xt74qr4nmc57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74qr4nmc57/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19880916 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 16, 1988, no. 535 text The Green Bean, September 16, 1988, no. 535 1988 2014 true xt74qr4nmc57 section xt74qr4nmc57 / 
Number 535 September 16, 1988
Because UK is a member of the Online Computer Library Center and the
Association of Research Libraries, UK faculty are entitled to participate in
the Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program. This program allows faculty members
privileges from libraries who are also members of OCLC and ARL. Materials may
be used on the premises of the owning library or borrowed, depending on the
policies of the owning institution. The program applies to main and branch
libraries of the main campus of the participating institutions.
Before utilizing this privilege, however, faculty must have a RFBP card which
can be obtained from Paul Willis or, in his absence, from Judy Brown, Head of
Circulation. Most institutions will also require a photo ID. (Submitted by
Judy Brown.) ·
Friday night hours in the Law Library have been changed. The Law Library
will now be open on Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. The library
previously closed at midnight on Friday. *
Q An exhibit entitled "Images From The Mountains: A Traveling Exhibit of 2
3 Appalachian Artists" is currently on view in the Central Bank Gallery. The [
g exhibit is a project of the University's Appalachian Center. The exhibit will %
* be showing until September 23 in the gallery, which is in the second and third f
§ floor corridors of Kincaid Towers, 300 West Vine Street. Gallery hours are Q
¥ 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday—Friday. E
3 Q
= z
1 1 c
A O O  
  ‘In¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty
f K t  k libraries

bdini records and MLC records have been slowly disappearing from the LS2000
database over the past two weeks. This is not a bug in the system, but rather
a concerted effort by the Cataloging Department to delete these records before
September 12, when the "snapshot" of the database was taken in preparation for
the reindexing project.
During the reindexing project, no bibliographic records can be changed or
deleted from the database. Thus, if a full cataloging record for an MLC or
mini item was found in the OCLC database, it could not be downloaded in the
system, since the M C or mini is already attached to the item record.
To solve this problem, the Cataloging Department decided to delete the M C and
mini records prior to the snapshot and then add full cataloging records (the
one bib function that is still possible during reindexing) for the items. Due
to the number of MLCs and minis in the system and the desire to get full
records back into LS2000 as fast as possible, the Cataloging Department
targeted certain groups of records for deletion. The collections chosen were
all in King, thus insuring the Cataloging Department easy access to the books,
and were high on the priority list to receive full cataloging. These included
122 King theses, approximately 1200 circulation minis created by King
Circulation, and approximately 300 titles in the King MLC collection.
These books will be worked into the Cataloging Department's regular workflow.
The Original and Online Cataloging Units will handle the theses and MLCs,
while Cataloging Support will continue to work with the minis. OUr goal is to
have full cataloging records in LS2000 for all these items by January 1989.
(Submitted by Kate Seago and Maggie Doutt.)
Kent State University ‘s School of Library Science will hold a recruitment
day on October 14, 1988, to bring together employers of librarians and
prospective employees. To be held in the Kent State Student Center, the even
will provide an opportunity for employers to meet students, recent and
experienced alumni, and friends of the School who are seeking professional
Further information is available from Julie Gedeon, School of Library Science,
Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242. Telephone (216) 672-2782.

The Kentucky Academy of Science has recently added a new section for Library
and Information Science and is eagerly recruiting new members.
The section will present its first program on Friday, November 4, 1988, at the
Academy's annual meeting in Richmond, KY. The program is entitled "Advances
in Information Technology: and will discuss information formats presented via
cable, electronically and in print. The program will last approximately a
hour and a half and will be followed by the section's organizational meeting.
The Academy currently has nearly 650 members. It publishes the Proceedings of
the Kentucky Academy of Science and the KAS newsletter, supports the Kentucky
Junior Academy of Science and sponsors an annual meeting at which papers are
Membership is $15 a year. Membership forms are available from KAS, P. O. Box
22313, Lexington, KY 40522, or there is a copy in the GB office which can be
photocopied. You may also get in touch with either Toni Powell or Lillian
Mesner in the Agriculture Library.
Russell Powell, Engineering VUmelJmmhm Cmakmhm¤
Librarian, delivered a paper at the Barbara Fried Cataloging
1988 American Society for Engineering
Education conference entitled
"Accreditation of Engineering
Libraries". The paper has been NEW STAFF
published in the recently published
conference proceedings. .
Gail Stern Circulation
'Toni Powell, Agriculture Librarian, Beulah Turner CSR
is listed in the July, 1988, issue of
College and Research Libraries as one Genevieve Hirsch CSR
of fourteen Library Superstars. The
superstars were chosen as outstanding Ellen Skidmore Cataloging
members of the profession. ~
3 .

Liz Scott CSR Joyce Gi1.more Agriculture
Barbara Gardner Online Cataloging
ARIZONA Reference Librarian, Business
Library. Salary: $25,38ii — $32,474.
Deadline: October 15, 1988.
Assistant Archivist for Records Assistant University Librarian for
Management and Planning. Arizona Collection Development and
State University, Tempe. Salary: Management. Salary: $50,000_
$19,500, minimum. Deadline: minimum. Deadline: October 15, 1988.
September 30, 1988.
· Reference Librarian/Communication and
Journalism Subject Specialist.
Arizona State University, Tempe. INDIANA
Salary: $19,500, minimum. Deadline: ·
October 31, 1988. -
Reference Librarian/Justice Studies, Dean of University Libraries. Indiana
Political Science & Public Affairs University, Bloomington. Salary:
Subject Specialist. Arizona State none listed. Deadline: No earlier
University, Tempe. Salary: $19,500, than October 15, 1988.
minimum. Deadline: October 31,
Research Support Services Librarian,
Assistant. Arizona State University, MARYLAND  
Tempe. Salary: $20,000 minimum.
Deadline: November 1, 1988.
Research Support Services Librarian, Coordinator of NAL Programs and
Associate. Arizona State University, Services, ARS. National Agricultural
Tempe. Salary: $27,500 minimum. Library, Beltsville. Salary: none
Deadline: November 1, 1988. listed. Deadline: none listed.
Assistant Head, Music Library. Reference Librarian and Facilitator
University of California, Berkeley. of Bibliographic Instruntion.
Salary: $$25,380 - $32,474. Jackson State University, Jackson.
Deadline: October 15, 1988. Salary: none listed. Deadline:
. October 21, 1988.

NEW JERSEY Special Formats Catalog Librarian.
[Search reopened .] Rutgers
University, New Brunswick. Salary:
Head, Acquisitions Department. $30,705 minimum. Deadline: November
Rutgers University, New Brunswick. 15, 1988. _
Salary: $30,705 minimum. Deadline: Telecoumnunications/Equipment Analyst.
November 15, 1988. Systems Department. Rutgers
Reference Librarian/Coordinator of University, New Brunswick. Salary:
Technical Services, Kilmer Area $27,894. Deadline: none listed.
Library. Rutgers University, New ILS Systems Programmer III. Rutgers
Brunswick. Salary: $30,705 minimum. University, New Brunswick. Salary:
Deadline: October 31, 1988. $30,752. Deadline: none listed.
Next Q: Friday, September 30, 1988. Deadline: Friday, September 30, 1988.
Q Staff: Bonnie Jean Cox, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.