xt754746ss96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt754746ss96/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19140326 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 26, March 26, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 26, March 26, 1914 1914 2015 true xt754746ss96 section xt754746ss96 _ nusr uvpy AVEIIBDIG
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L|f• without labor I• |uIIt. L P .r°m°'_;::lc:::` www
.• [ *-John lunkln. W ' N do your du`,.
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{ , » University of Kentucky
R [ VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MARCH 26, 1914. N0. 26. l
6   GMI! lntlrlcholuilc Meet to be Hold Quenlqn, ·•Re•¤|v•u, Thn uw Pr••|- Fumrnl Servlcu W•re Conducted at Patterson Contnt Heads List WhII• Prof•••or• D•f•a! V•r••|||•• Y. M. C.
I ` on Stoll FI•Id May 7, 8, 0, Under dont of the United Staten Bhould Ruldcncc on Ron Street Mon- the Union Contest Will Be Hold A. 36-17, and I. K. 8. N.
Au•pIc•• of th• AthI•tI¤ b• El•ct•d for a T•rm of Six day Afternoon. Friday Night. _ Pro1'•••or•, 28-16.
Aueclatlon. Y•a•·• and b• In•IlglbI• for ·——— —-———— —-———
..1.. 8·|·A1»E y8_ CENTRAL. In the presence ot a. large number TOMKM in ****8991 M- 8 °`°l°°k
  The athletic authorities or me of sorrowlug friends and relatives. the marks Hm b°€*““*“$ °* °°“*°”“’ The faculty quintet nmded two vm.
University have practically completed On F¥’|d¤Y» APH} 3¤‘d» 0m` ¥'6€¤l¤¥‘ Rev. I. J. Spencer, pastor ot the Cen- 8**9** bY tha Ut°"¤*'Y S°°l€u°¤· Th° tones Int week. Fmhy mlm they
grrmggmqmgg for hold"]; in Lexmg. Varsity debating team will go to Dan- uu Ch;-{,;;,,,1 Chu,-ch, paid the Int Patterson contest will make the grand
mn um sprang what promises to be ville w meet Central Univmltv in mum or respect and devotion w me <>v¤¤*¤8 ¢<> be f<>11¤w¢¤. Gamer. Ky- me W., ,,,,,,,d_ The ,,,,,,,,, ot th,
my which took aennno shape on No over Conml: in 1912 we carried an cmcm mm me sent to cmcaga "Pg¤¤¤¤"——¤1¤v¤¤r¤¤ X¤¤¤v¤¤¤ ·¥¤1¤¤- gm, W., me 0,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,1, cf R.,
vgmbgr 27, 1913, in [hg Organization Transylvania.! scalp from Morrison whgrg gg wm be {mapped in the For"; son, Tallega., Ky. mann, who mum 10 manu"' md
g an me mmm: mm or me Kentucky Chsvel: in 1913 we were main the Home Cemetery or um city by the "Th¤ New R¤v¤¤¤¤"—E¤¤‘1 L<>¤i¤ th, ,,1,;,, d,,,,,,,,, xm, put ,, by
Iuterscholutlc Association. The pur- winners 0V6¥' G¤0¥‘8¤¥·°W¤· side ct his father, who died a. num- F¤w1¢r.W¤v¢r¤v» KY- Dos Roast
, pose or um on-gmmuou 1. me ae We huve had three debates with ber or yam ago. "The Value cf ¤ C¤11¤s¤ Tr¤i¤i¤s—· The ,umm,,,,
3 volcpment me Ngulstion ot an mgh Central and have wen two of them- The home vm num to the com Julius Wolf. I-¤¤gs¢¤¤. KY- Kmmky
F · scum mlvluu; pnucunmy lu um. We mw them this time on the ¤¤¤¤- when the time rm- the services an- "J<>¤¤ vf A¤·6“—M¤ri¤¤ R<>¤¤rt Mc- Rummw Daum Ad gmt F
lgtlcg, muglc mq m gm-ms of public tlon: "Resolved, That the President m,·ed_ Mmy gowors and Qgrgl de. Cauley, Lexington, Ky. Tmon  C
meshing. At this meeting a coustitu- 0f UW Uimed SWWB would N Elected signs covered the casket, having been "I¤ U19 1***3****8 °Y me P°°Pl°"" Rode. md Schnlmorl _ · _ l · l G
, uga wg ;40pg°q_ me gum dfyidx for a. Term of Six Years, and Should wm by me grind, of M,-_ Lcuaghm Grover Cleveland Wilson, Paint. Lick, °`°°`°`
§ mw uma mgu school anu-nm, mu be Inelisible for R¢+¤1<>¢¢i<>¤-" We A double quartette from me cm Ky. V°"°'°"°°‘
‘ wml • center or mum, presided ow- h¤v¤ the ¤f¤rm¤¤v¤ and wr mm is cmu ot me University mmxsuoa me "Th¤ Making ¤f M¤¤"—Ri¤¤¤rd A1— H°w°°° md Cm '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ F
by • vioepmldenz, ma me ronmwmg composed of John Howard P¤v¤¤. music during me swam and me len Foster. M¤ri¤¤. Ky- J°°k°°° °'°° H°w"° ‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘'‘‘ C
officers selected: President, Alpha J¤U¤¤ "C¤6¤¤¥‘" Wolf. ¤·¤d "Di¤'“¤8" crowd listened with tear-dimmed eyes -———-· Blush Cluk md Hmurd `'``'`'° G
Brumage, ma secretary, cnunes P. Jo Rwmer- if John Hownrd ¢¤¤ ¤¤v. as me quartetbe sang ··Amu¤ wml F"‘““’ ”*€*" °° ***8** °`°‘°°" “‘° _ Fwd g°°l°"R"°""'°° 1°’ '"'°"
Wqvgr, bum of me Uuivgrglty of "B»ut honorable judges, Llnco1n’¤ Mex- and ··Sl0ep Gemlyy The m8m_ annual Union oratorlcal contact, will °· R°d°¤ 2· H°W¤?d M Cin L BUKOY
xemuexy. power rested <¤¤¤¤wh¤r¢." ¤¤ ¢>ff¤¢¤v<+ bers of me qumeue, all or whom *’° md in ‘h° °*“‘P°‘· F°“' °°“‘°°" z'
The district centers and their vice- W 88 h6 did 0¤ Jim 22¤d2 U "DUUBK" had known Mr. Leuaghan and had ams wm °m" and °°mp°t° for ° mm Foul g°u.—Tis°n l' Hmnrd I'
' prealdents ue as muowgz Fmt, 1·*¤1· Jv can punch his fist ¤¤ srmizht at the been associated with him [Il mm um- medal g"°“ by “*° ’°°*‘”Y· “‘° "*°‘ Bmw L
ton, Prot J_ C_ Cheek; sec0¤d,E·rlmg_ judggg gg hg did on that mgmorgblg versity lug were Henry Morrison, Leo IIB? of this C0!1I.€SI. will IIXBGC Kylkf- 1 point awarded v°”.m°·•
ton. Prof. C_ E_ Dudley; third. Eliza, night in January; if Julius "C3,gggr" Sandman, J. T. Jackson, J. E. Bowling, {OHS and J0hI'l Howard P&yD9il1 8. HDR} Referee and umpir°—KiD8·
bethwwn, Prof, R, Y_ Mqyggy; fourth, shows up with his accustomed realli- T_ *p_ Taylor, A_ g_ Behrmam Ad \Vul_ U')'0Ut in ¥·h€ S0€i€¥.Y hull. S9·U1!`d8Y The game was chuacwulod by
Bowling Green, Prot. T. C. Cherry; ness. we are sure to bring a trophy lm- and ·p_ by H,m€,,_ MSM- pmmy °t °‘°u°“· “d °h° "°'k °t
. Hlth. Shelbyville, Prot. T. H. Houston; back from the ¢¤vii¤i Of BGYIB- W9 The pgllbggrers who bore me cus. Tm mst *“l° m°“U°“*’d men h“° Tin"' mr Sum wu th° f°°“"° °‘
gum, Stgufgrd, Pm; W_ C_ wusou; hope as many wlll accompany {he ket from the home and placed it upon prior to this occasion won the Society um WWP-
ggvggnh, Miqdlesborm Pm; M_ 0_ wm. team as possible. Freight. rates are me tram for Chicago were Presb contest and thus the final is held in TM E- K- 8- N- Gin"-
INY: eixbth. Cynthiaum. Prof. R. I. WW *° D¤¤Vm°· Y°“' P*'°¤°¤°° will dent Henry S. Barker, ot me Univer- °"d°" *0 Obmm me best man “”` me The Bmw pr°f°“°m w°r° in um
Cord; ninth, Ashland, Prof. J_ W_ encourage [hg team, A debating grew sity; Prof. E. Ll Guns. Commandant ll1t€l‘~SOCi€l)' Contest which will DB {0rm* They had played a hud game
Brgdugr, feels lonesome when all the audience A_ w_ (Bullion. Hywen Davies, James held in chapel Wednesday ut. the reg- uw night b°f°*`° u v°*’“m“· but W°
Prglimiugry tqumgmgngg will bg is ODDOBGG to them. L6t's all go. B_ Lyons and Charles E- Bowman- ular convocation hour, $U€0¢¤¤lV6 SB!-KOS 8.1*6 nothing to the
• held at each of the district centers cul   The latter three were Mr. Lena.ghun’s The' p"°g""“* with Several musica'] immlunged mghbmwl of Kenmckl
ADYU 23. 24 ¤·¤d 25. Bild U16 Wi¤¤01‘¤ it ` associates in the business department S€le°u°"S· wm be rendered as t°l` The E` K' S` N` M8 were never dm-
uch of the centers wm coma to Lex- Announcement was made at Cum- of the University. lows: gerous, and were not able to break up
muon for me nuns which wmba hold bridge, Mass., yesterday of the men Mr. Lanaghan had been connected Pwsldenys Add,.esS_J0“ph Ros Stutds passing. Bowman, s, Varsity
at the University two weeks later on wh0`~w“ comprise the Harvard varsity with me buglnggg agwys department ¤¤€¤`· B0“’U¤K G¤`B¤¤» KY- mm from E" K‘ S' N" put up th° m°'t
May 7. 8 md 9. The tournament this debating team against Princeton at for about me yws and was com ·-The Restriction of Immig,.m0¤··_ nearly consistent game tor the visi-
yw will include contests in vocal and C““‘b"*dK° °“ "‘° °"°“i°8 °f M“·"°h polled to mum from his labors dun N. M. Williams, Russellville, Ky. wm-
instrumental musm decmmuious wd 27- L°° B’°w°"· °f M“Yu"ld· KY·· “ mg the mm. part of Febmul H6 "Cultur0 in me Cum Fte1d."—H. L. T*€°"* and R¤¤m¤¤¤°¤ ¤*·¤"°d f°¤‘
rnmugs md tuck md new events. student from the law school, is one of was much loved by students and mc- Donovan, Paducah Ky_ the Blue and White professors.
A lovin: cup will be siven to the in- um pH°°ip°'l°' H° is an A` B' mm ulty and an grieve um one so dau ls "The Bum C¤“""L· P- J°¤°¤· B°“" TM °“mm°"°
div! du B1 winner of me largest mm? uate of the University, 1908, and has called away. Img Green, Ky_ st"`
,,,, of ,0,,,,, wd , Mantua, ch,,,,_ ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ *¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤ dem ___,,,___ "True Gmmm·· ere .......................... ..¤
pwmmp cup to the school winning the ul! W°"k· H6 is “'°“ ’°m°mb‘”`°d MORGAN ELECTED Central Guy, Ky. y QL/L Rasmussen, Downing and Spnhr .... F
g muh Lexington, Louuvmo, Header h°*'°· whew h° was "°fY P°p“l*“`· BASKET BALL CAPTAIN ___.,.4,....._ Spears and Schnaltber ............. G
non, Owensboro. Newport, Covington wm; little preparation the University Ralph Morgan, forward on the Van UN'°N UTERARY s°c'ETY E* K• °• N•
sud Paducah high schools, because ot held g {girly successful meet in which any basket ball mam my two years, SELECTS FRESHMAN K°m‘ ·····---·-···············-··· C
thdr lute number of students, Will more than a. score of schools were was elected captain ot the team tor! ’ DEBATING TEAM B°wm“ md w°°t°¤ ·············• F
not. send representatives to the dis· represented, and this year the meet 1914 by his team mates at u meeting' .1 Dy° wd J°h“'°° ········•········· 0
trlct centers tor the prellmluarien in should prove a splendid success from an me physical d1;·gcwr·¤ offlcg 1,...; The Union Literary Society held Fwd 8°°J¤—B°Wm¤¤ $· DY• L
track and Held events but will hold an every point ut view. Louisville Mun- Friday, Ralph has pnuyed u must lust Saturday night. the Freshman Keith 1· W°°*°¤ I- T*¥°'* 5· R¤m“*
separate track meet at the University ual High School will be strongly rep- wugngwm game for me ms; wo tryout for the society team, which ls BW 5· D°"'¤i¤¥ L
st the same time as the other finals. resented lu all events, especially lu years and is deserving or uw honor to debate a like team from the Putter- F*`°° th"°W'—Ti¥°"t 1· B°"mm ’·
Although the proltmluarles are six public speaking and music, and wlu ms menus have given mm, Morgan sun Society. Six contestants entered 0**6 {mlm Wu ¤‘·"¤`d°d '-° E·K·S·N·
weeks ol the Unlverllly I\1l.h0I'iU6¤ probably bring her excellent high will make a good captain and we be- llw U'¥0\-ll, and RU 8h0W€d {hl! YDBY  
are daily receiving letters from high school orchestra or eighteen pieces. new unda; mg guidance uw team will had prepared for the occasion. The tions an educational quumcauon
school men lu dilteront parts ot the Last year the tlrst prize in declamu- have me same good success that it <1¤¢*¤¤¤¤ di¤¢¤¤¤¢d WM *110 861116 M ¤h¤¤|d UB 0¤¥¤bU¤h6d-"
State uotltylnz them that their schools zion was won by Manual but the ath- did under gx-Cgpt_ ··s¤m" Tunis, Mor. will be discussed between the two The members chosen to compose
will be represented ln me tournament. mac tournament went w Loulsvune ml as ¤ Jumm- wu mus from Cov- »o<·i»¤i•¤¤= "R¤¤¤>1ved. that in all ¤¤i¤ mm were M•¤¤¤r¤- J- T· 9¤¤¤»
• Last. year with no orgsnlntlon and Male, ingmul Ky, municipal, State and National elec- Clarence Clark and Gordon Nmce.
* )

 wl- A — ··—"" ”’“"‘” " """` A"-·-——’“ "“’—......-..-.-.--·—-" """_`-————-··—·····"‘__—"'“`-*-Z‘—-—-—-——...4._—‘i. ;;;;;;_....·T..;:·   ··"·  ·»·—— * " *·W·~ *··»*I~———~ ’· · —-—-—V" ————·-—‘-‘ —‘—‘ g
~-·—··#···—‘ """ " ‘“‘’ "" ` —~—~————·· --—~—-~—» »-——»--—· ---— ·—· »-r» ·—-—Y———-— ——~- ·
MEET I H E ORPH EU M I H EA I RE ""‘“‘““‘°" "’"
ME AT . Children 5c ,
FIRIT-CLAII IN IVIRY APPOINTMENT. J. H. ITAMPER, Jr., 0wn•r and Mnnngu. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M.  
 ...-- ";'?  "_ r—- ·· —-L--;-·—* —;——-—-·—· -——-r·~ ·`   [ Q
OPERA HOUSE INDIVIDUAL SCO ES tlwm. 'l`Imnm>¤ uml Hruhlm mw- slum- M"` "' H"` """' I" H"` mlm Sm"`
Da;;;d....G°°d·· V   BASKET BALL hm up “_‘_H In Nw hm- Hm“h__N in ;`.I•‘—`sllI:; ;Il;l`ril:‘l`;lf‘l1 mm lm gnlm-al hy
|·)ng•·m· Ilrl¢·ux':· gre-ut snololnglval A summary of tlw points svnrml hy ""` ""'"""| I""k" “"""· I "
drmmn, "llumxu:<·rl llnmls," llw play, •·:•<·l1 wl tllv lll|‘ll cm the- lmskm hal] _ _ H _.  
V i _ I I 'l Inv n1<·n1lwr:< ul tl1•— »\lumnl nrv zwk-
. , , “'***"*· *""""’*"¤ "‘ ""` *"“ "‘"* """" '"' '"` """' ’*`“' ""‘“" """ hm mr ,. nn. - mu umm- l' r ll ·<···¤···IFLOwER S
Ffldlly and (aturday »|~h,,,.S_ ··;m"m.»$ H mm- •·pm·ll nl <·lvll— |’¤‘·‘*¥<*¤- “ll**’ l‘l*‘F'*"l ""'“"" ""r ""` m,,,,,,,,,,,t‘ xm,} pl. pl 0 rm;'l III V
March 27-28. *Z=·**··*·~" *‘·‘"**‘* "’ ""‘ "*"‘"‘ """"‘ ""' ""‘ “"""`* "' ""` *"""""‘· ""' "’ »..-.·.. mma.- to N.·l..-.l..l.- ll gm...· mn. Fllll Au- UCCASIUNS
rd M ‘ '`'` " “""""" ‘`'‘‘ ’ "` ''‘`   ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ """`*   ‘‘‘‘' '“‘ ‘‘'‘ "   """"   *""“""· l ......· - ..... l .-.. M. . ....... .,... ...   .... , ·———
Qatu a atmec _, _. __ _. ,   __ . _ ____ ~ L I- · · ·-
* y ll.;) m.um••, Mnreh .i¤¤ .m¢l Rl. \\|w mn. rl• to tnpure u thrqm Mm ml Alumni wm,]. Mum or mo    
¤·mu‘~ wnrnlnz thm Fw l¤ *1***** *0 h*‘· lm; """'“·**"· T""‘ Z"""““ “`*‘* "“"‘ Um awp umu p|·m·r~l uw- m·¤m»v -m·n
"°m° mp fmhpr of 8 Mmm" TI"` mw man in mums Hmrpd In H Sinn" www will he- he-re- and la wry lmml tvuln mul 417 EAST MAXWELL
" S.-qm»n(-so urn 0vs—rwln¢=·lmlmzly trnzlv. tlllll ¥“`f‘¤¥5'·¥“‘0 lh Thi; M¤r~l¤¤|| #¤\¤¤**· hp mud? up from thvir mmmwl A VI; QALIEEABBAGE
,. . ·, .·._ ·· V _»· · » ·_ "· _  .eres nu_ L
Hb (mm 1* hom to H mf nf Summm Mum wm Mmm] “ th mum HN most inte-resting gzmw wm1l¢l_re·sult na V an ve .
uml slmrmw tlw young \\'ll`("H lllllilllll l\\l¥1llN*¥' Ul |>OlhtH 0:10]} mum s<·ur¢·d is it ig mwnmmd
nf an noble- love- is lrrvtriewalwly do-- as follows: ·
sqrnywl; thv pxrandvlmtllvf. <‘r‘}’lm: lll l°¥`°¤i0¤ ·-··············· Wl A ewrlvs of gmnes with tlw lnvul B   I   I
By Bgygrd veillef, llw hlil¢‘¥`Y1+‘95 of NPT §i¥`l¤‘l`. Wililld 0¥`Y*‘¥' Morgan ·-·······-··-··-· 1**** tvmn of the- ()|nlo Stutn I;(·‘i\§.{lI(’ is be--
A M   f     b up hor soul as a sacrlllcc for (luv TON Zerfoss ............. 67 lng plmmvd for (hv sovuml mul third nR• Jn T•   ;
c rama u 0 ro S’ mlmed offspring. but all is llselvss. Tuttle ................... 64 “·N.k fn Apply Ag Spypml of {hp   Cheapside
Thrills and Laughs, From this vlimax of lrnrzic ww rlw Smlt ··-- . .............. 54 gmnps Sphplauma with mnnpgg {mms HOMSSA M t 8 PH N
, N. h   t 1 .0 author builds his message of hope for (`url Zvrfoss .......,.,... 43 haw, hpfln droppgd by the Athlptlc ' ' ° P°M‘ 0 EB64'X j
Prlces lg t '''‘'‘ c 0 $ J) H future goneratlon which shall not VBTKS --··.-...-.··-·.·-. 32 (‘mnmltu>v there is :1 need of more •
Matinee _____________________,,, 25c to   U? h8¥\dl(`8DD€‘d bY 3 "('0Y\Fl*l¥`8(`}' Ul- SY Gumberf ···--····-·-·-·- 2 games to keep the {pam going good for     Y   ·
[ence" concerning the flindamfmtali S('h¤`H·d€‘¥` ···---······-··· l' th? llafd lflll ihfé last week of AUTH- Ender, Keen Cutter,
. facts of life. * ‘*‘-*°‘•‘°""" •'l`l · l.exlmzmn team promises to be { '
Seats Now Sellmg at _ I Jus? use mu.; " and Ever Ready
BOX Omce Stop Thin" I U __ i I Real work has been indulged in this + * + + + + + + * + + 4. + + + +• C   '
638 __ For l8ugmngJurl;0HpS on L ill lie week and the men have been showing *     * 0 ER &  
T°'°ph°"° Nu] ( Oihan fp ir: S a\[;nm"{( Q f IP r up well. Short practice rzunws wvrv + + + * + + + * + + + + * + + +  
° wmum on O ur ye ` GOWN MCP plnvvd on both 'l`ue:dm><-   ""*`* [A xml   NNN STREET AND BROADW Y
    C0. ‘°S[()p 'I‘higf"' “~hi(·h jg to be Sean herg da; pvénings and for   timp the Held   advertising Under this head    
at the Lexlngxon Opera House for two m;_m_nu_d 8 wnuinp haw han ammr *’° °*“"g°d ’°" “‘ “‘° "“" 0* “"‘°’ °"“*“ L . t C, C ‘
      nights, Thursday and Friday. Murvh ance ` per mw'         ‘
. _ O 26th and 27th, including a special mat- / l wANTEU__R00m€rS and boardel-S_ Mlxsltsgzpgrated f
Plp0S Répllfed. inee Friday, and as :1 play <‘0nStF\l<‘t<*d The field is being rolled and the For particulars, apply at 342 Clifton  
LEXINGTON, _ _ KENTUCKY for the sole purpose of exvlting that lmv places filled up and in many ways Heighm   •
particularly lléaltllful €X€|'<‘lSP ll is greatly h‘]‘ll)[‘()\'Q(]_ It lg hoped good   136 WEST MAIN STREET ° .
  certainly   iw miSSi()n· \\'Q8,\h9I' \\'ul (f0Yl[il’l\lP until [hé Hold     bU__AlumnuS has Splendld Op-   R
UNIVERSII I LUNCH STAND "St0D 'l`hl<—*f" will make YOU laugh lil becomes thoroughly worked ovvr and purmmty for nmdems mjrmng umn     and    
c“;*’• *"°|“?Vg:Y"°u":‘d*":: spl[(> of yourself. lts unusual Situu- settled. The cadets moved the f00t way to Gam an expenses Mme in   8lld   I;
·”d *°““Y ° ' ° nv"' Y _ . . , residence. Preferred, experience or g
(ions and bl‘llll8I\l HDQS flllfl) bl°iSll9 ball bleachers as usual and n()w we Y    
A• B•   with wi! and l‘PD&¥‘tPP. Wl1ll<* UW <‘0m· have seats on both the first and third ubwu in Salesmanshiu “ rue S• l F
con. s. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX ,,m.,m0,,S um are thrown ground me mm. ;m€,S_ (mp “°“' (4l°·· °'““h“· N"b·   0'        
  RllOd9 Island d€I€('[lVP ill Il\<‘ play. .._...— FOR REN'l‘ ___ Desirablé furnished ‘—" ' §
  and his <»¤<1<>¤*‘¤r¤ to trap uw crooks HW mst game Om “ eek on lmws ¥`00mS· Meal tickets $3-5** W· H·         `
W stm P I 2 S in Mr .120 who are Operating in H household only :1 short time for final preparation. Springfield, 145 E. High- I
°"° mlfazl U ' Obspsspd with klemomamaml mndwp Nluryvill¢=· <‘olle·ge>, from Maryville, _ WM- E. STAGG, Successor. l
  Bailcy,S Pressing   MPS furnishes irmsismm, fun through Tenn., opens the season for me Wim- \\'ANTED—Every student to read the         Q  
        thp three acts in which HH, pklrp has Cat!. Tllv 'r(‘Hll(‘SS(‘P b()}'S llH\’(‘ l)(*(*ll SH.l.UY`dHy EV€I]iHg POSL TQTIDS ·';—: ; L ‘.;:.‘ 
wg south Llmcstono Phone 621_y bpm] written putting.: out El llrst class [PEHII mul al. Gusy. P`l`H¤k YV- 'l`\1\U€. A8€¤i. 125 D P  
Tho Original comlmm, uml w,0du(__ umn] vlnsv ;;;um· is expected, E. l\lz1X\\'€ll St., L•3Xillgl0¤. KY. ' •  
. _. _ _ ._ ._ _ ._ __ · 1-  . (lnworpmuml)
C/_     ";‘{'{ ‘f_"'_ "ll°T:"’i}’f‘: "‘T"lf‘“I ‘_;'2;`   Vrllp nm war mammal m·l..,; .,..l uqmu Am) BOARD-Good moms DOROTHY DODD SHOES _
Itm (N) “ lu I °` al uxu 8 N I for the tvum slmws up well. \\’n,i<·rs with excellent table board. Mrs. FOR WOMEN
wh"’ Y°“ will End °V°"ythi"g · SPH thm me pgrhmuanw wm W up and Vzulglm nrv two clever iutiqelors Uppington, 120 East Maxwell. l
COMPLETE DRUG STORE to the hikh standard of the- (`0l1zm & ( I   to  
MA?:°ufN:·VuAIE;Uc;eaS§r‘:;éT8 llarris's own offering. RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
  Fun MEN l
-————•-¢-•—-.-.;- • L
K. k I C I C I ¤¤~ Au- DZHCIHQ CSSOHS $4.00 to $5.00
Anthracite and Bituminous "‘”‘**"" '”° ‘-°*·" For the •
. · . ' · l {l ' • •
COALS AS ""` """""‘"‘ ‘*‘ "" "" A" "" Tuesday and Frnday cvcmngs at U. C. T. Hall, by cou B S k
Le . t Kentuck umu Friday uml Saturday, with Satur·         4
Xing On' - y day mutinw, the Anwrlvun Play Cum- · · · G0 to
________.......T, _ , , Miss Spurr and Wm. Warfield. Admnsswn 50 cents.
puny wlll prvseut llayurd Vwllers The Lewin Cigar C0 1
W. S.   thrilling new Alll¢‘l`l('illl llruum, "\\'iLl1- , , · , 0W_ N"' Phunlx
1 in UW lm ._.. l Special appointments made for teachmg the Tango,
The Sanntury Grocer "\\'i1llln the l.uw," which exerts an _ _ _  
    UIIIIUSI ll'I`(·’Sil·5[il)l(* il|l|K·;l_I,   apyly (IU-               V
Cor S Lime and Virginia Ave svrillwl us an elrzunu ul during iu which A
° o ` \¤l¤·# l¤··¤>i¤¤· i~ f<>r<·~·<1 ¤<> l»•·»:i¤· ~~·=¤¤·far·-   T¤k¢6 l¢$$ Sh0*!¢¤l¤$ I
  V 4 __,,M·d8   `
, c K-   [hu   t(,         • •
  S     irs llli\(‘lliIl&l[l()llS. Nlury 'l`uru<-r, Um Lexlngtonlnggglsg Mins C0'! .
119 SOUTH UPPER ST. (-(.mm| (·|mra¢·lvl‘. is i`ulS**|>' ¤""““"d of     & M U   ,
Fresh Candles Made Daily- tlwft of goods from tlw •*S(i\l)llSlllIl(*lll     Prop r .
Pop Corn Frltters• in \\lnl¢·l1 she is PIll|I|()_\'i*(l, uml seul- Ea c    
L€*'N°T°N· · · KEN"'U°"Y .....·.·.l U. um-·— yum n¤l»¤·m»¤¤¤¤···¤¤¤.   N I   ; ( `O   ·
  No zmmunt of prote—st, no amount of ° N)7 South L|m••l0n• Sl., opp. Phunlx Haig! ·
CI••¤i¤|» Pf•l•i¤8» Albin!. lm:l<·ul. ollviously truthful d(*rt‘llSt* INCORPORATED FHUT-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED
RQPNHDZ saws lwr. Slnv svrws lwr tiuw. Sllv  
rrlw lo support ll•·rs¢·lt‘ lmuvstly after-  
W.   StCV€llSOI`l -‘¤¤r0· ----- ----..-.---..,-,.-lY. I, -       ,   City N•¤‘|. Bmk B|d°¢- _

 I t i l   !"’3IlIIl|IIIlII   I l   ` y I L 'IIIIII nl. IIII ' iw T ,‘ 'lll yl Anlilllllll/lim S.,    
I ¢· I E , ,n li it in   * ‘ I ll 'NI l, -  |l||| I HI; I mm »—-e¤¤¤~ 
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[  I   — _ ‘ l llllllllrlll Ill ll ··I’ I.  li] Il II, ~l , `·¤Im;||l y,;/z/ly __é _- [J
( — (' ·. 4 _ , --     . -  '/¢ '
_ ' ·6ntvw¤p.
{ ggmoqg SE1- SML i,pp"k|·,,g; ln Kankakee gave oppor- <‘Inclnm¤ti, where plants of t|teVHt‘ll` llllll l·;IIL;i|I•·4·r‘i|l;; in i'*V` "'lll"|I’&|llIIll l<·—lS. —l1III4l:|l`1I ;|l)I';|r4-
mm hanitnl and el: ctritnl tnglnurs ol H _ . . I
lo hirthplnte ot chorus girls, the machine tool llliIIl\lIiM'U|l°|Ul{ <·•·nt··t. yp,. t·,,,\,.,»._i,\- ,\ ,,,,“- mqkinu 1,. 3,,,. ..·p;,,.| ,» rpm L,-ilnnn mm ml
I · , _ , , , , , • _ » · v · ‘ " . < ' " l I
· H" I"‘\'r`"y‘ mimnlmmul by lm lY\!lIlIll`H,("l\lI‘lI\)!_' of farm implements The class vlsltetl the larger (‘Olll'l‘l`||#i ,~.mu,.m,,m_ lm, , _ . _ . , _ _ ,
, , , _ _ · }».Il`.Ilt>I‘\ In the mstul l'l'l"ll. »·Y·I|lIl·•l¢l }I:II”¤IIl•·*—~· Iv—· / , _ _
` 7 ul     ot the Ohio Valley corporations, and
Kt   / ’ when lt was t'ound that it was neces- HEADQUARTERS
V ‘ ‘9 sary to secure the services of a man ‘ : D ( :     7, lr 85 ‘ ;
\ / .
& x \   who understood the details and man- * ' a' O a O•
° il K r` 7 agement of large manufacturing cor- Sporting G°0dS and Hardware
l porations, Mr. lngels was decided B. I d R _ _ d P
` upon; a Iine example of the demand lcyc cs an   I Eflnmqts an 0‘tcrs°
by the commercial world of well- Is I g ac e
, Advance Showing equlppcd engineers. Special Prices on Gymnasium Equipment, Eastman Kodaks
Mr. lngel's new position will place and S\Ippll€S. Toys
N S , H S I him well up among those people who 146-148 W, MA|N $T_ LEX|NG‘|’QN' Ky_
ew         must contribute towards the support .......-.....-...---.. ......... ......-......-.....•.
- of the country by paying an Income _ —
Dunlap and Stetson Newest Models for the coming ‘“" _ _ p
~-···—— V·S·¢ Th P Th t
scc them. Many new ideas in soft Hats and Dcrbics. l*¤·· tu