xt74tm71zc7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt74tm71zc7q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 2002 2002 2002-02-07 2020 true xt74tm71zc7q section xt74tm71zc7q "l

lilone on Valentine's Day? Play the Hating Game and get dumped at Ovid's |



For your

A buyers’
guide for
Day |


February 7, 2002


Celebrating 30 years of i .

Former student pleads
guilty to counterfeiting

investigation: Distributor of fake money
could face up to $250,000 fine, 10 years

By Heath Tingle
smr WRITER __

A former UK student pled
guilty to selling and distribut-
ing counterfeit money

The plea ended the investi-
gation of the case against sev-
en men who faced charges on
selling and distributing coun-
terfeit property in a UK resi-
dence hall.

Aaron Michael Murphy.
21. faces up to 10 years in

prison and a $250,000 fine. He
will be sentenced May 6 in U.S.
District Court.

Judge Joseph M. Hood
presided over the arraignment.

Murphy said he printed
the fake bills and delivered
them to George Hutchinson. 25.
who on Oct. 22. 2001. sold
$10.600 worth of the fake bills
to another man for $4.600.

Murphy said that he only
printed the money and deliv-
ered it to Hutchinson. Hutchin-
son then sold the money.

Hutchinson also pled
guilty Wednesday. He faces 10
years in prison and a $250000

Justin Vandiver. 19. also
pled guilty Tuesday for his role
in the scheme. Vandiver said
that while living in Kirwan II.
he loaned Murphy. who also
lived in Kirwan II. a computer
and $400.

Murphy said he used the
$400 to purchase a scanner and
printer to create the $10,600 in
counterfeit $50 and $100 bills.

In December, the counter-
feit ring started to crumble
when Joshua Nelson. 18. of
Harrodsburg. pled guilty to
possession of the fake bills.

In January. Ramarr Walk—
er. 18. admitted to possessing
$1.900 of the counterfeit money
to purchase two pounds of mar-
ijuana. Before Walker could
make the purchase. Nabil
Shalash robbed him at gun-
point. Shalash later pled guth
to possessing and using the
fake bills at an area grocery
store. Walker will also be sen-
tenced May 6.

Shalash and Nelson face
sentencing March 25.

Of the seven men. only
one. Howard Moore. 19. of Dal-
las. Texas. avoided having to
make a plea. Moore agreed to
enroll in a pretrial diversion
program to avoid sentencing.



Basketball game
sparks scuffle,
nearly 50 join in

‘Tangle up': Official says police arrived
3 minutes after call, nothing going on

By John Wampler

An altercation involving
nearly 50 intramural basketball
players and fans resulted in the
UK Police being called to the
Seaton Center Tuesday night.

Travis Manley. chief com-
munications officer for UK Po-
lice. said a call came in around
9:40 concerning the incident.
When the police arrived three
minutes later. there was noth-
ing going on.

But people at the center
said there was a fight between
the Pi Kappa Alpha and Phi
Beta Sigma social fraternities.
It had just ended when police
showed up.

Lindsey Roberts. a pre-
pharmacy junior. was playing
in an intramural basketball
game on another court and
watched the fight unfold. A
small fight was broken up by of-
ficials. but then a larger one en-

sued' See FIGHT on 3



Robinson wants board
to ensure fair elections

Voted in: Controversy last spring
spurs $0 to make process ‘smooth'

By Sara Cunningham

Student Government approved members of its
Election Board of Supervisions last night. nearly a
year after a problem-filled election and accusations
that last year‘s board was biased against SG Presi-

dent Tim Robinson.

“This is going to be a fair. consistent and run-
by-the-book election." said Patrick Robinson. the
newly-appointed board

Robinson has been a
part of SG for five years
and has held several posi-
tions including senator
and deputy chief of staff.
There are four other
members of the board.
Three are freshmen.

“It is good to get
what they are doing and
then other people who
are fresh to it all." said
Edwin Orange.

The freshmen board
includes two members of
the Freshmen Represen-
tative Council.
Baker and Nathan Den-
ny. Brian Thomas is the
Harvey Davis. a computer science sophomore at
LCC. will be the fifth member. It has been difficult
to collect votes from LCC in the past. SG President
Tim Robinson hopes that a board member from

This is
going to be
a fair,
and run-by-


- Patrick Robinson,
board chairman

LCC will help.

who knows





See MEETING on 3


mroutm I moratonon

Travis Salisbury, an art studio senior. walks through the falling snow from the
photo lot: of the Reynolds Building.



Many choose friends,
avoid Valentine hype

Without a squeeze: Students without lovers
find other ways to celebrate the holiday

By Stacie Meihaus
5cm EDITOR _

Valentine‘s Day brings out
all the lovey-dovey behavior
that can be so disgusting to
those who don‘t have a special

“Sometimes it makes me
want to puke." said Anne
Sharpe. a communication disor
ders junior.

Sharpe does have a
boyfriend this Valentine's Day.
but he is studying at the Uni-
versity of Madrid in Spain.

“Talking on the phone is
never as good as talking in per-
son." Sharpe said of the long-
distance relationship. “Know-
ing my roommates are out. with
their boyfriends — that's going
to be really hard."

But Sharpe has a plan.

“I’m making a really nice
dinner for myself with candle-
light and wine." she said. “I‘m
going to get myself a rose and
have a date with the phone.”

She admits that it's hard to
have a long-distance relation-
ship. especially with a six—hour
time difference.

“It‘ll be about 2 am. over
there when I get to talk to him.
That‘s hard." she said. “The
worst part is not having him
here to give me hugs."

But she says there is still
hope for romance in their long-
distance relationship.

“He wanted to send me ros-
es for our year anniversary. but
it was too expensive. so he wan-
dered into a rose garden and
took pictures of a dozen roses."
she said. “He took a rose and
dried it and sent it all to me.“

The holiday for lovers can
also be frustrating to some.

“I try not to think about it.
honestly.“ said Tim Wheatley. a
journalism sophomore. “It's
not good."

Wheatley said that Valen-
tine's Day is overrated. espe-
cially if you don‘t have a signif-
icant other.

“Luckily none of my
friends have girlfriends either.
so I don‘t have to worry about
it." he said.

To keep his mind off Valen-
tine‘s Day. Wheatley said he is
going to a concert.

Michelle Clay. an English
sophomore. has decided to rebel
against the typical Valentine's
Day cliches of hearts. flowers
and romantic evenings with a
special someone.

“Valentine‘s Day isn‘t just
for love. it‘s also for friend-
ship." she said.




A young fan
supports her
Cats amid UT
fans. The No.
1 Cats lost
76-74 to the
Volunteers In

Cancer: ‘Death, dying and the quality of life'
class holds new importance for survivor

graduation. but not prepared to
fight cancer.

Stricken with what she be-
lieved to be a kidney infection.
Workman left her home in Waddy.
Ky. and visited doctors in Frank-
fort and Louisville. After a series
of tests. she got the diagnosis:
third stage non-Hodgkin's Lym.

“I was in a state of shock when
I first heard it. i got mad. i wasn't
done. i was too young." she said.
Without treatment. her doctor said

See DYING on 3

By Jimmy Nosfl


night in
Tenn. See the
game story on

page 10.

burl custom |
new sun

Loretta Workman could see
the end.

It was May 2001 and Work-
man. 52. was 17 credits away from
a social work degree. Soon she
would begin the second of two re-
quired internships at the
Chrysalis House. temporary
housing for women who have
substance abuse and
alcohol problems.

She was an anxious senior.
prepared for opportunities beyond

' The Student Newspaper at the ivers of Kentucky, Lexington

t O r t- a o

mmmeo 1 unit surr
Loretta Workman, a social work senior diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma,
listens to a lecture In the class, "Dem. Dying and the Goalty of Life."





2 i inunsoivfrcsiiuiiiirr.2co2 l “finicky KERNEL


The Low-down


Reagan celebrates 91st birthday

LOS ANGELES - Former President Ronald
Reagan turned 91 Wednesday with a subdued cel-
ebration at home. The longest-living US. presi-
dent. who recovered from a broken hip suffered
in a fall in January 2001, has remained secluded
at his BelAir home since announcing in 1994 he

Nurses reach settlement in strike

PORTLAND. Ore. — ~ Striking nurses reached
a tentative agreement Wednesday with Oregon
Health & Science University aimed at ending a
53-day walkout. The agreement with the Oregon‘
Nurses Association was reached after a 15-hour:
negotiating session. If approved, it will end a

SIAIE NEWS ‘ ‘ had Alzheimer‘s disease. The disease has exacted walkout that included loud union rallies and Continued
" ‘ ‘ its toll on the nation‘s 40th chief executive. “He‘s picketing. as well as charges and countercharges

. COMPETITION: doing as well as can be expected." chief of staff LAW EIPOETRY: over the use of replacement workers and the “Cu

. Network “955 Joanne Drake said. “It will be lowkey. and Beniamtn Bratt, quality of patient care during the strike. :‘Both hair -

You can’t Republicans assured at least 14 seats have been mumb' there's a chocolate cake." Drake said about the who has forged a sides traveled a bit.‘Both Sides were Willing to C hie:

FRANK ‘OR" On .9 r i ' ' . ,. (i line for 8 few birthday Reagan was spending with wife Nancy career OUi 0f compromise." said Jim Newman. spokesman for .

. l l t llt tiling (lttttlllil _ ~ . ' _ , . said the

hit a home stopped moving lab-y week. Republicans ”WWI-N1 years now that Reagan and daughter Patti DaVis. playing 900d COPS the univerSity. which operates two of Oregon 3 tions th

run unless to emerge with an advantage for [ms 3mm “M, they can't com- on "law & Order" top hospitals. Oregon Health & SCience and Do-’ was riotl

vou step up {10115. in the hotlyicotntcsted state Slenate. Repub- ESLZihfletshs'c‘able Harvard SEHIOI'S charged With steahnq iridium; braking 91 Ilbt—‘Chel Children S HOSDltal- yelling a
~ ‘ . i 'i ‘i; e: ‘(s‘i t .. .

to the ilikiulillt‘iil: tlirldlisiril'tititiililtnllbhftlitr (electlalii‘tlli: because 0* broad- .. ‘ (.‘fml‘BRI'Df'h' ““55 ’Tll":"lml1b?r§ ”f “91" out of the almgflj:

yeai and the six races not contested by lit-inoc CdSi standards yard 5 ”‘15.“ I udding I‘heat‘i ““15 were A“ used policeman's MERNAILQNALNEWS» ‘

plate. YOU . . . . , , , . of embezzling about 891.000 from the 201—year-old - » Who was

lle Republicans have to w in only i: (unit‘sit‘tl against nudlty. . . pigeonhole With th . . .

. . ~ -. . - . .. .. . , . . f . student group tor drugs. a party and entertain- .. - .. . . 6 mm

can t fish state senate rates this year to retain llit‘H __il 1h Violence and me t \ ui “mt q ”mm Pom“, and Randy Pinero. While . one of 1

unless you existing majority. Republicans are challenging language. But all 60'?) “((11) “Elfin "valid fomo” each. leaded inno- the biopic of the Response shows terrorism crackdown over am

‘ ' all but one ofthe Democratic seatst‘orthis year. that may change "I “‘ .( ‘I ‘ . 5 . , p‘ f , Puerto Rican JERUSALEM Trying to deflect intense th 8‘

m your . cent to single counts of laiceny Tuesday in Mid- . t y y _ . e ign

p ‘ mm a mm? dlesex Superior (‘ourt Prosecutors said the two poet-playwright ”9551113. the Palestinian Anthorlty has handed “It 5

line in the Suit says Asburv did not report abuse 2532:5535" used our) credit and debit cards to transfer inon~ re'gfi'nm'fér gillfplggtgdsStat:312331156183ggtggaggssitnggifotle ever'ygor

, v ' ‘ ' - _ . . i l \ l . ., ev to their bank accounts. Jud 'e Carol S. Hall re- . . ,g L ' . ' ' 8

water. you \\ lLMORh. lxy Asbuiy t ola gi i. .it mg ”9“ season ~ g the 705 prison 15111. The 17-page document. obtained Wednesday was mer

can‘t reach

sued by a man and his parents who claim the col-
lege and its disciplinary coiniiiittcc did nothing

called “Kingpin."

leased the two without bail and set a pretrial
hearing for March 28. If convicted. each faces a

drama Short

by The Associated Press. says the Palestinians
have arrested 195 militants. blocked 56 suspect

. the series . .> . ~- .7 i , .. - . ~ Eyes has __
. s -. . ~ i . . ~t » . - it. . maximum of ll\t‘ yeais in iison. H'llV iid ofti— . . . .
your goals to report in: st sual aliusi of boys ll} A Milli m 111 created by ER and , , ,, ., . i . , 1 .p . l' . .‘- 1-K . . gotten mixed bank accounts. closed 15 illegal munitions facto-
‘ ' thtl A‘il‘i 19,05. F119 tilllll‘s‘l ‘t\sbur\~ >111k1tl11! 3nd (l.1lbhd\( HUI Sclil \‘lhtiié‘l c111} (lbLlp 11131} 8L ‘ . _ . . .
if you dont . . . . . , .. i, V . ; - , NYPD Blue . 1. \y t. 4k , ,. ' ‘t m. . 1) e h . . reViews, the 37- 11% and i9 unregistered charities and clamped __
Lily ‘1‘\\1\1‘i\n[. John \‘1111\11I‘ 50““) \‘ 1‘). “‘15 “in. NOD 1‘15 )(( ll lcl til tigtllllb ( 5I11((.nt5. “ O (“9 d ' ”lt' t h Y ‘
trv." tentw-d in 1999 to a Bil-year prison sentence for the producer Davrd 5““ enrolled 1““ classes. year-old actor own i0.“ ml 1 an mosque preac ers.. asser
V \t‘Vl“: 'ibiis‘e tit~ three lessamiiie (‘oLiiih boys MM and has been S'nq'ed Alafa; 511 government remglnsl comlmltmd m‘
i “ ' “ . . f “ . _ . . ‘ ~ ‘ ' ' eace u v negotiating an en to srae 's occupa~
- Kath intuiiiliiig the plaintiti. now .li. The lawsuit says coproduced by ' ‘ ' out for m p. ', - i, . - .. - -
SeiigmaYn tip. out“, occurred m 1978 when ”.1. pl'iiiitit‘l‘ Aaron Spelling, IS SCHDOI can t bdl‘l grace POTOI'O MEBIS performance The tion of Palestinian territories. said the docu-
H ‘i . ngy'wid ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ being compared SARATOGA SPRINGS. NY. A tederal nice notices, nient. which seemed to be part of a concerted C t'
‘ “ 1 ' ' “" ‘ " ' to OSCBF‘WInnlnq judge has ordered school officials to let a kinder Bratt is happy to Palestinian effort to convmce Western nations 0" inuet
Tomorrow‘s NAT'QNAL NEWS HM {farm in gartner say grace out loud before eating lunch. report, are that it is Sincere in trying to find a way to end 16
weather ‘ small-screen kayla Broadus. 3. had been stopped from praying "opening doors." months 0f “0161109 and 1‘83“!” peace talks. “Th
terms ”is more with friends on Jan. 15 at her elementary school ”His like someone people j
.. . "' ..;,. ‘ . . . i-- - ° 1 '
Painting taken down after complaint like a network igw‘tllfigkffdnfti1‘:2girl?gitxitAilliggidnTlgft :11; 1h: put a little Oll on Victims among America's best friends son sal
. . . ' .. _) t - . - , .y . someon
NURl’ULb \ ti :\ Pfilllimg (‘tilllineinorat grogoof In“ to say grace. but the Saratoga Springs school syS- 22:32:16 're KHAS URUZGAN' Afghanistan T Caked not runi
ULL' 33h“ W0!“ “11d? (.‘K‘I‘ilt‘I‘ tragedy “11> lllillt‘d f pt E S' _ tein said the prayer. because it was audible. via ”1' h100d~ charred bedding and flamevblackened Met
51 35 {Will .i 1‘9ka ili‘lt‘l‘ it f9“ (1331‘ 011 display ht‘t‘iillfit‘ £1 ac ' mmy lated the constitutional separation of church and Stitching a ' de walls 591“? as testimony to what Afghans say nomina
' customer found it offensive. Artist Paul D Trice nominated state. l'S. District Judge David Hurd issued a '.' easier i’” a was ahorrific mistake. TWO weeks later, the Pen- senate
”‘ L" Jr. said employees at the Heritage Bank and Sopranos director temporary restraining order Tuesday. saying the ittle ”"W'lf' Won 15 investigating the deadly 95.53“” U'S' preside:
Above 50 Trust branch told him that a customer objected Allen Coulter has school may not interfere with the girl's praying. these days. he speCial forces burst 1.1m) a small religious SChOOl then as]
degrees isn't to the Work. perhaps because it included an iiii 5‘9”“ on to says during 3 here on Jan. 23‘ klnmg 19 people. most Of them and ift

too bad in
fact, it‘s nice.

VOL #l09

age ot‘ Osama bin Laden on a poster reading
“Most Wanted by FBI Dead or Alive." The can-
vas shows seyeral scenes of the disaster. :1 view
of New York Harbor with the smoire-engulfed
towers in the distance. a close—up ofa plane strik
ing a tower: and rescue \viirkers searching the
rubble as firefighters raise the American flag.

Immigration appeals judges reduced

direct the new
show, which
focuses on the
New York drug
trade. Their
rumored wish list
of potential

stars for the roles
of drug lord and

American Taliban denied release

ALEXANDRIA. \‘a. A federal judge. dev
claring that [KS-born Taliban John Walker
Lindh "has every incentive to flee“ from federal
custody. ordered him held Wednesday pending a
trial on charges of conspiring to kill Americans.
“No combination of conditions" could permit the
Ell-year-old's release. said US. Magistrate Judge
\\'. t‘ui'tis Sewell. turning aside pleas by Lindh's

recent interview.
chuck-ling. The
first door to open
is the Great Raid,
a feature to be
directed by John
Dahl (The Last
Seduction) about
the rescue of 500

where they slept. Afghans who survived or wit-
nessed the raid told The Associated Press. Two of
the 19 ~ both governmentappointed officials ~A
were handcuffed and shot in the schoolyard. the
Afghans claim. The Pentagon first said the. raid
was an attack on an al-Qaida weapons dump. and
that troops killed about 15 people and captured 27
Taliban and al-Qaida members. But the Afghans
say the dead were not Taliban renegades at all.
and instead included members of a government



ESTABLISHEDIN . . . . .. . . ‘ _ chief law . ‘ American POWs _ _
1892 \\At\Hl2\tiiO.\ Attoi ney ticnetal Joliii enforcement parents that he be released in their custody. After from a Japanese missmn that had taken the weapons from Tal-
s““i 1' i {ll \‘i‘i‘*«k' ‘e. ‘i .y. . yr y., ‘t »_ . '. .
INDEPENDENT Ashtiott announced lll‘l sl ((ll‘ltfll‘l) toitduit 0mm! includes a licaiing of about an lioui at the LS. Court camp m World iban holdouts. Cla
SM: 97 the I‘i‘ilmbt‘l “1 Midst“ ilt‘lll mil iillllllfllililtlll 1113- i house. Sewell rejected arguments that Lindh pre- _
1 I eals ine’iiiin" most llllll‘ll“l"l"l< 'iccused of be- Oceansfleven ' t‘d l ‘ f fl' ylt ' d ‘ ff (1 t h" War “' friends
p .1: wry.‘ )g. ‘ 3 b1 H. I .‘~ .. ‘ ...f- star Andy Garcia sent no (anger o igi an sco e a is nativer
111i: 1 it sdl Mt Us < 01M L1H (f'llttl tatilon (With di» and Michael lawyers assertions that he should be released in Compiled from wire reports “A
ter ar ’lilllL‘ t‘ic‘r case before a si'i ' e ‘udi'c. Ln . . ‘ ' t ‘ ‘z ‘ 's
d ‘ ‘ s1 if 11) .11 “h N {'1‘ us rib we ‘ tl ) Madsen (who tlir custody of his father. Pi ink Isindh.~ and hl; that we
~91 Wilt-1 ill} \i limit i it i Mi oust. iii. it. . riother, Marilyn Vialkei. It may be aigued by
Call 257-1915 or US. Board oi IiiiiiiLgratzon Appeals usually costars m the the defense that the defendant is a loyal Ameri ry for
e-mail makes deportation decisions lniiiiigrants still nextiJames Bond can.” Sewell said. "but the evidence before the “We d9
kernel®uky.edu would be allowed [ti appeal their cases before a mov'e)‘ court belies that assumption," for fl
[TS District judge. which now occurs in about 13 and gel

percent of cases.





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a_ first one, Day said.
‘1. John Weis. a computer sci- DYING
. e 1 es. c aim e t - ~
:51 Continued from paqel gan when a Pike player and a Continued from page ‘
e Sigma player got tangled up
h “Guys were grabbing with the ball. One of his team- she had a year to live. .
0 chairs and stuff." he said. mates went over to help him, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the
r Members from both sides and Weis said the Sigmas body's ability to produce red blood cells. It‘s highly treatable but , . ‘ . ham...” at “mu,
3 said that with a few excep- must have mistakenly taken not curable. ‘ ’ ‘ Anthem #' Health Plans
,_ tions. the majority of the fight that as an aggresswe action. Despite the severity of her illness. Workman never considered _ . - Sell Employed~
. was nothing more than a lot of “But no one from our side dropping Ol-lt 0f 5011001- Your source for IndIVIduaI : :33; gzsizz's‘sm"
yelling and pushing. threw a punch." Weis said. “I thought about quitting work but not school. I had to have and senior Health Plans . 5.050, Health Hans
Jesse Day. a sociology Both Weis and Day said something to (10- I wasn't some to 19t the Cal m. today - Ruth McGlll, RN - 226—5387 - Retired. Not Eligible
alumnus and Sigma member their fraternities wanted to cancer Dem me." she said. or 300-553-4691 for more Information for Medicare
who was at the event. said that put the matter behind them. Cancer made Workman think about her
the initial fight started when "This is a regrettable mortality. PhilOSODhY 350. Death Dying 811d
one of the Pikes‘ fans came event and we look for immedi- the Quality Of Life. 15 helping her under-
over and tried to punch one of ate resolution." Weis said. stand it.
e the Sigma players. Both teams will face a She planned to take the class before she
d “It shocked the hell out of minimum mandatory one got cancer. bllt unfinished university and ‘1 _,
o everybody.“ he said. game suspens ion. said major requirements forced her to wait. ,, - ‘ .
r- The second. larger fight Roberts. who is also an intra- "This is 8 61355 I wanted t0 take. It Find it at the
y was merely an extension of the mural official. makes YOU 100k at think-{5 in different ways I . .
.s that you probably would have never thought th ght Umversrty Of Kentucky
it about." she said. 011 ' '
3 Philosophy Professor Frank Hale has about Federal CFEdlt un‘on!
taught the class each of the three years he‘s -\ -
Ir been at the university. Student‘s curiosity - - We offer competitt/e savmgs
o votes on their appointment. about death and dying draw them to the qulttlng and loan rates. ,
i~ MEHING ”A lot of times members class, he said. k b t You’ll find a W‘de ”new 0f
ii end up running for office." Hale explained that this curiosity has in- WOI‘ u products and services
d . Tim Robinson said. creased. because the most people die in an No cost checkin
IS Continued from 9399‘ The board doesn‘t have institution, whereas in the past, death com- n0t Phone and lnteriet access to
.6 control over election guide- monly occurred within the home. The expe- school t 24 h d
“The goal is to get more lines but oversees the elec- rience of witnessing death and dying has ;" your accoun ' ours a ay
people involved.“ Tim Robin- tions to prevent violations. been removed. he said. I wasn t
5' son said. “It‘s hard to find Some concerns were Workman has enjoyed the class. "I‘ve . §£
. someone who is qualified and raised over the upcoming elec- learned a lot just by listening to the other gomg t0 Mal}...........
’d not running for Office.“ tions because of controversy students." she said. “me-ww-
'd Members are usually during last spring's elections. After her diagnosis last summer. Work- let the
Ly nominated or suggested by “I hope these elections man began treatment. When it was time fOF C
3‘ senate members and the SG will go smoothly and every- chemotherapy, months had paSSEG and the ancer
l president. Individuals are thing will happen as it's sup- fall semester was about t0 begin. ”I started beat me ”
D then asked to sit on the board posed to." Patrick Robinson (50h001l the same week I started my fll‘St '
m and if they accept. the senate said. chemotherapy treatment. she said. - Loretta
If W \Iflth tlhe help (3:1 hear lgustciiandktlerry. Workman,
0 or man ept up. y us an too me to social w rk seni r ,1 , ..
” chemo treatment in Louisville. We left and amazed Who R B D H () '11
Id came to class so I could get my syllabus." non-Hodgkin's ,
While Workman was taking classes. bat» m m ’ " ‘ ’ ‘ ' "
1231 take a trip to the movies. tling cancer and working parttime at the LY pho 3 L0 V b R S BA 5 K 4 F5
‘ “There will be no sappy Flying J truck stop in Waddy. Jerry stood by I'm
[115 VALMNE 10V? movies and “0 feeling £19“ 1““ behirrfiher in everlything r5319 diges- Heat up your lulmitine‘s [My with our ready for
. . sorry for yourself.“ she said. try 0511990 9F anyway can." €581 . ‘ h ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ f ' ' 'l some fun!
nt Continued from paqel The group of friends will “She‘s very positive and doesn‘t take anything in a negative Rh“ ”07 H” ER ‘5 “15",“ 15'
11' also have an exchange like in way. I couldn't go through this (cancer treatment) and maintain V ‘ ,
Clay and some Of her grade SChOOl' Many of them the iii/3:113:12?:efiziirlie‘dogldfgllllfinlile student and completed 14 Rated (1 ’ PG 9 R9 \
' , ' . v. ‘ , t v 7, ‘ . . ~ . .
ngirlgscce?$:alii)xlth an alter Eggsbzifignciaggty and \ alen hours. “It got a little rough. but everybody worked with me. Other J US! But] For DPlll‘Pry.’
“A group of us decided Clay said that her coupled students would take notesfor me when I couldnt be there (in 269-1138
that we didn‘t want to feel sor- friends are welcome to come class). They were fantastic. . .
ry for ourselves." she said. along. but asks that they kind- Whlle dOCtOY'S ‘Sald there‘s a possibility th? cancer could reoc- Tim (.‘ifl T rousury
“We decided to make it a day ly sit behind those without cur. Workman's 381d She's “Ot thinking about It- www.thcgiltircasury.com
for friends to go out valentines. “It doesn‘t make any difference what you‘re trying to heal go; E. Euclid Am 4)....” mt. mum“.
and celebrate." “We don‘t want to have to from. As long as you have a good outlook. I think you'll heal bet- '
SO. they have decided to look at them"‘ she said‘ ter." she said Balloon Boquets. Teddy ”Pun (Y Plush. Unruly/(fifty









(”INS (lllllllll

Week of February 4— 10, 2002

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student ACllVllles Registered
Student Orgs and UK Depts can submit information for FREE online ONE WEEK
PRIOR to the MONDAY information IS to appear at. http://www.uky.edu/Campus

Calendar. Call 257-8867 for more Information

'Froshman Focus ‘ Pb. I'a. :v

'Devotions-n-Lunch . — 'SL‘ ' i

Student Health Advisory Council E 1‘ v 11.». . Th u rs
'Lambda Meeting. 4 L" 3'.il~ ’ ..

:Amnosty International Meeting. ;


'MathTinoving . ‘ r- a

'Math Tutoring . '4 4 :v" K me P. 4")": .. ..

'History Tutoringllo‘l/IOGMOSI. ‘ 3 " . " - ' a " ' :v .

Italy: Going On ”swam...

m ..
'Blology Tutoring -' 4 < i”' - a -' ' ‘


'Kempo Sell-Deleon . ' l"


'Raliglous Freedom Embodied Panelists Representing Sll Belial Systems, ~
0, ... t, .y. WW, Hm

‘Moms Does “A Passion lor Justice". ... 1m: ..

'Ms Black and Gold Pageant ‘ 1‘ ;‘ ' ‘.‘-'—’" w: "1


'Math Tutoring, 2 00-4 00pm, 065 Classroom Bldg
'Distinguiabod Lecture: 07. Carola Crumlay,
Univme of North Carolina. Chapel-Hill. ”From
Gordan to Globe: Linking Time and 8pm with
Meaning and Memory", 6’000m,V\/llllam T Young
Labrarv. Rm Auditorium. Free and open to the publzcl

'Glulla, Kentucky Ballot Thom. 8.00pm. Lexington Opera House, call 2574923
for more into

'UK Tao Kwon 00 Club, 5 3Com 7 009m, Alumni Gym Lott

.\.,' ass. 4 ..,

Fri '1“ ,_ . - g - é, »
'UK BASKETBALL GAME vs. LSU d . *u, ‘i: 'r

'UK Man’s Club Volleyball vs. Western Kentucky


'“"°"°C M‘“ ‘“ " Flllltllln tor Minority lllollts

and Kentucky State ‘3 " . 4 . " Cer'e' . IV - ..
'Kampo Sell—Deleon. _ .. . g u ' II .
ABTS/MQVIES ~~ » \ '
'Sam Rivers. Saxophone. Jazz Masters Tour 2002, ~3- » A. , - z a . ' . __ w > < 7 . .-

.‘ ‘5

LG‘is‘ollo, Kentucky Ballet Theatre 9 37:“ ex ".1" r ‘i e a .. .. 2. . :1; . ~ .. _ W U ..
if. mm W... .
rs all 9 ma
'Kaplan Practice GMAT l fr» . - -. .. .3. :3 ' *< . ' , ‘ 3.
W H “v v "v L L 1.00 PM >

'UK Tae Kwon Do Club, “air ‘. 4 v.


'Cathollc Man. 9 003m, 1 l 309m, 5 009m. 8 300m. 320

Rose Lr. u n
’Unlvonlty Worship Sonia, 8 12pm SOuthslde Church

at Christ Rm Audllollum

'UK Campus Girl Scouts Spm Young Library

'Mflh Tutoflngllm/lotl. 6 008 000m, Kurwan Tower

’Mlfll Tut (123), 8 00m 000m, Klrwan Tower

'HMW Tuto MUM/lulu”), 8 0040 009m. Holmes Hall
'Hlflofy Tutoring. ("THIN/10.), 8 0010 00pm Kirwan Tower
‘Engllah Tum. 8 0010 000m, Holmes Hall

'Ean Shin! piano reortal School 0‘ Musm 3 009m SCFA Freel

'Kayaklng Pool W. 570m, Lancaster Aquatic Center Admvsson $3
'UK Judo 0% 549m Alumni Gym Lott







‘ .

Take Your




Sarah Zopli
Assrstant Scene Editor

Phone 25! 1915 | Email. lesalaOepopuiiyedu




V-Day gifts can symbolize

where relationsh

Dating: A timely guide to relationships
and help for knowing what gift is right

\'-l)ay can
often be liliay
for couples

It can
seem like the
day of reckon
ing for many
This idea often
takes hold in

the minds of

K9"!!! sears couples de-
ASS! S‘IAN' NEWS EDI YOR llt‘lllllllll till
where their
relationship stands.
Gifts can reflect the words
that haven't yet been spoken
Men and women are often
concerned that their valentine
will think their gift will make

them look psychotic or cheap.
Some experts in the gift de»
partineiit have ideas of the per
t‘ect gift depending on the
length of relationships. but first

here are some summaries of

IIIlationship lengths to get

Beginning (0 to 2 months)

During this time. the rela-
tionship is fresh and the couple
is still getting to know one oth

It is Important for them to
be sure not to come on too
strong. but to realize this may
llllllt‘LIIt‘ the Mid of interest.


The perfect gift to give y

Money: Stores offer Valentine's suggestions

By Kelley Sears


l of the people inter-
viewed about gift ideas
agreed about two things:
each person must individu-
ally decide what the best
gift is for their valentine
and how much they can

Kathy l)otheitV own
e1 of Ruin s Hz‘ilhnaik in
the L iVic ( entei lloVVntoVVn
said some nice gifts to con-
sider include stuffed ani-
mals (average SS—SZSI and
boxed candy (starting at
$3.99). She said these gifts
are nice and non-committal.

For longer or more sta-
ble commitments Dougher-
ty suggested filling an al-
bum (SI and up) )with pic-
tures of the two of you to
gether or make a bag that
includes mementos from
your relationship.

Dougherty said gift
coupons for Various activi-
ties. including a night out.
is also a nice touch. (‘andles
(starting at $11. jewelry box-
es (starting at 815) and pic-
ture frames (starting at 81(1)
that include a picture of the
couple are also a nice touch.

“I would assemble a se-
ries of gifts that mean a lot
more to the couple for the
longer relationships." she

Dougherty said cards
are a must. TheV can ex-
press language for most anV
tV pe of relationship.

Kendra ( urtis a man
ager of He lzberg Diamonds
suggested the following
gifts. earrings with stones
or bracelets (starting at Sim.
anything with ‘i small dia

mond. a pendant. gold or silr
yer earrings. diamond car-
rings (starting at $99).
promise rings (starting at
8200). tennis bracelet ($99
and up).

t‘urtis said tennis
bracelets can be traded for
an upgrade if it includes a
genuine diamond. sap»