xt75dv1ckk1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ckk1n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19560302  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1956 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1956 1956 2013 true xt75dv1ckk1n section xt75dv1ckk1n Four UK Students Arrested
On Narcotics, Larceny Charges
Four University of Kentucky freshmen who boasted
they came to college to become "bigtimc gangsters" were
arrested early Thursday morning in their rooms in the
men's dormitories. '
Two of them were charged with grand larceny and
the sale of marijuana. The other two students were
charged with the possession of barbiturates. Two
who were living in the dormitory with the four
arrested students were charged with loitering and defrauding an innkeeper. Six other students are being
The police had not released the names of the students
at press time.
The arrests followed an Investigation which began
with the January 10 commode explosion in Bradley Hall.
Subsequent events included a similar commode explosion
in Kinkead Hall, the burning of Frazee Hall, 31 coin
machine robberies at UK, break-in- s
in Lexington and
Louisville, and the sale and possible use of marijuania


and barbiturates.

The first report that University students might be
Involved in the use and sale of narcotics was received by
Dean cf Men Leslie L. Martin on January 20. A UK student living In the dormitories overheard the arrested students iliscux-n- g narcotics and reported it to Dean Martin.
The student was warned by Dean Martin not to divulge
this Information.
University officials notified the Federal Bureau of
Nareotks and cooperated with them in admitting an
undercover agent who moved into the room of one of
the principal suspects.
The Lexington police were already investigating the
commode explosions and thefts and participated with the
narcotic agents in the arrests.
At a preis conference Thursday morning, President
II. L. Donovan said, "The University could have side


stepped nil bad publicity by easing the young gangsters
out of school, but we felt we had an obligation to society
to help catch them."
Because the four had repeatedly been implicated in
the commode explosions and coin machine thefts, the
University iad planned to dismiss them at the end of
the first semester.
However, after the narcotic threat had been discovered, Dean Martin was authorized by President Donovan
to place them on disciplinary probation so that they
could be observed by the Narcotics Bureau undercover
Donovan stated that the investigation would have been
discontinued immediately if any students had been placed
in physical jeopardy or if University property had been
seriously threatened.
The undercover agent was able to collect enough concrete evidence to arrest two of the students for grand larceny ami the sale of marijuana. More charges may be
made after the students are questioned.
The students admitted to him that they had looted
pinball machines, coin machines, and had robbed busi-juato the undercover man.
They will be arraigned on this charge before a U. S.
Commissioner in Louisville. Two Louisville men also will
be arrested for the sale of marijuana.
The Lexington police arrested two other students for
the possession of barbiturates.
At least one of the grand larceny charges is based on
a recent Lexington hotel theft. An electrical appliance
display set up for a convention was looted by the students. Lexington Chief of Police E. C. Hale said many
small appliances, including percolators, mixers, radios,
and skillets, were found in one of the student's rooms.
The narcotics undercover man said the students told

him th.it they had checked Into the hotel, remained for
several hours, and then walked out with the loot in thrir
The arrests occurred at 5:30 a.m. Thursday. A Kernel
staff member gave t ho following eyewitness account:
Lexington and campus jxilice converged on the men's
quadrangle and blocked the entrances to all the dormitories. Three or four ci'y policemen and a nartotwt
agent went to each of the student's rooms. The arrestcil
students lived in Kinkoad. Bradley, and Bowman Halls.
The police opened the doors of the rooms with passkeys, switched on the lights, and wakened the students.
The warrants were read, and the students were told to
dress. After they dressed, they were handcuffed. All the
arrested students were very quiet and orderly. One of
them asked for a cigarette and a drink of water. He wa
given the cigarette and told he could have a drink on the
way out.
The rooms were thoroughly searched. The stolen appliances were found in one room and loaded into two
trunks. Some barbiturates and a pistol were located in
another room. The police also confiscated four knives.
No marijuana was discovered.
The arrests were made so quietly that the roommate
of one of the arrested students did not awaken. The police were gone by 6: IS a.m.
In a written report to President Donovan. Dean Martin said, "It is important ta note that the ring leaders in
this group of hoodlums are freshman students who came
to UK for the first time in September with full intent to
carry on their activities of crime. These Individuals were

junior gangsters who deliberately organized and planned
crimes before and after coming to UK and boasted to the
undercover agent that they intended to become 'big time
mobsters' who would be educated and therefore able to
evade the law."

IFC Amends Constitution;
Pledge Standing Lowered
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, KyM March 2, 1956





Fraternity pledges who make a "C" standing arc now eligible
lor initiation.
It would have been ridiculously easy not to have
The Intel fraternity Coumil Tuesday night amended its conadmitted the suspect "students" back into the University the second semester.
stitution to lower the present grade requirement Iroin a - H
A problem, however, is not solved by running
standing- to a 2. for a pledge to be initiated. The amendment,
away from it.
unanimously, is retroactive to the fall semester.
Thus Dr. Donovan and Dean Martin, already in passed

Nation-wid- e
att ention will probably be directed
at the University of Kentucky because of the arrest

of "students" charged with illegal use of narcotics
and grand larceny.
Crime inevitably brings bad publicity, and the.
University may suffer much of the latter. But UK,
In the words of President II. L. Donovan, believed
that the good of society should be placed above possible bad publicity.
Had the University "taken the easy way out."
evidence sufficient for arrest might not have been
obtained. President Donovan and Dean of Men
L. L. Martin, however, cooperated actively and effectively with the federal and. local authorities.
The University made it clear that it would aid in
gathering evidence against the arrested "students"
only so long as there was no threat of injury to
other students and University property.
Only another University president can fully grasp
the problem that Dr. Donovan faced so squarely.


This means that any pledge who
positions of heavy responsibility, assumed heavier
made a 2. last semester ran be
loads to help make the arrest.
initiated. In addition, IFC ruled,
Gangsters in the guise of students are not a part any pledge from previous semesof UK. University officials were not, as the sus- ters, if he made a 2. last semester,
pects believed, ignorant of the criminal activities. ran be initiated. Although these
They would have been dropped from the University old pledges must repledge, they
long ago but for the fact that more than ordinary don't have to wait for an organized
rush period. They must only recollege life was affected.
sign their old pledge card in the
The University has become the victim of a shock- Dean of Men's Office.
ing incident, but the capable, prudent handlin gof
The amendment is similar to the
the affair by the administration testifies that UK is Panhellenic rule recently adopted.
indeed a great institution, dedicated to more than Although
it lowers the IFC rethe sounding of public opinion.
quirements for initiation, it does


State Budget
May Include
Med School

























When the third special session
of the Kentucky General Assembly meets, Gov. A. B. Chandler will
present the budget for the next
fiscal period. In all probability this
budget will include a proposed appropriation lor establishment of a
medical schocl at the University of
The idea behind this proposal
was conceived in 1952 when the
General Assembly directed the
Legislative Research Commission
to look into the "desirability and
steps necessary" for the establishmedical
ment cf a













that fraternity.
"Dec. 10 was the last date a

Louisville Symphony Orchestra

pledge could drop last semester."
Dean Martin said, "while April 28
will be the deadline this semester."

Farrell, Louisville Orchestra
To Appear Here Monday


school at UK.

This Commission appointed an
Advisory Committee consisting of
five Kentucky physicians to advise
and assist them in the undertaking, lli is committee, working in
with the Medical
School Committee of the University of Kentucky, came to the conclusion tbat Kentucky does need
another medical school for the following reasons:
(1) There is a definite state-vid- e
shcrtafe cf physicians which,
by 195. could reach 1,800.
(2) There has been a persistent
downward trend in physician
trends since the turn of the century in Kentucky.
(3) The current rate of supply
of new physicians is inadequate
to maintain pace with the increas
ing population
(1) Kentucky depends heavily
(Continued on Page 1G)



Eileen Farrell will appear as soloist with the
Louisville Symphony Orchestra at Memorial Coliseum at 8:15 p.m., Monday, March 5. The concert
is sponsored by the Central Kentucky Community
Concert and Lecture Series.
The Louisville Orchestra, conducted by Robert
orchestra of 50 players
Whitney, is a classical-size- d
on a budget of slightly over $100,000. In
April, 1953, the Rockefeller Foundation awarded a
grant of $400,000 to the orchestra for "a project to
stimulate, encourage, and foster the creation, performance, and recording of new musical works by
living composers."
A program which the orchestra undertook In
1948 led to the Idea of the project commissioned by
the Rockefeller Foundation. At the urging of
Charles Farnsley, former mayor of Louisville, the
orchestra decided to present a specially commis- stoned new work at every subscription concert. This
placed the chief emphasis on the composer and his

not prevent a fraternity from imposing a higher grade requirement
if it so desires. Some sororities,
for instance, require anywhere
from a 2.2 to a 2.5 for initiation.
Dean Martin, who attended the)
meeting Tuesday niRht, explained
to the fraternity governing body
that it was entirely within their
power to lower the grade requirement.
"The University faculty," Martin
said, "only rrquirrs a pledge to
make a 2. The 2.2 requirement it
an Interfraternity Council ruling.'
At the meeting, Dean Martin also talked to the members about
general scholarship of the fraternities. He said that only about
four fraternities are on social probation this semester because they
failed to make the required 2.3
overall fraternity standing.
This compares very favorably
with other fall semesters, when
usually eUht or nine fraternities
fail to make the required standing.
He informed the group that hit
office had adopted a new rule to
keep the fraternity's standing
from being hurt by those pledget
who drop out of school. Any pledge
who withdraws officially from
school before the 12th week of
semester will be dropped" from a
fraternity's pledge roster and hit
grades will not be averaged with

WUS Drive

music rather than on the performer. Immediately
this idea won the approval and interest of the Louisville audience.
Miss Farrell. a dramatic soprano has appeared
with Toscanini, Mitropoulas. Ormandy, and
She has also sung with the New York Philharmonic-Symphony
more times than any other
artist in the 114 year history of the orchestra. More
recently her voice was on the sound track of the
movie "Interrupted Melody" in which Eleanor Parker enacted the role of Marjorie Lawrence.
The program of the concert will consist of
a divertissment on 20 Kentucky folk
songs, Milhaud; "Symphony No. 4 in D Minor,"
Schumann: "Wesendonck Lieder," Wagner, with
Miss Farrril. soloikt; VLssi d'arta from "Tosca." Puccini: In di vedremo from "Madame Butterfly,
Puccini: and Pace, Pace, Mio Dlo from "La roria
verm, wun .mss rarrru as soioisi;
Del Desllno,
and a suite, "Harry Janus," Kodaly.


"Ken-tuckiana- ,"

Ends Short
Of Goal
The World University Service
received $502.70 from the drive
conducted last week on campus.
This was $497.30 short of the $1,000
goal set for UK this year. The
figures, however, are not final as
contributions are still being made.
SGA has planned to give $50 and
Civil Engineering. $25.
Contributions already made and
the amounts are: all sororities.
$C6.22. with
TA leading with a
contribution of $17; fraternities.
$123.71, Farm House leading with
(Continued on Page C)

* Till: 'KENTUCKY KKItNKI.. Friday. March


2. IMfi

Concer t Series 'Announces
Twelve Attractions For '56-'5- 7



Wagner Opera Company
Dr. Herman fc. Spivey, dean of
will return next year alos. This the Graduate Schftol. and presiTin
Yienu.i I'liilli.trmonic time tliry will do "La Traviatn" dent of the Concert nnd Lecture
Ore iH'.stra, m.iKiiiH nun Mlliv ov liuiscppo vcrcn. me National Series said that the board of dis..rMh chorus, comno.scd of HO rectors has appointed a committee
in tlir South, will rrtale voices vlll make their first to study ways to improve the Soli-scuapprararuT
for concerts. Plans have been
as a Ira- -'! apienrance here, and, for the first
appoar l.c.r
n f,ance Rroup Josp On.ro drawn up for a permanent stape
lurr attrac tion ol the (Central and his Dancers, will be presented. which mieht possibly be constructed by next year if funds are availkVn.ncly O.n.munUy C,,no,rt j,,
and I Aft lire Scries. This or-- 1 will do either a Shakespearean or An architect from Dallas, Texas,
cl,.ra.Will tour tho U.,xl
has been on the campus for the
last few days studying; plans for a
States and play in 30 cities Omnibus, will be the second at- contractible band shell
from coast to coast.
would be suitable for small or
The Deputy Prime Minister of
Twelve attractions will be pre- (treat Britain, the lit. Honorable large croups.
sented next year by the Central Herbert Morrison will also appear.
Kentucky Community Concert As- Harrison Salisbury, New York
sociation. eiKht concerts and four Times reporter, will talk about his
forum attractions. Next year's pro- travels. lie Is one of the most
gram will include concerts by Mar- widely traveled reporters In the
All You Con Stuff
ian Anderson, contralto: Richard Soviet territory and attended three
In The Bag
Tucker, Metropolitan tenor; and of the Big Four meetings.
Washed, Dried, Folded
Gina Bachauer, Greek pianist.
The association will also present
Miss Bachauer is recognized by a concert by the Central Kentucky
clitics as one of the greatest pian- Youth Symphony. This is the third
year that the Youth Symphony,
ists of our time.
The Pittsburgh Symphony Or- made up of representatives from
chestra, conducted by William nearly all the high schools in CenCorner Woodland & Euclid
Steinberg, will make their second tral Kentucky, has appeared under
appearance here, (iregor I'latigor-sk- the sponsorship of the Concert
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Broadus,
cellist, will be the soloist.
and Lecture Series.

nrt .,,,





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* Till: KKNTt'f KV KKHNKI.. Kridnv. March

Suky ElecLs

Guigttol To Singe
Taming Of Shrew

New Mcinl)ers

In the pnst

Religious Convocation
To Be Held Wednesday



rar. ntmit





the American Rftl Cr.vs
v.tfety prcpram.


perlc hme rrrrhfil rrrtmcatrs


Doll are found nmnm: the reThe Guianol Theater will premains of remote antiquity and
sent "The TaminR of the Shrew"
often are associated with itIikIouh
The Shakespeare
comedy is the third play of the
Although only
season and is under the direction
University Com outturn for Delicious K in-I- United States 5puptM rent of thr
Blevins, Jo Ann Burbidge, John of Wallace N. BrigRs.
Donovan, president of the University, lias announced that. them, half the schools in th
The cast includes Gene Arkle as
Collier, Ann Cox, Sue Davenport,
.11.1. ........
Jean Estes, Charlene Gaines, Bar- Tetruchio and Page Williams as an cjasses win Ino dismissed1 at. vJ:ou a.m. so that. students nuv United States in 1950 had only one
bara Galloway, Jo Ann Ingels, and
Sandy Kitchen.
Bianca. is played by Mary Ann lfU,,ul the convocation in Memorial C.olisenni Hcpilar classes
Mary Eileen McClure, Patsy Stevenson, and Ralph Albers will! will continue at 11 a.m.
Emily Rix
Middleton, Carolyn Milliken, Edith portray the lather The three
Dr. Vin White, pastor of First pus," "With or Without God." and
Russell, Agnes Sanderfur, Mary W. suitors for Bianca's hand will be Presbyterian Church In Lincoln. "Focus on Faith."
portrayed by Ben Story as
Smith, Mary Teegarden, Judy
Neb. is to be the speaker for the
RE Week is now promoted by
Claude Trapp as Gremio convocation. His topic for the adMary Jo Varner, Hiram WalCouncil whicl is
the Inter-Fait- h
173 East High Street
ker, Edie Warner, Harold Wilson, and Norval Copeland as Hortensio. dress will be "Let's Face It," the composed of 10 church grou;.., on
Other members of the cast are theme of the 1956 Religious Em- campus.
and Joan Young.
Lexington, Ky.
Joe Ray in the role of Christopher phasis Week.
Cynthia Hardman and Jill
were appointed secretary Sly, Frances Nave as the hostess,
Other religious leaders who will
David Withers played a lord,
and treasurer, respectively. Joy les Calloway as Vincentio, Char- be heard at various times and
Fred places
Bell Is the new cheerleader manSliter as Tranio, John Veltri in Dr. C. throughout the week are
J. Eliezer, professor
the role of
Jim Hurt as mathematics at the University of
Grumio, and Nancy Niles as Curtis.
When asked about the prospects
Ronnie Boyd will be seen as the
(Author of "Dartfoot Boy Wlh Chetk," tte.f
of his Duke football team. Coach pedant, Irvin Pickett as the haber- ?V
education at
Bill Murray said: "The success ot dasher, Jane Perkins as the widow, 'sociate
your own team depends on the and Alec Murphy will portray the Miami University (Ohio); Father
Elmer Grosser, Rector of St. IMus
strength of your opponents."
X Seminary in Erlanger; Rev. THE CARE AND
James W. Gunn, pastor of United
Presbyterian Church In Lebanon;
Today we "take" up room-matea delightful phenomenon of
Rev. T. O. Harrison, chaplain at
American college life. Having a room-mat- e
is not only heaps of
Good Samaritan Hospital; Dr.
raul L. Holmer, professor of phi- fun ; it is also very educational, for the proper study of mankind
losophy at the University of Minis man, and there is no better way to learn the dreams and
drives of another human being than to share a room with him.
The Rev. Frank R. Knutti, recThis being the case, it is wise not to keep the same room-mat- e
tor of Immanuel Episcopal Church
you have, the more you
in Winchester; Chaplain (Lt. Col.) too long, because the more room-mate- s
Mert Lampson, staff chaplain at will knowabout the dreams and drives of human beings. And
A Fine Dry
Ft. Knox; Dr. Earl A. Moore, pro-- ! that's what we're all after, isn't it?
fessor of English at Western Ken
So try to change room-mate- s
as often as you can. A recent
tucky State College; Dr. Howard
study made by Sigafoos of Michigan State shows that the best
E. Short, professor of church history at the College of the Bible; interval for changing room-mate- s
is every four hours.
Rev. William D. Swift, director of
the Methodist Student Movement Now let us discuss how to go about choosing a room-matMost
at Southern Methodist University;
counselors agree that the most important thing to look for in
and Rabbi Herbert S. Waller, rabbi
room-matis that they be
of Temple Adath Israel in LouisNewly elected Suky members are
Lois Allen, Glen Baird, Bobby Bar-traMary Lou Baumstark, Barbara Best, Mary J. Bond, Carolyn

21-2- 4.










Ma-hon- ey


Oil MjmS K&nan



Around for



people of regular habits. This,
I say, is arrant nonsense. What
if one of their regular habits
happens to be beating a great
gong from midnight to three
a.m.? Or growing cultures in
the tooth glass? Or reciting
the Articles of War? Or peanut


Window shopping's a time- - proven
way to test before you try. We
think it works for dry cleaning
services, too! Pick the smartest
looking women, the most dapper
chilmen, even the
dren. Ask them how they got
that way. Chances are, they
don't wear new clothes every day.
Chances are, they use a
dry cleaner. Chances are,
they use us! Why not join in?
The prices are fine!








Regular habits indeed!

IS' ft.



that beyond quibble, far and
away the most important quals
is that they
ity in
be exactly your size. Otherwise
you will have to have their
clothes altered to fit you, which
can be a considerable nuisance.
In fact, it is sometimes flatly
impossible. I recollect one time
I roomed with a man named
Tremblatt Osage who was just
under seven feet tall and weighed nearly four hundred pounds.
There wasn't a blessed thing I could use in his entire wardrobe
until one night when I was invited to a masquerade party. I
cut one leg off a pair of Tremblatt's trousers, jumped into it,
sewed up both ends and went to the party as a bolster. (Incito participate in the mission,
Some of the past themes for RE dentally, I took second prize. First prize went to a girf 'named
Week have been "Religion in the Antenna Wilkins who poured molasses over her head and went
Modern World," "Take Time to as a candied apple.)
Look at Life," "God on the Cam- But I digress. Let us get back to the qualities that make deThe first automobile advertiseNot the least of these is the cigarettes they
ment in a national magazine ap- smoke. When we
borrow cigarettes, do
peared in 1900 in the Saturday
Evening Post. The W. E. Roach we want them to be harsh, shoddy, and
Company of Pennsylvania featured disdainful of our palates? Certainly
their slogan, "Automobiles That not! What, then, do we want them to
Give Satisfaction."
be? Why, we want them to be gentle,
delicately-reareand designed to suit
the tempo of today's broader, easier
life! And what cigarette is gentle,
delicately-reareand designed to suit
tempo of today's broader, easier
A the Why,
Philip Morris, of corris!
Drive To The Parhctte
(I'll bet you knew it all the time!)
To go on. In selecting a room-mattake great pnins to find someone who
will wear well, whom you'd like to keep
as a permanent friend. Many of history's great friendships first started in
college. Are you aware, for example,
of the remarkable fact that Johnson
and Doswell were
at Oxford in 1712? What makes this fact
so remarkable is that in 1712 Johnson
Before or after
was only three years old and Dos well
had not been born yet. Dut, of course,
f par
children matured much earlier in those
game or show
days. Take Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
who wrote his first symphony at the
age of four. Or Titian, who painted his first masterpiece at five.
Or Hans Otto McGrath, who was in many ways the most remarkis the
able of all; he was appointed chief of the Copenhagen poliio
department at the age of six!
place to go"
(It must be admitted, however, that the appointment was lest
than a .success. Criminals roamed the city, robbing and looting
at will. They knew young McGrath would never pursue them;
he was not allowed to cross the street.)






room-mate- s.


Seminars will be held at 3 p.m.
jmd 4 p.m.. Monday through
Thursday in the Music Room of
the Student Union Building. Worship services to which all denominations are invited will be held in
the Y Lounge of the SUB each
afternoon at 5 p.m.
In addition to these events there
will be speakers in various college
assemblies, classrooms, sororities,
fraternities, clubs and other organizations on the campus throughout the week.
Books concerning religion and
religious thought will be on sale
from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Thursday in the Y Lounge
of the SUB.
A program similar to the pres- ent RE Week was held on campus
for the first time in 1939. That
year, the Federal Council of
Churches, now the National Coun-- !
cil of Churches, chose UK as one
of the few schools to have a Uni-- i
versity Christian Mission. The
Council sent in 18 noted speakers
from various parts of the nation

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to try today's nete, gentle I'hitip Morris


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thjAvord.y 6f
gamy AnM
Thomas Paine, "these are the times that try men's souls.
One might also think of Panic's condemnation of the ".summer soldier and the sunshine patriot." For though basketball
hardly resembles war, one might readily compare the UK fair
weather fan with Paine's sunshine patriot.
It is the fair weather fan that blasts the Wildcats for their
loss to Alabama. He is the one that dofFs school spirit as easily
as he would shed a moulting fur piece.
Sadly enough, UK has all too many fair weather fans. When
the Big blue is "riding high" on a winning streak-- as the team
type of fan is always ready to identify
has been for years-th- is
himself with the University of Kentucky.
But when Kentucky loses, well, that's another story. The
fair weather fan turns his once booming cheer to a malevolent
hiss. He is quick to ridicule, quick to offer his armchair advice
concerning "the ills of the team."
Like the sunshine patriot, the lukewarm Kentucky fan is
w illing to cast his lot with a team only in victory. He shrinks
from the scene when the going looks rough.
Actually the Wildcats have had a good season. The competition has been rough, and the impressive wins outweigh by far
the scattered losses;-- If Kentucky does not finish" the king of the
Southeastern Conference, it will at least be in the royal court.
The Wildcats are no
Other colleges this year, which are much largcr-tha- n
have basketball records that do indeed look hopeless. But the
students and fans of these institutions still back their squads
with the same fervor as though they were champions.
Fair weather fans would do well to throw away their crying
hindsight advice and begin contowels and their
team. Whether the losses
sidering the real values of a
are five or five times five, Kentucky deserves more than some of
its sunshine patriots have to offer.


"Nope, Colonrl, I can't find a

thinf wronf with


Med School Needed
The fate of the University of Kentucky
Medical School will probably be decided
"within the next four xvecksrA special session
of the Legislature will meet during tin's time
to set up the state's budget for the coming
two years. Part of their debate will center
around the medical school and Kentucky's
health problems.
Here are the facts that face the lawmakers :

shortage of about 1,400
doctors, and the supply of new physicians is
inadequate to overcome the critical shortage.
2. Kentucky's physician-populatio- n
ratio is
one physician to 1,240 persons while the national ratio is one to 842.
3. Forty three per cent of Kentucky's docmedical
tors are trained in
1. Kentucky has a




The rural

ratio in
Kentucky is one to 1,976, one of the lowest
in the nation.
5. Adequate medical care for the "state's
indigent population is practically

physician-populatio- n



in most areas.

These facts show that Kentucky's most
urgent needs are for more doctors and better, distribution of doctors. The state needs
more clinics and hospitals, but first there
must be doctors to staff these facilities.
Most people realize this, but the state is
sharply divided on whether a new school
should be built or the University of Louisville Medical School should be expanded.
The University of Louisville proponents
say the cost of expanding the present school
would be much less than building a new one.
The UK school would cost the taxpayers
between $11,000,000 and $16,000,000 depending on federal grants. Exact figures
can't ty quoted for the expansion of Louisville.

There are several good objections against
expanding the University of Louisville. For
one thing, it is unconstitutional to use state

funds to build a wing on a municipal


cal school. Secondly, a new, modern plant
At Lexington would have much better training facilities than the University of Louisville, even with the addition of a new wing.
Also the University of Louisville's tuition
is one of the highest in the country. Louisville charges $S0O a year while the national
average is $623 a year. The UK mcd school
would charge $350 a year.

Finally, a very low percentage of
graduating from Louisville remain
less than
in the state. Between 1940-19535 per cent of the doctors graduated from
Louisville remained in the state. This can
average of
be compared to a nation-wid- e
over 57 per cent. Whether this deficiency
can be blamed on the University of Louisville is debatable. Nevertheless these are the



Kentucky also needs to remendy the
problem. The state has 76
counties with 2,500 or more persons for each
general practitioner.
The lowered tuition at UK med school
might help the problem some. A good many
young men who would like to go to med
school can't because of finances. An enlarged
state loan fund to medical students would
greatly help. Under the present plan students can borrow enough money to pay their
way through medical school provided they
agree to practice in a rural area for five
years. They also must pay the money back.
Perhaps it would be more of an incentive
if the money were a grant instead of a loan.
Finally, rural counties should provide a
clinic and housing for doctors who would
agree to practice in their communities.
No matter what plan is approved, Ken-- .
tucky must do something. After reviewing
the possibilities, the most reasonab