xt74tm71ws8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71ws8w/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1935 journals kaes_circulars_283_annual_report_1935 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 283 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 283 1935 2014 true xt74tm71ws8w section xt74tm71ws8w Extension Division
' TIIOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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°°   fi   '. Y7’¢;1·i'~*2§$` *f1¢2£.;i¢ ;ii.;;—»   ·;, .  
G More grass means fewer gullies in Kentucky. Good pasture keeps land productive.
ood pasture reduces farm labor.
Lexington, Ky.
 mupublislwd ih Connectigm with the agricultural extension w0rl< C8.I‘1‘i€d 011 by C0·0D9T—
of X (if the Collage of Agriuultuixy Uiiivg·i·git,y Of Kentucky, with the U. S. D9|DBTU¤€¥\t
 ca gnculturl?. mid distributed iii furtlieiaiiee ui' the work provided fOT ill UW AGL Of
_ llgress of May 8. 1914.

l,lC'l"l`1Zl{S ()l·` "l`l{.·\NSMl'l`T1·\L,
. , Am
l.(ZXlIlgl<)ll. l\(`lllll(h\ ‘
llilllllllly El, lilflli Q
President, llrzrnk L. I\le\'ey
Universit of Kentuek 1 ,.
Y l lhr111
My dear President McVey: 111 l.lll`IllCl
. , ., the 110 11
I l1:1ve the honor to present tl1e illlllllill report ol lll(f Dl\`l\lt1Il , I &
. . _.., , . . . _ l»e11t11cle11tl1tt1res. .
L tl1:1t nl t·
Il\t)l`(? lllil
rllll()MAS C()()l’l·Zl{, ])('Il)I 11111] 1)/11111111 ‘ The 1
trere new
l,exi11gt1111, lit'lll\|tl`· the need
llilllllilly lll, lllflti » 1·ll11rt 11*11
l'l()H()l`Ill)lC .·\. B. Cllilll(ll(Tl` (`XlCllSl()l'
(lovernor 0[ Kenturlcy _ ll(`(`C5Sill`}'
L_ ‘ urs illlll I
Sn`: · L
3.111. Rc
ln 2l(`(`0l'(lilIl(`C with :111 :1t‘t <1I` the l.egisl:1tt11’e ul the St;1tt·1>l`lit‘l1·  ` tltymtetl
tttcky, ztplirwwetl hlill`(`ll 15, lilltiy I I1e1·t·wi1I1 sttlmrit 1I11·x11111tt··l >tr:1te1l11
report; ol tl1e I)ivisi<>11 nl 1~\g1·it·11l111r;1l EXl(Tl]Sl()]l tit the (Z1>ll<·;¤·**l lilliQll. I
Agl`lCLllllll`C, Ulli\'C1`siLy nl l(e11t11t;ky, lor the yenr ended l)t?tt‘l11l¤*" ·»l`ti111e 1
3],   . Illtxre to
Respectfully, _ lt 1v;1
` V Y ) 4 vv  _ ill)illClllC
l·1<»x1w1< l,. h[t;\ 1·)x‘_ I1w~t1l1~ 4 Lv
(I1 ul)
~t;111l'l. WSIS 1ll21lll‘ U1
_ tep up the enrollment. and the tjuality of work at least to the
 . standards of former years. \\'hile the extra effort of local leaders
_ lf lfliil prevented serious curtailment of the club program. the
  ntnauon in 1935 caused great concern. Notwithstanding the dith-
4 ‘11l11t‘S.tl1e success ol` -11-H (lub work is indicated by the fig111`<‘$
ji  $**11 111 this report, The losses to membership and 2lCl1lC\`C1llCUt

4 ]{(flI/Il(`]{.)l EN1(’HS1()l1- Ci1*1r11l111* N11. 283
11011111 11111*0 110011 111111*0 SCl`l()llS 111111 11111 1110 11111110 1101111111s11*;1111111 a saving
HQCIIIS 11111110 CX1l`2l()l`(11ll2\l`}' C1l`()1`LS 10 ;1ss1s1 111 1110 \\’()l`1i 1l)l'I11L`|1\ 11*01*0 111116
1111110 11)* 1110 (Z()llI`l1)' 1lgCllL5. 1 1110 grow
'1`1l(Z \’()1llll1C 111 0x1011s11111 V\'()l`1{ 111 all 11s 1)l`2\llC1lCS was 11111111- S1I`2l\\’1)Cl`l
l,1¤lllC(l 11)* 1110 a1l111111111 01 11101*11tal \\'(>l‘1{Cl`S 111 1110 (j()lll]11'_ '1110 1,1.1 111 0s1:111l
l1l(`l`€2lSC 111 111111ls was 1101 s11{*111i10111 111 111:1110 2111)* lllZl_1()l` (’ll2lllgC 111 A gra
11s1tal 1111110)-*. r1`l101*0 was a s111111ti1·111 1ll(Tl`C2lSC (ll. 111111ls 111 1101*11111 1110 111111 w111
ClTl1)1U)”IllCl]1 111 a 10W ass1s1a111 C()LlllL)' 2lgCIl1S 211111 ll<)1llC (1Clll<1|l— (`111lSCl`\'(l1
Sll`2l1,1()Il ZIQCIILS 2ll](l 111 :11111 1w11 \\'()l`1{C1`S 1.11 1110 Sll1)C1`\`1S<>1`1' \l1l11. C1l(1Cil\'()l`
1110 2I(1(l1l1()llS 10 1110 Sll1)Cl`\'1S()l`)' stall 11*01*0 111:1110 s0 111:11 s11111~1· 11:11011.
v1s0rs w1111 w01*0 1)<)l`l`()\\’C(1 11*0111 Sll1)11C(Yl-lll1lllCl` (1C1)2l1`l1llClll$ Illlglll 1 *1*CH
l`()1lll`ll 10 111011* 1()1`lllCl` \\’()l`1§. 8111110 01 1110 Sll1)_1CC1-lll1ll1,CI` 110111111 1111(1“vC1—(
1110111s 11:111 all 111011* 0x1011s1011 w0r1<0rs 1:111011 LIWII1 10 ilSS1sl\1`1l11 111,1111%]
11lC 2l(l_1llS1lTlCll[ 1)1`()g1`1llIl. 1110 110011 101* 2lll.C|1L1<)l1 1.11 l`Cgll1&I]` 11- I
11·11s1011 \\'()l`1§ 11121110 11 1ll\1)Cl`2ll,1\'C llllll 1110s0 s111101‘v1s111*s 1*01111*11 111
111011* ()l`1g1|l2ll 1ask at 1110 C(l1`11(‘S1 1111ss111l1: 111111110111. 'l`110 ;111111111111
01 ass1sLz1.111 COllllL)’ ZlgCl1lS 11111110 1)()SSl1)lC 1110 1ll1`lllC]'1llg 111 11011* 11111- V (l"‘1“
gl`2llllS 1ll2lllgUI`lllC(l w1111111 1110 (`()lllll,1CS, 2lll(l 111 1110s0 (`()lllll1C5 \\"1|1`1l` U1 ’1g'1"1'
ZIP-S1Sl,2ll`lL 11111110 (1C1lI()llS1l`1l1,1<)ll 2IgCll1S 11101*0 :11111011, :1 11111 0xl1‘11~11111 (111511*11 1
1)l`()gl`2llll will l`CSlll1. m1)CmS‘
. . . _ . . _ _ ` ])f)I`l$ wc
l)111*111g a 1)()l`1l()1l 01 1110 )0ar C(j1`12l1I1 ass1s1a111s Clll1)1()}C(1 111 111 ml  
\\`0rl'C(l. l)110 111 11:11*1 111 1110111*1 I TOM
<)])CI`2l1l0l1 -1110 usc 01 111111111; 111:1101*1als 111 1{Cl]1ll(j1{)' was 1111*1‘1Y11~1‘11 _ 11 lh? (1
10 272,3112 IOHS. l"211‘11101`s Zl1)1)l`C(`1ilLC 1110 \'[l1llC 111 $ll(`1l 01,111sll`ll<11l*” `(1lC(11H)ll
W0l`l<. T110 110110111 (101*111011 11*0111 1111111]% 1110 51111 11111 ()ll1}'11U11" llvcllllgs
1110 12ll`111C1` 01 1()(l2l}' 11111 111*0s01‘\*0s 11lQ 51111 1111* 1111101* g01101`z1111>1\¤- _   ljliclx
'I`110 21101*1 C()lllll,}' 2lgClllS lllZll12lgC(1 111 1()()1·{ 111101* a 11111111¤`¥` *1 \_;Z_1iil_((
]»l`(>_1C(`lS 111 a1l1l1111111 111 (`2l]`1`)1l]g 1110 1](j2l\'>' 11111105 \\'1l1l l1l1‘i1111l"1` W10 mi _1
1110111 1)l`(){2,`l`2lII\. 1110 1*011111)* ag0111s` ;1ss1s1a111:0 was l11g111)‘ i¤]>1’*`*'1l' n Umlimlti
:11011 1)) 1)Ul,11 1l‘ll1l 111111 11111:1111 01111)*01*5, 111 5111110 111 1110 1‘11111\1l¢`l*l*ll ` mnilllmo
111111-gl`<1\V111g 1‘11u11110s 1110 111*;11i111*0 111 11011111)* (1(j\'15(j(1 $l)l`2l11 111¢‘11l"*1` mlmilw
$21011 1l2l11 1110 1i0s1 01 s111*:1)‘111g. 111 a 1ll]`g(j 1111111110r 111 1111111111)* 1"’” 1 011110 llnl
1a10 s001l ll`C1ll,ll1CIll :11111 1110 llh(j 111 1011111011 50011 as 2l(1\'U(`1111`(1l11 111 (1111111;
1110 Ex1011s1011 SCl`\'1(`C gl`C2\l1)‘ 11](`l`C1lSC(1 1)()1Ll1() )*i0l11s. 111 *""“; (_
Sll`il\\'1)Cl`l`)`-grt>\1'1Hg s01‘l1011s 11](f ]`Q[Lll`ll$ 11*11111 lh;11 1*1*1111 1>l`**\1l‘11"l lm"-

 AnnnaIRe[10rt for the Year 1935 5
H a saving factor in the farm program. These particular sections
\ were affected by floods in the spring. Unseasonable weather during
V the growing season made poor farm crops. Those who produced
M_ strawberries fully appreciated the Work of the Extension Service
1.l in establishing the strawberry enterprise.
1II A gratifying plan of cooperation was effected in soil conserva-
1t llt)Il work. Three Governmental agencies each engaged in soil
11- — t·1111servation projects, and the Extension Service agreed on lines of 4
ll. eiitleavor whereby overlapping or confusion of projects was elimi-
~1» itatetl.
lll Ten new assistant home demonstration agents were employed
ll and were at first placed with experienced county home demonstra- A
lll ti1111 agents for training before being given counties of their own.
W County Agent work in l935, like that in l93~l, consisted mainly
`H, I wl ¤\gricultural Adjustment service. This work almost to the ex-
tm l'lll5lt>Il of all other was of such volume that county agents and
supervisors were overworked thruout the entire year. .»\nnual re-
hr ]>l>l`lS were made for llti counties in 1935, an increase of four
Im ttllllities over 1934, Two of these counties, without agents, ol)-
mg lilllletl some assistance in the preparation of atliustment (`()llll`l\(`l$
Im from adioining counties that had agents.
ui Tobacco Campaign. The A. A. A. tobacco program as carried on
wil ll} the county agent, consisted mainly of the following activities:
i11 selectioii and training of organization committees; educational
rlp meetings held in schoolhouses and (`()l]\lllllIllllCS thruout the coun-
ty: preparation of news articles and circular letters: obtaining
my signed contracts at the county agent`s ollice or at work centers in
M llllllllls parts of the county; eleetion of permanent oilicers and de-
Uy - `·`l`l"])ll1Cllt of perniginent organizations; training of pel`ln2lI1t‘|ll
lm llllllllltittees appointed gig ;t part of the permanent t>l`g2lIli/illltmi CY
my illlllllkillion by these eonnnitteeg of contracts prepared by the lll·
W ;:;:il(l;ll'§` ttiminittees, listing and mailing contracts to the ·t‘t‘lll.l`ill
my -·lll1·1*11p1e11 :1 11121‘i()1` l)()1`11()I1 111 111e 111111111 nfmmcs W
:1ge111.`s 11111C. 111 s11111e SC(`l1()11S \\'11C1`(j 11111s1 111 111e 1.2l1`111C1`S $1g111`11 1‘iL0lll$mn(
(`f)1111`11(`lS, 1110 (`()l1l11}' 1lgC111iS l)()S111()11 was S1.1`C11g111C11C(1, 11111 111Z1 "‘“_1’“_1‘1¥”‘
1`ew (T<)l1I1l1Ch, 1111111111 11111se 111 EZlS1.C1`I1 KC1l1Ll(`1§}', where a 111111111111 ’ ini)?i_(tMS
S1g11C(1, 111(Z \'2l1l1C 111 111e (T()l111l}` agenL`s serviee was 11is1i1111111e11 111*- illllgjllci C;
cause 11CC(1C(1 ])1`()(1ll(`11()11 was 1`C(1l1(iC(1. Ex1ens111n l)1`<)>1C1`1S111111'1 ]_mTQ'Hi.' ‘
111:111 1.11C 2!(1_1l1S[111C11l I)1`()g1`2l111 were 11Cg1(j(T1C(1, :11111 1`1`1l1(`1h111 111 li) ilI“i£ul_
:1ge111s 11evel11pe11. Seven (`()l1111>' 11s1·a1 (`()l11`1.S 111 111is area C111l1‘1°11" m§\_{li“U_I
1i11S(‘(1 1.11 make 21])l)1`1)l)1`111l1()l1 1`()1` (`()l111Ly agenis 111· \\'1l11(11`C\\` 1111*11 mm mil];
11112lI1(`1£I1 (Y()<)])C1`2l11()11. Time 4l___
. .ss11
x1/J/2r11/11‘111I11111s 11111I P('1`.V())I)](f[. (11111111y Ill)l)l'()l)1`12l11O11511i(i11` “.m.km HH
11|<11`C 1`Cg`ll1-ill` :11111 were l)11l(T()(1 1111 a 1()11g·111]1C basis 111 111:1111 2*1***1 I Ifxlmml
i1Q1`1(`ll11l11`1l1 (`()l11111US. '1`11e s1111r1—11111e 1ll)l)1`()l)1`11ll1()I1S \\`11111111'1'1°  ml im CM
il<1`<‘]11C11 1111 .~\. .·\. .-\. 1il111(1S 1i()1` 111e ])l1]`l)()$Q 111 (`il1`1`1'111g111111111`  ‘.1__\':\· Pl
:111_]11s1111e111 (`21111[)J11g`11S, have 111 111051 cases, 1)C(`()l11C (1111111111 11l>1""‘ 1,~,,,»kU.S Im
]11`1Z111<)11S. :\1 111Q Q|](1 111 111Q 1‘Q;1]‘, ;1][ 1)11[ [lyygc (j1)111]L1C5 11;111 111111 in lh? mai
1‘l111(1S l)1`()\'1(1C(1 Ll11(1 (`<)l111l}' 2lg`C111.S :11 \\'()1`1§. S1111;1I111· m1
111 111e 1)C11C1` 2lg1`1(`l111l11`2l1 $C(`11()1]$ (}XlC11$1()l] work grew 111 1i11"’1· _
p:=r111‘ 1)C("i|l1SC 1111*11 11s £lgC1l(`§' 11e11e1· prices were l`C(`C1\'Ci1 |1>11i"1“  _ SUMN
l)1`()(1l1(`1S. `
/.12111/ ].(’II(1I’1ZS`. 1,<)(`211 1('(1(1C1`S (`()]111I]ll(f 111 he 1111l)1)1`1i1111 1111""`  goulmes W1
111 s111·1‘1rss1111 11111111ICC111(f11 were L‘11]l)10}`(j(1, 111 1111* ()1(1(.1` 11111**1  Ccmmlllixg
(*X1I`1<, 1111· 11111):1111 1()(`l11 1(‘§l(1(‘l` ]]]ll$[r (`()[]1il1l1(‘ l1>111`i1'1l'  C0mI111111iLy

 . Armani Report for the Year 1935 7 1
l pendable force if a large and successful program of extension work
is t0 be accomplished.
- Clerical l*I’or/cent. During the lirst hall` ol` the year clerical
» workers employed by the University assisted all county agents who
s worked with the adjustment program. One ol the greatest im-
provements made in the liurthering ol` the county agent`s work
{ during the year was that made possible by clerical assistance.
_ Rural Jiesc/lleozrwrl. Early in the year the extension ofhce was _
told that the Rural Resettlement Administration was willing to
, luruish a number ol` assistant county agents who might be assigned
L_ to the various counties to look alter soil conservation and soil im-
I, provement problems. Nineteen were placed in Kentucky belore
the change ol` organization took place whereby the K. E. R. A.
\ activities were in most l)ill`t taken over by the \\’. P. A. As rapidly
(1 as outstanding obligations can be completed these assistant agents
H are being discontinued so lar as K. E. R. A. work is concerned. In
H y most cases they were translierred to the extension service or to other
(L activities carried on by the \r\’. P. A.
YI T. l'. rl. fi.YSl..Yl{l}}l.S`. Early in the summer, a cooperative ar-
ml  1`Hugeiuent was entered into with the Tennessee Valley .·\uthori1y
or to place one assistant county agent to assist with soil conservation
yl il€ll\`IllCS in each cottnty ol` Kentucky which has all or part ol. its
 area in the Tennessee Valley. Kentucky has seven such counties.
y These assistant agents were to look alter the soil improvement
lil work in all its phases.
A i _ Ifxlertxion lI"or/: l’/rtnzzetl for lflfili. For the purpose ol` carrying
Il; 1:1 Z111 extension program ull the old type, in addition to the
4  .·\. program, it was planned that so lar as possible clerical
  l"‘*1`k1*1`S be retained in H)36 and assistant county agents bc ]>ll1<`C1l
itrtlie main agricultural counties, as lar as lunds may permit and
suitable men are available.
I 1934 1935
or (:011111195 with agents ,,,,,,__,,,,,,,.....,..... . ...... 112 115
Ml §&l:;Y'€Xl€llSi011 organizations , ,...,..... , ............ 70 69
Hy  Ccmmillligggg tggilg)   ......   ........................... 7.942* 6.724
lh.  C0mnml`itv·1€ad€1`SuE U e;<(;;lns1o11· programs   .   .......... 851 :1534
_ - munity-built programs ..... 7.65n '7..>29

 1 ,
8 K(?l1[’ll(`]f>1 Ex1m1.vim1 Cirvzzlar No. 283 .
Leader-training meetings .............................. 1,679 1510 ms Plum
Attendance of local leaders ............................ 22,365 17.738 I   .
Meetings held by local leaders not participated in by 11‘u1U`m(m
county agents .................................. 5,841 3111 _ 1111111*11 11.
Attendance ............................................ 46,516 53101 10111191% 11
Meetings held by A. A. A. leaders ...................... 4,133 4_][1j ‘ 1111111111g 11
Method and result demonstration meetings ............ 1,802 1335 smmgc bl
Attendance ............................................ 51,859 1131111 (H Ulm i XC d
Other extension meetings .............................. 8,370 8.063 1 °
Attendance ............................................ 420,539 392,003 A 1
Farm visits made by county agents ...................... 30,389 38.110 `
Farms visited by county agents ........................ 18,239 21,301
office ................. 655,185 823.900
<>=111S ""’1‘“1"€ 10 “’°"k ····· 1 teiepnone ............. 173,542 205.110 `
Individual letters written .............................. 280,959 303.932
Total meetings held by county agents, including dem-
onstrations, short courses, leader-training ,
meetings, etc. ................................. 11,851 12,061
Attendance ............................................ 494,080 453.1111
Dairy ................. 415 -120
Animals in 4-H Club work Poultry ................ 81,180 89.530
completed ......... 11 Sheep ................. 359 1.161
| Swine ................. 1,047 1,421
1 Beef ................... 359 121 , {
.1\11 <)1`g{\H1ZC(1 1l()l11C (1C1ll()llSl,1’ZIl1()ll ])l`()gl`11lll was (`£1l`l`1C1111l1|11 »
211 (`1>1l1ll1CS \v1l11 :111 Qm’1111111c111 111 1\()l]]C]]]il1{C1`$’ c1111>s 1111111111 if
w<>111c11.· r1`1ll`l1 111csC g1`()ll1)S, 2·l,1#l—l 1-21111111CS wcrc l’C}l(`11C<1.  
111 2111111110Il 111 111c 11()\l1C (1C]]1()l]$ll`([11()l] \\1()l`1{ (`ill`l`1Cl11111111    
F11`g1lll1l111111cs, 1111:1scs 111 111(j 1)1·11g1·;1111 111 11111111 work \\'1T1111··11’ a“d1;1;$i§;1111
1`1€(1 111 (‘T|(`1l (111   llIl()I`g11111/Q(1 (`()1l]]11(j$ {11111 111 `i[\|\1()]` ]1111111‘l11i111111 11°111•¤11vc11nr,
1i1`()41(‘(`lS 111 #17 l1Il()1`gl1Il1/C(1 1·<>111111cs. The 11111111>c1‘ 111 111:111111e 1011111111 1
111111 1111s 1)1`()gl`1ll1l 1:11111111 bc {l(`(`ll]`{11Q1>' 1;g1im;11C11_ 1{csuhs >111·111*1 I 1:111111
:111 1111‘1‘c:1sc 111 1110 l1lll1l1)CI' (111 people l`C1l(i1l(3(1 2lI1(1 1111p1’<11’1·111111·111· 111 1:11*111
1111s :111111>1c11.  1111“1`€11» 1
I1`1w11 HH!1 AYIIIIYINJJI. E11()1`1S wcrg (`()l][1]]11(j(1 111 il(1i1|)1 1111 `1111 011.'111(1S,
»1(`(`1 1111|11C1` g1\’C1l IU CX1$l1I1g (;1‘1;1'11)11111; 1·1)11111111;115_ '1`111‘ 11\11'11`11`1; hC111111, 1
$L'1`\'1(`C <1C1l1<>llSll`illc11 111c use 111 111;11g1‘1;115 311111 1·1·s1>111`SL‘~ 111 11-1111  41(LC111111§1
il1'1<1 $111111*011 how 111 11111111: 11111>1·111·c1111:111$ wi111 11111(T or 1111 111*11"111 1“‘11<11`¤<1
111Y. T11€ ])1`(1gl`il11l in gz11‘(’1€n111g, [(1011 l)|`(’jS@]`\'{[[1()|l :11111 ~11*1·‘1'  @111111-

 Artmutl licjmrt for [ILC Year 1935 9
1.5711 was l)l1ll1IlC(l to i11clude dennite (I()()l)Cl`il1l()l] witli eniergency (11*
11111 ggmiztttiotis. Plille CXlCl1S10l1 $])C(ililllS1S in 1`oods and nutrition
*1 . . . -
2 1111111011 the local ll()]llC econonnsts in the l·. 1;. R. .—\. and ll1C11
.651 . . . . . .
53308 1e;111e1‘s. As 21 1`CSlllL ol. lllls 1`€l1Cl ]>1`t>gl`21111, lll] Cll()l`lll()llS aniount ol
4_]{)j A (`{\l]l]l11Q \\'2lS (l()IIC. l\1lU1`C lN)l1lCl1lill<€1`S lllilll C\'Cl` LlSC(l Cilliiillig lllltl
1.115 $1(11`2l1§C budgets. Canning work was given in   coinniunities in
K `
131111 (11g2lI1lZC(l counties.
8.663 ‘
92.663 5 ~
38.116 . » 1
21.302 r ` . . _’,, ~ —]
23.966 S lf   ‘  `~ _____,/-—·-’ . i
05.146     _ 1- 1:
103.932   _ ~°  / ji   ’ · ' V  
    <    -#1/ 1  1,.    1 ¢ ·
it »     A1 · ul
12.061 ` `*—— I ‘ ' _ 1
153.1111 " Q,    —~ 1, __A_    
-121   t "  _ .  ·»_  = 7 I . . ` V · i H N
119111 A   1.; '   1..1‘   i  ‘*·‘€.Q* 1 · ‘   _
1.161   { ’" ';\__ ’  M   _ ,¤~i”"   — ` · NIE
1121   ‘   `  , ·’  ' · ·
  . ‘ 1 J · in
` ‘“" wlvi       *w·=¤~ · i 1
V ` _   U - ` A I <   ~ ..1..       A
1111111 . 5 1   · _ V 1  
111111   {2 rr ,,:4 1   » _ A  
// · ~4   ` / 1 "  
· 1 W ~_ .. . · ' \.§T=s‘1 i1g‘;’Y  
1111 111 . · —· 1 ~ ~ 1 - ·
t’t51¥11” A dT11°_1`111111>11i011t is arranged in at step-saving sequence in this combination kitchen
VLAN hn `dlmllg T00111. The ccmpnntness of the working area lighL011S bh? \\`0l'l{ of U18 DUSY
1111 1~ °““111`€i1PY. The cabinets provide ample well—a1·ranged storage spaces.
~111*1"‘1 1*11111 \1’<1t‘1< llll(l(`l`12lliQI] il](`lll(l(j(l il \'il1`i(j[}' o1` [)l`()_1C(`1S selected
1111111 1’1'1¤11’11t ll()lllClllill·i(jl`$ 111 meet their needs. 'l`11e1·e was (`()l11lllUC(1
 1I11Cl`CS1. 111 better inetliods o1` ])l'C])2ll`illl1g 1`oods, 2ll1l`&\(T1l\'C serving
11  0 ` 1 . . . . . . . .
111 *11 l111111(1S. the l)l{l(`(f (11 {nods 111 lllillllhlllllllg :1 lltgli Sl21l1(1111`(1 111
· ` 1 — IC 1 .· . , , · · ~
lt11‘1"‘y [ 81111, lllt, ttisc spetulliig O1 the 1(mcl (lt)ll;t1‘ :11111 111010 (`0111[)1€1C
,11 ee'—‘   -_ I . . . ,.
11111 h1l"11%‘11 111L 1111111 Iannly ll`()]]l the l)l`()(lll(`i$ ol the l1ll`l1l. l\\`<1
11°' llI]`· .   , _ .. .. . . >
~11*11 1 (11Ul and 5Q\Q]][,}-1()ll| (‘()]]]|llllI]11lCS ])2l1`11(`l])2l1C(l 111 11115 111**
,1111.121  3111111.

10 KCI!/ll(`/{)’ E.v!:¢11.si1111, C/1·1J11/111‘ N11. 283
Some ol. the results in the lield ol` loods and nutrition giveui- ers rept
dence ol the interest in this project. Three thousand two llllllllltll tlatiorr
and lil`ty—one families reported serving better balanced n1eals;2II, /-/111
5·l0 children were reached thru school lunch programs; |_ttQ13 T in |2§
lamilies were helped in problems ol corrective [ceding; 5,270l;1rrr· 2325 cor
ilies reported improved methods ol liood preparation; 025 lzrrrr rrrttniti
ilies reported improved practices in buying foods. Club rrrcrrrlrrrv .»\ n
reported canning 1,280,547 jars ol` lruits, vegetables, meats ;rrr1\  zrrrtl tht
preserves, at an estimated value ol` $25($,l00.1l0. l
($/11/:/ 1):*·111·/11]1111:¢11I (l/I(/V P(l)`(?I// E1/111‘11I/1111. This special grrrrrjr T  
’ project was carried on in 50 conrnrunities in six counties tlurirrg  
the year. This project. was ollered lor the benelit ol rrrotlrervrrl  
young children. ,·\s a result ol this project, 327 lamilies r·ep1rrt11l   Y
improved habits ol` children; l55 liamilies recommendationsre
garding lurnishings to meet the needs ol` children; 725 motlrers rrrrtl
l00 lathers participated in the program. ()ne tlrousarrd live lrtrn-
dred and twenty-one children were reached by this special grtrrtjr ,
(I/11//1111g :1111/ 1\////1`111*rv. Two outstanding trends are to here ,
ported in this lield. ()ne is the continued state-wide interest in
renovation and rerrrodeling ol millinery. The number ellrgrtr ,
made and remade represents a considerable linancial saving.
The other is the unusual interest in the project called. "\\`t·ll
(Croomed \\'oman." This project was started less than three yt·1t~
ago in response to requests. Eleven counties requested it tlrisyutt.
The project is very popular with larm women, The sttrcly’<1lill1t`lll‘
selves as personalities: the study ol personal grooming: tltvtttll ·I 
scious ellort to improve appearances thru attention to ski1r,lt;tlt.
hands, etc., made a tremendous appeal. m1,,E;l;
Clothing work was carried on in ·l3—l eonmmnities in 26 <*'ll‘l` iiiiihiugr
tres. l·`ive thousand eight hundred and ninety individuals lolltrrrtrl —
recommendations in clothing construction; 5,0ll lollowetl rcettti ltr
nrerrdations in clothing selection; Eiiiflti lollowed rec:>rrrrrrc·trtl;rti»·::~ ·, l.rrrrili1
in clothing care atrd renovation: ·l2~l sewing machines were rt~1·»rr· wrrien
ditioned: 110,833 garnrents were constructed at an estimated r.rlrrr tyclletrt
ol $75,721.50; 6,070 garrrrerrts were renrodeled to have arr 1-stirrrzrteji  1 hrl. (J
value ol $l0,l·l0,00; 0.500 hats were cleaned and blocketl, r·1·rrr~~?· . t·»rr1lr1
eled or made at an estimated saving ol` $(3,228.50; 25.07l lt¤t1**“`l"·lli M lm

 /17171-Zl(ll Report [01* the Your 1935 11 _
-01. U-1 1·cl1o1·1c11 1]11l)1`()\-'C(1 l11‘z11t1iccs i11 l1c1‘s011211 gl`()()1Il11lgQ 1,992 [01111-
111011 (121111111 l)1l1lCl`IlS were 11121110.
.2l1_. ]‘[()II1(f /\[(lI1{1g`(7lI2(?7l/. 1·I0111e l1l2lI12lgC111Cl]L l)1`()_1C(`lS were 1i;11*1*ic11
1,11Yli 111 125 c11111111u11i1ies i11 11 C()Lll1L1CS, 11011lC 1111*11is11i11g ])1`()jC(`1S i11
1£l1l1· 233 (`<)lI1l11ll111[1CS in 19 c0u11Liecs Zll1(1 11z11111ic1‘z11L 1)1`()jCC1S i11 57 1*0111-
11Il1I— 1111111i1ies i11 eight counties.
1111111 ,»\ new business l`(i(j<)l`(1 1)()()1< i`()1` the 11()ll1Cl112l1{Cl` was )l`()\'1(1C(1
111111  11ll(1 111e1‘c was 21 U`l`()\\’ll1 1111e1*es1 111 kce 1111 1* 11()l1l€ 2lCC()l.lIlLS.
¤ 1 1
*111111   ~ »1.` -     · i -E`* ·‘·»   ,1.,   ··1‘.*     __·,,     -
`I-1      1*   1 ; 3 1-·~   -1 . I
11 *1111     `;‘‘~1 i ;.· 1     I 1   **‘’<   `1’‘` ` *
.- {   *5%*****    Tr-   “1-11   " - »i,.,   .1.i Fe '
-11 1*     · `·1—~»11—»,·_   ,_1: ZE »11·»   1
_,I   1 ·   1-.   1 ; ·‘‘,· Q   1..- ‘» 1- f  
"'“‘   1   11¤. é   1111 1 ~,s’1 T     °111‘—‘ *‘ ' . __,....,
1111111 ‘     1 ’     `* *111  
  4- .  t
.11 M  ¢ .·-”—- `   V   g;.   . · -
111 11- Q;      V K, 1
  1  ·.-1   * . ....1   ` ;·'*» "‘—»-  `   *·+— ~   -
1v~1 111 $11 4  ai `‘‘‘‘     * ‘;"-‘ ·¤-" aa, .1_». 1 1»1__,...__ _   _ ~
· ,  - ”  1’‘°     `1`     "  °   ‘-=1=
UWM —   1 /,;_»»   » A_rv   J __.._F ·** =_l_1_ K   *
° '   °* ’?·* Y     "`“
‘?*`*"`     1’11i”i' 1.»1,,? 11   ,11_1 .      °  
  1   we  z=;s:<;·=‘·:1 -‘ *-: - 
111*111- @11.;   1     *1 1
A ‘ ”  ·.é§:E€?f2—7-Y- ‘-`-`¢ ".°—`· _‘ - ¤ **;~--
1111111* -  %z2=;&:eé¤~-`- - ·.`— ~ * 1 — · I . <*·=Ev=;:-—.~
1   ,·2%€“%T’1?§’· ~ ·_"- ~ ** .` - ~ ` - — · Z4 #:5-2:1**
U 11*11 1   ,l_;i,§&?§§-’  i<*;* · · I ·~ * I " I — · ` - — **3:1::
him. A   ·_    _ ~ ·-/A V 1. ` W ~· W ` ._ ·- _ L"
_T11€ I10Siti011 of thc- window was changed from pcrpe11dic111a1‘ to 1101'1Z0llti11. The
Esyllscts built i`ll`0l1l1(1 the window provide much needed storage space i11 this little
`UIUW and gun S11? Second Y(’H1"§41l`1l]')1'(,VC·1l`1€llLS 111 the E1`1l'C€-y€i1I` ])1£1l'l HFC Flllllllllg \\'HL€Y
l 1 sm \\l1.11 doublc dmimng boards placed under the window.
11`1"1“' I» 11l$]>llC 111 (Z()11L1l1llC(1 necessity 101* C(`()11()111}' (111 1111* l)Zl1`1 111 1-211111
l.l||11| 11111111s, 11111111 11.1s (1()11C 1.0 111:1ke 110111es i)()111 1)C2lll111ll1 :11111 1*011-
~1l· \`U1·   *  
11111 llltlll. 111 11115 11el11 111 11.1111111].11. the 11<)1IlC11lil1i(`1` 11:1s ;1 111051 ex-
.111 ((11, _ ._ __ . .. .. .
111 1 ` [ lilll <>[J]1<111111111,1 10 exlness ber (`]`Qil1l\’C ;1111111\’ 11 s11c 15 l`CS1>l1l`<`C-
lil- 11.( »   . ‘ . . .
1111111 _ l>l1l.111111111o11111 §Q.l1§ 11.1xe been l]lll(1C ll11() 1i11s11111ns 101*s1111110
__ 1. (gnu I1- . ' _ , .. , · · -
11111111 A \ L1 111111 0111 l1](ll1)(l1()]5 bgue been 1I]1l(1C 11111) 1111110 (`2l1)lll(fl$·
~1.1.· *1 l1(J(11‘ 1 ··.-·. . __ · _ _ _ _ » .
11111 1 11 1111) 1ll111ll111 111ee1111g 1Cl)()11$ Mere 111:111e 01 111111]111· \v:1\‘s

12 1{cnmr/cyExlczisimz Circular N0. 283
(,1 mnrerrirrg rliseurded muieriul into uselul uml uttrauiire {rrr. momn.
iiisliin rs. V
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ lloors v
A5 u result ol, the projects 111 l10111C llll`lll5l1lllg, u 1111ml>er(,{ (_m(_hCU
women ure supplementing their [umily incomes by lmtumrirrg ° mod
ehuirs, mukiug slip covers uml upliolstering lilll`lllllll`C. Six liurr Bm,
clred uml fifteen kitchens were reurruuged for the (I()ll\'Clll(jll(`(}¤1l
  V   gi V. I  . _ I
if   · ( ,· V >
  · . ‘ r 1 `ii; ,` Wx
 *1 ”   S
e  ·   1r·· r ~ ‘
_ li    .L-  si 1,,,, ·. 
  V r €•*“ i¤; ,. » V
 j;  ,1   “
'   * ??·Y, ` `
1 /{   M.    ' 1 1
. ffxl 1   ·
‘ . `  
» · ’   . *'q¤}‘;·;<;qg€: ‘—;*·’i,`·Z3,,
Uutidy closet with shallow shclvcs.
the lrrrusewilez I,(lS)li lzrmilies mu~;ui11‘1 · mmei
L`(|llll)IllClll,, l,2-lli lumilies lnllrywed recoumrenduLions i11 ><`l<"l‘"¥ [mst I};
lill)0l`~Sll\'ll1g equipmem; 8,277 pieees U1` |`rrmirpur—e were rvllllllll urrirm
l1<.>11C1`1>rs were relinislred; l,27~1· rugs were lwoked, brznidecl, woven or
Ul _ (·1·11(rl1e1e1l; 77} closets were made, remodeled, equipped or (lem-
‘¥ r;11e;;_,_ {  . _·  , . .
·   " wy [    '‘.,.     ·'  
   ` 'F  "    - I I .
  1;;-t " ”  
  T `XI  ·.;
’#¤`, t,i;\»¢<~—:  
    Fckgqt in Z V *m‘*r (
{   1   ,, 1: :; 
" f 1 1 @**3 ~
· · . ` 7 ` ' ‘J;*°
D ,_,,_,r, 1
L le  
c · M  
)··.. , 
Same closet as that on opposite page
with shelves deeper and small door in
lower part.
'1l’1 1 , · _ _ . . . . . . , .
l 111111; mlerested lll the l(l(‘Zl ul :111 <>111-ul-1>r ll\'lllg rmml. lhe
mu 1 — . . . . . ..
lj I111s1I11111 }(f¤lI§ ol the s1:11e-wule 11111111r ]>r<>]e1·1 lll L`XlCI`l()l` |>e:11111I1-
[](l’ L1' {W   l .,. . Y.
ll A 1.111111 llll\£ guen ll()lllClll1lk()l`S :1 l)2l(`kg!`()lIIl(l ol lll‘()l`lll1lll(>ll. 1l1e
sll {, ' .   _ . . . _
l·l _ ·111sl1uI results (ll'C now |)Cg`ll]lllllg to be C\’l(lCllI. lllllltl (‘(l(`ll \'(‘Zll
lll! I);` -.     .. . (
11lgS .1 g11111i)111g lllllllI)(fl` ol lllll)l`()\'(F(l l)I`ll(`Il(`CS.
, The use ol Illll1\'(j Illlll`Cl`l€l]S for hvmne l1lH(lS(`(ll)ll]g IS gl`U\\'lllg`

 1 .
14 Kmtlmrlcy Exlension C1)`('1,(](l1`1\1(). 283
in popularity. Native trees and shrubs, wild-llower gardens, 1|ag» project
stone walks, rock