xt751c1tg14b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt751c1tg14b/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1988 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 64, No. 1, Summer 1988 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 64, No. 1, Summer 1988 1988 2014 true xt751c1tg14b section xt751c1tg14b ER0NT1ER NURSING SERVICE   `°``  
Vo|ume64 Number1 Summer 1988      
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1 US ISSN 0016-2116
  Table of Contents
I Franklin Matemity Hospital and Family Center
and Frontier Nursing Service -by Ruth Beeman 2
Frontier School Graduates 98th Class 10
y First Master of Science In Nursing Degrees 11
  Betty Lester and Frontier Nursing Service 12
  Beyond the Mountains -by R0n Hallman 13
5   Field Notes -by David Lee 14
    School Notes -by Dr. Nancy Clark 17
  i Memorial Gifts —edited by Ruth Margan 18
E In Memoriam -edlted by Ruth Morgan 19
Y, Frontier Nursing Service Annual Report
3 -by David M. Haqield 20
1 for the Fiscal Year May 1, 1987 to April 30, 1988 24-43
Fomi of Bequest 44
Urgent needs 45
i Staff Opportunities 45
ii 1 COVER:
_' A newly delivered mother and baby relax with members of the family in Franklin Matemity
Hospital's comfortable, home-like birthing suite (see lead story on page 2).
E us ISSN 0016-2116
  Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, [nc.
  Wendover, Kentucky 41775
  Subscription Price S5.(X) n Year
  Editor': Offlce, Wendover, Kentucky 41775
`Q Second-class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775.
"{ Copyright 1986, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

A Commitment to the Future of Nurse-Midwifery g 
What is Frontier Nursing Service doing in Philadelphia? This is a " 
question that everyone asks these days. Actually, Franklin and Frontier
are unique agencies that have stood out in front to speak for, to ,
· demonstrate and to promote nurse-midwifery practice. Across the i
world, nurse-midwives have known of Booth Matemity Center in  
Philadelphia for years. Indeed, many of our most prominent nurse- A
midwives credit their experiences in the Booth nurse-midwifery re-
fresher and intemship programs as being responsible for their reentering W
active nurse-midwifery practice. ·
Franklin Maternity Hospital and Family Center was estab-  A
lished as the Booth Matemity Center in 1960 by the Salvation Army as
a residential hospital for single mothers. But times change and after a  _
time there was less need for a facility where young women could live  l
away from their families and their home communities to hide a preg-  
nancy. A
At the same time, there began to be major changes in the way labor
and birth were being managed in hospitals and many families chose to ¤
protest the use of routine procedures such as intravenous fluids, anesthe- _
sia and electronic fetal monitoring. Increasingly couples were seeking A
more control over their birthing experience and many began to choose I
home birth, often outside the health care system.  
In 1970, Dr. John Franklin, a Philadelphia obstetrician and Kitty ly `
Emst, an FNS graduate decided that there was a need for a family- g
centered matemity hospital built around the nurse-midwifery model of  ,
care. They made a proposal to the Salvation Army that the Booth ”
Matemity Center be tumed into such a model offering a program of
comprehensive matemity care including education and social services as I
Over 16,000 babies have been bom at Franklin in these intervening
years and it still remains the only matemity hospital, except for the Mary
Breckinridge Hospital in Hyden, where all care is provided by the nurse-
midwife working in a collaborative relationship with an obstetrician.

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Franklin Maternity Hospital, located in West Philadelphia, is the nation's only midwifery·based
maternity hospital.
. Dr. Franklin died unexpectedly and prematurely and the Salvation
Army, in reviewing its mission, felt that they no longer should continue
to operate hospitals. These two events, along with statewide changes in
health care reimbursement for maternity care, precipitated a rather
serious chain of events that nearly closed the service. While the clinical
· services somehow managed to survive with nurse-midwives forced out
of employee status by the Salvation Anny into private models, the
A refresher and internship programs were terminated the winter of 1984.
. However, the programs of family-centered care at Booth were so
  important to the community that a group of concemed professionals
  formed a non-profit agency, Matemal and Family Activities, and pur-
  chased the hospital from the Salvation Army in 1986. The hospital was
J renamed the Franklin Matemity Hospital and Family Center in honor of
ly Dr. John B. Franklin.
 Q Franklin today is an 18 bed, Level 1, matemity hospital, accredited
 I by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Health Care Organiza-
‘ tions and licensed by the State of Pennsylvania. It continues to attract an
 _ economically and racially diverse patient population who continue to
  retum to Franklin for matemity care.
l Franklin is located in West Philadelphia at City Line Avenue and
l Overbrook and sits on a large comer site previously owned by the

Saunders family, well known as publishers of medical texts. The hospital i
is a three story beige building with space on the ground floor for prenatal .
and gynecology outpatient services. On the second floor are the 5
traditional labor rooms, rarely used unless the several birthing suites are p `
occupied. Most clients prefer to labor and go home from the birthing j
suites which are equipped with a double bed and home-like bedroom ’
fumiture. Adjacent to these are family rooms with a fold-out couch for t
family members, another bath and a small galley kitchen. A rarely used
traditional delivery room, an operating room for Caesarean sections and `
p gyn surgery and a two-bed recovery room are available for clients that
require physician care.
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A patient relaxes following out-patient surgery in the attractive and comfortable recovery room. .·  .
The third floor has 18 beds and bassinets. Rocking chairs are fi
everywhere and it is rare to find a baby back in the nursery. Children and V 
other family members are welcome and much in evidence. A small AQ 
family room has toys for the big brothers and sisters who come to see the  `
new baby.  
In the former caniage house of the Saunders family is the Family  rg
House. Here are programs that have evolved over the years to provide  
the educational and social services support that provide the special  l
components needed for truly comprehensive services. Families are  l
initiated into the programs of Family House when they enroll for  

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The attractive carriage house provides a home·Iike setting for educational and social services.
‘ childbirth education. If there are special problems - social, economic,
emotional, etc. - then there are specialized counselors for both individu-
als and groups. The building is very much designed with children in mind
— a slide takes children down into a meeting room. Play rooms, a
backyard swing and outdoor play area all make children feel at home. A
library for staff and clients, comfortable meeting areas and privacy for
counseling make adults feel equally at home. A special program offers
Y extensive and comprehensive services to teens.
  The mansion, formerly the Saunders home, is currently not in use
  but fonnerly housed the professional education programs offered at
  Franklin. This was where both the refresher and internship programs in
  nurse-midwifery were offered and included library, classrooms and
  living quarters. Unfortunately, a plumbing crisis made the facility
3 unuseable and this imposing building sits vacant at this time.
‘ But why is Frontier at Franklin? Frontier Nursing Service began
·  here in the mountains of Leslie County 63 years ago as a demonstration
 » that could improve the health of families. That the model has been
successful in Leslie County is not to be disputed. As an agency the
Frontier Nursing Service has grown from the early district outposts to a

very complex system of health care with an educational program that has
an intemational reputation. To maintain this educational program we ;
have had to move out beyond the mountains to find enough clinical _
experience for our students. At any one time, our students can be found  
scattered from Kentucky to Texas, to Washington, to Minnesota, to , l
Massachusetts, to Georgia.  
We have also responded to the request to start a refresher program _
for nurse-midwives. Nationally, there is a large pool of nurse—midwives i
prepared in foreign programs who cannot practice in the United States
p without completing a refresher program and sitting for the certification
examination by the American College of Nurse-Midwives. For ten
years, Booth Matemity Center offered such a program. When it closed
several years ago, there was no other program to take its place. We were
fortunate in recruiting Sister Martha Walsh who has directed refresher
programs, first at Booth Matemity Center and later at the Simpson
Matemity Center in Ohio. However, we do not have enough deliveries
here in Hyden to support even our own educational program, let alone to
add a refresher program, unless we can develop additional resources.
At the same time, Franklin Matemity Hospital was finding it very
difficult to regain the market share they enjoyed before the crisis of
changing ownership and uncertainty that has prevailed during these i
years of restructuring. Within the community of nurse—midwives, the °
common mission of both FNS and Franklin is well-understood. It
seemed natural then for us to talk to each other about how we might each p
grow and benefit from a mutuality of effort to promote this model of a
family-centered, nurse-midwifery managed program within a complex »
system of health care.
Since January 1, 1988, Ihave spent most of my time in residence at I I
Franklin. The major efforts of Frontier at this time are:  
l. The development of a clinical nurse—midwifery practice team.  
Dr. Gandhi Nelson had long been an obstetric colleague of Dr. Franklin. , I
When staff nurse-midwives were forced to go into a private practice `
model, Dr. Nelson agreed to develop a group practice with several of the  W
nurse—midwives. It seemed advantageous for FNS to take over that `l 
practice and to contract with Dr. Nelson to be our consulting physician. ··§
So, on January l we began a nurse—midwifery service known as FRON-  §.
Sharon Leaman, a graduate of our Frontier School and one of our  
staff nurse-midwives agreed to transfer to Franklin to help me initiate this  

new practice. Carol Kovach, a nurse-midwife who had been with Dr.
g Nelson for three years, also transferred to our staff. Three more nurse-
~ midwives have been added to the practice, each with a special reason for
jr  wanting to be at Franklin. Anne Cassidy Szal had been a nurse at Franklin
` and went away to school to become a nurse-midwife. Kate Winkler had
* had her babies at Franklin and she too went away to become a nurse-
_ _ midwife. Merriel Fish had worked at Franklin as a nurse. Early in June,
i Becca Choitz will retum as our Clinical Coordinator. Each of these
nurse-midwives has a special commitment to the programs of Franklin
and Frontier.
Our staff also includes Carol Pasquarello who began at Franklin
X when it was a residential home for unwed mothers. She is the adminis-
trative manager for our practice and Judy Lynch is our secretary. Carol
and Judy answer the phone and see that our clients feel welcome.
As part of our outreach, we have continued an office based practice
' out in the northeast part of Philadelphia where we lease space from a
physician each week. And since the first of the year, we have initiated
a new service at the Dixon Day Care Center in south Philadelphia. Dixon
a Day Care is a service of Dixon House, a bustling community center and
J settlement house which is part of Diversified Community Services. This
is the first time health care services have been offered on site and they
r have been designed to meet the problems of a community with very high
· infant mortality, poor birth outcomes and a large teen population. We are
supported in this effort by the staff of Family House, with a special teen
‘ outreach worker and counselor to assist the nurse-midwives. This has
1 been a very exciting effort and it is heartwarming to see the caseload
gradually build as word gets around about the care you can receive from
, _ the nurse-midwives.
  2. We have made funds available to purchase equipment and to
El remodel space to increase our capability to offer more ambulatory gyn
{ i surgery. Such a service helps increase utilization of services and provide
¥ income for the valleys that are inevitable in the numbers of deliveries for
  any one month. It also provides a continuity of care for women who
 i' become a part of the Franklin family during their pregnancy.
  3. We have made some funds available to stabilize and halt the
  deterioration of the beautiful mansion that once housed educational
 _°` programs. Additional funds will be required to bring the mansion to a
=  point where it can again be used for our educational programs but the roof

has been repaired, windows rebuilt and from the outside, it looks  
beautiful again. tr
4. In the interim, I have been loaned to Franklin to serve as a part-  
time Director of Nurse-Midwifery. This position had not been filled in _
. 4
several years and there rs a backlog of work to be done. As soon as t
possible a search will be underway to fill the position with someone who i
can provide a continuing presence and long-term commitment to Fran- _;
klin. it
And finally, we will launch our Community Based Nurse-Mid- ‘
_ wifery Education Program from Franklin. I have discussed this program g
in my School Notes and we will be sharing progress on that exciting new {
venture in future issues.
And so, Franklin and Frontier are charting new directions together.
Some days it's scary, but always exciting and very energizing. The staff
at Franklin have a mission and care deeply about making sure this model r
of care survives both for the families of Philadelphia and as one way to
tum the tide of escalating costs and dehumanizing high-tech care for
what should be a normal, natural experience for most women. Philadel-
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The nurse-midwife runs a non-stress test to check on the baby’s we|I·being. When the mother presses  ·
the button in her right hand during a contraction, her baby's response to that stress can be measured. ·

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The seldom used, but very necessary traditional delivery room.
Y hia is a cit rich with six medical schools, teachin hos itals and man
g community hospitals. Franklin Matemity Hospital is described by some
V as a small but vital national treasure as the country’s only nurse-
C midwifery managed maternity hospital. With its many health care
resources, Philadelphia has the third highest infant mortality rate in the
United States, second only to Detroit and Chicago. Babies are dying in
· some sections of Philadelphia at a higher rate than in such impoverished
nations as Jamaica or Costa Rica.
At Franklin, on a small scale, and with limited resources, a fierce
-3 battle against this crisis in health care has been successfully waged for
rr many years. Poor women, single parents and teen mothers are tradition-
l { ally labeled "high risk", but at Franklin these women deliver babies every
i j bit as healthy as do the many insured, economically secure women and
*   families who also choose Franklin’s special brand of maternity care. The
primary reason is Franklin’s high standard of care, a unique blend of hi gh
p quality, personalized nurse—midwifery care, education and social serv-
  ices applied equally to all patients and their families.
Many of these same words could be written about Frontier. Thus
we feel we have been brought together for some very special purpose that
will benefit mothers and babies in fulfillment of Mary Breckinridge’s
vision of "Wide Neighborhoods".
‘ - Ruth Beeman

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Following the July 23rd graduation ceremony held at Wendover, the new graduates gather in front of
the Big House before joining family and friends for the brunch and reception which followed the
ceremony. Pictured left to right are: Holly McCreery, Family Nurse-Midwife; Ruth Ann McConnell, ‘
Family Nurse-Midwife; RhondaJohnson, Family Nurse Practitioner; Sharon Lee, Family Nurse-Midwife; V
Cathy Lingeman, Family Nurse-Midwife; Ellen McAndrew, Nurse-Midwife; Graham O., Family Nurse  V
Midwife; Ellen Carton, Family Nurse-Midwife; Sarah Ragalyi, Family Nurse-Midwife; Barbara Shipiro, A
Family Nurse-Midwife; and Sr. Mary Lee Krall, Family Nurse Practitioner. i
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Retiring Dean of the Frontier School, Ruth Beeman (pictured right), joins the school's new Dean, Dr.  ‘
Nancy Clark in awarding diplomas to the new graduates. Sharon Lee receives a congratulatory "hug" i
from Nancy Clark.

sg It was a weekend of celebration. On May I6, the first six Family Nurse-Midwife
  graduates of FNS were awarded Master of Science in Nursing degrees from Case
, Westem Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland, Ohio. Graduating were
’ Cynthia Hodgson, Darlene Ledwon, Sharon Leaman, Patricia Loge, Esther Mast
and Linda Tarbell. Patricia Loge was nominated for the Bunge Research Award
and Sharon Leaman received the Mary Ann Flynn Award for exemplifying
outstanding qualities of commitment to the profession of nurse-midwifery. In
addition, Sharon received research funding for her Master’s project and was
‘ selected to present her research at the Southern Ohio Nurse-Midwifery Clinical
' Practice Conference in 1988. All six graduates were supported in their graduate
education through scholarships provided by the Kelvin and Eleanor Smith
Foundation of Cleveland.
Over the graduation weekend, retiring Dean Ruth Coates Beeman was
honored at several receptions for her contributions to nurse-midwifery service,
° education and research. The new Dean of Frontier School of Midwifery and
Family Nursing (FSMFN), Dr. Nancy Clark, CFNM and the Frontier Schoo1’s
Education Director Wendy Wagers, CFNM joined the Case Western faculty
¤ (Jan Kvale, CNM, Sarah Danner, PNP, CNM and Erica Goodman, CFNP
[FSMFN ’84]) in the students' commencement exercises. It was a distinct
pleasure to have Miss Kate Ireland join in the commencement march and
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 `. Graduates and FSMFN faculty (left to right): Cindy Hodgson, Pat Loge, Esther Mast, Wendy Wagers,
 _ Dr. Nancy Clark, Sharon Leaman, Darlene Ledwon, Kate Ireland and Linda Tarbell.

K,   Nineteen eighty-eight marks the 60th anni- I
g    _   versary of Betty Lester`s association with the T_,
   ~  E; .   Frontier Nursing Service. She came to Leslie ~
  I '   f` County &om Great Britain in 1928 - the 13th ·
        nurse-midwife to join Mrs. Breckinridge in I
 I · _    3   Kentucky. Throughout her sixty years of I
,  I " .    I dedicated service, Betty has been the recipi- *
..   I   I ent of numerous awards and honors. The I
,_       I I election to Honorary Trustee by the FNS I
I Y  Board of Govemors is the most recent. Her E
`   A tall, erect carriage and bearing eamed her the
,, "unofficial" rank of General among the cou-
0 rier family. She is "officially" a Kentucky
Colonel, an honor conferred by the Governor
' to those who have given special and dedicated I
service to the people of Kentucky. Her own I
· government, in recognition of extraordinary I
service to others, presented the Order of the I
British Empire to Betty at the British embassy in Washington, DC. On the occasion of her
50th anniversary with FNS, the people of Leslie County presented Betty with a gift in I
appreciation for her years of service to their community. Betty remembers the occasion I
with gratitude and recalls, " the nicest thing they said about me that day was that I was not
a ‘foreign lady’, but one of their own." I
Following we reprint the text of M iss Kate Ireland 's letter t0 Miss Lester, dated June 1 7, I
1988 and written on the occasion ofMissLester's 60th anniversary with F rontierNursing I
Service. I
Dear Betty, I
With the greatest admiration and love for you, the FNS Board of Govemors wishes I
to recognize your long-time devotion to the Frontier Nursing Service by electing you as  
an Honorary Trustee.  
Do you realize that this June is your 60th Anniversary with FNS? Knowing how ·'~
you hate surprises and gushy speeches, some of us thought you would prefer not to be  
dragged down to Lexington for a ceremony. Therefore, this vote of making you an
Honorary Trustee is a tiny gesture of acknowledging the multitudinous thanks for all you I
have done for the FNS since 1928.
There are no words which adequately can express our recognition of your tireless
work for the people of Leslie County, the gratitude we have for you for all the leadership I
positions which you have filled over the years at FNS, and the standards you have upheld
for Mary Breckinridge’s dreams. I
On behalf of everyone connected with FNS, I bring you our  

. Beyond the Mountains
_ It was in the Winter, 1926 edition of the FNS Quarterly Bulletin that Mrs.
; Breckinridge introduced the members of the Frontier Nursing Service New York
  Committee. The 15 charter members represented the largest of the first three
3 FNS City Committees - a network of supporters which would soon evolve into
y  the very foundation of our work "Beyond the Mountains".
  . Of the $41,929 donated to the Service during that second year of operation,
‘ $7,631 was received from New York. Additionally, our first male Courier,
Brooke Alexander, came to the Service from New York and the first-ever FNS
I fund-raisin g event was held at Mecca Hall in New York City, as the Committee
sponsored the premier of "The Forgotten Frontier" in 1931.
Now, three generations later, we must reluctantly close this chapter of our
history, as the members of our New York Committee have decided, with regret,
` to forward the balance of their account to the Service. In a letter from Committee
Chairman, Mrs. Rudolph Wood-Muller, she states:
i "It is always such a joy to be able to send you the ‘fruits of our labor’
· since we know how well you utilize it. However, this time, itis abit
» different since our check represents the closing of our account and
the end of an era. We tried, as you probably know, to find a solution
_ but could not find volunteers to continue, so we had to come to this
sad conclusion. Needless to say that we shall always be an ‘FNS
fellow’ and you shall keep hearing from us from time to time."
. This most substantial contribution has been added to our "Nursin g Educa-
tion Enrichment Drive" account, which was established to provide annual
. income in perpetuity for the operation of The Frontier School of Midwifery and
I Family Nursing. The gift represents the proceeds from thousands of hours of
I work by Committee members at "The Bargain Box" - a store specializing in the
A re-sale of "white elephants" (clothes, costume jewelry, etc.) donated by FNS
friends around the country.
_ It is not possible to adequately express our deep appreciation to these loyal
3 friends of our Service, past and present, for their years of devotion to our work.
`ii We will, therefore, offer our heart-felt congratulations for a "job well done" and
close with a listing of the current members of this vital Committee:
 “i Mrs. Rudolph Wood-Muller, Chairman
Mrs. William F. Ray, Treasurer
` Miss Lee Bond, Secretary
 — Mrs. Clyde Brown Mrs. Hugo Hoogenboom
. Mrs. Granger Costikyan Mrs. William C. Irving
  Mrs. Clyde Deal Mrs. R. McAllister Lloyd
 t Miss Dorathea Eberhart Mrs. Samuel H. Ordway
  Ms. Nancy Eberhart Mrs. William F. Reeves
 , Mrs. James Gallatin Mrs. G. D. Larry Riedel
` Mrs. E. H. Goodwin Mrs. Ernst Rothe
 A I Mrs. Robert Haggerty Mrs. Jacques Sibeud
 _j Mrs. James V. Hayes Miss Barbara Wriston

Field Notes ~
After several months "in the field", it’s time to report what life at Wendover has  
been like. Spring was filled with cool momings and blossoms of red bud, lilac i
and tiger lilies. The flower gardens were even more spectacular. All of us who  
live here were able to appreciate the many hours of planting and weeding done  
by former Courier Coordinator Elizabeth Wilcox. ’
Elizabeth’s culinary talents have also been missed as we have had many _
_ celebrations during the past few months, butCassie has been a heroine of a super- ‘
cook. On June 25, about 50 people gathered for the wedding of Chris Clark and F
Margaret Wilson. It was an FNS "family" occasion as Chris is the son of Nancy 3
Clark, Dean of our Frontier School, and Margaret the daughter of Maintenance T
and Security Chief Fred Wilson. Congratulations! ‘
Congratulations should also be extended to the 16 students who gradu- _
ated from our family nurse practitioner and midwifery programs. Despite ,
thunderstorms throughout the previous week, July 23 provided a cool, dry Y
moming for the graduation ceremony. Ms. Vera Keane, one of the founding
members of The American College of Nurse Midwives, was the keynote speaker.
She encouraged the graduates to utilize their creativity and idealism when faced ‘
with health care professionals who are stubbornly entrenched in tradition. Miss  A
Betty Lester was also a guest speaker. From her rocking chair, she told tales from `
the days of the nurses on horseback. The ceremony was followed by a delicious
brunch. C
Frontier School graduate Erica Goodman and her colleagues from Case A
Westem Reserve University attended the graduation ceremony and stayed on the e
following week conducting interviews and searching through pre-1940 medical Y
records. They hope to demonstrate through their research that midwifery care = 
has lowered the infant mortality rate and also seek to identify how our midwifery ,i
service differs from midwifery practiced in urban settings.  
"The Old Timers", a group of people who worked at Wendover some s,
years ago, also visited on June l0 for their annual dinner. Ann Browning did all 1 _
of the organizing and Cassie prepared their usual fare - spoon bread, turkey hash  i
and black-bottom pie. The Old Timers generously donated an ice making
machine and several rugs to the Big House. One of the rugs will be place in Mary r
Breckinridge’s room. »
Another large event at the Big House this quarter was the July 30 dinner i
for the Board of Governors. The dinner provided a welcome respite between ·
their lengthy discussions on Friday and Saturday and the conclusive talks on }
Sunday moming. p
Wendover has enjoyed many visitors this quarter. Bill and Molly

Lennarz and their son MacGregor spent a week in the Big House in May. Bill
~ is a pediatrician from the University of Virginia. He allowed several couriers to
· observe him as he worked at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital and also provided
 i insight into how being a doctor affects one’s personal life.
, Six University of Kentucky , College of Allied Health students livened
  up life at Wendover. They were with us for three weeks in May, studying our
  health care system and observing our providers and administrators at work.
ii Cathy Cook from North Carolina visited on May 28. She has since joined
the FNS staff and is now working as a family nurse practitioner in the emergency
 - room at Mary Breckinridge Hospital. Also visiting during May and June were
. a group from Carol College in Wisconsin; Dr. Rick Brown from Portland,
 . Oregon,; Mr. Thomton, aconsulting pharmacist; Oscar Sullivan, aminister from
_ Kentucky; Mary Joyce Eppensteiner, a nurse from Ohio and Dr. Frances Dalme,
 I Sandra DeAngelo and Marie Hansen who brought a group from the University
of Pittsburgh’s Family Nurse Practitioner Program.
· July was also a busy time for all of us at Wendover. We hosted severa