xt759z90cj69 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt759z90cj69/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1956-01-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 9, 1956 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 9, 1956 1956 1956-01-09 2020 true xt759z90cj69 section xt759z90cj69 ovad


Minutes oi the Hniyersity Faculty, January 2, 1356

The University Faculty met in regular session in the Assembly Room of
Infferty H311. Monday, January 9. 1956. at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided.
Members absent were Staley 1"- Ada-ms. Gifford Blyton‘, w. M. Carter, N. P.
(arrigus. Carsie Hammonds, A. D. Kirwan, A. C. McFarlan, Niel Plummer, Helen
Ebed. J, E. Reeves‘, JaSper Shannon’, Hill Shine, Earl P. Slone, Gilbert Webster,

Frank J. Welch and M, M. White“.
The minutes of December 12, 1955 were read and apprOVed.

Associate Dean Horlacher read Resolutions on the death of Professor George
Roberts and recommended that these Resolutions be sgread upon the minutes and a
copy be sent to ProfeSsor Robertsp family. The Faculty apnroved the Resolutions
and the recommendation. President Donovan also paid a brief tribute to Profesror


The sudden death on December 11, 1955 of Professor George
Roberts at the age of 82 brought sorrow to his colleagues in the
University and to a host of friends throughout the State. No man
was better known nor more highly regarded by the farm pe0ple of
Kentucky than Professor Roberts. They recognized in him an able
conscientious man devoted to agricultural reSearch and dedicated to
the task of helping to develop a more profitable and permanent agriculture
for the state and they know he was deeyly interested in their welfare.
How well he succeeded is indicated in a statement made in 1943 by Dr.
Thomas P. Conner, then dean of the College and director of the Frperiment
Station. The occasion was Professor Roberts’ retirement from fullntime
duty. Said Dr. Cooper, "In the years that he has been with the Experi-
ment Station, Professor Roberts has performed a service for agriculture
that is outstanding and has added greatly to the economic wealth and
productivity of the agriculture of the state. Through his leadership
farmers of Kentucky have undertaken a soils program, the results of
which can be seen everywhere in the state."

Professor Roberts” suCcess with his experimental work was due to
careful planning. Before starting the work he sought the advice of the
leading men in soil research at various exPeriment stations. The late
Dr. C. G. Hopkins of the University of Illinois Experiment ““1011: One
of the most noted soil research men in the country, was esnecially
helpful in offering suggestions.

In addition to his nesearch work Professor Roberts taught classes
in the College of Agriculture and many students who were members of his
classes remember him as an insniring teacher. Fven after retirement from
full duty he continued to teach one or more classes until recent years.

Professor Roberts received a bachelor degree from the University
Of Kentucky in 1899 and a masters degree in science in 1901. He was
assistant chemist at the Experiment Station, 1901—03. He then left
Kentucky and went to California whore he was assistant chemist at the
ExPSriment Station of the University of California, 1903906. While at
California he worked under the direction of the late Dr. E. w. Hilgard,
an eminent soil chemist and soil research worker. His association with
Dr. Hilgerd was responsible in a large degree for his choice of research
in and teaching of soil fertility as his life work. Hc returned to the
KentuCkY ExPeriment Station in 1906 and serVrd as assistant chemist.

‘Absence exPlained
















Minutes of the University Faculty, January 9, 1956

In 1909 he was named Agronomist and Professor of Agronomy and made head

of the Department of Agronomy in which capacity he served until he

retired from full duty in 1943. He served as acting dean of the College
of Agriculture in 1916 and 1917 and as assistant dean until his retirement

Professor Robcrts was a fellow of the AmeriCnn Society of Agronomy
and served as treasurer of that orgnnizetion from 191? to 1917. He was
a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Zeta. He also held membership in the
Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, the Kentucky Academy of
Science and the Research Club of the University of Kentucky. He was
named in Who's Who in America and other similar publications. He was
a member of Central Christian Church of Lexington anu taught a Bible
class for many years. He was a member and past president of the Lexington

Kiwanis Club. He was exceedingly loyal to the University and cooperated
fully in all its activities.

Professor Roberts was devoted to his family and made every possible
effort to see that his children all had a good foundation for life work.
That his efforts were successful is evidenced by the fact that the
three surviving all hold responsible and important positions. Mrs.
Raberts died in 1940 and, of course. her death was a terrible shock to

Professor Roberts. Just a few years later he received another blow when
his older daughter died.

Therefore be it resolved: That in the death of Professor Roberts

the University of Kentucky has lost a man whose work brought much credit
to the institution.

That the people of Kentucky have lost a friend Who envisioned a

richer and more prosperous agriculture for the state and did much to
make the vision come true.

That we extend to his sons and daughter our deepest'sympethy for
their great loss.

That a copy of these resolutions be Spread upon the Minutes of The
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky ano that a ceny be sent
to his family.

T. Bo Bryant )
P. E. Karraker ) Committee on Resolutions
E. J. Kinney )

The Chairman of the Rules Committee submitted a recommendation that the
rule governing the standing required for special students to become degree candr
dates remain unchanged. This recommendation was approved by the Faculty.

At the April 1955 meeting of the University Faculty the £0110wing
recommendation was referred to the Rules Committee:

lmend Item 2, page 179 of the catvlog issued May,
i994, referring to one method by which a special student
may oecome a oanoiuete for a degree, to read as follows:

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Minutes oi the University Faculty, January 2, 1356

m ,


Completing in residence 67 credits with a
stanoing of at least 2.0 in all work attempted.

This change would lower from 2.9 to 2.H the standing rcouired for
special stucents to be changed to segree cenaiaates after tne com-
plution or b7 hou”s of work.

The Rules Committee recommenns that the 2.5 requirement remain

fiespectrully submitted,

The Rules Uommittee
Davifl K. Blythe
Leo M. Chamberlain
Louis Clifton
Jeane DEBQQr
btephen Diaohun
barah Bo Holmes
H. E. Spivey
Me Me white
Rooert Le Mills, Chairman

The Rules Dammittee Chairman also presented recommendations amending the

Rules of the University Faculty governing probation and standing:

The Rules Committee recommends that the following be substituted
for certain of the material found on pages l0, 33 and 34 or the current
University catalog under the meanings of Probation and The Marking System
(Specific page and paragraph references are cited below). You will note
that these changes are, in large part, ecitoriel. However, there are two
important exceptions. These are the definition of prob-tion leVels, which
is intendec to clarify the present probation procedure, and the method of
handling the HF? I and X grade in computing standing for probation purposes.
This latter change provides that stencings will be computed in the same
manner for graduation, probation and all other University purposeso

Page 30 ~ Probationa Substitute the following:

Eggfiatione With the exception of the Colleges or Law enc Pharmacy,
any fullatime student who, curing a regular semester, rails either
to pass nine semester hours of work (or five semester hours during
a summer term) or fails to attain the following designated standing
Shall be placed upon pronation by tne college in wnicn the stuocnt
lS enrolled.

104 for stuoents who have been in college for two semesters
or less

l.b Ior students who have been in college for more than two
but not more than four full semesters

168 for students who have been in college more than four

semesters {Summer Session counts as one—nalf semester)










Minutes 2: the University Faculty, January 3, 1356

Prooation shall continue until the student attains the scholastic
standing specified above. Any student failing to meet the minimum standamm
specified for two consecutive semesters or terms snail be droppeu from the
University. Each college shall submit to the Office of the Registrnr a
complete list of student: plmCBQ upon PTObathn or dropped from the
UniVersity within two weeks after the dean of the college receives the
grade reports from the Registrar at the CLOse or each semester or term.

The dean of a corlege may recommend to the Scholarship and Attendance
Committee that any student enrolled in his college be removed from prooatnm
and the Committee shall review the case and tace appropriate action.

The dean of a college may recommend to the committee that a student
who has been dropped from any colleqe be readmitted to the Univbrsity eiflmr
with or without probation. The Committee shall review the case and take
appropriate action. If readmitted, the student shall enroll in the college
making the reocmmendation.

Any student drOpped a second time shall not be readmitted to the

The above rules shall apply to partmtime students with the exception
that the minimum number of semester hours a partmtime student is required
to paSS shall be half his scheduled load.

Page 33. Delete paragraph 5 and combine paragraphs 7 and 8 to read as

Standing is understood to be the ratio of the number of points
gained to the number of credits attempted. In computing standings for
all university purposes a WP, an I, or an X shall be treated as an E
and a WP shall be ignored. However, an I, X or B grade will not be
counted in computing standing if the student has repeated the course

and made a passing grade.

Page 34. Substitute the following for the first paragraph under Reguiremmms
for Graduation

Undergraduate Colleges. To be eligible for graduation from any under-
graduate college of the University, a student must have completed the re-
quirements of the curriculum as approved by the University Faculty. In
addition to gaining the specified number of credits he must have a standing
of 2.0 _, computed in accordance with the regulations gOVerning standing.
The term "Undergraduate Colleges” shall not include the College of Law.

To be eligible for graduation from the College of Law the student must have
completed the requirements of the curriculum in which enrolled as approved
by the Universi y Faculty and, in addition to gaining the minimum number of
credits, he must have at least twice that number of Quality points acquired
in courses anproved by the Law Faculty as counted toward the degree for whhm
he is a candidate.

Respectively submitted,

The Rules Committee

David K. Blythe Stephen Diachun
Leo M. Chamberlain Sarah B. Holmes
Louis Clifton H. E. Spivey
Jesse DeBoer M. M. White

Robert L. Mills, Chairman
















r of




Minutes 2: the UniVersity Faculty, January 2, 1956


University Faculty approved the recommendations as circularized to that

body under date 0f December 31, 1955, with the following addition to the rule

governing standing:

Standing is understood to be the ratio of the number of points

gained to the number of credits attempted.

In computing standings for

all university purwoses a NF, an I, or an X shall shall be treated as an

E and a b shall be ignored.

be counted

However, an I, X, WF or E grade will not
in computing standing if the student has repeated the course

and made a passing grade, nor will an I or X be counted in computing

Probation standing for a student who for sickness

or like reason

obviously could not have received any other mark.

Itis understood probetion standing will be computed on this new basis for the
first time at the conclusion of the second semester of the current (1955-56)

school year.

The Chairman of

change in the Rules of the University Faculty governing absences before and after

the Rules Committee also submi

a holiday which was approved by the Faculty.

At the December 1955 meeting
Committee was asked to reconsider

before and after a holidayo

ted a recommendation for a

of the University Faculty the Rules
the regulation governing absences

The Committee recommends that the following be substituted

for parag mph 2, section 7, page 12, of

University Faculty:

the current Rules of the

A student absent from the last session of any class

before a

shall have
added to his renuirements for graduation.

holiday or the first session after a
a penalty of one credit per class missed


Such absences

shall be renorted to the Dean of the College in which the
student is enrolled who, in turn, shall report to the

Registrar all penalties assessed.

Only the Dean of the

College may waive this regulation for justifiable reasons.
The Registrar shall record all such penalties on the
student‘s permanent records

Respectfully submitted,

The Rules Committee
David K. Blythe

Leo M.


Louis Clifton
Jesse DeBoer
Stephen Diachun

Sarah B”

Me M.

E. Syivey

Robert L. Mills,


President Donovan reported to the Faculty that the Ashland Oil and
Refining Comyany (with a chain of 31 stationS) and the Standard Oil Company
(”imialchein of 10 stations), broadcasting the University basketball games,
lmd agreed to donate the time between halves for the remainder of the

seaSOH for the purpose of interpreting the UniVersity of Kentucky to the








Minutes 2: the Universitv Faculty, January 2, 1056


neoole of the state and the nation. President Donovan indicated that the tim

would be used to interview members of the cniVersity family and emphasized
the wonderful Opportunity which this brondcnst time offers.



The faculty adjourned.

Robert L. Mills

Minutes 2: the Universitnyaculty, February ll, 1956

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday,
February 13, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members absent were
Elinton Adams‘, A. D. Albright*, A. J. Brown“9 Leo M. Chamberlain*, C. Howard
Eckel, Stetie Erikson’, W. P. Garrigus, Lyman V. Ginger, W. W. HaynesP
Maurice A. Hatch, W. A. Heinz, J. E. Hernandez, A. D. Kirwen, Frank D.
Peterson, Helen Reed. J. E. Reeves, H. A. Romanowitz, J. R. Schwendeman, D. M.
Seath, D. V. Terrell‘, and Frank J. Welch.


The minutes of January Q were read and apprOVed.

Dean Dickey read resolutions on the death of Professor W. R. Tabb and

Professor Staley Adams read resolutions on the death of Professor G. E. Gerhard.

r.“ " .1.
These resolutions were accepted by the Faculty, to be Sprend upon the mIHUVCS
and coPies to be sent to the resPectiVC families.

George Richard Gerhard died at 7:05, the eVening of Thursday,
Fecember 15, as the result of an automobile accident u

rhich occurred
a few hours previously. Prof. Gerhard had been in ill health and was

on his way to Augusta, his original home. when the accident happened.

Prof. Gerhard was 45 years of age at the time of his death, was
married, and had one sonp ll years old.

he obtained his B. S. degree in Met
University of Kentucky in 1932 and his
he was awarded the degree of Master of

allurgicel Engineering from the
Master‘s degree in 1933. In 1938
Science from the University of

During 1934 and 1935 Prof. Gerhard was an analyst in the Metal«
lurgical Department of the American Rolling Mills Co. at Ashland,
Kentucky, leafiing there to accept a position as teaching fellow in
metal processing at the University of Michigan. He remained there,

with leave of absence during the war. until 1946, advancing to instructor
and assistant professor during that neriod.

*Absence explained



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