xt74qr4np63b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74qr4np63b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-11-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 2006 2006 2006-11-28 2020 true xt74qr4np63b section xt74qr4np63b OH-so-cwse


COLUMNIST: Although the Cats finished with a solid
7-5 record, they were on the verge of greatness.

ll lSll\\


NOVEMBER 28, 2006





UK student shot at home near campus

By Alice Haymond and Dariush Shafa



A UK student was shot twice early yes-
terday morning outside his home on Univer-
sity Avenue and remains hospitalized, ac-
cording to Lexington police.

Joseph Morgan Nelson, 23. of
Louisville. was shot at 214 University Ave.
at approximately 3:25 am. yesterday and
went next door to 216 University Ave.,
where he broke open the door seeking help.
according to police. He was taken to UK
Chandler Medical Center and underwent

surgery. Nelson‘s condition at the hospital
was not available last night.

The path Nelson took was clear the next
day. Drops of blood ran up the wooden
porch and were smeared against the front

“We were all sleeping, so he had to bust
in to get through." said Pat Deringer. a jour-
nalism junior and a resident of the house that
Nelson went to.

The commotion stirred Deringer’s room-
mates, Barrett Sparks and Kevin Gilligan,
who came downstairs to see what was hap—


“I met him at the bottom of the steps.
and cleaned (the blood) up with a dirty T
shirt," said Sparks. an economics junior.

Gilligan, a telecommunications junior.
called 911, and the police arrived shortly af-

Lexington police said they are investi-
gating but do not have a suspect or a good
description to follow.

"We don’t have any named suspects.“
said Sgt. Paul Williams, an investigator in
the Lexington police's Homicide Division.
“We have a description from some of the in-
dividuals who saw someone running from

the scene. Nothing particularly useful at this

Though police said they don‘t have
much to go on presently. officials said inves-
tigators will be seeking more details after in-
terviewing Nelson and other witnesses and
are hoping for a lead to follow in a few days.

“We‘ve got a preliminary statement from
the victim and witnesses in the neighbor-
hood," Williams said. “We were not able to
interview the victim at length like we want-
ed to because he was going into surgery. It‘s
going to take us a couple of days to get the

See Shooting on page 3






state lines

By Emily Coovon

A UK effort to increase math
and science learning in Appalachia
has crossed another state border.

The Appalachian Mathematics
and Science Partnership. a UK pro-
gram that provides funding and
training for future teachers. has re-
cently expanded into West Virginia.

AMSP. which is already in place
in Appalachian counties in Ken-
tucky. Tennessee and Virginia. will
partner with Marshall University in
Huntington, W.V.

The program will benefit teach-
ers in Braxton. Cabell, Mason. Min-
go and Wayne counties via various
outreach efforts and distance-leam-
ing technology.

“AMSP is designed to help en-
hance the teaching methods and
skills of math and science teachers
in kindergarten. elementary. middle
and high schools. with the ultimate
goal of improving the math and sci-
ence educations of pupils in those
grade levels." UK President Lee
Todd said in an e—mail.

AMSP offers Partnership En-
Programs to
districts all
over Ap-
p a 1 ac h i a .
PEPs are
that offer
funding for

"What is missing
is the voice of
the teacher. They,
at a local level,

Smoked out

UK adopts formal smoking regulations after state mandate

wr- - " W“ -' *‘rfi .


Levon Ter-lsahakyan, a computer science senior, blows smoke outside the White Hall Classroom Building on Monday, Nov 20 The UK Board of Trustees recently adopted a 00'le
that bans smoking within 20 feet of building entrances, exits, windows and air intakes.

By Sarah Rayan

areas are no longer available in any building.
The smoking policy isn't a new plan: it

Ian McHowe,
a" architerr

known what the
challenges are.


ture jdnlU
tosses away
a l‘lgalfjilr‘
butt after

simply took existing policies and formalized
them in reaction to the law passed by the
Kentucky General Assembly in spring 2006.
said Russ Williams. the staff representative

up to

PEPs al-

low schools

All UK buildings are now officially
smoke-free — a policy that will be enforced
at each building by the departments that re-

m identify AMSP prolect director

p ri n c i p a l

p r ob l e m s

within their math and science pro~
grams. After problems are identified.
teachers write proposals for funding
and have them reviewed by a team
of experts.

1f the proposal is accepted. the
school receives funding. If review-
ers find problems with the proposal.
they identify them and send faculty
members to help make the proposal
strong enough to be funded.

“What we (the government)
have done in the past is thought of
solutions for what is wrong (in our
schools)." said John Yopp. AMSP‘s
project director. “But what is miss-
ing is the voice of the teacher. They.
at a local level. know what the chal-
lenges are."

The local emphasis is what sepa-
rates AMSP from other programs.

“A lot of programs are top—
down; this one turns that around."
said Wimberly Royster. the AMSP
founder at UK.

Through various grants. AMSP
reaches nine universities and 51
school districts in Appalachia. This
past year. the program gave a total
of about 3600.000 in grants.

All of AMSP's projects have
been funded by a grant awarded to
UK by the National Science Foun-
dation for more than $22 million
since 2002. It‘s the largest single
grant the university has ever re-
ceived. Royster said.

“The addition of the Marshall

See Math on page 3


side within it.

UK spokesman Jay Blanton said the new
policy comes as a result of a state mandate.

“State law has required all public univer-
sities to formally adopt a smoking policy.“
Blanton said. “Our Board of Trustees has
adopted a policy that formalizes a ban on
smoking in university buildings; it also bans
smoking in covered bridges and pedways."

Blanton said the regulations will be en-
forced by individual departments. not by a
central entity.

According to an e-mail sent out to facul-
ty. staff and students, the new regulations
prohibit smoking in all university-owned or -
operated buildings. including parking
garages and pedways. Smoking will also be
prohibited within 20 feet of entrances. exits.
windows or air intakes. Designated smoking

on UK‘s Board of Trustees.

Jeff Dembo. a faculty representative on
the board, agreed.

“The university needed to be in compli—
ance with state law: that's why this was pro-
posed and passed as a governing regulation."
Dembo said.

Aside from the formal regulations. Dem-
bo said he‘s unaware of any other policies
UK will adopt for smoking on campus.

“It is not clear yet what other changes the
university is going to have to make to be in
compliance with this new regulation." Dem~
bo said.

The policy defines smoking as “inhaling.
exhaling. burning or carrying any lighted
cigar. cigarette or pipe." Smoking will be
permitted in certain circumstances. such as


See Smoking on page 3


Veteran, ex-military prisoner tospeak on iniu

By Evan Israel

It's not often that US. soldiers are imprisoned in
Guantanamo Bay. the military prison used for terror

But that‘s what happened to James Yee. a US
Army veteran and Muslim American.

Yee will speak of this “traumatizing” experience
in a discussion called “An Army Muslim Chaplain‘s
Struggle for Justice: Civil Liberties and Guan-
tanamo Bay" at 5 pm. today in the William T.
Young Library.

Yee was imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay during
his service as an Army chaplain there in 2003. when
he was suspected of spying and aiding the Taliban
and Al-Qaeda. His name was later cleared.


Putting his life back together has been difficult
for him.

“The whole event and experience of being ac-
cused of crimes was traumatizing to both me and
my family.“ Yee said.

Andy Doolen. an assistant professor of Ameri-
can literature and American studies at UK. helped
coordinate the event and said Lee will speak of his
imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay.

“He gives an eyewitness account of the war
versus American liberties." Doolen said. “He had a
first-hand experience.“

Yee said he will discuss his Muslim religion
and the role having a different faith plays in pet»
ple's civil liberties.

Yee also said that the American government‘s
executive branch has overstepped its authority in
terms of trying to control people.

smoking out
srde of Petite
Hall yesterr
day after





“This is a piece of ('8. history that will be a
horrible black mark." Yee said.

That is exactly why [)oolen says his story is so

“There's a civil rights struggle today and he‘s
representative of that struggle." [)oolen said.

Doolcn said he chose Yee over other civil-rights
leaders because he makes students stand for issues.

"He challenges students to choose a side."
Doolcn said. “He challenges students to develop
their identities."

In addition to the discussion. CNN is airing a
feature story on Tuesday morning about Yee and his
experiences; the story will air throughout the news
day. Yee said.

Yee said he is pleased he can relate his experi-
ences to students. He said students are instrumental
in standing up to injustices in America today.

Newsroom: 257.1915; W 257-2872



PAGE 2 | TuesdayLNovember-ZB. 2006





























By Linda C Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 70 (S the easrest day, 0
the most chat/ranging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is an 8 — You're anxious to get go
ing but there's work to be done first
The more attention you pay to this
job now, the better off you'll be lat
er. lt does matter.

Taunis (April 20 — May 20) Today
lS a 7 *7 Gather up the goodies,
Without drawrng attention to your
self, Don't provoke ;ealou5ies by
bragging; that could have disastrous

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 6 ~47 Conditions are more dlfllv
cult now, so carefully watch what
you're doing. Hold yourself to high
standards, and you'll minimize er-
rors M your own and everyone





Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is an 8 You’re naturally taking on
more and more, but are you getting
respect? Don't let people pile the
work onto you, ask for it and take
credit for it

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
7 W Stash away as much as you
can, and you can buy more free
time Think of it as a game where
you can insure that you'll be the

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 e As others notice how well
you take care of their problems.
they'll seek you out They'll (H'TlE’lll
bar you and try to get you to do
more Ask for the raise ll) pay then
not now

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today lS
a 6 . As you realize what's re
outred, try not to be intimidated You
don't have to know how you'll do it,
yet, You're a ourck learner

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is an 8 A person you care very







much about has a lot of expensive
requests Don't say you wrll Set up
a time to discuss them, much later
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 Not everybody
goes along With everything you try
You're very persuasive What: you
want to be Use those skills now
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To—
day IS a 7 ~ The more you study
the more you'll be able to avoid
trouble. You often learn by making
mistakes but you can outgrow that
Proceed wrth caution.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To»
day is a 6 You're good at net
working You know who has what
a l.l w ere tht needs are lnvcsti
gate new leads and take careful
notes You ll use this info rrriatrl in
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is a 6 .. You nave tr. be rather
sensrtive now, to other people's
feelings Luckily, you're naturally poi
lite and sympathetic They'll really
apprecrate that
200‘ ltf‘ljll Wl KE'l

.HlB’RV‘l r, \ll

.\(3( lll’l lXii .\l.l. l.\'.\'l R.\.\'(Il) (Il..\|.\l.\



your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun [M ”I




1119 Di 8H

()ncc upon a time — OK.
()ctobcr 2004. to be exact —
Katic Holmcs wistfully pro-
claimcd to chcntccn maga-
/inc. "Evcry littlc girl dreams
about hcr wcdding l used to
think I was going to marry Tom
(.‘ruisc." On Nov. IX. the ac—
trcss got hcr storybook wish. At
prccrscl) 6:30 p.m.. she and
Cruise. 44. bccamc husband
and wifc in a 20-minute ccrc-
mony officiated by a Church of
Scicntology minister. Thc back—
drop: Tlic lSIh—ccntury
()dcscalchi Castlc located on
picturcsquc Lakc Bracciano. 25
milcs northwcst of Rome. "it
was fabulous! Katic looked
bcautiful." Cruise's agent at
(‘rcativc Artists Agency. Rick
Nicita. told Us following the
fcstivitics. Addcd his wife.
Paula Wagncr. Cruisc‘s long-
timc producing partncr and
fricnd. "Wc had an absolutcly
wonderful time."

As did thc more than 150
friends and family who feted
thc couplc in an ltalian extrava—
ganza that morphed into the
Oscars of celebrity nuptials.
complete with A-list attendees.
incrcdiblc fashion and a pro-
duction so lavish it lcft gucsts
brcathlcss. “It was fabulous.
Bcautil'ulf it was more than wc
cvcr could ha\c imagincd."
Brookc Shiclds told Us after
thc rcccption. Sccondcd
Holmcs' mom. a bcaming
Kathlccn. who helped her
daughtcr plan thc cvcnt. "it was
lovely." Linda Bruckhcimcr.
wifc of Cruisc"s Top Gun prt»
duccr. Jcrry. addcd. “it was un-

believable. indescribable, un-
like anything l have been to in
my life'" The number of stars
colliding alone — and crowds
surrounding them — was jaw-
dropping: Jennifer Lopez and
Marc Anthony. Will and Jada
Pinkett Smith. Jim Carrey and
Jenny McCarthy. Leah Remini.
Jenna Elfman and Victoria
Beckham. many of whom
glamorously jetted in on a char-
tered 757 from LA. on No-
vember l6 and participated in
three days of activities that.
says wedding planner Sharon
Sacks. may have cost the pair
as much as $5 million. (See
box, page 59.) “I'm thrilled to
be here." Will Smith told Us
before the nuptials. “I‘m ab-
solutely delighted for them.“

They Do

And the bride and groom.
the latter of whom famously
declared his love atop Oprah
Winfrey"s sofa. could hardly
keep their joy private. Engaged
in June 2005. the pair proudly
issued a press release (via the
actor‘s rep) touting their union
hours after the ceremony. (It‘s
Holmes‘ first marriage and
Cruise‘s third.) Among the
nuggets of detail: Holmes. 27,
wore a custom-made Giorgio
Armani off-thc-shouldcr bridal
gown and carried a bouquet of
calla lilies wrapped in leaves of
galax and steelgrass as she
walkcd down the aisle with her
matrimonial lawyer dad. Mar-
tin. to classical music by a
string ensemble. (See page 54
for more.) Us has also learned
that Cruise‘s son. Connor. ll.


Family and Hollywood friends
fete Holmes as she marries her
Prince Charming in an opulent
Italian celebration.

carried the pair‘s sleepy 7-
month-old daughter. Suri, down
the aisle. and the couple did not
recite vows.

Not surprisingly, the
evening had its share of royal
moments. “The mood in the
castle was subdued," says one.
“Then. when Katie appeared.
the place erupted with ap-
plause." Another reveler tells
Us. "I didn‘t see tears. but they
were both so happy. And Katie
walked down the aisle with the
biggest smile." Once the minis-
ter proclaimed Cruise and
Holmes “man and wife.” says
the guest. “their kiss seemed to
last forever."

What Now

When Cruise and Holmes
return to Los Angeles. a source
says, they‘ll plan a second par-
ty for additional well~wishers.
Professionally speaking. Cruise
— who recently announced a
deal to head production at the
United Artists studios -— is set
to star opposite Meryl Streep in
the drama Lions for Lambs.
which will be directed by
Robert Redford. And though
Holmes doesn‘t have a project
besides being Mrs. Tom Cruise,
no matter. It's practically a con-
sensus in Hollywood that the
couple will live _ what else?
— happily ever after. “As far
as his priorities. Tom gives his
soul to his kids and Katie." his
Jerry Maguire costar Cuba
Gooding Jr. tells Us. “Those
are the ties that bind."

—-Mara Reinstein




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Continued from page 1

University program expands the grant to $24.5
million," Todd said.

Marshall University was chosen because of
its relative closeness to Kentucky and for its on-
line distance-education system.

“Most other universities (in West Virginia)
have this kind of program, but not to the same

degree," Yopp said. “They are able to bring
something very valuable to the partnership."

No more expansions are expected.

“We aren't going to close the door to further
expansions, but the National Science Foundation
has now greatly restricted its math and science
partnership program .“ Todd said.

The program is doing well at UK and is ex-
pected to flourish in West Virginia.

“It‘s so successful, some (students) are teach-
ing elementary courses at UK before they gradu-
ate ,“ Royster said.



Continued from page 1

lab research and experiments,
so long as researchers have pri-
or approval from the appropri-
ate dean or director and the
university fire marshal.

Ernie Yanarella, a faculty
representative on the Board of
Trustees, said the effort is part
of a push to promote healthier.
smoke-free environments.

“This is a growing effort on
the part of states. locales and
other public institutions to pro-
tect nonsmokers from the pal-
pable secondary health conse-
quences of smoking," Yanarella
said. “I support those efforts


search has shown that sec-
ondary smoke inhaled by non-
smokers on a routine basis can
be injurious to individuals who
do not smoke."

Students who were inter-
viewed showed mixed reac-
tions to the new regulation.

“I haven‘t really seen it en—
forced,“ said interpersonal
communications freshman
Tommy Enricco. "I still see
people smoking outside the
buildings. I smoke on occa-

Enricco said he would like
to see reminders and guides
posted as to where he can

“I think there should be a
mark somewhere," he said.
“Nobody knows where 20 feet

were happy with the change.

“I like not walking through
a haze of smoke," said Sarah
Prewitt, an integrated strategic
communications junior.

“It’s just nice not to smell
like it if you’re a nonsmoker."
said Sara Tracy, an agricultural
communications junior.

Others weren't so happy
with the new regulation.

“It seems like the universi-
ty is doing everything in its
power to accommodate non-
smokers, but they seem to for-
get that a large number of UK
students are smokers," said his-
tory sophomore Dorrie Rush.

The smoke—free policy can
be found on UK‘s Web site for
administrative regulations


because extensive scientific re-

Other students said they



Continued from page 1

information we need to translate that into suspect

Nelson has an arrest record with Lexington
police. with crimes including possession of mari-
juana and possession of drug paraphernalia in
2004. and parole violation in 2005, according to
police records.

Williams said police have not uncovered a
motive behind the shooting.

“It would be speculation to try and extrapolate
that (without more inforrnationi." Williams said.

More than 12 hours after the shooting. Univer-
sity Avenue residents congregated on several
porches. walking back and forth between them.
Occasionally. people would open their doors and
look around before going back inside.

Looking on from the sidewalk, two Lexington
police officers on bikes said they were there to
keep an eye out in the area.

Caitlin Bendeck. a business—marketing sopho-
more. had been at Nelson‘s house the night be-
fore, until about an hour before the shooting. Ben—
deck said she left because Nelson said he was go-


ing to sleep.

“Once we saw lights and stuff. we came out-
side and talked to the neighbors." she said, refer-
ring to the ambulance and police cars. Bendeck
lives two houses down from Nelson.

After discovering what had happened. Ben-
deck went to the hospital and stayed through the
night until Nelson came out of surgery at 8:45
am. He was stable after surgery, she said.

“For being shot. he’s not bad at all," Bendeck
said. "He‘s a tough guy: he can handle it."

Neighbors were surprised by the promptness
of the police.

“I heard the shots. I heard people running and-
yelling cuss words. and then the cops showed up
like five minutes later." said Monica Wade. a jour-
nalism sophomore who lives across the street
from Nelson.

“It was just really scary," she said. “I was talk—
ing on the phone and heard gunshots. I really
freaked out."

Nelson's roommates declined to comment on
the shooting.

For now. Lexington police said they're plan-
ning to keep a closer eye on the area. said Lt. JJ.
Lombardi. a duty commander in Lexington po-
lice‘s Patrol Division.

"I do know there is going to be an increased
presence there in the campus area. particularly
during the holidays." he said.




Lexington Police Officer Graul, left, and Sgt. Young, stand next door to 214 University Ave, where a UK student
was shot early yesterday morning. "We're just keeping a watch out on the area, twing to keep an eye on

things," Graul said.


By Sun Rose
STOSO y arne.com

Set your clocks back to

Back to when a distortion
pedal could change the world.

Back to when punk actual-
ly had a chance of surviving as
a legitimate music form
through bands like Jawbreaker,
Fugazi and Bikini Kill.

Those were good times.
Thank God that The Beatings
are here with quite a throw-
back album so we don't forget
that era. “Holding on to Hand
Grenades" is a potent step for-

In their impressive second
full-length album, the band
follows in the footsteps of fel-
low Boston greats The Pixies,
letting earnest songwriting and
well-oiled. guitar-driven rock
speak for itself. In the same
song, The Beatings will kick
your ass. pick you back up and
set you down to put a bandage
on your cuts. Songs “A Re-
sponsible Person” and "Burn
Down the Jungle" demand at-



Tuesday, November 28, 2006 | «‘PAGE 3

Band beats to its own drum

tention. Other songs with less
punch, like “Stockholm Syn-
drome Relapse,“ drone on and
leave the energy of other
tracks desired.

But the music is always
solid. The melodies pulse and
wander, and the vocals sway
from primal screams to slow
croons. Baritone vocals from
guitarists Eldridge Rodriguez
and Tony Skalicky are akin to
The Magnetic Fields‘ Stephin
Merritt and Husker Du's Bob

The lyrics are visceral and
observational. Two subjects
The Beatings touch on are the
transfer from childhood to the

@flftt‘e of Sédeazz flozatrifr'at, I; firmware/e”:11:14}: 1‘. Cram.“ .


The Campus Calendar Is produced by the Office of Student Art/Vines, Leadership 5 Involvement Registered Student Orqs and UK DPDYS (an submit information tor FREE rm/irw ONE WHK PR/OR to the MOM)!» ,. . 'w ,


OBaptist Campus Ministry - TNT —

-Hope Center Dinner, 4:45 PM, Hope

real world as well as. of
course. the broken heart. The
set-up might seem overused,
but nearly every line rings sin-
cere —— and with an explosive
tendency unseen in post-punk
contemporaries. As if spritzed
with gasoline and offered a
light to a cigarette. every cho-
rus has the potential to blow
Although The Beatings'
standout songs can be seen as
tame for a band that‘s received
the art-punk title, they're un—
doubtedly independent and
unique in a world where
clones reign. They have their
influences but draw from
themselves above all others.

Quirky. throwaway tracks
paired next to anthems. Violent
intensity with a constant un-
dertone of honesty. It's an in-
teresting mix and one The
Beatings pull off effortlessly.
The Beatings are a band that
may aim for the head but ulti-
mately shoot for the heart —
always with a fist clenched at
their side.

i 25779867‘ '

OUK Budo Karate Club, 8:00
PM, Dance Hall

'UK Budo Karate Club, 4:30
PM, Dance Hall

0Holiday Shopping Shuttle,

Tuesday Nights Together, 7:30 PM, 1200 PM

Center of Lexington


OUK Students for Life Meeting, 8:00
PM, 115 Student Center

0 Alpha Phi Omega, 6:30 PM, 359
Student Center

OStudents Taking Action Globally
(STAG) Meeting, 5:15 PM, 211 Student

0810 425 Seminar, 10:00 AM


nlnternship Information Session, 11:00
AM, 101 Stuckert Bldg. 408 Rose

Olnternship Information Session, 3:30
PM, 101 Stuckert Bldg. 408 Rose

OPre-Physical Therapy Student
Association Meeting, 7:30 PM, Gallery
Room of the Young Library


Baptist Student Center - 429 Columbiai


OLECM Food for Body and _
Soul, 5:05 PM, St. Augustine's ,
Chapel on Rose Street
0Tutoring at Bryan Station
Middle, 4:00 PM, Bryan
Station Middle
OUniversity Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM, 230
Student Center


OFamily Fun and Learning nights, 4:30 .
PM, The Carnegie Center of Lexmgton,‘
oreminist Alliance Meeting, 7:30 PM, '

Commonwealth House of the Gaines

Center on Maxwell St. j

-UK Gay~Straight Alliance Meeting,
7:00 PM, 357 Student Center
ODancefllue All Committee Meeting,
5:30 PM, 230 Student Center
oFreshman Focus - Baptist Campus
Ministry, 7:30 PM, Baptist Student
Center - 429 Columbia Avenue
-Synergy, 8:00 PM, Christian Student
Fellowship Building

0Education Abroad and Your Future:
Marketing Your Experiences, 3:30 PM,
James W. Stuckort Career Center 408

Rose Street


IUK Ultimate Frisbee
Organization, 10:00 PM,
Intramural Fields










November JR, 2006

Page 4

Last week. Provost Kumble Subbaswamy
announced that UK has created a new position
dedicated to improving diversity among the
university's faculty. staff and students.

The creation of the vice president for insti-
tutional diversity demonstrates the university‘s
commitment to diversity. UK President Lee

Todd told the Kernel yesterday.

"(Diversityl has to be a priority for every-
one at the institution v administration. faculty.
staff and students." Todd said in the Kernel arti-
cle. “A more diverse place is more tolerant.
more open and more inclined to foster an envi-
ronment where learning and creativity really


This editorial board has argued many times
that a more diverse campus will only benefit
the entire UK community and will represent a
step in the right direction for UK‘s quest to be-

come a top—20 research institution.


New position Will aid UK’s diversity goals

Todd correctly pointed out that diversity in-


position" for helping the university achieve its



The creation of an administrative position
dedicated to improving campus diversity is yet
another positive step by UK‘s administration in
dealing with this important issue.

UK recently adopted a Strategic Plan for
2006 to 2009 that promotes four objectives for
solving UK’s diversity problems: re-examining
existing university administration roles in diver—
sity. improving UK‘s implementation strategy
to monitor diversity among all aspects of the
UK community, ensuring UK graduates leave
the university with an understanding of and ap—
preciation for other cultures, and using UK’s re-
sources to expand community commitment to

Subbaswamy told the Kernel that the new
administrator will hold a "critically important


ing diversity.

goals by coordinating efforts between adminis—
tration. faculty and students.
Todd‘s Commissions on
Women and Diversity and the
UK Task Force on Diversity
have voiced iheir support for
the creation of the position.
UK spokesman Jay Blanton

This move follows a
trend of positive decisions by
UK administration concern-

Last year. UK added
$500,000 for diversity schol—
arships and gave more than
$3 million to promote diversity on campus. UK
also added eight new recruiters to promote UK
among minority students.

KEINEL Eononm BoAiio

Megen Boehnke. editor in (fuel
Keith Smiley. managing editor
We: Blevins. opinions etlslnr
Dnriinh Shah. muit=rrietlsa editor



‘iLi i: ‘l'tS rugs nit viiit's .i tr

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Bremen Kenltel. ropv desk chief
Jonathan Smith, sports editor
Ellen Sewyer, features editor
Alice Raymond, copy editor


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'tm' a torn letter: 'L tfit


volves more than student recruiting and that
UK must be more aggressive in helping stu~

dents succeed once they ar-


there has to be

levels of the

Recruiting is important —
but in order to make UK
a more diverse campus,

cooperation at all

campus community.

rive at UK.

The university ‘s search
committee for the vice presi-
dent for institutional diversity
held an open forum yesterday
for all members of the cam—
pus community to discuss
candidates and the qualities
necessary to fill such an im-
portant role on campus.

It‘s good that UK recog-
nizes the importance of bring-


ing outside voices in to the

discussion on such an important campus issue.
Hopefully these efforts will pay off in UK's ef—
forts to bring more diversity to campus.



Thanksgiving feast for
international students

should be annual event

By the end of last week. UK's
campus was practically deserted,
with students not hesitating to skip
a few classes so that they could
head home for the Thanksgiving

But home for intemational stu-
dents is often too far away to feasi-
bly visit in the few days Thanksgiv-
ing break offers.

One of the residence halls
stayed open. giving the students a
place to stay. and the UK Alumni
Association made sure the students
were well~fed on Thanksgiving day.
according to an article in the Lex—
ington Herald-Leader last week.

“They are the only ones left on
campus." said Gretchen Bower.
program coordinator for the Alumni
Association. in the Herald-Leader
article. “We just really want to do
this event to welcome them in and
make them feel welcomed at the



We applaud the Alumni Associ—
ation for remembering that not all
students can go home over the
break. and we hope that the dinner
becomes an annual event.

Neary 200 international students
took advantage of the traditional
Thanksgiving meal. which for some
was their first time celebrating the
American holiday.

“It gives us the opportunity to
mingle with the common customs
of America." said Ban Al-Attar. a
graduate student from Iraq. in the
Herald—Leader article. "l think it's a
great experience."

For the students who couldn't
visit their families because of the
distance. the Alumni Association at
least made UK‘s campus feel more



Black Friday shopping
proves entertaining

Sometimes I make stupid

For instance. I had the choice of
going shopping
the day after

Usually when
faced with a
choice like this
one. I make a list
of pros and cons

in my head.


HILLY Then. I choose
the answer based
Sfélggffl upon the longest
Columnist section of the

Here is an
example of what
goes on Wit