xt74j09w3q66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74j09w3q66/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-04-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 2000 2000 2000-04-20 2020 true xt74j09w3q66 section xt74j09w3q66 Take the time

Plant a tree
or two

The largest plants we
grow are trees and
the reasons for
planting them go far
beyond making our
communities pleasing
to look at.

speaking, trees
provide us with
protection from the

They also moderate the
improving our air
quality and
conserving soil and

While sheltering us, the
trees also shelter our
precious wildlife, too.

In a social sense, trees
provide us with a
feeling of peace, well
being and

Try to imagine your
neighborhood or
countryside without
trees. The feeling
would change

Trees are functional in
architecture and
engineering projects:
they can enhance a
good view or screen
out a bad one.

Economically speaking,
trees add value to
our properties.

By providing shade in
the summer and
protection from
harsh winds in the
winter, trees provide
energy savings.

The market value of
residential property
increased with the
incorporation of
ornamental trees and
shrubs, and in
particular large
shade trees.

Some reasons to reduce
or eliminate mowing

i. Reforestation of the

2. Creation of free food

3. Prevention of millions
of accidents

4. invocation of rain

5. Temperature
reduction in summer
and warmth in winter

6. Noise buffering

7. Air filtration

8. Oxygen creation

9. insect rights

l0. Animal rights

ll. Plant rights

12. Fuel savings

13. Time savings

14. Pressure reduction
on landfills

15. Creation of beauty

i6. Creation of diversity

lT. Reintroduction of
habitat for wildlife

. Green is healing to

look upon


7.5 a

The Kernel predicts
rain. Lots of it.




News tips?
Call: ZST-l9l5 or write:

April 20, 2000


Welcome to the jungle, where black roofs and pavement have replaced green trees. Why should you
care? it's costing you money in electricity to use the air conditioner, in water to soak your lawn and
quench your thirst and in taxes to pay for the ecological consequences of replacing soil and vegetation
with concrete. Luckily, scientists and politicians have some solutions. Learn about the fight against


urban heat islands. where trees have stepped up to cool things off. 4“
Tomorrow, check out the Kernei's guide to the environmental economy.


Atlanta has seen phenomenal growth recently, from soaring downtown highrises to sprawling suburbs and industrial parks. And hot it is:
the home of the Braves Is so thick with asphalt and air conditioners that it's become a "heat island," soaking up radiant energy during the
day and holding onto it at night. Data indicates that heavily developed parts of the Atlanta metro remain warmer than surrounding areas,

effectively trapping heat like a sponge holds water.

Many of those localized heat sinks are centered around areas where growth is greatest, especially along county borders, transportation
routes, and downtown. But besides bigger traffic jams, researchers say all this growth is changing the region's climate. Heat rising from

developed areas is spawning thunderstorms.

The image starts in "natural" color and immediately transitions to a daytime temperature reading, with white and red indicating highest
temperatures, respectively, and blues indicating cooler temperatures. Notice how the buildings can also help keep small areas cool, cast-
ing shadows across the pavement and walls of surrounding structures. Using the same color scale, one can see how much heat remains
locked in the developed areas of the city, a phenomena which could becomes instantly apparent if surrounding rural areas were shown.
Check out this image and more at http:/lsvs.gsic.nasa.govlimagewalllhtml.

Hot in the city: How cities
are using an unlikely tool to
deal with a heat problem

By Mark Vanderhoff

Cities of the world have updated a
traditional practice to combat to a new

The problem: urban heat islands.

The solution: urban forestry.

“What we do in a city is we take
some green and we make it black.“ said
Tom Kimmerer. UK professor of forestry.
As buildings and pavement have re-
placed trees and plants. the cooling pow-
er of vegetation has been lost. he said.

“We take these natural air condition-
ers away and replace them with black
surfaces that store heat." Kimmerer said.

Scientists have dubbed the resulting
bubbles of heat that form over cities “ur-
ban heat islands."

Data from the past century. the U .S.
Department of Energy reports, shows
temperatures differ in urban areas from
rural areas by as little as two degrees
Fahrenheit and as much as 20 degrees.

While that doesn‘t exactly mean a
catastrophe is imminent. it does mean
heat-related occurrences will increase.

Residents in Washington, 0.0. for
example. run their air conditioners for
about 1,300 hours each year 7 - for a total
cost to residents of $52 million a year, the
department reported.

Several factors combine to cause ur-
ban heat islands.

To begin with, plants take in and re—
lease moisture. This scientific process.
called transpiration, cools the air. Urban
settings have fewer plants to contribute

See HEAT on 3

' s

A difl'erent view


The Stunt Newspap


The Kernel
does. Check
out what’s in
for fashion i6


Pay fees
now for
fall term

Students must pay fees for next
semester no later than August 14

By Jill Gorin


(let your checkbooks ready. Instead of waiting
until after school starts in the fall. students will be
required to pay their student fees before classes he
gin. Those who don't will find themselves dropped
from the registrar.

"Student government actually had the idea."
said Linda Bradford. director of student billing.
“We had a problem with students registering for
classes early and then not coming to UK in the fall.“

Bradford said this is an inconvenience for stu-
dents who try to register for classes in the fall and
can't get into them because those students who
never came to UK have their classes still registered.

if we get the fees before school begins, then we
can drop those students who have not paid and are
not coming and that will “free up those classes" for
current students in the
fall. she said.

This year. students
will have to pay their fees
one week before classes

In the past. students
have been required to pay
their fees. which include
tuition. activity fees.
housing and dining fees.
on the first day of classes.

“It was supposed to be
the first day of classes."
Bradford said. “but it has
been more like the 10th
day of classes."

But student billing
only began advertising
that due date recently.

“We only tried to ad—
vertise that fact for the
past two years because
we‘ve had problems with
students registering for classes and holding them
up and then not showing up." she said.

Bradford said about 300 students register for
classes every year and then. at the last minute. de-
cide not to attend UK.

“It's not just freshman." she said. “Usually.
once a freshman comes to the advising conference.
they pretty much know they're coming. It has been
happening from students across the board."

Students are shocked by the new policy.

See FEES on 2


Students must pay
student fees (tuition,
housing, dining and
activity fees) by
August 14, 4 pm
Classes will begin
August 23.

Student billing will be
sending out a letter
prior to July l to all
students who have

advanced registered,

along with the student
fee bills.


UK Parking
goes online

No more standing around: Just
point, click and apply for permits



if you‘re tired of standing in long lines that
wrap around Euclid Avenue when it‘s time to reg-
ister for parking permits. the answer might be at
your fingertips.

With a few keystrokes. students at 17K and
l.(‘(‘ will be able to apply for or renew their park-
ing permits online using Visa or MasterCard be
ginning May 1.

“We're trying to do what Wi‘ can to eliminate
lines at the parking office." explained Dan Thorn
ton. dirwtor of parking and tmnsportation services.

Thornton said that online registration would
make applying for and issuing parking permits
much easier.

“When students fill out application cards.
sometimes the handwriting isn't legible." Thorns
ton said. “(The online application) reduces errors
and gets the penuits out to students more quickly."

UK employees have been able to use the online
option for the past two years. but a few problems
needed to be corrected before the service could be
offered to students. Thornton said.

Thornton believes that the recent success of
online permit registration for employees is a rea-

See PARKlNG on 2







The Low-down

OK, they
high art
icons. But
go up to
anyw ere
and tell
one of e
Stoo es,
and ey
begin to

{in illller.
actor who plays
Larry Fine on the
April 24 ABC TV
Three Stooges,"
to The New York

Court orders Elian to stay In il.S.

ATLANTA — A federal appeals court in em-
phatic fashion yesterday extended a court order
keeping Elian Gonzalez in the United States
pending an appeal. The 11th US. Circuit Court of
Appeals panel barred anyone from attempting to
remove the 6-year-old boy from the country and
suggested the Miami relatives‘ efforts to argue
their case shouldn't be ignored. The judges said
they “fail to see how an injunction in the case in
fringes upon the congressional power." The pan-
el was critical of Immigration and Naturalization
Service's handling of the boy’s asylum request.
Yesterday‘s ruling did not specifically forbid the
lNS from taking custody of Elian and it did not
address government efforts to reunite the boy
with his father. who has been waiting in Wash-
ington since April 6.

Montreal cops charge web suspect

MONTREAL A A 15-year-old boy working
under the computer name Mafiaboy has been
charged with two counts of mischief for disabling
the CNN Internet site for four hours. police said
yesterday. The Feb. 8 attack was one of several
on major international Web sites in recent
months that highlighted the security risks of the
high-tech age. The young suspect - arrested Sat-
urday in a joint investigation with the FBI -
boasted in Internet chat rooms frequented by
hackers that he was responsible for a number of
the attacks, Inspector Yves Roussel of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police said. The boy‘s name
cannot be disclosed under Canadian law.

Report: nuclear cleanup costs rise

WASHINGTON -»— Cleaning up environmen-
tal damage from the nation‘s nuclear weapons
program will cost between $168 billion and $212
billion - up to 44 percent more than the Energy
Department estimated two years ago, a new
agency report says. There are 113 sites nation-
wide. Seventeen will take as much as a decade
longer to clean up, while the department hopes to
finish work at five sites more quickly than earli-
er forecast. according to the report.

Koreas prepare for first summit

SEOUL. South Korea ,__ North Korean and
South Korean officials will meet this weekend to
prepare for the first summit between their lead-
ers. officials from the south said Wednesday.
They said the north has accepted a South Korean
proposal for the preparation meeting. The meet-
ing will set up a a summit of their leaders in the
North Korean capital of Pyongyang on June 12-14


Next month.
Barbie will
launch her cam-
paign for the
White House.
The White
Nouse Project.
a nonprofit,
group that pro‘
motes women
candidates. said
it has teamed
up with Mattel
Inc. to market a
“Barbie for
President" doll,
which will hit
stores flay 1.

Rocker David
Bowie's wife,
Somalian super-
model Iman,
44, used a tra-
ditional African
custom to help
her get preg-
nant. “In Africa
there's a tradi-
tion that when
a woman wants
to conceive and
is having a hard
time, she
should hold
woman's baby,"
Iman said dur-
ing a recent
television inter-
view, adding
she borrowed
fellow model
Brinkley's child.

- a dramatic breakthrough in a halfcentury of di-
v1s10n. The summit agreement was announced
last week.

Judge seeks national tobacco deal

NEW YORK — A global settlement to all to-
bacco cases nationwide would be sensible since
they are all related and complex. a judge has con-
cluded. “The time for bringing a close to tobacco
litigation is nigh," US. District Judge Jack B.
Weinstein wrote in a three-page order urging
lawyers in five major tobacco cases in various
stages to begin talks. Weinstein. a Brooklyn fed-
eral jurist since 1967. said the court has a “duty
to take affirmative action" to encourage lawyers
to seek creative ways to resolve the disputes.

No big Japanese sanits to merge

TOKYO — Two more huge Japanese banks
are combining in a deal that will create one of the
world's five biggest financial groups. The latest
merger announced Wednesday comes as Japan’s
banks are consolidating to become more competi-
tive globally as the government loosens regula-
tion at home. The combination of Bank of Tokyo-
Mitsubishi Ltd. and Mitsubishi Trust & Banking
Corp. will create a financial group with approxi-
mately $857 billion in assets. They plan to inteo
grate their operations under a joint holding com-
pany, tentatively named Mitsubishi Tokyo Fi-
nancial Group, by April 2001.

Dow Down 92; Nasdaq Slides 87

NEW YORK — Stocks fell yesterday as in-
vestors took some profits from a powerful two
day run and sold shares that failed to live up to
high expectations for corporate earnings. At the
close, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 92.46
at 10,674.96. having given up a solid midday gain.
The Nasdaq composite index fell 87.16 to close at
3,706.41. Broader stock barometers also closed
lower. On the NYSE. losers led gainers 1,480-

Carruth Wants To Visit Ills Son

CHARLOTTE, NC. — Former NFL player
Rae Carruth. charged with killing his son’s moth-
er. is asking to see the Smonthold boy. In court
papers filed Monday, lawyers said his murder tri-
al probably won‘t occur within the year and that
Carruth should be able to see Chancellor Lee
Adams before then. The boy's mother, Cherica
Adams. 24. was shot Nov. 16. Doctors delivered
the baby by emergency Caesarean section and
Adams died a month later. Adams‘ mother. Saun-
dra Adams. has been granted temporary custody
of Chancellor. The former Carolina Panthers
wide receiver has been charged with three other
men with first-degree murder and is being held
without bond.

Compiled from wire reports.



Continued from page I

“I think it‘s pretty harsh
restrictions to cancel classes
with that short of a notice."
said Rebecca Gibbs. an unde-
clared freshman.

Others agree.

“I can see the policy side.
but it‘s pretty extreme." said
Adam Locklar, a biology ju-
nior. “To withdraw them from
their classes is outrageous.“

Students do. however, un-
derstand where the University,
is coming from and how it will
benefit us.

“It's good to keep them
from dropping out and then
the school not knowing it.“,
Gibbs said. 3

Others said they could pera‘
sonally relate to the trouble
with registering for classes;
and think the policy will help. ;

“I had trouble registering
this year." said Amber Lush;
an undeclared freshman. "It
(the policy) is a good thing.“


Continued from page 1

son to expect a similar re-
sponse from students.

“This year I‘d say we've
registered about 75 percent of
all (employee applicants) on-
line in February and March,“
he said. “We‘ve received posi-
tive feedback.“

Students are relieved that
they can go online instead of
waiting in line to obtain park-
ing permits.

“I think it‘s great," said
Michelle Garter, a psychology
sophomore. '

Gorter doesn‘t yet have a
permit but is interested in test-
ing the new process.

“It‘s definitely a lot easier
for students." she said.

“At least you don't have to
stand in line" ,

Daniel Pierre. a computer
science senior. echoed Gorter‘s
thoughts. but with some reser4
vations. 1

"It‘s about time." Pierref
said, who has a K-Lot permit;
“It's more convenient, but I‘ve
got issues about credit card sel
curity." L

People can still stop by the.
parking office and fill out arr
application card, or apply by:

Students wishing to renewf
their current parking permits
have from May 1 until June 30
to do so.

To fill out the online park-
ing permit application. stu-
dents need only access the link
on the Parking and Trans-
portation Services web page
(www.uky.edu/ Parking).





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Continued from page I




Vicious cycle









Several factors cause the heat island eltect of a city. The biggest culprit is lack ol trees to cool air. An abun-
dance of heat-absorbing surfaces. heat- and pollution-producers and the canyon-litre structure of cities com-
bine to inhibit heat loss in urban areas. Urban heat islands not only cause temperature

increases of up to 20 degrees. but trap pollution lilte dust and ozone.
Warm air may move upward and begin to cool, but will sinli again because ol its greater density. The cycle

will npeat and warm the air again.

to the cooling process. though.

“The transpiration of trees
is like a splash of water on your
face , ~ it cools you off." Kim-
merer said.

The materials that have re
placed plants asphalt. brick
and concrete actually store
heat and release it throughout
the night. The canyon-like de»
sign of downtown cities also
traps heat.

The warm. sunny days of
summer have an especially
harsh effect on the heat islands
because sunlight fuels the for
mation of ozone. a naturally-tic
curring gas that traps heat.

While ozone high in the
stratosphere helps the earth
stay warm and filters out harm
ful solar radiation. ozone in the
lower atmosphere has been as
sociated with a host of prob-

The Journal of the Ameri-
can Medical Association warns
that ozone can harm the respi»


ratory system. as well as aggra-
vate allergies.

Higher temperatures also
contribute to increased inci-
dences of heat stroke and other
heat-related illnesses. doctors
reported in the journal.

(‘ities and counties across
the United States are realizing
they have a problem with urban
heat islands and have formed
organizations or hired urban
foresters to deal with the situa~

David Swenk. of the Lexing
ton-Fayette l’rbanvt‘ounty (iovv
ernment's Division of Planning.
is one such forester who has

chosen to put his knowledge of

trees and ecosystems to work in
the city instead of a forest.

“It used to be that people
thought that trees were just
something pretty in the city." he
said. “but in the last to to 1;”)
years research has begun to
show trees are a powerful tool.“

Swenk not only uses trees

to combat the urban heat island
problem. but to mitigate air pol
lution. clean stormwater and
control flooding.

Swenk looks to many other
big cities for inspiration.

Atlanta. for instance. has
joined (Tool Communities. a pro-
gram sponsored by American
Forests to collect information
from eight cities on the costs
and benefits of planting trees for
cooling. That city also saved
$880 million in storm water in-
frastructure costs by planting
trees. Vegetation stabilizes
flooding. improves the quality
of water and provides wildlife
habitat. Swenk said.

For this forester. trees are
the economical and healthy
choice to fight urban heat is-
lands and other environmental

”It takes money to take care
oftrees. but how much money is
it going to cost us if we don't?"
Swenk said.

Lexington improving
th forestry

ty WI


These trees in
Triangle Park
provide shade and
emit moisture that
cools the air.
Mosts trees in the
city are planted by
arborists, land-
scape architects
and citizens. with
little regard to


melt touccctt l KERNEL

Trees among concrete: Urban forester David Swenk talks shop

by Mark Vanderh_otl
tones in cmcr

, David Swenk never
thought he‘d practice forestry
in the middle ofa city.

Swenk came to UK from
Northern California to study
forest hydrology as a graduate.

The job prospects looked
00d Florida's lilackwater
‘orest wanted him. But his wife
had another year at EKll and
Lexington had an intriguing po-
sition for him: the urban
forester for Lesington-Fayette
Urban-County Government’s
Division of Planning.

' Swenk took the job.
I “I didn't know much about
it (urban forestry)." he said.
“It's very new. sort of right now
forming a character. forming a
' ,rsonality."
. These days. Lexington is
Combating the environmental
problems of a new millenium
city. To its credit, the city has
it named a Tree City USA by
the National Arbor Day Foun-
ilation and has a citizen-run
Volunteer program called

Reforest the Bluegrass.

“The value it (Reforest the
Bluegrass) has to everyone is
that it helps keep our stormwa-
ter clean. but it‘s also a way for
community members to get out
together and do something good
for the city." said Susan Straub.
spokesperson for the Mayor
l’am Miller.

Straub has only hit on one
aspect ofurban forestry.

Swenk and other urban
foresters use trees to control
water and air pollution. im~
prove water quality. raise the
aesthetic value of the city and
decrease the problems caused
by the urban heat island. a
heat-trapping bubble that oc-
curs over cities.

“it's taken all the skills of
foresty. but it's more challeng-
ing because not only do you
take trees and pttt them in no
natural places but you have to
work with people." he said.

Swenk also helps with a
backyard conservation out
reach program sponsored by
the Natural Resources (‘onser
vation Service. showing people

how to make their yards places
of conservation.

Next year. he wants to
make the volunteer tree-planti
ng projects into a one-day.
dusk-to-dawn event. complete
with a chili cook-off. remote
broadcasts from radio stations
and a concert

“It‘s going to he a party at-
mosphere." he said. “We've al-
ready got a name for it ‘(‘on-
cert in the Trees'."

Backyard conservation

There are nearly 2 billion acres
of land in the United States. 1.4 bil-
lion acres is managed by farmers
and ranchers More than 92 million
acres at land is privately developed
and much of it is tended by home-

To learn how to add beauty and
use conservation methods in your
yard, check out the Natural lie-
sources Conservation Service's
website and clicli on the "Backyard
Conservation" icon





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The famous (olendoi is produced by the Ollite of Student Activities Registered Student Org; and UK Boots. (on submit information for FREE

online ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at hflgr//wwn.v


‘Moth TO9 '3 3 SO 8 l7] 4450 203 Tioxee Noll
'(hemntiyl l0prn Holmes lounge 8.7 9pm Noggin
'Muth 6 l0 Nolmestlossroom 8.69 m (ommonsJOBA
"History lOt &l05 4'5 45 Nolmei (liisstoom E 6 8 pm

'Spomsh 68pm Noggin (omputer lab 8 48 (ommom 3088

'Nmtoiy l088l09 24 (ommontBollioom

'lienth 47 Keeneland


'ThutsduyNightlive 8pm (hustian Studentlellowship
'thmoniotus HOpm BaptiuSiud Ufllofl
'Devotion and lthll l2pm BaptistSIud Union Sl
‘(omput (tutude Tot (hmt 730 Worthum lh

(all 257-8867 for more information

‘UK lambda 7309M, 73l S(


‘ltempo Sell'delense (Tub 630mm
Alumni Gym loll

'Tae Kwan Do (lull so 309m~ Alum
Gym Basement limltl

'Rughy Plfltltte 57 (luh Sports Field

edu/ SludentCenter/ Studenlhclivilies
'Aithttettuie S30 Petite Noll


'Kumolic Night 7 Night Student (enter Gumeioom
'ODK leodershrpllereption 5pm King Alumni House

306 (ommom



'Aithitertute l2 l30pm 7l8l MomSt

~UK Baseball vsS (dialing 6pm Nogonlield
'loe Kwon Do (luli 5630 pm Alum Gym loll

'Saiaphone Retlml l ludtci 8pm SUA



'(atholuMoss bpm Newmonfti sat

'lartulle Bpm Btiggslheatie,tol1257 4929lov tirltets

‘UK Baseball viS (orolina 7pm Nogun held


'Toitulle Bpm Briggs Theatre toll 257 4979l0i inlets

'UK Symphony Orthextra Bpm SUA


'(hemnti 799m Nolmestounge
‘Spomsh g 1pm, Holmes (lossioom

'Ntslor TUE 09 579m (ommons Ballroom
'Moth thpm (ommonyJOBA

‘UK BosebollvsS (aiolina 2pm Noganlield

'Sundoy Morning Worship llom (husttun
'Newmau (enter Mass 90m ll 30m 5pm, and 8 30pm
'Phi 5.9m P. 7pm llm 736 Stud oi






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Course gives free legal aid

By Ashley Log


Free t-shirts. movies and
phone cards exist on various
spots on campus. Now UK stu-
dents can find free legal advice
on campus, too.

Allison Connelly. an assis-
tant professor of law. said the
school offers a three hour grad-
ed course as an elective to third
and fourth- year law students.
The course allows these stu-
dents to counsel residents of
Lexington who meet certain fi-
nancial eligibility require-

“We provide legal advice to
people who can‘t afford it other
wise," Connelly said. “Our pri-
ority is with the elderly com-
munity. although we represent
all ages if they provide the clin-
ic with an educational case."

UK's law school started this
program in the fall of 1997 after
the Kentucky Supreme Court
passed a law that allows third-
year law students the ability to
practice law under the supervi-
sion of a licensed attorney.

"For years the Kentucky
Supreme Court would not allow
us to represent students be-
cause SGA provided a legal ser—
vice program that the students
paid for." Connelly said. "The
amendment (passed in Janu-
ary) now allows us to provide
advice counseling to students."

Jeff Middendorf. a fourth-
year law student working in the
program. said his experience
with this clinic allowed him the
opportunity to participate in a
normal law practice.

“I think this is a wonderful
opportunity for students to be
able to work with the less fortu-
nate individuals in the commu-
nity. It gives people in the com-
munity more strength than not
having someone in their cor-
ner." he said.

UK‘s clinic is still the only
school in the state to offer an
on-sight and in-house clinic
providing free legal counseling
in civil cases to those who meet
the requirements.

“We look at all cases. al-
though we do a lot of work with

terminally ill people," she said.
“We look at these individuals
and try to provide services to
them immediately. We provide
to the needy first. and then look
at the other cases to see what
the educational level is."

The clerking allows the
graduate students to actually
practice law in real-life experi-
ences. Although they don't pro
vide legal aid to criminal cases,
they do work with several will,
power of attorney, consumer is-
sue and uncontested divorce

“The students at the clinic
not only represent clients. but
they decide the reality of the
case. They draft pleadings and
argue in court. Basically, they
provide the ideas on how a case
should precede," Connelly said.

Connelly said the clinic
keeps about 45 active cases go-
ing to ensure justice to as much
of the community as possible.
She believes the law students
provide a fair and just remedy
to the less fortunate residents of



You can get tree legal advise from
tbrird and fourth year law

Free legal aid available at the UK
College of Law.

Available to students and
residents in Lexington.

Must meet financial eligibility

the clinic does not provide legal
aid to criminal cases.

Examples: wills, consumer issues
and uncontested divorce cases

to request legal help, call


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Council urges no disciplinary action

By Chris Markus

At a press conference held yesterday,
the UK chapter of United Students Against
Sweatshops expressed their appreciation of
the Senate‘s recommendation, made Monday.

The University Senate Council re-
leased a statement urging President
Charles Wethington not to take any disci-
plinary or legal action against the 12 stu-
dents who were arrested after a sit-in on
April 5 and continued to pressure the Uni-
versity to join the Workers‘ Rights Consor<
tium (WRC).

The UK chapter of the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors has also
expressed discontent with the way that the
administration dealt with the protesters in
a statement saying:

“We are disappointed that the Admin-

istration did not show greater patience be-
fore calling in law enforcement authorities
to end the sit-in which, at most, caused only
marginal inconvenience or disruption."

Joining the students at yesterday‘s
press conference were community and reli-
gious leaders and union members.

“Only the privileged few benefit from
sweatshop labor," said Dawn Jenkins, Di-
rector of Kentucky Jobs with Justice.

Jenkins criticized companies like Fruit
of the Loom and Nine West for exporting
jobs to countries like Mexico and Indonesia.

Jenkins also commended the student
group for their action and perseverance.

Also present was the Rev. Cynthia
Cain of the Unitarian Universalist Church.

Cain echoed Jenkins support for the
student protestors and called their actions.
“an important step in ending child labor."

Luke Boyett. a member of the Students
Against Sweatshops group. said that he is
glad to see that his group is finally getting
opportunities to talk with Wethington
about their concerns. but criticized the
president‘s methods of communication.

“He will only meet with one student at
a time and he won't let us record the con-
versations or bring our lawyers with us."
Boyett said.

Boyett also said that he was disappoint-
ed that the president has refused to a