xt75736m3634 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m3634/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-08-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 01, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 01, 1985 1985 1985-08-01 2020 true xt75736m3634 section xt75736m3634 _______________________.___——————————————-—————————__—___
F p
Vol. LXXXlX, No. 171 Established 1894 Independent since 197] AUQUSH '935 . ‘
CHE k l t t trategic plan draft p bl'c
B} \IJIXt'RUl ('H u j ,‘ . - - The 'ilan now lll.th'\ tun «lt‘illil’t‘ pi'u 3mm ‘15.“; 'im lug“, - ~ “.7- ”pH-l; . .
Staff Writer ThLTC S no purpose Delng posals [about The community college s)s 3.”.
SCFV'Cd \N'lth the fiction that ’“m t“ '-'”t-“‘h'ti‘t" ill“ '-"('<'it'|"hi“ {he stat? unlit "Alums .w . nt: ‘ ample - '
FRANKFURT Alter a summer of , . . schools as tt‘CllnlL‘iil institutes under the mom ‘tie pm ; "m summits '
leaks and speculation. the (buried on we re dealing in community college system or to “suit “le,“ ll“: .’,‘lr.~_‘,pdr ,; [M ,mmn
Higher Education yesterday released the confidence until the llsh a separate gowrnlng board for both Mg , . .
latest draft of its "Strategic Plan for . _ . To deal txitli ‘he :lental school ihfillt‘ “er .. ‘1 ~. ... H i »
Higher Education. making the plan (uan'erSlt)') pTC‘SldeniS can the draft ru'ommends contenzng .. _ ‘11,“: TW' "f [1“] ‘lt'rt'ty'nfm‘ 'T . _
public forthefirsttime res Oild u panel of experts to decide which scram! Tm" “t" “Wt”: Item} i :ilnyipt t3! ;
Both the LoutsVllle ('otlrirr Journal ‘ p ' to close. closing either l‘K's or the lit: "1““ i "If :2 H ”A” ’ H “Hm “7““ .
. and the Lexington kuid It’tltlt'r had al- Harry Snyder. \'er\lt_\ of llouisyille‘s dental sch/nil an: “flit” “fly-1‘: flit” Emit!" INIHUHJK“ \ ~
1 ready published details of the draft last (‘HFexecutii'e director restricting enrollment in the remaining 'lilln‘nm WW!“ “ 1‘“\N"‘”‘l”“z‘ "M“
week. and counctl chairman Burns E — program. keeping mm schools but rem“. ‘ ,
_ Mercer said the release would 8110“ ii” come together With one voice. and bUlld m8 (‘ni‘tillmt‘ht and funding “T
0mt1hu so) der said highei education should V ' v
‘ mediatoexamlne the document. up for Kentucky the kind of higher edu- ing both and contracting for dental edu micmm. d part U: (M Martha 1mm, . . -
In a statemenchIercer read alfa press cation system we need." Mercer said cation withoutofstate schools t‘ollins “we,“ mm” .:; Suppl“ U, 5’00 , '-
conference at t counci ‘s 0 ice. e .. w - . , - ~ , .
said, A.“ h always difficult to change di- betstlgffggtthhgatft‘ehé] word. But It ‘5 our Mercer said the draft outlines options ondarl “hm“
rectlons. or to establish new priorities for The comprehensive plan still contains inorder to get publlclnput The council will mm tart out over the
3 system that ha“ been 50 years 'h the many of the features reported earlier in comments to the press t‘HI-I statt" “at" {0" ti ‘t‘t‘iW "ti WWW” tiit‘t‘tiiitb “h ' 1
making“ dhd that the comet] wanted to centers of excellence. endowed chairs. a member Gary Cox said. "It‘s naive to the draft The first meeting: «111 be at I'K , '
ai'OlddiVi-‘M‘M‘SS common core of undergraduate prof think that everything's gomg to happen (it it P ”i ”t‘ Aug 13. i“ tht’ RH‘itéil lid” . '
The COMIC” "has wanted to d9"910P 4‘ grams. as well as Proposals relating to as it's written down for the first time ' ththt‘i‘t’htt’ri”?tho-\Y't‘ '
plan that will give us the opportunity t0 out-of—statetultlon and financialald He called the document a "context to m l m, in“ :\.i,.‘_ ' ’
o o W”—
UK offrcrals '- 1 : -‘1~. . “ . “‘ l
' a. o" if“ ‘ ‘ b- , . ' i . .
. 3,.” I ' - .‘.9- ...-.‘l ' o I.. ' v I l ‘ l
seek action 't s. ; it lit- ~ I
-. . . o". . ~‘ ‘ . » ‘ ,
. . "p " _ yi"?‘.'.- . ‘$.\:‘ I .,... u . .
from alumni -' ' ' ‘ a 3; ‘ - A. ' ‘— ,
.>‘J 4 .‘n‘ .. . u" . v f . o . V .
B\ (‘YVTHH \ P\l()R\ln " ' ' ~ " ~
Managing Editor 4, ‘ , ' '3‘ "$5.3... - _ ,
3=. .9 j -‘ i p’ .“ ,3 . ,§ . or"
V l . . . ,.:f§fi,_ ,_ _. ,
Alumni from acroSs the state are being ’& c‘ l .3 ' t l‘ . ' , . ‘
called on to show their Big Blue spirit '.4 r ‘i A: _ - . H ,3“ ; . ‘ l ‘ ‘
once again ”w ‘ I‘ ‘ “V . . ‘w" i
As the council on Higher Education .. ’ fig”, - , ;_ ‘ “g‘ l . .
prepares its final plan tor higher educa- ,.~ - i i - m ' "i, ‘4 1. _. , . ,' ’ l ‘
um and the 1986 General Assembly ses— - » ‘v ‘_~"' fl“ ’ . ', it?! \ f/ * i - ,
slon nears. PreSldent Otis A. Singletary , . k b ’7‘ . ‘r " My "- l ’
and other [‘K offIClals are making a l 3 - -' f. 3 u ‘ “t" l
grassroots effort to gather support for I l y it 3 . , . .' ‘ {5' " ’ v
the L‘niversity. ' . T‘ ._ . - . ’ i . 1 l ‘
(in Aug. 8. 34 meetings. each referred ‘ > ‘51.: .' ' / . ' " . l
to as a “t'K Alumni Rally." will be held ' ,. .. - ‘fi 3 fl" _ . ,H K .. -
across the state at Singletary's request I fit 0 “'1’" .._‘_ . ‘. V ‘3' " i}
"The alumni are very important to the ' .' ii. . . ,‘ ' . '. x ‘ ‘ “fix ' .
future of this University.“ said James 0. ' k. ‘ - 4 . 3 \ .h “ .
King. vice president for administration ‘ : . . ' .' ) r “ “ii -
“And they are very much concerned ~ ‘ ' , ‘ m ' ~ ‘ _‘
about the futureofUK.” ‘ . j ' vo- “ p f" ‘_ ‘ "' “
Officials hope alumni will be made 3.1 ”M," U ' q . " u k " ”I "- ""' .,
aware through these meetings of the t . ‘34 s .s . ~ ‘
t‘HE's recent proposals and the impact ’— __.__,--_._ titaniu- «musvuu
they could have on t'K's future.
"The plans are for simultaneous meet- water calors
ings of alumni chapters whereby we can Margaret Mock, 0 Lexington ortist uses pastels to an artist for more than 10 years has had works dis- l
. . ‘ sketch 0 Grotz Park fountain. Mock, who has been played in the Levos Gallery 1
\ec Al l M‘l. page: l
Collins appoints Two professors receive
William Stur ill '
g & Fulbright-Hays Awards
to serve on CHE ' Tb; -, . “ “ m B)S:\ILAJ:\ l“:\l.l':.\iP.-\Tl . "9 Will do his oneyear research. pro—
BySCO'l'I‘WARI) » a 1 «l .I StaffWriter 1““ f‘téhetNa‘f'WAdtfiwergig (at S‘Ingat
Editor-in-Chief . ’ pores en er or . wancew . tu les AJA
. t g '? After three Fulbright scholars in the though “9“” be bdéed ”1 Singapore. h's
William Sturgill‘s brief departure from 3, ~ past four vears, the UK geography de- PFOJeCt W1“ "K‘lUd0 fit‘ld investigations
an active role in higher education ended i A W, partment is starting togeta reputation. With travel toallmalor ASEAN capitals
Friday when Gov. Martha Layne Collim “w. “I would be surprised at any other ige- The research .will involve ‘:a joint co-
appointed the former UK Board of Trust— ographvi department in the country with operative 9th" between I‘lhhiit‘h 4m”
995 chairman to the (‘ouncil on Higher such a; record.“ said Stanley Brunn. ('hla Lin Neil. a geographer from the
Education . chairman of the geography department I "'Wr‘m ”t Singapore
Although film-g,” is a (K graduate. he ”no of this year S Fulbrighttllays Se ‘ I knew of an inletillal from Singa
\‘illti ds 1) coum‘ll member he Will not ,/ nlor Rexcurch Award rpmlylent Is gong pt"? “h” “ah- ”ttere‘tt‘d ”V :h“ Vim“
tavor ['K over the other seven state insti- raphy professor Thomas leinhat‘h thlt‘htS l was. and we wantul tn millah
tutions (‘HE governs Gerald Rosenthal, a professor of hIUlO~ orate. Leinhach 34"”
(if higher education in general. Sturgill gy. has also been awarded by the Ful- Lelnbach “1” "“1““ ii ‘t‘Wh‘t
said there are some issm that need at- brightHays commission In early Sep through the award which will provide re
tention, such as funding and program du- Wllllom Sting!" tember. he will be leaving for the bouts search support "The aim of the research
plication. "butldon't believe there‘s any Pasteur University in Strasbourg. '5 t° Whte .3 monograph ‘Oi the re-
crisis.“ “she thinks he‘s wellqualified to serve France.for nine mug. sultst."hesald.
Sturgi'll, who will be representing the on the council based on his years of ac- Leinbach will be researching the prob Rosenthal said, “I will be working in a
6th cmsmsionat district, said he was iive Participation in higher education." lems and policiesof tramportation devel» “Wat“? on imeci biochemistry and
contacted by Collins for the position. Ken When asked whether SW“ W“ llllt- opment over the past decade in Associa- WW0? ““5 is something a little
Hoskim, the governor‘s press secretary, tion of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEANi newforme
said Collins appointed Sturgi'll became SceS'lUllGlLl..bockp-¢e countries. scenmxsrmsmaci page
2- KENTUCKY KERNEI. Thursday, August 1, 1985
0 Alumni Concerts, Homecoming
t t'llllllllCd troni pagcone a on activities lanned
lay the ground work for their partiCi- lease of the CHE proposals. He said Sin- g p
pation and the active promotion of the gletary "envisioned taking some steps to
l’niyersity of Kentucky‘s interest." King begin to aggressively promote the Uni b SAB f f I] t
said versity of Kentucky‘s interests in ad- or a semes er
vance.“ The meetings would have been
ThfheCHIli‘s publitc hteartitngs Atlg. 12~tt9 held anyway. Staff Reports tee cochairtpterson. said the cortnmittee is
are aumms irs cance omae ' ' to'
their weight felt. King termed these Jay Brumfield. director of UK‘s alum- Concerts movies and Homecoming 33);:ng 133%"? in 3: [32:20:26
hearings ”the "105‘ Prfismg issue-H m association. said approximately 55‘000 were leI some of the events discussed at liVitiES.
. ntoattces wtfiriswledtlo alumnti tacrtttoss a}: the July 28th meeting of the Student Ac- “The concert committee. at this point.
“The Council on Higher Education is z et w't one ‘ no ices sen o aye tivities Board. is working on a major coliseurn concert
gomg to persuaded by public opinion oun ya ' August 25—30 has been tabbed “Wildcat early in the semester, to be followed by a
too,“ he said, “Vfiien you have large “w ha . ed th . Welcome Week," and SAB president ballroom show soon afterwards," Urch
numbers expressing their views, the d e vet rtecew d' motre 6" 39315"; Paul Hayden said there are quite a few said
Council will listen, If you don't believe an delptgoiha rom irec a: at? cu activities planned for new students. and A week of activities will precede
that they will then you wouldn‘t believe 8:5,! h" . d "t: e ever ted git 90852:) returning studentsaswell. Homecoming. which is on Sept. 28. Wild-
. there is any value in the public hear~ antd 25 inali' s gufxiszcha stfinat. Free movies will be shown in the eve- cat Roar will be on Sept. 25 in Common
ings " very gratify-inf: . V9 ' S ningsonAug.25and Aug.26. wealth Stadium.
,. , _ ' On Aug. 26, at 11 am, noon. and 1 OnOct. 7and8 SAB and Rollin 520
Lb tull'on rnedbotthe - - ' g ."9
(‘HE‘slsplgiarl £555: ft ted; coitirllue to Brumfield said that while these "ral- p.m., students can take a tour oquK magazme Will sponsor “The Rolling
mdude some options that could be very “an may be a “one-night shot," it‘s the aboard the double-decker bus, Old Stone Career Expo.” Some of the cor-
detrimental to~UK> .. ' beginning of an aggressive effort to keep Blue.‘ .. . , H . porations partiCipating m the two-day
. . the alumni aware and informed about fDuntng wildcat Welctmtitie tVleek. .ln~ goat are: Sony, Maxel,‘ Bose. Pierre
"The second ob'ective is to solicit their the University. He added the response orma ion on various 5 u en organiza- r in Fragrances. Pontiac.‘ RCA Re»
support for the [diversity of Kentucky at thus far “simply shows that a lot of tions Will be available at booths set up cords. CBS Records. Chrysalis Records
the 1986 session of the General A5513,” alumni are still interested in UK and its :lgingtotrg [Student Center patio from 9 andLeeJeam,
. bly." King 531d He added they also want education." ‘ ' .. ' ‘ .. . "This is a good opportunity for stu»
to "set the framework for a long term . 5:36 Sthlel-t (“for-AIL sponsored b} dents to talk ‘0 people in this industry."
support ofthismstitution .. The Fayette County chapter Will meet ~ . u n vernment ASSOCIBUOHV Hayden said.
at 7:30 pm. Aug. 3‘ at the Center for the Collegians for Academic Excellence and
, He said the alumni meetings have Arts. Dale White. president of the chap WKQQ-FM. Will be heldtfrom 11am. to-6 Contemporary Affairs will bring NBC
three mum features Singletary will ter. said he thought the alumni fee] posr pm. Sept 15. at Stoll Field. Hayden said color commentator Al McGuire to camI
speak “a Videotape An administrator tive about domg something to help ['K. they. hope to have, 25 local merchants pus on Oct. 15. SAB Awareness Week will
“.1“ he at each meeting to moderate and IIA lot of people do not particularly un- partiCIpate. hakie lrrch. concert commit- beOct.21-25
Ilisciisx Llltlllllll partICipation And rep- derstand‘ whats gaing 0“. but seem . .
rest-ntatiyes from the dental school and ready. “1ng and “me I" do whatever S 0 crs V] c l uors
‘ community college system Wlll also be they can .
_ aiyiiilahle to answer any speCific ques- 4'
tions concerning the draft proposals. White said he hopes at least 400 to 500
9:39;: “1:1 3‘19an (tine Lexington meehting 231.1%: otefgotgmogmc wggcroEsmv, Auousr 7 19:5 Ar LEXINGTON STORES on" now IYEMS n. REBAYE
This is the first effort to increase aC- .. e ‘ounc1 oesn‘t see muc re- Ll l Ell t s x ONECASEPERCUSTOMERLIMITONSALEIYEMSEXCEPTBEERFEATURES Au.
tive alumni support, but King added the sponse from alumni. they may do what- YAXESINCLUDEDIN Alcououc “Vin“ mcss
idea for such meetings was not due to re- ever they want. , Hank Road MICHEIOD
Stroh S Returnables Draught Michelob Light
. t%\s\ 33;? :13 in: r“; (a,
$3172; :éx-Ei . e; m. .Vg. . . it
' . ampus 0 en ar lit «9 l -JM u .. .- :
l li M' I fix z. 4:... ~,'
it w i M's I! "4L:- . ..
1 THURSDAY by‘x‘l % l (”w-n3" I? Mll‘UI-‘Ino :55
e Academics Deadline tor applications for Early Decrsron Program College of Med» 99 , , J 59 “I :L‘: ‘79,.1
. cmetor 1985 Fall Semester ‘ ‘ \.:\4 R“ __ .—I’
I, , ' Plays Nuclear Protected by the Actors Guild of Lex $5 8 $4 theatre Downunder 7R”,
. Levas Restaurant 8p m Call 23371512 "‘2'“ m“ "m” "m N"
' Other Bluegrass State Games Shively Call 257-2898
_ 0 Plays Nuclear Protected by the Actors Gurld of Lex $5 8 $4 Theatre Downunder
Levas Restaurant 8p m Ca|l233-l5l?
. 0 Other Bluegrass State Gam- Vt‘velv CO" 75‘ 78°F r— r
. 0 Plays Nuclear Protected by c Actors Como ul Lex SS 8 $4 Theatre Downunder P l, l ‘ ITALIAN | :'
Levgshnestotuhtont; :50: Caer233151? N It It Ch D G 2 gurmauucosnom 1k; snutmcwmc ' BRUTOESEMIISECCO
. 0 9 e' e e res meni ommirtee ariona y trove mg ristian rama roupI x omaine I)’ Cemeni __: Freixenet
. Free WoodlaridChristian Church 8p m Ca||254I188l t Zt\ Chanda" 33 Asti E Carta
4 SUNDAY : \cnampagnes ’ a Spumante ;_ Nevada
'Other Bluegrass State Game. Sriiyely Call257 2898 ’ ,V \ 6 -L- L
I 1' ' 4‘‘ f C .Af: ' a 1‘ Pgiwest
_ I. 9% ”row... i: “WI-Ire “I “ "u “on“.
. . t_. e... Fluesti W— 7°"& R! 9 'Ch en,
6TUESDAY - I‘ " iamDOflolse'
. . ' Concerts The Ashland Trio clasSIcol, ArtsPlace NoonIl pm :Call255-2951 “5 5 £55 tail“ 5-1323 . 4
~ - 55 is; l
. y 1 WEDNESDAY . I E; 2::9‘ .
‘ 0 Academics Last day advance registered students may pay $50 to c nf'r 9h ‘ I985 \' 4;? i ' ' "I" WW
Fall Semester regrstratron 0 | m 0” MAM '_ ,_ '1': 2: '5 ' '
- » <~ N 99 %s 99 '9 99
emuasnAv flaflk . 13...“ WM
LOOKING AHEAD -. . ’5” ”M w I ”M
' 8 l3 Concerts Tim Lake 8 the Lmle Big Band acusnc-tradihonol; ArtsPloce' Noon-1w, | 255:: E I “FILI/
D "I Call 255 2951 III I.
i +-
. 1!! ”"0“ “"°°' if:-
rit Bacardi grunt” .., sum
' ma Light 1“» Seaoram's
tlIorDer-k Sumac . {Lain
. .‘ '
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9 a.m.-Noon on Friday. For more information call Bes-Type ‘ I‘fi) "$13M” 2 77 “T'Rl 599 g 499
(Kernel Production) at 257-6525. |_\ ' m. y . um um,
III‘,Alll|‘sl4l.,‘il . .H in r irA-ii m. . H i
Nimru Htrriniiwn» 'r l 1', rHINllI ,iii,-.i,. . a. i .
lNl‘,“H‘Ii'\ll‘.l'li’\,,'\- b I. .a... thfl'ttlt‘. r, -
KENTUCKY KERNEL Thursday, August 1, 1985 - 3 i ' .
DIVERSIONS Gary Ple’(s ’ . ‘
. , . .
’ ° t b t t t '
Yanks secon re ease lS ur s s agnan mains ream . .
. .. g;.,,.~.;;:j:;;.-..:in;.:,.,;;5§2;;;;;v.g;a;225:;;=5;:1=:géa;5i5;;555%a55;:52525253225552;magi; and clearly wishes the people in author
3.‘ ELLE-V “1's“ “22:. . :: , tag? i; could get their act meant-rm wit , t
Reporter t ‘ 2-: : 5% The mom's rwdeni killer out m '1 ‘- , _V
'- " "”r§r””u§*r Me so ms minim rml ninth >
“8“" '"m-‘mm "an“ t/ <,,;,$irtt mer that dares W W! We . -
4”” s$¥?%*g§ ricaiing any bull then "We t‘all hut-h »
Yanks are shaping up to be an “nbea- ** * * firms,» ()ther Mine" the one straight lute tuni-
wb‘esomeof Wrilbm‘k 'n' r0“ as? it about Wing truth me girl in mt- ~g . '
The” first album 0"“ LOW” Left ”k f k * one who is too independent tor mm guys v ‘ .
Alive. showed a lot of promise but dlS- , “ to handle and l\ therefore wen its at ‘
covered songwriter ()wen Masterson fish 2”? 5:. ,, “ , ,, ,, It, lllllll l'tll'lll l‘ ' bitch ‘ ‘
tailing on the straightaway as he tried to $04 # 1 It lllllllllllllll . 'tlllfll 'lt'li'lltl i It s too bad the intelligent-e unr: with I. V
settle Yanks into a groove of their very “M r __ lilii‘l'tiliulil’”: l llilil ‘ljl'l'i‘ll l; tleti conveyed on Um, h. [m v4.1, \ m, . , V
own “Scandal Rocks" almost crossed “:3 '. l ("lilmifl' _ - not really come through It \ -'1t\'> luv ;
”19 line 1““) heavy "IEIHJ- “Vhlle I [)0n't x“! “ 7*‘—~—~—‘_— III'V' -.-',;;:;; . v A i 5h()\\_\> when: they dig! :le- My ‘lyjiitnpr' ~
See Her Anymore" was music to crash ‘ @ , ” ‘~ ' tiod‘vgit‘ttrrhuniaiiwilrs bulitii ill limp.
the prom by v?" V ';::;§:'I::2§EI:=”'E::21:21. tlt‘r'itl‘altl: Tn be lair lumen-r t m.- . ‘
Only the militant grind ”f "Saddle L‘pu A ,, .2121_-:§‘§i5*5;.1l-:s§;=;::;-_=f:_lgg::, 'fsz: ————-— - them in ii \‘t't‘_\ till} t'llll} where iiiit ”lit
and “Am‘t l‘lke “on 1‘ realistic sense M ”m? " This";.37:1"“'-: . =I.§§;.:':..'”-" “”h d big ’ “LIE? Pl'tN‘m't‘ “WM“ "11 ‘
sell—preservation in the aftermath of M’fign ' M "7“"?i5“?'fij"1i"iI""‘f353§’53§i13? like a “8kaan ‘Mnr ”MM .t. I .'
heartbreak mailed ”t" Influences as— .~ 1 v phone rmth rm mutn pow-r «lute/ed .
“e"dam‘m MW 1" WSW“ ,, - mmtmlntlt-spnt-e ' ,.
mm hm fun «rut on their sonecd ' "m- ' \th n t
“‘3‘" “"‘h 5“ ‘md‘tl‘ma‘ but “"9”.“ v :' ’3». I» m‘rflii'lmna m tum-r hwm Wm1 H» .
”"5“ r‘x'k9r5~ “H SF'S‘emS “nd” 00mm] *<%. 1]; -, 1,; heart out to im- LLl‘.ltlil>l.lllti> nut ills .iLl _ ‘
and (‘FUISIng NO one really stands out in- N‘ ' ' ’ “ theme has .1: his m-l .innl-znu .n: .I';.~ .
strumentally on this record. not from a 5‘ ‘Effii"""f‘v‘f"54: :.-Ip ., .vi'Ii'ii- ., oomph tilts protected t'iglil mer Hui , ,
deficiency of niusICiarLship. but because i~‘E§i-%I§?5‘-“-?i?‘5?‘=i15553:?i"'?‘§55%EE?:: ..53?Zi???E?513%?iéfiéiéifiifiifiéii?'EEEEEEE...,.‘<52?5223:??35'Tfr1"’='""-:::":"'.-1~‘-s~:»i‘:*:'" ': ' ’ “9’3 _ hum}. “my“; ”,1 7,“. “All, \i ”a.” I
theelementsaresocohesive WHWWIH“ K" ' he may time \i‘t‘lt‘t‘lf 'tiltt‘t‘ .lzikt‘ in - W
Paul Iiihl‘s drumming and Steve ;\l- M er has looked about him and seen that till rot-K stat remote 'hdn noun: rill-t... 'w‘t'f'
iment's bass easily blend with Masterson - is not well in the Republic the case in it larger t‘tt'lttl \dllh‘ stimuli
and Jack Johnson's gliitars to produce a ReVIew The title track. it lm'el} \tl‘t’ll tluet be .lllott their nunmn “Willi” :ii smut '
smoothly welded misSile of sound Mas tween Aliment and Johnson is about the through A)“ stage point] grinds in“; m ,
terson's audaCious lead vocals {use With _ iiiindleSs meaningless daily routine upon slleknessall tooeasil} ‘ . .
Aliment‘s whiskeycigarette crooning percharged music and lyrical intro- which so many of us must waste our- h
and Johnson‘s gentler. flUId Singing into spection (if the six songs. five are pas- seltes But it the lniprmeiiieni tron: _ , ' :
harmonies that are seamless but not sac~ sionately danceable rthe exception being "Searchm' " a fast \k‘d inflected num l.4l‘.l‘i\ Lett Atnt‘ to will;‘ in 3,” “We - . '.
charlne the slow title track: and full of crunching her. is your basic quest tor meaning represents a trend. Yanks haw \(llllt’ in: A
What sets Made In The States apart power chords and old-fashioned full-bod- "marching down the main drag oi exer) presm-e music yet to make Their MiUl‘itl _ ‘
from the trade R&R deadweight current- led arpeggios, but the standard Rock 'n‘ little town " But Masterson. desirous of full ol solar wind and lhlliltlt‘rsltlrllis is i, ' ,
l)‘ threatening 10 Slnk American auditory Roll Rebel stance is mitigated by a stiff "lasting peace and air to breathe.‘ is not most \H‘lctlnlt‘ disturbance in the \ltli.
cortsc10usness is its combination of su~ dose of the Summertime Blues The sing» ignorant of events beyond his own life nantmaiiistrealn
o .
‘°l 'dd" kd 't'd tt bl 't
m e aggari im wor s espi ei en 1 y pro em ..
m “mum“ v~ 1m? % :7 :J7LW'::£¢ his the tmmn mp. -
Stafl'Writer . V _. i. \' ‘ ' ' ' ,« i actually carryingatllniuitsonic-plums , ‘
"' ‘1 “1“ p, 1.; 'f A ~ l "(me in Ten” is it Ft‘~t’t‘lt‘a.\t' til it tulle
Little Baggariddiml'B-lo ' ’ A' i—n‘. l © ['R F, ‘ that “as .i hit ill the liilterl hriigrloii.
1\&.\!R(‘C0rd> A ‘- J— l 1—» .fl A.” 3, 1' v ' A lllh zersioh win it \t".t‘ltli or ‘.'.i‘,_\. z
j ‘ 1 g l 6". - l E} ' (lute \\iiil a strongei melt tm'liiie 'li.i:. _
It was so much easier when singles |—‘ “ "“‘ .H-v - ’ ‘ ’7 l theoriginiil . V
were little with big holes and albums I ‘D t. ; I ‘l The t'li's do the Musiml \Utlili \tlllllti
were bigwithlittleholes — , . ‘E‘ ‘— l" — v " v— _, la la "Pass the Itutctiie I. better than ' ‘
Little Baggariddim. British dub-star \ It!" ‘ OJ lag ' ,v Musical Youth on "liont Break My , ‘
UB40‘s latest release. is a new single EP. 3 "r “ "' ‘ ‘< ‘ A. Heart." another new song on this collec- . V
a rerelease single EP. a re-release new v‘g _‘J¥ “La 2 _ Al. _< tlon. .. _ . .
version EP but is big with a small hole, w. 'm' _ i " nousn mums Kerneituaphrcs “I Got You Babe is definitely the _
. bum ' . . i n this record. and alon with
and also features “9‘” al . oriented phrasmg, and her own pitch. Really. standou 13f" d “H' H Lgvrical
tracks. at an albumoriented list price of I reall itworks Mi Sp an , _ ip op ,
$5.93 which — just to make matters eVIew 3" . ‘ . Robot," makes this Single whatever-you- . .
‘ . . The USS take up some Vinyl slack , . , h he has r
more confusmg - ‘s a couple 0f bucks —S I -- with an instrumental dub version of “l want-tocall-itwort t pure ep we
'55 tha'n your average Lprh hm . k y and Cher 5 theme snligukreleased Got You Babe,“ but the melody is lost in It is heartening to see the collaboration ‘
ed i this lfiegutfisgegf't y [a litife 3:001), mmyegfrtsrézrtilgngmm after appear- thefunk and dub. of the big-talent musicians which characr ‘
as m ' y S I _ i a e ‘ . u ' - v - - terized “Live Aid" cross over to nnvl
vinyl bag. But when you get down to beat This being (1340, it .5 a reggae beat , MI fpthfft :naJhappy. rocking. rap- We“? seen EMS Costello perform ..-an
for dub. if anyone could catch “riddim" version and a nice one at that My mend 'pmgtosgau e 3r h 'amé-lgan ”3"" alter. old English Folk song" called “All You
and seal it in a little plastic bag. it‘s Susan says that it sounds like "six Sonny {“8 90° . C 0109; 'anna 15. mari- .. nd t hed D 'd ,
,, . . . , Juana senSI senSimilia greenleaf Need Is Love a wa c aw Bowie
U340 . . Bones, but m Hus irstance she 5 wrong. greenjeaf eénleaf mis lift" * mi and Mick Jagger dance inthestreets,
The single. “I Got You Babe,’ which The only person smgug on this song that tthe'deagr ~ -- P y _ M do s
we're hearing on the local radio. is a col- sounds even remotely like Sonny Bono is ge . l - ~ .. . . Now all i ‘wanna see :- a nnand
laboratim with vocalist Chrissie Hynde Chrissie Hynde, but Chrissie is switch- .j‘Hip Hop Lyrical Robot is a socmpo- coyer of Gypsms. amps a
of the Pretenders. Yes. it is a cover of hitting between Sonny's voice. Cher's litical rap. wtth vocals by Pato, who Thieves
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K t N p I mm," MWoIlor Avo./lmporiolPtozo
4 - KENTUCKY KENNEL Thursday, August 1, 1985
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loo-blinked 1m ludopondovnflm W11 ’l" . / ¥O¢e l
5:0"ch 64’ \ \\ l—l\C7lAE|Q \
Editor-in-Chiel \\ EDUCATIO /’ \'
Cynthia A. Palermo Jam A. $00" \\ \ ~
, Managing Editor EditorialEditor ! h \ ' -.\ I / ‘\
"7 :7 "2:1 .5; ';‘ “ \‘ \ / , t
, Jig/smart. ' \M‘ ~ // \ l ,‘r
. . \\‘ g 3' [I /. U, ..‘.\ ,
Thu 5 lookin u s - ”If
. Vt " 4' I / “r l
for Kentuck ’s a ’ 1 ° ‘9 A l
y «i V. / \Kz/
on d t' - «we
It/i’ \ N ”All Hi Ht’t t} '18. 4’ Nil ’i’tlu‘ , [’51)]?! 'li‘.
. 1g ere uca ion . l . l .1 \
lls alwys llla «laalsasl aeoalasay laslora Nuclear threat could be decreasmg
. the dawn, And although the sun isn't shining
yet. it appears there is a little shimmer at Earthahumans lousy. half- —— cataclysmw nnudear “mm~ phe,
the end of L’K's tunnel baked. well—intentioned and other- nomenon
It was just last month that President Otis “he" Plegse wksemhce f n ,a. .‘ James A. Better freebe than :gslag'cd d d1
. ,- y . n - .. Youmig tjust saneatera . agree But tter R tan ea
A singletary said LK wasfacing the most Granted. the whole affair may (2‘ STOLL Personally. I might Choose death
harlot” 3553““ 0n the LangrS‘tX In Its mOd smell like an average. runof~the~ , over slavery. but to make such a
8m h1510t‘}‘ and maybe Slnce ltS QXIStencey mill opportunistic political ploy. but chOice for the entire planet is be-
But the current draft of the Council on there's something about. it that Moscow‘s official new agency yond unfair it is. quite simply. in-
. Higher Education‘s strategic plan bears makes T‘efeclalittlc hitsatcrbd Tass quoted Soviet leader Mikhail sane
' _ ' y tma 98 me 99 00‘5" 0 "3‘” Gorbachev as sa'in the resent . .
, little resemblance to . and is not nearly as mg that the human race really does arms race was anluifilmensepmreat That 5 whm 1"? been wormed
threatening to the LlniverSity as ~ the first have an advamagC over me weap. m the future of the entire world OW about. [have occasmnally wondered
draft proposal that raised so many questions one we have created to destroy our- “who“ ~~ Gorbachev added that the whether the human race - as a
and prompted so much criticism. selves (‘ould we actually have con- Soviet‘s self-impased halt would be a lumpafiumb (In consciousness! ~ dis
The council deserves praise for penning a ”0'0“” “mew"? des‘m-‘f l. .., step toward forging more compre- 23:33 r3523: “32%;: age rains
proposal that considers the options involved It all 91“"?! 0“ “0mm" J”) 2“ hen-“IV? agreements regarding “Us . . ,; {p t .h l H”.
' - - The [nited States offered to I9! the clear disarmament In other words SUI-“H 0 )ecome {a no mm" 3
. in making'any sort of broad changes in high- 50““ [anion ”We" m~~ on one of mhmrthelmde - - undsplmuanyam“.”a”
er education in the state. The counml has ourunoergroundnucloarexplosions f ' R d —__.————
‘ z SO ' ' g t S aw 'i g, the‘ ct to watch a bomb ,0 () course. a senior eagan a min , ‘ - y
‘11 made {[5 13‘ e ,1. pr0p0§dl Public aid has 0“ (you \;\gBl,\\.hm vou sav g istration ottit-ial had to counter that I have OCLaSlOl'lall}
sOlIL'lteCl response “0m unlverblt“ presidents \\ ll i don‘tk bt 31 pH imlstlc h‘ "011ml the following "What h“ wondered whether the
' ‘ - a ' - ' a ' 9 . ‘ J ‘i‘S . . . - ,
dnd 5‘ hedmtd‘ pUth hearmgb to {1nd 01" 'l'htlrc Ls rem reason for optimism tory has taught u> about this is that
What the rest of the statehas to say. ‘ here. especially from knee-jerk hip» these devtces invariably are self human race '— as a
- All in all. the comet] is acting responsibly. pw liberal organlzcr types who un- semnté find deflghed t}? "X‘k m lump sum Of
j and living up to its awesome assignment — dcrstand that "watching a bomb g0 areaso‘”“‘e‘ad"a“‘ag9 ‘ . .
protecting Kentucky‘s future. off" is a key motivation for the peo- And on the ()ffen51\le_ Reagan's LODSCIOUSHCSS — lS
'. - . . pleinthe freeze movement press secretary Larry Speakes m r
B Am; @1ch m: apphcgn‘tmentWQErformsir LE 1 think l’\‘<".\‘h0d.\' ShOUId watch a hailed our invitation as “an effort to entally ba_lanCEd ,
‘ 0dr 0 ”‘5 68% C "man 1 lam ”8‘ bomb 80 off. 0'11." when people can demonstrate that we would go the enough [0 “dc OUt [hlS
to the CHE b." GOV Martha Layne Collins. taCItly acknowledge the awesome extra mile in order to get some re- rimitive n l a
' L'K officials can breathe a little easier. Al- destruction facmg the planetEarth sults in arms control discussions " p . UC ear ge
. though council chairman Burns Mercer has finttf‘feytapprfi‘atellw ho“ ‘mpor' infihfggouréideltloof d t and surVive to become
- ,s n l is 0mm nuc earwar. e ‘ vie ‘ wi in a way 0 .
said malt“ one mgmtbtfr “1:: net fmtlaikeCIé-llrlijy Of course. the Soviets know we downplay this as the media spotlight technologically and
deOI. ,' erence m e ma .eup 0 e " . can make bombs and they probably nits back and forth. but one thing is spiritually above it all
‘ Sturgill S appomtment Wlll undoubtedly know all they need to know concerns growing more and more clear. The '
. strengthen UK'S hand on that body. "‘8 how biga crater we can make. attitudes of world leaders are start-
_ , Sturgil] has long been involved in Ken- But the fact ls theyl Mil tearfn a ing to fall in line with those of the Our potential — as individual na-
. . - - thing or two — or at eas veri y a common people. and the majority of tions and as a world — is almost be-
tUCRly hglgheadggucattlfi: and Wu: certainly be thing or two - in Nevada. And at Earth-humans are increasingly firm yond measure. If we could find a
- 3V3 U3 .93 “on {3 ecounc‘ - long last the superpowers Will be in their demand for a somewhat way to fully explore that potential
And finally, credit should go to the UK making an effortto' “share the nu- breathable atmosphere. without having to watch our respec-
‘ . alumni for their recent move to support their clear experlehce ' In a way that This column has said before that I tive backs every second, the vast
' alma mater. doan'tnecessitate ArmageddOn- believe in avoiding nuclear war at reaches of interstellar space would
' -' Two months ago there was a call to “rev T0 "11% Jaded PaCthlw that alone any cost. That included. under cer- soonbewithinourmutualgrasp.
m . . h' .. h h. ‘ rates optimism. tain circumstances, outright surren- After that who knows" Once we
. , up . 8 Big .Blue mac ine. T e mac me 5 The criticized “political" aspects dermmeSoviewmon' w k] that Bath" ’
engine is idling now and soon Will be at full- of the Reagan administration‘s invi- Considerable ma“ _ ver, “me {a_ ,C 9 Peace on r Situa-
, . . 3 tion we could relax and get around
throttle when 35 meetings across the state tatlon have t0 do With an Offer the vorable — arrived in response to to ouildi -
. . . . . . . . . y . ng a more humane lif not
y are held to drum up alumni partic1pation in SW9“ made 0‘" C°mrades “”55 that column which was Published better ,mousetra
the upcoming public hearings for the CHE “'9 sea decided ‘0 “31‘8" their "u- the day renewing ABc-rv-s shawing p,
‘ l d - l bb . {f t . th clear testing starting .Aug 5 .‘40 of the now famous film “The Day Themindsimply boggles
I P an an m 0 ymg .8 or s m e 19.86 Gen' years [0 the day “’9 deepafried HIFO‘ After." Even those readers who supa The only question is which will
, €‘l‘al Assembly SESSION. The meetings — shimal and not make any craters ported my general position were re- com