xt75736m356b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m356b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1979 1979 1979-03-28 2020 true xt75736m356b section xt75736m356b . Ker 21 University at Kentucky
' ut::;;vg,lciom .979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
.‘ z . I .
one til—I s - ~ Doctoral program may be killed
, .. “h *' future Of f0 ur 0th ers In q uestion
W i '_ ’ _R = . “a... H By RICHARD McDONALD and its related research; plgrced on probation.
3 ’ . . . Managing Editor How much student demand there be last of' these problems was
3 , . . . .' . and TERESA YOUNG Is for the program; cleared up in I976. he said. However.
_ RR, . - . , RR RRRRRR smrwn," The academic quality of the the CHE staff reviewed the programs
. . , .. . R §R . program: Whentheywerestillonprobation.And ‘
I ,. A .' ' - . N . . ’ UK will probably lose one of its fhe necessary resoursesavailable until last weekend. the CHE‘s . .
, ‘ - .TIE’:'.......: " .- We». doctoral programs this summer and to the college ollering the program; academic affairs committee was
SK several others are scheduled to be How compatible the program is unaware the programs had been
R e. . reviewed by the state Council of to the stated role of the college. removed from probation.accordingto
3 RR Higher Education. Two years ago. the council Ted Moreford of the CHE. That .
5R... K '-':;.R.:.R.R.RRR‘RRREjR_R.:f:;' Dr. Vincent Davis. director of the developed “mission statements“ for committee will make recommenda-
. , tRRRR Patterson School of Diplomacy. said the eight state universities that defined tions to the full council about which
. “we. 3 R R - yesterdaythe diplomacy doctorate will the schools‘ roles. UK was designated programs should remain on the
,, m """l in all likelihood die an official death as the “principal“institution ofhigher registry, .
‘ ~' " x. 'R R team this summer. when the CHE is education. with main responsibility Moreford. deputy executive CHE
Rf : R ' R -. R 'R..' .2 3 expected to remove the program from for graduate education. research and director for academic affairs. said the
R emote, '31 -~ \§ its official registry. The death will only service. University is expected to explain the
.RfR'ER-j-gR-R. “x3 . I? .R.3 R be official. however. because there . . . . . programs‘ status to the committee
. st. ““an if" R , . . V have been no students in the . She purpOse °l the role definition within the next month. He said the
. H _;..=I.:=;, diplomacy doctorate programin seven an RRerogran; reRvRiew.dBurgess said. '5 committee will make its new ‘
if“ setfi .. , . years. to e iminate :chate or unnecessary recommendations to the full council .
Where the .. Reg; as _R i (The C HE is the board responsible Emigrants an . Progr‘ims that may by the end of May.
{"5" - ’ , for the operation of the state‘s eight ave “qu stagnant. Burgess said it is hoped the full
boys were . public universities. Degree programs UK‘s diplomacy doctorate was an council will take final action on the
‘ .--.. t , ° IR‘RR 6: ‘ " ’ . must be on the CHE registryto receive example of an unnecessary program, doctorate programs by the middle of -
,t f -: ‘ . t ’s ' i public funding.) according to Davis. “The schoolought June. '.
_ Rob Belt. an accounting freshman RR sfiiwfit Vincent said there were seven or not be ol‘feringa PhD-level program. According to acopyrighted story in -'
R from Louisville. relaxes and drinks a R t c V) "i eight candidates for doctorates when the only one they should be offering is yesterday‘s Louisville Courier- 3' »
R' bit of Bull alongside the pool at ER xx ' he became director of the diplomacy the master’s degree program.“ he said. Journal. the CHE staff has ‘ .
Holiday Inn North in Fort iii “ i school in I971. and the prOgram was “Because our poeple are being recommended that five doctoral .
.1 Lauderdale. He “d some Of his “=3?” i I unofficially suspended when these trained to go out into business. programs at the University of .
" friends eventually ended “P in K9! _.r' x ‘ , " R 33 students finished their work. Vincent banking and government. they don‘t Louisville be eliminated.
.' West. Meanwhile. ‘1 sighting 0f ' 1 fl (E M if»; a called the CH E action “an need the PhD. It‘s not appropriate or All ofthe U oprrograms. chemical .
;. mermaid that many thought h‘d ’ l i v . '9 " . administration cleanup.“ necessary for them." he said. engineering. English. experimental
origins inthe Bluegrass was reported. Photos by 0“” Maynard ‘ Km“ 5"" In addition. the CHE will review the Davis explained that employers are psych o logy. interdisciplinary
status of “('5 doctoral programs in often reluctant to hire people with doctorates and physics. are offered at
French. geography. German and doctorate degrees becausethey believe UK. The Courier-Journal story
. . I I I 0 psychology. the people will be more interested in quoted the director ofthe CHE. Harry .
. 0 PEG ra lses OII prlces by 0 Joe Burgess. coordinator of public research and academics. The age of Snyder. as saying the programs
information for the council. said the people coming out of doctoral weren‘t compatible with U of L‘s
CHE review is part of a continuing programs may also be a disadvantage, mission statement or were unnecessary
‘ . - , , - . . - ._ 3 . effort to try to insure that the he added. because man em lo ers duplications of UK programs. _ .
By MARK POTTS M- ““50“ D-Vkash. chairman 0f additional “3'5 billion this )edr‘ programs offered by Kentucky‘s want younger employeesy p y U of L was designated as the state‘s :
AP Husmcss Writer the Senate Energy Committee. called analysts here say. . . . . _ , , . . _ .
, .. - t . . . . universities match thc needs and The problem With the other UK prinCIpal urban universny. wtth chief .
the Increase greed and a punitive OPEC PreSIdentSaeed AlOtaiba ol _ . . . . .. .
GENEVA. Switzerland , The doctrine” and said it is “bad news for the United Arab Emirates said the resources ofthe statt.RInthe future. he programs being reviewed French, responSIbIIIRty for servmg Jefferson .
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Western institutions" next OPFC meeting scheduled herein said. the councrl m” examine the geography. German and psychology County. h '5 the only state universny.
Countries raised crude oil prices by 9 State Department Spokesman June coiild decidc‘ on yet another master 5 and bachelor 5 degree 7 ‘5 .[ha‘ they were on internal beSIdes UK' that offers doctorate
. . i . . .. . . . ‘ programs at the State‘s colleges. probation at one time. The dean of programs. UK offers 46 doctorates. U
percent yesterday to $14.54 a barrel HoddInRg Carter called it untimely hike. . R R , R Burgess said there are five basic UK‘s graduate school. Dr. Wimberly 0, L offers l2. .
and “110““, members to tack on a:d unyuRthIIIRed and said It pOIntsRup » He said :13 LAE‘ Saudi Arabiaand criteria for the CHE's program Royster. said UK was dissatisfied with UK and U of L have until May 2 to ,-
“ll surc arges they think the market t e nee or strict conservation other Ala moderates opposed the reviews: the quality of the programs‘ faculty respond to the CHE staff
WI“ bear. measures. even stiffer increases proposed by » The state's need for the program several years a 0 when the were Recommendations
The increase. taking effect Sunday, Algeria. Venezuela and Libya some countries and would continue to ‘ ‘ ' g ' y '
should raise American retail gasoline immediately said their countries do so in the future. He said Ecuador ' -
, prices by about two cents a gallon and would add surcharges to the basic rate joined the fight to keep the increase Tenants rebel/Ion '
increase the American bill for foreign and oil ministers here predicted other low. -
oil by at least $4 billion over la5t year‘s members of the l3-nation cartel would Militant members such as Iraq. Iran _ . ‘
total of $43 billion. Surcharges could do likewise. and Libya lobbied hard for larger Californians work for rent control that may help students .
‘ push the bill higher. analysts say. The base increase alone is expected increases. Iran said it favored an i
In WASHlNGTON. Sen. Henry to enrich OPEC nations by an increase of 29 percent inthe base price. By PATRICE STEADMON tenant relations. as a general rule. , 7
’ C(‘RS Assistant Editor If pass-through guarantees were When California Gov. Jerry Brown
I ©(‘ollegiate Reporting Service included with other states‘ Prop. [3. set up a hot line for tenants to report -, R
StUdents pa Id to ta ke test California's taxpayer revolution has type measures. it could mean rent increases after Prop. l3 was . .
spawned a renters' rebellion which substantial savings for some ofthe 4.8 passed. l8.000 calls were received. '-
. could save the estimated 750.000 million college students spending over “I'm surprised there were so few,“ 1 ‘
‘ By KIM AUBREY assistanttothe dean ofundergraduate rated.“ students who live off campus there $4.7 billion on rental housing every CIeaveIand says. “They didn‘t have ':
StaffWrilcr studies. The test will also help in program nearly $76 million in rent this year. school year across the country. enough phone lines — many people .5 '
R . The test consists of a series of audio- evaluation. Dye said. The results will Because very little of the landlords‘ However. taxpayer and tenant who tried to couldn‘t get through.” ;'
. l! IS not often students get paid to visual tapes representing realistic have implications foradvising and for $1.2 billion in property tax savings groups contacted in four such states Cities such as Los Angeles. El 1: . . , .
take a test. situations. Participants will be asked improvement of instructing. ‘from Proposition I3 is reaching were either unconcerned about Monte and Beverly Hills have turned .
1 The Department of Undergraduate to respond to questions requiringthem Only I80 graduating students who tenants. over 20 California California‘s pass-through problem, or to rent freezes or rebates to control r;;_ V
. Studies.R however. will pay $20. f0r to make decisions. have spent the majority of their four communities are attempting to felt it did not apply to their states. rental CONS. In college towns like .1:
- graduating students ‘9 take a ‘umque “In short." Dye said. “the test years at UK will be eligible to take the implement some form of rent control CIeaveIand claims that while Berkeley and Davis. the general plan is ,2} .
ICSL' RThlS “381. dCSIgRHCd by the assesses the students‘ ability to apply test. The test will be given Saturday. to force a “pass through" of the campaigning for the passage of Prop. to give about 20 prcentofpropertytax .5; "
American College Testing program, what they've learned to realistic March 3|.beginning at 8:30 am. and money. says Bradley CIeaveIand, a l3. Howard Jarvis “ran around savings to landlords to coverinflation f .
f. Will evaluate ”16R ability 0f COlleSC situations outside the classroom.” ending sometime around noon. Those member of the California Housing making promises that tenants would and maintenance. and pass onthe rest 1‘5
students ‘0 cope "1 adult rolesR. . Students participating will also be students interested in taking the test Action and Information Network. benefit from Prop. l3. But thetruthis, to the renter. .
. .“- "This ‘65! trietho assess kinds 0f required to give a sample of their should contact Dye in 32l Patterson “Overall. tenants got nothing from voluntary rent roll backs are a farce." If the Berkeley and Davis systems 5,17.”
~' 'r, knowledge and Skills that the general ability to orally express themselves. Office Tower this week. the passage of Proposition l3." In fact. he says. rents have not only were implemented statewide and 80 '1: ,
' ‘ RSWdleS program attempts to develop “This is the unique part of the test." All individual results will be kept CIeaveIand says. His statewide group failed to decrease as a reflection of percent of the Sl.2 billion to be saved i .
' , "1 SlUdlcs necessary ‘0 function I" he said. “It is a rare opportunity for confidental. Only group data will be is keeping tabs on the property tax- IOWered tax levels in effect since by landlords was diStrlbUlCd ‘0 all g '
3‘1““ roles. sa'd Dr. Griffith Dye. students to havetheir oral expressions reported. cutting measure‘s effect on landlord- January. but have actually increased Continued on page 6 i ‘ f
. . Brown said he thought Kentuckians would vote for him investigators said they had requested information on wastes , RTheRiy destruction wRIRIsRRtsziccchilRadyf by "My winds before ‘. ,
, , because a poll be commissioned indicated that “80 percent of disposed ofrit the site by four paint companies and a recycler. If "la y W35 accomp B C Y Y- -
' . . . . . and that all but Kurfees Coating have been cooperative '
the people wanted a businessman instead of a polytrcran. . . . . . .
“For l87 ears we‘ve never had a businessman run what is Jack Wailson. deputy commisSIoner °l.”‘° departments ' '
' y - ' . Bureau for Envuonmental Protection. said he believed he POLICE OFFICERS MAY NOT STOPRMOTORISTS . R
' campus mg]??? bsmnessm Kenéucky state ogRRovernmeIRit. lwouldIRe would hear from Kurfees today. automobiles at random to check drivers‘ licenses and car . " '
. Eli's l‘ IRS: EchRRNRROr and 8ch a 8° accounting to peop e Wilson said he has received replies from Reliance Universal registration. the Supreme Court ruled yesterday. . R- R .
. THE COLLEGE 0}: BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS a over e sta e. e SBI . lnc.. Louisville Varnish Co. and George Whitesides.and that The justices said random thaops ofRnyotpRiR'IststhrRyRRaurReRonRgi . R
i ' ' an wwoae e onsi -.-
‘ ‘ . will be hosting its first Career Day today on the first floor of FORMER GOV. LOUIS NUNN. FILING YESTERDAY 3:2?“ "m“ Fm“ Mm” C°' '5 "Pm““y °“ "5 w” "°"‘ :sofigfgn :102'3‘nfi2‘5mh. semi, and “rum. -
' the Commerce building. AS A REPUBLICAN candidate for governor, indicated he is ' The 8-l decision struck down ‘ Delaware lawthat had given .
Representatives from business. industry. government and counting on the support or “thousands upon thousands” 0f individual police officers broad discretioninchoosingcars for . .~ .
' I ‘ the UK Graduate School will be available to discuss career dissatisfied Democrats. . . nation the routine checks. Many states allow similar police practices. ' _ ‘
. opportunites with students from 9.3042 and 1.30;; pm. "Manthave indicated to me that iftheir man doesn‘t lead which will now have ,0 be chmgfit R . ,
- . Students in all majors are invited to talk with the "‘C W“ m the May 22 primary. ”WY“ be ll?“ ”‘3“ happy,” The majority opinion stressed. however, that the ruling a . ' '
"prawn...” Nunn said. THE ARMY new UP 26 LANDMRINES BELIEVED do" no, b" Dem." m, “he, mm ,mm “develop.“ . R R
R .. The sentiment of so many Democrats. who outregister T0 CONTAIN liquid nerve agent on an isolated part ofthe hod ,0” at check: that involve less intrusion or that do . .
- Republicans more than 2 to l in Kentucky. is what prompted Dugway Proving Ground. Utah, desert testing post yesterday metR s p . . , - - .. »
' ' ' .. - not Involve unconstrained exercrse o discretion. , R
. State him to become a candidate. he said. R and the base commander declared: There was no widespread R .R
R t ' , The former governor kept his remarks low key and tried to contamination. .
L . _ ~ . - stay away from most Democratic internal matters. Gov. Scott Matheson. who expressed anger on learning of ' ~' ‘ ,
, . ~ JOHN Y. BROWN JR., WHO BUILT KENTUCKY the plans last week.saidthroughaspokesmanthat hewasglad WGIthOf '. ' ‘R -'
R FRIED CHICKEN into an empire and is now part-owner of RING the dutrrcsion of the canisters went without incident k and 1 3 ' R
‘ » ‘ F the Boston Celtics. said esterda he is enterin the crowded THE ATTORNEY PRESIDING OVER A HEA on he was g a it was over. . .
- field of Democrats seekiiig the g)iibernatoria| :omination. the so—called ”valley of the drums” yesterday rapped the The operation involved destroying mines found in January MOSTLY CLOUDY AND WARM“! TODAY w'lh ' ' j R .
- . ‘ Brown made the announcement at a news conference. knuckles of a Louisville paint company. ordering that it be by an Army patrol. The mines. which had evidently been ch!“cc 0f showers and thundershonera 50‘9““! "‘0“ R .
, . 3 where he was accompanied by his new wife, Phillis George. a subpoenaed to testify. discarded and forgotten during I period of open-air testing in “mm“ will!“ "‘4 I°m°"°‘”g "'3“ “’d'y '“ 'Mg'opl’" ‘ R.
' ' former Miss America. Hearing officer John Leathers issued the order after state I963. were now deteriorating. 50* L0“ “mill“ “PP" 40' and hi!“ “mom" near - . . , . .
l .
l a -
.. M'W‘"-*~’ 'J' R. . ..._,.( W»,..H_ . .....u”M.,.v,,~fiw_‘mgm‘mm?SRRM‘WRRRRRWRMRRWQRRWAg, ,._ uu- ... .. . .. ‘y' N W“... “R . *Wsmmwm .
- x ._ ~ . r .' ' R \ a .

 . ' . . ’
I igl‘. “ . .. . . . ._. ,... - 4- m..4.. ..-.- -'-~- .n. a... .. t su. . , .. .. ,_. ' ‘
a: ' ‘ ' ‘
. Steve Ilalllnler lisa "(ward Tluunas (‘lark Wu", 1",“, Jamie “an“ 1.0m Moran
‘ Itlttut tn ( htt'l lilttnmtl Itltlut 1::bzm:lhnm h“ him”. \I""'\ lift/u! “mu“, “I [thumwupm
. Sieve Massey
. ‘ Richard McDonald Gnu Holds Ruth Mattingly (‘ary Willis John ('Iay Linda (‘Impbell
. llattuutttu lilttiu Jeanne Wehnes l‘} JOI'IIy 'I‘Ile ‘l\\l.\l(ll" MI I.tllll‘l' Brian Hlelerd I'Imtu lltttittut't
. E in 0 IS & C I "\uulllll‘ Itltlim ('u/Ii Iftltluri “mm", 3pm,. [mum
Unless someone suddenly invents a device that between the countries broke down again and again W
' can make nuclear weapons vanish. it seems clear after the initial breakthrough made by Carter last
that Messieurs Carter. Sadat and Begin should be year. Only a few weeks ago. peace still seemed ‘
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. hopelessly far away. .,.
The completion of the peace treaty between Israel Th“ 5 too soon to “Elma” vzhat‘thiotutcitne wnll bte. i
and Egypt-is a monumental event in diplomacy. a ”6.8:: man-y pro emsa :u wha F" appfenho
act that ends 30 vears of war between the two occupie. territories an w at t e. uture 0 l e .1.
P .
. Palestinians Wlll be. and Arab countries who oppose it
nations. . . . .
the treaty Will do everything they can to make it fail. ' 1
Agreement onthe complex but essentialelements But for now. the treaty between Israel and Egypt 1 / ‘
of the treaty did not come easily. Negotiations stands as a magnifiicent achievement. / \ ‘0
/'/ ~.\ w
I \\ ‘1' 0- ‘
\ .1
I I \' \ \ l .\\
/ l .
I I I l l /
One part of the world that can do Without a peace VICIOTY ‘ .
treaty — at least forafew more days - is war-torn No matter what kind of government assumes /l h ‘ y '
Uganda. The situation there isthe most serious one control next. it almost certainly Will be an n \ “s‘
yet for the buffoonish ldi Amin, and it finally looks improvement. Headlines about Uganda since Amin / A _ \ _ , - / o
as though he will not stay in power much longer. took power have continuouslytold ofmass slayings. " , 1' X ’ A ' "we
The news from the central African nation is that gross abridgement of civil rights and outrageous ‘ — - 4- ‘ ’ 9o
Amin is making a last stand. cut off fromthe capital acts against common decency. ‘ __ Z
' of Kampala. Although Libya has attempted to Amin will not bemissed. but its unfortunatethat qwfi' "W "
reinforce the man whom magazines graciously call a military intervention from Tanzania was necessary l’
“mercurial dictator." the Tanzanian invaders and to oust him. However. military action continues to
rebellious national troops seems poised for final be the most effective policy in Africa.
_‘__~__.__~_ '1
1/ /'k d r ' ’ 17/7
I 6 Kentucky 40506. For submissions .»
ya u Inp ut l l l l Letters being mailed on campus. please our 1
' Speed Sort number. NHL |
p0 Icy The following requirements are l
Lan ua e toda reflects the com uter a e .
: i The Kentucky Kernel welcomes Should be 250 words or less and
The. state of the language depresses man scarcely ever considers a whole companies raise rates to recover lost suggests that you have control overthe and encourages contributions from ‘vmempam‘ular"“‘“‘,’S'P"'hlem“,"' ‘
En Iish f t ‘ d b b ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . events relevantmthe LKt'tmtmunttvv. l
g pro essors mos every ay. ut pro lem. Different dismplincs must revenues. Impacts occur every time a reactive process because you initiated the UK communltylorPUbllcaUO“ 0" a, ,mart-i regarding the operation 0/ l
' some days are worse than others. It's always be brought to bear upon the new ingredient splashes in. The the action producing the feedback (it the edllorla' and Opinion P38“ this Marshal,” l
hard to maintain a sunny outlook object under scrutiny. A radiologist rutabaga hits the center and the broth all began with your input). Butthere is WWW °Pinl°nS and ”mm” i
when hearing a teachecdcscribe his handles the X-rays. an internist the spills over the side. no place inthe concept forthe student “m“ “‘“5‘ be ‘yped and ”lple‘ Opinions: l
course: Im a complete interface. A ulcers. and a cardiologist the heart. Feedback is beautiful in its who simply goes beserk when asked SPaCCd‘ and "mum: the wmer‘s 5’" did be 800 WW“ I" I?”- G"? l
friend deals successfully with the With luck they'll interface. remember complexity. Feedback is the “return of about the class. your need for feedback s'gna'me'add’essand ph°ne "limb" and explain 0 Position Pertaining to
public because she “never gets any that it‘s all one body. and' keep it aportion of the output of any process only one of many crises which UK“mien“Shou'q‘“°'l‘d“he”year 10PM] 135“” 0/ ("19’9“ '0 (be H"
negative feedback." No one can feel breathing. butthe process still leadsto or system to the input,especially when overloaded his system. The student and map,“ and llmversnycmployees """""’“"l"" .
, iipeiiog.misusagsenmlrclisgthe brain _ — used to maintain the output Within forgets to provide feedback because 21:12:" “5‘ the” departmem and C mentar'es ‘ "2
ie uzuaroun atee one ole.l ' ' " “ ' ' ' I i a l: l “I
k . . _ p p 4 Office tower blues predetermined limits. In short. a dog he s struggling W.“ the. mental health Letters. opinions and commentar- Should be 800 words or less, unless
3“: e In mid sentgnce 135! week. “ b b ’1 h . Chastng its tail. process. a confusmg interraction 0f ies may be delivered personally to the previous agreement reached with the .
co sweat on in row, t ct ' ' ' ' '
the edge of a dirk Chasne't tilting: y ['0 e emenway Feedbackis used mos‘ commonlyas Chemistry. phystcs. genetics and Kernel newsroom. ll4 Journalism Editorial Edi/0r. These pieces are u
im act was about t b . b .___________._ a Synonym for reply or reaction. A mommg regularity. Building. Some form of identification reserved for those writers Who the I ~_
.. f d t - F? "ejco‘rjnea ver anx'e‘.‘l' What 1f. "9 one pays “30“" wants feedback 10 herteachmg Language enhances. language is rcquircd.Contributions mayalsobe editors feel have spe’flal credentials. ' f
I so on s impact lOI'I a uring the attention to the podiatrist? —- how is the class going? This column corrupts. The price we pay for some mailed to Editorial Editor. Kentucky. experience. training or other ;
' 5Pnn8 'l- How Shoaldaself-reSpectlng interface becomes necessary has produced some feedback, words may be too high, since they Kernel. "4 Journalism Building. _qualt_‘/it'att'tms I() address aparttt'ular 3
lover of the language respond toflthe because a generalist is always suspect including an anonymous letter simplify the disorderliness that makes unl'mm 0' Kentucky. Lexington. s“”"’"’~ 1.
compliment. I liked your input . 7— his information may not be expert accusing me of cultural fascism for us human. Why not join the ;"
Input is afavorite. Computer Jargon enough. Never mind the Big Picture. advocation removal of the TV. sets revolution? Refuse to feedback or 1}
for twhat is phrogramm'e‘d 1310 an wpat aboutthe porson oak inthe lower from the Student Center. interface. Develop ideas rather than
c ec ronic mac me. it as ecome le t hand corner nearthe spark plugs Feedback is m ' I I "
' _ . . . eta horicall mess . inputs. Let impacts come from . , . . .
synonymous Will‘l idea. But ideas are next to the metaphysics? It implies organic re‘lationshiyps {003:1 automobiles crashing together. Letters to the Ed'l‘" letters '“ ““990" ofaeandidate '" ..
scruffy. open-ended. hard to groom. Interface implies what we all know. entering a body but apparently not concerning the Student the elections, must be received In
“in? mean lelec‘téi; hair. Einstein that problems don‘t separate into new food. Ye not old food either. since Robert Hemenway is an English government elections next the Kernel office by FM." ’
payingha V110 in. . en ideas become components parts very easdy. that the one can not anticipate what feedback professor. His column appears every cdnesday and Thursday, or March 30' '
inputlst cy onasuitandtiez‘wctthei‘r‘ diViSions of our lives (work. family. will be. Subtly totalitarian, feedback other Wednesday.
cow ick. become part of a system. recreation, the price of a hamburger) i
Inputs come from “team players.“ bang into each other. form common ' 'I A
. ideas from mavericks and boundaries. work together for the I I I I I I I
malcontents. The ambassador to the mutual good. Our problems come to a a yn u rray 8 Ir IS no 6 en 6
United Nations. Andrew Young. has look like hockey player‘s faces. a I
ideas. but no input. If a corporation jigsaw puzzle of stitches and scams ~ I ' ' -
””5 -‘”‘ "‘“d "m” “e ‘5 Wt U81: 3 SU orter Of C nstitutional l'l htS
distingUished from the “can-do guys" When collisions do occur we call 0
who really run the place. many of them impacts. The energy crisis is a . .
whom are “systems analysts.“ Inputs Mulligan stew which gets a different In reference to MarCia Ramsey‘s mention of a “God" of any sort September. intheyearof our Lord one holdings are totally tax free. Many
can be “programmed."idcas vegetable every day. If we conserve letter. of March l6 (“Demented (Christian or otherwise) except in ther thousand seven hundred and eighty- churches own profit-making
embarraass by their inefficiency. gasoline by closing stations on 0H3") - Im sorry that MS- followmg passage: seven...“ businesses that are tax free. If the
[muffle fascinates because it is a weekends it “impacts“ on the tourist Ramsey wrote such an uninformed ' . churches were taxed it would reduce
natural by-product of the age of industry, The hot dog vendors at letter. . “..._done in Convention. by the The motto “in God we Trust." the ——-———-——————
specialization. Experience has become Disneyland jointhe unemployed. lfwe The United States Constitution. on unanimous consent of the States “under God" of the Pledge of , l
‘ so compartmentalized that modern use too little natural 835. the utility which our country is based. makes no present. the seventeenth day of Allegiance and the “GOd‘. in the . OPINION
Declaration of Independence have
nothing to do with the true foundation ______.__..—
of our country and its laws. Many the tax load on less “priviledgcd”
‘I ‘ 3411* m Constitutional principles coincide citizens and businesses.
' H ‘ with Christian values. but I do not Also. Mrs. O‘Hair wants to see a
0‘ . 50W think that Jefferson had Christianity separation between religion and public
- o e a . .
4 . in mind when he and others wrote the schools. She was the one who took a
f =_ a Constitution. For example. there is court case all the way tothc Supreme
”b- 0 nothing about adultery in the Court and got prayer banned in the
lg. ' Constitution. The United States is public schools. This is right because '
. ‘ I, hardlyacountry withafoundation“of not everyone in public schools is
. . ‘1 ‘r - Christian princi les and trust in God.“ Christian. and it is wron to force a
. 1; g i Secondly. our right to freedom of religion on anyone (again. another
. > y. 5‘ ' g.) '( speech (which Marcia Ramsey would Constitutional principlci‘. .
‘ = 7' , obvrously like to see abridged) was It seems to me that Mama Ramsey
« . ' l . ’q , given to us by the Constitution. and many other Christians are
4/, I . .
. ‘ . ‘J l > I Furthermore. the Russmns would not extremely touchy aboutthcir hallowed
. . . ' l/r, ' u, ' ls want Madalyn O‘Hair as she is for all religion. If they are so sure that
' . " ‘ ‘Aall lit. the freedoms in the Constitution. In Christianity is so great. true. etc.. then
' ' ,l 2' w fact. Mrs. O‘Hair is simply fighting for why do they worrythat people‘s minds
' '1 \ ’2 another Constitutional principle —. willbe“muddlcd“ by one“demented" ,
' ' . ~ ‘ g. f l ’ separation of church and state. atheist? I
‘ . 9‘ 5 ‘ At the moment.churchesarc getting
. .g f ‘, .i /' a good deal from the government 7- Carolyn Cutler la a Music
:‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ _ - V.‘/ 4 they and their extensive property Education sophomore
9' 3“ ml
-. .. .a
,:fé.-i,.g. 3
fig... f 's‘ " u." . 1“"? ? ',"~':?“"“”';‘ .. .5 " ‘3'" WW1“ " ,-~ a ‘-4 .‘,<~.'~'“”'-““_M"' ‘.‘ " ............ ,-..--..-...... -~ _. ~«-W,h.a ~ -_. r -- -~ ~ ,. . .-- ..
r.- . - Mt. w '« 4’... {fa-p.31 [In-‘3“: ; ' ' .. ' " ; ,. 2" .; :u‘ 4f “M" m“ "‘“"‘**—-~“' * " '"
”tiff“. "if. ‘ H; 2;”: ”‘2' ';' '3': I" ."" “fr... :f' ;:.- .‘ ’l. .o '. ' L . .. ' I . ‘ .,' . 'I ..,' l 31‘ :1“
a. .. ~ - . . ., . « ~ ass'r co Y ILAB
is; .1365 ”112.? 7': 9-3.. ester; 7 'r...c§*_f.‘s.. ‘~ ' , . ' “ > ' ‘ .

 a .
i . TH}. KIINTI ( I“ Kl'lRNI'.I.. Wednesday. Much 2!. IMO—J
B w ’ uncement clouds picture
ID n S anno o
.. , - , ., . _ 3 . . lor (‘aroll has made it clear he “0" candidates \Ut‘h ‘d\
AP Ihe other candidatesappearslront McBrayer and lormer ‘ ‘
Egalifloghliflrovinh. into runner at the moment, Loumille mayor Harvey does not think Brown should (ongressman (“mm _”“h' | ‘
the already crowded Demo- Mrs. Stovall is a labor- VH7 nal Sis ”mam”H“’“"d'dth"w""'d bard‘ “a”: Aumm.’ (icing «kg
cratic contest for governor backed contender Whose _ ___a ____y -~ _.,. beddcmw drum” A‘k'n“,and Ralph ”WM“
muddies the political waters followers in general might find Sloane might suffer somewhat ll MCBmymanbccullcdlht‘ "' ‘h" 5“"3” WWW”
further. themselves estranged from or from any vote drain by Brown. approved ifdmml‘lr'dllon Yt'l- underlying ”W I“ PM“ a
The immediate question. uncomfortable with thejet set McHrayer has been candidate. Sloane could be taken solar isthelargenumher -
aside from his chances at this image of Brown. who becamea associated with the state categorized as the non- ol undeCIded voters lnthe end.
late date. is from which millionaire helping build the administration of (iov. Julian adm'"'5”a“fm “"0 m0“ 'l '5 ‘0 1h" “”300 “INC“
1 candidates he can be expected Kentucky Fried Chicken Carroll and Brown in a non- palatable l" (arroll. Brown must “If" , 3—--— ~-»—~ ———*——
to draw votes. empire. political way has been friendly Kentuckians inclined toward A nd Ihow w ill these “(a 0‘ WIDE OPEN...NOWI
Oflhand, the least likely It can speculated. though it with Carroll tothe extent of either McBrayer or Sloane uncommitted voters view a V0?) Mon. 3. Tue. - WAITE 9-1
source for such a windfall will be denied by the inviting the governor to his seemingly would haveagreater WCéllh)’ bu5lnt'55man “'thl ‘P Wed. - Hump nght Bumper Pool
seems to be Lt. Gov. Thelma candidates. that former state recent New York wedding. tolerancclor Brownthantliosc Pollllcal scar}. bUl alsomlhoul and Foosball Tourneys
Stovall. who in several polls by commerce commissionerTerry The key is “non-political.“ backing the anti-administra- rct‘cnl tools In lhls \l‘dlcdcsnllc Thur. Fri. & Sat. - TINHORN EXPRESS
his Lettington background" Corner ot Woodland & Euclid ‘
Will Brown’s political
I I . . inexperience cause him to II . ”
stumble disastrously. or will it Th w d g F t ,
Palestinian issue still a sore spot e an em 00
new face'.’
. _ . . . Wl” “PM" "my "W a literary magazine sponsored
Compiled from Associated flatlythat “sovereignty in Arab Letters of agreement made WI“ mm 3300 mllllon over some major candidates to _
Press reports Jeru§a|em should return tothe public by Defense Secretary three years. reassesstheiroutlook and prod by the Engllsh Department
Arabs.“ Harold Brown show the Begin arranged to depart for the formation (,1 new alliances“?
J The leaders of Israel and “We want to solve in a package includes “€515”th New Yorkinlhelateafternoon, The reaction of Brown‘s ' ° - -
2' Egypt took different stands humane waythe problem ofthc delivery of F-l6 f