xt754746r715 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt754746r715/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1944 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 19, No. 4, Spring 1944 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 19, No. 4, Spring 1944 1944 2014 true xt754746r715 section xt754746r715   -
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Reproduced by special permission of the American Museum of Natural History. Pub-
lished and copyrighted 1938 by the History Institute of Aniericzi, New York City. and
used with their kind permission and that of the American i\Iuseum of Natural History.

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For the story, see page 16
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. ‘
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year y `
Printed in conformity Vwith Government wartime regulations for saving paper. I `  ·V
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., - an
under Act oi March 3, 1879."
Copyright 1944 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

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..1- f ‘_ .{ INDEX
in-if    ‘ A Penny for Your Thoughts James M. Fraser 28
jv ·_ J I A Sequence on Children 54-55
·  Q;  . A Tenderfoot Visits the Mountains Margaret Gage 50
  I JA l Beyond the Mountains 76
~ r“‘· ‘ l Dog-Trot (a photograph) Inside back cover
· ·   Field Notes 84
e .V»._   Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery 3
V `/’‘‘   (illustrated)
    _ i Health Chart Georgia 48-49
  ‘ In Part Payment 22
  TA .-` I Was a Patient (illustrated) Lucille Knechtly 56
  iil‘ QT? Knights of the sea
Q  .Vi. (illustration inside cover) Georgina Campbell 16
`·5f`°fI Old Courier News ` 61
ii.  ‘ Old Staff News (illustrated) 31
( .   Sayings of Elizabeth (illustrated) 59
I l I The Annual Dollars Florence Samson 74
  The Return of Arthur (a ballad) C. R. Cammell 19
A Urgent Needs 23
  A Correction -( 83
‘°   At the "Mulberry Tree"
(verse and drawing) Punch 2
V Cartoon Ladies’ Home Journal 72
S _ "Whiskers" Coronet 72
i The Explorer (a picture) N. C. B. H. Allen 73
· Miss Pittypat and Ba-Ba Bulletin Editor 73
; Kitty and Mousie McG1q§‘ey’s Reader 73
l From the Aleutians 47
( Just Jokes, Price Control 75
' Just Jokes, The Army _ 30
_  Meeting People The.Christian News-Letter 83
J Trans-Atlantic Forum Outpost, London 58
` The Man and the Gentleman Damd Gow 53
` The Mother-Heart . CglIq'er’g _ 71
Tuberculosis 91
“  .5 Tuberculosis and Its Treatment
i _ V ` 130 Years Ago ' 21
  Useful Lightning The Countryman 46
J l

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  Photograph by St. Louis Post Dispatch
  The aim of the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery is to
’é train nurses in midwifer . The school is situated in one of the
  roughest of mountain countries. Except for a part time county
¢‘ public health unit, and a mission station with which we cooperate,
l there are no medical or nursing services other than those of
5; the Frontier Nursing Service in a thousand square miles. Over
;,  only part of the territory is it possible to use a car; the rest
  must be traveled by horseback with nursing supplies carried
  in saddlebags. The nurse-midwives must learn to work with
 *2 what they have, to observe problems which might influence
  the pat1ent’s obstetrical course, to look ahead and get medical
  advice when possible before complications really set in, and to de-
 T velop their judgment so they will recognize that fine point at
{_ which it becomes dangerous to wait lon er for medical hel be-
: b
L fore going ahead with emergency procedures.
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, As with all graduate schools of midwifery, the Frontier  
'  Graduate School of Midwifery teaches graduate nurses the prin-  
l‘· . . . . g
  ciples of m1dw1fery—how to manage the normal obstetrical pa- ;
 U tient in such a way as to prevent the abnormal wherever possible,  
- to recognize the abnormal when it does occur, and to apply the  
proper emergency measures if such are necessary before the g
physician arrives. 5
Since the teaching area of the School includes both hospital l
and district patients (which is a requirement of the Central Mid- A
wives’ Boards of Great Britain) the graduate students are able
to follow their abnormal cases from the districts into the Hospi- A
t tal even when the physician takes over and they work as his as- Q
sistants. They learn, too, how cases differ in routines and tech- X
niques in a small country hospital from cases on the districts and  
what can be done to keep mothers contented when they are away gg
from their homes. The six months’ course is designed to prepare _   , y
nurse-midwives to take charge of rural hospitals, or the ma-  
ternity sections of rural hospitals, as well as to work in rural *
districts. A
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A STUDENT’S Bmmooiwr
2 The Frontier Graduate School has its own building near the
p I Hospital. Each student has her own bedroom, which is complete-
` ly furnished. The house has a hot air furnace, modern plumbing,
electric lights, and an open fire in the living room. A maid lives
on the place who does the cleaning and the cooking under the
‘ supervision of the School instructor. The School has its own cow
L to insure plenty of milk, butter, and cream, while a garden patch
helps with fresh vegetables.
. Mary Breckinridge, R. N., S. C. M., LL.D., Director of the
g Frontier Nursing Service, acts as general consultant. She is a
, graduate of St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing in New York
  and took her midwifery training at the British Hospital for
Mothers and Babies in the Woolwich section of London. She
"* "” holds the certificate of the Central Midwives’ Board of England.
 “ Dorothy F. Buck, R. N., S. C. M., M. A., Dean, is a graduate
of Wellesley College and holds a master’s degree in public health

  nursing from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a r
  l graduate of the Hartford Hospital Training School for Nurses in °
  Connecticut and took her midwifery training at the General F
  Lying-In Hospital of London. She holds the certificate of the  
  Central Midwives’ Board of England. l  
  Ella Woodyard, Ph.D., Provost, came to the Frontier Nurs- 4  it
 ‘  ‘ ing Service from the Institute of Educational Research, Division  `
  of Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University. Besides l
  her duties as provost, she gives a short course of lectures on the j
  psychology of the expectant mother.
  James M. Fraser, M. D., Medical Director of the Frontier _
ll Nursing Service, gives the medical lectures and demonstrations ,
Q l in the School. He was graduated from the George Washington %
I University Medical School and has had graduate work at the l
V Chicago Lying-In Hospital and a straight internship in obstet-
A · rics at the Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee. ,
  Before coming to the Frontier Nursing Service he was in charge  
  of the obstetrical division of the Kiowa Indian Hospital, Lawton, l
° Oklahoma. He has since taken a graduate course in caudal an- i
aesthesia at the Philadelphia Lying—In Hospital. ,
  , Eva Gilbert, R. N., S. C. M., M. A., Instructor, is a graduate
of Cornell College and of Syracuse University Hospital of the  
Q Good Shepherd with a master’s degree in public health nursing AL
..  from Teachers College, Columbia University. She taught nurs- i
ing practice in her own training school. After coming to the  
Frontier Nursing Service, she went to Scotland and took her i
midwifery training with the Queen’s Nurses’ Institute, with aiiili- r
ation at the Elsie Englis Hospital, in Edinburgh. She holds the  
certificate of the Central Midwives’ Board of Scotland.  
Helen Browne, R. N., S. C. M., Teacher of midwifery cases in {
- the Hospital, and of the Truby King methods of breast feeding, T
is a graduate of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, England,  
and took her midwifery training at the British Hospital for  
Mothers and Babies in the Woolwich section of London. She  
holds the certificate of the Central Midwives’ Board of England. `   —
After graduation Miss Browne spent eighteen months at the l 
British Hospital for Mothers and Babies supervising the work of  
the pupil midwives, both in the Hospital and on the districts. 2
  . in

Ruth Peninger, R. N., C. M., and Rose Avery, R. N., C. M.,
  district supervisors, are graduates of the Frontier ,Graduate
3 School of Midwifery. The nurse-midwives at some of the outpost
  centers of the Frontier Nursing Service also act as district super-
tg Visors when students are sent them for a week’s outpost experi-
J “. ence 1n the last month of the course.
V  Visiting specialists give lectures on special subjects to the
1_ School. These include a graduate nutritionist who lectures on —
  the diet of the expectant mother.
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(Teacher at right)

  The theory of midwifery 1S g1ven 1n thirty-two lectures by
  the Medical Director and thirty—six classes by the instructor- 5
  lectures and classes each coming twice a week. The last month Q
  is kept free from class work except for a few review lessons. S
  A life-size manikin is used in demonstrations and for ractice, T A
2% _ _ ,
 A and fifty-six preserved specimens are used to demonstrate fetal 5
vi development and abnormalities. A good reference library, with 1
gp; both British and American text books, is available for the stu-
  dents. The school subscribes to the leading nursing magazines.
  TGSES and class d1SC1.1SS1OI1S BIG fI'€qI1€I1t.
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Medical Lectures
1. Anatomy: Pelvic 19. Syphilis in Pregnancy
2. Genitalia; External, Internal 20. Cystitisland Pyelitis. Puerperal _
j 3. Physiology: Menstruation, Preg- PSYCh0S1S· ’
f. nancy _ 21. Puerperal Sepsis, Other Puer-
i 4. Diagnosis of Pregnancy Pew-} Infections
  5__ Multiple Pregnancy 22. Normal Puerperal Involution
yl  6. Prenatal Examination 23. Breasts: Anatomy, Physiology,
{ 7_ Pelvlmetry — Diagnostic signs, Infections
  8. Toxemias of Pregnancy 24‘ Anemla of Pregnancy
‘ 9. Bleeding in First Trimester 25- P "°1&PS"d COM _
ie. Bleeding in Last Trimester 26 gggjgge <>f Ut·=r¤S» I¤v¢rS1¤¤ of
` ‘ ll' Intmpartum Hemorrhage 27. Anesthesia and Analgesia in
. 12. Postpartum Hemorrhage Labor
Z 13· Dystocias 28. Prematurity: Definition, Treat-
14. Tuberculosis in Pregnancy ment
15. Heart Disease in Pregnancy 29. Asphyxias of the Newborn
‘ I6. Di3b€ll€S in P1`€gH3.HCy _ _ 30. Hemorrhagic Diseases of New-
Influenza and Pneumonia in born, Including Erythroblastosis
~ ` PI‘€g‘1’13.llCy Fgtglig
17. Leucorrhea in Pregnancy 31. Nutrition and Diet in Pregnancy
Y 18. Gonorrhea in Pregnancy General Review ` ·
` Classes by Midwifery Instructor _?
- 1. The delivery bags—contents, 21. Face presentations—manage-
. cleaning, and packing ment and mechanism
l 2. Setup for a home delivery 22. Brow presentation. Median ver-
3. Mechanism and management of tex presentation. Shoulder pre-
l the second state of labor sentation. Management and
~ 4. Routine for home prenatal and mechanism of each.
r postpartum visits 23. Breech presentation. Manage-
5. Prenatal care. ment and mechanism.
E 6. The puerperium 24. Cord presentation and cord pro-
· 7. Bacterial infection lapse.
. 8. Management of a normal labor- 25. The fetus—full term and prema-
first and second stages ture
I _ 9. Management of a normal third 26. Delicate and premature infants
10 gtsgeb I _ 27 Zjéclieir iagelaliid management
. e ony pe vis . s ruc e a or
11. The fetal skull 28. Rupture of uterus
i 12. Female organs of generation 29. Retained placenta. Manual re-
i 13. Pelvic floor. Mammary glands. moval of placenta. Inversion of
14. Placenta formation. Functions uterus.
. of placenta. Nourishment of 30. Review of bleeding: antepartum,
i fetus. intrapartum, and postpartum.
‘ 15. Fetal circulation 31. Multiple pregnancy
E 16-18. Physiology of labor 32. Asphyxia neonatorum
· 19. Mechanism of normal labor-— 33_ Birth injuries
i anterior vertex positions .
`· 20. Abnormal labor due to abnormal 34' gpgthzigmg ng€lI}at{);um‘ Sam
l [_ presentations u oc s. m 11ca emorr age.
Mechanism Of posterior vertex 35. The Breasts and Breast Feeding.
positions 36. History of Midwifery

 i T i
  · 2
sl Practical Trammg l
  Prenatal and postpartum work is done under supervision in  _
  the patients’ mountain cabins, in outpost clinics, and in those  r
  held at our Hospital at Hyden, and—though to a less extent-—in  
  the Hospital itself. The nurse-midwives learn how to supervise  ii
j the diet of the low income rural group. They learn the harm il
l . . . . . .
ea wrought by mtestinal parasites with the methods for their eradi- p _
  cation. They learn to make detailed prenatal examinations in- V
  cluding abdominal examinations with external pelvimetry, the ,`
if heat-acid test for albuminuria, and to take both systolic and ,
· . . . g
diastolic blood pressure readings. They learn to take vaginal  
H smears and blood for Kahns, to determine the amount of hemo- ,
globin by the Sahli and Tallqvist methods, and to make Mantoux  
y ,
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·-   R , -       - T _ J in , F , DEIHONSTRATES ;
{gif w if      _   ’ * » .  PACKING OF  
 Q-; H , T   y T   V li] _ — . sADDLEBAGs  
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Photograph by Louisville Cou1·ie1·—Journal  ’,

 Q Fnourimn NURSING siaavicm is
V tests, and the capillary-tube test for blood coagulation time.
V During the puerperium they give bedside care to both mother
  and baby and are taught the importance of the final examination
 r by the physician and are given an opportunity to observe his
_  The students, under supervision, manage both district and
T hospital deliveries. Each student delivers at least twenty women
  under the supervision of her instructor. In addition to these
Q twenty deliveries, thestudent has the opportunity of assisting
§ the Medical Director in handling such of her cases as are ab-
  normal. Although she is taught to use rectal examinations for
5 w usual intrapartum diagnostic purposes, she is also taught how to
  make vaginal examinations so that she will be skilled in both
* methods.
· The final examinations are given at Hyden by physicians of
S the Board of Health of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and in-
i clude written, oral, and practical work. Upon passing these, the
{ nurse—midwife receives the diploma of the Frontier Graduate
  School of Midwifery and a certificate to practice midwifery in
g Kentucky. The Board of Health has authorized the use of the
  letters C. M. (Certified Midwife) after the names of those who
  receive this certificate. This certificate and the School diploma
  have been accepted by the Boards of Health of several Southern
  and Western states as evidence of qualifications to practice and
  to teach midwifery.
  Applicants for the six months’ course must be high school
  graduates, graduates of approved schools of nursing, and regis-
Q tered in one of the states or a foreign country with equivalent
{ standards. They must be in excellent health, and present good
  references of character and professional ability.
  The entire cost of the six months’ course is eight hundred
  dollars. This includes $560.00 tuition payable in advance and
" i,  $40.00 a month to cover room, board, and laundry payable in ad-
}? vance each month. There are no other fees.
i` Y

Ji *4
 3 _ 14 THE ouxarmm nunrmriu __ 1 
—l ,’.
  There are full scholarships for a limited number of nurses pil
3 filling the above qualifications, provided they promise to use their  l
  graduate training in the United States for the duration of the 4
  war. These scholarships are covered partly by Federal funds »
Q. given for that purpose,   E
  V-   partly by private contrib- jy
~ » . utions from friends inter- `{
    ested in the work of the %j
»     School. They cover tui- -
    tion, board, laundry, the T
l,  ,  “f   use of riding uniforms and 3
    S ; E text books, and all ex- ,
C; .     U penses connected with the *
  i`  e   e     car and the horses used in  
     .*   V p_ VI the district work of the  
  Q     I  "   School. The only things [
    -q ,     ¢°` V p  \ the scholarship student E
.. ., ,,__       I} must provide for herself Y
       gg.,     are riding boots, white _,
I        *? ?"i i-= `{  ‘_   _   shirt