xt74mw28d22q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74mw28d22q/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1952-04 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky High Schools 1951-1952", vol. XX, no. 2, April 1952 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky High Schools 1951-1952", vol. XX, no. 2, April 1952 1952 1952-04 2022 true xt74mw28d22q section xt74mw28d22q 0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0














Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction








Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.


VOL. XX APRIL, 1952 NO. 2











This Number of the Bulletin is prepared annually by the Bureau
of Instruction in the State Department of Education. The purpose
of this publication is to give pertinent information regarding the
public and private high schools of the state.

In Kentucky, both public and private high schools are accredited
annually by the State Board of Education. The official accredited
rating of each high school is set forth in this Bulletin. The official
rating given each high school by the State Board of Education is
made on recommendation of the Commission on Secondary Schools

of the Kentucky Association of Colleges, Secondary and Elementary

It is hoped that superintendents and principals will study the
material found in this publication.

Superintendent of Public Instruction
















Schools and Types of Organizations. There are 604 public and
private high schools in Kentucky. Last year the number was 613.
Of the 604: high schools 110w operating, 561 are complete organiza-
tions in that they'oifer work through the twelfth grade. The re-
maining 48 high schools, because they do not offer work through the
twelfth grade, are approved as incomplete feeder schools. Of the
43 incomplete high schools, 35 are separate junior high schools or-
ganized as one distinct unit offering work exclusively in grades
seven, eight, and nine. The remaining eight high schools are in-
complete organizations that offer work only through the tenth or

eleventh grades.

Of the 561 complete high schools, 330 are operated by county
boards of education while 154 are maintained by boards of education
in independent school districts. The remaining complete organiza-
tions are either private secondary schools or schools that are oper-
ated by the state in connection with institutions that are maintained
entirely by the state.

This year, the six-year high schools (grades 7-12) number 263
while the traditional four—year high schools (grades 9—12) number
259. The remaining 89 complete high school organizations repre-
sent modifications of the six-year and the traditional four-year plans.

The following table presents data regarding the various types of
high school organizations to be found in the state.










Types of Organizations I County pendent Private ‘ State or Total
Districts Districts Schools Regional
Grades 7—12 ________________ 163 l 82 l 13 l 5 253
Grades 9—12 ..... 146 | 59 l 52 l 2 259
Grades 8—12..._. ...I 19 l 5 4 0 28
Grades 10—12 __________ 2 | 8 1 0 11
Grades up to 11.. ..i 1 l 0 0 0 1
Grades up to 10.. ...: 6 0 1 0 7
Grades up to 9. 14 i 21 0 0 35
\ _.__
Totals ...................... I 351 | 175 71 7 604





 Lbllc and
was 613.
The re-
ough the

Of the
1001s or-
1 grades
1 are in-

tenth 01‘

' county
re oper-
i 11min ed

ber 263
s repre-
,r plans.

:ypes of



The foregoing table not only shows the number of different types
of high schools that are found in the state, but it also indicates the
number of such schools that operate under different types of












County 1 Independent State or . .. 1 r

District 1 District Regional Pll"a~e

Grades 0: g l m 9 :1) o 1 Total

' in E 50 E 1:13 E m) I
z ’5 z 1 B 1 B .
2061 7,393} 1,580' 1301 01 1441 01' 18,325
188V 7,289' 1,3801 1251 03 2'73l 01 18.839

256! 10,13312,1201 1341 1531 3,5561 311 35,217
1871 8,88911,701;’ 182‘ 1011 3,1311 231 29,296
167‘ 7326113891 1311 311 2,6361 171 23,166
353: 6,435’ 1,1271 1421 771 2,4131 111 20,709

712\T73353_ 1,36’2T217,'4651 93031—73971 4171"12,158'fl‘875145552

Percentages 1“7570751 .93



321311 6.39‘ .621 .291 3.351 .061 100.00





\k ,












C t S ‘ .
3123111 1113121335“ 111212131 1 Pmaet
‘7 ‘ Total

\ W 1 c w 1011v1c1wlc
Below60 ________________ 15121015111011510128
60-99.11” 36131 9116101011811183
1002199 ________ 1130131381141310l1710l205
200—299 ........ 18411129151210110101131
300—399 ________ 1 30 1 0 1 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 50
400-499.. __.1 11 1 0 1 7 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ' 0 1 21
1 9 1111 144 173‘71W1‘69 1 1 1561


















Information Concerning High School Development. For a num-
ber of years the Division of Supervision has carried three tables in
this bulletin showing the development of high school education in
Kentucky. This information has proved helpful to students of
Kentucky education.









' ' ‘ Color Privat

S°h°°1 year 51115810537123}: 136% Schoolid High Scheools Totals
1915—16 ________________ 316 No report No report 316
1916—17 376 32 No report 408
1918—19 400 30 No report 430
1922-23 529 56 No report 585
1923-24- 492 51 86 629
1924-25 496 50 84 630
1925-26 551 57 91 699
1926—27 552 55 88 695
1927—28 607 64 98 769
1928—29 614 73 97 784
193031 661 72 73 806
1931—32 676 70 86 832
1932-33 678 73 82 834
1933-34 682 74 84 838
1934—35 684 75 89 848
1935—36 680 75 83 833
193637 663 78 77 818
193738 652 80 76 808
1938-39 628 80 ‘ 75 783
1939—40 605 78 [ 75 758
1940-41 592 74 ! 72 738
19‘1-42 574 71 l 71 716
1942—43 555 71 71 697
1943—44 541 70 70 681
1944-45 542 66 73 , 681
1945-46 546 65 73 I 674
1946-47 513 62 . 73 I 648
1947-48 507 61 75 | 643
19‘8-49 507 59 74 I 640
1949—50 493 59 71 l 623
1950—51 .. 482 59 72 | 613
1951-52 ________________ l 474 l 59 71 I 604



Table IV shows that there was a continuous growth in the num-
ber of high schools from l9l5 to 1935. In 1935 there were 848 public
and private high schools in the state. This is the largest number
of high schools that the state has ever had. Now that we have 604
high schools, public and private, it. is clear that there has been a
decrease in the number of high schools of 244 since 1935. This de—
crease has come about ver}r largely through small high school or—
ganizations being merged into larger school centers.



 a num-
bles in
tion in
nts of




e num-
,Ve 604
been a
his de—
ool 01'—











Public White Public Colored Private

School Year High Schools High Schools High Schools Totals
15,547 No report No report 15,547
18,850 1,054 No report 19,904
20,800 1,225 No report 22,025
22,929 1,209 No report 24,138
21,255 1,218 No report 22,473
25,939 1,446 No report 27,385
35,806 I 2,373 5,007 43,186
38,575 I 2,586 6,548 47,709
37,264 2,952 5,857 46,073
42,416 1,929 7,168 51,513
46,096 2,664 7,440 56,210
50,368 3,516 8,835 62,719
54,903 4,083 8,590 67,576
58,370 , 4,100 ........ 62,470
61,589 I 4,054 ........ 65,643
67,268 I 4,677 ________ 71,945
*83,092 I *6,994 | *7,407 I *97,493
83,930 I 6,961 7,445 98,336
88,583 7,983 7,846 104,412
101,017 6,546 8,173 115,735
106,799 | 8,711 I 8,994 124,504
109,587 I 8,938 I 9,610 128,135
117,284 I 9,587 9,166 136,037
121,204 I 10,342 9,999 141,545
123,822 I 10,440 10,185 144,447
119,398 I 10,173 10,339 139,910
113,662 I 9,947 10,048 133,657
102,546 I 9,422 I 9,900 121,868
102,619 I 9,448 I 10,376 122,443
103,455 ' 9,897 I 10,820 124,172
109,511 I 10,439 I 12,161 132,111
107,876 I 10,666 I 12,015 130,557
110,324 I 11,384 I 12,124 133,832
116,047 I 10,919 I 11,898 138,864
120,733 I 10,862 I 12,506 144,101
122,443 I 10,864 I 12,245 145,552



*Beginning With the school-year 1932-33, the enrollment of the seventh and eighth
grades 0f SIX-year high schools and of junior high schools are included.

Table V presents an interesting picture in total high school en-
1‘0111119nts in different types of high schools (public White, public
Colored, and Private) since 1915. High school enrollments increased
I‘flpldly until around 1941, then enrollments began to decrease on
account of the second \Vorld \Var. The lowest total high school
enrollment was for the school-year 1943—44, Today, the total high
SChOffl F'“POIlment is 145,552, the highest enrollment to date. In
WSSlH-g', it is interesting to note that the median high school enroll-
ment Is now 176 while the median number of high school teachers is 8.

1 27
















 It may be of interest to note that 29% of the pupils graduating









from our public and private high schools go to college. When this for
percentage is distributed, it is found that 23 per cent of the grad- ' grac
uates of rural high schools for white pupils enter college While 38 urbe
per cent of the graduates of urban high schools for White pupils enter 0nd?
college. In connection with pupils Who graduate from high schools 71
TABLE VI 11:11:]:
I not
Public White Public Colored Private 35 11
School Year High Schools High Schools High Schools Totals Inch
1909-10 ................ 54 No report I 29 83 T
69 No report 32 101
85 No report | 33 118 > Stan
100 No report I 34 134 . schOI
123 No report I 38 162 I
134 No report 41 175 Of E
149 No report I 45 194 Conn
171 No report I 50 221
185 No report I 52 237 00116
201 I No report I 52 253 Conn
220 | No report I 55 I 275 .
225 I No report I 57 I 282 WM
228 I No report I 55 283 Depa
263 I 7 I 61 331 ‘ , .
286 I 8 I 69 363 “1911
311 I 11 I 68 390 catio
342 I 14 I 73 429 S
382 I 14 I 80 476 0“ I
41.; i 13 I 8% 56(1) 8600]
45 16 8 '
491 I 18 I 89 598 “C“
522 I 26 I 91 639 I Of tht
527 I 34 I 84 645
539 I 35 I 83 648
I 535 I 34 I 82 651 I
‘ 529 I 34 I 84 647
I 559 I 51 I 77 687
I 558 I 54 I 78 690
546 I 56 I 75 677
543 I 60 I 73 676
529 I 59 I 73 661
516 I 61 I 72 649
510 | 56 I 70 636
500 I 54 I 70 626
494 I 55 I 69 618
490 I 56 I 70 616
487 I 55 I 71 613
463 I 55 I 72 I 590
464 I 55 I 71 590 \
463 I 54 I 72 589
452 I 55 I 70 577
443 I 56 I 70 569 ‘
1951—52 ................ I 436 I 55 I 70 I 561



When this
)f the grad-
ge While 38
pupils enter
iigh schools





for Negro pupils, it is found that 23 per cent of such pupils Who
graduate from rural high schools enter college and 27 per cent from
urban high schools enter college. Of the graduates of private sec-
ondary schools, 38 per cent enter college.

Table VI shows the situation as regards the number of accredited
high schools by years since 1910. \Vhen we use the expression
“accredited high school,” we think of an organization that offers a
program of work through the twelfth grade. High schools that do
not give work through the twelfth grade should be looked upon
as incomplete feeder schools for the regularly organized, complete
high schools of the district.

The high schools in Kentucky are officially accredited by the
State Board of Education. This applies to both public and private
schools. The official rating given each high school by the State Board
of Education is made as a result of the recommendations of the
Commission on Secondary Schools of the Kentucky Association of
Colleges, Secondary and Elementary Schools. The members of this
Commission meet with the supervisors in the Bureau of Instruction
and canvass the annual high school reports that are made to the State
Department of Education and also the special written reports that
are made of inspections by the supervisors. The State Board of Edu-
cation may accept or reject the recommendations of the Commission
on Secondary Schools of the Kentucky Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools or may modify these recommendations. In prac-

tice the State Board of Education usually follows the recommendations
of the Commission.































County Term Voca- Library Elementary
District High School Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School *Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
County 55 40 13 25 133 6 9 .. 2,638 114 8
Breeding B . 26 26 7 11 70 3 .7 .. .............. ..
Knifley B 29 14 6 14 63 3 .. A. .............. ..
Columbia 110 119 53 89 371 1712 9 .. 381 10 9
White A 97 112 44 83 336 141/2 _. 3 ..............
Colored BE ............ 13 7 9 6 35 3 1 ..............
CO. H. S. (Scottsville) A 126 102 69 96 28 68 489 17 9 3 480 1,321 52 8
Scottsville A 53 37 34 26 24 23 197 10 9 2 250 377 12 9
County ...... 115 77 70 72 334 14 9 A. 250 42 9
Anderson (Lawrenceburg) A 89 61 57 56 263 11 A. 3 200 ...... ..
Western (Sinai) B 26 16 13 16 71 3 .. 50 ..............
County 174 127 95 100 496 21 9 V. 347 53 9
H Bandana B -. 26 27 19 20 92 4 .. 2 95 ...... ..
8 Barlow B 58 31 29 30 148 5 2 147 ......
Blandville BE 16 10 7 6 39 3 .. .............. ..
LaCenter W B 38 23 27 24 112 4 3 ..............
LaCenter C 10E ...... 11 4 . ...... 15 1 .. 20 ......
Wickliffe B ____________ 25 32 13 20 90 4 1 85 ......
County 272 236 144 164 91 135 1, 042 41 9 .. 1 , 200 75 9
Austin-Tracy (Lucas) A 66 46 40 34 20 39 2 5 10 .. 3 300 ...... ..
Hiseville A 63 52 38 42 26 28 249 10 __ 3 300 ...... ..
Park City A 80 64 31 36 18 29 258 10 .. 3 300 ...... ..
Temple Hill (Glasgow) A 63 74 35 52 27 39 290 11 .1 3 300 ...... ..
Glasgow 21 25 102 80 68 68 365 18%; 9 ._ 395 34 9
White A 89 57 53 52 251 13 N 2 320 .............. ..
Colored B 21 25 13 23 15 17 114 51/2 1 75 ........

* Interpretation of High School Ratings:

A—Accredited through the entire high school course (through grade twelve).

B—Accredited through the entire high school course (through grade twelve).
11 Gr.—Accredited through grade eleven.
10 Gr.—Accredited through grade ten.
9 Gr.—Junior high school—recognized through grade nine.
T-—This initial when attached to the desi
and that the accredited rating of the
E—This initial suggests that an emergent:

served shortage in the number of u 115 or E tea .
lY—Unaccreditcd . p D o Chers

- y :.





gnation of any rating indicates that such rating is given in the face of some deficiency
school should be terminated at the close of this school year.
y is recognized to exist that may justify the operation of the school even with an ob—

 " .mterpretauon or rugn bcnool uaungs:
A—Accredited through the entire high school course (through grade twelve).
B—Accredited through the entire high school course (through grade twelve).
11 Gr.—Accredited through grade eleven.
10 Gr.—Accredited through grade ten.
9 Gr.—Junior high school—recognized through grade nine. '
T——This initial when attached to the designation of any rating indicates that such rating is given in the face of some deficxency
and that the accredited rating of the school should be terminated at the close of this school year‘ ,
Y E—This initial suggests that an emergency is recognized to exist that may justify the operation of the school even With an ob—

served shortage in the number of pupils 07: of teachers.

’ ' ‘- ~ . ~ , « , .7 - . .









County Term Voca- Library Elementary

District Highchhool Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term


County ...... 122 77 73 48 320 18 9 .. $350 9
Bethel B 24 18 8 10 60 4 .. 1 125 ..
Owingsville A ...... 66 40 41 28 175 10 .. 3 150 ..
Salt Lick B ............ 32 19 24 10 85 4 .. .. 75 ..

Sharpsburg B 27 13 20 18 15 11 104 6 9 2 150 9


County 46 49 392 253 195 145 1 , 080 42 9 .. 420 9
Co. H. S. (Pineville) A ............ 253 181 123 106 663 23 i. 3 ........ .,
Henderson Settlement (Frakes) B 27 27 51 25 16 8 154 6 1 300 ..
Pruden (Pruden, Tenn. ) B ............ 55 30 45 16 146 6 ........ ..
Red Bird (Beverly) B 19 22 33 17 11 15 117 7 2 120 ..

H Lone Jack (Four Mile) B 26 29 29 24 13 17 138 6 9 1 200 9

S Middlesboro 27 17 214 193 149 103 703 26 9 1,025 9

White A ............ 196 176 141 97 610 22 2 850 ..

.Colored B 27 17 18 17 8 6 93 4 1 175 __

Pmewlle A ............ 43 28 25 28 124 8 9 2 250 9

County 24 69 117 95 79 64 448 17 9 _. 481 401 49 9 L
Burllngton B ............ 33 29 28 19 109 4 .. 1 55 .. . i_ .
Florence B . .. 42 36 15 16 17 126 5 .. 1 300 ..
Hebron B ............ 32 31 25 11 99 4 __ 1 45 __
New Haven (Union) B 24 27 16 20 13 17 114 4 1. 1 81 ..

Walton B 37 26 31 22 22 21 159 6 9 1 200 9


County ...... 127 103 F4 73 357 25 9 300 9
Bourbon C0. Voc. (Paris) A . .. 108 84 70 54 316 18 3 ....... _.
North Middletown B ............ 19 19 14 19 71 7 ,1 2 300 ..

Par‘c 121 79 111 102 {‘5 93 , 601 23 10 750 10
White A 90 53 68 58 55 56 360 20 .. 2 500 _.
Colored A 31 26 43 44 to 37 221 8 2 250

Milersburg Mil. Inst. (Pr. ) A ............ 32 22 13 3 101 11 9 165

























County Term Voca— Library Elementary
District High School Enrollnent by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 ll 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
Co. H. S. (Ashland) A ............ 167 106 74 G4 411 14 9 3 $475 1,841 58 9
Ashland 549 471 454 426 33 305 2, 535 93 9 .. 2, 904 3 , 128 110 9
White Sr. A .................. 415 316 297 1,028 41 .1 2 1,250 . .. ...... ..
Colored BE 14 12 12 11 14 8 71 4 _. .. 218 ..
Coles Jr. 9 215 211 184 ............ 610 22 .. .. 610 ..
Putnam Jr. 9 320 248 258 ............ 826 26 .. .. 826 ..
Catleltsburg A ............ 85 51 42 243 10 9 1 325 9
Fairview (Ashland) 9 105 71 79 .................. 255 7 9 .. 9
Holy Family (Ashland) (Pr.) A ............ 22 16 15 15 68 5 9 1 150 ..
County 89 116 125 87 79 58 554 24 9 .. 950 9
Forkland (Gravel Switch) BE 19 10 11 7 7 8 62 4 .1 _, 175 ._
Junction City A 47 48 60 29 29 17 230 8 .. 2 250 ..
Parksville B 23 23 16 18 13 15 108 51/2 .. 3 225 __
Peri‘yville A ...... 35 38 33 30 18 154 61/2 .. 3 300 ..
Danvrilc 122 115 99 95 8 75 591 3 9 .. 900 9
White A 87 90 74 64 69 59 443 221/2 .V 2 650 ..
Colored AE 35 25 25 31 16 16 148 9 1 250
County 93 78 77 54 64 50 416 21 9 V. 1,700 9
Brooksvile A 42 29 34 54 b4 50 273 15 ._ 3 1,500 ..
Germantown 9 22 25 19 .................. 66 3 __ ________ _.
Western (Bradford) 9 29 24 24 ...... ...... 77 3 A. 200 ..
Augusta B 23 18 21 28 ll 17 118 51/2 9 1 150 9
St. James (Brooksville) (Pr.) B 7 3 7 6 7 3 33 3 9 1 236 ..
Co. H. S. (Jackson) A ............ 199 126 104 84 513 22 9 2 600 9
Jackson B 39 28 24 20 17 18 146 8 9 1 150 9
Highland Inst. (Guerrant) (Pr.) B ............ 20 15 2 11 4S 4 9 1 72 ..
Magoffin Inst. (Mtn. Val.) (Pr.) B 8 7 12 8 5 4 44 5 9 2 ........ ..
Mt. Carmel (Lawson) (Pr.) A ............ 52 24 28 17 121 8 9 1 250 ..
Oakdale (Pr.) B 7 12 20 9 8 8 64 S 9 2 225
Riverside Inst. (Pr.) B ............ 24 6 3 5 38 5 9 2 120 .

(Lost Creek)

















, ,,,,, \_ _ , .- ............ z 3 1 l 121 o 9 1 230 . in
Oakdale (PL) B 7 12 20 9 8 8 G4 8 9 2 225 Q
Riverside Inst. (Pr.) B ............ 24 3 5 38 5 9 2 120 .
(Lost Creek)
Countv Term Voca— Library Elementary
District High School Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
County 5 46 145 137 69 81 483 23 9 A. $300 1 , 896 63 9
Hardinsburg W A ............ 100 91 52 56 299 12 .. 3 200 _ ......
Hardinsburg C 10 5 9 12 8 ............ 34 2 . ........ .
Irvington A ...... 37 33 38 17 25 150 9 .. 3 100 ..
Cloverport B ............ 15 22 21 22 80 5 9 1 590 9
County ...... 116 94 67 50 327 21 9 .. 416 9
Mt. Washington A .. . 45 29 28 12 114 9 .. 150 ..
Shepherdsvilie A ............ 71 65 39 38 213 12 .. 3 266 ..
Lebanon Junction B 16 25 12 22 10 14 99 6 9 2 500 9
8 County 46 53 101 114 58 79 451 14 8 _. 500 2,028 81 8
Morgantown A 46 53 83 88 45 62 377 11 .. 3 500 . ...... .
Rochester B ............ 18 26 13 17 74 3 1 ...................... .
County—Fredonia A 28 31 38 36 3 27 191 9 9 3 600 852 33 9
Princeton 124 117 108 121 91 101 662 30 9 895 790 45 9
V‘v’hite A 111 102 99 112 77 92 593 25 ,. 3 795 . ......
Colored B 13 15 9 9 14 9 69 5 1 100 ______________
County 148 130 164 121 G9 77 709 2516 9 .. 8
Almo B 23 21 39 30 16 15 144 51/2 .. 2 ..
Hazel B 26 30 31 21 8 19 135 5 2 ..
Kirksey B 38 27 41 24 13 13 156 5 2 ..
Lynn Grove B 36 25 25 18 23 16 143 5 2 .
New Concord B 25 27 28 28 9 14 131 5 l ..
Murray 76 67 80 80 56 52 411 19 9 .. 9
White A 76 67 69 64 49 47 372 16 2 ..
Colored BE ............ 11 16 7 5 39 3 A. 1 ..
Murray Training School (St.) A 36 34 22 32 25 25 174 12 9 2
























County Term Voca- Library Elementary
District High School Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
County—Alexandria A ............ 124 95 95 72 386 16 9 3 $400 1 , 230 44 9
Bellevue A 64 71 62 41 49 67 354 24 10 2 500 1,080 16 10
Cold Spring .......................................... .. ........ 195 7 9
Dayton A 85 63 59 42 249 17 10 2 500 895 29 10
Ft Thomas A 87 81 80 63 480 29 10 2 1,000 700 29 10
Newport A ...... 256 178 111 114 659 34 10 2 741 2,733 112 10
Silver Grove B 19 19 1 3 16 117 6 9 2 250 142 4 9
Southgate .................................... .. ........ 172 8 10
Newport Catholic A 125 108 90 82 405 18 9 1 425 .............. ..
Notre Dame of Providence A ............ 53 69 49 50 921 91/2 9 2 280 ..............
(Newport) (Pr.)
Our Lady of Highlands (Pr.) B 10 8 13 4 6 3 44 4 9 2 ......................
(Ft. Thomas)
St. Mary (Alexandria) (Pr.) 10 ............ 36 31 ............ 67 3 9 2 ......................
St. Thomas (Ft. Thomas) (Pr.) A ............ 44 29 22 16 111 7 9 1 300 .............. ._
County ...... 33 104 92 65 62 356 17 9 .. 493 9
Arlington B ...... 24 26 16 22 88 5 .. 2 43 ..
Bardwell B ...... 38 27 18 18 101 5 3 150
Cunningham BE 33 18 16 11 10 88 4 2 150
Milburn B ............ 24 23 20 12 79 3 1 150 .............. .
County .......................................... .. ........ 767 26 8
Carrollton A ............ 94 71 59 42 966 131/; 9 3 451 16 9
County 274 279 372 241 200 172 1,538 47 9 .. 2,322 9
Carter B 32 37 34 31 10 7 151 4 _. 1 ........ __
Grahn 9 25 26 36 .................. 87 4 .. 222 ._
Grayson A 58 56 108 66 56 61 405 11 . 3 465 .
Hitchins A 49 46 47 39 32 37 250 8 . 2 335 .
Olive Hill A 51 62 96 105 102 67 483 14 .. 2 1,000 ..
Soldier 9 18 16 18 .................. 52 2 .. .. 150 ..
Upper Tygart 9 41 36 33 ................. 110 4 .. .. 150 __
Erie (Olive Hill) (Pr.) A 14 20 17 21 13 10 95 10 9 2 300 ..












Upper Tygart
Erie (Olive Hill) CPI.)

iiitchins K 49 4s 47 59 32 37 250 8 2 335 '3 1;
Olive Hill A 51 62 96 105 102 07 483 14 2 1,000 .. .
Soldier 3 1s 16 18 .................. 52 2 5 ..










County ' Term Voca- Library Elementary
District High School Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro— School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
County—Middleburg A ............ 47 36 27 26 136 6 9 2 1 , 000 3 , 236 134 9
Liberty A ............ 84 69 47 63 263 9 9 3 400 343 8 9
County ' 187 129 120 87 523 23 9 ._ 500 3,017 101 9
Crofton B 39 19 16 18 92 5 .1 1 200 . ...... ..
Lacy (Hopkinsville) B 49 35 30 23 137 5 2 100 ..
Sinking Fork (Hopkinsville) B 41 25 26 18 110 5 2 100 ..
Sol Christian (Herndon) A 58 50 48 28 184 8 2 100 ..
Hopkinsville 213 150 14': 128 756 38 9 975 9
White A 117 '77 71 65 452 22 2 575 .............. _.
Colored A ............ 96 73 72 63 304 16 2 380 ________
Pembroke A 39 44 38 26 29 21 190 7 9 1 297 365 9 9
U! Co. H. S. (Winchester) A ............ 125 116 71 74 386 16 9 3 580 9
Winchester 20 23 95 81 63 72 354 21 10 432 10
White A ............ 65 56 47 57 225 3 2 282 ._
Colored A 20 23 30 25 16 15 129 8 1 150 .
St- Agatha (Winchester) (Pr.) B ............ 3 8 5 8 24 3 9 1 65 ..
County—Manchester A ............ 161 102 '1 62 398 14 2 600 5,389 170 8
Oneida Inst. (PT.) A ............ 58 67 41 31 197 81/2 9 3 215 .. . ...... ..
County .......................................... .. ........ 1,852 56 8
Albany A ............ 95 95 51 54 295 9 9 3 l , 500 351 9 9
Co. H. S. (Marion) A ............ 91 79 67 76 313 12 8 3 1,500 1,232 44 8
Marion A 58 62 29 28 38 30 245 10 9 2 12 9
County 52 54 85 48 41 47 327 13 9 .. 300 70 8
Burkesville A 33 30 66 33 31 28 221 7 .. 1 200 ...... ..
Marrowbone B 19 24 19 15 10 19 106 6 .. 2 100 ...... ..































County Term Voca- Library Elementary
District High School Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
County 52 229 162 156 109 749 37 9 .. $ 1,070 2,723 92 9
Co. H. S. (Owensboro) A ...... 189 118 125 80 512 22 .. 3 750 .. .. ..
Utica B 28 20 27 14 16 127 8 .. 2 125 ..
West Louisville B 24 20 17 17 13 110 7 __ 2 195 ..
Owensboro 36 314 267 226 180 1,055 61 9 .. 1,435 9
White A ...... 160 167 139 119 585 27 .. 2 703 ._
Colored A 36 47 32 31 22 200 12 2 394 .
Technical A ...... 107 68 56 39 270 22 6 338 ..
Mt. St. Joseph (Maple Mt.) (Pr.) A ...... 53 39 40 22 154 12 9 2 595 ..
Owensboro Catholic (Pr.) A ...... 179 174 128 104 585 18 9 2 731
St. Mary of the Woods (Pr.) B ............ 21 21 13 15 70 31A; 9 .. ................
County 136 116 76 63 51 53 495 20 9 .. 692 8
Brownsville A 75 66 43 40 22 25 271 10 .. 3 400 ..
Kyrock (Sweden) B 44 31 19 6 20 18 138 5 1 172 ..
Sunfish B 17 19 14 17 9 10 86 5 1 120 ..
County—Sandy Hook A 39 59 70 61 21 37 287 13 9 3 300 1,904 58 8%
Co. H. S. (Irvine) A 158 95 55 66 374 14 9 3 300 2,033 86 8
Irvine A 50 54 49 31 184 8 9 1 300 573 18 9
Ravenna ........................ ...... _. .. ........ 172 71/2 9
County 595 527 436 142 9 .. 5,765 9
Athens (Lexington) B 45 40 36 13 .. 3 24 ..
Bryan Station (Lexington) 9 182 137 119 22 _. .. 1,421 ..
Douglas C. (Lexington) A 54 54 46 16 .. 2 1,063 ..
Lafayette (Lexington) A 314 296 235 91 .1 6 3,036 ..
Lexington 569 509 520 116 10 .. ‘3 , 200 10
Dunbar C. A 207 137 159 32 .. 3 1,200 ..
Henry Clay A .................. 36 . 2 750 ..
Lexington Jr. 9 233 207 138 26 .. .. 500 ..
Morton Jr. 9 129 165 123 22 .. .. 750 ..
University H. s. (Lex.) (st.) A 32 32 36 17 9 1 1,000 ..
Lexington Catholic (Pr.) A ............ 64 11 9 1 66 .


















Lafayette (Lexington) A 314 296 235 272 255 227 1,599 91 .1 6 3,036 ..
Lexington 569 509 520 296 291 253 2 , 338 116 10 .1 ‘3 , 200 10
Dunbar C. A 207 137 159 82 88 52 725 32 .. 3 1,200 ..
Henry Clay A .................. 214 203 201 618 36 .. 2 750 ..
Lexington Jr. 9 233 207 138 .................. 578 26 .. .. 500 ._
Morton Jr. 9 129 165 123 .................. 417 22 .. _. 750 ..
University H. S. (Lex.) (St.) A 32 32 36 3 39 32 204 17 9 1 1,000 ..
Lexington Catholic (Pr.) A ............ 64 55 42 43 204 11 9 1 66
County Term Voca- Library Elementary
District High School Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
Co. H. S. (Flemingsburg) A ............ 103 95 74 71 343 141/1; 9 3 $ 500 1,927 61 9
County 250 280 568 460 371 290 2,219 90%; 9 .. 1,691 10,055 303 9
Auxier B 16 25 16 18 21 12 108 6 .. 1 15 .. .. ...... .
Betsy Layne A ............ 110 72 43 51 276 11 .. 3 ........ ..
Garrett A ...... 52 57 33 32 174 9 .. 3 209 .
Martin A 77 91 59 45 61 29 362 14 ._ 2 184 ..
Maytown (Langley) A ............ 29 32 25 17 103 8 .. 3 147 ._
McDowell A ............ 82 66 54 43 245 9 .. 2 500 ..
Wayland A 58 68 78 68 54 44 370 131/2 .. 2 185 ..
Vl’lieelwrig‘ht W A 99 96 135 91 76 53 550 17 .. 2 300 ..
Wheelwright C BE ............ 7 11 4 9 31 3 .. 1 16 ._
Prestonsburg A ............ 187 138 104 90 519 17 9 3 620 9
County 179 150 128 105 648 39 9 .. 1,438 2,095 70 9
Bald Knob (Frankfort) A 31 34 28 22 145 8% .. 3 219 .............. .
Bridgeport (Frankfort) A 40 35 38 21 190 10 3 450 ..
Elkhorn (Frankfort) A 73 58 46 43 220 13 3 539 ..
Peaks Mill (Frankfort) B 35 23 16 19 93 71/2 .. 3 230 1.
Frankfort 108 102 91 69 400 27 10 .. 700 10
White A ............ 83 81 79 55 298 19 __ 2 550 ..
Colored AE 13 17 25 21 12 14 102 8 1 150 .
Good Shepherd (Frankfort) (Pr.) A ............ 13 19 11 21 64 5 1 150 .
County 62 48 43 44 36 26 259 14 9 .. 125 9
Cayce B 25 16 17 30 14 16 118 7 .. 3 75 ..
Western (Hickman) B 37 32 26 14 22 10 141 7 .. 3 50 ..
Fulton A ............ 56 47 37 25 165 11 9 1 255 9
Hickman 105 55 53 36 249 9 9 .. 400 9
White A 60 31 40 26 157 6 .. 2 400 ..
Colored B ............ 45 24 13 10 92 3 1 ........ ..
County—Warsaw A ...... 45 41 38 31 32 187 8 9 3 600 560 19 9

























County Term Voca- Library Elementary
District High School Enrollment by Grades in tions Appro- School District
School Rating 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Tchs. Mos. Taught priation Pupils Tchs. Term
County 71 49 80 60 51 41 352 19 9 .. $ 136 9
Buckeye (Lancaster) B ............ 19 16 12 14 61 4 ._ 1 100 ..
Camp Dick Robinson (Lanc.) B 43 18 22 19 15 14 131 7 .. .. 36 ..
Paint Lick A 28 31 39 25 24 13 160 8 .. 3 ........ ..
Lancaster 44 40 46 46 30 47 253 13 9 l. 445 9
White A 44 40 33 34 22 35 208 10 .. 2 345 9
Colored BE ............ 13 12 8 12 45 3 1 100 .............. ..
County 135 116 104 73 81 68 577 26 9 .. 741 9
Corinth B 27 23 11 16 20 20 117 6 __ 3 168 ..
Crittenden B 25 23 31 14 13 15 121 6 .. 3 150 .
Dry Ridge A 38 38 32 26 21 21 176 7 .. 3 219 ..
Mason B 45 32 30 17 27 12 163 7 __ 3 204 ..
Williamstown B 30 26 28 17 14 19 134 8 9 2 300 9
County 45 274 223 203 169 967 43 9 .. 600 9
Cuba (Mayfield) A 3 31 27 31 125 6 ,. 3 ........ ..
Fancy Farm B 29 27 24 20 100 4 . .. ........
Farmington B 32 21 29 19 101 5 . 2 250
Lowes B 26 36 24 20 106 5 .. 1 200 ..
Melbel‘ BE 16 15 9 10 50 4 .. .. ........ ..
Sedalia A 42 24 32 21 119 6 . 3 150 ..
Symsonia B ............ 44 29 33 28 134 5 .. 2 ........ ..
Wingo A 53 45 49 4o 25 20 232 8 .. 3 ........ ..
Mayfield 13 11 119 109 84 84 420 24 9 .. 783 9
White A ............ 107 93 71 77 348 19 ._ 2 583 ..
Colored BE 13 11 12 16 13 7 72 5 1 200
County 39 61 112 92 54 103 461 22 9 300 8
Caneyville A 15 28 67 60 32 56 258 12 .. 3 150 ..
Clarkson A 24 33 45 32 22 47 203 10 .. 3 150 .............. ..
Leitchfield A 49 41 4