xt75736m3885 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m3885/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-07-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 03, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 03, 2008 2008 2008-07-03 2020 true xt75736m3885 section xt75736m3885  

The road to Beii—ng:





Former UK triple-jumper takes athletic
tradition to Olympic trials




llll R—l)\\


JULY 3, 2008



Group: UK program has 'non-diverse perspective'

By Allie Gag


Six UK faculty members were sin-
gled out on a pamphlet that was distrib~
uted to legislative officials last week
during the special session on pension
reform in Frankfort.

The Family Foundation, a conserv-
ative family-oriented group based out
of Lexington. issued 130 handouts con-
taining the names. pictures, biographies
and salaries of six UK faculty mem-
bers. a majority of whom are associated
with the Gender'and Women‘s Studies

Kent Orstrander. the Family Foun-

dation executive director. said the pur»
pose of the handouts was to infonn leg-
islators about the expenditures of mon-
ey. with emphasis on the women‘s stud-
ies department. which had a very non-
diverse perspective.

“We‘re not focusing on the profes-
sors as individuals. but simply using
what was on the (UK) Web site."
Orstrander said. "We‘re raising the
question. ‘Is this where you want to pri-
oritize your tax and tuition dollars."

UK President Lee Todd defended
the program‘s funding in a statement
last Thursday.

”Free and open academic inquiry is

at the very heart of what institutions of

higher learning are supposed to do -
whether it‘s researching cures to
Parkinson‘s and lung cancer disease or
asking questions about subjects that
some may find uncomfortable in a di-
verse society." Todd said in the state—
ment. "We shouldn't attempt to regulate
such inquiry."

The Family Foundation called UK‘s
funding of the gender and women‘s
studies program "special interest politi-
cal activism." and challenged the de-
partment to produce a faculty member
who is supportive of the “traditional

According to a news release yester-
day from the Family Foundation, Mar—

tin Cothran. senior policy analyst for
the foundation. wants the university to
produce one faculty member who is in
support of Kentucky Marriage Amend-

The Kentucky Marriage Amend
nietit. passed in 2004. makes it uncons
stitutional for the Commonwealth to
recognize or perform same—sex mar-
riage or civil unions. The amendment
passed with 75 percent approval of vot-

"More Kentuckians voted to pass
the Marriage Amendment iii 2004 than
had ever voted both ‘yes‘ and 'no‘ com—
bined on any other constitutional
amendment in the history of the Com-





joins VIP
to prevent

81 Sarah Rayon


The UK Violence Intervention and Pre-
vention Center aimed to engage members of
the community in finding new ways to pre-
vent violence against women at the Green
Dot Kentucky Summit on Violence Preven-
tion hosted Monday.

The event. held on behalf of the Ken—
tucky Domestic Violence Association and
the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault
Programs. is one of many steps the VIP C en-
ter has taken toward reducing the number of
occurrences of violence against .xomen in
Kentucky. During their time at UK. women
have a one in three chance of becoming a
victim of violence. said Dorothy Edwards.
director of the VIP Center.

The center created a program called
Green Dot. which is a model of violence in-
tervention. The green dot is a metaphor that
refers to any behavior. choice. statement or
attitude that is actively intolerant of this vio—
lence. Edwards said.

“A green dot is having a conversation
with a colleague about the importance of lo-
cal prevention effort. making a donation to a
local domestic violence program. noticing a
high risk situation and making the choice to
get involved." Edwards said.

Nearly l50 people attended the summit.
including state legislatures and small bUsi-
ness owners. and discussed ways law eti-
forcement officials. legislators. community
organizers. educators. doctors. lawyers and
small business owners can contribute to the

See VIP on page 6

UK opens
satellite office
in Louisville

By Elise R939

news@kykernel com

UK opened its first office in Louisville
last month with the goal to aid in recruitment
of students from the state's largest metropoli»
tan area.

UK on Main. located at 7H W. Main St.
in downtown Loutsvillc. provides space for
university officials in development. admis-
sions. athletics and sports marketing to recruit
new students to the university. according to a
May l4 news release. It also houses alumni.
admissions. corporate partnerships and devela
opment meetings and events that take place
away from the university‘s campus.

UK wanted a presence in Louisville be—
cause of the city's large population. alumni
base and current UK student population. said
Tanya Jones. marketing services manager of
UK on Main.

Nearly 25.000 UK alumni live in Jeffer‘
son County. as well as nearly 3.000 current
students 7 roughly IO percent of UK‘s entire
student body. said UK spokesman Jay Blan-

UK‘s decision to open its Louisville of-
fice came after examination of other universi-
ties opening similar offices in their states'
largest urban areas. The University of Geor-
gia. Oregon State University and the Univer—
sity of Arkansas have all opened metropolitan
offices to aid in outreach. student recruitment

See Louisville on page 3



monwealth." Cothran said. "yet the
school continues to completely ignore
the wishes of the people it serves."

The faculty members whose pro-
files were published in the handouts
had varying reactions to the complaint.
Ellen Riggle. associate director of the
(tender and Women‘s Studies Program.
said she did not think the handouts
were personal attacks on either herself
or her colleagues. but an attack on the
university community at large.

“This is an attack on education in
general. all professors contributing to
the academic mission. and the students
at UK." she said.

See Family on page 3





l\Kl\(;'l‘Ill‘. Si \(ii:



Middle school students perform "The Toads Spots"

Manchas ilel Saga "

Decked in costumes madc entirely by
themselves. nine middle school stu—
dents performed "l‘he 'l‘oad‘s Spots“ on
Saturday at the Bi was I heatci.
pcitoimancc. puton by l K lhcatcr
Departments Middle School Summer
'l‘hcatrc l )rania ( Tamp. rcqu i redo
students to produce. act and design
their costumes in a week. The middle
schoolcrs vvcic chosen by vv r ltilL,
essay on thcii interest in patticipating
in the drama camp. Because of a grant
from the ( Icntcr for Family and

( Iommunity’ Sem’cc. the camp was free

for the

friends and " .imil, in vi

day at the Bruits Theater The. play is low:

' ' ALllE GARZA}
. [pipivt‘n (yr twp Va”)








for the students chi men to participate.

Dl't‘flilt .inil i‘lvoiengtaphei down My“
performance on Satiziiiav it‘tii'insc" as a


i'i spy.“ . in "w W
“(M t."dtli:r‘.‘>‘ "i :vK





SG forms committees to engage UK community

By Allie Garza

agarza@kvkernel com

Like most of ['K. Student (iovz
eminent is working this summer to
develop programs and make changes
to their operations despite cuts to
their budget.

SC: President Tyler Montell is
working to redistribute some of the
areas of funding with a budget that
is Sl00.000 less than the S4tXI.000
that the organization had to work
with two years ago.

Montell and Vice President
Grant Mills have made changes to
how SG‘s yearly budget will be
spent including committing
$l00.000 to be given to organi/a»
tions and groups who need funding
assistance from the Senate. This is
530000 more than was allotted last

“Last year it was 370.000 and
they (Appropriations and Revenue
committee) ran out in February."
Mills said.

SC: has also allotted money to
train the senators in their responsi-

bilities and ptirposcs of the various
committees. By increasing the lcv cl
of training and cvpertise the coin
mittces have. Mills said he believes
that the money they are giving away
will be spent in the best ways possi

Despite cuts in the
budget. SC: is creating
new programs because
Mills said he feels it is
important to give back
to students.

One of S(i's goals is
to create a program that
engages students. faculty
and staff members in
university affairs. Mon
tell said.

Montell and Mills
have created l8 adv isory
boards specialized on
topics ranging lrom cn-
vironmental issues to Greek affairs
as part ol a new Campus 365 pro.

“We have charged the boards
with creating a strategic plan for the
year." Mills said. “They're wnting a

"While tuition is
going up, we
want to show
students what

UK is doing with
(their) money. "


document based on research for
these departments. seeing what the
university is doing. what their goals
arc and how students can get iii
volv'ed." .»\dditionally. Mills said
these boards will also look at how
SC: can help with the different caus

Mills said Campus
$65 and the documents
written up from the re
search will help S(i to
create a vision of goals
for the year and hold SC:
accountable for these
goals. The program will
become d resource loi‘
students to see what [is
is doing and how they
can get involved. Mills
said. Montell said he
hopes this will help stii
dents understand how
their tuition money is being used.

“While tuition is going up. we
want to show students what UK is
doing with (their) money." Montell

In addition to

flii‘ es to



\lontcll and Mills are in the process
of determining what they plan to
bring to UK. the goals they would
like to accomplish and the changes
they want to see on campus.

“During our v .impa;gn we talked
about getting d lilog on our Web
site." .‘ylills said By adding a blog.
\1ills said S(i will receive more
icedback and questions from \lllr

By cvpanding their online expo-
sure. SC: plans to reach out to more
students. Montell said

“We w ant to make our availabil»
it) to students iiiultid'aceted." Mon-
tcll said. “We're willing to learn
how to iblogi and be more avail~
ablc "

Plans to update the Web site in-
cludc adding short biographies and
contact infonnation of every SG ex~
cciitiv c officer. staff and senator.

The processes of the A & R
committee. which handles all of
so" funding. will be moved online
as well including making forms and

ipplmmons tor organization fund
ing on the 50 Web 5"“


Newsroom 257-1915; Main: 257-2872





PAGEZ] lli

uisday, July 3, i’lllltl


Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution


























\ -;i‘.lll:; .illiiiii- Illl

”hr ll‘l' ll




By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
days rating: 70 is the easrest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19)
Today is a 5 ~ Hide out in a com-
fortable place and give yourself
time to think. Also allow yourself a
few delicious delicacies Taking
good care of yourself brings out
your creativity.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20> Today
is an 8 — This is an excellent day
to go shopping You’ll do especially
well if you can barter You'll make
several awesome deals

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 —— The money's coming your
way, With no more effort on your
part it's good work, if you can get
it Since you seem to have already

4puz rtoin

done that, scoop up your reward
Cancer (June 22 — July 22)
Today is an 8 You have an
abundance of compassion You

Lil iuld benefit the lives of people in
far distant lands Don't waste your
breath trying to convince a skeptic;
take action on your own.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a
6 ~~ YOU have a lot of things on
your mind, some of them very nice.
Do keep chipping away at a tough

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today
is an 8 ~ ., Your friends can help you
achieve just about any goal In this
situation, for example, they can
help you find the exact person
you're seeking.

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 5' You're naturally polite You'll
need every ounce of that skill to
deal With an older person You can
do it There is a happy ending
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 9 Travel looks excellent

now launch your world cruise or, if
you're not quite ready for that yet,
get serious about your planning.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 ., , You don't obsess
about money, usually, preferring
more lofty pursuits. This is a good
time to do it, though Might as well
get the bills paid.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19)
Today is an 8 -— Accept the invita-
tion to sit back and let someone
else take care of you. Enjoy the

- Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Today is a 6 w The job is going to

demand all your attention for a mu

ple of days. Don’t schedule any
thing else

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20)
Today is an 8 You're even more
imaginative with positive support,
Believe a person who thinks you

have talent let the compliments in.

C 2006 Tribune Media Services, lnc


Today’ 5
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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kemel ‘ Ql


James McAvoy chats with Us


‘I'I'Ie Dig" about kissing Angelina Jone

Move over. Brad Pitt! UK.
hcamhrob lamcs Mc Ayoy locks
lips with Hollywood s most cov-
ctcd vixcn Angelina Jolie. in the
hot summer action flick Wanted
(out June 27). The Scotland na-
tivc. married to actress Anne-
Marie Duff, 37. insists that thc
stcamy sccnc was strictly profcs~
sional. "l was acting. totally. I'm
a marricd guy!" he tclls Us. In
thc film, the actor is yankcd
from his corporate cubicle and
forced to join a nctwork of as-
sassins. The 29—year-old chats
with Us.

Q: What was it like to film
that sexy kiss sccnc‘.’

lt‘s the least intimatc mo-
ment of your day. l was more in-
timate with my makeup artist
than I was with Angelina!
You're more worried that your
brcath stinks from the garlic pas—
ta at lunch.

Q: How did you prepare for
the physical role?

I had to go to the gym.
which isn‘t really my bag. That
took a lot of time. There was
fight training with the stunt
team, kickboxing sessions every
moming and gun training. 1 was
never Conan the Barbarian. The
stuff at the beginning. where I‘m
out of shape. lends itself more to

Q: What does your wife
think of your new ripped

Aww. I don't know. You’ll
have to ask her!

Q: Do you prefer action
flicks or dramas?

I do like serious films, to be
honest. When action films are
good. they‘re fun. but when

they're bad. it‘s like going to the

dentist. Mission: Impossible III
was great.


Jcssc Csincsak. 26

Georgia real estate agent
Pappas. 26. loves pro snow-
boarder Csincsak‘s adventurous
side (“He's always trying new
thingsl"l but wondered if the
Colorado resident was too
young to commit. “I worried he
wasn't ready for me.“

Jeremy Anderson. 30

“We related on such a differ-
ent lcvcl," she says of connect-
ing with the Texas attomcy over
loss (her mom passed away: he
lost both parents). Of concern:
“He‘s the perfect man. and I've
never had perfection in my life.
It scares me."

Jason Mesnick. 31

Pappas dubs the Seattle-area
businessman “loving. caring and
generous. He goes out of his
way to make sure I‘m happy."
Caveat? With his son, Ty, 3, “1d
have to be sure I was ready for
this immediate family."

One Baby Borrowers mom
tells Us why she let tccns care
for her kids

Detcmiincd to show
teenagers that having a child
means more than “getting a cute
doll to have people —admire."
Salt Lake City stay-at—homc
mom Natalie Nichols. 31.
jumped at a chance to participate
in The Baby Borrowers (NBC,
Wednesdays. 9 p.m.). On the se-
ries, teen couples rear other peo-
ple's kids around the clock for
several days. Nichols and hus-
band Chct. 3o. handed over Etta.

now 17 months. and Benjamin.
now 3. to New Hampshire col-
lege student Kelsey Lapman
(who wants kids) and electrician
beau Scan Graham (who docs-
n'tl. both IX. What transpired ~
Graham referred to Etta as "it."
and Lapman literally madc hcr-
self sick with worry A- failed to
impress Nichols. who tells Us.
"It‘s not the right time for thcm
to be parents."


As My Life on the D-List rc--
turns. the comic gives Us hcr‘
uncensored take on Hollywood


“Little Jessie is the only
celeb who tells me. ‘You can say
whatever you want about rm. 1
don’t care. 1 just think you‘re
funnyl' She laughs at hcrsclf.
Her dad is weird. though. and he
keeps getting wcirdcr.“


“She just has that look in her
eyes all the time: ‘Hclp mcl‘"


“I don‘t trust a guy who only
goes out with one famous
woman after another. lt‘s like
Chris Isaak and Asian women.
After the fourth Asian woman.
you're like. What the f — k‘.’
That‘s a huge red flag. But he‘s a
cute guy.l guess."


“I was making fun of Star
Jones too much, Barbara Walters
didn't ban me. lt was that pain in
the ass Bill chdic. thc cxccu-
tivc producer. Why a white.
middle—aged chublican runs a
woman‘s show. l don‘t even

w .



37 1969 Joe Somh
hit, and hint to
puzzle theme
found in last
words of 18- and

orange juice
27 Phone service
28 For the birds?
29 Shade of blue

ACROSS DOWN 31 Narcissists 48 Walking aids
1 Hailed vehicle 1 Result in concern 49 Victorious
4 Gerald and 2 It comes with 33 Log house Gettysburg
Henry strings attached 34 Quires and general
9 Former Nigerian 3 Evoke thoughts quires 50 Mobile telephone
capital of 35 Jewish feast giant
14 Auto ad fig. 4 Not so tall a tale 37 Desert that‘s a 51 Took three out of
15 Cake toppers 5 Lots and lots significant part of three. say
16 Befuddled 6 Changed the Mongolia 53 Skier’s lift
17 Spoon-bender decor of 38 Shutterbug 55 Okinawa
Geller 7 Eighth of a fluid 39 Voting sites affirmative
18 Inn offerings ounce 44 Mystical Islamic 56 Prepare for battle
20 Napster 8 Nine-digit ID faith 57 By way of
download 9 Clothing tag 46 ___ Mae: student 58 Part of a loop
22 What a 10 Word before loan group 59 Impertinence
marksman takes number Or
23 Dream-sleep WGIth
acronym 11 Fed. property
24 Home to Halley manager
and Huxley 12 ‘The Star-
26 Louisiana's state Spangled
bird. e.g. Banner’.
30 They‘re picked contraction
up by "eaters 13 Down in the
31 Illumination unit dumps
vessel mm W
33 Snug and comfy Burnham
34 Parts of Lamb“ _
Hollywood? 21 Cruller coating
36 Tyler of 25 Bottomless VOId
“Armageddon“ 26 Like some





55-Across and 3-
and 27-Down


10 11




40 Eastern sash
41 Trembling




42 Eat
43 Grain containers






45 Mantric syllables
46 Ward of ‘The






47 Formally installs.
as into the Hall of

49 Florida

52 7 Schwarz:




















NYC toy store
53 Rolodex no.




54 Pack away
55 Really enjoying




60 Tina's 19603-705
music partner

61 Pop up

62 Neighbors of








52 53








63 Little bite



64 Muslim clerics
65 Hardly Mr. Right
















66 Hood‘s heater






 .fi’ff ll( 70le


'PAGE 3 | Thursday, July 3, 2007




Continued from page i


solution of this problem.

"(The summit) was incredi—
bly strong g and the idea of
changing our culture to non-tol—
erance of violence. sexual. and
domestic is a breathtaking
view." said Pat Gerhard. owner
of Third Street Stuff and Coffee

who participated in the event.
“Educating bystanders to the
point of view that violence is
not acceptable is the obvious
path to take because the ap-
proach from the Victim level is
not working in reducing these
abuses. It was inspiring and en-~

Christy Burch—Epperson. as—
sistant director of the VIP Cen—
ter. said events like this really

make a difference in coming up
with new ways to reduce the
number of UK students who are
affected by acts of violence
against women.

"It‘s absolutely exciting that
people all across the state of
Kentucky are coming together
for a common goal to prevent

ucation. media. government.
faith organizations and many
other groups can generate green

63 percent of UK female
students have experienced at
least one incident of violence in
their lifetime. according to the
VIP Center Web site. 36.5 per
cent of female students will be




. I . i I

violence." Burch-Epperson said.
“As part of the summit. partici—
pants discuss how business. ed—

victims of sexual assault. physi-
cal or stalking. while at UK.

“”‘A‘W‘I' , Horton woooiiii
nouns lRlHOL‘Si ... - g [m t

.u -.v..i.... ... Maw-n0.
”) 'Mcdlt“. I‘lta
“I. n'.” III ‘I ‘1'. AU‘


- IMO K 30" MN 0'
Hollboy Z the Dark [night i Jowney
in "to Center or in. arm in 3 o

Inna on; n e WM-‘Kllilustoozonzons
‘ the Crystal Skull (PG m 12 50. 3 45

-‘06‘5 800905 |0l5




Continued from page 1


Riggle said she has faith that
students are able to evaluate the
ideas presented to them. and her
mission. and mission of .her col-
leagues. is to facilitate the learn-
ing of those critical skills. And,
Riggle said. she believes that
their mission is to conduct re-
search. which addresses prob-
lems facing the Commonwealth.
the nation and the world.

"The Gender and Women‘s
Studies Program and its faculty
contribute critically to the study
of these problems
and the mission of
the university." Rig-
gle said.

Melanie Otis. an
assistant professor
in the College of
Social Work. said
the handouts are in-
dictments targeting
all faculties engaged
in the scholarship
that contributes to

the elimination of d0

social injustice.

their efforts serve to
remind us of the im—
portance of the uni—
versity‘s mission to
graduate informed. thoughtful
citizens prepared to make mean—
ingful contributions to the well—
being of a diverse society — lo—
cally. nationally. and globally."
Otis said.

Lucinda Ramberg. an assis-
tant professor in the women's
studies program. said as a schol-
ar of kinship. she shares an inter-
est in the Family Foundation's

"Free and open
academic inquiry
is at the very
heart of what
institutions of '
higher learning
are supposed to

definition of “family." But. with
less than 25 percent of US.
households comprised of nuclear
families. according to the 2000
census. Ramberg said that the
form of the family has varied
through culture and time.

“When I teach on the topic
of family and kinship. as on any
topic. I encourage my students
to use their investigative and
critical skills in their own read-
ing. research and writing." Rani—
berg said.

"This is our mission in
women‘s studies at UK. ‘to in-
troduce students to feminist
studies and the politics of gentler
around the world and to build
critical and inves—
tigative skills
through the study of
theory and social
and historical life.
and the practice of
research and social
cngagement.‘ "

Orstrander said
that while some
have characterized
the handouts as “at-
,, tacks." the Family

Foundation is in no

way judging or

LEE TODD pointing fingers at
UK Ples‘dem the individuals.

"We are not

asking that some—

one‘s freedom of

speech of beliefs be suspended.

just questioning the apparent

hypocrisy of claims of diycrsity

used." he said. “Based on UK‘s

Web site. you have to have a

particular perspective to bc cm-
ploycd in that dcpartmcnt."



Continued from page i


and development efforts.

The office‘s employees be-
lieve the center will be a resource
for prospective and current stur
dents as well as alumni. Jones

"There is a definite emphasis
on prospective students." said
Jones. The office is located in a
prominent area of downtown and
has plans to host infomiation ses-
sions and presentations for high
school students who are consid»
eri'ng attending UK. Jones said.

UK President Lee Todd said
UK on Main has great potential
to extend UK‘s influence on re»
cruitment in Louisville.

“Louisville and Jefferson

County are home to some of the

state's top students. thousands of

UK alumni. and many of Ken
tucky‘s largest and most influen-
tial businesses." Todd said in a
news release. "We are pleased
that this new office will allow Us
to collaborate with those llillucll‘
tial community leaders. while
bringing a little piece of UK to
downtown Louisville."

Despite the focus of rccrun—
merit. current students and aluni»
m w ill be able to use the office as
a link to thc Lexnigton campus
as well. Jones said.

"It's a work in progress.”
Jones said. “but the possibilities
arc endless. There are really no
definitions or limits to what we
can do."


SAVf A LN? Half“ Ti) ‘9le ‘5500 N (EA?

for details stat:
s". Si Pt ASMA

Pliny-lasso: «, » ~

9177;1mt.» 1:. r ...' in:

Named faculty members

The six UK faculty mem-
bers profiled in the handout:

Joanna Badagllacco -
Associate professor of sociolo—
gy and director of UK's Discov-
ery Seminar Program. The
handout highlighted her exami-
nation’in women’s lives with re-
spect to issues of abortion. Also
highlighted is her involvement
as the chair-elect of the Board
of Directors of Planned Parent-

Jan Oaks ~ Full-time lec-
turer of gender and women's
studies and English. Highlighted
is her scholarship involving
cross~gender ventriloquism in
early American literature and
the intersection of feminist theo—

ry and pedagogy.

Melanie Otis - Assistant
professor in the College of So-
cial Work. Highlighted in her
biography is her research in ex—
amining the individual and
community-level impact of ho-
mophobia and heteroscxism and
her membership in the Ken—
tucky Fairness Alliance.

Lucinda Ramberg ,_ As—
sistant professor in Gender and
Women‘s Studies Program and
the Department of Anthropolo-
gy. Highlighted are the classes
she teaches. such as Introduc-
tion to Queer Studies. Queer
Theory and Kinship studies.

Ellen Riggle — Associate
professor of political science
and gender and women's studies
and associate director of the
Gender and Women‘s Studies
Program. Highlighted is her re~
search in legal status issues for
same—sex couples.

Robert Tannenbaum —
Associate director of undergrad-
uate studies. On the handout.
highlighted is Tannenbaums as—
sociation with the American
Civil Liberties Union and his
membership of the Reproduc-
tivc Freedom Project.

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Page 4



Ihe opinions page txovrdes a forum for the exchange of ideas Unlike news stories the Kernels
unsigned editorials represent the Views of a Illawllfy of the editorial board letters to the editor. columns. canoons and
other features on the opinions page reflect the views of their authors and not necessarily those (it the Kernel



Presidential candidates
offer students hope for
higher education needs

As the Board of Trustees has ap—
proved a raise in tuition and with the
state cutting finances for higher edu-
cation. it‘s time students begin look—
ing outside of Kentucky for financial
support and start looking at the big—
gcr picture.

As mentioned in last week‘s edi-
tion of the Kernel. Student Govemv
ment president

gram and recall the entire federal
portion of circulating funds held by
participating institutions. including

Beyond typical outlets like CNN
and Fox News. students should look
toward national and local neWspapers
for political analysis of the 2008
presidential candidates. Additionally.

students can go on—


Tyler Montcll. vice
president Grant
Mills and other
members of SO
traveled to Wash—
irigton. l).(‘.. to
stress the issue of
higher education
to Kentucky‘s
elected officials.
It‘s about time
someone spoke up
to those in Wash-
ington. especially
with the current
state of UK‘s bud-

With the election this
November, we students
should begin our research
on where the candidates
stand on higher education
and our plans for the next
four years.

line to both candi-
dates‘ Web sites to
find their stance on
higher education.

According to his

campaign Web site.
presidential candi-
date Sen. John Mc-
Cain (R—Ariz.) is
proposing a Student
Loan Continuity
Plan. in which relies
on the federal gov-
eniment and the 50

govemors to antici-



Higher education should be a
priority for students. especially in—
coming freshmen who have three to
four more years of tuition to pay.
With the election coming this No-
vember. students should begin their
research on where the candidates
stand on higher education and what
they will do for them.

We students are historically infa~
mous for our apathy when it comes
to civic duty. but this year. it‘s criti—
cal for us to care about the decisions
the nation makes for President.

In addition to the issue of rising
tuition. the next president will decide
the federal funding for higher educa
tion and the a\.iilability and money
put in Pell Grants and Perkins Loans.

For students not aware. T’ell
Grants and Perkins Loans are govern~
ment-sponsored grants and low int