xt74mw28d15x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28d15x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1953-04-06  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 6, 1953 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 6, 1953 1953 1953-04-06 2020 true xt74mw28d15x section xt74mw28d15x          



Minute ”g the Meeting g£_the UniVersity Faculty. March 3, 1953



The present requirement for membership is as follows:

"Student members at the time of entrance to the Board
shall be at least juniors, have an accumulative standing
of 1.5. and must have shown interest through some work
in connection with the Student Union Board and its

The effect of the proposed amendment would. therefore. be to
Open membership to sophomomw and to eliminate the requirement that

the member must have served apprenticeship in the Board”s activities.

This recommendation was approved by the University Faculty.

Dean Carpenter offered a motion that the University Faculty rescind the
Rule governing "credit for the grade of E" appearing on page 8, line 1Q, of

the Rules of the University Faculty. After some discussion Dean White

offered the fOIIOWing substitute motion which was approved by the University

FaCL‘L]. hive

"A grade of E means that normally the work must be taken over
in class to be credited. Exceptions to this rule may be made, on

showing of undue hardship, but only to the extent of permitting the

work to be taken over by correspondence, and only with the permis-
sion of the dean of the College in which the student is enrolled.

and will be made sparingly, it being the policy not to allow credit

toward a degree for correspondence work in courses in which the
student has received a grade of E and which he can repeat or could
have repeated in class while in residencco"

President Donovan commented on the place of the Concert Series in the
community and the contribution that it was making to Lexington and surrounding


President Donoan outlined briefly the University‘s building program
and discussed some of the difficulties that had delayed the program. He
stressed the need for more dormitories, particularly for women, and listed

other buildings that were on the agenda for the future.

The Faculty adjourned. _,x‘
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R. L. Tuthill

Minutes 9: the Meeting g£_the University Faculty. April g. 1353

The University Faculty met in special session in the Assembly Room

Lafferty Hall at 4:00 p.m., Monday, April 6, 1953. President Donovan presided.

{f v 111/ f



Members absent were H. P. Adams‘, Clifford Amyx‘, A. J. Brown. W. P. Garrigus.

0- K. Hoffman, Margaret Hetchkiss‘. Gladys Kammerer. A. D. Kirwan, J. E. Klinker.
George Lawson. C. T. Maney. John T. Masten, J. W. Miles, V. A. Musselman, V. E.

Nelson. W. H. Pell, H. B. Price. Maurice Scherago. Hill Shine. A. E. Slesser.

E. P. Slone, M. R. Sullivan. Lawrence Thompson‘, Kenneth Vanlandingham
Frank J. Welch.

’Absence explained.





















































Minutes g£_the Meeting g£_the University Faculty. April‘é, l2§3_


The minutes of March 9 were read and approved.

Dean White presented for the College of Arts and Sciences the following
recommendations concerning changes in Air Science and Military Science; also
a change in Political Science, all of which were approved by the University




Effective Sept. l, 1353

Air Science 10a. ‘0 A1;- Science 3;, ROTC (2 ea.)

An orientation of the AFROTC program which includes the
obligations of the cadet and significance of service in

the armed forces: aviation history; basic flight principles;
international tensions and security structures: instruments
of national military security; and fundamentals of global
geography. Leadership laboratory. Three hours per week.

Air Science 20a, b Air Science Ila RQTC (2 ea.)

Elements of aerial warfare emphasizing selection and types
of military targets; the study of air oceans; the proe
curement of aircraft; the selection of air bases; career

opportunities; leadership laboratory. Three hours per
week. Prereq. 10a. b.

Air Science 30a, b Air Science III, ROTC (3 ea.)

Functions of the Air Force Commander and his staff;
communication processes and methods of teaching: military
law: applied air science; functions of an air base:
leadership laboratory. Five hours per week. Prereq. 20a.b.

Effective June. 1953

Air Science 35 AFROTC Summer Camp (0) S

Practical application to include firing individual weapons,
participation in field exercises. familiarization with
base activities and problems and inspection of equipment:
introduction of cadets to operational phases of the air
fighting force: leadership training.

Military Science 11 Armx ROTC 331mg Camp (0) S



Practical training supplementing theoretical work of the
college course. Exercises developing performance techs
niques of tactical. technical, and administrative duties:

training in leadership is stressed. Record and familiarim
zation of firing of weapons.

DROP; Effective September 1253

Air Science la, b (2 each)

Air Science 41a, b 2 each)
Air Science 14a. b (4 each)
Air Science 15a, b (4 each)
Air Science 16a° b (4 each)


Change title of Political Science 142 from: Police and the

ublic to Ag Introduction tg_Law Enforcement. No change in

description or credit.




_ .‘




Minutes f the



Meeting g£_the University Faculty, Avril fig 125}

Effective Sept. l; 1253

Change Credits: Air Science 12a. b 4 each to 3 each.
Air Science 13a. b 4 each to 3 each.
Air Science 17a, b 4 each to 3 each.
Air Science 14a, b 4 each to 3 each.
Air Science 15a. b 4 each to 3 each.
Air Science 16a. b 4 each to 3 each.


Change number: Military Science 21a, b (2 each) to 20a, b.
Military Science 31a. b (2 each) to 21a, b.

Change number and credits;
Military Science 7a,

Military Science 8a.

Dean Terrell presented a request from the Department of Mechanical Engi-
neering that the senior mechanical engineers be allowed to take an industrial
inspection trip to Detroit, Michigan during the period from April 14 through
the 18th. This request was approved by the University Faculty.

Dean Stahr presented for the College of Law a recommendation to the
Faculty and the Board of Trustees that the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Law be authorized effective with the June Commencement of 1955 for awarding
to candidates of the College of Law who meet the following requirements.

(1) PRELAW REQUIREMENTS: A minimum of 64 semester hours of
accredited college courses, as follows:

(a) All lower division requirements of the College of Arts

and Sciences (of the equivalent, except for Military Science
and Physical Education, in the case of transfer students): or

(b) All courses prescribed for the freshman and sephomore
years of the combined CommercemLaw curriculum (or the equivalent.
except for Military Science and Physical Education, in the case
of transfer students). plus sufficient credits from the list of
electives provided for such curriculum to bring the total to at

least 64 semester hours.
(c) At least 54 hours acquired in residence.

(d) All 64 semester hours certified by an accredited

(e) At least 54 semester hours in "theory" courses.

(f) An average academic standing of at least 1.3 on all
work undertaken toward satisfying the "prelaw" requirements.

(3) Since the foregoing requirements are slightly
different from the minimum requirements for admission to the
four-year Law curriculum, any deficiencies may be satisfied
after such admission (but not in class during one of the six
semesters otherwise required for the degree after such

b (4 ea.) to 30a, b (3 6a.).
Military Science 9a, b (4 ea.) to 31a, b (3 8a.).

b (4 ea.) to 40a, ‘0 (3 ea.).
Military Science 10a, b (4 ea.) to 41a, b (3 8a.).














































1010 Minutes g£_the Meeting g: the University Faculty. April fig 1253





(a) Eligibility for admission to the College of Law.


(b) A minimum of six semesters of residence, and 82
semester hours. in a law school which is a member of the
Association of American Law Schools.

(c) A minimum of four semesters of residence in the
University of Kentucky College of Law, including the two

semesters next preceding the award of the degree.

'(d) A minimum of 67 semester hours in Law courses.


(e) A minimum of 15 semester hours in other courses ‘
approved for the four-year Law curriculum. f

(f) An average academic standing of at least 1.0 on all ‘
courses undertaken toward satisfying the "Law" requirements.

(3) All 82 semester hours acquired in residence.

It will be noted that the foregoing means that the typical
candidate for the proposed degree will have to offer (1) at
least five years of collegeelevel work, with at least four ‘
semesters at the University of Kentucky; (2) at least 79 hours
of non-Law courses; (3) at least 67 hours of Law courses: (4) L
at least 146 hours of collegemlevel work, of which no more than {
eight may be in “nontheory” courses: (5) an overall academic I

' standing of at least 1.3 on "prelaw" courses and 1.0 on "Law"


There are two principal reasons for recommending this new
degree: (1) to encourage the acquisition of a better general
education by those entering or desiring to enter law school
after only two years of college work: and (2) to remove the
inequity inherent in awarding only one degree (LL. B.) to such [
students after six full years of collegeelevel work, while other ~
students can obtain one degree in four years and two in five fifl‘


Afl—‘VVA ‘fi'v' ,-

years, if they work for a Master's. or one in four years and two

in six years. (They would still need the LL. B. in order to
qualify to take the bar examination.)

Most of the Universities. if not all; which now offer a
four-year Law curriculum have authorized the B. S. L. degree.
Moreover. they offer it after only two years in law school.
as against the three years above recommended. They are: Indiana {
and Northwestern Universities. and the Universities of Alabama.
Arkansas. Denver, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Utah, Washington and Wyoming. 7

The University Faculty voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees that this
degree be authorized.

Dean Spivey presented for the Graduate Faculty a recommendation for

approval of the following policies relating to the Graduate Record








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Minutes gfl the Meeting 9: the Universitv Faculty. Avril Q, 1953




Beginning in the summer of 1953 all students seeking
graduate degrees will be required to take the following
parts of the Graduate Record Examination before they are
admitted to "Full Graduate Standing":

(a) The Profile Tests

(b) The Aptitude Test

(c) The Advanced Test in the Student’s Graduate Major
( when available) or in Some Other Appropriate
Subject as Advised by the Major Department

(Regulations now in effect require (a) and (0) above.)

Beginning in the summer of 1953 the Graduate Record Exami-
nation will be administered by the University of Kentucky
Testing Service on the "institutional plan" at a regis-
tration fee of $3.50 for the Profile Tests and $1.00 for
each additional test.

(Heretefore. the Graduate Record Examination has been
adminmwered on a national plan at a fee of $8.00 for

the Profile Tests and $2.00 for each additional test.

The national norms may still be used on the institutional
plan and the tests supplied by the Educational Testing

These recommendations were approved by the Faculty.

The Graduate Faculty also recommended approval of graduate credit
three courses in Ancient Languages which were approved as requested.

Ancient Languages 205.

Ancient Languages 206.

Ancient Languages 207.

Intensive Study g£_§2'Author.

(3 credits)

Studies or research in the works of an author (Plato.
Aristotle, Lucretius, Caesar, Ovid, or Horace) with
due regard to his sources, his milieu. his purposes.
his technique. his language, and his influence on
later periods.

Necessary command of the languages

Intensive Study g£.g_Period.

(3 credits)

Studies or research in a period of significance

(the Age of Pericles, the Hellenistic Age, the
Ciceronian Age. the Augustan Age, the Silver Age,
Christian Latin, or Medieval Latin), with emphasis on
literary, social. and linguistic trends. with con-
sideration of sources and of influence on later


Necessary command of the languages

Intensive Study g£_Literary
§g_£g. (3 credits)
Studies or research in a genre (epic, tragedy,
comedy, satire, history, or the novel) from its
beginnings in the ancient world and throughout























































V1012 Minutes 2: the Meeting oi




its development in the ancient world, with some
attention to its effect on later periods.
Prereguisite: Necessary command of the languages


Dean Spivey presented for the Graduate Faculty 8 request that the honorary
degree of Doctor of Laws be conferred upon each of the following persons:

ARTHUR ANDREW HhUCK. President of the University of Maine
MARVIN BERTIE HOLIFIELD. Assistant Attorney General of Kentucky

HUGH MEGLONE MILTON II. Major General, United States Army. Executive
for Reserve and Reserve Officers Training Corps Affairs


WILLIAM MAXWELL REED, Corporation Executive, American Air Filter Co.

JESSE WASHINGTON TAPP. Vice President of the Bank of America, San


A ___\“ A ‘ .—_.<_.— -,‘J

The Right Reverend Monsignor CHARLES AMBROSE TOWELL. President of
the Catholic Hospital Association of the United States.


The University Faculty approved the motion to request the Board of Trustees
to authorize these honorary degrees.

The Chairman of the Rules Committee presented two recommendations which i l
were approved as follows: (
1. The Committee on Rules moves that the following statement of K
policy for the University be formally adopted by the University E
Faculty: . , i
"It is the policy of the University not to allow a student {
to register in the University for advanced Military Science ‘
or advanced Air Science without simultaneously taking a
justifiable program of additional academic work." ‘

2. The Committee on Rules moves the adoption of the following

"Through the sixth Monday of any semester and through the i
tenth class day of the Summer session. students who with=
draw from a class or who are dropped from a class and have
that withdrawal officially reported in the Office of the
Registrar Will have no grade recorded."

President Donovan discussed briefly the plan of the City to go on days .
light saving time on April 26 and its effect on the University of Kentucky
since state institutions are prohibited by law from adopting daylight saving 4
time. He announced that the time for the Baccalaureate sermon had been moved
to 3:00 o'clock and the Commencement Exercises to 7:00 o'clock p.m.. CST. in
order to take care of the changes made by the city.


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The Faculty adjourned. as“

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