xt75736m361z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m361z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1984 1984 1984-01-25 2020 true xt75736m361z section xt75736m361z  



Vol. LXXXVI, No. 99 Established W4 University of Kentuckyi Lexington. Kentucky Independent Since l97l



Lobbying primary concern of SGA officials

Senior Staff Writer

The Student Government Associa»
tion will get the chance to take
many of its plans off hold this se-
mester when it focuses on lobbying
in the General Assembly. President
David Bradford said

Tim Freudenberg. SGA vice presr
detit. said the lobbying is “low
key.“ its results unable to be mea»
sured concretely He has already
spetit about five days in Frankfort
with legislators. and plans to meet
\\'llh the attorney general and the
lieutenant governor this week

"We‘re working with James 1)
King. vice preSident for admitiistia
tion'sr office in formulating a strater
gy that goes side by side with the

Those seeking
must reapply

By I‘R \\ STE“ “(1'

Feb .t is the last day tor students
to submit requests for .studeiit health
tee retunds

Requests tor a retund or exemp
tion of the ”2:3 tee ttiust be turned iti
by 4 tin p iii to the Dean of students
ottiie .lack Hall vice chancellor of
the [K Medical t'enter said the tee
is mandatory but tor those who have
'comparable coverage.‘ a request
tor t‘\t'IIlpll()ll and a retund is possi

students who received a rettitid
last semester must reapply to re
ceive the exemption this semester
’\\e have to get a statement each
time verityzng their coverage ‘ Hall
said 'It they have the same co\er
age they will most likely be ap

"It s a tiiiich simpler process the
second time around for us the coin
iiiittw Hall said "The commit
tee s work shotild go faster '

:\t't"lt‘(llllg to Jean ('ox
trator ot the Health N‘I‘Ht't‘,
time necessary to process the
quests depends on how much re
search the committee must do on
each request The more complete
the application the faster it is proc

The committee tor reviewing re
quests is tomprised of Hall Joseph
Hurch deati ot students ('harles
Emerson. risk management. and
two students. Kevin Hendrickson a
health administration senior. and
i'heryl Hardcastle a political sci
ence senior

"The committee will consider the
requests iii light ot regulations set
forth by the Board ot Trustees.
Hall said The decision to grant or
refuse a request is primarily depen
dent upon whether the students ”1'
surance offers "comparable cover»
age "

"Each individual has to evaluate
their coverage and what it provides
tor lIl outpatient care." Hall said
"Most insurance companies don't
cover out-patient care "

Last semester llti requests tor re
funds were received atid no refunds
were approved The committee dis
approved 298 requests and two re
quests w ere pending

Hall said he expected less re-
quests to be submitted this semester
but he would not know the number
of requests until the last day to sub-
out "People who tnade requests
last year and were rejected last
year w'on't apply he said

Students wishing to apply for a re
tund must complete an application.
which can be picked up at the Dean
of Students ()ffice. 313 Patterson
Tower. the Health Service. Medical
(enter Annex «1. or the Student Itii
ling Service. 257 Student (‘enter




The round bah will be bouncing again
tonight when the struggling Lady Kats
take on the Tatum Lady Vols in a
regional rivalry. For more see
SPORTS. page 3.

Could I984. Van ann's new Ilbum-
.silnal a comback year for the bond?
To find out more no FANFAIE. me









l'niversity‘s strategy. ' Freudenberg

The amount of funds designated
tor higher educitioii is something
that Bradford and Freudenberg are
concerned with although they will
not know what the state's budget
will pro\ide until next week Brade
tord said he is hopeful that they will



Sill photography


Dwayne Brown. architecture freshman. captures itiiactn tit
He was “(diving on an an photography class assigniiicni \cstttttay

be able to play a key role in any de

In other prUJH'ls this semester
Bradford and Freudentwrg will be
trying to promote the formation of a
campus pub

Bradford said he is currently in
the process of contacting legislators
attorneys, other student govern
ments iii the area and otticials on
the Alcoholic Beverage t‘onimissioti
trying to gain support across the

“We‘ve been talking with attor
tieys our attorney and other attoi
neys . about what‘s the best way to
approach this as far as legislation is
concerned.' Ii‘reudenberg said

“I think we're getting a good idea
as to what we have to do but it s


“I ‘3“ M 'W W

going to take awhile he said It
doesn't matter it it's our priority
its certainly not the priority lIl
Frankfort right now ‘

SMA is deliberating carefully
about any possible actions because
such a pub has never been oti cam
pus before Hradtord said This is
the kind ot thin}.t where it you cant
do it this time you want get
started it} the right direction so that
eventually the student government
latido this


Hradtord atid Freudenberg said
s(;.\ will also be examining issues iti
'he l'niversity Senate such as a late
'eathcr rule which would detail the
amount of time a ilass is required to
.kai' ttit‘ a teacher

l'retidetiberg said they also will be


fi-'"*. A

ii. ‘11,. ”(3,.
It ,~ +Lm§iwmyeeamfm°®k

pass“ st“


En garde

‘ {-

H1lRl\t RI \H'l l N -

. a window in I’ctigc Hall



concerned nth winpihng 'eai-t.et
evaluations e\.atti.ning the ililiiii".
ot acadetti.. aduis iii; and .voikmg
with the coir.:i.:'tei or. i‘ut’li‘llnt .-\

many or the nest slu'lt‘L's i

still ." lt‘v‘n 'l..i'
'tie t‘i‘
Ltzoti are not ‘iware of ’tie opportiiti.
'tiett. a‘ lh. Hr

interested ..'. .te":i.,_i

'ies d\ifiliil;lt‘ 'o
saitl he s
quality students to ( titre 'o ’ti.s I :i.
:ct‘sity and 'tiet. net-pug 't.e.tt
.xfitl IIlilKiI.L’ ‘lllt' ‘Ttii' 'lm,
plans to

tiotiotiit‘y tell
in: a tree 'a\ 1
full l.IIit‘~'iilli'.' 's
He and r"

slit‘t'fl ti ti.;‘ fitdt‘i' hi3 It


advertising and establishment of an
or! .t. e Hi the Student Center

\nother area they will be working
.y.'ti this semester i-"reudenberg
said is attracting interesting speak-
ers There is about 32.000 iet’ in the
speaker s bureau budget

l'reuderiberg said Karet. Silk
wood s attorney Daniel Sheehat. is
sitieduled address law students
.iooiit the iegai aspects of .siikwood s.
iase He also said he hopes to have
Huddlestori and l.’ Gov
sti-v e Heshear address the nenate


set; i;

s the wrath? .r u fr'eepu't

pa" 4..

,v‘ 'r-gi,

“New! ridtr‘nzs

Ire in":
'r'c student go.ern"ient s

luring 'Fe fa

'IV (4"

an. ,‘irj/ ,


New activist group
discusses arms race,


Hy hltl‘lftl'lll lf Ill ‘\l it

\‘.;I‘ 'i‘. r '~ I

. red-.9
,H'eilfiilis .iet»
il‘ l t
.i!' l tee/et ati.‘ :
Rhonda l’....,


Ll m,





it v» , v


t )

.m L..ss,tit
'lie '1 it ‘t ii
“' In.v IN‘L'n‘
t‘i'it'l Ilit‘ttfiv‘f
{Mills I'l‘L'ii.” .‘
ft‘ietth! s tifwl. '.'

't‘ii ‘. fit '1._

':.tot';nvr.iti~. y.-

1e at:

"I L’.I..i.

\titflt‘ gfhiil‘ t',
l.ii' 'i.’ ‘

'lii' at

tilltx‘iitwit ‘tav .
that; or. i'ttii‘.i'.i." _. eapons
the deplwyttir i.‘ o:
:t. Europe 'tie .i".’..de i.
Iriion I't‘L‘AI": Li; puss we
and the no e .; '2.
The group iiei ,tli'
additions 'e 'iie

\\i.t'\ LN 45"":

Lily it‘iii »‘»iil‘."it at .



of public

“It should be made
clear. the/reeze is (he
first step.

Reduction can ’1 result
it .r't/iout t/teI/‘reeze
llHl. ”

Bets y .Veale
Spokesperson for
Bluegrass Nuclear
Freeze Campaign


*rrv'i' .z'.'l) tritirr is

KJIIWK.’ ill.

"w \i.ltll'f"i\

l‘e statement the group eventuai
settled or. however caned tor a

.'"“.'t‘ and the eyetitua. elimination
..l\ t'aT'A eapnl’ts. Blatrsdid

. srio-aid be made clear the
‘rie Li'st step \eaie said
caitt result without the

tier/i .s

l’ti‘tlie ‘.ti'
it'eexe :.r‘s‘

tn a:‘ phase of the meeting had
',t 4: map treak oil into committees
'tiake group members
educated and their views
"utt‘t‘ ‘ylslliit‘fivlht‘publlt

ies gned

r”. ‘t‘I

'il'llllp members placed a great
vfeii.‘ «it 'tnportance oti public educa»
xiii, ..'.‘ which they will attempt to
:iani- the Bluegrass better .ntorn.ed
«if. ' atlt‘iil‘ikal‘

'v\e tnus' do all we can to prevent
kir‘tier growth in numbers of nacie
Blair said

tit itI‘IIn


the group is open to students and
'he public alike Vleekly meetings
are announced in the Kernel clasSi
tied ads

After 20years, fencing club Still strives/or varsity status and offers course to raise Student interest

By P.\l'l. S. S“ l\'I‘t)SKY
Staff Writer

Students are learning to fence —
not stolen goods. but the finer pomts
of swordplay

Through the L'K Fencing Club and
a course offered by the department
of health. physical education and
recreation. the sport has been kept
alive at the t'niversity

"It tfencing used to be a varsity
sport many. many years ago“ at
l'K. said Abdelmonem Rizk. who is
teaching the fencing class Now only
the club extsts. he said

"We don‘t have any competition
with other schools now." he said.

Rizk said he tried to reestablish
varsity status for fencmg for several
years after he came to UK in 1964,
but became discouraged when he
did not receive much help with his

In order to attain varsity status
now. Rizk said the Athletics Associa-
tion and Athletics Director. Cliff
Hagan. would have to make a deci-
sion about the merits of granting the
fencing team varsity status.

“Our team was always fine." Rizk
said. “We always had good fencing.
and we stilldo "

The course "Introductory Fenc-
ing" - or HPR 110 — is being
taught by Rizk from 2 to 3 pm.
Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Sea-
ton Center this semester.

The fencing club has moved re-
cently from the Seaton Center to
Alumni Gym because of space prob
lems. according to Steve Scheff. the

faculty adviser for the club He said
weightlifting gear pushed out the
fenctng club

"New equipment was put in there
and we were moved for ”MS semes
ter." Scheff said The move has de
creased the number of people who
attend the weekly club practices
held at 7.31) pm Thursdays. he

When the club met in the Seaton
Center. the location was central to
the many dormitory residents who
were within easy walking distance
of the practices. Scheff said But
when the fencmg club had to move
across campus. attendance of the
practices declined. he said

“We‘re trying to keep fencmg
alive here tat L'Ki." Scheff said "it
wouldbeashame to loseit “

Scheff. an aSSistant professor iti
anatomy. said he would like to en-
courage all who are interested in
fencing to come to the practices
Membership fees in the club should
not be a discouraging factor. he
said. because. “It's free "

Scheff is also secretary-treasurer
for the Lexington Fenccrs. a city
club which also offers a fencing

“Until this year. we haven't had
much equipment to lend to anyone."
Scheff said. “I proposed a motion to
supply the UK club with equipment.

Scheff said he feels he has more
than enough equipment to handle
any prospective fencers who show
up at practice in the weeks ahead

“We try to get the people who take

the fencing couise taught by Hi/k
but they seem o disappear into the
woodwork. Scheff said ‘I dont
know what happens to them

.\Iark Hormati. a 1376 [‘K grad
uate. took the L'niversity tencihg
course and regularly attends club
practices He said he felt that varsi
ty' status would do a great deal to
raise interest iii fencing

"You re not going to get a full-
fledged following unless it is a \RI‘SI'
ty sport." Horman said “liwryone
wants a letter Jacket with the big ‘K'
on it ”

Scheff said he also would "love to
see it tfencingi get back that sta
tus "

He stressed. however. that many
people who take the course. with
only pure interest in fencing. ”do
not realize we can get them ready
for competition. from 6 to to times a
year "

"It‘s an opportunity to see how
others fence and to make new
friends." he said

Bob Hensley. a veterinarian in
Lextngton. is the L'K fencing club
sponsor. Scheff said

"He‘s been promoting fencing in
Lextngton for a long time He tea-
ches all fencmg classes available iii
Lexmgton bestdes the L’K class We
have a club historian." Scheff said.
and in the scrapbook he keeps
“newspaper clippings of him
iHensleyi promoting fencing as far
back as 1956."

Hensley said he first teamed to
fence during his high school days in
Milwaukee. Wis


"We had and
atid no regular toat t he
Later Hensley did rec *iye «oat-hing
at the local Y,\It'.\ Front 'here he
tenced on the vaisrty 'eaii. at the
L’niversity of \\'.sconsin

"Fencing is still a proiiatient sport
in the Big to conference ‘ he said

When he arrived iii Kentucky dur
ing the 1950s. he said the popularity
of tencing was dei lining

\IIIIll' Illli\

‘It was in the death throes at the
time he said It s beer. tough
sledding getting enough publicity

”It is a sport that appeals to a
small segment of the population.
Hensley said "\ on have to be a cer
tain kind of person to get a kick out
of it “

He said he would like to see varsi
'y tencing reestablished at [K He
said however that there would
have to be a grass roots movement
ot student support before that can

Another I'K club member Laura
tirady had warm memories to
share recalling her fencmg career
at Seneca High School in Louisville
Her club, after fighting with the
school administration all year for
varsity status her senior year were
granted letters on the last day of
school but witha string attached

Me had to pay for them."

Horman summed up the fencmg
mentality in a Single sentence “All
these fencers are lost romantics "


J TIM HAVE ’Kcmcl Grnphin


 2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wednesday, January 26, 10M




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\ oil ""0 t-oi'diully iinited to attend
the opening reception of
lllt' Student Ilrgnnilutions (Ienter

“ediiesdin N 'I‘hursdu)
,Iniiunry- " )th. 20th. 1981 $357
11;oo \\1-:t;t1(11’\1
ltth Student (.enter

Refreshments mid l‘llllt'rltlllllllt‘lll will be prtnided.










The demonic in history is discussed
during Donovan Scholars’ seminar

l‘l\ Kitis'ioi’iiiiliitl'ssizu. t” " '
Staff \\ riter

Betore 1le Donovan Scholars. as-
sociate professor [)onald Nugent dis
cussed his hook and Views on the
role ot the llt‘llltmlt' in man‘s history
testerda) afternoon in the Student
I enter

\‘iiei-nt It‘.tl'll('.\ history the Re‘
nillssaiict- and ttetorinatlon, and re-
ligions studies, and is the author of

”risks or Satan l‘he Demonic in
stt Viiet-nt's hook has been
.I\itllttl‘lt‘ in England but it VIiII soon
twioiotiswl iii the I‘nited States

\iigt-iit said he has been inter-
i-s'tod iii the llt‘motllt‘ since 1970 His
interests in the Renaissance and
Itetoi'niation period led him into the
stud} ot the llt‘llltllllt' “My specialis
{.iIltlli is in the pt’l‘ltXl ot the Renais~
\llltt' \llllt‘ll \MIS ii golden period re’
garding the demonic] he said

l’ossihi) looooo people lost their
ll\t‘> totht--.litt-tit-rii1e "



has roligioib origins. Nugent said
\ristotlo said ',\Ian is a rational
animal and ”it“ t-orolar) to that is
\Iitll ls .i religious animal,‘ " .\'uv

‘Il'tt Illtllllt'lll the demonic people
law todat concerns popular cu]
tnrv \iigt-nt said “The dent cari-
mtiiii- ot the name dressed up in
horns is dismissed h} many people
And Ill.tll\ people who dismiss the
t-.ii‘:t.itiirr dismiss the thing. and I
imam {tall :s .i t‘LtitlslI‘Oplllt‘ mis-

of the demonic

an exa 1t‘lpIe llit‘

human sat'riticv

Low lit \itill The spiritual aspect ot the (lemon and .iittthiiie tha'
IL‘ has })Iil){’(l a major role in the his iiioiiii
tory oi the demonic
spiritual is the deepest dimension to
haw Everyone

\iiui-vit .ilsi discussed the nature
oi i'Ilt"lt‘lI1,IIIiit 1I1I11\ltll_\ "Iii gener
.i. .t s ILIIII mort than sin the de

t1lt1!.i ‘i‘ I to opposition to the moral ordinary Illt‘ \le

oritt-i .id to Illt moral lays hesaid takes a t-ertam hit

the ll.lllllt'<1l tho- dtmonit is na lit-said

. v

t'riielt y


In .i slow in )C\ICId8_\"S Ken/itch Aer/m. .i
.iiiotc til Hlnald \ugcnt. an associate piotcs
hlsiorx and religious studies.
llilxt "Jittl “I am more concerned \HIIl “Ital


Mi: ill

Students Faculty and Staff
you are cordially invited
to meet and join the
newly organized

-open house
student organization center
old U K Book Store Rm.lObl

January 26 8 27


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htttE till


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on . w nthosto' load

tom,“ ‘
4 v.\1) es” I):


,. . mm. m

Jo'n Now And Start Shaping
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25m Ridlmnd Rd. 2895361


\ugent tontinned
less. it is not moi al '
\Int-h oi the demonic in history Much ot Nugent's speech con
cerned human sat-ritit‘e as an aspect motto
Yollllnd that \lt'
tuall} even-“here in nature there- is
human sacritice "

\II \\II\\II. ~

l)()\ All) \I (il.\l

Nature ls pl!) the tlt'Illtinlt' parallels lIIl‘ spiritual
sense the political st-nsi- is I») no
nit-.iiis separate ol the spiritual

(It‘lllllfl lhlt'h to Illllt‘l
tillli-dhiiiian tlttlllllti'


\Ulit‘nl t‘llt‘d m in is put in lllt' IN'tllll ll'.ttIlI'ilIIl
Aztec Indians ol
Mextco. “no in 184? sacrificed no.
(100 people iii tour day s

Another torm of human sacrifice
had to do \Allh Adolf lllllt‘r. he said
Regarding the extermination of ti
million Jens in World War I]. .\'u
gent said ll oils on

\\ ith the Ilt'llill\\(lllt t‘ he said

\Uth‘IlI said Hitler lzxt-d ii. .. lllilL‘
lull slx‘lt't} .Illtl t'llllll'1}t‘tl it (“till
.istroloet-r and .i quack doctor
uho pi’lnided all sorts oi ‘Ylt‘tlltlllt‘

\ligent Illst‘tlsst‘tl his Illt'lll'i\t‘ rt-
cardinu Illt' tlt‘llltttllt \Iv itl't' Illiltlt'
Hi the llllilL‘l‘ and llht'ttttss oi liod

“expression ot

ilt‘lmt“ R15 ls lt-
llt si ll

llt‘ Sillll ””10 I‘ht illttllltlt .-., Ihv it"tmtlzi \‘i
Lit-tit sii it :s .im _ IIIII and .i st-ilsi- oi
hum-ii 1: tin»

iiioi’.i.ix 'i '?;i

iti-i'iotizt Ilkll>t'\

ot ploiislirt :Il _\.,iitiu- lllt'

.1Ilt‘I‘l"" \ ‘li' ‘ ' iI‘let- s.l\

\t‘” \ugent said Illt' pttllllt‘dl setist' ot .riiiv

made -\dolt I‘llllt"
than “Illl the kind tit s}“..".' :‘m' mml':

lititi‘tlatc s=\ niililon Icus
a teenage _L'1tl as in 'h: 'I mu»:
‘\l\t\.lllt‘11.lltlz'~ll itii- twin .tlllllfllt'tl l‘\ \ii
cent is Hus/u o’ \a'usr' In In H l " Hum




Bring your ski trip film or any
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557 S. Limestone 253 0014



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Stanley" Kaolin week of Feb. ‘13
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c b ”it t' it» .









Where can you get

. a report copied? . . . your

resume typed? . . . a newsletter

printed? . . . a passport photo?














THE KENTUCKY KENNEL Wednesday January '1‘) 1984 .5


v «.r., yummy.




Kats meet Tennessee tonight

By .I\St)\ “II. I I \\I,\‘
Senior Statt \\ riter

tiew yesterday tread t';‘l>lt h I'ti‘
Head Sumrmtt. who is preparing (w
coach the [INA trly'mprt

lt- rlti .\

The latest chapter ot the Lady Kat In a meeting and UII.t‘»all:ir.t‘
basketball teams great rivalry with comment "I expett a Mir-it .ii lxi-v
the l'niy'ersity ot 'l'ennessee will tucky'~'l‘eririesseegame
begin tonight at T .tlr in Memorial "They'll be tired up illttl reari-
('olrseurn play." .sard l'h’ tread K‘HHI. lei:

l'khe Kats haie been going through Hall betore prac'iu )r‘s't'tiia
hard times this season, posting an ti "They always go attt-r‘ us .ir.: -|..

T oierall record and o-t in the South-
eastern t'onterence 'l‘he nth-ranked

won't change that at all
"I think it will he

tillrdltt‘t Qua;

Lady Volunteers liay'e done well game.” Dar‘sch said 1 .‘rtvpo 'rr
enough against a murderous sched people in Lexrngtorr yirlE aii ttt’3_t‘
ule. going 11 ti and Jo l"l“s women toseert "

hate lost twice early in the season Last year o-tootd run or int ,i t! :
to thcrr\o l NIlltIier‘ri t'alitornia. Tanya llaau- was pherrorr..-:.a.

her outside \IltNtIlllL’ El‘. Im" we .
against l'K sot tar trip

and their other losses hate been to
current \o Louisiana Tech. \o J


Turn My 3 Long lieach .s‘tate and is orily hitting 4. perceri .‘.i'.'t

\o 3Ir\ortht'arolrna State aging 1.43 points and ‘i u r‘vtu
l.ast ~\atur‘day 'lenrressee upset game

\o «t tieoruia at Irorrit-o.t3tt.ir1d led 'lanya ls rrtr.\ ir: a

by as much as :7 points in the sec slump its kind or rain lli ti” 2w

orrd halt Sunday I K iost T? 74 to an be SITUUIIHLZ that putrt'i'y ltw-

UprtilttI't‘tltItrnfi Vanderbilt he: ;:..w .in

Hit paper

tearrr in said "We hope to get

in the game and r'eallj. Ilt lp ‘A.
Lady Kat senior l.i

\it ‘ 'tIl,'.‘

the \ols appear to haye

the potential to cream the Kats Bot has had her slumps rrtit .s {ltr .
in this series in which 'l'errriessee from the oiisitle either :e"-: -.'
holds a {lead anything can hap llaaye well lt‘ the srriaa :wr' .....
pen Last year ['l came to l.e\ing spot 'She s an wt i r
ton and toppled the Kats who were t'olirns said
coming on trieir biggest :tirr “\t’i‘ Hall knoita aw “man ;,3
agains' ttld ltomairor: ‘0'. of: l.e_ss worriesori llaaie house' .:
thar‘. a month later [K ‘.\eri' to 'lIaaies a er‘ea' rm
Krrosyille and returned 'he rayor‘ t-‘t said '\\e rr a_\ he tlI’l“
ti‘t from storir‘.‘ tor a or. a

It s r‘eari‘. good to t ori'.rrtre The r. not flttlllL In stiti! tie: it r
yalr‘y ryetuteer the “so s|~jt insttoouootjashoorerrz ’r
schools sad l'l iss:s'ar.' «watt. In; more ‘.\t>,’l"-t1
\arrt j. liar'st t‘. :‘ a 'e i~ plrv‘rrr inter post people 'ltw- we"

I“ KI‘. \/II
Vail “t

\\I\\II \l) \a
tharnpiorisriip .ir.i.
i'oritt-ntrate on :its‘ ha.

IIII‘tdI i.t\i\“"rt

'I'Itt Iiish‘t'!’ nil litrtltttt'\ .tl’itlli'ill lilt' lilllt‘
r'iriL. ther: vonies at: 'l’here as con Huggins sazd 'ne
tact \ .ktizstle is frown \ :o-al .s been instructed '~ .r
talled l’.‘ ryersstrt irr.:r‘idisgust als and teams tor '.-

lhis is lh ntrami ixrtl traskvtrral; more otter: ‘hi yaw
at its t-es' or y'rirr ' 't; t s :iorst "l‘here has bet-z.

lid Huggins uradiiate assistant 1r. abuse in 'he pas" '~
ihar‘ge or ortit'iais sa'd prayers 'akt doesnt heroin: '. ‘rn .
the int amurai tnisKt'ttral. Ll.tliit‘\ High \t'Iltml l-etier‘a'
\er‘y st‘llttlhi- He said 'he -ria'.er‘s s:\elarii1iiage 1s envi-
th.rik exer'y game :s the tint; s o: Ytn ri:cal

Faltering Cats?


UK‘s freshman James Blackmon goes up for a layup against
Akeem ()laruwon in Sunday‘s game against Houston. Ihe (ars dc
feared the (fougars 74-67 and yesterday dropped from the ,No 1
position to the No. 4 in the Associated Press's Top :0 poll. 1 k
continues SEC play this weekend with a 2:05 pm. game against
Georgia at Rupp Arena.


'I’i'rr‘k‘, rt t i' i r
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i . i .s Teams
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ttL'ir' i It I ' \t'iiftlt‘
s :‘itt . 'i ‘ \


III I I I II\ 'y\ is}. in

\ririday 'fa ;,~,\ \1L'v'a-s Iiirider‘s
plated their 't: z ‘ sign' tine trophy
on liars flt'lttiit litiIIZ’It‘ ttnly
the ~\teeler‘s 't.t\' ‘r writ l'he tamed
’llous '.\|‘l't wrap. 't‘.\. lorriinated
tt'om star' 2,. t 'l.‘-’ re 'he terocrous

IA'tI by Home l uni; arid !._\le -\I/a
do the ltaaler trrrrit it't‘ spent rrrore
time ll‘i .loe il:r:srr;ar1r s trai‘ktreld
than he did “her was all mer'.
Joe had t-eer. staked six times, in

tt'rcepted turn and held to It» com
pletrons to \Iltr\\ ‘or’ «1» ,itternpts

The bit; in't-rteptiori came with
Hist seyen setonds lett on the clock
in the trrst halt the ‘skins had pos
s‘t‘SSlttIl on then own tzyard line.
lined up three men to the right and
eotinterod itith a st reen pass to Joe
Washington in the lett Hat The only
problem was that Raider reserve



l :t ls :' l)urrr:a \Iar‘.r: d' “Hes W.
\r.‘.1";,'.' (t'lrle'lg'fit"‘~ti. I;' J '.'. I
”J ~\T.i.‘L“’tCIc1il \ witf‘e‘\‘.r"c"' ’




. u N141 stint st ms
1' .
I .‘ r..".itie r iaraeii ig
tn ‘ri'IlkltI'lIlH a' .\iurririi
“\tlt't'» strna- prorri‘erris luring
': stash: 'l'hei. ‘he prayers at"
.rv_.',' .l;‘ i'. 'Irt (it it" uh:
. tor.‘roi ’he game wriez. '
; ,. e
i. :n saw: "rare. or the wttrtiiiis .t'
'.: .3. t \ ,ier‘e ‘e:.t_e‘.'.t- l‘ with!)
r. ' t " . xefiurrie I xte trail 'Iait'v‘
',.',.r- he said tirade sat: Le
"Jets ‘tie titticrals should work

Early-season losses and Iackudursreu/ inst/ex surf/(Icing once again


You see. ls'enluc/t'y
('()})I(’\ ()Illyft)l'e’\{’lit
Hume expecting its
t)/)/)(isrrr()rr I() /)e’rrr iritt)
and p/ut dead. That 's

ant-hacker Jack Squrr‘ek was the
only one who wasn‘t tooled He
prorntly picked ort‘ Thersmann s

pass and was in the endzone betore
.toe had completed his tollow

\' that point the party was oyer
for the Redskins Instead ot heading
into the locker room down Ht, they
‘.\t-t‘t‘ down 213 and stunned What
little chance they had left had y'anr
The second halt was Just a tiller

the Raiders crursed on to the
most lopsided win in Super Rom his
tory I can't explain it and I doubt
anyone on the Redskins can either


Lets tace lI, the Redskins are a
great football team as well as a
great organization but they Just

didn t want it as badly as the Raid-

The Raiders set the stage on the
\ery first play As the ball was
being downed in the Raider endzone
tor a touehback on the opening kick-
ott, t‘rsticuffs broke out around the
goal line Imagine what would have
happened had there been a run back
and tackle

This Harder team came out to
play and play they did They domi-
nated in every phase of the game
and were in control throughout

The game was somewhat of a sur-
prise Although I picked the Raiders
to win in this very column last week.
I called it 2320. I couldn't foresee
the blowout that occurred A popular
prediction that floated around the
Kernel office was Skins 3127 Sorry

John Tesorrero is a busrness market~
rng Junior and a Kernel sports col-

Intramural refs believe basketball games taken too SCI‘Ititt‘si



mm. \.

Hi“; it -' -




Editorial writti tit
sports writer pi‘tr
Superbowl Charitgiémt






Hyv-.‘s STOLL








ness or in; ear» -»
spet'iaHr i "at: :‘vn 'w
the Raiders

In rat! '. ,\
(‘oyttxiys t. ‘1 .
perbow; stiriday so {Tim :








Raiders a: Tti' .
Redski's a .irrii ato . L.
rollsot: the [“3in
*\L'ltliri1y its I’ t ’it s r"
tittt‘ The fiat?» .~.c:\ has" ‘ n,
bloyiotr‘ l' »\ 'il.‘l ti. 't‘lrt
I’lunket‘. rifltrt Mt \ i i
Raiders To ..
t‘Ilaltitlth‘isi’i.p i: :w z w ..
by the 'l.t"‘. .pra'”
goat sears! r'rr..y ' pair e
Nit h .s l’lirnke't s rift
llowmer‘ I Knew nae” in ‘
than to predzi The score l :'~v.-
though? the Ita‘vlt'rs .toiie: A ~
a score or ti» 17 I honestly "HM;
the whole sports «at: anti. : a.“
at me and l n. at‘. :ti‘i't“.t‘t"t'i1 ~ ~ ‘
ot guy ' . .
But the Raiders roiled l'nt'y st" "
a record tor ftie most po1r '~
scored in a Niipertwyti The: as . -


set a record tor' the widest r‘iai ' '
of Victory \Iarcus .\lleri
tor 191 yards. i\\tt‘t'
average ted"! rushed tor aLIa 'is t

the Redskins in to games in s .,

year And yes that was a superb ‘rn .«
owl rushing record. too
breaking the one .tohn HIL‘Hllb se' ix.



wha‘ 'ht ~. '~


try 01‘


II‘I)III‘IlIIl‘:i -t'


‘ c
for the "Skins the prey rous year taxi '

It really wasn t I’lunkett s llltl'a It
cte. he merely led the way tor a .mi .t- . ~ .-


team that would not he satrstied or i i» 'i
with a \rctory But he drdn I throw ”or: e ' ~i~ "


the game in the form or intercep Il.t\t Lu -'. .
trons. and with him on their side In. ~ . .
the Raiders had no choice but to [r.. .fo"s . s


IIt“i\'\i' \ . \

\\h .t i. ‘ .
sports ~w‘
tIltrI'H-a‘L' s.»

wrn and win big

Last year. in the Redskins Su
perbowl VICIOI‘}, the team seemed
unstoppable l was watching those
loathsome Washington boys with a
mortal tear in my heart In the
erucral fourth-and-short play that .m i- .- .L~ '-




 4 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wednesday, January 25, 1984



