—_—__________________ THE KENTl'fKY KERVEI.. Friday, April Hi, [07] _.‘5 "' 3 ..3 >3 “I
a“ ’ y- ' » ’IV' ‘ ' ‘.‘ V 3 .
g; ' 7! II -. . ‘ “fl-‘1’“ . ; . I I ‘ .
- . '. u on s rap urge c asses -'
.4 , at Donovan Scholars talk ' " ‘
to . ' é331:3" M ”’5 fl ‘5 ~ - . . . ..- .‘
“d: "3 -"'""' "“ H'q“ .22; By SANDY HAVRY till/ens allowed to enroll in m \‘I l“ ‘l‘UlJl l‘ "‘- "3 ll” “‘“lllm' ‘ ‘ 3‘ '3' '5'.
ed a.” I, ’ 1 . Ker'iel 513“ Writer [' nl\ ersl t} classes Wlilltitlt w ere their may t.’ tt 'iiek'l ns. ' 1' .‘f ‘
our “*4 If ‘ w . 1 " ». Rotaract. UniverSity SUrVis‘c paying tuition. The program is t; 1 t k. e 1 ml \\ My hump, ' - 7.: . . '
’“ , is ’ organization .iftiliattd “llll tht dirL‘th‘d by Dr. lzarl kauttinan. “Wilmer/Cd llit- iiiiportaritc iii ‘ ' 2 I " . '
SC x g I, z- 3 ‘- '1, «N’ “a 3 F“ L e X 1 n gton Rotary ( “Ub‘ J Ung Bart N- Peak moderated llllllx'lliL' college educatil in Htort‘ ' . i ‘ ' " I': ‘.-'
inc *w’*g. III: I - :i hm . " sponsored a seminar on the the discussion. ,mumgmm 1;) the ”wimp but ,.‘I
nd 7' W _ p33,, " g? , I " r relevance of education Thursday T he Donovan Scholars not bi 1mm“: alzldt‘lli‘s t» i ‘ ; 3“,.- 4‘.
ce III ”ti. ; IQ} in which Willie Gates Ill and addressed questions to (TEI'GS‘ahIl attend large. m t 10.1mm” 1; .3 ~ '3'. I.
" or“ “m“ 3 1“ , ll"; it :u-‘s 3 Paul Wertheimer spoke [U a \Vertneimer “b0“! ”N” “31”“ lecture classes. uhlth .lttordllit' . ! “‘- ' -4 “. . 3
cc 3 I I ' I" l'i‘iIII jg!“ group of Donovan Scholars. on the undergraduate education to Wertllelnwr. -~ . . I”; 7." -. ' J - V 1 ,IIi
ur '3: . f ’ " ' ’ m Donovan Scholars are senior s y s t e m . F i n a it e e s a n d dehumanizing. The ”mix WW. I, ‘. . ' .. ' .‘ I. .’
8, ‘ gt WW ., student can treatt- or add
"d ' M» W“; " 9 . 0 ‘) something to a class is when he 'IIII’5I.'., .
0'“ I - -" § 0“ g“ 533* t S Sprlng” Plot. takes a eoniputerl/ed test.I'l here .;. I' ‘i ‘-.
15 “V W ”I W 5 is no human element in his . I- II : - ' ,-
ral .. ‘ .‘H' “““ ’ .. I: .- ' 3 fl ' a . ~ ed tieation." .' 9. ' :r. '. . - V
111' A . .. ' “’3' ff "r 4 "~ IIIIIZI'I.I....... .it 'v e T.“ «ii .iit' lJ'. -2.v "Lil. ’- . . ‘ I' - t .
tic . " . ,, G A I IV E S V l L L l). . l‘ la . they would be picked up later. 8:. 1min} ‘luummfii m“ ”mm; . .' ' ‘, 'i ' '
. . .. . .:'2-:..4-1-1252."gt-iéivigIlg“; .::f:- I _ ' ' v i v I . 5 0 “li' ' _ I- . . ‘ . II . 3 ,
' -‘ v (AP)——Hundreds of white The black students arrested ll l “ “m?” P lmd “-‘ “Tl " I‘ . I 5. , . 5 -.
" ., . . . . . * - i ~ in . " ..\. . ' .' . ,
he ' students fought With riot police earlier in the day were released ”3‘9”“ r“ “L ‘ l “I“ “ ' - ".I
a for two hours Thursday after on their own recognition at'ter “““I“”I\"“l.“”n“ “r“ ””1 w ””5“ “III “s
, 11 taking over the University of spending about six hours behind El” “mm“‘m I‘M‘I' I “l “ “V 3' I . -' .‘ ‘ '. “j,
in Florida administration building bars. “ “““LrIud mall“ I 'Il‘l“\"l‘ 4' 1" '.' t
. I . II . I I , . must e lance sinte ltlt'rt‘ L‘ A ~ '. ,I '-.
3 to prottst . m“ ‘1”th 0‘ 68 University President Stephen eh mt... m the world it» .. .; ,, - ’ " ‘ «‘ . " .1
a : 7 members of the school s Black O‘Connell ordered their "rrests L' ‘ I C‘ 't ' t : 5. - .
f . . - I u I iilversi y m ust use lit“ ' I .- '. 5-
n By Golly, she uon. StgdentUnion. 1‘ t‘f' when my mm m MW m. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII it... W .. .I -. I.
of I t . . _ ne campus p0 ice 0 leer was .. , . . . I1 II ~ ._ I, . . . .
e Molly By Golly (lower right),adime-store terrapin,won yesterday’s cut by flying glass during the SltlIWdI ““m l“ m” ml” as an lllletltlLll. adIlust lit 2“»: I5 II -. _. I. . .
O LKD Turtle Derby handily, only to suffer fatal injury moments later melee, and another was hurt ”11d“ 5- world and tm hie situation. 3. _ .I II I ,
I under the heel of a Kernel photographer. Miss Golly was interreId when hit on the head by a WThe demands were: - “Where do the _\oung people I .. ~.
yesterday on top of the Student Center roof, where the turtles board. NO other injuries were Recruit and admit IsoIo black get the perspective to MOW a II I .
sponsors, Kappa Alpha fraternity, threw her. (Kernel photo by Bill known. students among next tall 5 3,300 new system will work?" WW III .I . I _
WOW” The students had taken over freshmelriih a n other question asked. . .. _ II.
Tigert Hall to demand the ’. stab S ff f‘ department IOf Wertheimer explained that fI I‘ ‘ ‘I
release of the arrested black mané'lty a airs under ‘1 full Vlce StUdentS review the past, its “ . : 7 "I
; students, but were chased from prein ent. . . failures and successes, in J ' 5 " '
he ’ - b 50 )Hire a black administrator of 1 - - ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘
l the building by 3 out . . eva uating the potential or . y. ‘ ' .; ~.
0 a an omorrow “I me made”... 3...... 50mm n... .I .. _, I _ ,
ne pore n. )H' bl k "‘t t . , . g .' -‘
he Nearly two hours of f ”e a ac 35515 an manager Gates explained the purpose .. ' » T a
‘ d skirmishes followed as students 0 personnel. . of selling lecture notes to large - ' . ‘- I1
t TODAY FOR FREE. cosifidential and police tossed tear gas Hntensrfy the recruitment and introductory classes. “We want - . . . . I-
a t t b rt' - ~ . . . 2 . '.
st 3 CogiE§§E§§l§§§5 ”13": $21,331,: Stiffnnszlfiilyg ceaslls ti: Vsogndg’r; cannisters back and forth and 21““? Of black faculty. to pomt out that education can ' " : : . ; .
and 1'-2:30‘D.m..Presi‘dent’s Room of Liberation Center 3" 252‘9358 0“ turned water hoses on each F3” and equal treatment “f be bought " He added that the II_;;II,_.., ,I .j I;
. the Student Center. All students are Tues-i Wed," Thursu from 2’5? 6'9 blacks employed at the r . . 1 . V ‘n e f. 'led “a. . ;.~ 1 ., 1
- . . p m 0, Fr, 2_5 p m and Saturday 9 other. . . .easr-n t it t. tur ai . -. I I . , .
lS inViteId. A Board of Trustees ' '3 ' ' ' . d univerSity. h’ , . . 1 f d I ‘t I 1 I _ ,I ', I ,
ar commlttee willpreside. a.m. 2p.m. Eight students were arrestc t at insteat o tmons rating I . . I
ed II WASHXNGTON MARCHERS: THE pLANNED pARENTHOIOD but were released as some 2,000 The university with a total the absurdity of the system. It " I’ ",I I ._
ed ¥intuclky IpeolplescanIstay at Viezlgg BtirthBConttiirol Clinic ignosw opzratléltg others looked on. Police took enrollment ot~ about 20,000 has “fit right in." The notes became -v a '1. 5 5 .
80 0 1C eml 1’ . econ . . . . . . , w . I; .
of _ Massachuim‘: Ave. NVSI'tawyashington, fihumd‘a? 3::yMoilnday nights from the names Of the eight and said less than 200 black students. a student sevice. he said. .‘wI -I ;
g D.C. (next to American Union) for 6-8 p.m. Other clinics are listed under , -' I ’ 1'
ts g Friday and Saturday nights. April Clinicsinthe Yellow Pages. r.‘ -II- . - II .
e 3. 23-24. Phone 363-9796. GREEK LITERATURE IN ‘ , ~ ~
e 7 introductory lecture. Richard Hill. week su er session cfiursé to be . .' . . .. '
I , . . . "U” u - s r 'I . ,
, ; 2mg?“ . Igter't‘a‘g'ffs Medltag‘?“ taught June 15-August 11, M-F - . .5 - . - , . '
15 a £235 1’"; figgf f; 'c 3”” n.. 10:30-11:30. CB 237. No knowledge . II . . . , I. ;-
l p ‘ u ent en er. of Greek required. For An . II.j - ,- ‘ I . ,
y % USAC chairmanship. Applications y VANS I'- t' * If‘
t ' for University Student Advisory TEE liLQCK V?ICES IOF UK W II . I ; , , I. I
e , Committee post now being accepted. nee cIon n utlons or a Itnp to smg O . I5 . I~ ,I .- .
Apply at 86 office. 204 Student m Chicago. Transrrortation money CCGSIO" :Ir .. -, .
as Center, before April 19. needed for 80 people. Contact Vicky VINCENT FISTER INC -5 - ,- I. J .‘ .-
i GREAT ADVlSORS Awards. All gmglg‘ 36fi'3293~ 0‘" C‘t’geg‘fi 2‘ I . ' '.-- ‘- , ‘ ‘,V
i students are invited to submit Offcil T to essrons. our 0 r CALL 5- '. .’ .‘ t. ,‘I .- ,-
academic advisers’ names for honor. ce ower. Agent for . ‘I :1 ‘ I . - .
Applications available in Student THURSDAY COLLOQUIUM 1 ; ' ._ " .~
Government office, 204 Student Lectures at Canterbury House: April Pre Ianned Movin ' I ' ‘ . 5' 3 ' T
Center. before April 19. 22: “The Church: Christ Before Us. M I C H L E R P g m Sanitized Vans ‘ , “.1 ‘- . .‘ ', 1‘
‘ “A FLEA IN HER EAR.“ Guignol and Us Before Christ.” 7:30 p.m.. Personaliz V. f: _ . II .
Theatre presents Georges Feydeau‘s Canterbury House, 472 Rose Street. F L O R I S T 6d Ser Ice Of? Baggage and Personal Effects .i' .I , 4.. .I .II I
play April 21-25. Weds-Sat. curtains UK Tnoupgns, Annual show. 8 Gorng Overseas , '
18630. Stinggg 807230 D-md p.m. April 22and 23.AlumniG.Vm. " " IIJA, '
eservations: 2 - 6 noon to 4:4 Adults $1. children 50 cents. ' _ _ ' ' j - - .' ‘ l a
p.m. daily. Box office opens April “WALK FOR HUNGER n DIG“ 254 0383 266 2153 ‘3‘ -‘ .' ' .'
14 . . ' _. . . . . ~
‘ chmgton youths march April 24. ., , . _ , .I _
. COMING-UP For more information. call 258-5517 4‘7 EOSt MOXWEH STORAGE PACK|NG — CRATING 2‘ 5'
COSMOPOLITAN Club picnic and or visit 308 “a"? Ham 9'5 Monday 2305 Polumbo Drive f - It ‘ . . = " .
election. Sunday. April 18, Alan’s through FndaV- . O f New Clcle Rd' .-, .
Manor on Old Frankfort Pike. Club ' ll . " 3' '
officers will be elected at the ' ‘ . ' , “'5? V. V
meeting. Rides available from .- " ' ’5.
Student Center parking lot at 2 p.m. I .~ . I;
Bring food. cold drinks provided. .I“- . ‘ ' ‘ I ' .' ”'I
UK SYMPHONIC RAND and Wind - i' ‘ . v ’. . ,
Ensemble. Performance 3 p.m. Sun., '3 . l ‘ . .
April 18, Memorial Hall. Free. . . . I II .’ I I
SENIOR PIANO Recital. Frances ~ .5 . -'
Scott performs. 8:15 p.m. Mom. .' . ' ~ t "I
April 19. Memorial Hall. I .. - f. g . 5.
UK AMATEUR RADIO Club. Last ’1 -. -' '. V ' -'
meeting 5:30 p.m. Mon.. April 19. . ‘ . -. 5 j . 5‘ ._
453F Anderson Hall. Slides from -‘ a“ >
f Mexico will be shown. Information: I. .. ' . '
‘ Sam Brown 255-6553. -- I , .II, J
. “CANOEING.” Sierra Club . II . . ,
E sponsors film and display of canocing ', 3 -
2 equipment. 7:30 p.m. Mon.. April _ , '. 5 ‘.
l’ 19. Christ Church Episcopal. The I ‘ ~ 1 '
public is invited. Off I’ I o . . . . . . . ‘ . . . -' ;
E U K WOM EN: S “Idem e s ucrohve opportunity to students with followrng qualifications. .' . .
Govemment-sponsored meeting to ' ‘. » ~ .‘
l discuss problems of women will be “) Neat Oppeo rance .' I. . . . I I .'
It held at 7:30 p.m. Tues. April 20. at ' 1’ ' '
I 245 Student Center. Object is to 2) Gets along WIth people personallty g . .-
= - form an organization devoted to ' ° ' ‘ - - - .' , I . . '
t wom.nv..on.emsI 3) Ability to accept brief but intenswe training . : . . .
i MISCELLANY We offer: I. , . »
? SURVIVAL KITS. YM-YWCA sezll ] ) H _ h . b' I . . f I . . - . I ,.
. food boxes for spring finals. 3 . l __ - .
3', available at Human Relations Center. 9 egrnlng . capo I 'fy varlety 0 pay p ans I 1 . -
. 120 Student Centerbzefoggvrflsg 2) Interesting, friendly CO-workers . ' .
‘ BIRTH CONTR . . . . .
3 coocmon couusscmo. By 3) Competition for European vacations and other valuable prizes . ~
~,' junior medical students. completely
l confidential. Males. females or . I . I
' couples. 7-10 p.m.. Weds. nights. 3rd . . _ . .' .
; floor OB-Gyn clinic. Medical Center. For personal intcrwew call one week before school is out I
i’i PROFILE: Rumanic 1970." O O O . . '.
Experimental A828 300-1 topical ' - _ 5 5 5 '9' ‘ .
course to be offered in 1971 fall 'nC'nna ' OU'SV' e - ~
semester. Open to all nugenu . I
without prerequisites. TTh 2- :16.
For more information contact Prof. o um us '0 - .
Joceph Koala. History. or Prof. ' . I
Michael lmpey. Spanish and Italian. I

 O O
' awa F )0 May a yWS-o ('0 ON?
The continued episodes 4/ i i t . ‘1 < L 2’ F,
. . . . . , - . I‘
To continue With the harrowmg story of UK s (ode of Student
Conduct. we now take you into the exciting episode of University "N0! It’s MINE! Nobody can play with it but
administrator Irving to ilease ever 'one but onl makin’ matters worse. ‘ . - .
' ‘ ¥ 3 y 5 ME! Mme. mine, mine!”
As you remember, the last time we left you, the Board ofTrustees had
~ appointed